View Full Version : By the Edge of Dreams [Triple Threat]

2013-08-06, 02:37 PM
Jinn leads you up to a large park by the northern edge of the city. A tall man in dark green robes sits on a small podium and gossips with a small group. You notice that they are not quite humans. Their skin is scaled and each has a slightly different color, which fits to the color of the robes they wear. The man turns to look at you when the others point towards you and the look of concern is quickly switched to delight.

"Ah, Jinn. It's been a long time." He says and reaches out, letting Jinn rest on his hand as he grabs the pouch from him. "Of course, of course. We'll heal him. Anything for you." He turns from Jinn and looks at you and Opee.

"Follow me." He motions and leads you to a large tent. "You are quite a strange sight. And I don't say that lightly. This city is full of strange sights, and even by our standards you are definitely one strange sight."

The tent is large. A few beds are scattered around and you can smell the sweet incense filling the area, calming your muscles. The man motions at a table covered in white cloth. "Put him there, gently." He says and moves to examine Opee.

"My name is Orhiano, I'm the representative of the Correlation of Scales in here. It's an order that's goal is to unite the dragons and other scaled beings under one banner, find peace even in the otherwise colored." He says. "I'm a descendant of Charir'naushindcal, a powerful green dragon." He says proudly as he picks up a few herbs and crushes them.

"His wound looks quite severe. It will take some time to heal. He shouldn't move, at least not until tomorrow." Orhiano says as he turns the herbs into a paste and spreads it over the wound, wrapping it with a clean bandage.

"Place him over there. If there is anything you need, just ask for it." He says, waiting for you to dismiss him or have a request.

2013-08-07, 01:41 AM
When the "strange sight" label is given, he stares at him and growls.
Not that this actually matters, but for effect Kalti's Intimidate is [roll0]

Also, there is his Intimidating Presence (Ex): SwA, Whenever Kalti makes a loud sound (a roar, growl, etc.), it inspires terror in all creatures w/in 5' that have fewer HD than he has.
* Each potentially affected opponent must make Will save DC 16 (10 + 1/2 HD [2] + CHA [4]) or become shaken - a condition that lasts until the opponent is out of range.
* A successful save means that opponent is immune to this ability for 24 hours.

I'm sure Orhiana is equal or higher in HD, but this is more for RP effect.
"Neither I nor Opee have scales. What am I? and, why are you interested in helping me? Sure, Jinn was sent by the Wizard to find someone who could help, but I can't help but think that you were just the doctor on call."

2013-08-07, 01:53 AM
Orhiano backs away as Kalti growls at him, but he smiles and shrugs it off. He probably has some experience with dragons and knows not to push on when someone turns hostile at some effects.

"True, neither of you are scaled, but The Wizard is a very influential man around, and has influential friends. We do him some favors from time to time. Normally, we deny service to outlanders, but there is no reason to do so when we have his support. Of course, there are other places that would offer such services, but the Correlation has a reputation to build, and The Wizard aids us in that."

A few moments later, Opee wakes up. (0 HP)

2013-08-07, 03:42 AM
Opee's eyes, naturally looking straight up, take time to focus on the tent and decorations hanging down from above. He breathes in the sweet aroma, coughing at first as his lungs return to full, then breathe in again. He recognizes a sense of safety and comfort.

Elysium? No, it can't be. The green fields of my surface cousins' dreams are none so heavenly as the green kelp, stunning coral, and taste of fish as my home. Nice place, but not the afterlife. Then where?

2013-08-07, 04:06 AM
"Don't be alarmed." The scaled human says as he examines you. "You have been injured quite badly and your friend here brought you here. You should not exert yourself... If you want some playing cards, dice or reading material, we have some variety to offer. Anything else you want, we can try to get for you." The man considers for a moment. "Oh, my name is Orhiano. The payment we got is enough for other services too, such as deliveries. Since you are going to be bedridden for the day, I can send someone to do any purchases you would like to make. We'll do our best to find what you seek. Have you eaten breakfast?"

2013-08-07, 04:48 AM
Opee turns to see the scaled man ... his strange surroundings, and ... Kalti. But this Kalti is a massive and strange incarnation of his best friend.

He thinks to himself, Uh-huh. I'm dreaming, but in this case I'm actually fully immersed while dreaming instead of being a conscious traveler. Fascinating. Well, just go with it...]

To his host: I would love a magical apple, though I prefer golden-green like a granny smith. Of course, having my wife, son, and home, as well as the company of my kin would be better. This is a dream, after all, and I recently learned what pure will can do here in the Dreamland. Think that's possible, Psoriasis-ano?"

2013-08-07, 05:34 AM
"I'm afraid that's beyond my powers. I'd say that you aren't dreaming, but it's not likely to convince you, is it?" Orhiano looks at Kalti. "Any ideas on convincing him?" He turns back to Opee. "Please don't test your dream belief yourself. I wouldn't like you to hurt yourself by accident..."

2013-08-07, 03:45 PM
"We are not in a dream," says Kalti. "But I think that my powers and the Dreamscape mixed ... I am a creature of spirits, vestiges, and dreams. Dreams ... that include nightmares should one brave me in battle. I am the restless respite made real."
Sorry, still playing with color choice after the change. I'm going to go with Indigo.

2013-08-07, 06:03 PM
Opee nods and says, "Well, you never looked more beautiful, buddy."

[Assuming Kalti takes that as mockery and there is a growl (though softer for his best friend ... right?)] Opee says, "Now, now. I really mean it. The pure musculature. The phenomenal coloring and evenness. You are almost a perfect creature. The sentient energies that chose you as a vessel chose well. So take no offense at it, please."

Opee, feeling around floppily with his hands due to his weakness, finds his scar. "Well. That will never be undone with healing. Syreth only knows what the back is like but the front side feels like it looks horrible. A cure light wounds might have helped, but this looks like the weak work of multiple cure minor wounds, goodberries, or the like. Ugh. Who do I have to think for this miserable patch job? I owe them my life."

2013-08-07, 09:17 PM
Kalti doesn't say anything, but pours Opee some water and gives it to him, guiding him to sleep.

He then collects a bowlful of the small scales that surely are left behind by his hosts, and begins sprinkling them into a very pattern on white linen. His hands are deft, and his concentration absolute for a full minute. Then, he says a few short phrases unknown even to wizards of great power, reaching into the void between the Prime and the Outer Worlds.

Then, in ancient Yuan-ti (and likely unknown even to his host) "I call upon Zagan, the Duke of Disappointment!"

When Zagan begins to manifest, several snakes appear in a heap in his seal. The snakes then slither apart and rise upright along the lines of the seal. The the crown of a head appears, with baleful eyes glowering. An ogrelike head slowly reveals itself, and after another moment, shoulders and arms appear, to which the snakes are attached. Zagan then uses his powerful arms to pull the rest of the body from the ground, revealing a long, serpentine form instead of legs. He reaches towards Kalti hungrily, his mouth gaping open in a hungry grin, but the snakes on his body turn toward him and hiss, causing him to flinch backward.

The brooding Zagan then addresses Kalti in Yuan-ti, "Nnneverr have I ssseen you or ssenssed you before, midnight monssster. You are no sssnake, so I shall not dessstroyyou outright. Whhhat iss it you want that you dare call on me, gnat?"

Kalti fully prostrates himself before the monstrosity, looking down. Continuing in Yuan-ti, "You are an all-powerful god betrayed by mortals. Let me bring your power back into the world, oh mighty god Zagan."

"Very welll, ssservant. You llook powerfulll and mighty enough to be worthyy of the gifftss I gracioussly besstow."
Binding check [roll0]

EDIT: Nat '20' and totally rocks the DC 25 check.
Kalti bolts upright and points to him. "My request was not for a liege, but for you to be my vassal. Gracious, bah! I am no one's slave. I demand, and you obey!! Now, you shall be mine, I shall have your essence, and you shall protect me against cheap poisons, magics, and subversions. And I will not harm my hosts, regardless of their scaled ancestry. To me! NOW!"

And with that, Zagan hisses shrilly along with his many snakes. Kalti opens up his mouth and begins sucking the essence inside him. As Zagan's arms go in, Kalti's mouth unhinges like a snake's to be wide enough to suck the now squeezing form of Zagan within himself. The scales used to create the pact sign have disappeared.

He turns to Orhiano and this time with a sibilant lisp, "Now, I haff hisss power."
The complete writeup of abilities is listed on page 49 of the Tome of Magic. He has a snake's ability to detect creatures by scent, the ability too grapple and constrict as a snake, increased combat ability against snakes and their cousins (including sentient creatures), and the power to cause his foes to avoid his mere presence.

His pact augmentation is as it always has been: a +1 insight bonus to all saving throws.
In Draconic (since it is a good bet Orhiano speaks it), "I owe you a debt for ssssaving my friend, Orhhhiano. You are an ally now. Calll on me for that debt at anny time. Opee might be toooo particular on what he might haff to do to repay thisss."

2013-08-08, 01:13 AM
Orhiano looks at Kalti and opens his mouth, but he closes it quickly, pondering upon his reply. Deciding to not comment on the ritual he had just witnessed, he instead bows. "It is a honor merely to be able to call you an ally. If you show a kinder side to the scaled ones, regardless of their color, your debt will be more than repaid. Of course, this does not mean I ask you to not defend yourselves..." The scaled host laughs nervously. "We know that some are less patient than they ought to be..."

Making sure that you are comfortable, Orhiano leaves you. Your body may have been asleep that night, but your mind was very active in the Dreamscape. You need that simple rest...

By noon, Opee wakes up [quarter HP healed] as the smell of food reaches both of you. Roasted ham and freshly baked bread... It's not as impressive as what The Wizard had, but it ought to do.

A man comes in holding the tray, along with a pitcher of milk, a pitcher of water, three glasses, and a crudely cut vegetable salad. His eyes are unnaturally green and he smiles to you as he sets down the platter.

"It's good to see you are doing well." He says. "Remember me? I'm Charir'naushindcal!" Which is Red Fruit in draconic, Kalti realizes. He didn't think about it before... That's the green dragon that claimed he is a tomato. "But you can call me Charir. We were very intrigued after that little event you had... You see, The Wizard and I are investigating the Plane of Dreams, and the reaction you had, it's unusual. So I have a request. We would like to have further testing done. During the nights, it won't affect your travels and we'll make sure that nothing that happens would harm you. Knowing the reaction you already have, I'm positive that we will be ready to disarm any such risk during the testing... We are hoping to learn quite a bit from you, and I'm sure you will learn more about yourself. The offer extends to the both of you."

2013-08-08, 11:00 AM
Opee nods, smiling at Charir. "Wouldn't a tomato be nervous about serving a salad? Or, wou just give me heartburn?

"I'm fine with that, Orhiano, as long as you share your findings with me."

2013-08-08, 11:24 AM
Orhiano is your healer and he is gone at this point. I assume you mean Charir.

Charir smiles. "This salad is of vegetables, I only turn to fruit. And that was merely a part of the test. That halfling friend of yours failed... Trying to take a piece of my soul in exchange for water, now that is ridiculous." He then nods. "It's good to have you on board." He turns to Kalti, waiting for a reply.

"We'll start later this evening. You should have recovered by then so that your physical condition doesn't affect your mental strength... We will start by pulling you into my personal dreamscape and training your ability to affect it. First, to recognize you are dreaming. Then, to shape the dream, bend it according to your will."

2013-08-08, 11:53 AM
"My entire sit is based on intellect and force of will in one way or another. Sounds exciting. When do we begin?"

2013-08-08, 12:00 PM
Charir smiles at Opee's excitement. "Later, when you are fully healed and able to fully hear my words. As I have said, during the evening. I'll come to you when it's time."

Orhiano enters the tent with a tray of food, but frowns as he notices one already placed. Then his look changes to complete surprise as he sees your visitor. "Great Father, what a honor..." He says and bows, tray still in his hands.

"Yeah, yeah." Charir waves dismissively. "I was just checking if your new patient is treated well... I'll visit later." He says and begins to walk away.

"Of course, of course..." He says and moves to let Charir pass. He looks at you with admiration and envy.

2013-08-08, 01:17 PM
Kalti says, "For now, we eat."

In that time, Kalti mentions what happened in his change to Opee. "It was the White Rod of Warrior's Reverie that allowed this to happen. I knew I saw something in it that I liked when first Edgar hefted it as an axe, but I thought it was merely a large weapon. If I convince the group to keep it, it would be an honor for more than a special stick that changes form."

[Moving on...]

2013-08-08, 01:59 PM
It is an hour after you have eaten dinner that Charir appears again. He moves one of the chairs to Opee's bed and sits.

"The Plane of Dreams, also known as the Region of Dreams to the the planar scholars, is a vast and chaotic realm. The Dream-Sea is the essence which fills the massive plane, for which you can only cross through the Dreamscapes, which are the personal dreams. Once you master the art of dreaming, you can shape your own route and travel in relative safety. Then there are the Dreamhearts, which are clusters of Dreamscapes that form into something that is almost solid, creating large masses of lands, housing many dream-born creatures. That environment contains much more power and energy than the floating Dreamscapes, but it is much more hostile, as well." Charir talks about the nature of the Region and pulls out two crystals, like those that you have seen in his puzzle room.

"These crystals are fragments of my soul. Through my mastery of the Dream, I managed to project myself into them, allowing me to extend my senses further than one normally can. While dragons usually master the arcane powers, I am different. You can call me a Walking Dreamer. Once each of you takes a crystal, let go of your minds and your body shall fall asleep. Soon enough, you will be drawn into my Dreamscape." He offers each of you a crystal. "Is there anything you would like to ask before we begin?"

2013-08-08, 02:08 PM
Kalti shakessss shakes his head and accepts the dream crystal to sleep. "I went from thisss world to a new world. Now, I am a Walking Dream to the Walking Dreamer, and I hafff travelled from that world to here. I am going home for awhile."

2013-08-09, 11:32 AM
"What if we die in the Matrix?"Yes, I said that. I just watched that with my sister last night. :smallbiggrin:
"I'm just an armchair scholar: read on many subjects but I'm not really good on any of them. So, I will take the empirical approach, with myself as subject. Lay on, Charirzar."

And with that, he goes to sleep.As does his pilot after working 13 hours in a cab.

2013-08-09, 11:50 AM
"You will wake up." Charir says. "This experiment is different than the method The Wizard used to transport you into the plane, where it was more of a projection of your soul. When you fall asleep, there is a projection of your dream self in your Dreamscape. Sometimes, you might dream that you die, followed by waking up. This time, you'll be in my Dreamscape, and be aware that you are dreaming."

As the two of you fall asleep, you slowly begin to dream. You are not aware of the dream. It's all just the normal slumber. But then, something changes. You are being pulled away, pushed from all directions as the world around you changes. Perhaps it's not the first time that your dream included your friend... But now he reacts as his real self, and not the image you had for him.

A large green dragon flies through the white mist you are floating in. A large rock formation appears underneath his feet as he lands and looks at you. "Welcome to my Dreamscape." He says, but you have no idea what he is talking about. This isn't a dream.

No. It is a dream.

The presence of the dragon forces the realization into your mind, and suddenly the odd nature of the realm around you makes you feel at home and uneasy at the same time.

"This is my true form, as you have seen back at the mansion." He says as he transforms back into the human you saw a few moments ago. Around you, the mist begins to clear up, revealing the familiar sky. White ground begins to form underneath you. It's completely smooth and you can barely feel pressure underneath your feet. A large bubble surrounds the Dreamscape, providing cover from the hostile and chaotic elements outside.

"You will be unable to alter it's form, not in the near future. That would require a lot of training... The first stage to the mastery the art of Dreaming is realization. Sometimes, a dreamer might notice the nature of the dream and have a lucid dream. It's rare. What I'll teach you first, is to control that sensation. To always know when you are dreaming. With time, you will be able to alter the dream, or bring others with you."

He moves around the plane and two circles begin to appear, slowly turning into bubbles. "These are miniature Dreamscapes. Once you step into them, you'll enter a secondary dream. You will not be aware of it. Your goal is to change this fact. Once you step into the dream, attempt to let your consciousness take over, connect it with the consciousness of the Dreamscape. It should be easier with it being a small one, but do not expect it to happen right away. I'll wake you up, into this Dreamscape, not the Material Plane, a few moments after you step in, and we'll try again. Time flows differently here, so you have a long time to practice."

Make 5 Wis checks and a d100 roll once you step into the miniature dreamscape.

2013-08-10, 12:09 AM
WIS checks

EDIT: Other than that natural '1' ... POW! I don't know about the percentile, but it seems that an outsider formed from the very essence of dreams would have a head start.

2013-08-10, 02:19 PM
Wisdom [roll0]
Wisdom [roll1]
Wisdom [roll2]
Wisdom [roll3]
Wisdom [roll4]


2013-08-10, 02:54 PM
The dreams form around you, the transformation between one and another is unnoticed. You are pulled back, and Charir nods to you as another dream forms. Time and time again. After many attempts, you ask Charir how long have you been trying. It must have been a few couple of dreams so far. "Five minutes." He informs you.

The passage of time is so distorted. One moment you are in a dream, then you are inside two. Finally, Kalti sees the folds, the ripples. The surreal nature of the dream. Charir approves, and pushes Kalti in yet another dream. Kalti manages to see through yet again, and again. He fails a few times, but he manages to see through constantly enough...

Opee isn't as lucky. It seems that the dream nature of Kalti's transformation has aided him greatly and Opee, usually calm, begins to become frustrated. By the time he reaches his thousand dream, Kalti is able to see through it's nature almost flawlessly and Charir progresses with him, offering him a bigger Dreamscape.

But finally, after what seems to be ages, Opee manages. He can finally see it. The ripple, the chaos. Sadly, Charir tells you that you do not have more time to practice and that your mental health could worsen if you train further. Slowly, you wake up.

"Keep the crystals." Charir says. "Every night, fall asleep holding those. The crystals act as a key into my Dreamscape and will allow us to train for at least an hour before you are in any real risk of exertion."

Add the Dreaming skill to your list, a Wis based skill. Kalti gets 2 ranks, Opee gets 1.

DC to realize you are dreaming in your own Dreamscape is 10, for now. Once you are more trained at it, it will drop to 5.

2013-08-11, 02:38 PM
It's kind of funny, because with WIS vs ranks (I assume these are free ranks), that means they are equally skilled.
"Thank you, Charir," says Opee. He doesn't say much more, however, knowing that he desperately needs rest - physical and mental. When he gets ready to sleep, he casts a CLW on himself to refresh himself (and to top him off if not already done).

2013-08-11, 02:40 PM
By morning, Opee is fully healed, thanks to the healing paste.

We'll continue once the current IC encounter, and what follows, are resolved.

2013-08-11, 02:51 PM
Okay, I'll assume that this thread is on hold until needed again.

2013-08-11, 05:50 PM
Psst! Rus, Opee forgot to ask about the healing paste. Considering it is a classical chirurgical ...

Wait a f***ing minute. "Charir" .... "chirurgy."

Tell me that's a coincidence.

2013-08-22, 01:25 PM
It has been a long day, but finally, you have time to rest. The crystals Charir gave you are close to you again and you find yourself fast asleep.

Charir, in his draconic form, rests atop a large rock, overlooking the three of you. "It seems to have been a long day for you." The green dragon notes. "I will understand if you rather not train today." He says and looks at you.

"You weren't invited here, who are you?" Charir asks.

"Oh, I'm with him." The man says, motioning to Kalti with a smile. To Kalti, his voice is familiar. He stands at 6'2'', a thin young ban with tan skin and dark hair, tied with a small band. His face is shaved and there is a thin scar running through his nose and just under his right eye. His eyes are blue, but with a golden spark to them. Finally, he wears simple white robes. "Honestly, I'm a bit offended. You and that other guy had me at your house for quite a while."

"You are one of those spirits?" Charir asks. "So, you have taken Kalti to be your host? That is... Interesting." He says with a verbal shrug, not going to delve into the subject further unless you wish to. "So, do you wish to do this today? Do you have any questions before we begin?"

2013-08-22, 02:12 PM
Opee looks to Kalti. "This is strange. This is one of the first times that your spirits have come out to talk.

"I'm ready to work."

2013-08-22, 04:07 PM
"Sssank you for your hhelp, Charirr. I am ready to work," lisps Kalti.
Hey, were you "thinking about" like you said in your post? or, did you actually award 870 xp?

2013-08-23, 02:57 AM
The experience hasn't been awarded yet.

Charir looks at the two of you with a frown. "To be able to alter and control the dream, you must see through it. For that, you need to question the dream. To question, you must be curious. You must want to know more, to see beyond. Are you not curious? Or have you fully grasped what happened today that you do not feel the need to ask? In that case, I am curious myself. What conclusion have you reached, as to what transpired at the camp?"

2013-08-23, 12:38 PM
Opee tries to hold back. He tries so hard, but fails. "Beware of flying fruit, and remember that tomatoes have a strong acid content?"

He smiles, even if Charir does not. "Why are fire giants in a place that is otherwise not very hot ... or, well ... fiery? They've been there awhile for Wed Dal to have had a half-gnome, half-giant son, let alone to have forgotten a sense of self.. (I do NOT want to know how that's possible. Not curious, not curious, not curious ...) Why the elaborate illusion for getting to the camp beyond simple protection from the curious? I don't know how magically inclined giants are, but that's a pretty good illusion that I'm guessing is permanent. That's some power."

2013-08-23, 12:46 PM
Charir shakes his head in disapproval. "The giants have been there for quite some time, yes. Their journey has started since before I was born, their goal passed from generation to generation. Their current chief was an infant when our paths crossed, so it is no surprise that he remembers me." Charir snorts in laughter. "I do not know the reason behind their travel, and I doubt they do. It as if they were programed for it... It is obvious something stronger than they are is behind this." Charir ponders for a moment, but remains silent.

2013-08-23, 01:07 PM
"Therre wass a magicall owll, with powerss beyond Eolande'sss own. Shee wass talking with it, but I could not hear becausse of a sspell. It teleported away. Perhapsss that owll is a power-behind-the-chief."

2013-08-23, 01:26 PM
"An owl..." Charir repeats.

"It was an Amberjuron." The spirit says. "I met him. This one specifically... He was different though. He seems to have lost his way since..."

Charir looks to be deep in thought. "I hope... I hope Jinn did not reveal himself." He says to himself and shakes his draconic head. "Please, if you meet him again, call for me through the crystal."

His human form appears in front of you as his draconic body closes his eyes, resting. "Illusion, magic such as Eolande used, is the way of an arcane caster to bring in the dream into reality. Psionics, as some people call it, is the way to shape reality in a manner similar to shaping dreams. Many people that are capable of psionics never realize the connection, but those who do, find great talent in shaping both realities." He nods to Opee.

"When Eolande created the illusion of a green dragon, I used her power as my own, allowing my abilities to cross the gap without actually being there, even after her original spell was gone. The closer the illusion is to my actual form, the easier it is to channel your power through it. Theoretically, I could channel my power through any illusion, if I am aware of it. But the results differ in how much power I can transmit through them, and often it can be nothing more than a prank." Charir looks away with a sheepish smile. It's not unlikely that he performed such pranks before.

"For some, mastery comes with repetition. But I feel like pushing you on into constantly changing ground will be better. You already know the basics of lucid dreaming, so let us start with actually doing something with that. This is a good point to decide your focus. Would you rather build on your strengths, or hope to cover your weaknesses?" He asks.

"Opee, from what I have seen, you will find it easier to master external manipulation. To change the dream, and later, reality, to fit your needs. Kalti, you have been changed by the realm of dreams, and that is your strength. You can learn how to control your own avatar in the land of dreams, and through such mastery, further control over your real form." Charir explains his observations.

"At any point, you should share your thoughts, opinions and ideas. The more open you are, the easier it becomes. For you and me." He turns to Kalti. "Even if communication isn't something that you are comfortable with. Perhaps this friend of yours will be of help."

Charir stands, patiently, awaiting for your response.

2013-08-23, 02:33 PM
"There's nothing I do or know that is not superceded by someone else in the group, save a very minimal amount of healing, and even that seems overborne by Mr. Octopus," says Opee.

"Airis can use destructive magics all day long, while I am limited by my psychic reserve. In fact, she can even heal in battle. Eolande is smarter and faster with incredible magics. I was never given to stealth, but before Milo came I was happy in the knowledge that I was the only one who might be good at overcoming traps; he's here, and that's good, but he's far better than I'd hope to be. I managed to synthesize a dancing martial art from the warriors I've known in my lifetime, not the least of which included Oz and includes Airis - who is vastly better at it than I.

"I know a very, very little bit about a lot, but absolutely nothing in great detail except for the occasional flash of insight. There are things I can do, and there are things I can do differently, but there's nothing I can do so well that it gives me my own special niche. Except for swimming. At least I can swim and breathe underwater. Uh-huh. Yeah.

"So, there is no strength to build upon other than a good mind. Let's start there, build on my strength of mind, and cover other bases as a second."

He looks down. "This lack of anything original makes me Opee the Original."

2013-08-24, 02:51 AM
"I am much more interested in my dream avatar, as you put it. I do not doubt includes the nightmares as well."

2013-08-24, 12:00 PM
"I had to search and study a whole different plane to get out of the Jackal's shadow." Charir says with half a smile. "That's a very disconcerting place to be at, especially for a dragon."

With what appears to be but a single thought, Charir creates two bubbles, similar to those he did the day before. You step into each of yours and feel your mind drift into another dream.


You find yourself in a vast plane. The sun is shining high and the grass is soft under your bare feet. In front of you, appears a door. You suddenly feel the need to open it, to see what is behind. You cannot resist the urge and reach one of your hands to grab at the knob. But suddenly, the door slides away from you, far out of your reach.

Between you, grows a huge mountain. Spikes and boulders grow, lethal and vicious, their whole goal in existing is to stop you. A stream of melted rocks bursts out of the mountain as lava pours out, circling the mountain in the middle.

"Sometimes, we do not have the tools we need from the moment we set on a mission." Charir's voice rings through the fields. "You cannot affect this world. Will your body to become your tool."

You can feel the touch of the spirit. What do you do?

(Also, roll 5 Dreaming checks, for good measure. You get +2 from aid another)


You find yourself in a white room. Or is it a white plane? It is very hard to distinguish. You have no feeling of depth in this monotonous place.

Suddenly, bones begin to appear from the ground, combining to create a giant skeleton of a canine with three heads. Flesh begins to grow from them and finally skin and fur, as the beast roars at you hungrily.

You feel the distress of having your powers gone, sealed. No tools, no weapons. Just you. Alone.

"We find ourselves at our weakest when we are faced with an adversary without any method of fighting. But when your mind betrays you, a dream walker can use everything else. Do not directly influence the monster or yourself. Will reality to join your battle." Charir's voice compels you.

What do you do?

(And roll 5 dreaming checks yourself)

2013-08-24, 01:28 PM
Opee looks at the dog. "The dog has formed out of this formlessness, so I must unform into the same."

Opee wills himself into the non-fabric of the plane, the lack of physical existence. It is not making himself invisible, but actually being into an essence that the dog's forced manifestation was meant to go without unforming itself as well ... and thereby removing himself as a threatening entity.

"When I have removed myself, my enemy has no enemy but himself. An enemy that cannot reach me but must become like me ceases to be my enemy."
Dreaming checks

2013-08-24, 01:30 PM

That... Sounds like influencing yourself.

Do not directly influence the monster or yourself

2013-08-24, 06:53 PM
Kalti taps into the power of magical beasts that he uses as a totemist. Just as the girallon arms are incarnate extensions of his body, he draws upon the same sense of power to create further extensions of himself. In this case, it is the pegasus, but with coloring of wings that are the same midnight blue as his body. He then ascends, being sure to use the heat of the burning rock below as both thermal updraft and as a means of determing safe distance, flying to the top of the mountain.
Dream checks

2013-08-24, 08:18 PM
Opee tries to operate in the realm of Astral and Ethereal tangibility, but remembers that he cannot influence himself. Instead, he thinks about the blank page that is written. If he cannot take himself to a place in the plane, then the plane will bend itself to his will and come to him.

A sky of crackling lightning and swirling clouds appears high above, and it seems as if the two are plunged down, without moving, to stand on opposing rocky cliffs, a 100' barrier overlooking a black eternity. In truth, the landscape came up to meet them.
I'm thinking the scene from THE MATRIX when Morpheus explains to Neo the true history when he says, "Welcome, to the desert of the real. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgBViHeiSKM)" The difference is that we are separated by a nearly impassable barrier (barring flight, teleportation, or other means).

Too bad, those were good rolls on the last post, even w/o remembering to apply the +2 for Aid.

2013-08-25, 12:57 AM

The cloak appears and you take flight, using your knowledge to supplement your ability to influence your dream avatar. You use the heat from the lava to get more height and soon enough, you land at the top of the mountain. Suddenly, stone hands appear and grab at you and your many hands, crushing you and preventing your movement.


You summon a barrier between you and the monster, but your abilities to influence the dream are insufficient. The monster smashes through the barrier and knocks you to the ground, roaring above you.

You don't get the +2 from Aid. You are completely alone in this challenge.

2013-08-25, 05:39 AM
Opee forms a cage of brawny metal around the slathering beast, with razor wire surrounding it.


2013-08-25, 05:11 PM
Kalti turns his body into hardest metal, and then smashes the rock holding him with his fists.

2013-08-28, 03:37 AM

You try to form a cage around the hound, but as it finally begins to shape, the hound roars and charges through it, slamming into you. You fly back and smash into the white wall, cracks appear in it, but quickly disappear.

You don't feel pain, but you know your dream avatar might not last long.


You have a bit of trouble transforming with the stone's grapple, but with some aid from the spirit, you become your own armor and break through the stone. The mountain roars with disdain and opens up, growing around you quicker than you can fly up.

You find yourself in a large cave filled with tentacles as black as the night. They curl up and try to reach at you, giving you only moments to react.

2013-08-28, 04:14 AM
Opee tries to maintain the cracks, widen them into a hole large enough for him to go through, and then mentally moves the wall past him to block him and the dog while releasing the self-healing aspect of the wall, thereby creating the barrier.

2013-08-29, 11:01 AM
Kalti thinks to himself. There was magma outside, let's bring it back home.

Kalti bulges his muscles once again, but he keeps doing so to give space for his body to semi-liquify, sinking onto the floor to burn the tentacles while being unable to be grabbed by them.
Dream checks

2013-09-01, 02:05 AM

You manage to slide past the wall, but the result isn't what you had expected. The wall retreats in front of the hound and lets it pass as the room recreates itself around the fighters. The hound dashes at you and slams it's claw, sending you high into the air.

"What are you doing? Why do you try to escape?" You hear Charir's voice. "What if this were reality, and this beast would kill innocents if you were to not deal with it?" He presses on. "There is no escape from the demons within, and there is no escape from this one either. Deal with it!"


You concentrate on taking the aspect of the magma, flowing and dangerous. You glow with the hotness but the tentacles manage to grab hold of you. There is no force behind them, but you can feel your presence almost fading. It's not that you are less solid in the dream, but you feel further from your dream avatar, less in control.

You are nauseated and take -4 to your Dreaming checks for this instance.

It takes you a few more attempts, but you manage to will yourself into a less solid form and slip past the tentacles, even though their influence doesn't wear off.

You can see through the darkness of the cave, but it looks like the rocky walls are perfect. No cracks, barely any handholds to work with. Even the hole that opened to swallow you is gone.

2013-09-01, 06:46 AM
Opee grimaces. "I thought .... *ow, cough* ... that the restriction was that I could not influence it. I took the idea of 'blasting it to charred ash and cracking bone' as a form of influence, as would be using a telepathic attack."

2013-09-01, 06:48 AM

"The room is blank, it's your canvas! Make it fight for you." Charir's voice says.

2013-09-02, 03:03 AM
Opee doesn't try to just contain this time. Spikes of the wall's essence shoot forth from all manner of directions - below, above, sideways, diagonally, and from every direction to both impale and hold fast the creature. Then, once that' done, he pulls all of the spikes away. He doesn't retract them to simply leave what holes where there. Rather, each of the white spikes pulls away at 180-degrees of the creature to shred it apart.

2013-09-02, 12:53 PM
Kalti begins to slosh about. At first, it seems random, but he is merely building some momentum for actual, controlled movement. Then, the outer edges of the lava begin to move counterclockwise inside the perimeter. It is very slow at first, but Kalti knows patience. Soon, however, his speed begins to increase faster and faster and faster, practically creating a vortex. The buildup of heat and pressure, he hopes, will blast open the top of the mountain.

2013-09-05, 10:35 AM

You send spikes out of the floor and surrounding walls and ceiling, flying past you and piercing through the beast's skin. It roars in pain as the spikes rip at it and pull away, revealing bones and loose muscle. Yet the three headed beast roars and sends sharp bones flying at you.

They pierce through your hands and legs, tearing at you and leaving them barely usable. There is no pain, but you know that the last attack might be your last.


You build up heat within your liquid form and it prevents the tentacles from approaching. Even with your current state, you manage to concentrate and build in enough pressure. After a few moments, the pressure can't be contained and you release the blast into the ceiling, tearing the rock apart. The ceiling begins to dissolve around the created hole and after a minute or so, the entire mountain seems to be gone.

You face the door.

2013-09-05, 04:30 PM
A thin wall of white drops down, so thin as to be impossibly sharp, and drops through the creature like a guillotine.

2013-09-07, 05:48 AM
Open the door ...

2013-09-20, 01:19 AM

The guillotine slices the monster in half and it's essence begins to spill out as it turns into dust, uniting again with the dream world. After a few moments, the ceiling begins to turn to glittering dust, revealing the sky of the dream world and you find yourself standing in front of Charir again.


You place your hand on the doorknob and you begin to feel overwhelmed with a buzzing noise in your head and a lightheaded sensation overtakes you. You try to ignore it and push at the door, but your power is too weak. Gathering the essence of dream, you try to brace against the door, trying to force it to open, but to no avail.

You feel a sense of urgency as the doorknob slips between your fingers and the door slides away, getting further from you, much faster than you can move, even with the dream on your side.

You find yourself collapsing on the floor, breathing heavily as Charir looks in front of you.

"You have done well, the both of you." Charir says and looks to Kalti. "It is interesting, that you have seen the door... That door is unique to each being, but they all have it. It is the door to your inner sanctum, to your truth. It took me years of training before I was able to see it, and even more before I was able to open it. For you to be able to see it on your second night of training... You must be something else."

He turns his back to you and walks a few paces away. "You aren't ready to face your own dreams yet. You were able to mold the dream to your needs, quite easily at that, but it is because you were aided. In your own dream, it wouldn't be so easy. But it has given you the right frame of mind. I will leave my Dreamscape open to you, but for now, exercise on your own. Push hard and you'll be able to master your own Dreamscape in no time at all... Soon, you will be able to bring out your dreams into reality."

2013-09-20, 12:55 PM
Kalti nods his thanks? ... understanding? ... at Charir. Not even Kalti quite knows as he drinks all of this in.

2013-09-20, 01:36 PM
"Thank you," says Opee, "but I'm really exhausted and I need to go to slee-oh, never mind." :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-15, 10:18 PM
Do Opee and Kalti get any XP for the dream exercises? I guess I'm noticing the 2K XP disparity between Opee and Eolande (and probably Airis as well), and I have a feeling that Kalti is down about where Opee is as well.

2013-12-29, 11:58 AM
Not sure how you run this ...

2013-12-29, 11:59 AM
What do you mean?

2013-12-29, 12:13 PM
Same question. Opee was more passive, but my character seemed to be more of an active part of her tutelage.

Or, did one or both of us leave the cabin?

2013-12-29, 12:20 PM
Ah, that... I didn't think you wanted to play out that part or skip it, due to the lack of... Significant posts? If you want, we can play out that week in the PCI thread, since Marculous might also wish to join in...

2013-12-29, 01:00 PM
I was in Colorado for holidays, but I'm back now. No, I'd be interested. I don't know about Rus, but considering I imagine he's the same since we're both the "dreamers."

But myself, definitely.

2013-12-29, 01:06 PM
Well then... Does Kalti want to choose the way to power up his Mallyate or should I go ahead? (If I choose, then Kalti will fuse the Mallyate into himself, just saying.)

2013-12-29, 01:14 PM
That was Paul, not me. He didn't log off.

Opee will continue to stretch his mind in the dream place, but I can't think of anything particular. Opee will give Kalti a good standoff distance but will otherwise be "nearby."

2014-02-11, 02:29 PM
Kalti stands there, drinking it all in.

"Opee, we cannot do this as we would in real life. Rather, we must cooperate as one."

Kalti holds Opee's hand. "I'm not here because I think I can win. I don't think I can. I just want to see you lose."

2014-02-11, 02:32 PM
Initiative [roll0], if needed right away

I forgot we didn't have an OOC, else I would've rolled this there.

2014-02-11, 03:29 PM
Kalti looks to Opee, "It is our move. What do you think. I will give you what strength I can with the Mallyate within."

Dreaming [roll0]

2014-02-11, 04:22 PM
Opee's Initiative [roll0]
Opee begins to feel water and coolness and smiles at Kalti. Seems like topside is trying to help all of us.

Opee creates two massive walls of water that shoot up through the fire spawn to create a narrow channel to Toronin and his tormentor, with the water fully engulfing the outward space.
Dreaming [roll1]

2014-02-11, 11:12 PM
The water turns almost immediately into steam, barely having time to form. The voice laughs. "Fools! Don't you realize that water is against the very nature of this world? You must have been spoiled by your teacher if you think you are skilled enough to impose your wills on a hostile dream. You won't live long enough to be this skilled!" The voice laughs again.

The steam coils around you and you can feel the intense heat. It is your own creation, and passes more easily through your native protections against the heat, burning your skin.

5 damage. Track your dream HP separately than your "real world" hp. Start from full even if you were injured.

The spawn attack quickly, blending with the flaming surroundings and making it almost impossible to distinguish where they start and end.

One swipes at Opee but he manages to barely sidestep as another bites him from behind for 7 fire damage and tries to grab him. Grapple vs 21.

The other two swirl around Kalti before lunging in unison, one slashing for 5 and 4 fire damage, the other one hitting with only one claw for 7 fire damage.

And the steam refuses to leave.

2014-02-11, 11:54 PM
Yeah, grapple. LOL! [roll0]

Opee thinks about what is one with fire and cannot be harmed by it, but with the aerial fluidity of steam?

"You cannot burn what was left over from burning," and he tries to turn into smoke. [roll1]

2014-02-13, 03:42 AM
Opee concentrates on altering his dream projection. It takes quite a bit of effort, and time. He feels the fire coursing through his veins, but manages to concentrate through it. 8 fire damage Finally, he is smoke.

Suddenly, a sphere of solid fire surrounds him. "Perhaps you can't burn, but what can you do?" The voice sounds amused. "You are not skilled enough to alter both yourself and my world. Either burn or remain caged! And to leave your friend like that..." The voice laughs again.

Two of the spawn swirl around Kalti, distracting him, as the other two lunge at him with their flaming fangs, sinking into his flesh. 5 and 7 fire damage. Kalti can feel the pain as the fire spreads through his body.

A scream.

A man appears besides Kalti, surrounded in the glow of fire. He shouts loudly, words that you cannot begin to comprehend, nor remember even moments afterwards. Too dangerous for your brain to remember even for a second. Kalti glows with darkness. Or perhaps, beyond darkness. It engulfs him before expanding outwards, pushing away the horrified fire spawn and keeping them at bay before the anti-light vanishes and Kalti stands there, injured but free.

"It would be a mistake to mess with those two. They are watched by strong beings." The adviser says.

"Who, you?" The voice asks in an amused tone.

"Oh, no. I am powerful, but nothing close to him." He says with a smile.

Silence. Hesitant. "I'll take my chances." The voice finally says. "Show him to me!" He declares.

"Oh no. I'll be enough to handle you." He says and turns to the two of you. "But some help would be appreciated."

And with that, his skin burns off. Not because of the fire, but because it can no longer contain the power that the man holds. White bones are revealed, clean and pure, not like normal bones. Above his robes, he wears an odd looking amulet. The skull grins at the pair of eyes.

"A lich?" The voice says.

"A powerful one, yes."

2014-02-15, 12:21 AM
A lot of pronouns thrown thither and yon.

A man appears besides Kalti. Is that the "adviser?"

Who is the "voice?"

He .... "nothing close to him."

Is that the adviser referring to Kalti?

I think the adviser is a lich and is asking for help to defeat the voice, the latter of which is the possessing spirit? Is that right?

2014-02-15, 12:35 AM
10chars to say yes

2014-02-15, 12:59 AM
"I have to take a quick pause to heal...." whispers the smoke at full voice. The small whisp of smoke roils and folds and speaks (albeit without a lot of power) to cast cure minor wounds for 5 healing.

"Kalti, synesthesia is the transposition of one sense input to a different form of sensory reception. Take the sound of his voice to change him into visible form and tangible shape so we might confine him."

2014-02-15, 03:53 AM
Kalti stills himself, his mind drawing in. Not blinding, but to take in all stimuli, most notably sound. As the voice begins again, he will seek to coalesce that form into something this strange new ally might affect more easily.
Dreaming [roll0]

EDIT: Wow.
If he succeeds, he'll say in a deep, guttural growl to this new ally. "He's as yours as I can hold him. Give him your best."

2014-02-15, 09:29 AM
Perhaps Kalti can't alter him, but what if... Kalti feels the Mallyate inside him send out tentacles of darkness, catching the anti-light that the adviser created before and drawing it into him, letting it grow more before extending from him. The fire draws backwards from you, afraid of the foreign matter. As it draws near to the eyes, the demonic being retreats, leaving Toronin behind.

Suddenly, the adviser leaps forward and lunges with his staff at Toronin, hitting him in the chest and pushing him through and out of his chains.


Toronin is still on his knees, but he is gasping and looking at you in silent disbelief.

"That demon is too strong for me." Says the adviser. "But that was enough for now, to break his control."

(You can talk to Toronin or the lich if you want, but we'll continue in the main thread as well)

2014-02-15, 01:22 PM
Might as well go back to the main thread. ...