View Full Version : Scholar's Rebellion

2013-08-06, 07:38 PM
Scholar's Rebellion


You're incredibly nervous, but everyone is when they take huge risks. You could be walking into a trap. The person who comes through the door before or after you could be a traitor. You're venturing into what's known as trust, and that's dangerous territory. You might be a warforged looking for a better tomorrow when you can live in peace. Or a rogue whose quick tongue and discerning mind brought your group together, and whose sharp arrow will keep it safe. One of you is a disgruntled professor with a dangerous night life who's simply decided the government needs to go. Among you is an assassin from foreign lands, who the rogue hired to help you out, and a guard who, dissatisfied with his post, and uncomfortable with the way his extended family is treated, wants to do what he can to make a new world. When an unexpected person walks through the door, all of you jump, and your thoughts go immediately to escape, until the rogue looks up and says "Oh, I forgot to mention, this is Tellior. Sorry." Finally, you're all present, and all quite on edge until someone breaks the ice.

2013-08-06, 10:38 PM

The silence continues for a few minutes; everyone looking at each other uneasily. Finally, it's broken by the short, stocky, bearded and dark figure sitting at one end of the table. "Alright, cards on the table: We're all here because we're a wee bit....disgruntled, you might say, with the government. Yes?"

2013-08-06, 11:40 PM

Davorin, having been lost in thought, jumped a little as Khairn spoke, and then snapped around to stare at the little giant with great focus. When he had finished, Davorin spoke out. "Frankly gentlemen, I must agree with this...individual. The current system takes advantage of those with little means of helping themselves, and keeps the closed fist of the Monarch ever over our heads."

2013-08-06, 11:46 PM

"Quite." The burly human with the glowing blue eyes of a guard wears middle class clothes that have been ripped and soiled, almost as if purposefully to look like a beggar. He could be a fired guard who was allowed to live, but he almost seems like a guard trying to pass for a peasant. An expression of obvious pain comes to his face and stays there after you mention problems with the government.

I rolled a negative 15 on my disguise check on the way here. :(

2013-08-07, 12:03 AM

"Apologies for the belated arrival." The rogue bows, then gives the room's occupants a once over. A bunch of academic warriors and... what is that? A fat halfling? Not much of a speaker in situations foreign to him, he steps into the shadows in one corner of the room, and promptly disappears.

2013-08-07, 12:29 AM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Seemingly unconcerned, playing with a rather boring pebble, and nodding in agreement with Khairn's abrupt statement, Rev otherwise remained still. "Not a worry, Tellior," he looked down briefly to rub his eyes. The nights had been long recently; most of his attempts to gather useful information for this dangerous cause were proving tougher than he'd thought. Looking up, Rev frowned, apparently more nervous than before, seeing that one member was missing. First thought, hide. No. He had checked Tellior. Tellior was fine. "Sit, Sit. Eat and drink. We are here to talk, not waste time in corners, Tellior, or else why have we gathered? Khairn puts more calmly than he should the problems of the government." His voice hardly shook, years of practice in it, but those paying him any attention had probably seen him first reach towards his belt. It was too late to reverse that though. Hopefully his calm would affect the others.

2013-08-07, 01:09 AM
More calmly indeed. What though, I wonder, are we here to talk about? Rurrick lowers his voice. How might we plan to do anything to change the powers that are in place?

2013-08-07, 01:30 AM
"I would prefer we not shed more blood than is necessary," Tellior says, "but of course, we will if we must."

2013-08-07, 02:59 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

"No blood shed would be quite the Gentleman's Coup. Reducing casualties is something I think we all agree on, but to fantasize that casualties will be low would be foolish." Rev finishes with a sigh, still playing with his pebble, which seems to permeate with magic but quickly dissipates after a moment. The other question had been on his mind for a while... months now. He'd reached out to some of his furthest contacts, looking for a good answer, especially in regards to how elusive The Monarch was. Still, Rev glanced at Rurrick, the best answer he could give was "For now, I believe it would be best that we stick to a hit and run type tactic... gain some friendly faces, get our feet steadied. Rev's frown was familiar now. For you (Rurrik), though, well someone would be sure to know you. Perhaps I could fit you out with some... other... clothes and make-up... It's up to you. All of you. We'll need a lot from everyone, but only offer what you can do. Getting caught at any step... well I'm sure we can all imagine." In truth, he was hoping the others might have some better thoughts on the "how."

2013-08-07, 06:43 PM

Listening to Rev's speech, Davorin begins to frown. Finally the scholar voices his concern. "I think that before we began planning action, perhaps we should come an agreement about our end goal. Do we want to completely remove the current government? If so, what do we put in their place? Or simply force them to...mend their ways? My point, gentlemen, is that we must not simply cause chaos, but create a new order." With that, Davorin sits back, and stares into space, seemingly out of things to say.

EDIT: Fixing typos

2013-08-07, 07:07 PM

"There is no mending," Tellior says somberly, "I have seen the corruption that plagues the current ruling class - it cannot be fixed. Only removed."

2013-08-07, 08:17 PM

Khairn stirs from his seat, speaking carefully, as though he is unfamiliar with the language. He has no discernible accent, though.

"I think, perhaps, that no one here recommends leaving the nobility in power. However... we cannot simply induce anarchy for no reason. There must be a ruling class; society doesn't function without one. The city will die, or a new group will step into power. There is no other outcome. That being said... I recommend that we are the ones to select the new group."

2013-08-07, 10:32 PM

Well it almost sounds like you have a problem not with the style of the rule but with the rule itself. That's not exactly what I had in mind.

2013-08-07, 10:43 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev nods, clearly in agreement, but still, he seems... almost uncertain about that agreement. It's hard to say if it is with Khairn or with Rurrick... Controlling the power would be important, but that is so far away.... They're counting their chickens before they hatch... before the eggs have been laid even. The start of the revolution is no time to get be arrogant, friends. Davorin is the most right: we should have a general guiding principle. For now, I think it is clear we agree The Monarch must go. Rev did not bring the group this close to deal with the immaturities of power hungry nitwits. For now, we need to make our alliances. As much as I'd like six men to do the work, it simply will not cut it. The neighboring cities are as much under the control of The Monarch as this one. If we can find the men, I can find the supplies... or rather the government's supplies. " Rev stops suddenly like he wants to keep talking, but frowns again, and the magical ebb of the pebble fades again.

2013-08-07, 11:01 PM

"I, too, can supply us. I also have a certain...network that may very well be willing to help us put the Monarch in the ground.

2013-08-07, 11:24 PM
Ah, so it speaks, Tellior thinks from his corner in the room, and very well, too. As the others debate the matter, the shadowling, completely invisible to the naked eye, circling the table and observing the others. He makes sure his steps are light so that the others aren't disconcerted by disembodied footfalls, and he makes sure to return to where he had been before, lest he accidentally step from the shadows in the wrong place and cause more confusion. Lord knows there seems to be enough of it happening here right now. Why not just decide on something now and adapt as we go? It's not like this gathering is a one-and done.

2013-08-08, 01:45 AM

"So we are agreed that the Monarch must go. However, Mr. Lervidite, I disagree with you on one point." Here, he raised a steady finger, and began pounding the table to emphasize his words. "We must have a plan in place for government, or there will be chaos and more bloodshed, and the Monarch and his lackeys may well regain their power.", and then, calming somewhat "Whether we control this new government is irrelevant, so long as it is better than the system that is in place currently." At the end of this speech, Davorin is clearly agitated, his face visibly flushed in the dim light of the room. Once more, he sat back in his chair, and seemed to lose focus on the present conversation.

2013-08-08, 10:48 AM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

"You don't make it easy Davorin. You suggest we need something and yet cannot offer us a solution. Unfortunately, I can tell you the solutions of the men here all vary, some slightly, some drastically." Rev can't help but glance over at Khairn, though it is only for a moment, and he is shifting his eyes constantly amongst the group anyways. "I think we can all agree on a government that is less restrictive, allows for the carrying of weapons", Rev hesitates and his pebble holds its a magical aura again "... and is at least more lenient in regards to Magic. Anyone who has the plan you desire, yourself included, may bring it forth and we can get the topic out the way. Frankly, I do not have anything specific... only general ideas as stated. If you want more, you will have to offer." Rev gives a half shrug, as if anything more would require too much effort, indicating he does not know what more to say to appease Davorin.

2013-08-08, 03:38 PM

"Sounds like we have half a plan, then. I suppose the real question is this: What do we need? How many men? How many weapons? How many safe houses? How do we organize things and keep them quiet from the Monarch?"

Okay, gonna roll some stuff:

Knowledge (Local) to know, within reason, the size of the king's guard: [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) to know, within reason, the size of the standing army:[roll1]
Knowledge (Local) to know, within reason, how many mages are employed offensively by the guard and the army: [roll2]

Int check to know that a rebellion is best done with a cell network: [roll3]

Knowledge (Local) on availability of arms through smugglers: [roll4]
Knowledge (Local) on availability of minor magic items through smugglers: [roll5]

Let me know if any of those were the wrong type of check or if there are circumstantial modifiers that should be applied.

2013-08-08, 05:10 PM
The warforged speaks for the first time from a semblance of a military attention, having been standing in the corner of the room.

It is difficult for me to walk unnoticed, though I have a bunker about a day's march from the city. Organization is simple, is it not? This squadron selects a Captain, and once we have gathered more units, we promote more Captains.

As far as military might, we currently lack the resources to face the Monarch in the field. In the event of victory, our new government will be seen as more legitimate if we do so successfully.

I suggest that we first choose our commander, and then begin gathering resources. There is valuable information in this city. If this squadron learns the schedule of the supply lines, it could gain resources and cause the re-assignment of enemy units away from the city by disruption of supply.

2013-08-08, 07:13 PM
Okay, gonna roll some stuff:

Knowledge (Local) to know, within reason, the size of the king's guard: [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) to know, within reason, the size of the standing army:[roll1]
Knowledge (Local) to know, within reason, how many mages are employed offensively by the guard and the army: [roll2]

Int check to know that a rebellion is best done with a cell network: [roll3]

Knowledge (Local) on availability of arms through smugglers: [roll4]
Knowledge (Local) on availability of minor magic items through smugglers: [roll5]

Let me know if any of those were the wrong type of check or if there are circumstantial modifiers that should be applied.

DC 12 local knowledge isn't enough to tell you anything of the palace.
The standing army is extremely well trained and outfitted. They are people chosen from the very top of the population, and number between 5 and 25 thousand at a guess. It's hard for you to say.

Being a professor, you know how many people go through the academy each year. Since most races live similar lengths of lives, you can make a guess at the death rate of...8%. A person with an intellect as yours can make a fairly educated guess that between your college and the one in Goponutis, which is a bit smaller than yours, you put out between 400 and 600 people of any magical talent per year, and there's no reason to suspect that The Monarch is building or dismantling his army. That's not strictly mages though - if you think about people who are solely military casters, it'd be more like 125 or 175 a year.

Could you link me to the wikipedia page for cell network? It's been a while since I've seen it.

It would be difficult, but not impossible to get mundane arms and armor into the city. There are people, but while you know one or two who would smuggle an individual suit or blade, getting hundreds into the city is going to require someone far more...connected.

Minor magic items are fairly available, again more on an individual basis than a large one. This will vary based on the aggressiveness of the magic employed. You asked a really general question I'm not sure even what you were looking for. Smuggling into the city, for the most part, isn't necessary. When nobles want to do it, they hire an artisan and take care of him legally and financially. Lots of people have permits for various things.

2013-08-09, 03:39 PM
Traynis, who up until this point has been silently listening, albeit while incessantly tapping his foot in a fit of restlessness, finally speaks up, his accent thick.

"We take baby steps first, yes? The warforge proposes good idea. I would add a few dead nobles here and there, I think, courtesy of myself and maybe the invisible man here who takes to shadow like fish to water. This will put the fear in the evil men ruling your country and make bolder the populace they oppress. Then it is matter of time before the people flock to us, the heroes. This gives us men for the fighting, or how do you put it? The "squadron"."

As he finishes, a satisfied smile appears on his face, almost as if he believes he has just delivered the plan of the century. It fades suddenly as he remembers to add something.

"Of course, commander would pick nobles to die. I know some things about Karinaz, but will admit I am still new to this land."

With that the smile returns as he waits for the inevitable wave of agreement that will no doubt pour forth from his new comrades.

2013-08-09, 05:48 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

"I think the number of safehouses we have for now will suffice. We can gather more later if needed. Same goes for weapons and armor and magic. Get them to fit out followers. No doubt as we find more to follow, the standing army numbers will rise, so I think it will be hard to judge exactly how many we will need, especially before we can guage skill. The warforged is right. There is valuable information in the city: finding supply lines will be no problem. I already have news of shipments of magical wands and weapons that we can go after. Either are valid targets, though the weapons shipment is likely to be a better find. I also have located several warehouses full of armaments and other supplies. These things will definitely be useful to us, but not unless we can gather followers as suggested," Rev waves a hand in recognition of the foreign assassin's comments, "We can gain those followers just as has been mentioned. There are plenty of cruel nobles who the people fear and could easily be gotten rid of. The people are restless: we just need to light the kindling. In my opinion, I think a raid on the weapon shipment and the noble assassinations will be the best: I'm in favor of killing some of House Urseg, as they control the prison camps. Causing disarray in their leadership could cause... even more" Rev stresses the last two words, "prison revolts. Of course, we could easily find other targets if you think there are better ones."

2013-08-09, 10:18 PM
The prisons seem a good place to find recruits, though they will need to be trained and armed. Your intelligence is welcome news, as it provides for both.

The warforged cannot frown, but it seems to, nonetheless.

Assassination has never been my duty, but it's tactical uses are unquestioned, and- it pauses briefly and glances around- this squadron may have the expertise that I lack.

Which of you received Command training? This squadron needs a Captain before missions can be assigned.

2013-08-10, 12:38 AM
Traynis's smile grows even wider at the mention of action, and he leans forward eagerly.

"This is good plan. You will find no objection from me. And, I think, Mr. Rev should be put in command. Man with knowledge is man with power."

He suddenly looks directly at where Tellior is standing.

"Shadow Man, or Tellior, if you prefer, though Shadow Man sounds much better, yes? How skilled are you with blade? Invisible man would be excellent comrade on mission."

My stance, Hearing the Air, grants me blindsense out to 30 feet. Traynis is very aware of Tellior's trip around the table not aware of his trip around the table at all because Darkstalker.

2013-08-10, 02:42 AM
Tellior is caught by surprise for a second - the fact that anyone could spot him while he melds with the extensions of his home plane is incredibly strange. Looks like there's more to this guy than a funny accent and an Aura of Greater Booze. After a few moments, the gnome suddenly steps into the light, but nowhere near where he had been - instead, he appears right behind Traynis, resting a hand on the back of the man's chair. "You may refer to me as you wish," he says lightly. Looking around at the faces rounding the table, Tellior continues, feeling that it might be time to finally contribute a little to the situation. "If there is any noble who deserves to die, right here, right now, it is Maximillium Rochet. His offenses against his subjects cannot go unpunished. Fortunately, he is but a minor lord, so his disappearance would raise little alarm, and his estate would be of substantial worth."

2013-08-10, 11:06 AM
"I agree: The prison camps, I have no doubt, will be one of our best targets. Unfortunately, they will also likely be one of the most dangerous ones... the government has a sort of need for these camps and what they produce... Stopping production could mean a significant difference in losses" Rev stops frustrated. He leaves a simple remark to finish the conversation on prison camps for the moment. "My contacts know this as well and either do not have the information or are afraid to give it out. I do not recommend we try the prison camps just yet."

Rev hesitates, uncertain whether he should ignore the warforged's final remarks or not, but supposes he should answer, especially once Traynis speaks up. "I will lead, if the group desires that I do. However, Davorin and" Rev fakes a very slight hesitation (bluff [roll0], he smiles lightly for the first time upon looking at Khairn, "And Khairn here could also both be very capable leaders. If I am not to lead, I would recommend one of these two."

A steady face returns to the halfling as he begins again, "If we go out killing nobles, we must get as many as we can in the first night. Spooking the nobles with one assassination will increase guards and troubles we will have to deal with later. We want multiple high end targets to go down at once. We may not get another opportunity to easily assassinate so many nobles, who have grown so complacent." He stops and glares at the now visible Tellior. Rev knows Tellior's pain, but is worried about his brashness. "Personal vendettas are not what we are here for Tellior. Rochet is a plausible target, but..." Rev falls off, unable to say to Tellior that it would be best that he not go. "All targets must be chosen to maximize benefit to the revolution." He hopes his message is clear to everyone: Everyone is mad at the government for their own reasons. This group is not seeking to remedy only their own problems.

Edit: added quotation marks and final sentence.

2013-08-10, 11:26 AM
Seriously? Rev knows what Max did to my Mother. How's he just sitting back like this? Tellior frowns, knowing that this probably would have been the outcome. "Whomever is of such stature as to qualify for this is likely guarded well to begin with," he states, making a counterclaim. "As far as I know, the number of individuals signed up this revolution that is capable of overwhelming the guards in place to protect anyone influential is gathered here in this room. Orbenum is a sizable city, the nobility more so. To cause even the smallest ripple in their political pond without the power vacuum then automatically re-establishing equilibrium, we would need to complete each assassination solo." Frustrated, he clenches and unclenches his fists repeated, then comes to a conclusion. "Like I said, Maximillium Rochet is a minor lord, but he is not poor," Tellior states once again, looking Rev straight in the eyes, "and he is more than a worthy target. You of all people know my history Rev. Which means you know that, now that I have a cause worth fighting for, I will go after that despicable man, whose blood and fortune will then water this budding war, and take him apart."

2013-08-10, 01:49 PM
Rev is very tired. He has better things to do than bicker over this. He likes Tellior, but his inability to put down his past for the group would be... was... irritating. Still, Rev puts on a calm face and speaks gently but with a certain... well certainty."I said he was plausible. We all have a cause worth fighting for, but they cannot all be pursued immediately. If we choose Rochet, it will be because he is strategically the most likely to gain us the most resources, in terms of people, armaments, and money, with the smallest risk to ourselves. I will not make a hasty decision 'right here right now'." Despite their past together, he had to say simply "I do not know enough to commit myself or anyone else here to the task." Rev gives a brief look around the room as he says, "This applies to everyone: No one here has their own personal agenda. No one." Rev finishes his look around the room with Tellior, ready to stare him down.

2013-08-10, 02:09 PM

Khairn is already shaking his head as Rev finishes speaking. "I think it should be you, Rev. You don't have a particular vendetta. People like you. And, importantly, you're not a four foot tall, dark-skinned dwarf."

2013-08-10, 11:53 PM

The mage speaks well. I, for one, will accept 'Rev' as my commander. I suggest you do the same.

The ancient soldier's unnatural blue eyes flare as it stares at Rev.

Captain, what is our first assignment?

2013-08-11, 12:22 AM

The gnome maintains the staredown for a few seconds more, then drops his gaze and sighs. "I suppose it no longer matters," he murmurs, all the pent up anger dissipating as he remembers his servant training, "she is dead already - there will be no redeeming her living honor. Revenge is best served cold, so it may be for the best to wait for said vengeance to cool." He pulls out one of his daggers and stares at it for a few seconds, as if he were contemplating something, then sheathes it again. After hearing everyone else's acceptance, Tellior makes his own acknowledgement. "I've known your companionship for some time now, so you have my trust... and my cooperation," he says, bowing. Then, a look of pain etched into his face, he retreats back into the shadows, disappearing as though swallowed by the void. For all intents and purposes, he is no longer in the room.

2013-08-11, 09:23 AM

Rurrick sits back in his chair and unfolds his hands from in front of his face, revealing a frown and a face of not incredible intelligence thinking hard. His eyes unglaze and he focuses on Rev. "I for one, am more than happy with Rev as my leader."

2013-08-11, 11:30 AM
Traynis bursts out laughing and claps his hands together.

"Volodarskii! This is just like grand story! Come my friends, let us carve place in the books! Our grandchildren, and their children, and their children's children will beg parents to be reading tales of Freebringer, Shadow Man, Rev, and... uh..."

Here he falters, glancing around at the other members of the group that he has yet to give names. A few seconds of awkward silence pass until he shrugs in defeat.

"Well, other names will come later. For now, we have country to save! Where do we start?"

Traynis looks expectantly at Rev, his eyes alight with restless energy.

2013-08-11, 12:33 PM

"I too, think that Mr. Lervidite will make a suitable commander. His access to information will be, I suspect, invaluable."

Here, Davorin quickly glances around the room, and relaxes a little.

"In addition to killing nobles and gathering supplies, we might try our hand at raising the support of the people more directly. And the best way to do that is by making the government interfere in their lives more than is already done - no one likes having their privacy invaded. But, how?"

2013-08-11, 12:58 PM

"I...have somewhere to be. I'll stay in touch through Rev. Be careful, everyone."

As said, Khairn has a previous appointment. Before stepping outside the door, he uses invisibility, and slips out the door.

Hide check: [roll0] (beat that to follow him)

Some checks to discuss with Ben:

Gather Information: [roll1]
Diplomacy: [roll2]
Diplomacy: [roll3]

2013-08-11, 03:30 PM
Rev gives a slight huff of a laugh, not very audible, to refrain from frowning even further. Working and trying to keep everyone alive. Wonderful. He pulls out a proceeds to point out the four other safe houses, noting to them that they are not the safest, but should they need a place to hide or sleep a night, that they exist.

"I know many of you would like a decision right now for what to do next, but I think Khairn has the right idea. Let us take a moment of leave for now. Leave in small groups. Ones or twos. Be safe. You may rest in the rooms above while you wait to leave. I will contact you all shortly. Please be ready for any time that I happen to find you." He gives a slight hesitation, as if realizing that was not exactly what he wanted to say. Speaking again, he asks Davorin and Tellior, would you stay for a few minutes more and talk with me. Uhh, Freebringer also.

When it is clear the others have gone: "Tellior, I need information about Rochet's house. Guard numbers, how big his house is. How easy it would be to get in and out. Could I set up to disguise myself or any of the others as him so we can take the house as you suggested. What are our benefits and risks? Any information you know that would be useful, tell me now, or go get it for me. Davorin, I have a number of guards who are unhappy and could probably be recruited. I'm looking into it. The government is already doing its part to make the populace discontent. Aside from that, the how is probably on you. We might rally the religious and the poor who are being oppressed. Tell them about what is happening to those greedy nobles and that all they have to do to help is spread the word.. or slit some throats... I'm not really sure."

[roll0] (infobroker1)
[roll1] (infobroker2)
[roll2] (infobroker3) [roll3] (bluff for infobroker3, if needed)
[roll4](gather info4) [roll5] (infobroker4)
[roll6] (infobroker5)

2013-08-12, 02:02 AM

"Well, I do in fact have a thought or two for swaying the public opinion. But one that some of the gathered may not like. I think we should create a martyr." Here Darovin glanced quickly at Tellior, and back to Rev again, and hurried on, having half expected them to object as well. "I know it is rather ruthless, but such a thing would rally the peasants to our cause."

"Additionally, as far as government goes, I have a few ideas floating around, but they aren't worth mentioning yet. Perhaps at the next meeting I shall share them with you."

White Blade
2013-08-12, 06:26 PM
When word gets out on the street that people have an issue with the government, word gets back to Pascha. It finds it like news of that sort usually finds him as he is coming up to his tiny shack, warmed not by a fireplace but by the bodies of those he has welcomed into his home. As he reaches there, one of his poor friends taps him on the shoulder, "Professor Hathers," the man says, "I've heard word on the street you might be interested in." The man drags him aside and tells him of a man who is trying to reach out for those who are discontent with the Empire, "I knew you were such a man, Professor, and I knew that even if you were not willing to fight; you knew those who were. If you know any such men, tell them to leave a flower and a card at this address, and to return there at sundown to pick up the time of the meeting."

Pascha nods, trying to appear interested but not excited, "I will see what I can do," he comments, "But I cannot promise you anything". The poor man nods his head, "Indeed."

Pascha does as he is instructed, first the flower and the card. He goes with a lily, since they do not grow well in the local climate and will mark him as someone with some small amount of station. He leaves it and returns at sundown, discretely picking up the package, trying his best not to be seen. It has directions, to be followed immediately.

He follows the directions until his head is spinning from the myriad turns he had to make and the strange sites he had to go to, until he comes to a rundown meeting house. On the way, he shed his bulky outer clothing that he used to hide his wings, threw on the heavy cloak he had brought to hide himself while he shifts his form. His face he flattens and turns to a mirrorish shine, his wings become hawkish and silver feathered, his hands grow long, thin claws and his teeth sharpen to a razor's edge. His skin turns white as snow, besides his mirror like face. The Circle of Transformation knew the power of theatrics.

When he reaches his destination, Pascha is impressed. A rundown shack, no squatters in it, but he can tell there are squatter communities nearby. Public enough to be noticed if necessary, but otherwise private. He goes in and through to the back, standing on the small porch as instructed, certain that he is being watched. This could be the end of him, but Ezra had never steered him wrong before.

After several minutes of watching him, Pascha's contact appears from the shadows to greet him.

2013-08-12, 06:56 PM
Rev can't help but smirking. "The government peace-ties my sword but allows you stroll around like that?" Rev is clearly displeased. "But then again," He drops a few daggers to the floor, hidden from his garments, "I'm guessing you probably hide those most of the time. I buy and sell information, although very occasionally I am interested in flowers... Regardless, I don't fight. So how about we sheathe those claws and see what we can trade."

2013-08-12, 07:01 PM
Traynis watches the proceedings from nearby, making sure he's not seen by the shapeshifter. Rev liked to have some assurance of safety during these kinds of meetings. Strangers can be dangerous, after all.

Hide: [roll0]

White Blade
2013-08-12, 08:01 PM
Pascha notes the daggers carefully and listens to Rev. He pauses to think and then nods. The claws and teeth return to ordinary, his skin takes on human tones - Except for the face, which remains mirror like and difficult to read. "My contact told me you wanted information about... Potential malcontents," Pascha responds evenly, breathing and pausing to think,"And what is life, if not a struggle for transformation?" The mirror stares at Rev - And by extension, Rev finds himself staring at himself.

2013-08-12, 10:46 PM
Rev glancing up is almost surprised by the face he sees -- not because it is Pascha's bizarre mirror, but rather because, in the mirror, the face shown... it is not his own. Stifling a laugh and his surprise, he steadies himself and responds, "Transformation is not always possible... though I think sometimes facilitated. By... possible malcontents... you mean.. Ah yes. It's one way to put it... Yes. Yes I am looking for information. What do you have to sell?

White Blade
2013-08-12, 10:57 PM
Pascha steps back a moment and smiles, "Shapes and forms can change, Pascha remarks, cycling through to mimic the face tone and attitude before him, but the true nature of the soul is action. Battle, wit and claw, are all within my skill. A thousand faces - If you prove trustworthy, not merely my own. I've earned friends with my generosity.

Pascha relaxes his stance, beginning to sweep the ground with his eyes, but proving unable to see his watchers.

2013-08-12, 11:39 PM
The sudden shift in facial structure makes Rev move back a foot or two. His hand shoots up to about his head's level, but does nothing but hang in the air, in order to hold Freebringer still in the shadows. Rev frowns at his error. Battle, wit, and claw are useful only with careful planning. Rev takes his upheld hand and moves to slowly open his vest, picking up a card with the other hand. Don't be late. If no one is there, look in the house for a package to tell you where to go.

[roll0] (bluff handing him a card with the address of one of the crummy safehouses we are (not) meeting in)

White Blade
2013-08-12, 11:51 PM
It's close, but Pascha catches a flicker of something in Rev's eye and when he looks down at the card and glares, then looks back up, "You're one of them," he shouts angrily his form shifting to a demonic visage, his eyes turning into blood red pupils, and his wings turning bat like, "Whatever you did to Ezra, you'll pay dearly!

(Sense Motive was 1 higher. Intimidate [roll0] brb on bonus)

2013-08-13, 12:10 AM
It is good Swiss thought to have a commander again, and a squadron, unstable as it may be. The assassin's priorities worry me, and communication is not as open as it should be. This is, however, a start.

Swiss cycles to stasis and leans against a nearby wall, resting but aware for several hours. Eventually, it rouses itself, and walks into the night.
The construct walks to its lodging- an extremely modest apartment fitting with Swiss's spartan lifestyle. It pulls open a chest and examines its notes, searching for information about the archives, supply routes, and what it knows of public events. (Using rolls from OOC)

2013-08-13, 12:26 AM
Traynis tenses when the shapeshifter's movements suddenly become aggressive. Only Rev's signal keeps him from rushing out of the shadows to stand between the two. Nevertheless, he keeps his spiked chain at the ready, and keeps a careful eye on Pascha while inching within range should he attempt anything more lethal than scare tactics.

Move Silently check to get within 10 feet of Pascha: [roll0]

Misc checks that are of concern to Ben:
Hide: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]

2013-08-13, 12:35 AM
Rev's whole body seems to emanate a very powerful magic aura. Only spotters can tell just how dangerous it feels, but the magic he feigns is very powerful and the aura might still be felt nearby by those unable to sense it normally. Rev's hand is in the air again. With the other, he tosses a pebble as far as he can into the surroundings, and with it goes the magical buzz. Rev speaks quickly, almost frantically, now, You look for trust and have none in me. Why do you suspect I have it in you so easily? You will go to that location and no one will be there, and if directions are left you will follow them to find the rest of us -- those who will resist the government. Ezra sells me information. Ask him just how much he knows about the ongoings of the town: More, I suspect, than you. If he's dead, it's not by me. The guards will have felt the magic. I am leaving before they come. I suggest you do too. Rev looks around frantically during his rant, already looking for those to come, now seemingly unconcerned with Pascha. At the end, he runs off and vanishes [so long as you don't roll like a boss].

[roll0] hiding. [roll1] move silent

Rev moves from the shapeshifting Pascha towards where he left Freebringer, although Rev knows Freebringer has very likely already begun following Pascha. Rev's interest is piqued and he can't help but safeguard this interest. "Follow him," he whispers to the darkness.


White Blade
2013-08-13, 12:45 AM
Pascha looks panicked for a moment - The threat of the guards doesn't freak him out completely but he regards the matter cooly. He tens and flees quickly, flying through town for a little bit in his demonic form, he does it just long enough to know he's been spotted. He drops low the ground and shapeshifts into a snake, slithering away as quickly as possible. He finds a good spot to hide and stays there for about four hours before slithering out of the gutter and transforming back into his normal form, he finds some loose cloth and binds down his wings before heading home. Whoever these people were, they certainly had balls. He'd be at the warehouse. If the trail keeps track of him, they might recognize him as Alsric Hathers, professor of botany.

Hide check for Snake form gets bonus from small size - [roll0]

2013-08-13, 01:39 AM
Traynis grimaces and nods, though he knows Rev probably can't see him do so. As soon as Pascha takes off flying, Traynis runs after him, trusting that the guards will be too distracted by the demon in the skies to take notice of him. When the shapeshifter lands, Traynis stops and takes a sniff. Changer is near. Taking time to hide himself again, Traynis takes a step forward and takes another sniff. ...that way. He silently moves in the direction of the scent's source, but is dumbstruck when he finds nothing there. It's as if the creature vanished from existence. He tries to pick out any other odd scents in the air but can't distinguish anything of note. Kopat! Traynis takes one last look at the surrounding area before he leaves to make sure he hasn't missed anything.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

(The modifiers on Hide and Move Silently are bigger because I finally did my item shopping and have tools now. I hope no one has any huge objections to me adding them now since Pascha didn't have a chance of spotting me regardless.)

2013-08-13, 11:37 AM
After everyone else leaves, Tellior takes a seat beside Rev, and explains everything he could think of on the subject of Maximillium Rochet to him. "The man lives a lavish lifestyle, employing more servants than he needs, and keeps more mistresses that he can remember. But miserly defines him beyond his selfish little realm - in all my days in his household, I did not see him lift a finger for his subjects, or his family, or his friends." He taps one hand on the table, and the other on the hilt of his blade, the enchanted crystal sparkling in the dim light. "He has very little political traction, but had begun to make an earnest of effort of clawing up the ranks by the time I abandoned him to join up with you. There are very few guards to speak of, though, again, depending on his current political standing he may have more." He wraps his fingers around the hilt of his blade. "Whatever the case may be, his time is coming to an end. I hate to send him to where Mother is, but it would be better that he is no longer on this plane."

After they break for the week, Tellior melds back into the shadows, content to be in its dark embrace... until something catches his attention. That's definitely not the way to his home. And the boozer with the accent is going with him? What's he up to? He sinks further into the shadows, the night making the entire world his playground as he slinks along behind them. They find themselves eventually in a new hideout of sorts, and after a few minutes of waiting, a strange sight appears. What the hell is THAT thing?? He continues to watch in fascination as the conversation continues, remembering everything about the exchange, specifically memorizing the name Ezra for future reference - the bird creature's sudden aggressive and terrifying transformation saw to that. When they all leave, he makes to follow the thing himself, noting with amusement as Rev tells Traynis to do the same. Unfortunately, just like him, Tellior is able to track the creature into an alleyway before it seems to simply disappear into thin air. Though he waits around for a while longer than the other tracker, after an hour or so the gnome leaves with a curse under his breath. Going to need better perception for this line of work, he thinks to himself, annoyed.

2013-08-13, 03:34 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev wonders if leaving Ezra at the house was a good idea. He never failed to do well in his runs, and was getting paid a nice sum for this… and it was clearly not dangerous for Ezra... This Rev assured him, no matter what he saw. Although, Rev was fairly certain by the descriptions of those Ezra talked to, that whoever it was would let Rev do it anyways… but he still did not want to.

Ezra comments that he is a token of good will although he is “unsure what exactly that means.” Ezra holds a soft tipped arrow with green feathers -- it looks like it was intended for flight at least -- out to the thing in front him and says, “It is expected that you break the tip on yourself to mark yourself as a friendly to return the favor. It won’t hurt,” he reassures you, promising to give you the location of where to meet afterwards. A not so wonderful aroma seeps out already, despite being unbroken. Ezra plugs his nose and takes a step or two back, clearly uninterested in the smell.

Meanwhile, in some large, open field outside the city: The sun is bright overhead and Rev shades his eyes as he looks at those gathered, “Gentlemen, while we wait for our final member to arrive, I must ask if anyone has any questions, concerns… anything at all that they want said before we start in on the details?”

White Blade
2013-08-13, 03:59 PM
The shapechanger, now garbed in a heavy cloak which his tawny owl wings match, grimaces at the arrow but breaks it and then nods, "Done," he says briskly, curling his nose at the scent, "Where am I to go?"

When he receives word of where he is to go, he binds his wings and masquerades as a as a very large orc, walking to the meeting in as discreet a manner as possible.

2013-08-14, 07:24 AM
Standing there in the open, without a wisp of shadow to retreat to, Tellior feels extremely exposed, and his height does little to calm his nerves. His anxiety manages to override his servant training for a second as he blurts out, "Perhaps our final member should learn the meaning of punctuality. Revolution harbors no dilly-dalliers." Frustrated, he moves a little distance from the group, and goes through his morning exercise again - twenty four difference stances, each meant to challenge the body in different ways, from his balance to his fluidity. Horse Mane, to White Crane, to Cloud Hands, to Tiger Paw, he moves through the motions. To anyone observant enough, it looks as though he moves with a crystal ball in his grasp at all times, each movement circular in nature, to stimulate the flow of energies through the body. He finishes after a few minutes, a light sheen of sweat covering his frame from the slight exertion. He comes back to the group, much more relaxed than before.

To anyone who cares, those were just adapted names for the 24 stances of Tai Chi. And yes, he is doing Tai Chi.

White Blade
2013-08-14, 09:14 AM
As if on cue, the winged shapechanger arrives, bearing the appearance of a rather angry orc with bandages over his chest and working mans clothes. "My apologies," said the orc, "Trust had to be earned before I could arrive, it seems," he finishes, nodding at Rev momentarily.

2013-08-16, 02:30 AM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev waits calmly for any unsolved issues to be brought up, but ends up simply watching his old friend "shadow man" exercise, and fiddles with an arrow to help pass the time. He notices Freebringer wrinkling his nose long before he can even smell the shapeshifter. Still, the smell is so familiar to him, that it is easy to ignore once it arrives. He raises an eyebrow at Pascha's statement, and thinks briefly about responding, but decides just to nod back.

Rev introduces the team and Pascha quickly and moves on. "Alright. Let's get down to business. This meeting I suspect will be short, but feel free to bring up any problems you have." He falls silent for only a moment, trying to recollect everything he wants to say. "Alright, so we have a few goals. Long term, we want the poor on our side. There's a lot of them and it's the reason most of us are in on this -- we are oppressed. Short-term, we have a weapons shipment coming in about a week and a half. The sooner we hit it, the less likely it'll have reinforcements from the city bothering us. But the longer we wait, the faster we can get back to carry out our assassinations. I have two easy rich noble targets, who fail also fail to be kind or generous to the poor. They should be easy as they take walks each night. The third target is Rochet, who we talked about last week. Our new friend here," Rev waves towards Pascha but does not glance over "will take his form and we'll gain another safe haven and maybe some political ground. The number of servants is small, and we could just fire them all and then... find them again for our cause." Rev pauses for a moment to let the everyone hear the general ideas and remember them and starts in again "I want the assassinations to be clean and happen quickly. Taking too long will allow the guards to arrive or close us off, so in and out is the answer here. And remember: the goal is to bring us friends, but this will earn us enemies. We kill these specifically, so we can spread the news of what happens to selfish nobles. Does anyone have any questions?"

2013-08-16, 03:49 AM

"Yes. I do. Who are these nobles you plan to kill? I think it best we understand who and why before we take any lives - those deaths we have time to plan at least" Here he looks firmly at Rev, and then at Tellior, and then sweeps his gaze over the entire group. "If we must do evil, then it should be evil we all know of. Let not shadows mask our guilt."

2013-08-16, 12:50 PM
Traynis looks at Davorin as though he has just suggested the group walk up to the Monarch's front gate and turn themselves in.

"What did you say? Guilt? Do evil? These men we plan to kill are evil. It is act of good to remove them from world. Pride, not guilt, is what I will feel when deed is done."

2013-08-16, 01:01 PM
Tellior listens to the three, then pipes in himself. "Remember to keep the end objective in mind," he says, pulling them back to the focus of why exactly they were gathered in the first place. "The overthrow of the Monarch is our highest priority, which means we must utilize every last option we have available to achieve that. However, it would be most wise for us to perhaps consider those options first, then decide on a course of action." At the mention of Rochet, Tellior's breath catches in his throat - he is about to make another comment about him being an exception, but then realizes that that would not only contradict his previous statement, it would make him seem rash and headstrong, neither of which were qualities he needed to be nurturing in a group as competitive as this. Just because you know Rochet's a rotting pile of filth doesn't mean the rest of these folks do, he thinks to himself. Let 'em go smell his stench and see his plague-ridden heart before you push the issue further.

2013-08-16, 01:11 PM
"One is a lady who lives lavishly and throws many parties for her and her noble friends. She disregards the poor and fails to help with their horrid living conditions. She may not be committing any crimes directly, but her ignorance with her wealth is unacceptable and we will let the government know this with her death. The other noble is a middle level noble, who actually mistreats the poor and is doing all that he can to move up the ranks of the nobles -- which includes a rather large number of immoralities... bribes, backdoor dealings, murdering rivals... Regardless, his wealth and cruelty for the poor are the primary crime here. Rochet is equally cruel to his subjects and cares little what he does to them. These three are our targets."

2013-08-16, 01:32 PM

"I think, perhaps, I can deal with the first one on my own.... I have some preparations to make first, though."

White Blade
2013-08-16, 01:40 PM
There is a story that tells of the Stranger being forbidden the morsels of the rich's table when he posed as a poor beggar, Pascha begins, He fed the whole household to rats for their lack of hospitality. How much more, then, this woman who denies kindness to so many? But how do we make her sins clear to those whose eyes are closed to such indolence?

2013-08-16, 01:45 PM

Khairn lets loose a hearty chuckle. "Leave that to me, lad. I know just the trick."

2013-08-16, 03:43 PM
It's fine if you want to handle her on your own, but I was planning to get both the lady and noble when their paths crossed... they both like to take midnight strolls... two in one go. The choice is yours, but be careful if you're going to do it alone.

That is a harder matter Pascha. I can't say the best way to ensure that the poor recognize why the rich need to be removed. I'm open to ideas for this -- my best is to simply tell them ourselves." Rev shrugs, indicating he recognizes it is not the best idea.

2013-08-16, 05:29 PM
Traynis chuckles.

"It is obvious, yes? We need symbol. Symbol that clearly shows what we stand for. Leave them near or on bodies and will send message. Sadly, I do not have head for fancy emblems. Maybe is best left to academics." He addresses Rev next. This middle level noble will be no trouble. I have seen him with his guards, and he is weak. I am sure Shadow Man and myself can kill him quickly, and silently, no problem."

I sized up this noble between the last meeting and this meeting. Only 4 HD on himself and 4 relatively weak bodyguards, so me and Tellior should be able to handle it Apparently I misunderstood and 4 HD is the highest HD in the group, 17 HD total. Anyway, still shouldn't be a problem if me and Tellior are on it.

2013-08-18, 09:11 AM
Tellior simply lets his manservant training kick in, and bows low to Traynis. "It will be good to work with you, master warrior," he replies. Of course, he would have no idea how their encounter would resolve - he had, after all, never worked with anyone in the group before, aside from Rev - but he has little choice than to place some faith in the man. "As for the symbol," he offers, "I have two options available." He produces two signet rings - one has a blank face, while the other has the symbol of thorny merchant's scale. "Should we wish to sow chaos amongst the nobles, we can use this ring, already inscribed with the symbol of a noble house. This will lead investigators with no choice but to follow up with the associated house, tarnishing its image simply through proximity and interaction." Needless to say, the ring he meant had the symbol of House Rochet - he had taken the ring from Mother's table when he discovered her fate, both as a memento of her, as well as a reminder to him of his personal vendetta. "Our other option, which I expect you meant," he continues, raising the blank signet ring, "is to inscribe a unique symbol of our own, to leave on something at the scenes of our activities as a calling card of sorts. Should this be desired, I may go and request one be made, once someone - likely Rev - comes up with a satisfactory design."

For the folks who believe they've figured out Tellior, thinking him to be a "loose cannon", Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility) and/or Knowledge (Local) DC 15 or 20 (at Ben's discretion) to know the inscribed ring bears the signet of House Rochet, and scoff him for his "hot temper". Or whatever issue it is a few of you presumptuous folks seem to think the gnome has :smalltongue:

2013-08-18, 01:02 PM
For the folks who believe they've figured out Tellior, thinking him to be a "loose cannon", Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility) and/or Knowledge (Local) DC 15 or 20 (at Ben's discretion) to know the inscribed ring bears the signet of House Rochet, and scoff him for his "hot temper". Or whatever issue it is a few of you presumptuous folks seem to think the gnome has :smalltongue:[/QUOTE]

We'll say 15. Signet rings, after all, are supposed to be recognizable, but this isn't really a higher house.

2013-08-18, 02:03 PM
[roll]1d20+8[roll] - knowledge (royalty & nobility) for Tellior's signet.

Apparently the roller isn't working at the moment - so I'll try again here in a bit...

2013-08-18, 02:21 PM
[roll]1d20+8[roll] - knowledge (royalty & nobility) for Tellior's signet.

Apparently the roller isn't working at the moment - so I'll try again here in a bit...

Because I'm dumb and should feel dumb too.

[roll1] on Tellior's anger issues - Knowledge (Royalty and nobility)


Davorin sees the signet ring of the Rochet family, and can barely contain his anger at Tellior's thoughtlessness. The second the manservant finished speaking, he let loose. I would remind you to think before you suggest such things as this. Attracting attention to the Rochet clan with that signet is completely unwise. We intend to kill him and have our esteemed friend" Here he gestures to Pascha "take his place. So drawing attention to that house is exactly what we do not want you fool." Davorin quiets somewhat and continues. "We know well you have cause for grief against that particular family, but if you cannot control your emotions, you have no business plotting revolution."

2013-08-18, 06:58 PM
Tellior frowns, turning to confront the challenge. "And you, sir, have no business plotting revolution if you are so nearsighted as to believe that that is the only way to conduct this particular endeavor." He puts away the rings, then continues. "I'd like to remind you that Rochet is not the only minor lord, certainly not the only one that deserves to be punished, and definitely not the only one who Pascha could impersonate. We have also apparently not considered the power of distrust and infighting - there is no doubt enough of that in the aristocratic courts as it is, but to truly turn the situation hostile would be a great boon to our efforts." Since his outburst at the first meeting and the subsequent kowtowing he had essentially done, Tellior has done quite a bit of self reflection, and the kinds of ideas he had come up with over the past week were ones he had kicked himself for having lost sight of due to the rage his vendetta had stoked within him.

He then fishes out the blank ring again, and waves it at the caster. "You also seem to forget that I did, in fact, offer an alternative," he says coolly. "If you, like the rest of our crew, are as civilized, educated, and sophisticated as I believe they are, you could very well have chosen the second option. If you wish to speak of emotions, perhaps you should consider keeping your own in check first."

2013-08-18, 09:33 PM

Now completely in control of himself, Davorin stares at Tellior, almost seeming to look straight through his skull. In a level tone, he began to speak. The difference, Shadowfish, is that I do not let my emotions affect my judgement. Simply put, right now, Rochet is the best known target for impersonation, and your attempt to bring shame to his family endangers what is a far more useful plan. That you should even think that such a thing" Here Davorin gestures to the pocket in which Rochet's signet was stored "Indicates that you feel that your vendetta against one man is of equal value to the salvation of an entire nation of people." The scholar pauses for breath, and continues his lecture. "Furthermore, did you not think that such an obvious frame would be not be immediately disregarded? If you truly wish to shame a noble, and not simply avenge yourself, then consider subtlety." The archivist snorted in derision "And you speak to me of nearsightedness."

Moving on with his speech, Davorin did as Tellior requested and proffered and alternative. "Also consider the fact that a minor noble who is widely known to be power hungry and cruel would not be the most surprising suspect of treason. But it would not be treason to aid the lower classes, it would be treason to aid himself, and would likely be treated as such. The ideal target to cause such fear of revolution would be a mid level noble known to be slightly sympathetic to the lower classes. My former student, and current landlord, Lord Nilloc for instance."


2013-08-18, 10:14 PM
Tellior rolls his eyes at the argument. Infighting would do them no good, so he takes the higher road and leaves the argument as is, letting the others have a say before the two of them turned this into a mudslinging competition about which of them requires corrective lenses. "Clearly our definitions of nearsightedness are different." He stows the rings, and bows to Davorin, forcibly bringing his servant's demeanor to the surface to quell the annoyance he feels. "It is quite apparent you do not trust me, and to be frank I do not trust you either, not in the least. However, beyond my intentions for Rochet, you know nothing of me, and I know nothing of you either, beyond the fact that our ideals are obviously different. But as long as we are forced to work together toward a common cause, I have no choice but to tolerate you, and maybe even learn to place my faith in you."

2013-08-18, 11:36 PM
Traynis sighs, quite audibly, and turns to Tellior and Davorin with an obvious look of irritation on his face.

"Now we are done bickering like two wives at fish market, yes? We are team. Let us keep it that way. Rev, you are appointed leader. What is your take on matter?"

2013-08-19, 04:28 PM
Rev's held his thoughts to try to let the two figure it out, but by the time Freebringer comments, Rev is aware he should have brought it to a stop by now.

You don't have to trust each other just yet, but place a little faith in my ability to find and gather the right crew for this -- that's my specialty after all. Ultimately, Freebringer is right. We're a team. Put your petty squabbles aside. As for an emblem of our own, using a noble's would cause strife in the ranks which could be very useful, but might prevent us from gathering the support of the poor -- we aren't the noble after all... well mostly," Rev glances at Pascha "Of course, the other option has the benefits of creating our own identity and following, but does not create infighting. I am a fan of the latter, since I think we can find other ways to cause strife amongst the nobles."

2013-08-20, 03:36 PM
After a minute of silence, Rev is uncertain if everyone is actually okay with the plans they've talked about thus far. He spouts off several disjointed questions directed to various people.

Rurrick... Swiss.. what do you guys think? Khairn are you sure you want to bother killing the Lady by yourself when we might grab her simultaneously with the other Lord? Are there any ideas for the choice in signet?

double post, ****ing gay

2013-08-21, 04:24 PM
Rurrick looks up. He plainly has long since stopped paying attention, but after a moment, he gets his bearings and recalls the question you asked. "It doesn't seem I have much of a job. Everything you've laid out seems a good plan, as far as I can see, but I am neither the wisest nor the most intelligent. If you offered a proactive method of lowering the guards' numbers, that might be a good start. Maybe...I know the leader of the squadron bringing in the weapons shipment. I'm not sure what he'd be willing to do, but I could talk to him, feel him out a bit. Or you could do the same Rev, but he'd be more comfortable with me there. Or we could just rob it as the plan was previously. Just a thought."

White Blade
2013-08-22, 09:51 AM
Pascha has been deep in thought for much of the conversation, but he emerges from it at this point, As much as I should like to kill Rochet and replace him, he says moderately, "Any impersonation requires knowledge of the target. The Circle knows that when people look at someone they love, they see not a face but a friend. If I am to replace some such person, I must watch them for many days."

2013-08-23, 03:02 PM
Rev nods to Pascha. Do what you need to. I want to be ready next week when the shipment goes through.

He knew the guard did not have much a role in assassination or politics, but wanted to make use of his position and was happy to hear that it was possible. "You might ask him to bring you on Rurrick. You'd probably know these customs better than I do and whether or not that is a possibility. Lessening the number of guards would be great -- we're not looking to kill the people doing their job -- we just want their weapons and the less of a fight it is, the better. You might request for some extra guards to be placed in your group or as suggested before, replace one of the guards on duty. And don't sell yourself short: you're plenty smart. Besides, my ideas here are probably not very good. If you have some, spit 'em out.

2013-08-25, 03:20 PM
Rurrick nods. "I will see what I can do. I should probably be able to get assigned, but I'm not sure what good that will do -- I would have to fight to protect my identity. I suppose I could throw my blows somewhat, but I cannot promise complete submission unless the sergeant should order us so."

2013-08-28, 01:48 PM
You continue talking for a time, finalizing plans for your assassination attempts, and planning to meet once more before the heist. You go over maps, exchange information about the two noble's walking habits and the strength of the noble you know. Khairn has volunteered to look after the woman, while Tellior and Traynis will take the man. Pascha has been press-ganged into a close study of Rochet, despite Davokin's protests that his own kind, friendly noble should be killed and replaced. Rurrick has promised to see if he can be transferred to the unit transporting the goods, and there is talk of forging a note to bring to him. Swiss is less busy and vocal this week, but his time will come. Davokin, for the moment, will continue to make jabs at Tellior and wait at least until the robbery to participate in direct revolution, thinking from the back lines instead.

The Nobleman and His Guard
You've planned it out. You've done tests, yelling from this spot, near this time of night. No guards will come. This is the part of the walk the guards are for, but they will fail. You know how strong the five are, and you suspect the nobleman to be frail on his own. For two as comfortable in the shadows as you, this should be child's play. You are overconfident, and that will be your downfall, but not today. Today you will take the nobleman's life.
Start the surprise round. Everything is in order, you suspect nothing foul. Four guards and the noble, as per usual.

Panty Raid
You sneak into the house without a problem, following a servant in through the door and slipping your foot in as it slams shut behind her. You walk around in the rooms. You realize soon after entering that your shoe is coming apart, which will make it more difficult to go undetected, but you move forward, your skill keeping you fairly quiet for the moment. You walk in front of people, trying to keep close to the wall so that you can mask the noise as creaking of an old house if it happens. You don't see much, but you count the distinct faces you see, doing your best to commit them to memory so you won't count them twice. You move through the enormous house methodically, scoping out each room in the hopes that you'll find something useful, something you can use to your advantage in an assassination attempt, or the lady herself. You go through a greeting room, a kitchen, multiple obviously unused bedrooms, a dining room, a ballroom, a tea room (this is now England), a map room, a trophy room (the lady's late husband's, or father's, you speculate), several bathrooms, servant's quarters, and several other places. A couple of times people hear...something, but you stand still and wait for them to leave when this happens, bluffing your way out of it. Once, you bump into a wall and hear someone say "SHOW!" in a loud voice. You keep moving and don't look back into the room. One of the rooms you step into is clearly the Lady's. It's dressed out in red silk, with a large bed, shag carpet, and incredible vanity that is obviously used often and is equipped with a sink that works by creating water and then destroying it. They're expensive machines. It's funny, this is the only room in the house that's been tacky. You get the feeling that visitors don't often see it. You walk into her bathroom, when the servant leaves, wanting to scout out her space more. There seem to be two closets, but when you open the first one all the way (it was left propped), you find it's a servant's entrance. You walk through it and see that it's meant to close neatly into the hallway. You finish your investigation of the room and bathroom, and find the closet to be ENORMOUS and filled with clothes, some of which are more expensive than all of your possessions. You leave them and go out the servant's entrance, which you left propped, as it was. Servants continue passing by, and you follow them into rooms with doors closed, walking freely between the open rooms until you've been through most of the rooms in the house. Finally you come into a room that's been set with art. You feel the paint on the painting, to see if it is real, and quickly realize it isn't. An empty frame filled by a skilled illusionist, it's probably worth more than the painting would have been otherwise. You look around you warily and turn on detect magic. Sure enough, most everything around you has illusion traces, though obviously you can't be sure. You feel your intuition coming to bear, and you bow your head and think. You wonder if you might be in a trap. But then, always think everything is a trap; it's why you're still alive. There's no reason to suspect a trap, but then...there's all the reason to suspect a trap. What to do, what to do?

Another Day at Work
Mike, get me what you need. Everyone who has profession roll profession checks as usual.

Creeper gonna creep
Micah, make some description of your surveillance of Rochet. If you do anything dangerous you will have to make rolls. Guess at them or ask me.

If you're not doing something and you want to be, TELL ME! Don't feel left out, there's plenty to do before we bring down this monster. :D

2013-08-28, 11:33 PM
This is the moment. Tonight, Traynis enters the books. With a grin on his face, he swings his spiked chain at the unsuspecting noble, aiming for his vitals. The guards don't even seem to notice as the weapon comes down between them and strikes their charge.

Damage: [roll0]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-28, 11:47 PM
A spike on the chain catches the noble from the front of his arm, another catches the back, and there's a horrifying sound as the flesh rips. Blood is pouring out, the noble lets out a shriek of pure terror and agony, sees what's left of his arm is attached to your chain, and falls to the ground, hitting his head rather hard. His guards glare at you and wait their turn to act as the gripping combat draws on.

2013-08-29, 12:09 AM
As the two make a beeline for the noble, Tellior's foot catches on a stone, sending it skittering across the pavement. Even as the noble is ripped apart by Traynis's chain, one of the guards turns to look at Tellior's approach, even if he doesn't actually see the gnome. You sir, are the lucky winner of the next ticket to Stabbytown, he thinks as he pulls his daggers from his belt. Before the guard can react, Tellior slams into him daggers first, like the fangs of a wolf biting down on its victim.

Wolf Fang Strike at the guard who heard me:

Attack 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]+[roll3]
Critical Confirmation: [roll4]

Attack 2:
Attack: [roll5]
Critical Confirmation: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]+[roll8]
Critical Confirmation: [roll9]

2013-08-29, 12:19 AM
The guard makes two short, raspy gasps for breath and gives up, falling to the ground. The other three guards wait anxiously to see whether they will get to act before you.

Tellior: [roll0]
Traynis: [roll1]
Guard 1: [roll2]
Guard 2: [roll3]
Guard 3: [roll4]

White Blade
2013-08-29, 07:51 AM
Pascha's plan is simple, really - First, during the day, he uses the form of a dog to tail Rochet and find out which of his servants he trusts most.
[roll0] Sense Motive to know who is trusted. (-4 if Rochet isn't human)
[roll1] Hide - If somebody gets suspicious of the dog form.

Once he gains that knowledge, he trails the trusted servant and stalks them, using charm person until successful while remaining in dog form. He then pumps them for information regarding the household in a relatively normal human looking for, having worn the garb of a fat merchant for the purposes of hiding his identity.
[roll2] Disguise.
[roll3] Bluff to hide intention of gathering information, +4 if subject is human, +2 if Goblinoid.

Pascha asks about the make-up of the servants within the household, who works what shifts, any of Rochet's personal information or major habits, Rochet's job. That sort of info.

2013-08-29, 01:11 PM

Frowning (invisibly), Khairn, withdraws a short stick of wood, and taps his side with it before replacing it into the pocket he'd taken it from. Next, he makes his way furtively towards the door. This wasn't what he'd expected, and he knew for damn sure that that could be fatal.

He slips from room to room, keeping his eyes peels and staying nimble on his toes.

Not sure what rolls you want, but he's spooked and leaving at top speed.

2013-08-29, 08:42 PM
Traynis pulls his chain back to him, pausing only to dislodge the arm now stuck to it. Satisfied, he turns to the nearest guard and prepares to strike with a maneuver.

Sapphire Nightmare Blade on the nearest guard (Concentration check, DC = target's AC. If check succeeds target is flatfooted, takes an extra 1d6 damage, and presumably another 1d6 from my sneak attack since he's flatfooted. If concentration check fails attack is made as normal at -2 penalty.)
Concentration: [roll0]
Attack roll assuming success: [roll1]
Attack roll if fail: [roll2]
Attack Damage: [roll3]
Sneak Attack and Maneuver Damage: [roll4]

2013-08-29, 09:56 PM
The One With All The Women's Undergarments

You walk out the door, quietly as you can. There's a servant in the hallway, and you creep past, back down the hallway. You turn left, just as before, towards the servant's entrance. You're getting worried now. Everywhere you focus, there's magic. Strong Auras line the walls, ceilings, floors and servants. Every vase, every painting, every last little bauble. Have you finally lost it? Is your paranoia getting the best of you? No, rubbish. You see the servant's door, closed. Well fine, it was open when you got here, and you didn't close it. You're impressed with how close it fits to the wall; you can't even find the seam. You can't...even...find the seam. You make your way frantically back to where the bedroom is, open the door, as carefully as not-a-frakking-dwarf in a rush can, walk to the lady's bathroom, and check the door. It creaks when it opens, and you peer out into the hallway, which looks...exactly correct. You mentally slap yourself. Careless, making noise, being paranoid, letting your fears get the best of you. But you turn around, and there she is, immediately behind you, too close for a person with any manners, unless -- you look down, and feel slightly mentally relieved; you appear as a child. When you look back up again, your terror returns -- the lady is meeting your eyes. Your anxiety spikes as she speaks: "Hello child. Do you like my dreamhouse? I'll let you in on a little secret darling, just for a moment." She says "Dinnarkomem! Next Passcode!", and all the house disappears. You find yourself in a large cave, and as the mirage wears away, you hear the second half of the last tone of a loud alarm blaring somewhere in the room. Nothing seems magic now. She says "Back on!" and the illusion is back, strong as ever. "Come with me now, we'll get you sorted out and back to your house." She reaches out to take your hand.

My Assassination

Traynis toys with the guard, playing each blow and parry off with ease, very much on the offensive. The guard is just beginning to wonder why Traynis hasn't lunged for him yet while he blocks, when Traynis makes an incredible sweeping blow, timed perfectly to cut the guard's leg, probably putting him out of the fight. Unfortunately, Traynis is an idiot and hits the guard in the shoulder. The blow glances off, and the guard begins to push his advantage, but he glances back at his master, and yells to another guard, "COLOR BLAST", dancing away to avoid the spell. As might be expected, a blast of magnificent rainbow homosexuality comes shooting past as commanded, but Traynis holds onto his chain, surprised and laughing internally at the ridiculous name of the spell. In his country, Color Blast is called "Light of the Dear Mother", and is used to stop children who are being bad. "Run THAT WAY!" he yells, pointing the opposite direction of Traynis and Tellior. It's now obvious one is a subordinate to the other, and as the captain touches his liege, the subordinate flees in the direction he ordered. "STOP! Catch him!" his next command comes quick as the noble is teleported just above the younger guard's waiting arms. "Keep running! Go!" The lesser guard does as he's told, and when he gets far enough, the older guard says "I'm sorry lad, but I run faster than you! Switch with me!", and with that, he pops into the other guard's position, and the other guard is back, ready to hold Traynis off. The captain runs swiftly away with the noble, yelling loudly for help. The guard captain is 90 feet away.

Color Spray standard, then Expeditious Retreat swift, then move action, for the lesser guard. Swift Dimension Hop swift, then Benign Transposition standard, then move for the captain.

The Slightly Less Recognizable Sitcom Reference

Answered in Skype

2013-08-30, 09:15 AM
Time seems to slow down as the guard raises his hand toward Traynis. Ah, magic, yes? In the split second it takes for the guard to yell "Color spray", Traynis has already calmed his mind, reaching a state of pure concentration to counteract the effects of the spell.

Moment of Perfect Mind maneuver, replaces will save with concentration check.
Check: [roll0]

2013-08-30, 10:09 PM
Tellior smirks, mildly amused and actually more than a little impressed at the guards' response to the attack. Cute, he thinks, but not enough. Seeing how handily Traynis is dealing with the others, the gnome breaks off to chase down the fleeing guards. Within seconds Tellior is past him, stopping in front and just off to the side; he is an extension of the very shadows that now haunt the dark streets of Orbanem. A deadly shadow, with a dagger outstretched, waiting for the guard to simply run the noble through it himself.

Using full round action to run out about 95-100 feet, just ahead of the fleeing guard. Attack of Opportunity against the running guard (if there's any way to cripple him that would be nice).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-31, 01:14 AM

Khairn looks up, all wide-eyed innocence. "Where am I? Who are you, lady? Am I in trouble?"

Bluff: [roll0]
Disguise (his voice): [roll1]

2013-08-31, 01:52 PM
Pain. Lots of pain.
"Get back!" the young guard in front of Traynis says. His greatsword begins to crackle with electricity and you see the fear in his eyes. He gets his resolve up, and finally swings at you with the intention of connecting. He says a word as he swings, and blood pours from the tip of the sword. He fails to connect, but running past him would be a dangerous proposition.

The Beginning of a Bad Porno
The woman is obviously taken aback, and her face shimmers for a moment. She takes a step back from you, and says "Yes child, you are in quite some trouble." She mumbles words and begins dancing strangely. Your protection from law, invisibility, and disguise self all fade away. "Explain yourself."

She's casting Dispel magic, DC 18 Spellcraft.
[roll]1d20+13 vs DC 16

2013-08-31, 03:08 PM
Traynis is momentarily dumbfounded by the guard's aggression. May have made... miscalculation... His face contorts in rage. Suppose I will let Shadow Man have this. With that Traynis flips backwards and drops into the shadows as he lands, resolving to make his way to the nearest side street and head for the rooftops. He'd never catch up trying to slip through the guards on the ground.

Tumble backwards 5 feet (10 feet of movement due to 1/2 speed), hide, then move silently to the nearest side street and climb as much as the rest of my move will allow.
Tumble: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Climb: [roll3]

2013-08-31, 03:45 PM
Stabby McStabbums strikes again.
The guard says a word, trying to expedite his escape, but Tellior is too quick, and gets another knife into the noble. The guard notices his spell failing to complete, and fear fills his eyes as he sees another wound on his master. He mutters another word, and jumps onto a nearby rooftop, still crying for help.
Concentration check, vs DC 27 [roll0]
Swift Fly

2013-08-31, 04:14 PM
Traynis reaches the roof of the building and looks back down into the street... What the hell? Where did the noble go? He quickly scans the area, searching for the target.

Spot: [roll0]

2013-08-31, 04:58 PM

"Well, I...."

Khairn disappears, and then runs.

Standard: Invisibility
Move: 40 feet away from her
Hide: [roll0]

2013-08-31, 05:17 PM
She's the Man
"Schlitzelheimen, Project. Next Password." The lady hardly seems concerned. She begins speaking again, and it's as if she's speaking from everywhere. "You'll have quite some time trying to get out of here dear. There's a guard at the exit, if you can even figure out in your mind where the exit is. I don't imagine you've seen through much of the illusion, and without seeing through much of them, it's pretty difficult to know where it starts, isn't it? Now whose house are you spying for? Gordinor? Ongirom? Mozitone? I know you're probably nothing much, just a street rat who thought he could make some extra money spying on me, surely enough. We'll just need to ask you a few questions, wipe your memory of this place, and put you on the payroll here, and everything will be right as rain."

You believe her.
Sense motive for you and Bluff for her. Look if you dare.
[roll1]forgot to include the +15 circumstance but it looks like it didn't matter.

2013-08-31, 08:58 PM
Dumb and dumbererer
"Damn! What do we do now?" The lesser guards are far away from you, but you can hear them talking just fine, more as plot exposition than as important chatter. "WE FORGOT THE FLARE!" The color spray guard says, clearly ashamed. "Quick, get it out, get it out!" The scared guard, the one whose sword is still crackling with electricity and coated with blood, offers Color Spray his pack. Color Spray pulls out a small object, throws it as high as he can, says "fire in the hole" and both guards crouch, put their hands to their ears, close their eyes, and look at the ground.

Fort saves please. Dc 16 or blinded for 1 round, deafened for 1 round, and dazzled for 3.

2013-08-31, 10:02 PM
Just as Traynis spots the guard captain across the rooftops, he hears the chatter from the guards below. Oh, booska. This is going to suck.

Fort save: [roll0]

2013-08-31, 10:21 PM
Surprised and annoyed at the guard's sudden disappearance, Tellior manages to catch the other guards' conversation, but by the time he realizes what it is that they had just thrown into the air, it is too late. Son of a bi-


Even this far away, the blast from the gadget stuns the gnome, sending his senses reeling. But this isn't the first time he's had something like this happen to him before, so in response he stands very still, knowing that sound is the only thing that will give him away.

2013-08-31, 10:44 PM
Good try. Traynis stares at the flare as though it is the tiniest flickering of a lightning bug in the night. Spitting in disgust, he turns his attention back to the fleeing captain. Is no escape for you. He sprints across the rooftops, leaping from building to building until he catches up to his quarry, and then prepares to follow when the captain inevitably attempts to flee.

Jump checks: The Jumpening
1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]
4: [roll3]
5: [roll4]

2013-08-31, 11:16 PM
Though no one can see him, the guard captain smiles wryly when he hears the first flare go off. Good ol' Phillips. You can count on Phillips in a pinch. He thinks of his own grenade and is able to hold the noble in one arm for a fraction of a second while he grabs it fro his belt. He closes his eyes momentarily, breaths in and out, rolls the grenade in front of him, and jumps down into the hole. Rediculous assassin, expecting to kill a noble and get away with it. He'll be dead by morning if he keeps chas--Ranfin feels a sensation as something wraps around his midriff, encircling himself and his master. He looks down, distracted moments before he hits the ground, and pulled horizontal to the ground by the spiked chain wrapped around him. The assassin Traynis lands upon the guard, one foot on his back, one on his head, crushing his skull and pushing the chain further into the guard's back, and front, by his weight. The blood is everywhere, to say nothing of the guard's head. The deed is done, and done well. This will truly be a story for the books.


2013-09-01, 12:00 AM
The other two guards round the corner to be greeted with the sight of Traynis standing triumphantly atop the corpses of their commanding officer and employer, his boot covered in blood and bits of brain. Shocked by their master and captain's deaths, they stare blankly at Traynis, who doesn't seem to notice their empty eyes.

"You see? This is what happens to evil men and women, those who think themselves above due to frivolous things like wealth and blood. Obviously, same happens to those who serve them." He gestures to his makeshift podium as he speaks. "Now, run, and tell your masters that Freebringer has come. Tell your masters that this is only beginning. Tell them, is time to fear the Liberators."

With that Traynis fades into the shadows of the alleyway. Oh, yes. Tonight, the legend begins.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently to escape the area undetected: [roll1]

2013-09-03, 08:21 PM
Last Meeting before the Heist

You meet in the night, at one of the beggar houses, just to be safe. Rev and Khairn made plans to confirm the kill halfway through the week at an undisclosed location. Khairn never showed. There's a chance the safe house and the field could be compromised. The rest of you show up for a meeting, all still feeling slightly strange, for better or worse, about something that happened last night.


These all have a divine nature, and you are *struck* by the feeling that they're divine. Whether you try to shake or ignore that assumption or follow it with unerring loyalty or somewhere in-between is up to you, but that is how you feel when you wake up, and a feeling that haunts or guides you for the next week, whether you think it is silly or not.

Surrounded by fire in the midst of a forge, safe, but Swiss can't seem to grab the tongs. He thinks about leaving. There is cool air at the entrance. The fire is getting too hot, and standing still is almost impossible. However, as he turns to leave, the tongs jump into his hands. He stares at them and plunges into the work. As he works, the fire's ominous embers glow with a comforting light, and he can feel the presence of others working beside him.

Traynis jumps into bed and begs his mother to follow him. When he was young, his parents were pure, just, people to depend on. Watching from outside, Freebringer is sure that this is before his parents fell from grace, from heroes to villains. His father walks into the room too, smiling broadly, arm around his wife, and his mother begins to read. The first story is of a hero saving a child from drowning, at the end of the story, the child turns into coins; a blessing from the gods. In the second story, a young woman is atop a crazed horse. The hero shoots the horse, and, when the woman cries, brings ten new horses, and wins the lady's heart through poetry and deeds of valor. In the third story, an evil nobleman steals from the poor, taxing them beyond reproach. The hero encounters the noble on a dirty street, chases the coward and his guards through the streets and over rooftops, and kills the noble along with the evil men defending him. The streets cry out for joy, trumpets play, and the hero sits at the head of the parade, shaking hands and saying kind words to those who approach his part of the celebration. Traynis asks if parents if a person can really be that strong, do all those things for good, and his father, leaning down to kiss his forehead, tells him he can do anything.

Murderstomper of Anger
Davorin finds the sheep dead in the pen, half-gnawed apart. The forest is too close, and the fence too low to stop the wolves. Davorin must do the job instead. The first wolf is easy to find: snout smeared with blood, he hovers close to the sheep's pen. The other wolves of the pack can be found by their howling. Davorin hesitates when he finds the den. The mother wolf was fierce in opposition, but she lies slain over the bodies of her kits. But wolf cubs grow into wolf killers, so he slays them too. As he kills the last cub, its body shivers and changes into that of a human babe. All of the whelps are human, the mother a long-haired, slender woman. As he walks out of the woods, Davorin walks over the bodies of the dead.

A unicorn approaches Tellior, invites him to ride. A dark rider approaches, and a lance appears in Tellior's hand. Tellior throws the knight, jumps off the unicorn, and everything goes black as he kills the rider and the unicorn rides away. The unicorn circles back, picks Tellior up, and he rides into a crowd of people, visible and riding straight backed and proud on the unicorn. They're cheering him, and he throws gold he got from the rider to the people, who look legitimately happy. The scene switches, and he's fighting for those same people, again and again, but this time, the world isn't so dark, and he isn't scared a bit of the light.

Jake Rev
Rev (the Jake) stands alone in a room. Outside the door, there is a sudden snarling. He glances out a window. There is a bear outside, its claws scraping against the wood. He steps back from the door. The knocking and scraping goes louder. He resists, grabs a poker, and hurls open the door. The bear immediately stops its violence. It stands and bows deep. Rev bows back, and the bear turns human, smiles, and places a fish at his feet.

Sir Guards Alot
Rurrick wakes up, his hands and feet bound, walking slowly towards a gate. A demon stands on either side of him, and when he struggles, pain lashes through him. He digs in his heels and his assailants stop, waiting for him to let go. A bright tunnel of white light appears to his left, but he does not fight to go to it. He stands up, starts walking, and, when he arrives, faces wracking sobs, screaming, and suffering all around him, knowing somehow that he has caused it. The fires burn him, but never actually end his life. He wakes up soaked with sweat.

While Pascha holds the door to an inn, a homeless old man, a young boy, a cripple, a leper, a beautiful wealthy woman, and a handsome old crafter pass through. Pascha gives the first a coin, gives the second two, for him to grow, the cripple he gives a coin and helps inside, and the leper, whom he notices is missing fingers, he brings food to, feeds, and leaves his table, finally off to order for himself. The beautiful woman, obviously of wealth, approaches and asks for a coin. He looks into his pouch, see two coins left, and gives her one as well. The handsome old crafter has watched Pascha doing all this, and approaches, asking for coin for ale. Pascha gives his last coin and moves to leave. He sees a little girl in a tattered dress at the front, who asks for food. He moves to the front of the store, and negotiates some crackers away from the barkeep. He walks out of the inn hungry, and, when he's through the door, all of the people he's paid for are in line in front of him, to enter the inn again. They look at him, and as one, they transform into an old man in a burlap robe with a walking stick, who blesses him and cures his hunger. The old man offers to help Pascha with anything he needs.

Gor na'Kal
{Not enough data to render image}

Not a complicated household really. A cook, an assistant for the cook, about six maids on duty at any given time, a butler that is starkly loyal, a submissive wife, two children, a butler, six craftsmen, and time-share on an entertainer and a troupe of actors. There's a stableboy, and a small troop of guards, perhaps twenty.

Well the cooks work during the day don't they, and the maids, they work night and day, if you catch my meaning. The guards work night and day too, but not the same as the maids. The butler work the family's waking hours and thirty minutes on each side. The craftsmen work when they please, but the foreman must be up during the day if the master is to requisition something. The entertainers, they work in the evening. I work during the day, and sometimes the master goes out at night, so I work then too.

Butler: Master Rochet typically makes sure a group of factories in town are working, and he owns a few farms outside of town as well. He's a good man, keeps those of us who do our duty in good pay, and I don't mind any of his habits.

Some of the other servants are less happy with Rochet. Underpay, overwork, yelling, complaining, never being satisfied, and even the little twitch he makes when he eats bother people. It's especially annoying the harsh way he talks with his hands. (+4 bluff and disguise on Rochet).

2013-09-03, 08:50 PM
Traynis walks in grinning from ear to ear. Clearly, he had a good night.

"So, is good news you all have heard in past few days, yes? Liberators have made first step toward victory, an-" He pauses, searching the faces of everyone present. Something's not right. It almost feels like someone... is... missing...

Traynis suddenly becomes serious. "Tell me... where is Khairn?"

White Blade
2013-09-03, 08:54 PM
Pascha's response to the dream is stark and clear. He climbs out of bed, early before the sun rises and recites the first mantra of transformation over himself.
There is nothing which cannot change, he says.

He then turns his eyes towards the men who slumber in his shack, "What is given is received, as a guest from his host. Please, do not think me overreaching in my request. I ask that you would send allies and that, if any of noble blood would welcome you, you might bring them to my attention."

He recites several other important mantras before rising including, concluding, "The soul shapes the vessel." As he recites the mantra, with his eyes closed, his form takes on a brief, almost angelic appearance and then it fades back into Hathers. More than anything, Pascha embraces the dream as divine validation of his departure from the Circle.

He arrives with a bright smile amidst his fellows - He is prepared for the task the Stranger has given him.

He spent the prior few days trying to charm as many servants he can, lurking in the form of a hound at first.

2013-09-04, 12:02 AM
Michael wants the meeting to happen on horseback, so you guys are on horseback.

2013-09-04, 12:55 AM
Rev hardly heard Freebringer and did not see the smiles on his comrades' faces. Rev was worried Khairn would end up screwing them all... the only one he wasn't a hundred percent on, but Khairn wouldn't risk it all this early. No. He'd already run his mind through the scenarios. The logical conclusion was bad... Something... "Something went wrong. Khairn failed to assassinate the Lady, which is either incredibly dangerous for us, or means he is dead, or both, so I'll get to the point and we'll keep this meeting relatively short and iron out any details on the way. Of course, don't feel hasty either. We probably have time. Firstly, I have the forgery for the weapons here. Rev waves a rather formal document around half-heartedly. Of course, the noble who signed this paper is dead, Rev sort of gives a half nod to the smiling assassin; he deserved it, so if by some weird happen chance, they have received word, be prepared for a fight. Rurrick will be a guard on transfer and acting as a temporary protector for whomever is carrying the forgery. Hopefully this'll lend us some extra credibility. Rev hesitates and looks around at the faces around him. Pascha, of course, is the natural choice to carry the forgery.


There will be about twenty-five guards, so a fight is not something we're looking for. However, if we get into one, it should be fairly easy to scatter their lower level guards, which comprise the majority of the group. The real challenge will be the captain and his four sergeants, all of whom has a good amount of experience. Like I said, I just want in and out, no complications, but if it comes to a fight, hit the group with area spells if you can, otherwise focus down on their leadership.

Finally, as you've noticed, we have a new member. He can introduce himself if he'd like. He's been a useful source for information. Rev clearly has little left to say, or perhaps simply just wants to leave it to the new stranger to say.

2013-09-04, 12:57 AM
[ooc: woooooooah. hold your horses... heh... heh.. heh. Um. anyways. i did not say that. we're wherever he said we were initially :D *shrug* I said something or another about moving and was like nah, naht important.]

2013-09-07, 09:01 AM
Tellior steps forth from the shadows for only a moment to acknowledge the newcomer before melding back into the shadows. "Whatever our plan is, I will trail them from afar. Signal me somehow if you are in trouble, and I will come to your aid," he says moments later, his disembodied voice coming from a different corner of the room than from where he had been just a few seconds ago.

2013-09-09, 01:59 PM
A figure steps out of the gloom of the shadows. He wears a tattered grey suit, and tattered grey skin. As he speaks, a moth flutters out of his mouth.

"Ahem. I am Mr. Slope. "Rev" has asked me to join you on this enterprise as a legal aide. I can tell you that the proposed course of application is highly illegal. I do not expect this to dissuade you.

I can further inform you that your raid should take, at most, 1 minute. After that, I cannot further guarantee your safety. I can also tell you that I will absolutely not be viewing the raid through magical means. Nor will I be summoning creatures about the battlefield to aid you.

Finally, I will be taking over your accounting and resource management. "Rev" tells me that you've made a rather poor showing of it so far. I shall require lists of all matériel, monies, lands, followers, and sundry other resources at your disposal. Thank you."

Mr. Slope walks around the table as he speaks, handing each of you a business card. On it, in simple lettering, is just "Mr. Slope -- Legal Advice -- Accounting -- Divination -- Binding Contracts"

2013-09-09, 02:49 PM

"I have access to a small sum of my own money, and a quite sizable library, some of the books in question being highly-" Here, Davorin breaks off, and with a glance at the lawyer, continues rather more carefully."-interesting in nature. In addition I have the trust of both a noble, and his son, having been responsible for the education of both."

2013-09-11, 02:41 PM
Rev is not terribly focused and does not bother to take the card. It merely falls to the table. He can't help but smirk when Davorin so innocently offers up what he has to the stranger, but Rev supposes he should ease things along. You know already, of course, that I run a network of information buying and selling. My net worth from this business is a few hundred gold every three or so months. Generally speaking though, this money is spent to expand the network. The safehouses you know about. I have little else in the way of assets and moneys. Just some bows and trick arrows. Rev glances at Pascha, wondering if he, even after a week, still smells. He passes the thought away and mentally runs through a list of anything else he knows. Deciding he has offered the parts of him that he wants, without giving too much, he offers nothing more.

2013-09-11, 03:44 PM
Traynis eyes the strange newcomer up and down as he speaks, as though a biologist studying a newly discovered species. In his country, if you could not take care of your own assets you were deemed ill-suited to own them. The idea of someone offering to aid with these matters (or accept such aid) baffles Traynis. After a considerably long, awkward silence following Rev's reply, Traynis finally answers, an edge to his voice.

"What is mine is not business of yours."

2013-09-11, 03:50 PM
Mr. Slope replies icily "You have decided to rebel against the lawful government. You have decided to pitch your all into destroying it. I, for my own reasons, have decided to assist you in this matter. My talents lie in organization, in finding things out, in making it all work. Mr. Rev has asked me to lend these particular talents to your cause."

He pauses, eyeing you before continuing. "You cannot simply decide to overthrow the government and go about it willy-nilly. Thinking you can do so is childish at best, and idiotic at worst. Likewise, you cannot hope to achieve it if you do not play entirely above board. So, I will ask you once more: What resources are you, Traynis Freebringer, contributing to this effort, that it might succeed? Or would you rather pack up your toys and go home?"

2013-09-11, 04:11 PM
Traynis shoots back, "Who says we are doing the willy-nilly, hm?" He sighs, then straightens. "Suppose I will indulge silly question to get on with important things." Traynis hefts his spiked chain. "This. I offer this to revolution and," he lowers the weapon and slams his fist against his chest, "this. Beating in chest is my greatest resource. My will, my heart. Does that answer question?" Traynis stares straight into the lawyer's eyes, his own full of fire.

2013-09-11, 08:05 PM
Rev bows his head in an attempt to hide his smile and pretends to rub his eyes. The revolution needed more men like Freebringer, or really just more men. Organization would be useful, though. Rev throws a small chuckle to start his piece, Ah, what Freebringer offers is fine, Mr. Slopes. If he has more, he will let us know. No one is required to give all that they have, gentlemen, but Mr. Slopes is correct in wanting to know what we have access to... what we can be capable of with our resources. Keeping track of it all will lend some obvious utility.

2013-09-11, 08:56 PM
Mr. Slope glances across at Traynis. "Quite."

He scribbles something on the pad in front of him, and then, pointedly ignoring Traynis, says "As I said, I will require a list of all of the matériel, monies, lands, followers, and sundry other resources at your disposal. Deliver the lists to me in writing in my office upstairs, or, if -" and this with a pointed glance at Traynis "-perhaps, writing is not your strong suit, you may dictate the list to me, or have someone else write it for you. That is all for now. I'm sure some of you will have questions for me over the next few days.


Mr. Slope goes to his office, where he unpacks his volumes of law and makes preparations about the room that go well into the night. He's dead serious about wanting written lists. Like, write a frikking list for me. XD

Decipher Script, DC 8:

He wrote "Traynis - Obnoxious, arrogant."

2013-09-12, 05:05 PM

After watching the lawyer pack up and leave, and glancing quickly at his legal pad
Davorin smiles slightly, and rises from his chair. "Good night from me as well gentlemen. I have a list to procure, and apparently some action to prepare for." The archivist reaches the door, and before opening it, turns and speaks once more."Think what you might about this addition, I feel we should trust him to do his job. This of course, means that we must actually let him do it - so get him those lists gentlemen."

"Again, I bid you good night gentlemen. I shall meet you at the gates at dawn."

2013-09-14, 02:14 AM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev yawns and adds Rest easy fellows. Tomorrow will be a busy day. If you wish to stick around and iron out the tactics, feel free. Rev does not stay up much later, but finishes his plans with whomever wishes to help him.

The morning comes early and Rev prepares his things. The plan they'd decided on was not as good as he'd hoped for, but probably better than he'd thought they'd come up with... Time would tell.

2013-09-17, 04:10 PM
The morning dawns and most of you meet at a secure location outside the city. Some of you are going to buy butter from local farmers for your noble, some of you are on important business from the palace, one of you is going to join a company of transport guards for a time, one of you is a messenger to those same transport guards, one of you managed to climb over the wall the night before, avoiding the daylight torches that guards (or really if you think about it, maintenance people and bureaucrats) place at important junctures like entrances and exits to the city and palace, and one of you is simply a large dog that some assumed drowned after jumping off the docks, and others assumed swam out, according to their personalities. However you got out of the city, you're out, and you're on your way. Rev has brought a horse, as has Rurrick. Pascha changes to a large bird and flies above the first day, beating you to your query, and bringing back news that the caravan is well on its way, where you expected it to be. Tellior can run at a horse's speed, the frightful halfling, and Freebringer isn't about to be outrun by someone who isn't tall enough to reach the top shelf, or by something that isn't smart enough to read a story to -- he snatched a potion of overland travel from a potions shop on the way out of the city, but remembered the name of the shop. Someday, he would do something to repay them. Something grand. Something worthy of the books. Davokin simply borrowed one of his master's horses, asking leave for several days to travel the city studying.

Unfortunately, last night, at Rev's house, Swiss started making less and less sense, his voice getting less and less loud, until his eyes went dark and his body stopped mid-sentence. Despite your best efforts, you could not rouse him. You stuck him in a closet and covered him with a sheet, a temporary solution but the best you had. You ride all day, and, when almost there, move off road and camp in different places. Most of you camp in a wheat field, but Rurrick, and Rev spend it on the opposite side, in a pasture next to the road. The smaller group sets off quicker in the morning, about a mile ahead of the other group on the road. You travel half a day, sit, and wait for the shipment. When you see the shipment moving, you start moving to it, and, without hesitation, walk right up to the edge of the captain's comfort. You identify the captain by his uniform, and he shouts to you "Off the road please, government business!" as his company slows to a half while they wait for you to move.

Rurrick, Rev, Pascha Spot DC 10
One person is not in uniform.

Spot DC 20
There are 26 people here.

Tellior, Traynis, Davorin
Spot DC 20
One person is not in uniform.

Spot DC 25
There are 26 people.

Mr. Slope
What spell are you watching through? Set your spoiler to the group you are watching directly.

Power on at your convenience.

On Swiss (Everyone, but especially Rev and Saul Mr. Slope)
Let me know if the closet would be locked soon please.

2013-09-17, 06:43 PM
Mr. Slope:

Mr. Slope first carefully looks at Swiss with Arcane Sight, checking to see that he is not enchanted or similar. Next, he carefully binds Swiss with rope before securing him in the closet. After that, he locks the door carefully, and then moves the heaviest piece of furniture he can in front of the door. Finally, he places an alarm spell on the door to the closet. It will last ten hours, and he will renew it nine hours from now.

The next day, he carefully shuts himself in his office, locking the door behind him. He opens a cabinet, and removes a large, silver-backed mirror. Placing this on his desk, he stares into it, waiting until the time Rev has told him for the caravan. At the minute given, he casts clairvoyance, targeting Rev himself. He stares into the mirror, seeing what he can see....

Spot: [roll0]

2013-09-18, 12:54 PM
Traynis, thirty feet down the road and hidden in the foliage off to the side, scans the massive assortment of guards as the guard captain calls out to Rev. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. Hopefully. In the back of his mind, thoughts of the stolen potion nag, but he pushes them aside for now.

EDIT: Morschta, Traynis swears to himself. Their intel was off. The group standing before Rev had 26 among its number, and one not in uniform, presumably the extra. A man dressed similarly to Mr. Slope... Oh no.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently (if I need to do so to get into position): [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2013-09-18, 02:26 PM
Rev speaks lightly with Rurrick as they approach. When hailed, Rev's body runs a chill through him colder than the two signal arrows strapped to his backside. He hated to waste his precious arrows for something that might go so smoothly, but better safe than sorry. Despite the precaution, he was not spooked or worried. This was his element. Just another face. Just another story. Capeetuhn! Rev mimicks a lower-middle class pronunciation of the word captain. Mah Lord Torkinee has busyness with this shipmahnt of The Mahnarch! Rev calls from a short distance, making sure the captain feels safe before he approaches. He opens his vest -- something most lower class citizens don't own, but it is grimy and old -- and pulls out a sealed letter. He clearly has some prominence if he is being allowed to address the captain directly. Rev doesn't even glance at it, his expression calm and cool. All business. He doesn't even think about his signal arrows... The first to give his location and the second to mean to abort the assassinations and to come get him immediately. He holds it, the letter, up and shows the side with The Monarch's seal on it.

Take 10 sleight of hand --> 28 (two half-arrows + arrowhead, no feathers/back half underneath clothing)
Take 10 disguise --> 27
spot rolled --> 4
20 on forgery --> total = 37.

2013-09-18, 05:07 PM
Indeed. What's your story sergeant? The captain motions for a private to come forward and take Rev's letter.

2013-09-18, 05:19 PM
I've been transfered to this unit Sir. Here are my papers. I beleive everything should be in order. I believe the same man who sent this fellow to talk to you arranged my transfer so that I could escort him here. Rurrick rolls his eyes. But that's just how they are I suppose. Someone has to keep the country running.

2013-09-18, 05:50 PM
Indeed. Bring them here then. He makes a face upon receiving both of your papers. Arcane Marks. You'd think they would figure out the guys in the field don't know what these mean unless they're MonarchSeals. Creendor. CREENDOR! He looks at a private. Go get Creendor up here. Creendor comes bustling up. He's not in shape like the sergeant, he's got a little bit of fat on him. He's short and balding. Sergeant? He asks tenetively. You know arcane seals don't you? Well actually I'm not really that kind of clerk, I deal mostly with foo-- Look, you're better at it than me, aren't you? Look at those. Those look alright? Creendor gives them half a glance. Well sergeant it's not my field -- GIVE ME YOUR DAMN OPPINION AND STOP MUMBLING. We could have left you with those bandits to die this morning. I wouldn't have given a damn. We thought it'd be nice to help you out, that MAYBE you'd prove a bit useful. Creendor looks down, then around at you, then takes the two pieces of paper gingerly from the sergeant. This one...this looks like the Tornikee seal right here. He's a bit of an odd noble, eccentric, makes all his guards learn channeling. Thinks it's the combat of the past and future or some such. But still, a good loyal citizen. Creendor looks nervously at the captain, who is scowling at him, waiting for him to go on. This one is a captain's signiture, like yours. Captains went to the academy and they've mostly been given the family part of their mark at the academy, so it's similar, with this square around and the corner off. Well, you know all this. That's to say, it looks like a real captain wrote it, but I don't know which one. It looks like it says Rondimone, but that's just me grasping at straws captain. The captain nods curtly, and motions for the papers. He reads them slowly, and you see him go back to the top of the page at least once. Creendor. Sir?
The captain turns away from you and whispers to Creendor.

Listen 20, 50 for those on the ledge.
Don't they usually use Sending for things this important? How am I to trust a piece of paper with my entire load.
Listen 15 and 45.
Sir, Turnikee is a horse of a different color, to be sure. He's very fond of the wand pen he uses to sign things, and he likes the power he has over people like this beggar. I'm not sure it's worth raising a fuss over something like this. It seems reasonable enough to me.
Listen 20, 50
But it is customary to use Sending? This delivery is worth more than the lives of these 25 men. We will have our heads on spits in a moment
Listen 15, 45
if you're so much as the slightest bit wrong, and I will NOT hesitate to include you in that. Do you understand?
Yes, yes that's clear. Probably send him back. Ask for Sending. It's a direct order, but not a perfectly given one. A slap on the wrist is much better than...heads on... here Creendor gulps ...pikes...

The captain turns back to you. I regret to inform you that we'll need your master to prepare a sending spell and message us, otherwise we will need to go back to the city. You may go ahead. Rurrick? Is it? You can tag along with Grenemoor until we get you some privates and work you into the standing tactics. You're to be treated as a private who we are grooming to be a sergeant. Understood? The captain points to Grenemoor during this, indicating which one he is.


2013-09-18, 06:06 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev appears uninterested in the conversation, even bored and moves from sitting to laying on his horse as he waits for the two to stop whispering.

listen [roll0]

As the two finish up, Rev notes the part about Sending. Rev's face drops as the captain turns to him and tells him to go back. Rev speaks quickly and frantically, afraid for his poor Lord, But Capeetuhn, mah Lord Torkinee is in great danger! E paid a lot of money for theese weapughns. It says immediatement so I can take them straight to eem ahnd is guards! Don't yew see the suym for The Mahnarch? I ear the other man. E says everything is good! Rev whines on, I dew naht know what Sending ees, but I cannot return to My Lord Torkinee in tha city, becauze e as fleed is assassuhns! If our magiciuhns cahn do eet, e ill do eet, but I cannot wait! Rev turns his horse in a small circle, to push his frustration.

Take 10 bluff --> 27
Take 10 bluff stressing the word our, see if slopes is payin any attention --> 27

2013-09-27, 03:14 AM
Yes sir. Rurrick walks over and shakes hands with Grenemoor. He'll have trouble remembering Creendoor's name, with the two being so similar, but from the sounds of it Creendoor won't be around much longer.

2013-09-27, 03:21 AM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Mah Lord Torkine most humbly thanks your serveese, and 'e asks I apologize for hiding the true raisahns for hour hurry! 'Is paymahn for anne unknohwn and riskay journay! Rev bows, reaches into a pouch on the side of the horse, and offers Rurrick a mix of gold and silver coins, each so very subtly printed with The Monarch's symbols, a not-so-bad sum of money for a mere transport guard. The gold must be of little concern to Rev's character, since he hardly looks at it... In fact, it's hard to be sure he even counted how much he grabbed when he reached down for it... The lord must keep him well endowed... or perhaps he's simply just very loyal and of high morals.

2013-09-27, 03:36 AM
If you are not the person mentioned, you may pay attention to one conversation, not both. People on the rock, Listen 10 for The Captain, Listen 15 for Grenemoor. Mr. Slope, no listen check for the captain, 10 for Grenemoor. Announce which conversation you're listening to when you make the roll OOC.

The captain looks Rev up and down, turns aside and rubs his brow, sighing "Damn." He looks back at Rev, soberly, differently than before. The stakes have been raised considerably. He looks at his men, at Creendor, back at Rev. "I'm afraid I have nothing else for you." He pauses, clearly deep in thought at his quandry. "Well, a compromise, actually could easily be reached. I will accompany you towards the town, or take the goods in a direction you desire. I will send a runner to town with the location you give me, and we will not change course. If I see a clear ambush spot, I will stop the caravan, and travel towards town, with you in tow. If somehow we are ambushed, reinforcements from town should be here in time to rescue the shipment. If I see Torkinee, and he confirms your story, with a group of his men, I will give him the shipment, and tell him you have done your job well. However, if we find out you are a thief, or that you have led us into an ambush, yours will be the first throat we slit, followed by as many of your fellows as our power permits. If you admit crime now, I will simply take you into the city to stand trial, and you will most likely go to the slave camps. But none of that should matter if you have nothing to hide. Unfortunately, having said that, I cannot let you go free unless we meet your master." The captain turns away. "Men! You are to shoot this man if he attempts to escape." He turns back to you. "That should be sufficient. I hope, after this conversation, that you will find us hospitable. Not the strongest or the fastest bunch, but we work well as a team, and we're nice enough."

Howdy guardsman, I'm Sergeant Grenemoor. I understand you were part of the wall guard, from what I heard. They train us field guys a mite different. You'll probably end up leading a scout regiment I reckon. Probably reform a few of these guys' talents to suit that. Privates are easy like that, just one pop and they're done. They get over it after a couple weeks, you know? Takes some of the rest of us a bit longer. But you'll know all about that. For us, we'll have you watching and directing against sneaky shockers. Just don't let em get close, and take what shots you can, as long as there's no threat. If there's a threat we've got uh...well, we've got a couple things. We do flour just like everybody does flour. Do they teach you guys flour? I guess you don't need it so often. Here's a couple pouches. It's not glitterdust but it helps a LOT. Speaking of, Larry, give him GlitterDee." Sergeant Grenemoor turns away for a moment, and Larry comes up and hands Rurrick a wand. "Hey Nokinome! Sergeant Nokinome! Can we have your NightLight? This guy over here knows how to use one." Nokinome gives an order to one of his privates who comes near and hands Rurrick another wand. Grenemoor turns back to Rurrick. "You do know how to use a NightLight right? They make the field sergeants know how, but I guess I didn't think about whether you city folk would know. Well, if you do know how to use it, we'll have Steven give you his Quickerer," Steve comes over and gives Rurrick still a third wand, "and uh...Mildred, Mildred you give the Sergeant Guardsman here your glasses." Mildred comes over and gives a bit of attitude in body language, but says little. "We'll fix you up later Mildred. She's a joker that one. Mildred can make anyone laugh."

2013-09-27, 10:58 AM
I told yew awl-ruddy, even I do naht know where my Lord Torkinee is hiding, in case we were cap-tyured on hour way. 'e was to send a man for me, but 'e will not recahgniyze one of yours, much less dare to approach. I can only sujest we continew to move towards the city.Rev acts insulted at the last few lines but can only mutter something about Poor poor Torkinee. and that the weapughns will uh-rrive too late.. Rev isn't sure how much of a compromise the captain's commands are, but supposes he doesn't care much. It's no matter now. It's up to Rurrick to signal out the commanding officer's tents. The rest will be history. Rev smirks, thinking of Freebringer, but checks his actions shortly after. Rev is sure to engage with some of the privates, hoping to help them enjoy their last day, as they monotonously continue to walk onwards towards the graveyard.

2013-09-27, 11:15 PM
Indeed. We will continue towards town then. Unfortunately when we stop for the night, we'll have to lock you up, since we will sleep in shifts. You'll go with Nokinome and his group for now.

You ready Grenemoor? I sure am Cappin! Let's get a move on then, I don't want to be out all night and we have to make it through the forest.

The group moves along towards the forest. You move towards it faster and wait.

As dusk is falling, the captain and his crew trek through the forest. They find a bit of a clearing, pass it, and set up camp. Camp consists of a ditch perimeter, three rather large tents, a campfire, and torches on poles surrounding the perimeter. Two Sergeants are awake at any given time, sometimes a third Sergeant or the Captain joins them. The unnamed Sergeant and Nokinome are asleep, when Rurrick gives the signal, halfway through the night, that the captain is asleep. The captain had first shift. He also signals the sleep and location of Nokinome, and the tent Rev is being guarded in, rather efficiently. It is time.

2013-09-29, 10:14 AM
Traynis spots the signal from his position at the edge of the torch light and grimaces. Sneaking through these defenses would be no small feat, even for him. The Shadow Man might have more luck. He tried to recall anything he'd heard from the end of Rev's meeting with the Captain...

His grimace deepens. Despite his immense focus he hadn't been able to pick out anything useful. As confident as he was in his own abilities, screwing up tonight might mean the death of their leader, and more importantly, a friend of good. Evil could not be allowed such a victory.

Concentration to listen to both conversations (Cunning Knowledge +5): [roll0]

Listen for Rev's conversation: [roll1]
Listen for Rurrick's conversation: [roll2]

2013-10-02, 08:47 AM
Having followed the course of events throughout the afternoon from the shadows, Tellior prepares to strike. He makes his down from his perch above the camp, and quietly sneaks into camp, daggers brandished wickedly in the darkness, poised to strike at the unwitting guards.

Move Silently: [roll0]
If I make it past the guard, I take the number of rounds necessary to coup de grace all the sleeping guards, holding my hand to their mouths so they don't make a sound as they die :evilgrin:

2013-10-02, 10:04 AM
Mr. Slope

Mr. Slope quietly watches the proceedings; sees Tellior slip past the guards on the perimeter and begin his assassinations. He shuffles through some papers as he watches out of the corner of his eye. Should Tellior be noticed, he begins to summon strange and hellish creatures to aid his employers.

2013-10-03, 11:22 AM
Is one more story for books, Traynis thinks to himself. With that he begins his silent journey towards the Captain's tent, his customary fervor for vanquishing evil returning.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2014-10-10, 01:18 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

The heist was... well. It should have been better. Should have gone smoother. He frowns... He knew he was just beating himself up for no reason... It was what this was all about he supposed. Everything was a calculated risk. It didn't matter now. The risk was over and the benefits received. Rev needed to look forwards to tonight's risk.

Rev gathered his thoughts as he waited... He was particularly interested in the doctor... an absence of death would be.. nice. Perhaps that was a silly way to frame his thoughts, but it's what he first thought. The doctors in town were often very skilled, and Ezra seemed impress. He wiggled his glasses -- such tools that didn't actually change your vision were surprisingly difficult to acquire, but were none the less rather useful. It seems trivial that anyone would view glasses in such a way...

Both his guests had been rather timely. It was good he supposed, but he hesitated to move forward, considering the stickiness in his last engagement. Even a friend had nearly turned into a foe... and there was no guarantee that these two were friendly just yet. ""Keep me safe, friend," he begs the shadows...

Stepping aside and changing his angle of entry just a bit, he removes himself from the shadows, but raises both his hood over his head and a thin, but long cloth wrapping his neck up to and over his nose. The moon shone brightly over the graveyard. Rev waits a moment, though. His body is already beginning to sweat, despite the cool night -- his armor both over and under another shirt, and now his head is covered too. He looks up sharply and decides he should not give reason for fear between the lonely two waiting in the graveyard. With a quick glance around, Rev pushes away his hesitation. The risk was in motion.

Rev's voice is a bit muffled through the tattered scarf he wears and it is a stretch to see his eyes, but neither seems shaken. "I must apologize for two things. First, that Rev has pushed off his meeting with you. He promises the wait will not last much longer. Rev seems to primarily direct this concern to Sansbury. Rev looks back to the female.

"Additionally, he apologizes for the conditions on which we meet. Clearly, we hide amongst the one of the more... forbidden gathering spots, but the dead don't speak. And of course, that we meet not one on one, but instead with one extra."

What you can see of a face returns to Sansbury. "Rev has what you and Ezra spoke of, but he wants to be sure that you know what you are asking for. This society you are joining is not for the weak of heart. There is no turning back. If you have questions, you are free to ask them."

The head turns back again. This meeting was more about baiting out Lillian's motives than about confirming that the doctor was interested. Not that both weren't important. The doctor himself was more interesting, but Rev already knew Sansbury was sold... "Rev highly values his contacts for information. He would like to hire you, if that is all you desire in your searches of the nobility and the Monarch." The "trap" is set. Is she more interested in the society Sansbury had already joined or in his information business... He would have an answer shortly.

2014-10-10, 01:51 PM
Dr. Sansbury

A tall, lanky man walks among the graves, hands in the pockets of a long, trailing jacket. He wears half moon spectacles, and routinely peers over them in a semi-myopic manner. He stops a little ways away from another walker through the graveyard, waiting in the same spot he was told to wait at.

Sansbury waves his hand at the apology, clearly a little irritated by it. "What exactly are you looking for from me? Ezra wasn't exactly forthcoming."

2014-10-10, 04:10 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev frowns, though you cannot see it, and gives the doctor a sharp look. Had the details not been made clear?

Rev begins to walk in a large arch around the doctor, speaking with his hands as much as with his words, "There is only one logical solution to the disease, doctor: we need you to help us cure the state." Rev gives a quick glance to the imposing figure who has yet to speak, wondering where she stands, though the angle to switch between the two continues to dwindle as he walks. Not a second after he finishes speaking, he raises his hands, as if asking a question to which he is unsure the answer, "We're looking for everything from you." Rev changes his direction abruptly, but keeps his slow monotonous pace.. He walks up within a foot or two of Sansbury, with Lillian on the far side...

He whispers, not so quietly,

"Revolution, from you."

2014-10-11, 07:40 PM
Lillian Russo

Strolling through a graveyard... how fitting for someone of her... state. Although, it is odd that they chose this of all the places to meet. Lillian finds herself waiting for a few minutes. Some rustling behind her sends her gaze to find a tall figure walking up. A man? Perhaps this is the person? They obviously notice her standing there but nothing is said. Perplexed, she sighs and looks up at the dim sky.

Another figure emerges and Lillian follows their every move. As he begins talking she gets a feeling of discomfort. She eyes the man standing a few feet away from her as the figure acknowledges him and listens to every word, giving a minuscule smile when hearing "the dead don't speak". Something wasn't quite right about this guy... and there it was, the word Revolution. She clears her throat a little, "If Rev would like to hire me, why isn't he here?" her suspicion of this stranger was growing. He quite clearly knows about this man, so what does he know about her? "and I'm not really interested in selling information" she adds.

2014-10-11, 08:43 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev seems to lose interest in the man in front of him for a moment, who seems to be thinking about the proposition. He steps right past him, their sides nearly brushing. A back to an unknown person is a dangerous proposition, but the shadows inevitably had already begun to inch closer to the two. And it seemed most unlikely that if Sansbury were dangerous, he'd take the chance to strike out anyways, considering the circumstances.

Rev has to look up to the woman as he walks closer, his movement slow and non-threatening, looking closely at her face. "Rev is busy securing some... recently acquired assets. A weapons shipment which recently lost its commanding officers en route to the city, for one." Rev holds out open-palmed hands to his sides, more to show his lack of weapons as he approached even closer than as a way to talk with his hands, as he so dearly loved to do. "As well as securing a dirty noble's assets. Torkinee's to be specific. I'm sure you've heard the name, if you're familiar with crooked nobles, though people will talk of Torkinee for not much longer. In short, madame, Rev is a busy man." He takes a final close look at her face, his own head now tilted at quite an angle to see hers, before finally taking a few steps back to once more include both within his view.

"Rev sells the sort of information Tilth says you asked for. Peasant blood is paid with noble blood. Peasant information is paid with noble information. This is how it works."

2014-10-13, 04:55 PM
Hidden in the shadows just a few feet away with his previously imperial-owned greatsword at the ready, Traynis grimaced when Rev opened up his back to the stranger, his muscles tensing. обмануть, Traynis thought, though he supposed his presence was what gave rise to Rev's audacity. This thought brought a grin to his face, contradicting the fierce focus in his eyes on every movement the two unknowns made. If the doctor made a move, Freebringer would make sure that no amount of medical training would be able to stitch him back together.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently (presumably from when I approached with Rev): [roll1]

2014-10-13, 06:15 PM
Lillian Russo

Lillian follows the small man closely with her eyes as he walks up to her. His slow movements seem non-threatening but something about his words seems off. "I know-knew of Torkinee. His behavior towards the people was unacceptable. It seems he had an... untimely accident..." her lips curled into a slight smile. "I would venture to say this was your organization's doing, yes?" She shifted her weight to her other side and unfolded her arms to place one hand on her hip and let one rest by her side. She seemed more relaxed at this point, deciding to ignore this odd feeling. "If this is part your revolution, I would certainly love to be an 'asset' to Rev. Ridding the city of vermin is... one of my many talents."

2014-10-14, 01:20 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev is looking again to the doctor when Lillian speaks again. He only shifts his eyes... An asset to Rev... He didn't normally think of his people in such a fashion... Ridding city of vermin... He had heard of certain vigilantes, but most tended to fall quickly. The noble's would spook and get the Monarch to handle the situation. It required a certain level of anonymity to succeed in this business... Rev had his suspicions of most who acted out before the Monarch could find the person, but by the time Rev could be sure of his suspicions, those vigilantes had disappeared... an unfortunate and final confirmation...

It would be nice to have found one in time... but then of course you're hiring a vigilante, which brings all sorts of unknowns.

Rev gives a nod, although it's hard to tell if that's what it is, since his head is completely covered. More visibly, he shrugs, and turns his head a little bit more obviously to the rather quiet man, "Doctor? You seem less sure than I was told you would be. Here you have met no one and are free to go along your own way and live your own life, if you want nothing to do with us."

2014-10-17, 03:57 PM
"Hmmm....no, I agree. The city needs a cure. You have your doctor, I suppose. You simply have to tell me what you need of me, and you'll have it. I will warn you, though, my methods can be a little unconventional. While I'm proficient with scalpel and herbs, I have, long ago, perfected the art of healing with the mind."

2014-10-20, 06:15 PM
"Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite"

"An added bonus, we will consider it then."

Well here they were. Rev felt comfortable enough he supposed. It was a shame, though, not to know for sure. He begins to reach into his vest, but thinks better of it. "My job is nearly done, then." Rev's voice is not as crisp as before, through the muffled masking he wears, but you are close enough now that it is not as hard to hear him as it might otherwise be.

"There is a meeting soon to discuss what we will do next. It will take place underneath a local inn, the Hawks. We will meet early in the evening at five, before the main crowds make their way to the bar. It is expected that you come by yourself and on time. Anyone missing from the meeting adjourns it. Do not be late. If there is nothing else you wish to discuss, you may leave."

He waits a minute if the two have anything left to say. If not and they begin to leave, he sits himself in front of a grave until they are a small distance away. He removes his face-coverings as well.

ben says covering your face is not legal. lul.

2014-10-22, 07:28 PM
Things seemed to be going fine... if they were part of the monarch, she was sure she would have been arrested or killed by now. Thinking for a moment before speaking, "I will be present." She had waited this long already and she was tired of waiting.

2014-10-22, 08:11 PM
Sansbury nods at the masked man's offer absentmindedly, turning around and unhurriedly leaving the cemetery, a pensive look on his face.

A syringe falls out of one of his pockets on the way out.

2014-10-23, 12:45 PM
Traynis watched the doctor go, a broad smile on his face. Two new freedom fighters to join his story was a welcome prospect. The woman lingered, perhaps gathering her resolve to fight the evil of the Monarch. Or perhaps trying to discover Rev's identity, though that mattered little considering Traynis's presence.

He turned his attention again to the doctor. Rev had ordered Traynis to make sure they were as wolves in the snow, leaving no trace, regardless of whether or not the other two knew the Freebringer was there.

Spot: [roll0]

2014-10-23, 07:16 PM
As the doctor turned to leave, Lillian gave a nod and a smile to the small man. She stood for a moment thinking before she started to make her way back out of the graveyard.
[roll0] hide
[roll1] move silently

2014-10-23, 07:27 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

"Well Traynis, what do you think? First thoughts? Any doubts?" Rev asks, his face now clearly enjoying the cool air. He is not sure if Traynis is out there or if he has already begun to follow one of them, but Rev asks aloud anyways. Perhaps legitimately curious. Perhaps hoping for justification in his choices. He swings his head slowly looking around for the man, but does not care to raise himself from the nice gravestone supporting his leaning back.

2014-10-23, 10:09 PM
The smile on Traynis's face fell a little bit when the doctor failed to notice the syringe falling out of his pocket. A syringe in a graveyard might attract unwanted attention, considering there could only be so many doctors in town. Freebringer moved to pick it up and came back as Rev questioned him. His happiness returned to its previous state when he noticed the woman had disappeared into the night. So, it seemed these newcomers were not without skill.

"Doctor has brain like, how you say, scrambled egg, but is good to have man who can keep revolution alive," he said, suddenly appearing behind Rev and throwing his arm around the seated man's shoulder. "And the girl... she moves like mist. I am eager to see other skills she might have. Do you have worries about either?"

2014-10-24, 12:06 AM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev is honestly a little surprised to see his friend had remained present, but does not jump when he feels Traynis' arm. He looks up to the man beside him, almost childlike in nature. Rev thinks a moment, wondering whether he should confide in Freebringer. He really doesn't need distrust amongst his fellows. A small smile comes to his face when he thinks about Freebringer's phrasing. "I'm not sure if he's just absent minded or has scrambled eggs for brains. As for the woman... Well, for both, really... I'm just not as sure as I have been before. Not everyone is so open and earnest in their decision to bring this city its freedom as you."

Rev brings his smirkish smile out to a full, rather sheepish grin, though he can't say why. Maybe he was just feeling better. He stares out, and only slightly upwards, maybe at the stars, maybe at nothing.

2014-11-02, 03:14 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev only starts the meeting once everyone is present, gathering them around the long table.

"If anyone has anything particularly concerning, we should talk about that first." He plays with a pebble in-between his fingers, its particular ebb and flow now probably familiar to those nearest to him.

"If there is nothing, then I will let the two new folks introduce themselves."

2014-11-02, 03:21 PM
"Well, I'd be Dr. Sansbury. I practice medicine. Hopefully I'll get better at it some day."

He waits a beat for someone to laugh at the joke, and, following the silence, continues.

"I'm here in the capacity of healer, nominally. I use psionic arts to heal purely with the mind. Likewise, I can enhance your sense, quicken your reflexes, and strengthen your body. Of course, to do this, I have to get inside your head. Literally."

2014-11-08, 10:59 PM

The young woman, slightly put off by the doctor's... joke, cleared her throat a bit before speaking, "I am Miranda. I am here for information, to give information, and as an infiltrator. Playing the 'pretty face' is somewhat of a specialty of mine. I am the illusion of a noble among nobles."

2014-11-13, 12:45 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev thinks for a few minutes, drawing his thoughts together. His audience speaks lightly amongst themselves or maybe not at all. He hardly pays them any attention. There was so much to do, but other pressing issues were bottlenecking what they could be doing. Then there was the issue with these new recruits. He felt sure... But then again, maybe he did not.

He pushes away those thoughts and again gathers what he needs for the meeting. Finally, with a breath and a now rather familiar movement of his whole body, he starts, "We've won valuable assets recently, but also lost some. The most disturbing news are the whispers on the streets that Khairn is still alive. While he is not our primary reason for meeting tonight, he is our most dangerous one." Khairn had known them all and just disappeared... If it was a scheme to bring them down, it would probably have already happened... but Rev did not like the thought of him roaming free either.

"I will work to confirm these, but in the mean time, we should decide our next course of action. I think it best to continue along our current path of hitting and running. We can scope out nobles and rile the peasants. Anyone who has better ideas should voice them. Work in your own expertise. I can help plan your innovations, but I cannot necessarily invent them myself."

Here he eyes Sansbury and Miranda, wondering what they were thinking. Rev is clearly done, and gestures for his audience to voice their opinions.

2014-11-13, 10:10 PM
Traynis bolts upright from his reclined position at the news that Khairn might still live. How could a man who left the cause allow himself to breathe? Putting a hand down on the table and leaning toward Rev, Traynis says, "May I have honor of finding our prodigal companion? A man who has heard words and seen faces cannot be let to walk unchecked." The single-minded fervor in Traynis's eyes suggests he may not care if he gets a yes or a no. Traitors to good cannot be tolerated.

2014-11-14, 12:00 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev's first thought is "of course". His second of the danger involved. "You may, but with exceptional caution. And preferably with someone else if they can keep up with you. We don't know what happened to Khairn. This could be a trap, but it might just be whispers. Khairn was a powerful, but secretive person and someone could just be making a powerplay to usurp his position. Whatever the case, care and consideration are required."

2014-11-18, 06:57 PM
"So this man is a traitor to our cause? Well perhaps it would be good for someone who has never been seen by this Khairn to go with Sir Traynis on his investigation," She raises an eyebrow for a split second and looks the foreigner up and down, her lips curling up slightly, "and taking a mission with a backup could prove useful." Her gaze glides over the others at the table to rest on Rev and she places her hands on the table, fingers intertwined.

2014-11-20, 01:35 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

He looks briefly at the woman peacefully staring at him, shrugs, and looks to Traynis. Rev supposes that's up to the professional to decide. His pebble just seems to be rolling over his fingers. He lets the two iron out whatever details they have while he searches for Rurrick's face. It's not that he forgot where Rurrick was, just that sometimes the man was so quiet and out of place that he just faded.

Rev passes Rurrick a list of guard names "There are a number of guards who have had the same unfortunate position that you have had Rurrick. I was hoping you would know if any of these names were particularly notable... if any would help us."

2014-11-20, 02:07 PM
Traynis, snapped out of his intensity, turns his once fierce stare on Miranda. She made a good point, as Traynis's investigation strengths lay in scouring writings, not mingling with the people. And if all went well, Khairn would never know who it was that had cleaved him in two. He smiles, both at the thought and as a gentleman should when speaking to a lady. "Is good idea. I accept petition to help hunt down traitorous worm."

2017-01-08, 11:08 PM
Rurrick takes the list in hand, the blue light from his eyes dimming slightly as he squints for focus in the dark room (a reflex left over from childhood, when he learned to read without glowing eyes.) I know these men. He motions to three of the names. These I would trust with my life. They will follow you if asked, but they are not the planning type, and it would be incredibly difficult to orchestrate meetings without suspicion in any case. We may be able to use them, but only as blind eyes, scouts, or, when the time comes, soldiers. These two should not be approached under any circumstances. He gestures to two people on the list. A revolution must be selective; the survivors lead the new nation. I'm unsure about Captain Yentivor and Lophtor. I don't know them well. As for our friend Kharin...if we're quite sure he's turned, we...could frame him for a crime. We could certainly report him without a crime ever taking place but...I'm not confident I could make it stick, and someone could get in a lot of trouble. Rurrick eyes Mr. Slope. Thoughts lawyer?

I don't remember Tom's username and we're all past the point in our Roleplaying careers where we need DMPCs who might be tretcherous to be played by a third party. Plus I think everyone knows Tom didn't exist at this point. Gonna just play Rurrick from this account if that's alright with everyone.

2017-01-11, 12:38 AM
Slope thinks for a second before responding. "I'm not sure what we could even attempt to get him charged with. He's simply...disappeared. He's either turned, fled, or been taken. None of those are worth our time to frame him for something; it wouldn't do any good. I'll look into it; see if I can find where he went. Until then, I'd recommend no further action on that front."

2017-01-11, 10:41 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev expected as much in his long list, that it would only yield a few relevant names, but still feels a mild displeasure. He grimaces only briefly. He reaches for the returned list and thanks Rurrick"I appreciate it. I'll look into these men. It's a shame about the others, that they would remain loyal to the Monarch after such hardship."

As Rurrick finishes his comments, Rev sits back and listens to Slope. Rev doubts the vile man would turn or flee; their help was too precious to him at such an early stage. The man was surely taken or dead. Rev almost refrains from commenting but decides to follow up, "Khairn is likely dead. Just be careful with any searching you do into the man. His noble target is still alive and he failed to meet up after the attack. It's probably safe to assume he failed. I have learned that some people think Khairn returned to his former business, but it's effectively in ruins. I doubt Khairn would let that be, not if he was alive anyway."

2017-02-09, 05:08 PM
In the meantime, I'm going to keep my ear to the ground. See if any....opportunities come up.

2017-02-09, 05:48 PM
Traynis listens to the men go back and forth, quickly growing bored. A man who fails in his mission and does not return is just as much a traitor as man who works for the enemy, and arguing the semantics seemed pointless. Khairn is dead in either case. The latter just gave him a chance to live if Traynis never finds out the coward still draws breath.

"So if target still lives, why not send real hero of revolution to finish what coward failed?" Traynis says, leaning forward with eager eyes and a wide smile.

2018-06-19, 11:06 AM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Sometime after this meeting, which we may be continuing later:
"Freebringer and Davorin, stay a moment?"
Rev waits quietly, but fidgets with that damn pebble, until Traynis and Davorin are the only one who remain. Rev shuts the door, and his voice is quieter "We have worked together some time now. The world has become stranger and darker and stranger again, since." Rev's speech seems vague and wandering, his voice typically more firm with the others. "I trust the man who can change forms, but I have been disturbed lately about what else exists out there, others that might exist." If you can notice such a thing, the seriousness in Rev's eyes likely betray his growing anxiousness, even though his voice does not. Is he afraid? "Traynis," Rev doesn't waiver, foregoing his typical use of Traynis's surname that he so dearly loved. "Prove to me you are yourself right now. Tell me something private only we know. You may do it quietly if you want." Rev gestures to Davorin, unsure what information the Liberators' blade would divulge.

White Blade
2018-06-19, 07:36 PM
Rochet (Pascha)

Disposing of a man and taking his identity was a satisfying process for Pascha, though he would never admit that out loud. He put on Rochet's clothing and his face just alike. He grinned down at the sleeping wife as he slipped in. She expected this sort of infidelity from Rochet. He would try to be kinder to her than Rochet, but he would have to keep his distance. One more problem to deal with. He checks out the books and numbers and tables of Rochet. Pascha had always been curious, but never more adroit than most with book keeping. Eschewing possessions had been the easier choice for Pascha.

He thumbed through the books, taking quick notes on papers, filching letters and communications, devouring them for more of Rochet's linguistic patterns. The work of stealing a name was complicated, stealing a house like this one would still be more so. He had stolen noble faces a half hundred times, but he had never tried to take up residence in one's life. He prayed a quick prayer to his patron, pocketed those notes of his which he could, and slipped out to deal with the workers.

He greeted each of them a cool politeness, smiling with a benign face that he hoped would not put them too off kilter. He despised the way Rochet treated his servants, but he also could not bear to be cruel as Rochet had been.

Skills that might be needed here: Perception, for investigation, Deception, for all the lying. Vigilance, for spotting how well he's doing at pulling off his own heists. Not sure what we want to do about any of those.

2018-06-21, 04:45 PM
Traynis eyed Rev quizzically. Had the man lost all sense? Who could possibly create an imitation of the Freebringer that would not immediately be seen for its falsehood? The others, yes, there was cause for concern. But Traynis? If anyone but Rev had questioned him like this, he would have spent the next hour reminding them of their place in Traynis's growing legend.

However, it was Rev. So he quelled his irritation and answered simply and quietly,
"Before I took up mantle of Freebringer, I was known as Traynis Sokolov."

2018-06-24, 06:43 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Rev knows how it must sound to his friend. He didn't have a good excuse. "Thank you for humoring me. Davorin, you should go now." Rev sits and begins to undo his laces. You may notice a wand from somewhere is now on the table. Shoes finally off, "It seems so strange now, with all our success so far. It's almost unreal. Even the loss of Khairn is not as bad it could be. You have already served a big part in this, Freebringer." Rev is more at ease, more sane now. His left shoe fully removed, he peels his ring toe and pinky toe from the others. "You will be the only one to know. If you ever are uncertain, you will know where to look." A swirling symbol of white and black appears on his toe. "I've seen this symbol in one of the books I've traded. It is a symbol of balance, like the balance, and freedom, we will bring to our people." Rev pulls the wand away, and offers it to Freebringer.

2018-07-05, 04:52 PM
Traynis stared at the symbol for a moment, and then at the offered wand. Up until now, there was no one Traynis trusted more than himself. He knew what was right, what he was doing, and that he was himself. He already trusted Rev more than most. With this... well, perhaps he could offer Rev all of his trust.

"This thing," Traynis said, taking the wand, "It is good idea." He lifted his left arm and pointed the wand at his armpit. Nothing happened. Traynis frowned. "Uh... Rev," the Freebringer, hope of all the city's people, said, "How do I make work?"

Magic never was one of Traynis's strong suits.

2018-07-06, 10:36 PM
Revenoky "Rev" Lervidite

Somehow magically back at the meeting, things are winding down.

Everybody's tasks have been explained. Miranda and Freebringer are going to track down and potentially kill Khairn should they find him and have the opportunity. Tellior is going to pick one other member to 'size-up' the lady Khairn was supposed to assassinate, discretely. Clearly Khairn's confidence and lack of caution was his undoing. It would not be theirs. Rhys would introduce Rev to some of the guard he had picked out from the list or talk to them himself, at his discretion. Pascha would be plenty busy caring for his new noble household and should focus most of her efforts on a seamless transition into his life. Appropriating Rochet's holdings should be done as soon as time permits. All parties should look for recruitment opportunities.

"Report to me when your tasks are finished. We will meet here again in a week to further discuss developments on Khairn and the noblelady."

White Blade
2018-07-07, 12:01 AM
Pascha Seeks Out Davorin
Pascha seeks out Davorin, at an appropriate time. She is careful not to intrude upon his public life, but approaches him discretely in the form of a posh-looking noble woman (One success, five advantages on a normal deception roll, if it matters). "Davorin, I am considering numerous courses related to education and I was wondering both how one goes about teaching magic to the public and if there are any books available to you or of which you are aware that might serve to lighten the hearts of the laborers in Rochet's factories."

Changeling Scoundrel
BRW 2, AGI 2, INT 2, CUN 5, WILL 2, PRE 2, Wound 9, Strain 13
Skills: Charm 1, Cool 3, Deception 3, Transmutation 4, Teleportation 1, Knowledge 1, Skullduggery 1, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2
Talents: Knack For It I+II (Deception, Cool, Vigilance); Smooth Talker I (Deception), Transformation, Cunning Shapeshifter Fighting, Natural (Deception, Cool)
Race Ability: Minor Shapechange
Desire: Justice. Fear: Failure. Strength: Adaptable. Flaw: Pride

2018-07-17, 09:22 PM

Davorin hushes Pascha, regardless of how safe the area may be or how loud her voice when speaking in terms as brazen as "teaching magic to the public", particularly outside the security of any the safe-houses. Come, come child. We must find a more comfortable place to chat. This stifling heat won't do. He leads Pacha to a place he deems significantly safer where, at the least, they can get some tea and be undisturbed while they talk. What passes for the meeting room of a particularly minor noble with a particularly minor manor. Now, where were we? Public magic training, I think?It's a bold proposition. I assume you mean free group lessons, not <actually> public, since I assume you have no deathwish and some modicum of sense. For the moment, we'd need a starter group of promising recruits, some supplies, and a room. I could secure the supplies. Perhaps you or Rev could drum up some of the right people. I've never put an active interest into codifying methods for identifying magical talent but, now that the thought has crossed my mind, who better to develop
such a document? I'll have it to you by our next meeting.

As for books...I have a few to myself. My master does not have many which would be useful to us. As I've mentioned to Rev, as far as nonfiction goes, I have Germania by Tacitus, my most illegal, Democracy in America by Tocqueville, and my most prized possession, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by Locke. I am not sure any of these will help us especially with lightening moods. For fiction I have Barchester Towers by Trollope and MY FAVORITE FILM, The Count of Monte Cristo from the inimitable Dumas. Trollope is a bit...dull and perhaps not very applicable to our current situation. You'd need to know all about Shrenhelm and the religion there to even really understand the religious criticism and satire involved. It is a total accident that a main character's name in Barchester Towers is Mr. Slope. On the other hand, anyone can appreciate, and, yes, enjoy Dumas' classic tale of revenge and I believe it just might suit our motives for the common folk to be considering who exactly they would exact revenge on, given the chance. My services would be available for the memorization and retelling of Count, should Master Rochet require such services.

Uh so I rolled Davorin more books than before and changed the ones you got. I still did it the same way though: I decided on a number of books and rolled from a list. Those lists are in the "links" section of the Genesys Google folder. Realistically I looked at the nonfiction, realized there was no fiction, and decided to give two fiction as a /chance/ at something a little lighter. I didn't reroll for count or anything but obviously V for Vendetta jokes for DAYS. I haven't read most of these things. Everybody should wikipedia anything they want to know about, but probably none of you have heard any of these titles except Will and /possibly/ Rev.

White Blade
2018-07-23, 06:16 PM
Pascha nods sagely, inquires more deeply about what each of the books are. Marvels at the idea of this strange book called Democracy in America, but ultimately agrees to have Rochet contact Davorin for readings and memorization of Count of Monte Cristo, which is hopefully enough to skate beneath the legal strictures of public education.