View Full Version : thrown weapon help

2013-08-06, 08:17 PM
I'm looking at building a character (starting level 3) that is really good at throwing daggers, and improvised weapons. So far, I'm a halfling for the size bonus to attacks and the racial bonus to thrown weapon attacks. I'm taking point blank shot, precise shot, and far shot asap. Is there any other support people can push me towards?

*Exotic weapons are disallowed. Also, I'm aware of Master Thrower, and I'm planning on a couple levels of that.

2013-08-06, 08:29 PM
I would recommend taking Scout as a class. Skirmish damage is nice and the fact you will be moving can delay the need for Far Shot. Also look into Invisible Blade. You have most of the feats for it anyways and it will give sneak attack, bonuses to feint, and bleeding.

2013-08-06, 08:45 PM
I didn't really look at scout because all I know is they never get a full attack. Are they still worth it? Right now, I'm a rogue with the first level the racial substitution level in races of the wild. Ill go look at invisible blade though, thanks :)

Prince Raven
2013-08-06, 10:41 PM
I recommend getting Weapon Focus (Dagger) and taking 5 levels in Master Thrower for Quick Draw, Palm Throw, Sneaky Shot and Weak Spot, then getting Two-Weapon Fighting and Weapon Finesse to go Whisperknife.

2013-08-07, 12:13 AM
One build I've used previously:
Strongheart Halfling or Human
1. Rogue - Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Craven, Far Shot, 2x Flaws
2. Swashbuckler - B: Weapon Finesse
3. Rogue - Two Weapon Fighting
4. Rogue - Penetrating Strike ACF(DS)
5. Swashbuckler
6. Swordsage - B: Weapon Focus: Shadow Hand weapons, Shadowblade
7. Swashbuckler
8. Fighter - Hit-and-Run Tactics ACF (DotU - if your DM is lenient), Targeteer ACF (DragMag 310)- Vital Aim
9. Fighter - Targeteer ACF - Rapid Shot, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
10. Swordsage
11. Master Thrower - B: Quick Draw
12. Master Thrower - Dead Eye (DragMag 304)
13. Master Thrower
14. Master Thrower - B: Snatch Arrows
15. Master Thrower - B: Improved Critical, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
16. Invisible Blade
17. Invisible Blade
18. Invisible Blade - Improved Precise Shot
19. Invisible Blade
20. Invisible Blade

Some ideas for getting infinite daggers to throw:
Gauntlet of Infinite Blades (MIC) -ask the DM if you can change it to Free action activation instead of Swift. That way you can get more than one dagger per round.
Glove of Endless Javelins (MIC) - ask the DM if you can change the javelin part to daggers if you also reduce the damage from 1d6+1 to 1d4+1
Quiver of Anariel - ask the DM if you can change the "Quiver" to "Bandoleer" and arrow(s) to dagger(s).
Quiver of Anariel

Quiver of Anariel:Quivers of Anariel appear to be typical arrow containers capable of holding a score of arrows. However, the quivers automatically replenish themselves with standard or magical arrows, such that they are always full. Some quivers also create arrows made of special materials, such as adamantine, cold iron, or alchemical silver.

Once an arrow it taken from the quiver, it must be used within 1 round or it vanishes.

Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon, minor creation; Price 28,000 gp (standard arrows), 29,000 gp (masterwork arrows), 32,000 gp (+1 arrows), 44,000 gp (+2 arrows), 64,000 gp (+3 arrows), 92,000 gp (+4 arrows), 128,000 gp (+5 arrows); Add an additional +6,000 gp for adamantine arrows, +4,005 gp for cold iron arrows, or +200 gp for alchemical silver arrows; Weight 1 lb.
Thankfully someone saved this article here (http://web.archive.org/web/20070401150041/http:/ww2.wizards.com/Books/Wizards/?doc=fr_lonedrowstats) since WOTC decided to delete the original posting.

Other items to consider:
Rogue's Vest (MIC)
Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis (ToM)
Bracers of the Hunter (SoX)

2013-08-07, 12:15 AM
Skirmish damage is nice and the fact you will be moving can delay the need for Far Shot.
That's not true with a dagger thrower, pretty much ever. You'll provoke AoOs throwing at targets 5' away. Without Far Shot you'll incur a range penalty at 10'. At least with Far Shot you've got a small window (throws in the 10'-15' range) where you can be reasonably effective (no AoOs, no attack penalties unless you're throwing into melee).

2013-08-07, 08:05 AM
I thought the dagger had a 20' not a 10'. Reading fail on my part. The point is somewhar mlot at Far Shot is needed for Invisible Blade anyways, so he should br gunning for it.

2013-08-07, 01:35 PM
I did a Rogue 5 /Swashbuckler 5 /Master Thrower 5 /Invisible Blade 5 character.

Take the feat that stacks rogue and swashbuckler for sneak attack and grace, will give you near a full progression in sneak attack (only thing you dont get them from is master thrower.) Take deadeye (in one of the dragon magazines) to add dex to damage to range attacks, Swashbuckler will add int to your damage with finesse weapons (a dagger fits this). Invisible Blade gives you free feint in case you ever get into a melee fight and dagger sneak attack. Master thrower will allow you to throw 2 daggers for every attack, and make them all range touch if you are smaller than your target (not sure if you can do that with a full attack though) and improved crit to your daggers.

This is not the kill all be all of a thrower, as with other builds you can do really sick things, but its a more balanced approach that most dms will allow.

2013-08-07, 11:13 PM
Thanks guys, for all the suggestions :) I ended up starting rogue one (racial sub for halfling) and two levels if halfling paragon. I'm definitely looking at all the classes you guys showed me though, for when I qualify