View Full Version : Warlord - Help!

2013-08-06, 10:51 PM
I'm playing in a dungeon crawl campaign as a Dragonborn Warlord (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=544906). And I really don't know what I'm doing. I've read various handbooks and threads here but it still hasn't quite clicked.

We've had a couple small fights so far, but my character stuff isn't really fixed yet, and we've had a couple of new people join replace some other people after a hiatus, so beyond "Dragonborn Warlord" it''s a blank slate in terms of gear, stats, powers, etc. I would like to play an aggressive and powerful warlord, rather than a rear-line commander.

Apart from myself, there's a Goliath Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=304195), a Halfling Rogue (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiT8dQIDA), and a Human Wizard (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=618219).

Fire away with any questions, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

2013-08-07, 05:46 AM
I'm playing in a dungeon crawl campaign as a Dragonborn Warlord (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=544906). And I really don't know what I'm doing. I've read various handbooks and threads here but it still hasn't quite clicked.

We've had a couple small fights so far, but my character stuff isn't really fixed yet, and we've had a couple of new people join replace some other people after a hiatus, so beyond "Dragonborn Warlord" it''s a blank slate in terms of gear, stats, powers, etc. I would like to play an aggressive and powerful warlord, rather than a rear-line commander.

Apart from myself, there's a Goliath Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=304195), a Halfling Rogue (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiT8dQIDA), and a Human Wizard (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=618219).

Fire away with any questions, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

OK. Aggressive leadership from the Warlord 101.

You're on the right lines. Bravura Warlord with Brash Assault. You probably want the Battlefront Leader option, and Harlequin Style as a feat (over Inspiring Breath - you need to stay alive). Probably also Armoured Warlord. And a lot of in-game trash talk aimed at the monsters.

At this point you are Leonidas from 300. Leading recklessly from the front, but it's madness with a method. Trash-talk the mobs into accepting your Brash Assault (with +4 to defences from Harlequin Style it's not that unsafe). Have fun with the trash talk! And if they do accept the Brash Assault they take a lot of damage from thief, and possibly the warden's interrupt attack as they have just broken the mark. If they don't, you've just given yourself +4 to all defences so get to beat them down.

2013-08-07, 05:57 AM
Firstly, have you houseruled starting point buy? A starting array of 16/16/14/10/10/8 is 23 points, and normally you start with 22 (making dual stat builds usually either 16/16/12/12/10/8 or 16/16/13/11/10/8).

Luckily, your rogue is using the Thief subclass, and therefore has a fantastic basic attack.

With that out of the way: You're a bravura lord. Good. Best choice for the dragonborn who wants to get up in peoples' faces. The way a Bravelord works is by throwing together very risky plans, a high risk/high reward playstyle. The most simple and most commonly seen way to play a Warlord is to take one of Direct the Strike and Commander's Strike and have your allies do the hitting for you, but this can be very boring.
Now, having Direct The Strike in case you have no chance of getting in a position to do something better is not a terrible idea, but I would recommend taking the Harlequin Style feat and using Brash Assault at every opportunity.
If your allies find themselves using combat advantage a lot, Intuitive Strike could make a good second at-will (though you'll generally find Brash Assault to be better unless your DM never takes the gamble), as could Inevitable Wave, for those fights where you start a good distance away from the enemy, and you, your warden and your thief are going to charge in on the first turn.

For your encounter powers, Vengeance is Mine is great...if you're likely to get attacked. If not, something simple like Hammer and Anvil is a decent choice. At level 3, I'd recommend keeping Devastating Offensive, though Flattening Charge is interesting. I wouldn't recommend it though, since the ability to reuse it is less helpful to you if you invest in making Brash Assault an amazing at-will.

Your other powers are OK choices. Cha-based warlords don't get decent daily powers at level 1, though I'd recommend Bastion of Defence - it's not an incredibly strong offensive power, but it's a very nice ability to use near the start of a climactic battle, and the boosts to ally survivability help mitigate the downsides of your Bravura playstyle. Or, consider Fearless Rescue, which is very useful if one of your allies gets out of position and mobbed, and will make you feel like a hero.

Knight's Move is a great utility power for a ranged or support Warlord, but you want to be using your move actions to get into melee, and once in melee, granting an ally a move action is probably not worth provoking opportunity attacks (it is a Ranged power). Shake it Off has the same problem of provoking, but it is only a minor action so you're more likely to find yourself in a situation where you can use it, then move into melee to cause some damage. I'd otherwise consider Adaptive Strategem, which at least is a close-burst power, or Rub Some Dirt On It, or even Heroic Effort - in a big fight, get bloodied, activate Heroic Effort, and trust in your defence bonuses from Harlequin Style, your THP and your Warden to keep you alive and bloodied.

For feats, Harlequin Style, if you do end up using Brash Assault as suggested, is amazing. Take it. Otherwise, your feats are fine as they are - I'd probably take the expertise over the breath feat to start with, but they are both good choices.

The main problem with Bravura Presence for you is your wizard. With the errata to Magic Missile, it's a really bad power (though it at least is guaranteed not to miss, and therefore not to cause CA with Bravura Presence). Therefore, your wizard shouldn't have Magic Missile, and therefore won't have a remotely worthwhile basic attack. Your Presence therefore only applies fully to your Thief and your Warden. This isn't awful - it's still two free basic attacks per milestone, and your wizard can at least take advantage of the repositioning option - but just to be aware that you might be frustrated at it. Remember your presence and remind your allies of it when they use action points.

Other than that, it's a question of playstyle. Get straight up in enemy faces, help your thief flank if possible, otherwise go for an enemy your warden has locked down. Smack them with Devastating Offensive or Hammer and Anvil and grant your ally an attack too. If you have used your encounter power(s), hit them with Brash Assault. The enemy then gets to make a melee basic attack against you with combat advantage. If they do, your Harlequin Style kicks in and you get +4 to your defences (for a net +2 after CA). If they choose to take the attack, an ally gets to attack them with CA. (If they don't take the attack, no loss - if nothing else, it was a melee basic attack). You can take advantage of this attack even if you aren't directly with another ally, since your Thief can make a ranged basic attack with combat advantage (and therefore sneak attack) if he's within 5 squares.
Use your daily power and utility power if you're in a tight spot, and generally play very aggressively, constantly on the front lines, using Brash Assault, Devastating Offensive and whatever level 1 encounter power you chose to grant allies attacks while making your own, and help your thief flank. Make attacks every turn, and give your allies as many extra attacks as you can.

2013-08-07, 09:29 AM
Firstly, have you houseruled starting point buy? A starting array of 16/16/14/10/10/8 is 23 points, and normally you start with 22 (making dual stat builds usually either 16/16/12/12/10/8 or 16/16/13/11/10/8).

I'd otherwise consider Adaptive Strategem, which at least is a close-burst power

Not quite sure on the stats, I think we may have been given an array, but the old recruitment thread expired so I can't go check.

I don't know if we're using magic missile errata or not.

How come you didn't mention things like Wolf Pack Tactics or Diabolic Stratagem? Supposedly, they're both great.

And are things like Warlord's Strike and Warlord's Favor really locked in as Taclord powers?

Any ideas for gear? I get one lvl 2 item, one lvl 3 item, and one lvl 4 item, plus some gold.

2013-08-07, 09:36 AM
Also, this might sound dumb, but how many of each power am I supposed to have at level 3? Right now I have 2 At-Wills, 2 Encounters, 1 Daily, and 1 Utility.

2013-08-07, 09:48 AM
That's correct. Two at-wills, a level 1 and level 3 encounter power, a level 2 utility power, and a level 1 daily power.

2013-08-07, 09:52 AM
I don't know if we're using magic missile errata or not.

Even if you aren't, it's not vital that your wizard pick it up - it would mean they get more use out of their action points, but you already have two strong basic attackers to grant attacks to.

How come you didn't mention things like Wolf Pack Tactics or Diabolic Stratagem? Supposedly, they're both great.

Because neither are very good. Compared to the potential damage you can provide, Wolf Pack Tactics gives a very marginal benefit. I daresay it's possible that at some point you might think "Hm, I could do with granting someone a shift 1", but it isn't worth an at-will slot.
Diabolic Stratagem could be OK, but it requires your DM to play monsters like idiots. For it to be superior to Hammer and Anvil, you have to be in a situation where you and your allies are all clustered next to the monster, you're willing to let the monster hit you, and the monster actually does attack you.
Both powers went through a period of being in vogue, but in practice they are both far too situational to be worth using compared to solid, broadly-applicable powers.

And are things like Warlord's Strike and Warlord's Favor really locked in as Taclord powers?

Warlord's Favour is pretty average (+2 to hit isn't awful but you can easily do better) if you aren't a taclord, but suddenly becomes +5 to hit and gets better as you level up if you are, going from 'alright' to 'incredible'. Warlord's Strike is even less useful if you aren't Inspiring (+2 damage is less useful than +2 to hit in most cases), but if you are, it becomes less-amazing-than-taclord's-warlord's-favour-but-still-great. So no, they aren't completely locked in, but I really wouldn't bother with them if I didn't have the requisite Presence.

Unless your question is "Are the powerful scaling bonuses they provide really only available to certain presences?", to which the answer is "I'm afraid so."

Any ideas for gear? I get one lvl 2 item, one lvl 3 item, and one lvl 4 item, plus some gold.

General wisdom is a weapon, armour and neckslot. At your level, the neckslot is less mandatory (since you'll be facing fewer things which attack NADS and +1 is less of a massive bonus) but still by no means not worth it.
Without wishing to swamp you with a massive list of items, a solid starting package would be: Dwarven Scale Armour +1 (lvl 2); Vanguard Longsword +1 (lvl 3); Healer's Brooch or Cloak of Distortion +1 (lvl 4), and spend your starting gold on potions, save it up, or use it to buy Acrobat Boots (lvl 2).

2013-08-07, 10:16 AM
So, in the first two battles, I've been reduced to a third of my health or so in my first two turns, and we've just been fighting some Ankhegs. Am I doing something wrong? Spending standard actions to use surges is painful.

2013-08-07, 10:24 AM
It could be bad luck. It could be a general problem of tactics (party splitting up, failing to focus fire). It could be you running off on your own or being TOO eager to get involved. It could be that your warden isn't keeping the enemy locked down well enough. It could be that your wizard isn't controlling well enough. It could be that your DM is making the encounters too hard (ankhegs are elites, after all) or is screwing you through terrain. It could be any combination of the above.

Or it could be no problem at all. Ankhegs are lurkers, and lurkers tend to specialise in explosive damage. Being hurt isn't really a problem - you can expect to get heavily injured in a lot of fights as a frontline fighter, and hitting 0 is a not-infrequent event. The question is how well you are dealing with it, how many healing surges you are going through, and how likely it is that you will run out of ways to heal and start losing people.

2013-08-07, 12:05 PM
I play the Wizard in that campaign, and I just want to say that Warlord's Strike is amazing with Storm Pillar cheese. Please don't change it; for now anyways.

EDIT: Wait, you're Bravura? I thought you were Inspiring Presence because you had the Strike grant a +5 damage bonus.

Overall your power loadout is actually pretty solid.

You can heal yourself with a minor action using Inspiring Word.

Anyways, I totally just wrecked one of the Ankhegs with Storm Blender and blew the other away, so it can only make a charge attack at best, which means a lot of the damage you took should be negated (I think). Either way it's going to suck down some more Storm Pillar hurt.

We'll be fine.

2013-08-07, 06:53 PM
I play the Wizard in that campaign, and I just want to say that Warlord's Strike is amazing with Storm Pillar cheese. Please don't change it; for now anyways.

EDIT: Wait, you're Bravura? I thought you were Inspiring Presence because you had the Strike grant a +5 damage bonus.

This is my first game of 4E, so it might just be my inexperience.

Also, my forgetting that I had Inspiring Word >_>

I have Inspiring Breath, which gives the bonus to any enemy struck by my Dragon's Breath.

Right now, here's what I got penciled in:
At-Will 1 - Brash Assault
At-Will 2 - Unknown

Encounter 1 - Vengeance is Mine/Hammer and Anvil
Encounter 2 - Warlord's Strike/Bloody Ending/Devastating Offensive

Daily - Bastion of Defense

Utility - Knight's Move

Also, I've heard that No Gambit is Wasted is awesome. Google doesn't tell me what book it's in though.

2013-08-07, 07:01 PM
Definitely keep Direct the Strike. It's ridiculously powerful in tandem with our Thief; his Sneak Attack is your Sneak Attack. Just keep in mind that you provoke when you use it, so try not to be in a threatened square when you do. You could also go Commander's Strike, but that would cost you flexibility.

Vengeance is Mine is a definite keeper.

Given that you're a Bravura Warlord, L3 is a toss up between Powerful Warning and Hammer and Anvil. I'm leaning towards Powerful, given it has damage output comparable to H and A but it can also negate an attack, and doesn't require you hitting to have your ally attack. Powerful Warning can let you get in two Sneak Attack MBAs via Tombak (one from Powerful Warning another from Direct the Strike).

If you retrain into Heal, you can take the awesome Iron Resurgence power for your utility that'll get you or an ally from bloodied or worse to full health. Knight's Move is pretty good either way. Encouraging Boost is actually quite good, especially in conjunction with our Warden and your high Charisma. Cunning Adjustment would work very well with our Rogue, and synergizes nicely with Vengeance is Mine.

2013-08-07, 07:59 PM
When you say Heal, do you mean Inspiring Warlord?

2013-08-07, 08:14 PM
No, as in the Heal skill; it's also useful to have trained in the event of diseases.

2013-08-07, 09:14 PM
Where is Iron Resurgence from?

2013-08-07, 09:23 PM
It's a level 2 Heal skill power from the Dungeon Survival Handbook.

2013-08-07, 09:51 PM
On turns when I use Commander's Strike or Direct the Strike, I don't get to make an attack, correct? I'm effectively trading my damage for the hopefully higher output from Tombak?

2013-08-07, 09:57 PM
On turns when I use Commander's Strike or Direct the Strike, I don't get to make an attack, correct? I'm effectively trading my damage for the hopefully higher output from Tombak?


That and you may not be in a good position to attack anyways. Tombak also can make effective ranged attacks by throwing his dagger.

2013-08-07, 10:00 PM
Ya know, my party in a 4e PbP here on the forums just got done fighting a halfling named Tombak. Weird coincidence.

2013-08-07, 10:17 PM
It seems like I would generally be better off using Brash Assault + Harlequin Style then, since I get a hit and someone else gets a hit with a bonus. Even if it's not quite as versatile, I might as well have my other at-will do something a little different, no? That's just my impression so far though

2013-08-07, 10:23 PM
@ Dimers: My guess is that Tombak is an autogenerated halfling name. :smalltongue:

@ Nightgaun7: The problem with Brash Assault as an attack granter is that it is unreliable; an enemy has to be pretty stupid to take the extra attack on you. Doubly so with Harlequin Style. It is definitely good to be able to reliably use Tombak as a weapon.

2013-08-07, 10:36 PM
I guess it sort of depends on how our GM plays it.

Going back to gear for a minute - why Vanguard over, for example, Luckblade? I've seen Vanguard recommended several places.

2013-08-08, 02:14 AM
you know, the more that I look at the powers, the more it seems like Bravura is the red-headed stepchild of the Warlord family...

Akodo Makama
2013-08-08, 03:33 AM
On turns when I use Commander's Strike or Direct the Strike, I don't get to make an attack, correct? I'm effectively trading my damage for the hopefully higher output from Tombak?

Remember: Rangers are cool because they dual wield bastard swords. Warlords are cool because they dual wield rangers; or, in your case, thieves.

2013-08-08, 03:41 AM
Ok, so - here's what I got. Hear me out, then tell me how good or bad it is.

Brash Assault – Helps allies get attacks, bumps up defenses a little with Harlequin Style, and fuels Vengeance is Mine

Rousing Assault - When things get rough or I've taken a few hits from Brash Assault, this will keep people going that little bit extra.

Vengeance is Mine - If anyone hits me, we hit them back. Triggered by Brash Assault.

Bastion of Defense - pop this at the beginning of a tough encounter, helps everyone out.

Cunning Adjustment - rather than a full move like Knight's Move, this allows a small move and an attack bonus.

No Gambit is Wasted - Do you hate missing important attacks? This ensures that if you do, you can re-do it with a +5 bonus to hit as a bonus.

Generally aiming to have most things be something other than a standard action, so I can use Brash Assault as much as possible. I'm aiming to be up front, swinging away, and buffing the Warden and Thief while doing so.

2013-08-08, 04:18 AM
I guess it sort of depends on how our GM plays it.

Going back to gear for a minute - why Vanguard over, for example, Luckblade? I've seen Vanguard recommended several places.

Firstly, Luckblade isn't amazing to start with.

Secondly, vanguard weapon does two things. It improves your charge attacks, which means if you are forced to charge, such as on the first turn of combat if you are far away from the enemy, or if you are dazed and not adjacent to anyone, you are less short-changed.
It also has a really, really nice power for bravura warlords - once per day, your charge attack gives allies +1 to hit and +chamod to damage. That's really really nice, and quite unique to you.

Ok, so - here's what I got. Hear me out, then tell me how good or bad it is.

Brash Assault – Helps allies get attacks, bumps up defenses a little with Harlequin Style, and fuels Vengeance is Mine

Rousing Assault - When things get rough or I've taken a few hits from Brash Assault, this will keep people going that little bit extra.

Vengeance is Mine - If anyone hits me, we hit them back. Triggered by Brash Assault.

Bastion of Defense - pop this at the beginning of a tough encounter, helps everyone out.

Cunning Adjustment - rather than a full move like Knight's Move, this allows a small move and an attack bonus.

No Gambit is Wasted - Do you hate missing important attacks? This ensures that if you do, you can re-do it with a +5 bonus to hit as a bonus.

Generally aiming to have most things be something other than a standard action, so I can use Brash Assault as much as possible. I'm aiming to be up front, swinging away, and buffing the Warden and Thief while doing so.

First problem - you cannot trigger Vengeance is Mine off of Brash Strike, because it is an Immediate Reaction - you cannot use Immediate Actions on your own turn. Vengeance is Mine is very good and some warlords swear by it, but I've personally found it to never trigger when I want it to. It also has that irritating problem of being triggered at an alright but hardly perfect moment, and then giving you the dilemma of using it then and hoping a better time doesn't come up, or waiting hoping you get a better chance. Sod's Law, you'll make the wrong choice every time. Keep it, get a feel for it, but if you don't like it, don't feel bad about switching it out.

Cunning Adjustment is pretty cool. It has the major advantage of not being a ranged power so, unlike Knight's Move, it's useful for a frontliner. You may find it to be constraining because it can only target an adjacent ally - again, try it and see.

No Gambit Is Wasted is a fine power, but I believe (I am away from books) that the +5 only comes into play if you are Insightful.

Rousing assault is pretty much fine, yeah.

With regards the general criticism of Brash Assault/advice to take Direct The Strike, the former, like Vengeance is Mine and Cunning Adjustment, depends. If the DM rarely or never takes the gamble, Brash Assault is a waste and you should switch it out. But if it often triggers attacks, it's very damaging. It's also cool.
For Direct The Strike, yes, you'll be very effective if you grant your Thief lots of basic attacks. You'll also be bored to death. This is one of the biggest problems with playing a warlord - if played with Direct The Strike/Commander's Strike as your main abilities, with lots of off-turn abilities, you end up with a character even less interesting than a striker ranger - your turns are all the same, and you don't even get to take part in them. Some people like the grand chessmaster feeling they get from that, and more power to them, but I've always found that a direct the strike build ends up being a case of "Choose the ally you want to have fun instead of you" every turn - I ended up feeling like a glorified action point, and so I am loathe to recommend it.

2013-08-08, 04:31 AM
For Direct The Strike, yes, you'll be very effective if you grant your Thief lots of basic attacks. You'll also be bored to death. This is one of the biggest problems with playing a warlord - if played with Direct The Strike/Commander's Strike as your main abilities, with lots of off-turn abilities, you end up with a character even less interesting than a striker ranger - your turns are all the same, and you don't even get to take part in them. Some people like the grand chessmaster feeling they get from that, and more power to them, but I've always found that a direct the strike build ends up being a case of "Choose the ally you want to have fun instead of you" every turn - I ended up feeling like a glorified action point, and so I am loathe to recommend it.

This is pretty much exactly why I am not really thrilled with either of them.

EDIT: You're right about the No Gambit is Wasted rider, too. Man, Bravura is looking pretty neglected.

2013-08-08, 05:31 AM
It is certainly the case that the first few Warlord levels are somewhat dominated by powers with strong riders, and Bravura gets left out in the cold there, but it gets better as you reach higher levels - at level 7, for instance, you will be taking Provoke Overextension, and it will be really good.

Also, the actual effect of the Bravelord Presence is very strong, pretty much in the top two with Tactical, so you have that going for you (Insightful Presence, for example, is really quite poor).

2013-08-08, 06:43 AM
Well, guess I'll just hope we kill a whole mess of stuff quickly and wait for those levels then.

2013-08-08, 07:48 AM
With regards the general criticism of Brash Assault/advice to take Direct The Strike, the former, like Vengeance is Mine and Cunning Adjustment, depends. If the DM rarely or never takes the gamble, Brash Assault is a waste and you should switch it out. But if it often triggers attacks, it's very damaging. It's also cool.

Brash Assault is a reasonable option, but as DM, I'd only be taking the shot without the bonus from Harlequin style. Once that's in there, it's probably not worth attacking. That's my major criticism of that power - it's just not a good gamble, so only very low wisdom creatures would be taking it.

For Direct The Strike, yes, you'll be very effective if you grant your Thief lots of basic attacks. You'll also be bored to death.
I'd say "you might be bored to death." I actually love playing attack granting warlords, my first warlord was a warlord/bard with very few attacks of his own, largely using his allies as weapons (to be fair, he had Staggering Note with a wand of Thunderous Anguish as one attack granter, but the other was DtS, so he did make some attacks). Sure, they roll the dice, but YOU made it happen, which is just as good. When you smack a monster with a thief, you are the one that made that kill. When the passive bonuses from your abilities turn a miss into a hit, that's YOUR damage. When they spend an action point and get a free basic attack thanks to your presence, that's YOUR damage/effects. The warlord is great fun to play, because it lets your party shine (they feel great about what they manage to do with you around, you make sure that the right person gets another action), and you have fun because you are the chess master - you made it all happen. Sure, the Rook feels good about taking that Pawn, and your Knight may feel good about being instrumental in the checkmate, but YOU made it all happen.

I never felt bored. I always felt like I had a ton of possibilities every round, and was constantly thinking about how I could optimise my turn and ensure my party was ideally placed to control the combat/spike down the emeies, etc. It may not be everyone's bag, but it isn't boring for everyone.[/quote]

This is one of the biggest problems with playing a warlord - if played with Direct The Strike/Commander's Strike as your main abilities, with lots of off-turn abilities, you end up with a character even less interesting than a striker ranger - your turns are all the same, and you don't even get to take part in them. Some people like the grand chessmaster feeling they get from that, and more power to them, but I've always found that a direct the strike build ends up being a case of "Choose the ally you want to have fun instead of you" every turn - I ended up feeling like a glorified action point, and so I am loathe to recommend it.

Yeah, I never really felt that way. Mix in a few good encounter powers/dailies and use DtS or CS when there isn't a better option. I honestly have trouble understanding the feeling that you are choosing the ally that gets to have fun.

That said, I had a player who didn't like not getting to roll dice, but liked being able to be effective out of position. They asked me if it would be ok if they rolled the attacks they grant via abilities. The party had no issue with it. That's a potential solution for those who feel that they aren't taking part if they don't roll dice on their turn - keep a copy of the attack powers for your allies, ask the DM f you can roll the attacks you generate with the power, and have fun rolling the thief's mitt full of d6s.

2013-08-08, 11:26 AM
I'll chime in that boredom is very much in the mind of the player. Some folks get bored if they don't toss dice every few minutes, some get bored if they don't get to declare what crazy thing their PC does next, some get bored if they have to deal with another long fight before more cool RP. To each his own.

Me, I love watching plans and parts come together for cool effect, so I had a huge blast playing my Void Genasi Warlord, Omission ("No, really, pay no attention to me, I'm not even sure I exist."), to the laziest hilt possible. In game he played off as detached and uninterested in fighting, but very free with narration style commentary that seemed amazingly prescient "And now Derp is going to heft his mordenkrand and smite those goblins with a most provocative charge...". It was always a sign of high drama when I picked up my d20 for the one attack I had to roll; Lamb to the Slaughter. "Oh no, I seem to have walked right into a foolish situation, hopefully no enemy is clever enough to come after me..."

Along the same lines that someone else said, I might not have gotten to wield two bastard swords or a greataxe, but I did get to wield a Barbarian and a Fighter, and for my sort of mind, that is a lot of fun.

When looking at Commander's Strike vs. Direct the Strke; remember that DtS does given you a lot more flexibility (ally within 5 targets enemy within 5, giving you a functional range of up to 10) but at the cost of no bonus and the risk of provoking. CS gives you bonuses, and is worth asking your DM about how it works. I've seen some games where you have to be adjacent to both ally and enemy, and others where you have to be adjacent to ally, and ally has to be adjacent to enemy. That change alters the power quite a bit.

Obviously everyone has their own vibe; but I almost never play or see a Warlord without at least one of these two, for the simple reason that even if you have to step away from the fight for healing/utility use, you can still use your Standard to keep the damage going and get an enemy out of the fight faster... a dead enemy does 0 damage, the best healing there is.

2013-08-08, 03:04 PM
CS by RAW you have to be adjacent to the target (an enemy), not the ally. Well, technically, you have to be in melee weapon range (so reach weapons are a help).

The ally can only make a melee basic attack, so probably has to be adjacent, or if with a reach weapon, within 2.

The ally is not targeted by the ability, so no line of sight, or line of effect, or range requirement exists. Which is sort of funny, if you think about it.

2013-08-08, 03:32 PM
I've always looked at DtS and CS as wielding another player as a weapon rather than an implement or sword, complete with the hilarious mental images that engenders.

As for Vengeance is Mine never seeming to have a good trigger opportunity, I'm going to say that I've never found this to be true as long as I play aggressively.

Brash Assault is good even if the monster in question doesn't attack you because of the defense bonus. Use it on the dumb (and daunting) monsters or when you're forced into melee and DtS the rest.

You've got some pretty good alternatives though like Intuitive Strike for accuracy (makes flanks truly killer), Viper Strike for lockdown and Wolf Pack Tactics for (re)positioning/flanking.

Join The Fray for your L7 encounter please; it will help Storm Blender do insane damage.

2013-08-08, 05:41 PM
Honestly right now I'm wishing I had twice as many of everything. I don't want to choose just one! Take level 7, for example, there's your Join the Crowd competing for space with 4 or 5 other abilities.

2013-08-08, 11:08 PM
I've always looked at DtS and CS as wielding another player as a weapon rather than an implement or sword, complete with the hilarious mental images that engenders.

As for Vengeance is Mine never seeming to have a good trigger opportunity, I'm going to say that I've never found this to be true as long as I play aggressively.

Brash Assault is good even if the monster in question doesn't attack you because of the defense bonus. Use it on the dumb (and daunting) monsters or when you're forced into melee and DtS the rest.

You've got some pretty good alternatives though like Intuitive Strike for accuracy (makes flanks truly killer), Viper Strike for lockdown and Wolf Pack Tactics for (re)positioning/flanking.

Join The Fray for your L7 encounter please; it will help Storm Blender do insane damage.

Is your DM not using the updated Storm Pillar? It appears he is not, since you are suggesting Join the Crowd which is impossible for it to work with the updated Storm Pillar.

I would strongly suggest recommending to the DM that he uses the updated one; otherwise combats are far too easy with even a tiny amount of forced movement.

2013-08-08, 11:13 PM
Is your DM not using the updated Storm Pillar? It appears he is not, since you are suggesting Join the Crowd which is impossible for it to work with the updated Storm Pillar.

I would strongly suggest recommending to the DM that he uses the updated one; otherwise combats are far too easy with even a tiny amount of forced movement.

Incorrect; post-errata Storm Blender works when the enemy moves into any square adjacent to it on its turn.


Ally readies a close or area attack to attack during an enemy's turn and does so.

Join the Crowd triggers, allowing the Warlock to attack said enemy during its turn.

Enemy takes the 2[W] + mod hit, is forced to perform an involuntary poledance around Storm Blender thereby taking assloads of damage in the process, then takes the area/close attack; likely killing it.

This all could have been avoided if WotC wasn't terrible at writing errata, took out the clumsy 'on own turn' conditionality and required the movement to be willing, but alas. It's even worse with Psychic Anomaly + Orb Expertise and a Forceful Magic Petrified Orb. I'm surprised no one apparently went that route in the 4e gestalt game you applied for.