View Full Version : Feats and Spells for a thunder mage

2013-08-07, 02:52 AM
I'm joining a 3.5 campaign soon and I want to build a spellcaster that primarily uses electric and sonic spells. But I'm not really sure where to even start. Any suggestions for good electric/sonic spells (or just good spells to slap energy substitution on) and feats that fit in with the theme would be highly appreciated.

2013-08-07, 03:20 AM
Energy Substitution [electricity] [sonic] feat, Clap of Thunder feat, Born of the three Thunders feat, Thunderlance spell and so on.....

2013-08-07, 03:37 AM
Thunderlance is a force spell.

I'm actually currently playing a lightning/sonic focused mage. Or I would be, if the game hasn't been on hold since last year.

Born of the Three Thunders is fun, you just need a way to negate the daze. A bunch of third eyes: clarity work well enough. Also pick up Storm Blot for +1 CL to electricity spells and a semi-decent Reserve ability.

Ball lightning is nice, since it gives you something to do with your move action. Sound lance is decent. Resounding bolt is nice against objects. Problem is, most of the spells you end up using are Evocation, with SR:Yes. So sub-optimal, but still fun. Couple of sonic spells also have a daze/stun/trip rider (ironthunder horn? I forget). Electric loop is a low-level spell with a stun rider.

(Most of these spells are in Spell Compendium.)

Basically, since you have Energy Substitution, just trawl your books for energy spells you like, electricity substitute it and Born of the Three Thunders it. Boom.

2013-08-07, 03:42 AM
Thunderlance is a force spell.

Crap, I mean Sound Lance.

2013-08-07, 03:44 AM
You could try something like Raptoran Sorcerer 6 / Stormcaster 5 / Elemental Savant 9 using the 1st and 6th Raptoran Sorcerer substitution levels.

Raptorans and their substitution levels are from Races of the Wild, Stormcaster is from Stormwrack and Elemental Savant is from Complete Arcane.

As said, feat-wise you could look at Energy Substitution (Complete Arcane) and Born of the Three Thunders (Complete Arcane). You could also look at reserve feats which are located in Complete Mage.

Last but not least, ask your DM for an Electricity-version of the Searing Spell feat (Sandstorm).

2013-08-07, 03:56 AM
Once i am think about something like Warmage 5/Spellsinger 1/Stormcaster 5/Stormsinger 9.

But I'm not sure whether is legal to use Spellsinger Bardic Music to qualify into Stormsinger.