View Full Version : [PTU, IC] The Spinward Islands IV: What?

2013-08-07, 12:18 PM
"Hey now, the point of blackmail isn't to show it unless they don't comply." Rebecca says with a chuckle, "Well, knowing the case number is still one step closer than nothing." She says with a shrug, "And unfortunately the only reason I even knew she was hear is because of you girls. Not much I can help with for scrying."Rebecca
"ok so... now what do we do?" says Sam resting her head on the table out of boredom

Seeing the little piplup clearly stuck and despite his temporary frustration Artax can't help but feel sorry for the little guy.

Whoa whoa there little dude, hold up let me help you out there, flailing around like that isn't gonna help at all. Artax walks up to the piplup attempting to undo the damage he may have done by yelling with a much smoother tone, before helping the piplup get his head unstuck.

Charm: [roll0]Artax
it continues to flail and panic (you're a big 6 foot rocker with a mask who came charging in screaming its going to take more than that to calm down a young pokemon like this) fortunately you have no trouble picking it up and pulling the can off. With the can off it sprays bubbles around but its too panicked to aim so you are unharmed so far. You also realize at this point that it is a she, and on top of being a bit off color she has a crown like spot on her forehead.

2013-08-07, 02:28 PM
Not entirely sure what to do Artax just keeps hold of the little piplup, being careful not to squeeze to much as to hurt her.

Hey Koga, little help please!

Koga had always been the one to calm down situations with other pokemon in the past Krome coming to mind fairly quickly maybe her presence could help, beyond the fact that she was the 'mother' of the group she was also a she Artax could only hope that Koga's presence would help deflate the current situation.

2013-08-09, 01:59 PM
"Well that's up to you ladies. I promised I'd come back and do whatever you three wanted to do once I finished my work." Rebecca says, "I finished my work and am waiting for the rest of my crew to arrive."

2013-08-10, 09:45 AM
Hey guys! I'm back but I've no clue what is going on. Mind giving me the short version (assuming y'all are willing to have me back)

2013-08-10, 10:49 AM
Short version: you and Alistar have been mostly successful in making your way through the kelp forest, big patch is still chasing us. Artax tried to go to sleep and was interrupted by a off color piplup with its head stuck in a bucket. Haven't been paying attention to what Rebecca has been up to. You are currently in the drivers seat still.

2013-08-10, 11:22 AM
"and nothing we already said we could do sounds appealing?"

Lea and Alisair
What trul said, and don't stress you guys have all the time in world to figure this being "chased by kelp" thing out.

The klinking of koga's metal feet as she approaches actually seems to agitate the piplup even more and it adds the piplup equivalent of screaming to the list of things its doing to try and get away.

it seems this will take longer than you expect, but no worries its a long boat ride so you have all the time in the world.

Lea and alistair again
A carvana dragging a long line of seaweed leaps out of the water and sinks its teeth into the rear railing of the boat. The line goes taught and the speed in which the kelp is closing with you increases.(yuuuup all the time in the world...)

2013-08-10, 01:55 PM
Lea turns and says, "You rather keep this boat going or go investigate?"

2013-08-10, 03:36 PM
****, nothing is helping...

Koga, hurry and go fetch Ragnar and everyone else.

Koga hustles off to do as she was told while Artax makes his way back to his currently doorless room.

When Ragnar and company get back, Artax tells Koga to stay in the room and for everyone else to get the door back on and keep it shut.

Once his instructions are completed, with Koga (who is more than worried for the little piplup) and himself essentially locked up in his room Artax will release the piplup from his hold.

Dodging poorly aimed bubbles Artax and Koga try to reassure the terrified piplup that everything is ok and she can calm down.

Calm down, little lady. We aren't going to hurt you we just want to make sure you are unharmed. I'm sorry I was yelling. Just calm down, please. Everything is going to be alright.

Charm: [roll0]

2013-08-10, 05:22 PM
"I'm here for you ladies. You let me know what you want to do." Rebecca says with a chuckle, "None of your ideas made me want to automatically dismiss them, so it's fine." She says, "I wouldn't be keeping my word if I showed up and started bossing you all around and telling you what to do."

2013-08-12, 07:08 PM
Lea and Alistair
(due to the lack of reg we'll assume alistair takes the helm)

The piplup continues panicking until your drilbur slashes open your pillow and dumps its contents over you like the bag of cereal earlier. The piplup is quiet for a moment at this unexpected behavior before it starts laughing. Apparently finding this funny. Despite this change in mood the piplup is still glancing uneasily at the steel typed pokemon in the room.

Lea again
the kelp patch will catch up with the boat in 5 rounds

"Hmm that'd actually kinda be a change of pace for us..." says Rachel to herself before Sam spontaneously springs up and shouts "Alright I know what to do follow me!" and runs out the door "*sigh* or change of pace for sam atleast..."

2013-08-12, 09:07 PM

Koga, Mel, I think it would be best at this juncture for you two to leave the room for the time being.

Waiting for the two of them to leave (Krome will already be outside the room) Artax tries to gauge how the piplup is reacting to the steel types leaving the room.

All better little lady?

2013-08-13, 12:18 AM
Unsure what to make of this, Lea will call out Carmon and command her to use growth.

2013-08-13, 02:48 AM
She looks very confused as if she was expecting something else to happen.

(some where a deity is reminded to use as many personal buff moves as possible over the next 4 rounds)

Edgar shows up and futilely prys as the carvana's jaws trying to get it to let go of the boat.

2013-08-13, 07:32 AM
You and me both sister....

Entirely at a loss at what to do next Artax figures at least she has calmed down.

Well, uhm, now that you are calm how about we head over to the med facility and make sure you are all right eh?

As he is standing he notices his pokedex sitting on the ground near the bed, he goes to pick it up with the full intent to scan the piplup, just to see if anything odd pops up.

2013-08-13, 04:40 PM
She looks very confused as if she was expecting something else to happen.

(some where a deity is reminded to use as many personal buff moves as possible over the next 4 rounds)

Edgar shows up and futilely prys as the carvana's jaws trying to get it to let go of the boat.

Without recalling Carmon, Lea calls out Blooma and has her use Sunny Day.

2013-08-13, 04:51 PM
The carvana winces under the intense light.

the kelp bed is now 15 meters and 3 rounds away. at this point a long stick rises out of the water with a hole in the top and a string looped through it like a flag pole without a flag.

The piplup nods finding no reason to object. The through dex scan returns that the mon is shiney and of pureblood decent as far as the dex can tell.

2013-08-13, 05:28 PM
Allowing the piplup to follow him to the med facility, Artax takes a look around at the equipment not entirely sure what to do with any of it.

Tech edu: [roll0]
Medicine edu: [roll1]
and Intuition for good measure: [roll2]

Should his attempts at trying to figure out the machinery fail Artax will address the piplup, You might want to cover your ears, gonna yell to see if I can get some help with the machines.

Clearing his throat Artax hollers, EDGAR SOME HELP IN THE MED LAB PLEASE!!!

2013-08-13, 09:48 PM
Lea has Carmon grow once more.

2013-08-14, 10:00 AM
At 10 meters, and 2 rounds away a flag rises out of the water, and up this crude flag pole. It crudely depicts a dewotts face with an eyepatch, and crossed seashells as if the flags was some sort of pirates jolly roger.

Edgar over hears something, and with a sigh dashes for the other end of the boat.

Edgar shows up looking a little annoyed he tries to make charades to the effect that he was busy with something else, but doesn't really get any sort of understandable message across until he doodles a dewotts face with an eyepatch, and crossed seashells as if the flags was some sort of pirates jolly roger. At that point the piplup freaks out again and hides under a cardboard box.

2013-08-14, 10:59 AM
"Those pirate are trying to board the wrong ship!" Lea declares.

With a command from Lea, Blooma places a worry seed on Carmon.

2013-08-14, 02:22 PM
Artax wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but whatever it was that Edgar was going on about the piplup didn't like it.

Go ahead and do what you were doing Edgar, I'll be up with some reinforcements soon. Talking to the piplup, Alright little lady, I can tell whatever it is you don't like it head on back to my room I'll have Koga and Lazarith keep and eye out for you, and trust me nothing is going to get by those two. Koga go grab Lazarith you'll be guarding our guest here in the the room, be quick about it. Kazar if you would please take our guest to the room, and join me upstairs when Koga and Lazarith have the room secure. The drilbur, while usually a royal pain, did exactly as he was told sensing the kind of situation they were in to not be the time to goof around.

Heading upstairs Artax hollers out to the rest of his team, On your feet people we got trouble upstairs! Acolypse prepare for battle!

Acolypse uses Curse

2013-08-14, 04:32 PM
at 1 round and 5 meters the first wave is launched. 6 Oshawotts with makeshift kelp bandana's ride jets of water up onto the deck and land 3 on either side of the carvana. (you have first initiative for this round they pulled full round actions pulling off that stunt)

No way apocalypse is getting up those stairs without busting/widening them, the hallway, and a door. you either need to recall him(combat stages reset) or open the hatch cover so he can get out that way.

2013-08-14, 05:15 PM
Rebecca chuckles, stands up, takes a last sip of her drink and moves after, "Eh, I guess its a change of pace for me too. I'm normally the one running off and telling my crew to catch up."

2013-08-14, 05:45 PM
It wasn't until he reached the top of the stairs that Artax realized that Acolypse was stuck below deck.

****...Ragnar, take charge until I get Acolypse up here, put some fear in them! Artax will hustle to get the hatch door open for the onyx and Ragnar will lead the remainder of the group over to where Lea and company were, giving a loud howl upon arrival.

2013-08-14, 10:51 PM
at 1 round and 5 meters the first wave is launched. 6 Oshawotts with makeshift kelp bandana's ride jets of water up onto the deck and land 3 on either side of the carvana. (you have first initiative for this round they pulled full round actions pulling off that stunt)

Cursing that she didn't get one more round to prepare before they showed up, Lea commands carmon to maneuver to catch as many as she can in her razor leaf.

[roll1]+22 crit damage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15824599&postcount=143)

2013-08-16, 07:54 AM
Boat battle
The razor leaf attack takes out half of the pint sized buccaneers easily. Meanwhile the kelp bed is finally close enough and starts lobbing a lot of recycled fishing line and hooks over the railing most is ineffectively slipping back into the water but some of it is actually hooking on to things. You can expect more oshawotts to be scaling these lines soon.

Everyone with spd greater than 6 go.(btw you don't have to be physically present to expend your command action)

Sam leads you to the peer closest to where this mornings fight was "Hey this is souvenir hunting isn't it?" Complains rachel "Yup but the brilliant twist is I didn't tell you in advance. Soooo since we are already here... I'm gonna look around while you either try to devise something productive to do or you ultimately decide to give in and have some immature senseless fun." Answers Sam with a big smile before she puts a rebreather in her mouth and dives into the water.

2013-08-16, 03:59 PM
Hearing the sounds of things starting to heat up Artax picks up the pace to get to the level to let Acolypse out, Ragnar and company arrive just in time to see several enemies being felled by Lea and company. Taking charge of the situation until Artax gets back with reinforcements Ragnar blasts out a trumpety call letting Krome know that he needed to try and get rid of some of those lines.

Aimed at the largest bunch of lines that can be hit by it Krome will move into range and use Swift. Which cannot miss and will do [roll0] to them. (Range 8, Blast 2)

2013-08-16, 06:47 PM
Rebecca sighed as she watched the girl. "Souvenir hunting? Really?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "You know, when you're a full blown Ranger you'll have a lot of jobs that you might run out of space souvenir hunting." She says opening her pack and pulling out the rebreather. She didn't see what the point was, but at the same time if it was connected to Sam's past she might as well try and find evidence of the strange guy.

2013-08-25, 09:14 PM
Boat battle
(plans has two days to post before lea gets either auto piloted or fiat sweeped(haven't decided which))

"Wait aren't you going to put on grimer repellent?" shouts Rachel after Sam who then surfaces to answer "aah don't be a wuss they never bother me and if they did they did I'd finally have a chance to catch another pokemon" Sam then dives again and steven says to rachel "eer grimer repelent?" "oh well you see grimers are invertebrates, and interestingly they are not comfortable just floating in water so they like to stick to surfaces more solid than they are but the waters around glisten have a lot of pokemon that clean all these surfaces and force the very few grimers there are off so they try to stick to anything else they can find like poorly maintained boats and people who don't wear repellent. It doesn't happen to people very often and the grimer specific repellent is expensive so a lot of people don't wear it until it actually happens to them." rachel shudders as if reliving a bad memory "Its really gross, and slimy, and itchy and... Anyway You're too small to have to worry about them though they prefer to stick to things at least human sized"

2013-08-26, 11:11 AM
"You're kidding me?" Rebecca asks hopefully. "And uh...Sam's just swimming in that?"

2013-08-26, 11:25 AM
"The water is really really clean actually and that's kinda the problem. Harbors are not normally this clean, and because all the people and pokemon put so much effort into cleaning it the grimers have nowhere to go so what is astronomically improbable anywhere else is made into a more probable(but still statistically improbable) occurrence here" answers Rachel "heeereee little grimer I wanna caaaptuuure youuuu-OH SHINY!" mocks Sam as she floats by before suddenly diving back down.

2013-08-26, 07:56 PM
"And yet, Grimmer repellant is expensive here?" Rebecca asks with a sigh, "Wonderful, I'll settle for searching the shore for souvenirs. Anyone need a rebreather?"

2013-08-26, 08:47 PM
"Its kinda a niche thing so they don't have the advantage of selling in bulk so it winds up like 600 a tube vs. around half that for general repel" Says Rachel as she applies her lone tube of repel puts on her rebreather and hops in "um... I don't need repel cause I can beat them off with my brain, not that they have ever bothered me either" says Ashley awkwardly before diving in as well, and finally steven goes half vaporeon and says "well if they are not interested in me and if the water is cleaner than our last dip in rosrise harbor then all I have to say is... Cowabunga!" before cannonballing into the water "wait you talk and you change colors!?" says the girls collectively "uh yeah didn't I mention that? eh-heh-heh"

2013-08-26, 10:40 PM
"He's a pretty awesome little guy. He's also a brave hero and saved my life." Rebecca said as she walked along the area avoiding the water and glancing around for 'souvenirs'

2013-08-27, 09:40 AM
Steven blushes at your praise before continueing to enjoy having a fan club.

Glistens shore is not like a beach at all. More like the edge of a dock or pool. Most of your time here hitting the streets you have been fairly high up, but now to get close to the water you are practically under a platform walking along the bridged edges pf the concrete slabs that form the platforms feet. there are no boat moorings under this platform or really anything besides stairs, support pillars, and some other people who are down here who seem to be the beach going sort or just cliques of friends looking for a place to hang thats off the busy streets.(perception check for finer details)(note: you're not limited to just perception checks)

2013-08-27, 10:31 AM
Rebecca moved around as she looked, occasionally glancing over to try and keep an eye on the girls. She doubted there was much danger considering it was the middle of the city and the girls had rebreathers and could swim, but the last thing she wanted was to explain if something happened due to one of them doing something stupid.


2013-08-27, 11:11 AM
Your eyes pick up a fairly obvious sight to someone of your experience, and your ears pick up a fairly obvious noise to any ranger(in hearshot... which is just you).

You see...a gang of hooligans and delinquents hanging out by one of the stairwells your past knowledge of such low lifes tell you these are the sort to sherk all obligation and just hang out in one spot all day harassing everyone eho passes except for the rather intimidating sort, and only venturing off for sustenance they have been unable to obtain from their victims.

You hear...what sounds like the faint cry of a baby pokemon. its on the edge of the platform and there is a big wide support pillar between you and it so you can't see what it is. The only way to reach it is to either swim for inch along a ledge overlooking the water.

2013-08-27, 05:52 PM
Rebecca glances at the hooligans, but doesn't say anything to them yet. At the moment, they weren't doing anything so she wouldn't have the authority to stop them. The baby pokemon, however, might need assistance. She starts making her way toward the sound, attempting to inch along the edge.

2013-08-27, 06:32 PM
Its a good thing you have a knack for keeping your balance otherwise this might be hard.

After some inching you find the source of the noise and because life isn't predictable enough you recognize it as a tiny baby grimer. It looks about as beat as a grimer could be considering its physiology, and there are small foreign objects sticking out of its gelatinous body. Its just sitting there sticking to the ledge calling out to the water with a strained voice as if it has been calling for hours but the sea gives it no response or recognition.

2013-08-27, 11:05 PM
Rebecca glances at the Grimer a bit confused, "Uhhh...something wrong?" She asked unsure why she was bothering since she didn't speak Grimer. She glanced around and tried to call out for the girls.

2013-08-28, 03:20 PM
The grimer upon hearing you withdraws its limbs and facial features into its blobyness, makes itself flatter to stick to more surface area, and quivers in fear as if expecting the worse.

the girls hear your call and soon arrive on the scene

2013-08-28, 05:41 PM
"So...the Grimer looks like something is bothering him. Consider this a fun game and good practice for handling wilds and helping them like Rangers are supposed to do." She says with a nod at the blob, "See if you can figure out what's wrong, how to help, etc." Rebecca says to the girls.

2013-08-28, 11:13 PM
Delphi suddenly teleports unto the scene, taking a quick look at her surroundings; before several copper orbs of light manifested around him. The unown releasing a mirthful cry as they shoot out at the wounded carvanha and the remaining buccaneers.

If Ragnar's blast actually took them all out, then Delphi's attack will target the fishing lines instead.

*Speed: 15
*Def & S.Def: 10

HIdden Power - Burst 1
*Damage: [roll1] - S-Normal

2013-08-29, 02:07 PM
Boat battle
Lea stuns one of the oshawotts with hair spores(auto pilot)

Delphi takes out the carvana and really bruises up(read: injuries) the remaining buccaneers but they are still standing.

Krome cuts half of the lines

the oshawott pirates start climbing the lines that are still intact though they are now much more grouped together than they would have been. due to bottlenecks 3 make it to the deck this round and 3 more are backed up hanging on the lines between the deck and the water. they then attack.

Lea is tackled by an injured oshawott for 23 physical damage before reductions, and shot with a water gun by a fresh one for 19 special damage

Carmon is also tackled for 31 damage before reductions

The third injured oshawott shoots a water gun at delphi but misses while the other two fresh boarders hit with water guns for 26 and 28 special damage before reductions respectively.

the oshawotts hanging on the lines can't get an angle on the action on deck so they direct their water guns at krome instead to try and shoo him away doing 17, 16, 21 special damage before reductions respectively

every one speed 5 and slower go!... (wait thats plans mon isn't it... ok new plan who wants a temporary lea and mons action figure?)

"oh my it looks hurt" says rachel as she pulls out some herbal medicine and honey candy, and climbs up on the ledge. When she get close to the grimer it immediately scoots away from her without caring where its going and runs up against your boot...thats probably gonna leave a stain "oh yeah I put on repellent sorry" "welp my time to shine then" Says sam as she climbs up as well and snatches the candy and medicine from rachel "now where's your mouth?" asks sam as she tests the surface of the blob with the piece of honey candy.

Ashley looks uncertain as to what to do and asks you "Um... should I try to scry what happened?" (reminder she can only scry a limited number of times per day)

2013-08-30, 09:58 AM
Rebecca glances down at her boot and watches the girls. When she hears the question, she just looks over and smiles, "Well, you tell me. If you were a free roam ranger and came across this scenario, what would you do?" She asks, "Would you scry? Pretend you are all full-fledged rangers."

2013-08-31, 04:17 PM
Carmon takes the blow with barely a whinge, its own fortitude coupled with the intense sun rays coming down upon the field rendering the assault barely more than an annoyance. The frondius swiftly releases another flurry of cutting flora at the oshawotts in hopes of stopping their forces before things got out of hand.

I am assuming control of Lea hence forth, until declared otherwise

Small reminder, Sunny Day is still active. Also Carmon Activates Chlorophyll doubling her speed up to ten for the remainder of the encounter.

razor leaf, crit on 18-20, cone 2 area (rolled in the ooc)
AC4: 16
Damage: 43 P-grass

2013-09-03, 03:42 PM
Ashley ponders "hmm... um.. any physical evidence would have been washed away by now so..." she then calls out her staryu and munna and has the staryu help keep her afloat while munna opens big and wide to practically engulfs her head. Something tells you she is probably gonna be like that for a bit.

Meanwhile Sam through trial and error finds the grimers mouth it immediately and happily opens its eyes and perks up temporarily forgetting its troubles. "there thats a good blob now you just suck on that tasty treat while I get you cleaned up." Sam pulls out off the grimer...

a crushed beer can
a handful of broken glass
some small grey rocks and pebbles
a pale yellow crystalline shard
a clearly unimportant small metal emblem like a badge or label pin in the shape of a G (http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/a7/Galactic-logo.png/40px-Galactic-logo.png)
various twigs

Boat battle
(oh yeah its sunny... uh... everyone cut the damage done by water guns in half this time I'll remember the db change next time so you won't have to.)Carmon takes out two more oshawotts one of them was fresh the other was already injured.

Suddenly a pair of carvana towing a dewott burst out of the water faster than anyone else. This dewott looks different from your typical shell toting otter. It has an eyepatch just like the flag and instead of wielding clamshells it looks like its wielding a shellder. Speaking of shellders it sprays icicles at krome once it lands on top of the rear superstructure doing 80 ice physical damage before reductions.

faster than spd 6 go!

2013-09-03, 05:28 PM
Lea attempts to drain the dewott's vitality before moving a safe distance away from the heating scuffle. Meanwhile Carmon launches a storm of razor leafs upon the remaining oshawots, just as Delphi ports in behind the newly arrived trio; striking them with shimmering brass orbs as he loses forth his battle cry.


*Damage:[roll1] S-Grass

AC4: [roll2] COne 2
Damage: [roll3]+22 P-Grass

AC 2:[roll4]
Damage: [roll5] S-Fighting

2013-09-04, 01:40 PM
Rebecca raised an eyebrow at the emblem and the shard, "Any idea what either of those are?"

2013-09-06, 07:59 PM
As Krome crumples into a heap Melesoph flies forward and zaps the dewott with a thundershock as Ragnar hustles over to the fallen birds side. Artax finds the lever for the hatch and shoves it over to open up the hatch allowing Acolypse free from his confinement.

Tshock: Ac 2
Damage: [roll]2d6+8+17 Electric Special Paralyzes on 17-20.

Also sorry about that had net issues just as I saw your post, should be fixed now.

2013-09-12, 01:04 AM
Boat battle
As Lea tries to use absorb on the dewott one of the injured oshawotts pirates gets in the way and redshirt for their captain. Carmon sweeps the deck of the remaining pirates.

The magnemites Tshock misses the dewott.

The switch Artax flipped opens the hatch at an accelerated pace exposing the breeding area and a big onix to the open air.

The pirates on the lines retreat back into the water since the effectiveness of their ranged moves have been diminished by the weather and they can't effectively fight the strange airborne ball that rambles on about space.

new round

The Dewott uses its shellder to cut the kelp lines that tie it to it carvanha's and it leaps down into the hold but it is quickly lost track of by everyone but apokalypse.

The carvanha's then leap into action to buy their leader time. One leaps at apokalypse and sinks icy fangs into its rocky hide doing 22 physical Ice damage before reductions.

The other tries to bite melesoph but its teeth glances off the round sphere harmlessly.

At your prompting Sams full attention is turned to the emblem, and shard and quickly she zones out. "sam are you alright?" Her gaze looks distant yet fixed on the contents of her had and the only response she gives to Rachel is incomprehensible gibberish as if she was speaking another language "Sam!" cries Rachel desperately as she shakes Sam but she still seems out of it. "not again Snap out of it!" shouts Rachel even louder but her words seem to fall on deaf ears.

2013-09-12, 03:59 AM
"Again?" Rebecca asks raising an eyebrow, "How often does this happen?" She asks with a frown.

2013-09-12, 08:52 AM
"She hasn't been like this since we first met her" Rachel then tries spinning sam around and slapping her in the face as hard as she can, but since this is oven mitts and negotiations rachel that helping isn't much.

2013-09-12, 03:01 PM
"How did you snap her out of it the first time?" Rebecca asks, "Where did you find her? Toss me that pin she was holding that caused it. This could be some mental trauma thing related to it."

2013-09-12, 03:36 PM
"Like we said before we met her on basket, and it wasn't just *snap* she's a normal person we had to teach her everything from scratch" Says Rachel as she empties Sams hands and gives the shard, pin, and assorted debris to you, but sams condition doesn't change. She then embraces Sam and starts to cry "Please don't be gone Sam...*sob* please don't be gone...*sob* even if we retaught you you wouldn't be the same person *cry* I don't want to lose mor-*too choked up to speak*"

2013-09-12, 08:35 PM
Rebecca glances over at the pin and examines it. She wasn't sure what to do with Sam and as such decided to focus on the pin.

Do I recognize the logo?

2013-09-12, 09:09 PM
Unscathed by the attack Acolypse keeps an eye on the dewott. Melesoph sends and electric barrage at one of the attacking carhavana.

Tshock: [roll0] AC2.
Damage: [roll1] Electric Special Para on 17-20.

Just as a reminder, Lazarith and Koga are with the piplup. Specifically Koga and the piplup are inside Artax's room, with Lazarith outside the door

2013-09-12, 10:07 PM
RebeccaOOC: yes
IC: since your not from sinnoh you have no basis for knowledge without a general edu skill check in this case using purely your brain.(its a different story if you had assistance from books, technology, and other sentient beings) the pin appears to be a normal die cast and painted piece of metal.

"I'm sorry I said you were gross and for getting after you for your collection of uniquely shaped zubat dropping, and for skipping showers, and for every time I brought up the diapers just please come back!"*more crying and sobbing* The baby grimer seems to perk up in interest when it hears this.

Boat battle
still need reg to post

Also I listed the icefang damage wrong but it was my bad so I'm not going to change it(just don't be surprised if the next attack hurts more)

2013-09-13, 07:56 PM
"Do either of you recognize this symbol? It's clearly a logo, but I'm not familiar with it. Considering looking at it is what caused her to..." Rebecca pauses thinking of the word, "lock up, it might be related."

2013-09-13, 08:16 PM
Ashley's floating on her staryu still entranced, and with a munna engulfing most of her head it is probably safe to say she is pretty much oblivious to what is happening in the present. Her munna is begining to give off a strange purple smoke

Rachel looks up and stares hard at the pin but ultimately breaks down in defeat and resumes the waterworks. Clearly she doesn't recognize it.

"Hmmm... well its not a spinward, four region, or unovan badge thats for sure I have all those memorized." comments steven.

Meanwhile the grimer tries to move closer to sam (and you can see now that sure enough it left a purple stain on your boot) but Rachel waves her arm and shoo's it away easily because she is wearing repellent the grimer then turns around and stares at you with big round eye as if it was seeking your permission to do... something.

2013-09-15, 02:52 AM
"Does her pokemon normally do that?" Rebecca asks glancing at Ashley, "Steven, do you know what the Grimmer wants?" She asks rubbing her temple.

2013-09-15, 03:13 AM
"Well you could try looking up Munna's on your dex thing isn't that what its made for? Now lets see here whatcha want blobby?" the grimer makes noises but steven just looks confused after hearing them "just our luck too young even to talk to other mons properly its just saying the equivalent to goo goo gah gah. Ok can you show me what you want to do without touching sam?" the little grimer thinks for a moment and then happily baby belches in stevens face "ahh geez thats rank!" he says pressing a paw into his nose "I mean seriously thats a smell that could wake the dead and furthermore-" as steven continues to rant about how bad it smells the purple smoke from ashley's munna takes the form of a small round cloud and like some sort of gaseous crystal ball it starts to show images so far they are of the general vicinity being empty at night.

2013-09-16, 01:41 PM
"Yes, if that's a species behavior and not something her Munna does randomly...Then again, I'm supposed to scan things for Ironwood anyways." Rebecca mumbles as she pointed her styler at the Munna and activated the pokedex scan feature. She then pointed and scanned the Grimmer while she was at it.

"Go ahead," She said with a wave at the Grimmer. "If it could wake the dead maybe it can snap her out of it."

2013-09-16, 04:32 PM
Vin helps speed the data retrieval along and soon the dex brings up...

-Munna, the Dream Eater Pokémon. Munna can eat the dreams of people and Pokémon alike, and then project those dreams by emitting Dream Mist from its body.-

the entry on grimer is less helpful...

-Grimer, the Sludge Pokémon. It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to X-rays from the moon.-

So Vin supplements with external data. Not all of it fits on the screen it seems Vin may have gone a little overboard(add in the diagrams graphs and charts and its gonna take a lot of scrolling to read it all)

-Grimers are artificial pokemon and are unique in that they have multiple means of reproduction. First being their means of artificial creation which is recreatable in any lab with appropriate equipment. Second is of course conventional breeding. Third is asexual reproduction when a wild grimer can not find a suitable mate. domesticated grimer for reasons unknown do not attempt to reproduce asexually no matter how long they go without a mate and instead focus on evolution. for conventional breeding grimers relevant organs are located-*ran out of screen space*

-scroll down? do you have any other queries?-

Meanwhile the munna's cloud beings to show images of someone in the water with a pair of grimer's stuck on him. You can't see their face but the hair seems reminiscent of sam's style.

Rachel reluctantly pinches her nose and lets the grimer do its thing "Urp!" Sam blinks and then suddenly starts chuckling "whew was that me? smells like a mix of burrito tuesday and my zubat dropping collection..." she then realizes she is being held in Rachel arms "uh... whats going on? are you coming out of the closet or something?" Rachel just silently hugs her friend obviously happy she is back "no seriously what happened? was I out? did you drug me? what did you do to me while I was passed out? I better find I'm still wearing pants when I look down" says a confused sam unsure what to do in this embrace.

2013-09-16, 10:29 PM
"You seemed to phase out. They said it was like when they found you. The Grimer snapped you out of it." Rebecca says glancing over at the Dream Smoke. "Uhh should we stop the pokemon from eating her face?"

2013-09-16, 11:08 PM
"Oh she's fine she does that all the time so we can see what she sees. So this grimer helped? why would he do that? most wilds give me a wide berth" "Cause you're both slobs and are made for each other now give it a pokeball already it probably shouldn't see what ashleys showing considering he lived it" says Rachel breaking her silence but not her hold "oh right uh... this would be easier if you let go for a moment" "not a chance you scared me to much" Sam then blindly feels for a ball that the grimer easily accepts just before the figure in the cloud rips one grimer off its shoulder and there is a gleam of metal in the light probably the pin you are holding stuck to the grimer. The figure then ruthlessly, and efficiently plunges his fistful of grimer into the water and grinds it into the shallow harbor floor. The other larger grimer turns extremely violent trying to get the figure to stop and it looks like the grimer is injuring him but he isn't reacting to his obvious painful injuries instead he pulls the grimer off him and draws from a shoulder sheath a sword single edged like a katana, but straight, practical, and efficient in appearance. With a flick of his wrist the other fistful of grimer is tossed into the air and with a blur of movement, and supernatural glow the grimer is sliced in two with a single strike obviously dead. The figure who can clearly be recognized now as some sort of older male version of Sam then wades out of the water on to the platform you stand now and up some stairs after ruthlessly and efficiently tossing a hooligan that tried to mess with him aside. "w-what the hell did I just watch?..." stammers sam

2013-09-17, 12:29 PM
"Vin, see if you can find any information on that pin." Rebecca says before turning to walk toward the hooligans.

2013-09-17, 01:13 PM
The hooligans wolf whistle and cat call toward you as you approach especially a bandaged one wearing a neckbrace.

Meanwhile Vin does his thing
-Searching public image data...-

-Match: Pin is the emblem of criminal team known as Team Galactic. Searching public historical data...-

-Match: Team Galactic originated from the Sinnoh region. Believed they could remake the world into a perfect state, and had an interest in all pokemon of possible extraterrestrial origin. Plotted to use legendary pokemon to achieve their goal and was foiled. Original movement believed to be defunct. Searching public news data-

-No Match. Accessing Ranger database... Searching... Access Denied... grumbling internally... flipping security system the bird. Cracking password... Security revealed to be a porygon. Attempting to intimidate... Access Denied... Attempting to trick... Access Denied... Optimising flirt code with Rebecca behavioral data. Attempting to charm...Target successfully wooed and/or flustered. Email address acquired. Date acquired. Access granted... Resuming Search...-

-Match: Remnants of team galactic now believed to have formed a deep underworld organization with global presence. Still believed to have same overall objective and interest in extraterrestrial pokemon. Tactics and means to achieving their goals is believed to have changed.-

2013-09-17, 03:13 PM
"Let's cut to the chase boys. A blue haired punk dissed you and made you look bad. I'm going to find him and most likely kick his ass since he's a wanted criminal. You get to enjoy the fact that somebody who messed with you learned a lesson, I get to catch someone I'm looking for. What can you tell me about him?" Rebecca asks.

2013-09-17, 03:32 PM
They fall silent and look at eachother then one snorts like he's holding something in which sets off a chain reaction of snorts from others and soon enough they are all laugh hysterically at the idea of some pink haired chick taking down (as they put it mixed in with lots of other dirty language) "anything bigger than a joltik" many of them make impressions of some stiff and serious person like the guy who looked like sam and others make mocking impressions of some girl cowering in front of the scary guy impressions.

2013-09-17, 05:13 PM
As the group of men make an ace of themselves, Rebecca contemplates the legal repercussions of shooting one of them as an example. No...that'd be murder... Realizing that wouldn't be the best idea, she instead contemplates the idea of shoving her rifle against their man parts. Nope, assault

She waits a moment crossing her arms, "And yet unlike you girls, I'm at least willing to try instead of cowering her in a neck brace like a little poochyena." She said as she drew the survival knife she carried and twirled it between her fingers as if casually playing with it, while intentionally making it very clear she was familiar with a knife.

2013-09-17, 07:20 PM
Delphi unleashes a series of white orbs at the Carvanha pair; the offending mon having mear moments to recover before they're assailed by Camaron and Lea. Lea shouting at the decks below to warn them about the Dewott as best she could.

ABsorb, at the one targeting melesoph
*Damage:[roll1] S-Grass

Tackle (the one targeting Apokelypse)
AC3: [roll2]
Damage: 33 P-Normal

Delphi, burst 1 at both
AC 2:[roll3]
Damage: [roll4] S-Normal

2013-09-17, 09:00 PM
The hooligans react in a way that is unfortunately typical. Basically lots of threats profanity shouting and showing off by brandishing weapons and defacing public property. much more provocation and someone might get hurt(I'll leave who ambiguous)

Boat Battle
both carvanha turned out to be glass cannons and went down easy

New round
With the arrival of a second big mon into the hold the dewott instead retreats to an air vent smashing it open with a bolt of ice from it shellder and squeezes inside. Edgar appears and tries to follow him but the dewott seals the entrance with Ice first clearly this isn't a typical dewott holding a shellder.

2013-09-17, 09:11 PM
Rebecca sighs and rubs her temple, "Boys, boys...come now. You don't need to act tough around me. What do you care if I lose to the guy? If I win, he gets his ass kicked. If I lose, some punk cop that knows where you all hang out is gone. You win either way." She flashed a smile, "So help a girl out?"


2013-09-17, 09:26 PM
They all seemed to snap out of their furious rage as if they remembered they were talking to a hot chick. They all talk at once trying to help. some trying to give the play by play of what happened some pointing where they think they went others promising to look for him and call you when they see him(in exchange for a phone number ofcourse). this conversation is like herding cats but the gist of it is....
your target hooked left at the top of the stair towards the center of town.

your target had a creepy emotionless face until he tossed that one other guy then he looked ready to kill. everything else you already know from the dream mist.

Vin transmits a number to their phones and reassures you it leads to a throw away voip account that you can terminate at any time. this number seems to be spreading some you'll probably have a good number of delinquents on watch by tomorrow morning at this rate.

2013-09-17, 09:36 PM
Rebecca thanks the holligans wishing that scum like them would able to just be purged, but turns back to the girls. "I have a lead on the Sam look-a-like who dropped the thing that messed with Sam." She told them.

2013-09-17, 09:37 PM
You find them huddled together on the ledge crying their little hearts out about something.

2013-09-17, 09:44 PM
"Uhhh...did I miss something? You girls hear what I said?"

2013-09-17, 09:52 PM
"uh yeah... I guess you don't know..." says sam trying to wipe her tears "I guess you could say... we were banking on my family if we ever found them to be a bit more... not evil. how stupid were we to think that I knew how to load, aim, shoot, and clean a gun bigger than me before I was even potty trained" *more crying* "now if anyone ever comes to adopt we'll probably be separated!" *even more crying*

2013-09-17, 09:58 PM
"First off...not everyone needs to know. Second, who cares who your family is? I was raised by one of the most evil men I know, I like to think I'm still a good person." Rebecca remarks, "Finally...you girls are how old? Why are you worried about adoption?"

2013-09-17, 10:06 PM
Vin pulls thier records
-rachel: 12, sam:10, ashley:9-

"We all can't stand being stuck here till we grow up nor can we take leaving each other behind!" snaps rachel "the hope that we could find where sam came from and get adopted together was what was keeping us going"

2013-09-17, 10:11 PM
Rebecca glances down surprised at their ages. "Ah, I see...you three don't want to be Rangers?" She asked. "So...you're wanting to get out of this life and hope to find a family?" She says.

2013-09-17, 10:21 PM
"well.. being a ranger was... something I wanted... at first... before they d-*break down in more tears*" "um.. I like helping people with what I can do... its like I'm proving I'm not a monster" "I don't mind the rangering its just how everyone seems to keep their distance from us. we're kids is it so wrong to want some love..."

2013-09-17, 11:06 PM
"Uhhh..." Rebecca was quiet for a moment having no idea what to say. She wasn't used to having to handle people's emotions and it was definitely confusing. "I...I guess I can see why you'd want love and attention and stuff." She says scratching the back of her head while trying to think, "But at the same time if you like helping people and like being a ranger why let others ruin your dreams?"

2013-09-17, 11:43 PM
The girls fall silent and contemplate "I don't really have a dream" starts sam "I guess I just do whatever winds up in front of me and try my best... but I don't really know why... damn I'm not even sure what I am. let alone why Ido things" she mutters that last part.

"my dream was to get friends" says Rachel briefly smiling at the other two before turning back and taking a deep breath "my parents were a couple from orre that just worked on boats and cruises. it was how they made thier living and they didn't think they fit in anywhere outside of orre which was the only stop they would ever disembark. so we were always traveling and I never made friends that lasted. So I got this idea that I would sign up for the jr ranger program So I would have a place to live while they work a spinward cruise for a year. they didn't come back. a week later was my first real rescue mission. We were recovering a bunch of those covered a life rafts they said it was odd because there was no sign that any ships had sunk. They opened some and found live people all in some sort of daze so they thought it safe enough to let me recover one... I found my parents dried out and dead inside and the ship they were supposed to be on's transponder disappeared the same day. the doctors thought maybe they died from ordinary dehydration... it looked like orre dry root to me..." (that should ring a bell*whistles*)

"I... just want to be happy like before and not have don't my world to turn on me again" says ashely burring her face in her knees "I was really happy where I was. I'm not even really sure what I did, but one day everyone turned mad, and called me names... even my parents. Everyone was so mean, and next thing I knew I was dropped off on a pier here a ranger found me and a little while later they figured out I was abandoned and disowned cause I'm psychic..."

2013-09-18, 12:03 AM
As the girls tell their life story, Rebecca gets even more unsure what to do. She couldn't just snap her fingers and fix everything and she didn't know many people that could just adopt them.

"We don't really need a reason to do what we do...it just shows the type of person we are. Evil people decide to hurt people for no reason, good people try to help and do their best." She says to Sam.

She pauses hearing Rachel's remark about Orre dry root. She tries to refrain from frowning. It sounded like Grilles had something to do with it, but at the same time now wasn't the time to talk about him. "As for you Rachel, look, you have Sam and Ashley. You have friends. You're a Jr. Ranger and one day will be a full blown Ranger. You have your pokemon who are all your friends too."

Finally, she replies to Ashley, "Hey, look at Sam and Rachel. They don't turn on you and they have no problem with you being a psychic. Who cares if you're a psychic or not, that doesn't make you a terrible person. You're hear doing good with your powers and helping people who need it."

2013-09-18, 12:24 AM
With your words the girls calm down even crack some weak smiles. they're not as bright and cheery as they were before but at least they are not bawling anymore. "you said you found something out about my genderbent evil twin?"

2013-09-18, 12:26 AM
"Possibly, we know he was here. I know he is connected to an organization due to the pin that made you phase out, and I had a general direction he went. But it is a pretty big town, so we might not be able to follow him." She says, "Still that Grimmer knew something since the evil one hurt his friend." She points out, "Maybe as he gets older he'll know more. Either way, I think you three have had a rough day. It might be time to get some rest..." She suggests, "I'm not ordering you and not saying you have to, just my opinion."

2013-09-18, 12:34 AM
"I think she has a point plus Sam should get checked out to make sure she still remembers how to use a toilet.""yeah I guess you're ri-Hey wait a minute" the girls laugh together thank you for the day out and depart for the time being. its just back to you steven vin and a belt of eeveelutions (+a pin, a shard, some rocks, glass, twigs etc...)

2013-09-18, 12:37 AM
After the girls leave, Rebecca lets out a sigh, "Whew...that was rough..." She mumbles. "I can't say I'm used to trying to cheer people up." She said before typing a quick text to Wisp on her pokegear. [Any updates?]

2013-09-18, 12:44 AM
"you did good even coordinators would have found that crowd hard to please" comments steven in stage lingo

a few minutes later wisp responds-just woke up and got to the library an hour ago. I'm looking through genealogical records for any connection between this morgan guy from the story and possible descendants. You can stop by if you want[address] wasn't there some artifact or something you wanted to show me?-

2013-09-18, 12:47 AM
[Yeah, the burst stone. I'll bring it with me. See you soon. <3] Rebecca replies adding the heart just to tease Wisp. Using her Glisten book's maps and her pokegear, she started following the address.

2013-09-18, 12:53 AM
-*rolls eyes*-

Your directions lead you into a denser part of town and onto a structure that looks like a big old icebreaker(read unessesarily extra sturdy) where you are escorted past several shelves of books, down several floors, and then left alone in front of a sturdy door marked "rare books"

2013-09-18, 12:56 AM
Rebecca lightly knocks on the door, though she opens it anyways. It was a public library after all and the knock was more as a heads up than anything.

As she entered she glanced around, "At first I was surprised you were in such a dense part of town. But then I saw how far in the middle of no where you were."

2013-09-18, 01:09 AM
The door doesn't open from your side when you try but moments later the door is opened from the inside by slippers in his original not copying anyone human child form. "Hardy har I'm not as big of a shut in as you think" says Wisp still wearing a yamask mask "Normally other sections are a bit more social but nobody comes to the genealogy section cause its so boring. I've almost put myself back to sleep already in fact" she says as slippers closes and locks the door behind you she then while yawning takes her mask off and drops her hood back revealing again that smooth pale white face with heavy makeup around the eyes "ok I need a break lets see it hopefully without any sexual wisecracks"

2013-09-18, 01:19 AM
"Oh come on, you lock the door behind me in an empty room with a table right there and than ban me from making sexual wisecracks?" Rebecca teases. "I'm not sure if I should curse the missed opportunity or act like I have no idea what you mean. Sexual wisecracks? Me!? I'm hurt." She says with a playful chuckle as she sits at the table. "By the way...just going to point out that YOU brought up sex first. Which one of us is REALLY the horn dog?"

2013-09-18, 01:28 AM
"Just giving you a warning to be careful what you say around Slippers I've knocked enough sense into him not to mess with you unprovoked or uninvited, but you can't be absolute with dark type. So if you gave him a big enough opening he's just gonna do what is on his mind and beg for mercy later. so about the rock..."

2013-09-18, 01:31 AM
Rebecca brings a hand up to her face to hide the snicker at the remark 'big enough opening' 'just gonna do what is on mind' 'beg for mercy later'. "Y...yes the rock." She says from behind her hand.

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the burst stone and holds it out. "Still...just reminding you that YOU brought it up. I'd be more worried about you giving an opening. I hadn't said anything sexual. I think you're just trying to remind yourself." She teases.

2013-09-18, 01:40 AM
"You just looove turning everything I say and do into one big innuendo don't you?" she says as she takes the rock and instantly seems surprised "oh? well that's interesting... very interesting... unlike the only other one I've seen in person there is no Pokemon inside this one... hmmm..." she takes one of her gloves off(they are way longer than they need to be considering she is wearing long sleeves) and holds the burst heart directly in her pale hand "didn't get a chance to feel the last one I saw directly..." she says to herself

2013-09-18, 01:43 AM
"You're still around me. I think you enjoy it." Rebecca says playfully. "And you've seen one before? What do you mean Pokemon inside it?" She asked confused.

2013-09-18, 01:51 AM
"Heh its actually kinda an embarrassing story..." she starts "but uh... basically without going into details the way these things normally work is they hold a pokemon like a pokeball but instead of letting the pokemon out when activated the pokemon and the human user sort of... fuse together you feel odd-I MEAN look odd... yeah... and supposedly have greater pokemon like abilities than elementalists depending on what you're fused with."

2013-09-18, 01:53 AM
Rebecca raises an eyebrow at Wisp's remark, but decides not to push it. "Ok...how do Pokemon get in them then?" She asks tilting her head. "I was told I could use it as a focus to understand my pokemon and if I learned enough to power their powers. You're saying I could fuse with my pokemon eventually?"

2013-09-18, 02:05 AM
"Well no one knows how they were even made let alone how Pokemon got inside them so far the only known way to get them out is breaking the stone. I've never heard of an empty one so I wouldn't know about using it as a focus for other abilities. I guess I'll just have to watch your progress very closely" its like she says half of this to the rock instead of you, and Slippers takes this as a good time to have some fun. He drops the child illousion and comes to weightlessly sit on on of wisps shoulders facing backwads and while she has her back turned toward you he holds behind her head a photo shows what looks like a very shocked and embarrassed cross between wisp and a lopunny.

2013-09-18, 02:09 AM
"Am I still banned from sexual wisecracks? Because watching progress and focus for other abilities is a great s--" She stops when she sees the picture Slippers is holding up. Her face turns slightly red and she coughs to cover her moment of surprised silence, "Uhh set-up." She finishes.

2013-09-18, 02:17 AM
Wisp freezes she knows something is up. at first she seems to look down as if she was checking that she was still wearing pants and then suddenly with spd stat stacked like speed her arm shoots behind her head and snatches the photo "OH YOU LITTLE RAT!" she shouts as she sees it and tears it up "I thought I trashed all those!" at this point slippers makes a break for it initially hiding behind a chair and letting out a teasing snicker "get back here so I can punt you into the ceiling you mutt" she says giving chase.

2013-09-18, 02:20 AM
"Uhhh if it umm helped any you looked good. I mean, not saying you don't NORMALLY, but...well, you know what I mean." Rebecca says with a chuckle, "And I didn't realize anybody nowadays was capable of using burst stones. I've heard that in the ancient past people could so its impressive you can do it now."

2013-09-18, 02:35 AM
"It was an accidentget back here you I'm not sure you will feel pain how I triggered it. there will be no escape I was just glad no human saw me deeeeeath at the time. It felt like I nearly fried myself when it happened" *punt, thud, land and snicker* "and boy did I have the munchies after pissed pissed pissed. wait you said I look good?" Slippers maneuvers almost causes Wisp to collide with you but she manages stop herself and just winds up on her tip toes practically leaning over you and waving her arms desperately to try and get her heals to reconnect with the ground and blushing pretty hard.

2013-09-18, 02:43 AM
Rebecca moves a hand out to stop Wisp from falling and help her get her balance. "Yeah?" Rebecca asks, "I mean, you look good/better as a human, but you looked good then too." She says, "I...I hope that didn't just sound offensive." Rebecca says facepalming, "It's a different kind of look g---" She sighs, "I'm just going to stop. Should have left it with the initial look good."

2013-09-18, 02:50 AM
Wisp breathes a sigh of relief when she is no longer teetering on the edge of tropesville and says "I get what you mean Its not that I doubt how I look I just don't hear that a lot from others... and I thought that photo made me look like a creep with a pokemon fettish... the last thing I want is the guy I'm interesting thinking I'm like that."

2013-09-18, 02:54 AM
"You look good, you're smart, and you're talented. I don't think a single picture would be that big a deal and if it was, who cares?" Rebecca comments, "If he's a good guy he'd at least be able to listen to the story and realize the truth. Any guy that would automatically flip out and not listen or believe you wouldn't be worth having anyways, right?" She asks.

"I mean, I'm sure if I didn't know the backstory it'd be confusing or weird at first. But a lot of things can seem weird at first." She nods at the rifle on her back. "Not sure if you've noticed I carry a gun almost as big as I am. That gets some weird looks." She says with a chuckle.

2013-09-18, 03:04 AM
she blushes at your compliments and tries to recompose herself "yeah at least when it comes to this guy I'm a little worried about the looking good thing actually. He wears a mask too I'm guessing to hide some scarring I'm just worried if we ever share what's behind our masks with each other he's... going to reject me cause I'm hiding the effective opposite of scars and actually look pretty good. plus if we get past that well he is technically a rock star I don't know what he would expect from me if this goes some where..."

2013-09-18, 03:13 AM
As Wisp talks, Rebecca realizes who she's talking about. "Ah, I see." She says as she moves over to the table to sit down, using the chance to try to think. "Well, I can't think of any human, guy or girl, that would reject someone for looking good." She says, "And yeah, you look amazing. Anyone would want to hook up with you." She remarks glancing at the books on the table. "And you can't really know for sure without asking. Better to ask and get rejected than to never take the risk and wonder, ya know?" She says, though she isn't sure why. If she was smart, she could use this chance to plant false dating advice or try and make another move on Wisp...so why was she helping? Rebecca wasn't sure herself. Hell, she barely knew the Atrax guy and he seemed like a punk. How did Wisp even know they were good together? Maybe she was basing it just on the max side. Rebecca debated arguing that, but pushed it away. She was biased against Atrax and she didn't trust her own intentions. If it didn't work out, fine. But sabotaging it would just make her feel dirty. Better to help out so that she wouldn't feel like a terrible person. "And a person's job doesn't really mean that much. So he's a rock star. Big deal. He's still him with his own personality and stuff. So..." She sighs, "So you can ask or whatever and find out."

After a moment she chuckles and shakes her head, "Geez, I can't go anywhere today without giving out advice. Maybe I can retire as a ranger and be a consular." She teases in an attempt to add a more light-hearted mood.

2013-09-18, 03:23 AM
"Geez all this awkward conversation sure is making it feel stuffy in here" she says as she takes off her hoodie, turtleneck, and remaining glove revealing a ordinary black tshirt "oh heres your stone back... so let me guess those three girls? bugging you for boy advice like I guess I'm doing?"

2013-09-18, 03:26 AM
"Family advice mostly actually. They lack a family and have issues fitting in." Rebecca says before letting a small smirk cross her lips. This was the chance to turn the conversation back to light-hearted play, "Oh, are we taking off our clothes already? Why didn't you say so?" She teases as she jokingly removes the stealth parts of her clothes to put herself back in the more revealing version.

Finally! An excuse to get my damn charm back!

2013-09-18, 03:39 AM
"Now do we really want a repeat of last time? I believe that was a rather solid win for me" she teases back as she sits down slips her shoes and unnecessarily long socks off and digs her bare feet into the rug the table is standing on "Mmm you probably have no idea how good it feels to kick those off when I wear them almost constantly. as for the kids I guess I can relate to that. I wish my family and their whole damn island would die in a muking fire. Not growing up in a convention family sure makes some weird people huh?"

2013-09-18, 03:43 AM
"Ah, but I wasn't expecting it last time." Rebecca says with a smirk. "Now that I realize its more an option I can be flirty. For example...don't stop removing uncomfy clothes on MY account. I don't mind." She teases. "Never really knew my family. Never expected to, but then I came to Spinward Islands and its been interesting finding most of them." Rebecca remarks. "But I feel the same way about the guy that actually raised me. Honestly, I hope I get another chance to kill him. Especially since he seems connected to so many little things. It's crazy how things can all tie in."

2013-09-18, 04:01 AM

For example...don't stop removing uncomfy clothes on MY account. I don't mind."
She looks at you and then gets a smirk of her own. She leans in, and you might almost think think she was going for a kiss when she says "alright if you say so" and suddenly grabs emergency release tags on the top and bottom of your outfit and pulls hard making your outfit fall apart like before "your revealing transition felt incomplete and was really driving my OCD crazy this is much more comfortable to have in my peripheral vision" she teases.

"as for connections I know what you mean sometimes it feels like reality is the construct of some guy just recycling things from other realities and attempts" she chuckes "I wonder how many failed attempts at me there are out there..."

2013-09-18, 04:07 AM
When she believes it to be a kiss, a grin crosses Rebecca's face. Her grin however is replaced by a startled exclamation at Wisp's actions. She glances down for a moment as she blinks, "Well, I guess I walked into that one." She says surprised, "Still...I'll take the fact that you're getting me naked as a good thing." She says with a smirk. "You said this was a better peripheral vision. You sure JUST peripheral?" She says slightly shifting to cover herself while trying to act calm.

"No idea how many failed attempts there are, but I'd guess a lot since it must have taken a lot of work for this hot version right here to come about."

2013-09-18, 04:22 AM
"Yup just peripheral." she says as she relaxes, closing her eye's, laying back on the table with her hands behind her head and feet still dug into a rug "Redressing you would have worked too but that seemed much more time consuming. You brought a change of clothes right? I hear those movie suits take a while to stitch back together"

She says slightly shifting to cover herself while trying to act calm
she then pops one eye open and moves it up and down as if suggesting she was ogling you "You know for how confident you act showing off in revealing outfits you seem to turn surprisingly shy when your assets are actually on display" she then seems to develop a fiendish smirk.

2013-09-18, 04:28 AM
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm sitting her naked, not getting dressed." Rebecca says, lying about the shy comment while shifting a bit more. "As for a change of clothes...uhhhh...I have a set of light armor." She says a bit unsure now. She hadn't thought about that and it was a bit more embarrassing realizing the position she was in.

"Enjoying the view at least?" She asks trying to copy Wisp's smirk. "You could enjoy it even closer if you wanted." Rebecca said forcing a wink as suggestive as she could with her currently state of embarrassment.


2013-09-18, 04:39 AM
"alright if you say so" she calls out a pawniard "helmet could you please improve the view" the pawniard looks confused but then Slippers whispers something in the pawni's ear and with a nod it leaps into a blur of movement at you as it passes you can feel air around you being slashed and oddly when its over nothing seems different you are certainly not injured. then Wisp sits back up leans closer and stares at your face hard. barely a second after that your underwear explodes into confetti with a "pop!".

2013-09-18, 04:42 AM
"Uhhh...hold up...I still got something..." Rebecca says struggling to resist her urge to hide in an attempt to act confident. "Uhhh..you DID say 'improve the view' and uhh...I'm naked...which means you uhh consider this an improvement and stuff..." She stammers. "Uhhhh...Pawniard, only half the view is improved. Wisp should match!" She says doubting the pokemon would listen, but figure it was worth a try.

2013-09-18, 04:49 AM
"You know you are really amusing like this" she teases and still leaning in close "so answer me honestly two questions. first are you embarrassed? and second why do you think I should match? if you lie I'll do you a favor and take your laundry to get washed. You'll be able to pick it up at the pokemon center"

2013-09-18, 04:56 AM
"I..." She hesitates and fidgets, "I'm a bit embarrassed. I'm sitting naked in a public building with a h---" She pauses, "uhh with y--" She stops again, "I'm naked in a public building...course its a bit embarrassing."

"And it honestly should be pretty obvious why...I mean it's a mix of goofing off to hide embarrassment...a mix of the fact that, as you said, you're attractive...a mix of lots of stuff..." She says taking a deep breath. "I...I'd rather not have to be stuck in here naked because my clothes are far away..."

2013-09-18, 05:13 AM
"So you like to invite the situation to become worse to hide how scared you are? You probably throw taunts and banter at your enemies too I bet... it would make sense... but I dunno it sounds like you're withholding something. or maybe even you said it but tossed in lies to hide it. Oh well you know what they say "it all comes out in the wash" ready to go slippers?" the zuora steps forward with a stack comprised of every article you believed you brought with you even the confetti pieces. they haven't left just yet.

2013-09-18, 05:18 AM
"Wait!" Rebecca says quickly getting up and stepping towards Wisp before stopping and quickly moving her hands to cover herself. "I...look, I'm pretty sure I've made it clear I was interested in you which I know has annoyed you since you have no interest in me. It's why I was flirting and being playful and stuff..." She pauses and fidgets, "So yeah, that's why its kinda embarrassing. Imagine if you were suddenly naked in front of Artax, you'd be embarrassed, but would probably want him to match." She said, "That's it. I don't know what else you want me to say. Please don't leave me here. It'd be embarrassing as all hell. I'm sorry about hitting on you...is that what I need to say to keep my clothes?"

2013-09-18, 05:34 AM
"ah so thats it..." she waves for slippers to put your stuff down and then leads you back to the table and sits down next to you "First you don't have to worry about someone finding you I reserved this section my way for the whole day. Second sorry to torture you like that, but since last time I was trying to figure out how I was able to reveal my secret to you. basically figure out what was driving the reactions that making it so I wasn't freaking about being seen or another person knowing." she gives you a sly look "you think of me as more than a one night stand. Well I can't really say or at least admit how I feel about that in response, but I should reward you for making a decent case that we should match. helmet if you please" the pawni blurs past Wisp and then suddenly she looks surprised "wait... how did you know about artax?" just then her outfit pops like yours did and with her focus broken at that moment she reflexively shrikes and tries to cover with her limbs like you've been resisting the urge to do.

2013-09-18, 05:37 AM
"You're a friend. I'd hope I'd see you as more than a one night stand. I wasn't actually expecting you to cut up all your clothes...ummmm how are you going to leave here?" She asks glancing up and down at Wisp. "Uhhh...well, not many guys are rock stars and wear a mask...You didn't really hide it that well..Oh! And look who is the embarrassed one now!."

2013-09-18, 05:47 AM
She fidgets under you gaze her dominance of the situation clearly broken "ye-ah-ah y-yeah I'm embarrassed a-alright..." she says admitting to it "but un-unlike you I know I-i packed more than an a-armored leotard for e-emergencies"

2013-09-18, 05:51 AM
"Yeah well, in my defense I wasn't expecting to get my clothes undone and my undies chopped up..." Rebecca said, "I guess I should either remove that quick release string, wear something underneath, or pack more clothes." She said, "So uhhh....now you see why I was kinda embarassed and stuff...and uhhh...you still look good by the way...but uhh...now what?"

2013-09-18, 05:58 AM
that compliment still makes her blush "well I guess we just get dressed and go our separate ways unless... you know how you said you thought of me as a friend and as a result more than a one night stand? that would mean that somewhere in that thought is a one night stand right?"

2013-09-18, 06:01 AM
Rebecca blinks confused, "Wait...you..." She blushes, "I think I misunderstood you...you are interested in Artax not me..." She says, "I think my mind just played a trick on me or I'm tired and mishearing things...what?"

2013-09-18, 06:17 AM
"I'm not interested in you like I am artax, but you helped me understand another part of my tortured mind that may one day lead me to a cure that will free me from my mask I should be grateful for that and show it, and... I know what you want." She grabs you by the shoulder and seems to bring you in for a kiss.

You don't remember what happens next, but the next thing you know you're waking up in a bed, Wisp is there next to you asleep, and nothing seems to be between you two but sheets. You feel like you did after that time with Z. Its night time and though the light is dim you can see that you seem to be in a nice hotel room. there is a window with curtains above your head that is open letting in a breeze and also above your head is an elgyem standing on the window sill looking down at you two and holding a rose. it seems to be silently chuckling to itself.

2013-09-18, 06:33 AM
Rebecca rubs her head confused trying to recall the previous night. She was slightly surprised to see Wisp and her mind raced with thoughts. She sat up quickly, but quietly, and looked around for her pokegear to check the time while also looking around for her clothes, trying to be as quiet as possible to not disturb Wisp.

She looked up at the pokemon and frowned wishing she could ask what was so funny, but not wanting to be loud.

Stealth check!
[roll0] (HA! No movie clothes hindering my stealth checks :P )

2013-09-18, 06:41 AM
As you successfully sneakily take in your surroundings the mon's silent chuckle becomes a soft giggle. you see your dex (its midnight) your other stuff is... around... whoever handled the stuff was no Slippers when it came to organizing, but its all there everything you packed for this island including the recently acquired confetti.

2013-09-18, 11:41 PM
Rebecca frowned and scanned the pokemon with her dex application, hoping it would give her a hint. Satisfied her stuff was all there, she gathered it up, unsure if she should wait till Wisp woke up or if she should head out or what.

2013-09-19, 12:12 AM
Vin doesn't seem to be in the dex so its gonna take a bit for the data to come up

As you gather your belongings, The elgyem holds up his hand showing his multi colored "fingers" they light up one at a time as if counting to something. when they are all lit there is a sudden crash from another room in this spacious hotel suite "YOU DIRTY RAT!" you hear steven shout just before a door flies open and slippers comes flying out with all your male eeveelutions but adam in hot pursuit. As they race around the room after the undead zorua (that for the first time you have seen actually looks scared) Gangnam telekinetically flips the lights on revealing adam and Vin siting in a nest in the far side of the room looking confused as to what their current position is meant to imply, and your Female eeveelutions all file out of the room everyone else burst from looking red faced and embarrassed about something.

Despite the sudden burst of noise, light, chaos, and mayhem Wisp just rolls over in bed and subconsciously mumbles "Muzzle Mittens stawp chasing each udder I'm tryeng tah sleeeeep zzzzzzzz"

Your dex finally brings up the information...

-Elgyem the cerebral pokemon. Many believe this pokemon to be of extraterrestrial origin, and it has demonstrated the ability to manipulate memories-

...just as the Elgyem(now diabolically doubled over with amusement) messages you Thanks for the memories and teleports away

2013-09-19, 02:07 PM
While she waits for the data from her dex, she tries to ignore the weird fingers lighting up. She nearly falls over when she hears the loud cry and the door coming busting open. Her eyes go wide and she starts to dive back for the bed to cover herself wondering who Wisp pissed off that was now kicking doors down. However, when she sees Slippers come flying through and then all the male eevees the embarrassment and fear instead turns into confusion.

"Son of a poochyena!" She curses when the lights flick on nearly blinding her. When her eyes have adjusted she hears her dex go off and she looks down at it more confused. Was that thing why she didn't remember much of the other night?

As the group runs around and Wisp doesn't seem to stir, Rebecca grabs the burst stone and focuses on Steven in an attempt to try and understand his emotions, intentions, and reasons for what was going on since she doubted asking a large group of chaos would get an answer.


2013-09-19, 02:25 PM
That wasn't the front door they came out of just another room in a nice hotel suite. your attempt to channel steven doesn't work but you hear over the yipping and barking steven saying things like "you better not even looked at sunny!".

Wisp meanwhile just rolls over again ,and groans and mumbles in complaint some more. "Candle doon't hoveh soo close ets naht feedeng time and yoar tah briiiite zzzzzzzz"

2013-09-19, 02:28 PM
Rebecca rubs her temple and deciding not to try and yell over the chaos presses the button on her styler to fire the top right in between everyone to get their attention. She makes a quick flick so the light connecting it gives another flash.

"Ok then, what is going on?" She asks rubbing her temple, "I just woke up and am half-blind and half-asleep."

2013-09-19, 02:55 PM
Seeing the styler your more experienced ranger mon sergio and marina get everyone else to stop, and pay attention. Slippers in particular comes to stop collapsed exhausted on top of the safest high ground he could find... on your head.

"we(referring to the guys) all woke up stuffed in a closet and when we got out we found this mukker(referring to slippers) sleeping in a deluxe pet bed with all our girls!"

2013-09-19, 03:06 PM
"And what did the girls have to say about it?" She asked reaching up to try and grab Slippers by the scruff of his neck.

2013-09-19, 03:30 PM
There is some chattering for a moment during which the super lightweight ghost Zorua evades your grip through various maneuvers including balancing on your knuckles when the back of your hand faces upwards before you finally snag him.

"They uh... kinda don't remember how they got there... or what happend at all..."

Just then Wisp starts awake with a gasp, her eyes dart between the lights, open window, and you, and then her hand shoots up to her face. Not feeling a mask there her eye widen in terror and she pulls the covers over her head. "I'm... about... to scream..." Her voice sounds really shaky and scared, and you can tell she is curled up in the fetal position under those covers. Slippers is now really agitated and struggling to get free of your grip his eyes jumping between the window, light switch, and the room he came from.

2013-09-19, 03:37 PM
Still keeping a grip on Slippers for now, Rebecca moves over and shuts the window, "Turn the light back off. Wisp, it's just us." She says. "And what's his excuse and explanation?" She asks, "Because yelling, screaming, throwing on lights, and busting down doors isn't the right response."

2013-09-19, 03:50 PM
You can hear wisp practically hyperventilating under the covers still, and Slippers whose eyes normally look dead and hollow now seem to be burning with determination toward the room he came from as he grunts and struggles to get free "He's just repeating "Don't remember, don't care, must get mask."

2013-09-19, 03:58 PM
"Well deal with it later." She said letting go, "Let him get the mask for now."

2013-09-19, 04:07 PM
He's off like a shot and comes back with a mask and a one piece hooded set of footie pajamas modeled after some sort of black bear pokemon you don't recognize. He leaves them where wisp can reach them and she drags them under the covers with her. A short while later she emerges wearing the mask and baggy all covering pajamas, and sits up against the headboard hugging her knees for comfort.

2013-09-19, 04:12 PM
"Wisp...calm down. It's me." Rebecca says as she starts to get dressed herself. "What's wrong? I've seen your face before."

2013-09-19, 04:26 PM
Slippers is giving you a dirty look probably because you slowed him down. Wisp doesn't look up as she talks "my mask was gone I felt exposed... the window was open I felt I was out side... the lights were on all the way it reminded me of the sun... *deep breath* remember how I mentioned having a tortured mind? well there are certain triggers normally I can handle one or two at a time but if I get to many or my mind plays tricks on me and makes me think there are more than there really are I get some pretty vivid flashbacks and can break down and panic. I probably explained some of this too you before... I'm sorry you had to see that" as you get dressed oddly the only pair of undies you can find is that fancy pair you got from Z on moran.

2013-09-19, 04:28 PM
Surprised she even HAD undies after the original pair was turned to confetti, Rebecca slips into the ones from Z as she gets dressed, "Sorry all that happened. Not sure how the window got open." Rebecca says, "Some argument between my pokemon and Slippers caused the light to get turned on."

2013-09-19, 04:54 PM
Slippers hops into Wisps lap and she shifts to squeezing him for comfort instead of her knees "Speaking of not knowing... do you remember us actually travelling to my hotel room? last place I remember being was the library... I covered back up right?... I don't remember what I did just a foolish feeling of confidence before waking here... I'm really scared of what may have happened in that lost time..." for some reason your armor won't stay up on its own like some belts, buckles, and snaps were missing.

2013-09-19, 04:57 PM
Rebecca sighs and tosses the armor to the side. She'd mess with it later. By itself it wasn't going to cover enough anyways. Instead she grabs her movie clothes and starts trying to piece it back together.

"Funny, I was actually hoping to ask you the same thing when we woke up. I don't remember anything after you leaned in toward me." Rebecca said rubbing her head, "Which uhh...is kinda weird. I mean, it'd be one thing to forget stuff due to lost in emotions, but I remember nothing at all." She said, "I woke up and your Elgyiem or whatever its called was hovering by the window, then Slippers and my pokemon all came running in and flicking on the lights. Nearly gave me a heart attack."

2013-09-19, 05:07 PM
piecing the outfit together is going to take a really long time to tediously weave and knot it all at least an hour for either your top or bottom alone. "huh?" she says looking up "I don't own an elgyem..." its clear she is drawing worse possible conclusions in her head because she is practically crushing slippers in her arms(good thing hugs are normal type damage)

2013-09-19, 05:12 PM
"Uhhhh...well it was probably just a wild." She said with a frown as she started on her pants first. "Look, you're fine. You're alive. I'm here, neither of us is hurt. Slippers would watch out for you and Steven would watch out for me." She looked over at Steven, "You know what happened after we left the library?"

2013-09-19, 05:20 PM
"m-maybe... I just get really paranoid about this stuff... it could explain why we don't remember what happened they are good with hypnosis, reading minds, and erasing memories... was there anything distinguishing about it" says wisp calming down slightly.

"err actually all I remember was laughing to myself about how Wisp seems to turn the tables on you when you get her going back at the library I think you two were about to kiss and then the next thing I know I was piled in the closet with all the guys... and 2 seconds later gangnam felt the need to crack a gay joke"

2013-09-19, 05:40 PM
"It chuckled, it giggled, then it was rolling around laughing before counting down to when everyone busted in. It then telepathically said 'thanks for the memories' and teleported away." Rebecca pauses for a moment from working on her pants, "Damn it...now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head..." She mumbled before getting back to work on them. "And the paranoia is actually a good thing. You might not remember it, but you wouldn't have left the library naked and been noticed in public. Though...I wouldn't either so I'm curious how I got here clothed..."

2013-09-19, 05:54 PM
Wisp seems even more relieved "I hang around darks and ghosts enough I can understand that behavior it probably was just a wild messing with us, and may I lent you an outfit or something... I had my own spare so maybe you just streaked commando style wearing the hoodie I didn't chop up." she jokes "anyway unless we discover some embarrassing video of us on the internet we probably shouldn't dwell on it. Slippers you're much faster how about you help rebecca put that back together" the zorua just makes grumpy grumble noises "oh dear looks like you made his hit list for some reason. I'm afraid there is no reasoning with him till he vents his grumpiness... you wanna just borrow something?"

2013-09-19, 05:58 PM
"Considering I stopped Steven and his gang from beating the hell out of him he really has no reason to have me on his hit list, but whatever." Rebecca says rolling her eyes. "If you have something you don't mind loaning me that'd be nice. I'll get this worked on and remove that stupid string and then return it."

"As for embarrassing videos that wouldn't prove much since if anyone would upload it, it'd be Slippers."

Rebecca glanced down at her pokegear and poked it. "Vin? You awake?" She asked wondering if maybe he'd been sleeping earlier.

2013-09-19, 06:07 PM
"He doesn't really care what he did to someone before if he feels someone got in the way of him helping me he puts them on his list. heh some times its funny he did up lea's hair like a palm tree when she made the list. Anyway there is a closet in the next room I don't have my full wardrobe here but there should be something I bought, never intended to wear, and forgot about on the far side probably in case you're worried about returning things"

Vin zips over from the other side of the room and enters your dex -why was I sitting in a nest?-

2013-09-19, 06:11 PM
"Thanks," Rebecca says before she moves over and looks for something to wear for now. "And, no idea, I'm not you." She replies to Vin.

2013-09-19, 06:19 PM
-do you need me to search for something?-

Most of the contents of this closet are, long pants, long socks, long gloves, t shirts, turtleneck sweaters, and hoodies all shades of dark grey and black. The only noticeable exception is a light yellow floral patterned sundress.

2013-09-19, 06:22 PM
"No, was just making sure you were ok since I didn't see you in here earlier." Rebecca remarks before flipping to the far side.

2013-09-19, 06:24 PM

that sundress is the far side it looks like.

2013-09-19, 06:29 PM
Rebecca sighs and makes a mental note to learn how to do that body paint stuff to put under her clothes for occasions such as this. She sighed when she saw what was at the far end. "You...you have a yellow floral sundress?" She said surprised.

2013-09-19, 06:33 PM
"Oh y-yeah I guess I do... I must have bought it when I was having one of my "I'm gonna wear this when I'm cured one day" fantasies. I'm a bit shorter than you but I buy all my stuff a bit on the long side it should fit you." says wisp sounding a little embarrassed

2013-09-19, 06:58 PM
"Lucky me..." Rebecca mumbles as she takes the dress out and looks at it with a sigh. She just had to wear it until she got her main outfit sewn together. She was stealthy...she could hide in the meantime so as to not be caught in the stupid dress.

2013-09-19, 07:02 PM
Like Wisp said it fits reaching down past your knees (though a bit tight around the chest)

"Heh it looks cute on you" teases the girl in the hooded footie pajamas

2013-09-19, 07:06 PM
"Way to make it worse." Rebecca says with a sigh. "I hate dresses."

2013-09-19, 10:05 PM
"Oh? and why's that? personally I'm rather jealous the only times I dare to wear a dress as intended is really formal events where I'm trying to meet a potential client and land a gig and even then its a big long ballroom number" Says wisp as she drops her hood back to show she is relatively comfortable again. "though I guess that same can be said of how you wear revealing attire in general"

2013-09-20, 02:34 AM
"Dresses just aren't my thing. They're inefficient, they don't work well in combat or out in the wild." She says, "I'm used to pants and things more efficient...plus dresses add a 'girly' nature and then I seem like a wimp. My 'revealing' attire serves the purpose of being simply to move in, shows off my athletic nature to show that I do know what I'm doing, and draws the eyes for when I need to 'convince' people to give me information."

2013-09-20, 05:11 AM
"I dunno if "girly" is really fair dresses can also carry with them an interesting quality of refinement" wisp says as she stands up and walks around with graceful movements and a perfect lady like posture to demonstrate. "To many a refined woman can seem absolutely mesmerizing especially those who consider themselves immune to simple flirtations and flattery" she then turns and does the super refined walk toward you "when someone is so mesmerized they can find themselves volunteering information or agreeing to things without realizing it, and it is all the more potent because unlike flirting they don't necessarily realize what is happening" before you know it she is standing next to you and whispers in your ear "now picture me doing that again but this time in a long beautiful dress" you almost feel an urge to do what she said to do without thinking about it.

2013-09-20, 05:26 AM
"Well than, you can wear the dress and I get the mask." Rebecca teases.

2013-09-20, 05:43 AM
"If you want to" teases Wisp as shes poses in such a way that it would be easy to take her mask off her face and get her out of those baggy footie pajamas.

2013-09-20, 06:35 AM
"I have a feeling this is a trap." Rebecca says raising an eyebrow.

2013-09-20, 06:46 AM
"whats wrong afraid you'll lose composure again?" she says holding the same pose

2013-09-20, 06:28 PM
"Psh, I'll point out I totally won yesterday and had you flustered."

2013-09-20, 09:16 PM
"As if I totally racked up more points with my threat to leave you there naked" counters Wisp as if she had just made up rules to some elaborate flustering game

2013-09-20, 09:32 PM
"I'm a stealth specialist." Rebecca comments, "And you don't think I couldn't have sent Steven or someone to bring me stuff? That is of course ignoring the fact of if you'd actually been able to get out the door." Rebecca remarks, "And imagine IF I'd been found the rumors I could have spread."

2013-09-20, 09:45 PM
Wisp gestures for slippers to fetch something from the closet and he comes back with a complete set of her normal clothes "And despite all those logical reasons why you would have been fine you were still begging, squirming, and fidgeting. Just admit it I got you good." She says as her pajamas suddenly drop to around her ankles and she starts to get dressed for a day/nights work starting with pulling on her unnecessarily long gloves.

2013-09-20, 10:04 PM
"Ah ha! See you're dressing normally. I don't see you in a dress." Rebecca teases.

2013-09-20, 10:21 PM
"I didn't pack my ballroom dress, and my full wardrobe is in transit that much stuff takes time to move around. Infact it was dumb luck that sundress was even in there at all. I'm getting dressed now cause this is still the middle of my work day, and you didn't seem as interested in "playing" as I thought when you said "Well than, you can wear the dress and I get the mask.". Though it would have been fun to watch you fluster trying to dress me." she says as she finishes socks and underwear and moves on to the big important stuff

2013-09-20, 10:38 PM
"Ah, but I'd look so cute in a mask..." Rebecca teases.

2013-09-20, 10:58 PM
"but even cuter in a dress" she teases back "say if you don't mind me asking what advice did you give those three girls exactly?"

2013-09-21, 01:35 AM
"I kinda just encouraged them to be themselves, follow their goals, and not let what others think keep them down. They were having issues with not feeling welcome in the Rangers, but also said they wanted to be Rangers."

2013-09-21, 02:21 AM
"oh... that is good advice... for dealing with cruel people yeah" Says wisp as she takes off her mask and starts to put on her heavy makeup by using slippers as a perfect mirror of herself. you can tell she has a disappointed look on her face.

2013-09-22, 02:32 PM
"Uhh...what's wrong?"

2013-09-22, 05:22 PM
"*sigh*There's just a family I met in this cluster. They own a ranch on equestria, and I promised them I'd visit every time I pass through, but its just really awkward. They keep saying how they want me to feel accepted and that I should treat them like they're family, but when I think family I think of setting everything they hold dear on fire while giving them a slow and painful death by feeding their souls to litwicks. So I guess I have an opposite problem cruel messed up and crazy people I can deal with, people who are nice for being nice sake... it gets difficult"

2013-09-23, 07:23 PM
Brimming with anticipation Edmond stalks the ventilation shafts after his prey. After so long being treated as but a mere kitten his time to shine had at long last arrived! He had no doubts that the cretin invading his new home would soon come to regret matching claws with him! With his keen hearing and keener claws it was only a matter of time before his foe would be felled.

Alas the dainty steps of his fellow shaft explorer marred this momentous occasion; why ever his master agreed with the plant women to send the near-sighted doe with him was beyond his understanding. After all he himself was perfectly suitable for the task alone, of this he was sure; though with all the others running around the ship searching for the invader, he supposed having some aid was not too unwelcome. If only because the doe seemed to know the lay of 'land' better than him.

Still the would-be hunter shook of such distracting thoughts, his fur sparkling with vigor and static; for at long last, the Hunt was on.

Edmond is Charged, and will hopefully continue charging until they come across the baddy. Speed:10

Amy is Camouflaged using the sea. Normal/Water. Speed: 15

2013-09-23, 07:30 PM
Boat battle
Give me a 4d6 perception check from edmond (no point bothering with amy) this will be compared against a roll of the pirate leaders stealth skill.

2013-09-23, 08:16 PM
Edmonds sensitive claws sense movement in the distance and from that gets a direction.

2013-09-23, 08:26 PM
Edmond smiles wolfishly, a term he'd likely be offended to know was used to describe him, as he begins stalking his prey; closing in on the unknowing Dewott with his hunter's grace, glancing at his partner every so often to make sure she hadn't run off. Had he not been such a great and mighty hunter, Edmond might've considered just how creepily quiet the doe near him could be; not that he was of course. That would be unbecoming of one such as him. Totally.

2013-09-23, 08:29 PM
stealth checks 2d6+2 for edmond, 3d6+1 for amy.

2013-09-23, 09:00 PM
Edmond and Amy approach an end in the duct that splits going both straight up and straight down. As they get close a shellder like shape appears at the top of the opening and blindly releases a stream of icicles at Edmond. Three hit, and deal 67 physical ice damage before reduction.

2013-09-23, 09:33 PM
Edmond reels from the blow, the kitten hissing violently before charging at his foe; his fur sparking with power even as Amy launched a volley of seeds at their foe.

Edmond 14/47hp

*AC2: [roll0]
*Damage: [roll1]
Paralyzes on a +15. Rivalry Ability active.

Evasion: 2

Leach Seed
*AC4: [roll2]
Target is drained 1/8 of their hp at the start of each turn until target pokemon faints

2013-09-23, 09:40 PM
Edmond misses(3d6 acrobatic check not to fall down the drop in the duct)

The leach seeds take root and there is a surprised grunt of frustration followed by the sound of something scampering on the cieling.

2013-09-23, 09:47 PM
He manages to put on the breaks and avoid falling

2013-09-23, 10:09 PM
Edmond breathes a heavy sigh at his near fall, before berating himself slightly for letting what should have been easy prey slip between his claws; before rushing up a level and trying to cut the Dewott off. The only places he could hide from them were the storage area and the living spaces, the direction of which also led to the control room and the higher floors which were the only way out of the ship. With any luck they just might be able to cut the intruder off, or atleast their path would hopefully take them close enough to hear the dewott's desperate attempts to free himself.

The dewott was desperate now. Surely they would be able to catch him swiftly now that he'd be more prone to making mistakes, right?

2013-09-23, 10:53 PM
Boat people
Everyone rolled 12 or more hears otterlike noises from the medbay

2013-09-24, 12:38 PM
Rebecca paused for a moment, "Not sure what to say there...I mean, you can't just automatically open up to people without any hesitation. So I can see where you are coming from."

2013-09-24, 03:55 PM
"hmm... Maybe I'll ask artax to go with me there. It is a nice place, great hospitality, friendly pokemon, and a nice romantic view from the top of the maintenance ladder of the old radio tower that sits on top of a buried unown temple. It would be a bit easier if there was some one I could relate to with... then again... crap bandi would never let me live down me even having what looks like a boy friend. hmm... this'll be tricky"

2013-09-24, 04:17 PM
"Bah, it'd be a good thing if he saw you with a boyfriend. You make it sound like not living it down is terrible."

2013-09-24, 04:24 PM
The cries of warning echoed through out the ship as blooma stood at the ready to aid if needed just outside sick bay, all the while Alistair did his own part to alert the others. In the end it was COnnor who was first on the scene; sensing for the Dewott's presence in the med bay before teleporting inside some ways away from the main door; prepared to psychicly assault the intruder the moment he laid eyes on him.

Alistair is piloting so he can't do much. Blooma acts after Connor, so I'll see how his action resolves before deciding what to do with her.


*Damage: [roll1] S-Psychic
*Confuses on +19

2013-09-24, 04:24 PM
"Bandi is a teenage girl thats a barely pushing 4 ft tall, and wants to act like she is my little sister, and is a bit of a thrill junkie I mean she actually gold runs for fun sort of crazy. You can probably imagine the sort of chaos that would ensue if it was just me and artax."

Connor arrives to see a dewott collapsed with a revival spray nozzle pushed up its nose.

2013-09-24, 04:41 PM
COnnor's eyes dim as he stares at the scene before him, a mixture of shock and uncertainty pervading him as he telekineticly picks up the dewott and gives him a little shake to make sure it was still unconscious.

2013-09-24, 04:44 PM
intuition check connor 3d6

2013-09-24, 05:23 PM
Connor studies the mon's prone form carefully.


2013-09-24, 05:33 PM
The spray bottle appears to be empty, and connor gets the impression this dewott is playing possum just as its wrist jerks and a syringe tipped icicle silently shoots toward connor. had he been more careless the dewott might have gotten this shot off before connor knew what hit him. Anyway there is a needle flying at you what do you do?

2013-09-24, 06:47 PM
Connor instinctively attempts to divert the hurling needle from it's trajectory.


2013-09-24, 06:57 PM
...and into his knee instead. its a sedative but its not going to be as fast acting where it hit connor, but he already feels rather drowsy focus check to take any action besides sleep.

2013-09-24, 07:11 PM
Connor smirks darkly even as he feels the poison going doing its work; but alas not swiftly enough to stop the wily fox from delivering the otter's just desserts. The kadabra baring upon the dewotts mind with his own at full force even as he bombards it with his own growing fatigue.

*Damage: [roll1]

SYnchronize Active, target Dewott!

2013-09-24, 07:15 PM
Connor's confusion is a miss but it doesn't matter the dewott soon realizes his mistake as he struggles to stay up and then passes out as if he was as drugged as connor was.

2013-09-24, 07:25 PM
Guys, got'em! We're in sick bay. If someone could get here before I fall asleept that be great, broadcasted Connor as he gave Blooma the go ahead to come in, the fox sighing heavily as he sat down to meditate; using the all too familiar pose of his kin to fight off sleeps warms embrace. Just as he began his meditation he heard a sudden creaking coming from the ventilation shafts; the wary pair of would be guards eyeing the vent as a familiar azure kitten made it to the scene.

"DOn't worry Connor!" he called out valiantly, "I'm here to save the da..." trailed off the exuberant kitten as he finally took stock of his surroundings, his face frozen in shock.

SOrry...kiddo, beeeetter luck next time, quipped Connor between yawns; Edmond's ears dropping in defeat as sorrow gripped his heart.

"B-but, but my pre~y?" he whined, receiving a compassionate nuzzle from Amy to soothe his wounded ego; yet it seemed to only make the burning shame worse.

2013-09-25, 08:23 AM
"Yeah, but if you like him, what does it matter?" Rebecca asks, "Besides, it's pretty hard to pick on someone for being happy and having someone they care about."

2013-09-25, 11:30 PM
Welp those drugs will keep Connor (and as a result the Dewott) down for hours. Mean while the kelp bed that was chasing you try as it might is begining to fall behind... and your deck is strewn with the bodies of KO'd oshawott's

"I'm actually more concerned about what she would do to artax, but I guess at the very least it would be no worse than going alone. Welp I should get back too work. I gotta get that genealogy stuff straight before I visit the morgans. You gonna be good with the sundress, or would you rather put your stealth boasting to the test, and do without?" She says ending with another tease.

2013-09-27, 09:26 AM
"As tempting as it is, I'd rather not risk my position by running around naked. I'll use this for now until I get my normal outfit fixed."

2013-09-27, 09:31 AM
Wisp nods understandingly and departs.

2013-10-02, 03:27 AM
After Wisp leaves, Rebecca checks the time before spending the next few hours trying to fix her clothing and deciding to invest in wearing shorts and an undershirt beneath it.

2015-02-25, 06:50 PM
Once her clothes were fixed, Rebecca heads back to the boat with her army of eevees.