View Full Version : [PF] Fairly Optimized Pathfinder Evil Party Help

2013-08-07, 01:25 PM
Hi. My friends and I are looking at putting together a fairly optimized evil party (although I may end up GM'ing the whole shebang instead potentially if I have to).

So far, the basic idea (to fit with the fluff we have made up), is as follows:

Saint-John Henry Windsword (pro: sin-jun wind-sor) - A hedonistic aristocrat, the younger son of a local aristocrat who is not in good standing with his father due to his sinful and hedonistic ways. Neutral evil wizard. Human.

Eadmund Schwarzshclange, his best friend, an NE Court Bard. Might take a shallow dip into battle herald. Possibly Dhampir. Archer.

[insert name here] - a strange, disconcerting, 23 year old girl who has been confined to a mental asylum for most of her life and has recently escaped. She is convinced she has been directly appointed as a Joan of Arc-esque champion of Urgothoa due to ongoing dreams she has had... and she may be right. Saint-John Windsword has featured heavily in her dreams, and due to his utterly depraved thoughts she believes he may be a latent avatar of Urgothoa and that it is her duty to guide and assist him. CE Anti-Paladin. Human.

[insert name here] - an LE cleric of Urgothoa whose sect/cell has recently been decimated by paladins of Pharasma and as such is cutoff from the structure of the church. Human.

We're thinking that the bard's satire could stack pretty nicely with the anti-paladin's aura of cowardice and then the cleric's aura of doom spell, giving some silly penalties to fear cast by the cleric or the wizard and phantasmal killer cast by the wizard against BBEG's.

We're hoping that versatile performance makes the bard enough of a skill monkey.

The idea is that the anti-paladin is the primary fighter with the cleric as secondary and the bard slinging in arrows and some buffs. Wizard is standard Batman controller.

The anti-paladin's fiendish boon sounds pretty sick for permanent summoning, especially to take advantage of SLA's later on.

Anyone got any comments or suggestions? There may be an issue around positive/negative energy healing, not sure....