View Full Version : Pathfinder DMs - How Would You Proceed?

2013-08-07, 03:04 PM
Recently, a couple of friends and I started a dungeon delve. Our DM created a pretty cool dungeon (a sunken elven citadel that rises every 100 years for a day, then sinks back beneath the waves).

Our party consists of three humans, a "viking" flavored cleric, a two-handed weapon fighter, and a fish-out-of-water summoner with a bodyguard-style eidolon. We're level 2.

All went well, until we arrived in a boggard lair. Feeling useless, the summoner attempted to negotiate a truce with them, after dropping our weapons, we were directed to enter a cage. The summoner, whose Eidolon was out of comission due to Str damage, went into the cage, hoping to distract the boggards long enough for the other two to recover their weapons.

That worked... sort of. The Cleric and Fighter did battle with the boggards while the Summoner summoned celestial eagles from the cage. The Cleric and Fighter were both dropped, and dragged into the cage.

That's where we left it. So, I'm sure our DM will come up with something, but I'm curious...how would you handle it.

2013-08-07, 03:23 PM
Well, you are probably going to be working for the people with the cage for a bit. Probably in some sort of thing where they put the cage in the middle of their enemies and toss the key at you while thwacking the hornet's nest, figuring that you will destroy several of their enemies trying to get away.