View Full Version : Assassin's Creed 3: PC port, Anyone tried it?

2013-08-08, 06:57 AM
after having a friend recommend me the series, and after an Amazon search, I found out most of them have PC ports. My question is this; how well was ithe third game ported over from xbox/ps3?
I'd also been planning to use(and buy) one of those PC comparable controllers.. will they work with the ports?
And how processor intensive are they? Would a decent 2012 laptop(2gb ram) work?

2013-08-08, 07:07 AM
Be careful, because the PC versions of some of the Assassin's Creed series contain very restrictive DRM, though I believe they have been reduced somewhat. Personally, I've only played the original on PC.

The PC version of the original Assassin's Creed comes with some new mission types not found in console versions.

Other than the original, the rest I've played on PS3 because, hey, I have a PS3 and they came with additional PS3 exclusive content and no DRM (AC2 came with the console when I purchased it).

As for controllers, buy a USB (wired) Xbox 360 controller, or a wireless one with the wireless receiver unit for PC (but you may as well just get the USB one, cheaper and generally all you need for PC playing).

2013-08-08, 03:38 PM
I might hold off on the PC port then, since that's pretty much what the amazon review said as well.

Xbox 360 or PS3 for a console one then?
Never used either, so I'm not really sure if there's any particularly notable differences between them(for xbox I'd be getting the 4gb one, whatever that means, and for ps3 I'd go with whichever version is backwards compatible[20gb?])
edit: found one, Xboxes can play DVDs, probably going to go with one of those then.
Admittedly, I'll probably still get the PC controller, since there are a fair number of PC games it'd be a boon to.

2013-08-08, 06:39 PM
I might hold off on the PC port then, since that's pretty much what the amazon review said as well.

Xbox 360 or PS3 for a console one then?
Never used either, so I'm not really sure if there's any particularly notable differences between them(for xbox I'd be getting the 4gb one, whatever that means, and for ps3 I'd go with whichever version is backwards compatible[20gb?])
edit: found one, Xboxes can play DVDs, probably going to go with one of those then.
Admittedly, I'll probably still get the PC controller, since there are a fair number of PC games it'd be a boon to.

I have a PS3. I bought it because it can play not only DVDs, but BluRays out of the box (something the Xbox 360 can't do at all) and, with the PlayTV adaptor, it can record and play TV. After adding that, it has much the same functionality as a TiVo, dual tuners, record one channel and watch an other, pause/rewind live TV, etc.

Games was a secondary concern. It was only after getting the system that I considered buying games for it.

2013-08-08, 10:00 PM
so PS3s can play dvds?
including the backwards compatible ones?

2013-08-08, 11:49 PM
so PS3s can play dvds?
including the backwards compatible ones?


If you're interested in a backwards compatible PS3, make sure to pay attention closely to the model. "CECHA01" is your target model.
The original runs had a PS2's GPU and CPU placed onboard in order to assist in its playing of PS2 games. Later PS3 models that were also backwards compatible has issues playing a few games. The original Ratchet and Clank, for example, is unplayable on later PS3s.

the 4gb one, whatever that means
Were you asking what "4gb" means here?

2013-08-09, 12:35 AM
mostly is was because I could've sworn a gb was the very tiny piece of data.
looking it up though.. I haven't a clue why I thought that:smallconfused:

edit: it would also seem I meant the 20gb version, since I was going for the oldest version possible

2013-08-10, 05:52 AM
I have played AC3 on PC, and it generally went well. There are some minore issues with the port from controller to keyboard, but aside from that, nothing bad. The power of your PC could give you trouble, however.

2013-08-10, 09:11 PM
I have played AC3 on PC, and it generally went well. There are some minore issues with the port from controller to keyboard, but aside from that, nothing bad. The power of your PC could give you trouble, however.

how strong of a PC would be needed?
I'm currently using a decent 2012 laptop.. not sure of the exact stats.
It can run LoL and TERA on maximum graphics for what it's worth... not sure how good of a comparison an MMO is to a single player game though.

2013-08-11, 03:44 AM
I think the 2gb RAM might give you trouble, but I'm not sure. I played it on my laptop just fine, but I have 6gb.

Roman K
2013-08-11, 11:45 AM
2GB of RAM wouldn't be the biggest problem - the GPU, though...

AC3 isn't too graphics-intensive, really, especially not at lower settings, but it does require a DirectX 10 enabled card, which is not optional here - that said, a 2012 laptop should definitely have that supported without a problem. LoL and TERA don't have very high requirements, even at maximum settings, from what I've looked up, so it would be best to check the full hardware spec of the laptop at a glance.

Particularly, focusing on whether or not it's using an onboard Intel GPU, or a discrete Nvidia or AMD GPU. If you have a discrete GPU (even the cheap, laptop-focused kind) you should be safe. Intel-based GPU in the CPU itself... could be a a problem. Might work, but not too well.

2013-08-11, 01:17 PM
I think it has an GPU.. not exactly sure though, I'll look it up.
I do know it has the video card though, since that was one of the reasons I went for this one.

Roman K
2013-08-12, 01:19 PM
Well, video card and GPU are one and the same (video card = graphics processing unit) so you're safe there. I'm guessing AC3 will work just fine.