View Full Version : [GURPS] A couple questions on building an Innate attack

2013-08-08, 08:02 AM
Hi all.
I am currently in the process of converting a character of mine into GURPS (part of a project on building her in every system that can support a concept), and I have a problem with representing Laura's signature attack:
Fluff-wise, she conjures magical juggling clubs out of thin air and throws them into enemies. Now, I have a couple issues:
1: is it possible to stat this attack as able to hit two different targets? From what I read, even Extra attack doesn't allow to use same attack ability more than one per action, and RoF only allows to attack the same target multiple times...
2: The nature of the power makes me really want to make it work by rolling Thrown Weapons, but Innate attacks are supposed to have their own skills, right? Not that I can't buy the Innate Attack (Club throw) to the desired level - it's a freeform build anyway, so it's not like I'm struggling for points - I jkust feel it lacks... elegance :-)
Thanks in advance!

2013-08-14, 07:48 AM
Hi all.
I am currently in the process of converting a character of mine into GURPS (part of a project on building her in every system that can support a concept), and I have a problem with representing Laura's signature attack:
Let's see if can help...
(Disclaimer: I'm a GURPSoid. I have earned money writing GURPS material for SJGames, and my title in the GURPS Forums is Mad Spaniard Rules Lawyer, because I have managed to point errors in what the powers that be though the rules meant).

Fluff-wise, she conjures magical juggling clubs out of thin air and throws them into enemies. Now, I have a couple issues:
Good, you've got the Fluff. I find that the main problem people have with GURPS, is that they don't have a clear idea of what they want. Mostly because GURPS is usually bottom-up (though less than Hero) [Meaning that you build what you want from base block] while other games (notably D&D) are top-down [Meaning that you start with a base class/whatever and have discrete customization options].

1: is it possible to stat this attack as able to hit two different targets? From what I read, even Extra attack doesn't allow to use same attack ability more than one per action, and RoF only allows to attack the same target multiple times...
With Rate of Fire, you can use the Spraying Fire rules (see GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns, p. 409). It's probably not what you want though it can work. A much better way to do it is to use the Multistrike enhancement to Innate Attack probably with the Single Skill limitation (Both on GURPS Powers, p. 49).

2: The nature of the power makes me really want to make it work by rolling Thrown Weapons, but Innate attacks are supposed to have their own skills, right? Not that I can't buy the Innate Attack (Club throw) to the desired level - it's a freeform build anyway, so it's not like I'm struggling for points - I jkust feel it lacks... elegance :-)
It's a 0-point feature to make an innate attack work with a different skill (subject to GM veto). After all, Innate Attack is an Easy skill, so you're not getting a higher skill level by moving it to a skill that makes more sense for this particular innate attack. At most, it would take a 1 point perk (Skill substitution) to do so.

If we assume that you want the stats to match a thrown small mace, here's one way to build it:

Crushing attack, sw+2 (ST based, -100%) [6]
Extra Attack (Multistrike, +20%; Single Skill, Thrown Weapon (Thrown Axe/Mace), -20%) [25/level]

The attack deals Swing+2 damage, with an 1/2D range of 10 and a max range of 100 (You can modify this to your liking, using increased or decreased range modifiers). It's a wild ability not tied to any power or source (toss an appropriate power modifier to change this). The character can use it a number of times equal to the level of the listed Extra Attack advantage plus 1.

Thanks in advance!
You're welcome. Hope I correctly answered your question.

2013-08-14, 04:43 PM
1 issue with your build for the innate attack Kuroshima: Strength Based modifer for innate attacks REQUIRES it to be melee by the rules. You might be able to get around that by adding Cosmic into the mix, but that will heavily depend on the person running the game.

2013-08-14, 04:52 PM
1 issue with your build for the innate attack Kuroshima: Strength Based modifer for innate attacks REQUIRES it to be melee by the rules. You might be able to get around that by adding Cosmic into the mix, but that will heavily depend on the person running the game.

Your GURPS-fu is out of date :elan:

Note that I said ST Based, and not Melee Attack, ST based. The later is from Powers, while there former is from GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements, p. 20.

It may be applied to any melee or ranged attack that does crushing, cutting, or impaling damage.
(Emphasis mine).

It was generalized to allow for thrown weapons, bows, etc etc.