View Full Version : Siberia - Is anyone else watching?

2013-08-08, 09:27 AM
Over the past few weeks I've been enjoying a "reality" show on NBC called Siberia, following a group of people who have been dropped into the Siberian wilderness, near the site of the Tunguska meteor strike, and told to try and survive until winter; the last one left standing wins half a million dollars.

In actuality, this show is a scripted show with a sci-fi/horror theme to it. The fur trading camp where they're all staying supposedly had all of its inhabitants disappear at one point. There are stange markings on rocks and trees, and some creature stalks the woods.

I believe you can catch all of the episodes on NBC.com, for those of use in the US, anyways. My international friends my have to do some, uh, digging, to find the episodes. It airs on Monday nights at 9.

So, is anyone else watching this? I'd love to discuss theories on what y'all think is going on, especially after the events of the latest episode.

2013-08-08, 09:52 AM
Siberia is one of the few shows I make a point of watching live every week. Everything else, I can wait a few days and catch it on a rerun, but Siberia is something I genuinely look forward too.

It's a very interesting show, and I'm excited to see where it leads.

2013-08-08, 10:26 AM
I am thoroughly enjoying the show, myself. Any thoughts on Sabina's discovery in the last episode? And is Miljan going crazy or do you think he was always a little off?

Darth Credence
2013-08-08, 10:39 AM
First I've heard of it, but it sounds intriguing. I'll have a look at the episodes that are already online.

2013-08-08, 04:09 PM
I am thoroughly enjoying the show, myself. Any thoughts on Sabina's discovery in the last episode? And is Miljan going crazy or do you think he was always a little off?

Took a look at this, then spoiler-d it for length:

By her discovery, are you referring to the camera she picked up, the little girl she followed through the woods, or the locket replication?:smalltongue:
The camera she picked up should be the camera they lost when Carolina/Joyce was attacked in the forest. So she knows what happened. She just doesn't want everyone else to know, which suggests that it's something so fearsome she feared it would drive the other contestants off, and that she'd rather have them around to back her up if all goes to hell.
Now, the little girl and the locket I feel are intrinsically related. Right now, I'm going for the LOST style Hail-Mary pass: that something about the camp creates a time-dilation field. Part of Siberian mythology is the world being divided into 3,5, or 7 layers. The higher layers are considered better, or more heavenly, while the lower are more hellish. The middle, odd layer out is the one we inhabit. The layers are connected by a Yggdrasil-esque tree. My theory is that the boy in the locket is Sabina's brother, who died in her youth. The little girl would be Sabina from a higher layer, a more innocent layer, which explains her age, while the skeleton is Sabina from a lower layer, a hellish layer where she is, by comparison, older and dead. The shadowy figure watching Miljan when he found the journal could easily be any one of the contestants from a parallel layer or universe.

As to Miljan, I'm seeing his character progression as likely what happened to the fur trappers who originally inhabited the camp. A process I'll refer to as the Gollum Factor, where obsession with a single object (or in this case, two, being the tiki idol thing and the journal) driving someone to insanity. Also, I'm not even considering Miljan part of the contestants at this point. After that scene where the camera panned back and forth while he was talking to the tiki and he disappeared, I have no problem assuming that Miljan is now a strange, Siberian doppleganger of some kind.

It should be noted that Siberia has it's own set of mythos, which seems to be some amalgamation of Norse mythology and Native American beliefs, which makes way too much sense considering their location. One source suggests that "Siberian mythology and religion reflected a world in which humans depended on and respected animals, believing that the animals had spirits and could change form." Irene and Johnny go hunting, and then, not only does a spear telling them to leave appears outside of their cabins, but the sky turns neon green. They upset the balance of things by going hunting, and whatever higher power is guiding Miljan directed him to the trap that impaled Irene's leg, a deer head on a spike was the bait, almost a taunting reminder of why they were being punished.

To sum it up, my mind dissected this show like an 8th grade version of Creed (from a higher layer, of course) dissected frogs during his lunch bell.

2013-08-12, 10:51 PM
That turned out a bit long, and I'll spoiler in case some folks who haven't seen the show peek in.

I agree that the camera Sabina found was the one that was dropped the night the sky turned green, and with tonight's episode taken into account she is definitely reluctant to leave the camp. However I was specifically referring to the locket she found on the skeleton. It and the picture inside isn't something that could be replicated easily. Of course, that raises the question as to how did her own skeleton get there?

I like your theory of time dilation. It might go a long way to explain why they lost contact with the producers. It might explain the skeleton too. The little girl, though, was blonde, while Sabina's got dark hair and she doesn't strike me as the sort who would dye her hair. It might also explain the abrupt changes in the weather seen in tonight's show.

Miljan being possessed or replaced with something/someone else is interesting too. He is definitely acting very strangely now. And it was really suspicious that he led Irene to the trap, though I don't think he consciously knew what he was doing. Or maybe he did, since he did something secret to Irene in tonight's episode.

I think the people who've been seen in the woods are a part of the tribe that's mentioned in the diary now (finally!) translated by Sam. Either that or ghosts of the people who used to live in the camp.

Any thoughts on the big iron box? It seems to point to all of this being some psychological experiment, however I think it's more likely to be some sort of surplus thing that the production reused.

And who could possibly be jamming the radio? I talked to my dad (a retired Navy Radioman) and he says it's certainly possible for a signal to become jammed or for there to be atmospheric interference. If it is being jammed, like Sabina said (and I'm going to assume she's telling the truth and knows what she's talking about) the big question is why? The only people I can think of who would have the means to do that would be the military, but it's possible someone else could do it. Last new thing discovered was the tower with the red light on top. Has it always been there, or is it something new that popped up after the sky turned green?

Lastly, we haven't seen sign of the big two-toed monster recently. Is it gone? Fake? A dropped plotline? Something that's going to jump the team heading to the tower.

Inigo Montoya
2013-08-12, 11:34 PM
I've got a one or two of my own theories, which I classify as serious and silly.

Serious Theory:
There is a larger power at play, aside from the producers and the rest of the people in the show. Either an old soviet experiment gone horribly wrong, or a some sort of experiment into time travel or time dilation. I'm personally leaning towards some sort of time dilation, related to or cause by the Tunskuga event. Perhaps the contestants are reliving the event?

Silly Theory:
Judging by the tattoo design, and the fact that Miljan is acting crazy, I can only presume that this show is a prequel to Warhammer 40K (or perhaps a far future sequel to Warhammer Fantasy) and that Miljan now worships chaos united. They better bolter him quick before he starts mutating.

2013-08-13, 03:40 AM
So, here's a question for you all: Do you think the girl that the lesbian chick(sorry, can't remember her name atm) liked that left a note saying she was leaving, do you think she actually got picked up in the helicopter(Previews for next weeks episode seemed to show them searching through the wreckage of the copter, but there is no guarantee that the girl was on it), or has she been taking by the mysterious group in the woods?

2013-08-21, 10:59 AM
Alright, I've got my prediction for next week figured out:

Miljan is gone, and he's left a mark, my guess is that strange symbol that flashes after the intro and is on all the trees. Y'know, the three crossed lines. He's presumably taken Irene into the forest. Later, he'll exploit the mental uncanny valley by appearing to the Survivors in the gas mask that came out of the Revealer, kinda like that one episode of Doctor Who.

That one structure that the Away Team is resting in belongs to the Others (because, let's face it, that's who they are), and they'll have a similar "GET OUT NAOUW" style message waiting for them when they get moving the next day. The radio tower will never be reached by the Away Team, because they'll be intercepted by the Other's prior to their arrival, where the camera feed will cut out.

The Survivors at the camp, led by Sabina, will go into her cave to hide from Miljan and the two-toed beast in the forest, who at this point have a symbiotic relationship going on, if they haven't become one being at this point. They'll realize that Miljan has the rifle hidden somewhere, and then dig underneath the tiki statue to find it, which Neeko will use to kill Miljan/Commander Two-Toes McGee.

Somehow, Siberia is sentient, and wants to protect the human race, but it has crazy OCD logic which causes it to eliminate those who it views as unfit to "Start a new civilization". Tommy was too caring, Victoria was too oblivious, Miljan was too unstable, etc.

2013-08-21, 05:15 PM
I think that whether Natalie, the girl who left that Annie liked, left before or after the sky going green would determine if she survived or not. We saw this week that the producer probably didn't make it out, since Joyce found his clipboard. Maybe he was travelling with Natalie back to civilization, or maybe he was fleeing the destruction at the Production Camp.

Speaking of the Production Camp, I'm annoyed that they didn't find the warm clothes the first time they picked through it. It seemed like they overlooked a lot of stuff. Of course, I guess they were going quickly because they didn't know if the attackers might come back. Still, it probably would have saved poor Sam, but I guess they couldn't pass up the drama. I was so sure he wasn't going to make it this week. Half expected Daniel to die too. I'm glad they found shelter, in what looked to me to be the roots of a big fallen tree. If it's a structure, though, we'll be sure to find something weird there next week. I hope Sam will be able to walk again.

And now I shall scream about how much of a horrible person Esther is.


Why did that witch hide the key from the others? There isn't a game any more. You don't need to keep secrets! Helping one another is the only way you're going to make it out alive pretty girl! At least she was quick to pull it out when it was needed.

And why was she helping Miljan? He said he had something over her, I presume the tape of her and the camera guy, but what does that matter? He's freakin' insane and you're all going to freeze to death if you don't help one another. But no, she drugs everyone and now poor Irene is missing.

I expect she'll be found near the totem, but in what state I honestly couldn't say. I hope she's ok. She's one of the good people on the show. And I don't think poor Daniel could handle losing her.

I agree with Creed that they'll eventually all end up in Sabina's cave. I'm really curious about what else is in there, other than her stash of stuff. More cave paintings, maybe?

I think Two Toes is going to be hunting the Away Team (I like that name for them) While Miljan's going to cause trouble for the home team.

Stupid, Stupid Esther. *growls*

2013-08-26, 10:30 AM
Sounds interesting, I think I can have peek into this

2013-08-28, 07:38 PM
Actually "Siberia - Is anyone else watching?" could have been a nice tagline for the show :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-29, 11:53 PM
Aww, don't say that =P

Honestly, I think it'd be doing better if it weren't competing with Under the Dome. Same sort of target audience. I wonder if it might do better on another channel, say Syfy. (Gosh that name change is annoying but that's a rant for another place)

Now for this week's cunundrums!

How in the world did Natalie's corpse get there? She left/disappeared long before the snow fell. Yet she had frost bite? Two-Toes obviously got to her, but where was she between then and when she left? Confusing. Confusing. I think this hints that Two-Toes is intelligent.

I also would think that Two-Toes is some sort of experiment from the science facility the Away Team discovered, except that doesn't explain the cave paintings that Daniel saw earlier. Unless the Russian Soldiers that were around made paintings of it... which I doubt.

And what was Johnny thinking touching the top of the obviously high voltage thing?! I was having Jurassic Park flashbacks, too.

I think there's some crazy scientist left behind at the facility. We might get some answers, in a broken fashion via translations from Sam.

No sign of Irene or Miljan, which is worrying. Irene is not going to last long out in the snow.

2013-08-30, 12:34 AM
I've binged on this entire series in the past few days...but right now my thoughts are too disorganized to put into a standard form.

2013-08-30, 04:08 AM
Well, I guess MOndays episode(Just now watched it), answers my question as to whether or not Leslie made it out of there or not! Me and my wife both had a strong hunch she hadn't actually gotten out of there.

Looks like Miljan or however you spell his name hooks back up with the group(it sounded like he was telling the others that "they took her!" in the preview.

2013-08-30, 09:12 PM
My breakdown for this week:

First thing's first, I swear that I saw a human from the chest up looking out the window of the first house the Away Team saw. Is it Miljan, since he appears the next episode? How'd he get that far out anyways?!

I still have a strong feeling that "SCIENCE!" will be severely less prevalent in the reveal than "MAGIC!". It's easy to say "Screw it, military experiment following the Tunguska Event" and throw around words like "Radioactive Cross-Pollination", but Siberia strikes me as the kind of show that wants to touch the supernatural in a way very few shows do.

Also, I'm confident in saying that everyone who went to the helicopter is now dead, murdered by Two-Toes. But what, exactly, is Two-Toes?
Ladies and Gentleman, the creature living in the forest is actually...
A Two-Toed Megatherium, or, in human terms, a really big Sloth.

Wait! Don't go! Hear me out here! Below, is a picture of a set of footprints that Appalachian Hikers claim belongs to a giant two-toed sloth that lives in the area, around the size of the earlier-mentioned Ground Sloth, which can stand up to 20 feet tall.
Look familiar? Yeah, it's blurry, but it's something, some precedent for something like what we see in Siberia. But now you're saying "BUT CREED! Sloths eat plants!" But what if they didn't. Let's look at the anatomy of a Sloth for a moment. We're looking at teeth that are actually more similar to those of rabbits than anything else, in that they constantly grow, and aren't really adapted to eating plants or meat more than the other. The preferred feeding method of Two-Toes is to rip out the organs through the stomach, something that a sloth could accomplish with clawed hands, in conjunction with it's prehensile tongue, and the teeth would have no trouble ripping it up, even if Two-Toes couldn't swallow his meal whole.

These animals were recorded as living in Southern parts of North America, and most of South America, but their extinction is often attributed to human hunting, which I suggest drove the Sloths further north, then across the Bering Land Bridge near the end of the last ice age. Bringing them to, that's right, Siberia.

I know it sounds like a crackpot theory. But there are literally no holes in this theory. Don't look for them. They're not there.

Rising Phoenix
2013-09-01, 06:45 AM

We have a good idea what two toes is now... and there's more than one. I predict that the people that placed the spear outside the camp are survivor scientists and military personnel from the town

2013-09-01, 04:52 PM

We have a good idea what two toes is now... and there's more than one. I predict that the people that placed the spear outside the camp are survivor scientists and military personnel from the town

That doesn't make sense though, why wouldn't they just contact the players outright, instead of leaving stuff outside with no note or explanation as to why.

I'm still on the idea that the spear was a warning to get the hell out of dodge.

Rising Phoenix
2013-09-01, 05:46 PM
That doesn't make sense though, why wouldn't they just contact the players outright, instead of leaving stuff outside with no note or explanation as to why.

I'm still on the idea that the spear was a warning to get the hell out of dodge.

extreme xenopohobia? Language barrier? lack of trust?

2013-09-01, 08:38 PM
extreme xenopohobia? Language barrier? lack of trust?

But do any of those things matter when you're in an extremely hostile place with some unknown, quite likely cannabalistic, and obviously very violent creature stalking and hunting everyone? Don't get me wrong, you make good points, and that may be the case, but I would think in that same situation, I wouldn't give one whit about what place of origin another person was from, or if there was a language barrier, I would find a way to team up with them to improve my chances of survival.

2013-09-01, 10:01 PM
That doesn't make sense though, why wouldn't they just contact the players outright, instead of leaving stuff outside with no note or explanation as to why.

I'm still on the idea that the spear was a warning to get the hell out of dodge.

Maybe they exist in a parallel reality, and can only communicate through something. Ooh! Like things put out of the Revealer, and anyone who finds the journal that Miljan got. So the Revealer quietly spit out a spear and Miljan got mind-controlled to do it!

That makes sense? Right? :smalltongue:

2013-09-01, 10:07 PM

That's crazier than your two-toed sloth theory! =P (although sloths have surprisingly sharp teeth)

I think the spear was left by the native tribe in the area, which was described in the journal. And it did tell them to "Get out."

2013-09-01, 11:11 PM

That's crazier than your two-toed sloth theory! =P (although sloths have surprisingly sharp teeth)

I think the spear was left by the native tribe in the area, which was described in the journal. And it did tell them to "Get out."

While it is crazier then his two-toed sloth theory, I actually kinda like it!

2013-09-01, 11:12 PM

That's crazier than your two-toed sloth theory! =P (although sloths have surprisingly sharp teeth)

I think the spear was left by the native tribe in the area, which was described in the journal. And it did tell them to "Get out."

While it is crazier then his two-toed sloth theory, I actually kinda like it!

Well of course it's crazier, the two-toed sloth theory is the most logically sound thing this show could be about.

Rising Phoenix
2013-09-02, 02:30 AM
But do any of those things matter when you're in an extremely hostile place with some unknown, quite likely cannabalistic, and obviously very violent creature stalking and hunting everyone? Don't get me wrong, you make good points, and that may be the case, but I would think in that same situation, I wouldn't give one whit about what place of origin another person was from, or if there was a language barrier, I would find a way to team up with them to improve my chances of survival.

That's one way to act.

Another is: if you've survived this long on your own, then maybe joining up with a group of foreigners may not necessarily be a good idea especially if a) they are unfamiliar with the surroundings, b) you know that some are crazy, c) they have no clear sense of leadership (granted that has largely been resolved by now) and d) they are going to put a strain on your resources as most are not wilderness trained

Also with regard to

Two-toes, I am a bit annoyed that the initial reaction was to consider it as merely a curiosity especially since a) it killed one of the team early on and b) it killed a friggin tiger! Even if you don't know that no animal native to earth (with some exceptions (http://blog.asiantown.net/-/9338/The_two_toe_people__lobster_claw_footed_tribe_.asp x)) that should cause more of an alarmed reaction than it did.

2013-09-02, 08:15 AM
I was surprised as well that Two-Toes didn't receive more attention in the beginning from the players. There were the footprints and the cave painting and that guy's death. With the last one, I know they were told it was an accident, but surely someone could put 2 and 2 together, right? I wonder if they had problems with the costume or something and so couldn't reveal the creature earlier?

Ok, once we get past the first page, no more spoiler tags. It's a bit silly to have a whole thread full of them. Agreed?

2013-09-02, 08:26 AM
I was surprised as well that Two-Toes didn't receive more attention in the beginning from the players. There were the footprints and the cave painting and that guy's death. With the last one, I know they were told it was an accident, but surely someone could put 2 and 2 together, right? I wonder if they had problems with the costume or something and so couldn't reveal the creature earlier?

Ok, once we get past the first page, no more spoiler tags. It's a bit silly to have a whole thread full of them. Agreed?

Someone said once that fear doesn't come from being attacked, but from the sensation of being about to be attacked. I feel like revealing Two-Toes early on would bust this sensation wide open.

2013-09-02, 10:39 AM
You make a good point there, Creed, but I swear they didn't even acknowledge the weird footprints. Or the prints from the tiger, for that matter. I love this show, but sometimes the characters are just stupid. Big cat prints in Siberia = Siberian Tiger, right? Also, had none of them ever heard of the Northern Lights? I thought that was a pretty good explanation for the sky going green, but no one even mentioned it. And I know the best way to cross ice is to lay down and distribute my weight, and I live in Florida! I suppose I can forgive them for that last one, though. Poor Sam. Did add a lot of good drama.

Rising Phoenix
2013-09-03, 06:44 AM
On the latest episode

Ha! I kinda called it!

2013-09-03, 11:38 AM
Great call!

I am totally disappointed about the footprints. Who makes shoes like that? Maybe they're emulating the real Two-Toes?

I'm kind of confused about the footage Daniel found. Did they have video cameras in the 1920s? That's my only nit-pick there.

I'm pretty sure that science facility had been up and running, up until the Away Team lost sight of the beacon. The bodies seem... fresh? I guess. Also that poor Falcon wouldn't last long without food. I wonder if anyone will come to investigate the loss of the radio tower. Either that or they already know it's been lost and why.

The appearance of the fighter jets over the main camp was interesting. It likely has something to do with the larger story, but it's possible that they just happened to be doing manuevers out in the wilderness. And did Neeko and Sabina totally forget they had that giant bonfire built and ready to go?!

The disappearing torches around the camp looked really cool, and indicated we were definitely not dealing with some sort of animal.

I enjoyed this episode, even if the revelations at the end were a little... mundane. I really think Miljan is totally crazy now, not under some mystic influence.

2013-09-03, 02:05 PM
On the latest episode
Ha! I kinda called it!

You win, Phoenix. Solid play.
My now revised theories:

The Tribe: The Tribe of natives who appeared at the end of "One by One" are the same ones who eliminated the Research Team. They haven't been killing people, just taking them captive, so anyone who went to the helicopter, besides, you know, Natalie, are still alive. When there are multiple sets of Two-Toes footprints, (like when Miljan left Irene) it's them and their boots, which, as shown by the article Phoenix posted, make a shape that's suitable for climbing trees, and makes it so the real Two-Toes can't follow the trail back to their camp. As natives to this area, they believed the Research Team, as well as The Survivors, are trespassing on their territory. The avoided the passive Survivors as best as they could, with one being spotted by Miljan when he found the journal, and another, a young girl, interacting with Sabina while she was wandering the forest.

The Tunguska Event, the Expedition, and the Research Team:

The Tunguska event was an enormously powerful explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, at about 07:14 KRAT (00:14 UT) on June 30 [O.S. June 17], 1908.[1][2][3] The explosion, having the epicentre (60.886°N, 101.894°E), is believed to have been caused by the air burst of a small asteroid or comet at an altitude of 5–10 kilometres (3–6 mi) above Earth's surface. Different studies have yielded widely varying estimates of the object's size, on the order of 60 m (200 ft) to 190 m (620 ft).[4] It is the largest impact event on or near Earth in recorded history.[5]

The Tunguska Event was caused by an asteroid crashing into Earth, the crater that the Away Team passed on their way to the Research Station is where it hit. Here's an image of the trees knocked over. It's legitimate. Taken in 1927 by... Leonid Kulik's expedition.
Kulik's reports involved many eyewitness reports from the local Evenk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evenks) population, and he officially never found any meteorite fragments.

This is where known history transmutes to theorycraft.

Kulik did find fragments during his investigation, but they weren't of an asteroid. They were of a spaceship. More on this later.
The Research Team began their investigation of Tunguska at the behest of the Russian government, studying mutated creatures that were being reported in the Tunguska area. The Research Team actively removed these creatures from the Tunguska food chain, which had adapted to include the mutants, and this upset the local Evenk population, who summarily attacked the research station. The Evenk, their beliefs still strongly rooted in Siberian mythology, believed that the scientists were responsible for the sudden shift in weather, as well as the appearance of the green lights. As part of the attack, the Evenk used the bulldozer to tip over the radio tower, cutting the Research Team off from calling for help.

Two-Toes is an alien creature from the next galaxy over. It was one member of the exploratory crew who were preserved in cryostasis as the ship was in transit. However, the crew did not account for the drift of Earth in front of their ship, and they nearly collided with it. Before the ship hit the planet, the heat created by reentry caused the nuclear core to explode, causing the Tunguska Event. Scientists have stated that a 10 m asteroid can create the equivalent of a 20 kiloton explosion.

Most of the crew were killed upon impact, but Two-Toes escaped the wreckage, living in Siberia alongside the natural food chain, now mutated by the radiation the spaceship showered onto the land.

Rising Phoenix
2013-09-03, 10:12 PM
Interesting predictions that probably will come true folks

I too still think that a monstrous two toes is out there- the original track shown looked much more lifelike than the tracks in the snow which didn't look that 'flexible'. Further evidence suggesting this include the tiger corpse and brutal killing of two team members- unless of course the tribe is cannibalistic...

I also agree that the science facility has almost certainly been attacked in the last week or so, but if so it doesn't explain the 'primitive' equipment used by them.

And Mijan is a nut job, no question about it.

2013-09-05, 12:52 AM

There is no two toes? It's just people wearing boots that are in the form of two toes? Or were those actually their feet? I couldn't really tell to be honest. Either way, the show takes another unpredicted twist(I mean, really, who predicted it would be humans either wearing boots, or actually having mutated feet like that). Definitely starting to believe that Daniels group is going to be the savior of the entire group, that or when they send out an email it's going to alert someone that DOESN'T want attention drawn to the whole area and they'll come kidnap them as well.

2013-09-05, 07:40 AM

There is no two toes? It's just people wearing boots that are in the form of two toes? Or were those actually their feet? I couldn't really tell to be honest. Either way, the show takes another unpredicted twist(I mean, really, who predicted it would be humans either wearing boots, or actually having mutated feet like that). Definitely starting to believe that Daniels group is going to be the savior of the entire group, that or when they send out an email it's going to alert someone that DOESN'T want attention drawn to the whole area and they'll come kidnap them as well.

I can only hope that Two-Toes is still a real thing, and not a total ruse.

Also, did it occur to anyone else the conspiracy-theory esque similarities between these characters, and specifically points where plot death would have been a thing if not for a sudden interruption from someone who wasn't suppose to be there? Like, for example, Sam was suppose to be eliminated in the first episode, that race seemed like a throw-away plot point, but because he wasn't suppose to be there Johnny was suppose to die when he touched the tesla-coil thing. Daniel was probably slated to die when his girlfriend did, off screen, so he was never suppose to be in Siberia either. That's why Siberia tried to eliminate him early on by tripping him up and busting his leg up during the race, which now apparently isn't affecting him? Because of that, David's a wild card that the grand scheme of things didn't expect, and he seems to have some sort of magic, idealism plot armor. He also just HAD to go in the laboratory at the Research Station. So what we're saying is, Daniel is the Hero/Smart Guy, Johnny is the Lancer, Sam is the Big Guy/Worf, and Joyce is the chick. Also, everyone on the show has a job that's unusual. No one on the show is listed as a "Student" or "Clerk" or "Construction Worker". They all have unique and interesting careers, like "Rodeo Person" and "Club DJ". The only person who had an ordinary career path was Joyce, and she turned out to be a plant by the show!:smalltongue:

Just some ramblings here.

2013-09-17, 09:39 PM
Wow. That definitely threw me for a loop. Hell of an ending, I very much liked, glad to finally get a glimpse of a "Valley Men". What I want to know, is how exactly is the freaking producer/host of the show involved in all this. For him to show up like that right there at the end, is pretty crazy.

2013-09-17, 10:15 PM

Am I the only one around here
Who noted the Valleyman's ressemblance to a Sloth!

Anyways, I'm going to guess that the tv show was part of a ritual to lure the Valleyman out into a favorable environment for the host, and his private army, to kill it so they can get to those cauldrons, which are interestingly part of Siberian mythos, which probably mark huge caches of gold.

For more information, I found this:


2013-09-18, 02:04 AM
Wow, Creed, that myth you linked matches pretty darn well to what's going on in the show. I'm sure they've drawn heavily from it in the writing.

Can I just say how awesome this last episode was? I was on the edge of my seat. All the up and downs! One moment I think they're all safe, the next they're all doomed!

Esther's continued witchy behavior even after the game ended makes sense now.

What I want to know is why is Buckley all safe and well in that apartment? Earlier it had been indicated that he'd died in the helicopter crash (which I'm starting to think may have been staged. There weren't any bodies.) And even if he'd survived it, he certainly doesn't look like he trekked through the wilderness to get to the city.

Soo many questions! Why was he there? Does he know about the paramilitary guys? He had to have known about the science facility because of the Revealer. Why is the city evacuated? What in the nine hells was that thing on the tape!?! I felt like I was watching Marble Hornets for a moment there. (Good youtube series, based on the slenderman mythos). I thought it looked like an alien, but that doesn't make sense. This creature seems to be a part of the local mythology. It's had to have been there for a long time in order for those myths to sink in. So... recent alien crash landing doesn't make sense. Even if it was the cause of the Tanguska event... that doesn't explain the cave painting of it.

So many things left unanswered. I really REALLY hope they do a second season, although I've heard that NBC won't, which upsets me. Maybe I'll make a petition or something. Those always work right?

2013-09-18, 06:42 AM
For those interested, here's the best screenshot I could get of the Valleyman from the VoD.


2013-09-19, 09:11 PM
Hi guys, after the latest episode, I decided to do some internet searching to see if I could find anyone elses theories as to what exactly is going on and ran across this forum. I must say I love some of the theories here, especially Creed's revised theories post.

I took a series of screen grabs from episode 11 and did some photoshop brightening to bring out some details, here they are...

I was trying to figure out what we were looking at. It clearly to me looks like some sort of alien. At first watching it in real time, I thought maybe a guy with night vision goggles or something, but with the brightened images, it doesn't look human at all.


2013-09-19, 09:36 PM
First, welcome to the forums Albatross! I'm glad you could find our little community. I hope you like DnD and other such things, which are pretty big here, and of course check out the comic.

Ahem, but back on topic:

Nice screen grabs! Those last two frames are terrifying. This thing is definitely not human. My mind went right to alien when I saw it, but that almost seems too obvious, and again I don't understand how that fits in with the mythology.

I'm wondering what you guys thought of when Buckley said "You aren't supposed to be here." Did he say that because he expected them to be still in the woods? Maybe picked up by a rescue team that never arrived? Or did he expect them all to be dead?

Building on Creed's time theories... maybe after Tommy died in the first episode, production got shut down? except in one instance it didn't... maybe in another instance Sabina got killed and that's why the skeleton was there?

I think I'm starting to go off into left field, but there's so many unanswered questions!