View Full Version : Pokemon: Brighter Colors [IC]

2013-08-08, 11:09 AM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 7:13 am

The early Ivory City morning sky is painted a beautiful bright pale orange. The tall towers of the cityscape have just begun to open its doors to those who work in them. Men in suits drag wheeled briefcases behind similarly-dressed women looking over papers as they walk. The air smells of strongly of coffee, but also opportunity, for the twenty young adults waiting outside the Ivory City Pokemon Research Center (http://www.skysiteaerial.com/samples/exteriors/images/Research%20facility%20day%20exterior.jpg).

Across the road from the flood of businessmen, the short, long, building made entirely of windows seems a bit out of place. Amidst the crowded industrial city, the Ivory City Pokemon Research Center has made space on its lot for trees, a small manmade lake, a patio, and an open field area. From what can be seen through the large glass walls, the inside of the building is a large open space. The lights are off, but the room is bright with natural light. A man in a white lab coat makes his way around the building; the people outside can't make out what he is doing, but he appears to occasionally make eye contact with them waiting outside.

Waiting behind locked doors are twenty trainers-to-be crowded in a mob in front of the doorway; they are beginning to get agitated, as the letter says to arrive by 7:00am. They proudly brandish letters of acceptance for their Pokemon Trainer License and excitedly exchange wishes of starters. Among them are four particular anxious souls: Morgan Rite, Tobias Gardner, Samantha Opal, and Frederick Williamson. The first three hail from the outskirts of Ivory City while the last traveled through the Arbok Mountains from the tiny Cobalt Town. The anticipation of a new pokemon life floats through the air for all twenty... any minute, those doors will open, and their new world will begin.

2013-08-08, 06:16 PM
Fro found himself a spot at the back of the crowd that had formed in front of the research center. As he looks around, he takes a moment to stretch and wipe the sleep from his tired eyes. He hears people talking excitedly to one another, exchanging pleasantries and wishes for starters. Not wanting to be rude, he introduces himself to the nearest person and offers his hand for a handshake.

Hello, the name’s Frederick! Though call me Fro. Just about everyone does back home.

Business Scrub
2013-08-08, 08:08 PM
Tobias stands towards the front of the room, previously talking animatedly to people. He seems relaxed, at ease, but a tapping of his foot and his eyes frequently jumping back to the man inside betrays his anticipation. His conversation breaks off, and he's left with his mothers conversation from earlier echoing in his head.
My little boy all grown up! Are you excited for today?
Hardly slept. Can't wait to see what awesome pokemon the Prof's going to give me. Probably something badass like Scyther or Haxorus.
Watch your mouth young man. Now come get breakfast before you leave. I made eggs. Aha, I highly doubt they're giving out adult dragons to you young ones.
Well sure, maybe not to everyone. Just the people they know can handle them, like me.
Oh? Haha, and when your Haxorus tries to bite your head off you're going to know how to handle that, right?
What? Wait, they wouldn't do that, would they?
Only joking Toby. Just keep an open mind with you're first, it could be a nice surprise. And make friends! The people you meet are going to be just as important. It's going to be a long day... Oh, I'm so excited for you! I remember my first day... You'll have to write to me, tell me all about it.
Mooom... alright, I will.

Tobias takes his glasses off, hanging them from the front of his shirt and messing with it a bit, when he hears the man next to him.
"Hey man, Tobias Gardner." He shakes Fro's hand.
"You ready to get this party started?"

2013-08-08, 09:10 PM
Nice to meet ya, Tobias. I'm ready to party, but they're a little late getting it started, eh? Any idea when they'll start letting us in?

Business Scrub
2013-08-08, 11:02 PM
"No idea. It's sure starting to feel like a pressure cooker in here, ya know? Like what could be taking them? Maybe they should've just put a bunch of pokeballs outside and said 'Free deadly creatures to crazy young kids'," he says jokingly.

2013-08-08, 11:29 PM
Laughing, Fro builds off of Tobias' joke.

I can see it now. There'd be someone up on a small, wooden platform throwing pokeballs out into the crowd and screaming, "You get a deadly creature! And YOU get a deadly creature! EVERYBODY GETS DEADLY CREATURES!"

2013-08-10, 06:26 AM
Pfffft, Aaaaahahahah.

Morgan could not help herself. The young woman bursts out laughing at the horrible joke, only to get strange looks from the others around her. The look on her face is a mix of humor and curiosity,

That was terrible.

Name's Morgan.

Jutting out her hand rigidly, the two notice how absolutely terrible her posture is. Her stance consists of her leaning on one leg, shoulders slumped, and head tilted slightly. She carries a bag on her shoulder and a Pokeball-holder belt. The rest of her outfit was more fitting for a show, rather than receiving her first Pokemon.

2013-08-10, 01:48 PM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 7:14 am

Another girl whips her head around to join the conversation, apparently unsatisfied with the joke. "Pokemon aren't deadly weapons." She sneers smartly through straight black hair and bright green eyes. Her careful makeup and neat blue dress suggests she were going to a party or on a date, not a pokemon adventure. "People are deadly - when they're idiots and see these innocent creatures as weapons."

2013-08-10, 02:46 PM
Oh shut it.

Pokemon are plenty dangerous.
I mean hell, some of them breath fire!

Do people breath fire?
Aaaahh no.
No they do not.

Morgan snapped at the girl in the blue dress. She knew their types. Always throwing their opinions around because their friends always agree. Sometimes you need to put 'em in their place. Morgan's specialty.

People are dangerous too, but I would rather fight the biggest, baddest human alive than take on a Primeape with a chip on it's shoulder.

2013-08-10, 03:02 PM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 7:14 am

The girl folds her arms and pouts out her bottom lip. "A pokemon isn't just going to go breathing fire everywhere because you look at them wrong. They're smarter than that, and they deserve our respect." She looks at Morgan from toe to head. "A pokemon isn't going to disturb you unless you provoke it, which I can tell you just can't wait to do."

2013-08-10, 04:07 PM
You really are full of it, aren't you girlie?

Morgan says, taking a step towards the girl. By now, she is standing up straight, leaning ever so slightly forward. The smile on her face matched the venom in her words,

You can 'provoke' a Pokemon by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

People have more reason than that.
If we didn't, I might be so inclined to knock your head in, now wouldn't I?

2013-08-10, 11:05 PM
Hey Morgan, nice to meet...

Fro is cut short as another trainer voices her displeasure of the joke. Before Fro has a chance to say something to defend himself, Morgan engages her in a heated argument. He feels that the situation unfolding before him is getting a little out of control. Though agitated at the backhanded insult initially flung his way, he attempts to calm them both down.

He first responds to Morgan, turning his head in her direction:

Morgan, I know we just met, barely at that, but we don't need to go around theoretically OR actually knocking people's heads in. Just keep it cool.

Breathing deeply, attempting to keep his frustration down, he then responds to the woman in blue:

Miss, I apologize if I offended you. I in no way meant any harm: it was only a silly joke.

Taking another breath Fro continues as calmly as possible:

I do not see them as weapons; I agree that only idiots would see them as such. However, I am not going to pretend that they are all innocent creatures. It’s true that some are docile; hell, some have even been domesticated, but there are those out in the wilderness that are NOT docile, some that have NOT been domesticated, and one would be naïve and foolish to treat them as such.

2013-08-11, 06:27 AM
What he said.

Morgan said, tilting her head toward the boy with the afro. She smiled ever so politely, far past the point of fake, now venturing on insulting. Firey and hot blooded one moment, the girl now seemed to go back to her original demeanor,

Eh, forget her man.

So, whats your name afro-boy?

2013-08-11, 12:24 PM
Turning his icy gaze from the girl in blue, the pent-up anger and frustration faded almost instantly. He outstretched his hand for a handshake once again, continuing in a much more jovial (and familiar) tone.

Haha, would you believe it’s Fro? It’s actually Frederick, but nearly everyone back home calls me Fro for obvious reasons.

2013-08-11, 02:51 PM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 7:15 am

The girl rolls her eyes and smirks again. "Hmph. I think you're proving my point for me." Despite her tone and her words, it's apparent that she is a bit intimidated. She gives a relieved and blighted "Thank you" when Fro steps in the conversation. Her expression softens when he comes around, but the girl appears wary still of Morgan and dissolves back into the group of trainers. ((Unless she is stopped by a PC.))

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 03:26 PM
Tobias can't help but laugh as the girl walks away. "What even was her deal? Well I guess some people would rather play dress up with pokemon. Hey whatever floats your boat."
He nods to Morgan. "Remind me never to get her angry. Though I'm glad you chased her off. The name's Tobias."

2013-08-11, 04:05 PM
"Hmph. I think you're proving my point for me."

Morgan scoffed at the woman's response. Rolling her eyes, a smile returned to her face. There was nothing like getting into someone's head.

Haha, would you believe it’s Fro? It’s actually Frederick, but nearly everyone back home calls me Fro for obvious reasons.

That is freakin' awesome!
I can dig it.
Nice to meet you man.

Morgan said, scrunching her nose and smiling wide in approval. She took the man's hand and shook it sternly.

"Remind me never to get her angry. Though I'm glad you chased her off. The name's Tobias."

All in a days work man.

The girl says, winking at Tobias. Looking about for a moment, she turns back to the pair that she met up with,

So, when do you think they are going to let us in?

2013-08-11, 06:01 PM
I hope they let us in soon. I am really anxious to get this whole thing started.

Fro pauses to think for a moment, scratching his head in the process. After a moment of silent thought, he poses a question to the other two.

Would you two like to travel with me? I'm planning on traveling the region, training and battling gym leaders as I go. Having people along would be a lot more fun, not to mention safer.

2013-08-12, 07:03 PM
Samantha stood lost in her own thoughts, only catching snippets of the conversations around her as she imagined what the professor would be like and what the first thing she'd do as a trainer would be. *I'll definitely have to travel... Oh, the things I'll see! I'm so excited!*

2013-08-12, 08:30 PM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 7:26 am

"Is it that time already!?" A hyper young woman (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H3gyuTdOK84/TzYxxCuOhnI/AAAAAAAAAIw/1gpcrUFP1lM/s320/113407.jpg) barges through the crowd, bouncing between people, being careful not to spill a cardboard container of four coffee cups on her white lab coat along the way. "What kind of shmuck would leave all these kids waiting on a day like today, eh? Looks like... sixteen, eight-, twenty, looks like we've got everyone here! You've all got your- hang on, hold this please," she shoves the coffees in some boys arms, who, not ready to receive them, is just barely able to balance them and not embarrass himself completely. The woman takes out a key ring from a deep coat pocket and opens the door, taking back the coffee before opening the door, "Yeah thanks. What was I saying?" She rambles on quickly. If people aren't listening closely, they'd likely miss everything. "Oh yeah, I hope you all have your letters! If you forgot them - come in, won't you?" She ushers the crowd into the building with her free hand, and it follows.

The room is large, bright, and spacious. To your left and right are symmetric lounge areas with blue couchs, coffee tables, and potted plants. On both sides are large staircases leading to a second floor balcony. On the second floor, many rooms and offices lie behind locked doors with gold plackards on them. The woman continues to lead you further into the room, where the lab assistant from earlier is dropping off a stack of papers. She places her coffee on the table and stands behind it. The crowd organizes in front of the table anxious and excited.

"Where was I? Oh yeah, if you forgot them, you can't get your pokemon!" She takes a long sip of coffee, then laughs at some nervous wide eyes. "Hahaha, I'm kidding! We've got everything right here," she holds up a handful of paper and takes another drag from the styrofoam cup. "Yup, everything right here. Except..." she looks to her sides back and forth quickly, then shouts "Jeremy, the poke-"

"Right here." The lab assistant emerges from a blue door with a glass case full of pokeballs. He places it on the table.

"Good! Yes this," she pats the glass case and drinks from her cup yet again. Empty, she tosses the cup into a wastebasket and starts on a second. "This is what you're here for. Your pokemon." For the first time since you've seen her, the woman pauses and relaxes. "By the way, I'm Professor Heather Maple. Good morning, pokemon trainers."

2013-08-12, 10:07 PM
Shrugging to the blonde haired boy, it looked like Morgan did not have much to say about his question. Before there could have even been a response, the Professor hurriedly waded through the crowd. After following the woman into the current room, she leans over to Fro and whispers,

Upity little thing, isn't she?

2013-08-13, 12:16 PM
Before he could get a reply to his question, the Professor finally arrived and ushered everyone into the research center. Moving with the crowd, Fro looked around and took in everything. The Professor motioned for them to stop and mentioned papers. Fro was glad to have those on hand, even if they had everything here. Then she finally mentioned pokemon and a glass case was brought out by her assistant. Seeing that, it finally hit Fro that he was going to be a trainer; to venture out and hopefully find what he was meant to do.

It is finally happening... he thought to himself.

Morgan leaned over and commented on the professor. He chuckled to himself and whispered back.

I thought I saw unhealthy caffeine consumption at college, but this...! This takes the cake.

Business Scrub
2013-08-13, 07:52 PM
Tobias looks around excitedly as the Professor entered. Yes. finally, this is what I was waiting for. Bring on the fire-breathing terror monsters. I can't say I'm surprised this chick is late.

He chuckles at Fro's comment. "Haha, I'm surprised she can keep all of our starters straight..."

2013-08-15, 03:52 AM
As the odd young woman led the way into the building, Samantha drank in the sights of the lab, looking around with barely contained glee; though their journey through the lab was short, it still got the young trainer's heart racing. While the young woman introduced herself as the Professor the group had been waiting for, Samantha frowned at a group of three future trainers in front of her who seemed less than impressed at the Professor's somewhat eccentric demeanor; this was hardly the time to be flippant!

Attempting to maintain a calm facade, the annoyed teen leaned forward and whispered to the trio. "Please be more respectful of Professor Maple!"

2013-08-15, 01:17 PM
Fro was startled by the sudden whisper from behind. He felt a twang of guilt about his comment. Though he was only joking around, he really shouldn’t have poked fun at the professor like that. Sighing, he turned around to apologize.

This is the second time my mouth has gotten me in trouble today. My apologies, miss. I need to remember to put a lid on myself sometimes. I’m Fro.

Fro extended his hand toward the teen for a handshake.

2013-08-15, 07:21 PM
Morgan scoffs at the comment. While normally she would have berated the girl for being a 'goodie-two-shoes', she was more focused on the Pokeballs in front of her. It was finally happening. She would have a Pokemon of her own, and be able to train them to be strong enough to find her mother. She just had to wait for the caffeine driven woman to give her the creature.

2013-08-16, 01:44 PM
Slightly mollified, Samantha's expression softened as she reached out to shake Fro's hand. "Nice to meet you, Fro. My name is Samantha."

2013-08-16, 03:01 PM
Professor Maple's brief pause proves to be very brief, as she is back talking over the murmurs of the crowd in a second. "Now, the first thing you're going to learn," she begins pacing back and forth in front of the table, "is that nothing is given to you in this world," she speaks quickly and matter-of-factly, "You'll earn your money, you'll work for your victories, and you'll bust your butts to become the best pokemon trainers you can be - or whatever it is you choose to do with pokemon." She takes a sip. "You will soon learn that hard work will be rewarded, and if you rely on dumb luck you're not gonna get very far." She takes another sip. "And for that reason, we have calculated your Minimum Trainer Requirements Test results, and those that performed the best will receive their pokemon first."

There are plenty of gasps in the crowd, some proud cheers, and some very upset gawks.

"Yes, yes, that's how it is, no questions. If you're worried, take this as your first lesson in pokemon training! Always work hard and do your best." She walks behind the table and puts her coffee cup down for the first time since you've seen her. She gives it a look, like she's promising a loved one that she'll return. Then, Professor Maple picks up the stack of papers and flips through it quickly with her thumb. "Your test results are here and - hey! Jeremy! I thought I asked you to put these in order by -"

"They are in order" the assistant responds begrudgingly from a desk at the corner of the room.

"No, look at the -"

"Yes they are. Second line down, beneath their name."

"Heh?" She blushes. "Oh, right, okay, thanks." Professor Maple aligns the papers by tapping them against the table. "Now let's get started with..."

Eager eyes and ears are pinned to the professor with attention.

What are your test results!?
Roll 1d20, then add your Intelligence modifier (for the test results) and your Charisma modifier (for your personal letter results). This will determine your place in line to select starters. Roll well!

2013-08-16, 03:46 PM
Momentarily distracted from the pleasantries of introduction, Samantha turned towards the professor and listened intently; once the Professor announced how the selection process would work, Samantha felt quite confident about her chance of being among the first to gain a starter.


+3 Int, +0 Cha.

...That is, until doubts began to plague her regarding her test and cover letter.

What if I didn't use the right formula to determine a breeding egg's hatch rate? What if I didn't make my case well enough to impress the professor? What if I get sent home without any pokemon at all!?!?

Beset by worry, the nervous prospective trainer started unconsciously fidgeting in her seat.

2013-08-16, 05:20 PM
It's a pleasure to meet you, Samantha.

Fro would have continued his conversation, but the Professor started to address the crowd again and he really didn't want to miss anything she had to say. With a quick nod of his head, he turned around and listened.

Fro wasn't surprised at what the Professor had to say about working hard for everything. After all, his parents certainly worked hard for their little shop and taught him that hard work will get a person far in life.

Then the Professor dropped the proverbial bomb: the combined score earned on the test and letter determined who would choose their pokemon first. Fro reflected on his test and letter and hoped that his lingering boredom hadn't interfered too much with his testing ability.

Spot in line for starter selection, ho! - [roll0]
+2 from Int, +0 from Cha

Business Scrub
2013-08-16, 06:26 PM
Tobias chuckles a bit at Samantha's comment, saying lightly, "Alright, alright, just a joke. The name's Tobias, and that's Morgan. Wanna join our little posse here?"

Tobias relaxes as Maple starts calling out names, convinced he aced that test. He leans against a nearby tree, idly watching the people's worry with a hint of amusement, and expecting to hear his name in at least the first three.

Please oh Please: [roll0]

Int: -3
Cha: +1

Test taking isn't really Tobias' strength...

Edit: Heyo!!

2013-08-16, 09:21 PM
Preoccupied by thoughts of failure, going home in disgrace and letting her family down, Samantha barely caught the tail end of Tobias' introduction.

"Y-yeah, sure, I guess... Nice to meet you... I just know I did terribly though... What if they didn't like my cover letter? I tried to make sure I included everythingohgeeziknewishouldhaveaddedmorewhat'llid oifigetsenthome..."

From there, Samantha's muttering and mumbling grew nearly unintelligible as she fiddled with her fingers and moved forward to join the trio as if in a trance.

2013-08-17, 05:46 PM
Morgan was in another world for a moment. She briefly caught the part about Pokemon training not being dumb luck, something about working your butts off, and then of course something about the test..

Wait, really?

The order in which they picked Pokemon was determined by a test? The girl nearly kicked herself in agony. She had taken the test, but once she figured she passes, she got lazy. The personal letter was a bit easier, but still!

When she heard her name in the middle of the pack, she relaxed a tiny bit. At least she was not one of the last..


-2 Int

+3 Cha

For the record? Good idea with the test thing!

2013-08-17, 11:03 PM
"...Jimmy Luck! - oh, isn't that ironic?" The professor giggles, "Well, come on up, now!"

A stocky, slightly goofy-looking kid in hair tossed around approaches the table behind the cheers of who must be his friends. Grinning from ear to ear, he wiggles his fingers in excitement looking over the prime pick of pokemon. After not much deliberation, he selects a ball.

"Riolu? A very powerful pokemon - what an excellent choice!" The professor beams.

"Next up is... Heather Yates! Hey nice name, Heather!" With each choice, the professor has something cute to say to the new trainer and praises their choice as the best, no matter what the person chose.

The four new friends await their turn in line, with before each selection confident the next will be them, and after each let-down, nervous that they will never be called upon. After the riolu is chosen goes:


"Up next is... Tobias Gardner!" Professor Maple beckons the young boy forward, "Time to plant a seed of new pokemon adventures, eh, Mr. Gardner?" The professor rolls her eyes. "Hey, I'm tryin' here," she says with sly smile. "Now go ahead, take your pick."

When Tobias approaches the case, he sees fourteen remaining balls, labelled...
2. Sandile
5. Swinub
6. Seedot
7. Clefairy
10. Magnemite
11. Mareep
12. Cyndaquil
13. Gastly
14. Piplup
16. Snivy
17. Nidoran
18. Mudkip
19. Ekans

Business Scrub
2013-08-18, 12:51 AM
Any doubts Tobias might have had about his qualification (which was none) were washed away as his name was called, only a few in. He put a hand on Samantha's shoulder, intending to be a bit comforting, as he walked confidently past his new acquaintances.
"I'll save you guys something good," he says, with a joking wink to Morgan.
He approaches the balls, reading the names carefully and taking his time. Only the coolest pokemon would be allowed to to be part of his elite team. He didn't recognize all of the names and struggled to remember exactly what each one was like. He stopped at ball number twelve, his hand outstretched, when the massive decision in front of him hit. Ah screw it. Go with your gut, right?
He quickly grabbed the one to his right: number thirteen. A ghost on unlucky thirteen? Had to be some kind of fate, right?
He spun the ball on the tip of his finger for a second before catching it and getting used to it's weight: a trick he had spent a long time practicing and a longer time making it look effortless.
Satisfied, he looks at Maple and confidently chooses, "Gastly!"

Did that annoying NPC girl choose yet, and if so which one did she pick?

2013-08-18, 03:07 AM
Congrats! Tobias received a Level 5 Male Gastly (with any nature you want!)

"Great pick new trainer! Now, the next is..."

Two more picks pass before,

"Frederick Williamson, you're up!" When the tall boy begins to move, Professor Maple's face lights up a bit more than it already has been, "Oh afro boy! I've been waiting for you!" As he approaches the table, Professor Maple adds, "I've already picked you as my favorite! Teehee, don't let me down!"

2. Sandile
5. Swinub
6. Seedot
10. Magnemite
11. Mareep
12. Cyndaquil
14. Piplup
17. Nidoran
18. Mudkip
19. Ekans

No, she hasn't picked yet.

It doesn't take the group of four much longer to earn their third pokemon - right after Fro leaves the small stage, the professor calls his friend. "Morgan, come on up! I hope you pick the - haha - the rite pokemon!" She slams her hand on the table in laughter. "Damn I'm funny! Ain't I funny, Jeremy?"

"Hilarious." Jeremy responds in an exhilarated monotone.

Obviously, your selection is the same as above, minus Fro's pick.

2013-08-18, 12:31 PM
Half of the names were called out before Fro was told to “come on down” to choose his starter. He excitedly moved to the table where the pokeballs and the Professor were waiting. When he got up there, he was told that he was the Professor’s favorite. He was floored! How could he be the Professor’s favorite already? His overall score was in the middle of the pack, he was from a small town situated beyond the mountains, and he was a college drop-out, more-or-less.

“Thanks, Professor. I don’t feel like I did anything special *yawn* to be your favorite. It’s the hair, isn’t it *yawn*?”

Fro had become nervous and began yawning, a nervous tic he developed when he was much younger. He tried to stifle the yawning as much as he could, but he couldn't mask it completely.

“Sorry, Professor Maple. I’m not tired or bored, I’m just nervous,” Fro explained. He continued on, figuring he should try a bit of humor to calm himself. He attempted his best “Nervous Valley Girl” impression, complete with gestures. “But, like, OH MY ARCEUS, choosing a starter is, like, SO HARD!”

Chuckling a bit, and with his nerves somewhat abated, he looked back at the pokeballs, wondering who he was going to choose. He read through the names of each one a few times before deciding on his starter.

“Professor Maple, I choose Mudkip as my starter.”

He grabbed the pokeball containing the Mudkip, thanked the Professor once more, and headed back to his spot in the crowd.

2013-08-18, 01:30 PM
The professor gives Fro a bit of a bemused look, which clears right back into her usual smile when he explains his yawning habit. "Ah! So quirky! Knew I was right!" She puts her hand on his shoulder and gives him an earnest smile when he thanks her, then ushers him off the stage before flipping through the paper stack and taking another drag from her cup.

Fro received a Male Level 5 Mudkip with any nature of his choice!

Morgan takes the stage as Fro descends from it.

2013-08-19, 09:12 PM
Good one Professor,

The girl said, raising her eyebrow at the joke and pursing her lips. The comment was thick with sarcasm, almost insultingly so. Still, when Morgan made it up to the Pokeballs, she laughed and nudged the caffeine-filled woman. Morgan snatched up a ball at random, not taking the time to even see what it was,

This one.

Uhh.. Magnemite?
Yeah, that one.

Sorry I took a bit to post. Just started my second job, and adjusting my sleep schedule xD

2013-08-19, 11:58 PM
"Oh a magnemite... shocking!" The professor tries to match Morgan's sarcasm but simply fails, her pace is too quick and happy. "Good luck Ms. Rite."

After Morgan returns to her spot, two more trainers are given their pokemon. By this time, it has become apparent that the group remaining is in the lower fraction of the test scores. Some people squirm, trying to be unseen, others are eager to be called and put out of their misery. Still others couldn't care less; they all passed, who cares what the score is if they get a pokemon!

Morgan received a Level 5 Magnemite with the nature of her choice. Unfortunately, magnemites don't have genders.

"Next up is Samantha Opal!"

2. Sandile
5. Swinub
6. Seedot
12. Cyndaquil
14. Piplup
17. Nidoran

2013-08-20, 01:04 PM
Still fidgeting, Samantha jumped a little when her name was called as though she expected to be summarily sent home for poor performance. "H-here! Present!"

Stepping up to the podium, the nervous girl surveyed her choices. "Cyndaquil looks nice... But so does Piplup... Oh, and that Seedot looks cute..." While muttering to herself, Samantha's eyes caught a pokemon she hasn't seen before. "Hmm... What are you like, I wonder?" Intrigued and momentarily shaken out of her nervous funk by something new and interesting, the prospective trainer picked up a ball with a reptilian-looking pokemon. "San...dile?"

Turning towards the Professor, Samantha clutched the PokeBall with both hands as she presented her choice. "I choose Sandile!"

2013-08-20, 03:05 PM
Professor Maple can feel Samantha's nervousness all around her. She puts a hand on her shoulder and attempts to comfort her, "Sandile is an excellent choice. Good luck, Samantha."

Congrats! Samantha just got a level 5 Male Sandile with any nature of her choice!

The list resumes. The decisions are made easier and quicker with each trainer. With only four people left to go, the professor calls upon "Dixie Gunn," the black-haired, blue-dressed girl from earlier. She hurries up to the table with her face ducked down and reddened cheeks behind her hair. You can tell she must have had a few other encounters with other groups, as some groups of kids seem just as excited as you to see her picked so far down the list. She takes a few deep breaths at the table where she is calmed by the professor, then selects a pokeball and returns to the crowd with a fresh new confidence. She proudly holds the ball in front of her face with a smart grin. "I can't believe this pokemon was left so late." She says to no one in particular.

The draft ends with a large, empty-headed man "Chad Sentry." He doesn't appear bothered that he was picked last, in fact, his dull expression remains plastered on his face even after he selects his pokemon. "Uh, hello?" The professor attempts to draw a reaction from him. "Earth to Chad!?" Reactionless, he returns to his group. "Good luck with your friend... haha." Professor Maple chuckles at the end, afraid she was too mean to the boy.

The professor clasps her hands together as the assistant comes to take the empty box and the stack of papers from the desk. "Welp, that'll do it. Congrats new pokemon trainers!" The crowd cheers for themselves. "I won't hold you much longer - I'm sure you're all excited to get going. Whatever you intend to do now: explore Lidello, battle the Gym Leaders of each city, or something else, please remember to take time with your new pokemon. They're young, they haven't yet seen battle - and they're your starter! They're going to see you through thick and thin, so be sure to give them the trust and respect you'd give your best friend." The professor takes a sip from her coffee, empties it, and reaches for a third as her words sink in. "Now go!" Some kids sprint off at the words. "Wait, wait! If you want to know about the Gyms, Contests and Region, go see my lovely assistant Jeremy!" The assistant in the corner frowns and rocks his head back like he had just been shot. "I'll be holding a class tonight just perfect for you all 'Your Starter and You' at six! I'd like to see you all there, but of course, you don't have to come." Eager eyes beg her to stop talking. "Good luck everyone!" The professor beams once more.

2013-08-21, 02:05 AM
It was hard for Fro to listen attentively as the Professor gave her final words to the group. His heart raced with excitement; he held the pokeball of his first pokemon in his hand. Once Professor Maple finished talking to the crowd, Fro looked at the spherical home of his new companion and lost himself in his own thoughts once more.

What am I gonna name him? What is he like? What does he eat? Will he poop a lot? Can you even potty-train a pokemon? Man, I hope he doesn't poop a lot.

Fro shook his head and, with a huge grin, turned around to face the others. He happily bounced around on his feet as he addressed them.

I dunno about you three, but I’m going to go outside and meet my new traveling buddy. You guys should join in. I’m also thinking about checking out the Professor’s talk tonight. Anyone else want to go to that?

He thought to ask the group about the gastro-intestinal workings of a Mudkip, but ultimately decided against it.

2013-08-22, 12:21 AM
Sure man, I wanna see what this thing can do!

Maybe a quick little battle?

Morgan said with a wide grin on her face. She wanted to waste no time making her Pokemon stronger, and the only way to do that was to train. After all, this was going to be her main Pokemon for a while. Might as well get used to it,

C'mon, lets go dweebs.

Business Scrub
2013-08-23, 03:24 PM
Tobias gives her a sly look. "Oh is that right? You'd better start putting the pokemon center on speed dial! Let's go."
He scans the crowd, looking for a safe place away from the others for her and Morgan to fight.

2013-08-23, 04:36 PM
Hahaa, yeahhhh man, that is what I like to hear!

Morgan says, slapping Tobias on the back. She too begins scanning the area to find a place suitable for a battle. A big smile is spread across her face, and she seems to bounce a little. Could she be giddy?

2013-08-23, 05:58 PM
You two have fun! I'm game for a battle at some point, but I really want to get to know my Mudkip first. But that doesn't mean we won't watch you two duke it out.

Fro looks around, seeking a quiet place to finally greet his Mudkip. He's also keeping an eye out for a spot for the upcoming battle between Morgan and Tobias.

2013-08-24, 02:42 PM
Elated at actually receiving a pokemon, Samantha barely heard Fro's question. "Huh? Oh yeah, sure; I've got to learn all I can if I'm going out on a journey, so why not start now?" Absorbed with thoughts of her Sandile, the young Researcher quietly followed along with the trio.

2013-08-26, 07:46 AM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 8:44am

Sorry about leaving the date/time off the last few posts! This is still a new thing for me, but I think it can solve a lot of issues down the road.

"Hey! Hey!" The professor's assistant rushes toward you, hurrying the four of you outside. "No fights in here! Are you kidding me!? No fights in here!" His face is red in the most emotion you've seen from him all morning.

"Yeah, please have some decency," a sassy Dixie adds with a cocked eyebrow on her way out the door.

Outside, many kids have had the same idea Tobias, Morgan, and Samantha have. To your left is a one-on-one fight about to begin between the trainer who chose a seedot and the one who chose an ekans. To your right is an apparent free-for-all about to begin between the owners of a clefairy, a nidoran, a mareep, a piplup, and a swinub. There is free space to the sides of either battle area for your own personal battle. For Fro, there are benches scattered around the yard near each battle area; there are a few open seats next to other trainers who couldn't wait long to greet their pokemon. There only appears to be one group of new trainers who have left the Ivory City Pokemon Research Center: the boy who chose the riolu, the girl who chose the charmander, the girl who chose the eevee, and the boy who chose the turtwig. They are walking down the main road, Wave Street, west towards the outskirts of the city.

Additionally, directly ahead of you lies the Ivory City streets, where restaurants, pokemarts, the pokecenter, and many non-pokemon-related buildings are open for business.

2013-08-26, 07:03 PM
Yeah, yeah, outside it is then.

Morgan muttered, waving her hand at the assistant. When smart mouth Dixie threw out her comment, Morgan's teeth clenched. Taking a breath, she followed the girl out the door. Spinning her around by her shoulder, Morgan first spoke behind her, then pointed at her apparent new rival with a stern finger,

This might have to wait guys.

I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle.
Lets see if you are good for anything more than smart-ass comments.

Pardon the language.
Morgan is not normally this hot blooded, but Dixie has rubbed the girl the wrong way xD

Yay for rivals!

2013-08-28, 09:56 PM
Sorry, sorry, we’ll take it outside.

Once outside, Fro spotted empty bench seats around the area outside of the Research Facility. He took a few steps toward a bench with an open seat when Dixie and Morgan had another exchange, leading to Morgan challenging her to a battle. He approached the two, looking to intercede once again.

Gals, I don’t think… Fro began, but he stopped himself. ...bah, never mind.

Though he wanted to step in and break up the fight, he thought it would be better for these two to let them solve this squabble on their own. However, he wasn’t without bias.

Give her hell, Morgan. Fro whispered to her as he made his way to an open seat on a nearby bench.

2013-08-29, 08:54 AM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 8:45am

"Seriously?" Dixie stops her walk, puts her hands on her hips, and confronts Morgan head on. "How thick are you, honestly? How many times do I have to tell you that pokemon are for more than fighting? What makes you think I would fight you without even meeting Incindia here." She holds the pokeball to her face an looks into it longingly, then back to Morgan with a determined stare, trying to match what Morgan does so well. "You are exactly the reason I'm not meeting him in an environment such as this."

"Hey!" A very excited boy calls to your group from your right. "You guys lookin' to get in on a fight? We're about to start a big one over here!"

A girl chimes in with a smile. "Yeah c'mon!"

2013-08-29, 06:59 PM
Pft, whatever.

Alright! Lets do this thing..

The girl marches over to the group of trainers about to have their first battle and opened her Pokeball. For a moment, there is a look on her face, but only for a moment. Something like wonder, or perhaps fear? It was only there for an instant, but the girl had her doubts about meeting the Pokemon for the first time. Still, she had a mission, and the first step was to battle.

Alright Magnemite! heh.

I am your trainer, and we are about to have our first battle!
You ready dude?

2013-09-01, 02:15 AM
While interested in the fights, Samantha was still curious about her own strange pokemon. Seeing how everybody else was getting acquainted with their new partners, the flustered girl decided to bring her own starter out.

"Come on out, Sandile!"

Seen larger, the pokemon's resemblance to a lizard of some sort was even stronger. Circled by dark bands and markings that looked like sunglasses on its face, the pokemon looked fierce, especially with the confident way it stared back at Samantha.

Unsure how to proceed, she reached out her hand to let the Sandile sniff her hand and get acquainted. "Hiya, Sandile. My name's Samantha; we're going to be partners from now on!"

2013-09-07, 12:16 PM
Fro took a seat on the bench, ready to greet his first pokemon for the first time.

C’mon out, Mudkip.

With a flash, the little water pokemon appeared on the ground. The Mudkip stretched out its body, giving a big yawn in the process. It looked up at Fro and greeted him with a lazy, but happy sounding, Kip!

Fro was surprised at the size of Mudkip. Without taking his eyes off of his new traveling companion, Fro slid down off of the bench to take a seat on the ground. A smile crept onto his face.

Hey there little buddy. I’m your new trainer. I’m Fro.

He inched a bit closer and offered his hand, palm up, towards the Mudkip. The tiny water pokemon sniffed at the hand and then started rubbing his face against it. Fro began petting the Mudkip.

And you are my new traveling companion. The Mudkip pushed past the hand and jumped into Fro’s lap. Fro let out with an oomph from the impact but chuckled a bit at his newfound friend. The Mudkip laid out on its back and stared up at Fro with a big smile. Fro smiled back and began rubbing the Mudkip’s belly. It let out with a contented sigh as it closed its eyes, enjoying every second of the belly rubbing.

Now, what should your name be? How about Seamus?

The Mudkip opened its eyes and appeared to shake its head in disgust.


Okay, how about…Moriarty?

The Mudkip shook its head again. Mud.

Well, you are a pokemon with command over water, yeah? How about Poseidon?


Okay then. How about Gilligan, since you’re my lil’ buddy?


Alright, I’ve got one more: K.C., as in KC and the Sunshine Band?

At that, the Mudkip gave a huge smile and an approving Kip!

Awesome. Welcome aboard, K.C.

2013-09-09, 05:23 AM
Ivory City
Day 1 - 8:46am

Feel free to control your pokemon on your own. If a pokemon has a low loyalty level, I'll let you know (and control it myself), but until then, it's yours.

A magnemite appears from the red light. Two cold metal magnets, with a strange, sentient metal ball between, levitate the creature above the earth. "Mag-ne-mite" it emits from no mouth in a high-pitched metallic sound. One eyes scans the area around it, first at the pokemon across from it, then behind it up at Morgan. You're not sure if it knows what you're talking about, but it does seem ready for battle; its sturdy steel structure makes it quickly confident against its opponents. "Mite."

"Sssssand" the small, lizard-like pokemon hisses with a very slithery "S." It bounces up and down excitedly. "Dile! Dile dile!" It sounds like a mousetrap snapping shut. It sniffs her hand very quickly and continues yapping excitedly before turning around to the battle about to begin.

I'd love to begin the battle, but A) I'm waiting on BusinessScrub. I'll wait on him and send him some PMs, but if he doesn't respond, we're going to move on without him, and B) I need you guys to add your starter to your character sheets! You can't have a battle without stats! (Thug, this doesn't apply to you. :smallsmile:)

Business Scrub
2013-09-10, 12:39 AM
Seeing the others pulling out their new pokemon, Tobias decides to do the same. With a flourish, he throws the ball to the ground, which emits a signature flash of red light.
At first it appears that nothing came out, but as people observe the air, their eyes adjust to a shadowy sphere floating around, two black sunken eyes and a wicked grin. It's voice comes out strong and deep.
Tobias stands looking at the creature as it looks back, the two sizing each other up. Almost at the same time, a look of approval comes over their faces.
"All right, ready to raise some hell... umm... Slimer?"
The gastly sticks its purple tongue out at him as some dark fog rolls to the ground: clearly he wasn't a fan of the name.
"No? Hmm.... Boo?"
The gastly laughs at him with a deep wheezing noise.
"All right, all right, sheesh. I don't see you with any bright ideas. How about Umbra? That's latin for ghost, right?"
The gastly watches him with quiet eyes, as if to say, Closer...
Tobias thinks hard for a moment. Clearly he hadn't planned this out fully.
"What about... Eidolon?"
The gastly perks up at the name, apparently liking what it heard.
"Huh. Alright Eidolon! Let's raise some hell!"