View Full Version : [PF] Factotum Conversion Help Needed

2013-08-08, 07:22 PM
I was looking at the Factotum and found that it is really cool so when we got a new person interested in our game I was making suggestions, bringing up if they wanted too they could use the 3.5 classes as long as I could find useful Conversions so we didn't accidentally break a game with a class.

Well the jack of all trades thing seemed to have interested this person (Ok I admit I was selling it pretty hard, I want to see this class in action)

But I noticed a few things.
Arcane dilettante
Opportunistic piety
are the two most noteworthy things I need to rework. Now in other threads from other boards I have seen people mention that the skills might also be an issue can anyone point out why, and how to overcome it?

Game starts Monday this is Thursday Night, so this is semi-rush but don't worry about it if you have better stuff to do. Thanks all those who read and answer.