View Full Version : Master Thrower Optimization?

2013-08-08, 10:07 PM
Trying to make a character centered around abusing Sneak Attacks and Thrown Weapons..

The idea that I shamelessly stole would be to use making Morphing Shurikens with various bonuses (and returning if needed), and turning them into daggers, then throwing them.... but this is where I get stuck.

So that you guys know I put work into it myself, let me post what I know/think right now.

Bloodstorm Blade eliminates the need for returning weapons, I don't see the point in taking a PrC when I could simply enchant returning on the weapons... Is the bouncing aspect that good?

Master Thrower looks good, I would ideally want a Dex-based character.. Deadeye Shot works with this...
Obviously Precise Shot and Pointblank shot, along with Weapon Specialization (whatever I decide on). TWF, and all it's improvements + Rapid Shot, and Quick Draw.

But this information just gives me a Rogue 10/Master Thrower 10, I am hoping somebody here has some optimization that I can do.

4 Flaws (don't even ask...) are allowed, as is any sourcebook in Forgotten Realms.

Race: Probably Strongheart Halfling? I figure Bonus Feat is always good, and the size and various halfling level(ing) things I can take...


2013-08-08, 10:56 PM
Bloodstorm Blade's Lightning Ricochet is not the same as the Returning property any more than $100 is the same as $10. The former is much better than the latter. Returning does not come back until the start of your next turn. And it returns not to you specifically, but the space you were standing in at the time you threw it.
If you don't need the weapons back after throwing (ie, shuriken), then Returning is just as useless to you as LR anyway.

Master Thrower is only 5 levels.

Master Thrower is a fine class; there's no reason you can't do MT 5 *and* Bloodstorm Blade 4. BB is more for full attacking with the same weapon and power attacking, etc... Basically, fighting w/ a 2H weapon and a strength build. Master Thrower works great for dex or str-based (power attack + weak spot... yummy...).

You definitely would want Weak Spot, it's just too good to ignore. I personally like Trip Shot, because it's a free extra thing to attach to every attack. There's also Palm Throw if you don't care about losing str to damage, though it won't work w/ Weak Spot and will thus largely be obsolete when you hit MT 5.

As for tips and tricks? The best throwing feat is Boomerang Daze in Races of Eberron. You could exploit the aptitude weapon property to treat any throwing weapon as a boomerang to use w/ that. Too cheesy for my tastes, but if you don't mind...
If you're a Halfling, definitely take the 1st Rogue sub. level in Races of the Wild for an extra 1d6 ranged SA (melee SA gets reduced by 1d6 in return).
I also would suggest dipping Swordsage if doing a dagger thrower. That will give you weapon focus with daggers and other weapons, and once you have IL 5 you can get Assassin's Stance for +2d6 SA damage. Swordsage dip will also open up the Shadow Blade feat, to add dex to damage (on top of str) with daggers and other Shadow Hand weapons. You don't need to dip swordsage, but it saves you some feats and is well worth it. Cloak of Deception maneuver is a great means of getting ranged SA.
Don't forget Craven feat for even more SA damage.
Gauntlets of Extended Range double thrown range increments and goggles of foefinding let you ignore non-total cover with your attacks (remember, allies in the way give soft cover to your targets). Both are SUPER cheap and from Magic Item Compendium.
Once you get to higher levels, you want a Ring of Blinking so you can literally always be sneak attacking with every attack.

2013-08-08, 11:53 PM
Everything that you have suggested sounds awesome; at this point I wonder if I should bother taking levels in Rogue beyond... 3?
Before I go there, the only reason I want to drop BB is because that is 5-10 levels I could spend elsewhere. Maybe if I used a lot of Returning Morphing Shurikens of +10 worth of enchantments (morphed into daggers?) I would need Quick Draw for this though, luckily I get that free...

Anyway, I was thinking of this sample build...PS: We start at level 10, so being weak early doesn't matter.

Starting with Swordsage because (6+int)*6>(8+int)*4...
Taking all 4 flaws.
I take Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot for MT now. Tossing in Craven and Rapid Shot because no idea what else to get. Shadow Blade feat can come whenever I guess?
Swordsage 3: Gives me Weapon Focus(Daggers), and other stuff.
Rogue 3: +2d6 sneak attack, evasion
MT 5:Usual deal. I think you said I can't use multiple tricks together? Palm throw+Weak Spot would have been nice...
Fighter 2: For feats I guess?
7 more levels in SOMETHING go here I guess.. Swashbuckler comes up a lot.
I can use TWF together with this right?

After browsing the web, I think one could safely cheese their way to victory using Iaijutsu Master and this?
Specifically: Well, for one, you can use the Iaijutsu Master things, draw your weapon, fire a melee attack from 30' away, then use Iaijutsu Focus on your THROWN daggers, adding massive damage to each one.
So basically you quickdraw your dagger, slash twice with it from far away (can you quickdraw close to remove penalty, then tumble far away and follow up? I guess you can probably blink?) then start throwing massive numbers of daggers, with each one getting bonuses from all the Iaijutsu things.....
PS: Also, Iaijutsu Focus.
So a build designed to abuse this:
Rogue 1:
Fighter 1:More sneak attack
Swordsage 3:
Iaijutsu Master:5/10

If you only took 5 levels in Iaijutsu master, here is where you would just take some more Swordsage, or more of (insert class with appropriate things here).
PS:What class would be good there? Also, anybody know if IM is worth the later levels? Or even anything past first??
I figure sneak attack is nice to add on, having only 1d6+2d6(Swordsage) is a little irksome, but hey, if it adds more damage... that said, the nice part is that you need them to be in the same state for SA and IF to work.