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2013-08-09, 04:37 PM
Chapter II

The Cursed Goddess

A child nymph runs through the forest crying for help in sylvan. She has barely seen a few autumns, which would make her a very young fey. Her cries fall on deaf ears as a mob of growling dessicated humanoids chase after her. As the nymph begins to focus on her ability to vanish away, a handful of barbed vines rise around her. The child watches in horror as the mob stays a prudent distance away from the roving mass of brambles and a wild man in a grimy breast plate and a scythe jumps down from above the trees. Another, dressed in tattered white robes begins walking towards her as the vines crumble to dust. The nymph would see this as a chance to escape, but she finds her body does not respond.

"We have been going around in circles, Balion...why?", asks Kazym as his shadow covers the nymph.

"I...I cannot commune with her...He severed the bond. Severed MY BOND with her!" shouts the feral druid.

Kazym lifts the fey child by the throat with his hand. The nymph begins burning as the mob growls in pleasure. She sheds dry tears which quickly crystallize and soon feels her body turning stiff and dry as cracks begin to appear on her face.

"Please focus, my friend. I grow weary of killing fey. I have more important matters to attend to. Matters that will benefit you immensely, but only if we find her. Shall we regroup at your place?"

The mob and the two casters walk into the woods as the body of the nymph child, now a statue, sheds a single tear before crumbling into a pile of salt.

2013-08-09, 05:11 PM
As Meic mentions that Steiner is dead, Violet turns to him, horrified.
"Steiner... Steiner is dead? But... without him... without him, we can't... there is no one that can help us!"

Violet starts crying, at the failure of her mission, and the loss of the woods.

2013-08-09, 05:46 PM
Archadious states in wonderment and awe at Bandobras's awsome demonstration of power. He wonders how the halfling acquired such power.
On one hand happy that they no longer need deal with the two assassins, but on the other hand he is slightly disappointed he never actually got a chance to personally avenge Cecile and Basil.

He hears about the Petals desire to find the Wandering Minstrel.

"Indeed. We spoke to Steiner several days ago just before he died. Why were you looking for him.
And before I forget, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Archadious. Who might the two of you be?"

Christine Daae
2013-08-09, 09:36 PM
As the halfling returns her sight Irraly smiles at him, though does not bow as she rises up. Thank you for your help, it was greatly appreciated male. But now where is your mistress, and this Anderson? I was told to find them when sent looking for a Steiner that your friend says is now dead. Irraly then turns to look at Aradia and Kara. You two must be very powerful to have so many males working for you as servants. She says Kindly to them. And it is good to see the drake unharmed my friend Violet had told me about, but I must speak with your leader and this anderson about undead in our home. Irraly says her hair blowing in the wind from Brandobras twisting around her like some sort of dark elven goddess. Lavender eyes which seem to only look at KAra and Aradia, as if waiting for one of them to step forward.

2013-08-09, 09:55 PM
As the obsidian skinned elf and her petal seem to finish off the golem Alexander looks at them oddly, especially the elf as her clothing was very revealing and appealed very much to him as his mind went to other places with him and her alone. But the sound of Brandobras being in trouble quickly got his mind working once more as he went outside. The scene that unfolded however only left him more confused then when Siren had betrayed his trust, at least he had an idea about that, this halfling though, Brandobras was something different entirely. How on Oreath did you do that Brandobras, I never though...wow, did my farther teach you that or his elf friend? Alex asks his curiosty peeked by the halfing.

Or at least his interest was caught on the halfling as they elf woman said his name. I would be Alexander Anderson, a pleasure to meet you. Alex says walking over and going to give her hand a kiss before with lighting fast reflexs he watches as she takes the hand he was about to kiss and grabs his arm before pushing him back. Hey what was that for? Alex asked annoyed and a bit embarrassed.

2013-08-09, 09:57 PM
Alexander, in common. Typically a human name, and a male one at that. Alex would be gender-neutral, but Alexander most always refers to males. So add to the list of my problems a prejudiced, naive drow.

Lúthon stutters slightly, then, when the opportunity arises, says, "I can confirm my comrade's reports. Steiner Lacore is deceased, I watched the man die. If you sought his aid then perhaps we have much to discuss. I will attribute your comment about servitude to naivete, and not hold it against you."

Christine Daae
2013-08-09, 09:58 PM
As Irraly sees the hulking giant walking towards her and reach out to touch her, she reacts quickly as with a quick flash her hand is already on his and pushing him back. Get off me you fool. I did not give you permission to step forward, be happy I am not your mistress or you would be getting far worse. Irraly growled fighting the urge to smack him down.

She then turns to the next one who addresses her before turning back to Aradia and Kara, Do you let all your men speak so freely? Where I am from they know there place.

2013-08-09, 10:01 PM
"Alex...do not attempt to involve yourself with every woman you meet. You should have already... Lúthon pauses involuntarily "...damn...learned that by now. See?"

2013-08-09, 10:21 PM
Amused at the interchange between Alexander and this female drow, Archadious speaks up when he hears the drow speak of the males in her homeland.
Narrowing his eyes with curiosity, he asks:

"What do you mean by "they know their place" when you speak of drow males in the underdark? Is yours a female-dominated..."

In the middle of his sentence, he freezes up, cursed by the Mark. When he moves again, he turns to Alex, an annoyed expression on face.

"Goddamit Alex! I understand that bitch must've used magic to get that activation word from you and you wouldn't have voluntarily told her, but this is really starting to get annoying. Can we please go to Matilda and get these darn things removed?"
She also needs to know what has transpired here.

2013-08-09, 10:23 PM
In between her sobs, Violet manages to squeeze out a few words.
"The forest... Under Attack... Lich... Sent to ... Help."

2013-08-09, 10:29 PM
Archadious's attention is brought back to the small fey and her pitiful sobs. His eyes grow heavy with concern and consternation.

"So is that why you came to Justcrown? To seek help from Steiner? Because of a lich... You must be referring to Kazym, nasty fellow. A dry lich. Several of us here have..."
Archadious momentarily freezes up due to the effects of the Mark before continuing.
"....had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting him. We heard that he has allied with one name Balion. We were planning on following him into the woods soon after this ball was over.

What has happened in the woods? What have Balion and Kazym done?"

He asks, attempting to find out more about the current situation of the Fey Woods.

2013-08-09, 10:30 PM
Lúthon turns his attention to the petal. Speaking in Sylvan, he addresses the fae, "You are a petal, are you not? You say a lich is attacking the forest? Would these be the ones referred to by locals as the Fae Woods? And would the lich happen to have a group of salt mummies as his minions, perchance?"

2013-08-09, 10:34 PM
Violet's sobs slow. Perhaps these big folk would be willing to help? And one of them was willing to speak the tongue?

"Yes, a lich, with the ones of salt and cloth besides him. He and the druid, Balion... they..."
She pauses, really not wanting to talk about it, but, after a brief swallow, she continues.
"They... they are killing... everyone. Can you please help?"

As Luthon addresses Violet in Sylvan, Violet looks at him, surprised
[in Sylvan]
"You speak the tongue? Yes, I am a petal. Called Violet, because, well, I am. Who are you?"

2013-08-09, 10:40 PM
Archadious hears the little Petal named Violet speaking in her native Sylvan tongue. He decides to speak in that language as well.

"I too can speak in the language of the fairies. Greetings Violet, I have never met a Petal before. I am indeed sorry to hear about what has happened in your homelands.
Kazym is a cruel undead abomination and must be stopped. And of course we will go after him. We promised Steiner on his dying breath that we would stop Balion, Kazym, and their army of mummies."
He says in a soothing and reassuring voice. Hoping to calm down the distraught Petal.

Christine Daae
2013-08-09, 10:42 PM
As the wizardly looking elf addresses her she looks on curiously at her surface cousin before speaking in Elven. We are female led, as males only know how to fight. They are weak compared to a woman, and from what I have seen in the city it is the same here as well. She says before nodding her head at Alex Especially that one, stupid in his mind thinking that he could address one as myself in such a manner because he had muscles. She says in a neutral tone to him. She then waits for one of the women to step forward, allowing Violet to speak freely though. Her mind was on getting back to the fey woods where her blade could find use in the service of the dark maiden.

2013-08-09, 10:43 PM
Violet looks cheered up significantly by this news.
[in Sylvan]
"You will help? That's Wonderful! We... we can't fight them, we could barely face one of the salt creatures."

2013-08-09, 10:48 PM
Beginning in Sylvan, Lúthon says, "I am an elf with a knack for many things, languages being one of them. Many speak Sylvan in my homeland, myself included. You can call me Lúthon." Switching back to Common, and pausing intermittently, Lúthon continues, "We have had...a few encounters with Kazym. The ones of salt and cloth to which you refer are undead creatures at his command. A variation on a mummy."

Lúthon chuckles somewhat upon hearing Irraly express her distaste for god of seduction Alex Anderson in Elven.

2013-08-09, 10:53 PM
Violet switches back to common as well, her voice calming as she realizes that perhaps she might not be returning with Steiner, but she did find help.

Happier, some of her thoughts pour out of her, as she cheerfully jumpes from subject to subject, not keeping on any one point for long.
"Yes, the bandaged ones. They don't like water, which is silly. Everyone likes water, after all. But... some of you are injured, from trying to save the poor dragon, right? She will be fine, right? And you are Wizards? Can... Can you do magic? I always wanted to see magic. I can help heal, I think, with my music. And that tall male, his voice went all funny while facing that golem, and why do some of you keep freezing? Nice to meet you, Luthon. Thank you for helping."

2013-08-09, 11:01 PM
As she speaks, her fingers gently play a small, beautifully carved harp, the music somehow reminding you of things growing, recovering from winter, a soothing tune. Indeed, you notice your wounds starting to close.

not needed, but flavorful
Everyone gets fast healing 3 for 10 rounds, so 30 hp recovered.[/spoiler

2013-08-09, 11:02 PM
"Well, seven of us easily defeated 5 of them, so have no fear"
Archadious says, smiling, still attempting to reassure her.

He then turns back to the dark-skinned elf maiden and speaks in elven.

"Yes, well, Alexander isn't necessarily the sharpest tool in the bin, but he has..."
The conjurer pauses as the Mark takes effect, before continuing.
"... Not to mention he sometimes lets his lust cloud his decision, but he has a good heart.
As for your female-dominated society... well, I'm not sure how much of surface society you've seen, but at least in human cities the females generally tend to be weaker than the males. But there are many strong women."

He gestures towards Aradia and Kara.

"Then of course not all males here are strong, as evidenced by our Duke who we just saved.
But this is not the UnderDark, here, males aren't always servants of females."

2013-08-09, 11:08 PM
Lúthon sighs. "It is... a long story, all of it, and not all of it I know. Though I should think I ought to know, at this point. I am not, strictly speaking, a wizard, but those three," Lúthon points out Meic, Archadious, and Silas, "are, and I am also capable of doing magic myself." The elf looks up, struggling past the Mark. "I am sure some of us will be happy to explain this to you in due time, Violet, but at the moment three of us have a problem that we would very much like taken care of," Lúthon freezes up, as if on cue, "and a fourth may likely be the at the receiving end of a particularly nasty interrogation as a result."

Actually she'll probably blame all of us for this or something, everything will probably all go wrong, I am a wretched illusionist who can do no good and there is now a horrible drow from the underdark around to boot. Just the kind of thing to warm an Inquisitor's heart. Anderson will get off with a slap on the wrist and we will be threatened with death for having our marks set off because he messed up. But I cannot tell the petal that...

2013-08-09, 11:10 PM
"Yes Luthon, we ought to go to Matilda and fix this mess with the Mark. But before we do so, I think we should go check on Silas and the Duke."

He turns back to the inside of the Palazzo and walks in. Regardless of whether the others follow him.

2013-08-09, 11:14 PM
Violet looks doubtful, even as the wizard tries to reassure her that they would be fine. Her music continues to gently flow.
"But... he had 10 with him... and there were more, many more in the woods."

Violet listens in on the conversation between Irraly and Archadious, but says nothing, as the women in the fey forest tend to be dominant. Although... there are far fewer males as well.

As Luthon chooses not to answer her questions immediately, Violet looks disappointed, as she always likes learning things, and loves talking, but, then she considers again. There would be lots of time spent traveling in the woods, and she could talk to them all she wanted then! However, if they are wizards...
"Shouldn't they have pointy hats? Did they lose theirs? And we can talk about your story on the road, right? That will be fun! I can tell you some of my stories as well! But... what problem? The freezing thing? What happened?"
Violet seems concerned about the lack of hats, as all the wizards in her stories had pointy, broad rimmed hats, with stars on them. She also seems quite curious about the freezing effect, as she has never seen anything quite like it.

2013-08-09, 11:20 PM
Alex looks on at the many different conversations going on in different languages and then he just seems not to be there, but instead on a burning plane of fire. You fool you almost got her killed you are weak, and need to get stronger. his shadow says as it rises up to face him, forming a demon of absolute beauty. And what would you know about caring for things demon, demons care only about themselves and how to best get something to work for them. Alex replies. A good obeservation on oneself, you are ruled by your lust just like any demon and claim to be a man of virtue. She does not even look at you anymore as you are weak, a coward. Not worthy. the demon mocks Alex as it dances around him in the same manner as the ones he himself had learned in his home in Ak'kraba. See you know its true and it is why you can not even reply. The demon says as it launches itself at Alex. If you can not protect them I will. It says and as all look at Alex you can see that something is different about him, he seems stronger, more sure of himself. Yet less cocky, and as he looks to Kara, and keeps his eyes locked on her a small smile appears on his lips. Melody, I give you this gift so that you no longer need to rely on others to protect you, to awaken your blood and let all see your true power. Alex says as he kneels down before her placing a loving hand on her face as the red aura travels down his hand and onto around her.

As the red aura reaches Melody's body all witness the great drakes muscles seem to grow as her scales gleam and seem to get thicker. Even her health seems to look bigger, as she slowly grows a few inches. Once done he looks once more back to Kara. Forgive him for his foolishness my beautiful warrior, in time he will see. and with that Alex's eyes take on their normal blue color and he shakes his head. Why do I got a massive headache and feel so tiered? Why don't we check on the duke and all that, then we can see Matilda. Alex said knowing he was in for it now.

2013-08-09, 11:36 PM
Violet watches, wondering what is odd about this strange Alex human.

Mass of rolls, all trained.
Know: Arcana[roll0]
Know: Nature[roll1]
Know: planes[roll2]
Any other knowledge [roll3]
Spellcraft: [roll4]

2013-08-09, 11:36 PM
Lúthon smiles, then sighs. "Often, when someone says something is a long story, one means that there is a particularly complex set of explanations behind it. I will be happy to explain what I know in due time. Of course, sometimes people use that phrase to mean that they are reluctant to tell another the truth. Wizards do not wear pointed hats and long cloaks with stars on them and whatever else stories depict them in, necessarily. They wear what they find most useful to complete their jobs, more often than not. Stories of elves I have heard are likewise quite different from life in my homeland, and I would imagine some of the fantasies invented by those who have only once glimpsed a fey bear little resemblance to the day-to-day lives of your kind. As for the freezing, you are correct, that is the problem we would like fixed. It is quite problematic."

Christine Daae
2013-08-09, 11:42 PM
Irraly listens to the elf explain to her about the surface world before answering. I will admit my life on the surface has been sheltered. But at least in the underdark women, or men up here, did not go whistling at anything that walked by. If we wanted it we told it to come and it listened. She said as she stepped closer to Archadious before walking around him as if studying him. Then who is the leader here, and if you say that Orc I wont think before I hit you. Irraly says very clearly not found of Alex already.

As she watches his change in personality she looks to the elf before her. What was that? His voice changed and he had the eyes of a demon for a short time. she says looking at him curious now. Violet come over here please, we need to be getting on our way, if these people can not come and help us we need to go save the woods on our own.

2013-08-09, 11:43 PM
As Luthon explains that her knowledge of wizards might be faulty, she looks at him, horrified. What if wizards couldn't... what if they couldn't do what the stories said they could! It would be... horrifying.

"But... the stories say wizards can ...."
She starts excitedly listing a long list of things wizards can, many of them fantastic, many of them are not. They include things like flying, making lights, changing cats into people, levitating things, shaking the earth, making the stars come alive, and many more such things.

As Irraly asks her to come over there, when she is still sitting on her head, Violet looks down at her, puzzled. Perhaps that nymph did something?
"But... Irraly... I am here... on your head, and they are going to help us! They just want to deal with whatever keeps on freezing them first! Are you all right?"

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-09, 11:48 PM
"Meic Rhodri, at your service. I'd be willing to help you, although I'm still indebted to a few of these here." Meic bows slightly, and looks at the dark elf and the tiny fey in turn. "How can I help you?"

2013-08-09, 11:57 PM
Lúthon smiles at the petal. "Magic is powerful, even if the stories about it are inaccurate..." Lúthon then begins listing some of the things he, Archadious, and Meic have done with their magic in the brief time they've traveled together.

Christine Daae
2013-08-09, 11:57 PM
Irraly speaks up to Violet softly in elven. Well I don't speak your tongue, we never got around to that remember. I don't know what he was saying to you. She says gently, as for rest you know I can go all night without sleep, I just need to in the morning when the sun is rising. Though if it will make you feel better we can stay here the night I guess, our family should be safe for one night. Only one night though. Irraly says making it clear she would not stay longer in fear of going home to nothing.

Giving up on expecting the females to speak up for themselves she addresses the one called Meic Rhodri. Can you kill undead and crazy old druids who have livid without aging for thousands of years? A man who an entire fey coven has been said to not be able to kill? she asks with interest, he seemed different then the other wizards, and seemed to have some of the same tell tale signs many drow wizards did who worked in the darker arts. No a mage could always be useful, though he does not look like he would make a strong female warrior of the dark maiden, perhaps a wizard of her though. she says to herself as she fixes her armor that had fallen down a bit to reveal more of her breast then she was willing to show these strangers.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-10, 12:15 AM
"My magic is strongest against living creatures, but I know a few spells that could still be of use." Meic closes his eyes and winces. "I'm quite aware of what Kazym is capable of, and would wish nothing more than to put his unholy, sacrilegious bones back into the ground where they belong." He looks at Irraly and nods. "An enemy of my enemy is my friend. Pleased to meet you."

Christine Daae
2013-08-10, 12:23 AM
As Meic explains his powers are most effective against the living she nods, so he does practice at least a small amount of the dark arts then.... She says to herself with a smile as she runs a finger down his arm. Violet what do you think of this one? she asks knowing the fey would understand but none other.

2013-08-10, 02:12 AM
Kara was crouching by Melody, her hand gently brushing at her scales, looking very sorry. She barely acknowledged the drow with nod, but she didn't answer. She was talking oddly. As if Kara was supposed to possess the guys. She could barely...

Kara's jaw clenched up when Alex began to speak to his demonic self. She was sure that this thing was the cause... If not for that, Alex wouldn't have felt the need to come to Siren. Nerine wouldn't know so much. And then it... Did something, to Melody. She glared at it, clearly angry. It ruins Alex, and now it seeks to ruin Melody?! She didn't want to see Melody charge into battle, to risk herself. They were handling things and it was their job to protect her. Melody didn't need to get it's demonic strength. Everything was fine until Justcrown!

Kara hissed at the aura. Animalistic sounds never fail to convey a message of hostility.

2013-08-10, 03:43 AM
@Alex: Bandobras looks back at the destroyed garden.

"Your father is a great man, Alex, but I did not learn that from him...or nobody else, for that matter."

Bandobras looks nostalgic as he gazes at the stars.

"Who knows why I have these powers, but they have helped tonight, so I guess that's good."

Silas watches Bandobras' demonstration against Varian and Nerine and places his monocle as he looks at the halfling.

"Hmmm...you don't mind if I take a few seconds to....no. Can't get anything."

Bandobras raises an eyebrow.

"Get what?"

Silas pockets the monocle.

"Nothing. I thought you had some item that may have caused this. And if that was the case, I would've loved to have it studied."

@Irraly: Bandobras chuckles.

"No mistress for me, no. I answer to no one. My life keeps me on the road, mostly on the road. These are a good bunch and I'm sure they'll be able to help you with whatever problem you have. I hope the winds of chance brings us together again. All of you, take care and a word of caution: Those two are probably still alive, and may one day seek retribution. Train hard, because they are very strong."

Bandobras walks away from the group and looks at the stars.

"Until we meet again..."

The halfling levitates a few feet off the ground and, in an explosion of debris, jets off towards the starry sky, never to be seen again.

@The Party: After exchanging words and opinions on drow society and common enemies, you head back inside the palazzo.

What a mess.

A hole in the ceiling. Broken glass. Cracked columns. Broken marble floors.

As a final point, the grand painting of the duke on a horse tilts sideways and falls off the wall.

"This should be fun..."

Silas shuts his eyes for a few seconds and the black sphere disappears, revealing a rotund man in a golden breastplate and a golden wreath on his head.

The duke gets up and looks around.

"I'm ruined! My beautiful palazzo! How did this happen? Silas, explain!"

The wizard sighs and walks up to him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Archibald..your Grace. You see these fine folk here? They have prevented far worse tonight. Draen was never here. He was replaced by a nasty shapeshifter. And the Siren? In cahoots with said monster. I am afraid you were played, duke. But do not feel bad- I believe you weren't the only one."

Pottsdorff looks at his ruined lobby.

"But the garden is fine, yes?"

silas draws a blank stare.

"Why don't you go get some rest? I'll come back tomorrow morning so we can discuss this."

The duke goes up the stairs and lets out a gasp as his painting lies on the ground.

"Worst Autumn Ball ever!"

You can practically hear him sob as he goes upstairs to his room.

Silas shakes his head.

"I will speak to him tomorrow. A reward i am sure is in order, and he will gladly have it delivered. As for me, well, it is getting late and I have used my entire arsenal, or at least that which matters."

@Violet: Silas winks at you as he walks out the door.

"We sometimes wear the pointy hats, but only on All Hallow's Eve."

Silas stops in his tracks and lowers his head, clearly focusing on something.

In a flash, he disappears.

2013-08-10, 09:53 AM
As Silas vanishes, Archadious turns to Violet.

"And that, little Petal, is a small demonstration of the magic a wizard can perform."

He then faces Alexander. A serious expression on his face.

"And Alex, without further ado, lets go to Matilda. She needs to know of the situation, of the events that transpired at tonight's...."
He momentarily freezes up before continuing again.
"...ball. And do something about this Mark. And if you don't mind, I don't really want to walk all the way there with this Mark and plan on using my dimension door. Anyone else not feel like walking?"
He asks, preparing to cast his spell.

planning on using dimension door to travel straight to Matilda's
I believe Meic also has a dimension door left too and could use that

Unless everyone thinks we should walk...

2013-08-10, 09:55 AM
Violet nods as Meic Rhodri offers to help, smiling.
"Thank you, Meic! I think that we need a way to get rid of the salty ones, and to save as many of my people as we can. We will probably need to deal with Balion, though, since I think he did this."

As Luthon describes what they have done, Violet's eyes go, predictably enough, wide, as she considers the things that they have done. And, even better, they are going to help her, so she will have a chance to see some of these things for herself. However, her only real response to Luthon is a sort of stunned "Woa... Can I see!"

When Irraly asks if Violet thinks that Meic can help, Violet looks surprised.
"He seems nice, and helpful! He is willing to help us, and that's what matters, right?"

Once Kara moves, drawing Violet's attention to her, and, more importantly, Melody, Violet smiles, and looks very excited as she flies over, and lands near Melody, looking at her, and looking amazed.
"Is she a real dragon? She looks lovely. She's ok, right? That demon thing, and that golem didn't hurt her?"

When Silas mentions that they do wear pointy hats, Violet turns to him once more, but, alas, before she can respond, he vanishes.

2013-08-10, 10:09 AM
After Silas leaves, and Archadious explains what he did to Violet, Violet looks amazed.
"He...He just Vanishes? Amazing! Can you do that? It looks like it would be fun!"

As the other wizard proposes returning to Mathilda's castle, the mean woman, Violet looks doubtful, as she was mean.

Christine Daae
2013-08-10, 10:18 AM
Irraly watches in amusement as the one who seemed to only nod her head at her slightly let out an animalstic growl at the big orc as he let an aura pass from his hands to the drake in her hands.

Irraly listens to what Brandobras says and replies with a bit of seduction in her voice. As do I little one. You would give strong children with such powers. Irraly says placing a kiss on his cheek, Make sure I see you again or you may have another chasing after you, nothing is worst then a woman scorned. She says rising up from the kiss and watching him fly off.

Indeed it is Violet indeed it is. She says before speaking first in Abyssal, then undercommon, and lastly draconic seeing if he understood any of these so that their conversation could become a bit more private.

2013-08-10, 11:16 AM
As Brandobras explains to Alex that it was not any force on this world that had taught him his powers he nods. You are a very curious person Brandobras. Thank you though for your help, things may have gone much worse without you here. Alex says looking on in utter confusion as the drow walked over and kissed Brandobras on the cheek. Wait what? Alex says completely lost only being pulled out of it as Silas says that not a single item on the halfling gave him his powers.

As the duke complains Alex smiles before saying, Well you still have a home. So it is not a total loss. Perhaps you should get the churches to help you a bit more with security though. Your cousin in Hamalthan understands this wisdom and because of this things like this rarely happen. He then looks to Lucians body, And how shall we be explaining that to his superiors....for some reason I think it may cause a war if we do not bring him back asking Farther Wilhelm. Alex says to the duke, indicating that as the man had tried to save him it should be he who paid that bill not them.

Yes we should go see her now, but unless you want to be knocked out and imprisoned for breaking and entering I suggest using the front door and not teleporting directly to her. Alex says looking on the drow and petal with curiosity as she showed Meic more kindness then she had shown him. Even Kara seemed to be mad at him for some reason.

Business Scrub
2013-08-10, 11:31 AM
Aradia looks around, surveying the wreckage. Lots of destruction and chaos, but it seemed like everyone was still alive. Well, almost everyone.
And the threat had been dealt with. All in all, not as bad as it could have been. And that huge ruby. That'll be a nice prize. Poor Adoben, gave his life for ours. For mine...

Fighting the effects of the mark, she turns to their new companions, observing them: A tiny fey, endlessly curious. What did Luthon call her? A Petal?
And some sort of dark elf. A drow, she had said. Aradia had heard stories of them, but never seen one, and didn't know they were creatures of beauty, like this one.
Joining the conversation, she speaks, first to Violet. "That's Melody. She's a noble creature, but a real full dragon is a different sight entirely. Trust me, if you see a true dragon, you'll know."
With a quizzical look, she switches into fluent Draconic to Irraly. "And you speak the dragon's tongue as well? Quite a curious young beauty... My thanks lady. Irraly. Not many people would have the guts to charge into a massive golem while blinded like that.
Try not to let that buffoon," she gestures to Alex, "get to you. He can't help himself around us women... Aradia Ferran, by the way. Glad you could come to our aid."

2013-08-10, 11:48 AM
Violet walks up to Melody, and tries touching her scales, wondering how they feel.
"Really? But... I thought that dragons were big and scaly and looked like that? What makes them different?"

Violet looks somewhat annoyed when Aradia ignores her contribution. Indeed, she pipes in, demonstrating that she too knows draconic.
"I helped too! And he hit me! It Hurt!"
As she talks, Violet looks over to the gleaming pile of ruby shards, and smiles, an idea forming in her mind. Maybe she could make a new flower! It would be beautiful, if she could do it. She flies over, and gathers a decent amount of them, placing them carefully into her bag, before flying back, and producing a cherry.
"Would anyone like a cherry? They are delicious!"

If people accept, she flies up, and gives you one, before taking another cherry, and eating it, holding the fruit in both hands.

Christine Daae
2013-08-10, 11:54 AM
As Aradia begins speaking to her in perfect Draconic she turns her beautiful lavender eyes towards her and smiles. Indeed I do, I speak many languages. she says much more kindly to Aradia then she had been with any of the males. As for beauty you falter me, though do not sell yourself short my lady. she says with a devish smile. You are not to be overlooked yourself. As for that golem, it hurt Violet. I would do it a thousand times over if the chance arouse. she says calmly to her still standing near Meic. It is good to meet you as well Aradia Ferran, I am sure that we could have a very good friendship. Just keep that thing away from me. I have no time for men like that.

2013-08-10, 11:55 AM
@Irraly: Bandobras smiles and blushes as you plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Haven't considered family in all these years. You have given me something to ponder on..."

He then laughs.

"Yes, I promise I will visit as much as I can. Hell hath no fury, so the saying goes."

Before Silas vanishes, he bows to you.

"It has been many years since I saw drow. Never on the surface, mind you. My experience with them were...less friendly than they are now. A fascinating culture, though, provided you are on the stands and not in the arena. It has been a pleasure to meet you, madam."

@Alex: You place your hand on Melody and transfer the powers of the paladin's mount on Melody.

Once inside the palazzo, The duke looks at Adoben and the dead hextorite.

"Oh, no...this will give them a reason to invade!"

Silas raises his arm.

"Your grace, you forget we have churches here. Good churches too. Father Wilhelm will take care of Sir Ironhelm's resurrection. I cannot vouch for the other one, however."

He turns to look at all of you.

"Could someone please take these bodies outside the house? The sight would be most morbid."

That's when you get a burning sensation on your hand as the felldrake, unaffected by such change, gives you a puzzled look.

Fortunately, nobody noticed.

@The Party: You leave the ruined palazzo behind, careful not to step on the dead displacer beats, many which have been tossed around by Bandobras' powers.

Walking outside the now, you watch a large group of people looking from their windows, murmuring about what has happened.

A storm...over the palazzo?

I saw trees flying, Marge! I'm not drunk!

I heard some roaring...lions, perhaps?

You make your way to the Cuthbertine Fortess and the guards watch the whole group, baldy injured and very diverse.

"father Anderson, this is a late hour. Mother Mathilda rests now. if you seek audience with her, you can come tomorrow morning."

2013-08-10, 11:57 AM
Violet, this time, sitting on Irraly, looking rather tired, pipes up.
"But... she was awake not too long ago! Are you sure?"

2013-08-10, 12:14 PM
@Violet: The guard looks down to you and shakes his head.

"She was asleep when you came in earlier. She was alerted because of the mention of undeads. But she is now resting. You can have an audience with her tomorrow morning."

2013-08-10, 12:22 PM
Violet seems sad.
"Aw... but they keep freezing"
She gestures to the others under the moj.
"Can she help them?"

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-10, 01:22 PM
Meic looks at Violet and smiles. "Sure, I'll take a cherry. Your draconic is rather good, by the way." He turns to Irraly. "Yours too, for that matter."

When they arrive at the Cuthbertine church, he looks at the guards and says, "Very well, then. I'd rather not make them wait for the morning, but I won't cause any trouble. We've had enough for tonight, I think."

2013-08-10, 01:48 PM
Violet cheerfully flies up to Meic, and passes him a cherry, smiling, pleased with the compliment.

"Are we going to rest? Is there somewhere Irraly can get out of the sun? It bothers her. And maybe a tree?"

Christine Daae
2013-08-10, 02:01 PM
As Brandobras smiles and blushes Irraly gives him a small grin as she whispers, as if to the wind itself in his ear. Now now little one It is I who would be getting the family. I could give you the males though I suppose.... she says making sure to watch him leave. And a demons torture is nothing compared to a drow noble women's. she says watching the halfling go, shooting of into the stars.

Irraly listens to Silas and with a neutral smile says I wounder where you must have been, the arenas....I have not been home in many winters, but I know there was no arena when I was there unless you call our games of power over each other an arena young one. I could see how it would be unpleasant for a male though, especially one who did not know there place. she says, no real emotions to her sing song like voice.

Dantie asked me to post for him as he will be at work most of the day. I myself will be leaving soon to so I will try my best to get it right.

As the duke begins to panic Alex shakes his head as the burning sensation ripples through his hand, so Melody could not gain the powers? Odd, he thought as he looked to the bodies. I am sure we can take care of them, if you need me, I will be outside. Alex says bringing the bodies with him.

As all walk down the streets Alex holds his hands up as he hears the people murmuring. Its ok people all part of the show. Go back to sleep now, Justcrown is safe. Alex says happy the bodies were inside his bag of holding.

As they arrive at the temple walls Alex nods his head to the guards. Please let her know in the morning it is urgent, I will see farther Wilhelm now though. Alex says making his way towards the temple of pelor.

Irraly replies in perfect draconic to Meic It is a language of power, my people look at all forms of power Meic, especially those of the divine and arcane type. Perhaps I could tell you more tonight in your room? After all myself and Violet have no room here nor any currency. She says sure the coins she had from the underdark would not be worth the same on the surface, if anything at all.

As they make there way to the temple Irraly stays close to Aradia and Meic. Trying to place herself in between the two if possible. So why do you all seem to follow that one? She asks, her voice a beautiful symphony on the ears. He is foolish and to sure of himself. Irraly adds in, her hair lightly swaying back and forth with her swaying hips, brushing up against both Aradia and Meic as it swung back and forth.

Business Scrub
2013-08-10, 02:07 PM
Aradia looks at the little petal. She hadn't meant to ignore her, but it was just so easy to overlook one so... tiny. Continuing in natural draconic, she says, "You did, of course, thank you. It did have a mean punch, but each bruise is a lesson. And Melody's a drake. Quite similar to dragons, but a fully grown dragon would be larger, much larger. The size of a house, or bigger. And that's with it's wings folded up."

She returns to Irraly, still in Draconic, and blushing a bit from the drow's compliment, "I hope so. I would keep him away if I could, but has a habit of always being around. Please, I'm not following him. Long story short there's been a mix up with the law, and apparently he's what passes for an official around here."
Changing topic, she says,
"I'm surprised Irraly: not many grasp the nuances of Draconic as well as you seem to. I assume you learned it from the mouth of a dragon then?"

Once they make it to the church, Aradia makes a frustrated grumble: fighting the mark had taken a lot of strength out of her for the day. "Wonderful, another night with this..."

2013-08-10, 02:18 PM
As Aradia describes that a fully grown dragon is bigger than houses, Violet looks confused.
"But... she is bigger than houses! Do you mean that dragons are even bigger?"

2013-08-10, 02:35 PM
Lúthon picks up on the fact that a house for something as small as a petal would not exactly be particularly large. "Aradia was referring to a house built for someone like us," he says in draconic, "while I presume you were thinking about a house designed for someone of your stature?"

Christine Daae
2013-08-10, 02:41 PM
As Aradia blushes and explains that the idiot was considered the law a frown goes across her face. Stick with me and I'll make sure he leaves you alone. I can promise you that little thing was the least of his problems if he tries something like that again. Especially to a lady like yourself with such beautiful hair. she says reaching out as if to touch it before asking if she could. As for draconic, their are many things my tongue knows. Where I learn it from is a game you will have to play, as Violet does enjoy questions I have come to make getting answers into games. Keeps her happy. Isn't that right Violet, and why don't you come down here now? Irraly replies as she lifts up her armor a bit so that Violet could get in , though in truth it was to see Meic and Aradias reactions.

2013-08-10, 03:11 PM
Violet's eyes go very large at that thought. A creature even bigger than that big building... that Palazio thing? Amazing!
"They can get that large?"
She sounds somewhere between awed and disbelieving.

When Irraly invites her to land there, Violet pauses in her darting to and fro as she looks at things.
"But... there are so many people, and so many questions! But... I am getting tired, so, ok."

She flies over, and lands in Irraly's bosom, leaning out as she continues to talk.

2013-08-10, 03:20 PM
@Alex: You try and quiet the nosy neighbors in tehir balconies and knock on the Pelorite Chapel.

A few minutes later, you can see the light of a candle beneath the door and a very sleepy Wilhelm peeks through the door.

"Alex? What time is it? And I see you have a lot of people here with you."

@Irraly & Violet: As the large "officer and leader" heads for the pelorite chapel, you see a short, feeble man in white robes and a long white beard.

Weak male, but probably the head of the church. easy to snap in half, too."

2013-08-10, 03:23 PM
Upon hearing that they would have to wait until the morning to meet with Matilda, Archadious becomes annoyed and exasperated. He sees that no one else seems to be particularly annoyed at this, and they seem okay with waiting.

He cries, frustrated at the situation.

"I can't spend the rest of the evening like this! Frozen half the time!"

He begrudgingly follows Alex to Father Whilhelm.
Hoping that he might be able to fix the mark, Archadious speaks up.

"Father Whilhelm, I hope you have had a relatively peaceful evening compared to us. We have had quite the evening at the palazzo, including the "accidental" activation of our Marks through the codeword. I don't suppose you can do anything to...."
He pauses as he freezes up again.
"...help us out? I am getting tired of this curse, and I would appreciate it if you could help stop this."

2013-08-10, 03:34 PM
@Archaidous: Wilhelm opens the door and places his finger on his mouth, asking for silence.

"Everyone is asleep now, Please take a seat in the pews."

@Irraly & Violet: The old priest looks at both and bows.

2Welcome to the house of the Shining One, ladies. Make yourselves at home."

@The Party: Wilhelm sits in one of the pews and turns to look at all you.

"The Autumn Ball? What has happened? Some of you certainly look under the effect of a mark, but why would it be activated? I thought Alex was the only one in charge of it, as well as Mathilda."

2013-08-10, 03:37 PM
Lúthon sighs, then groans. "Alex somehow managed to let the code word for the mark slip to the Siren in the course of his...involvement with her. She took delight in setting it off. The Autumn Ball was a trap, as the Siren and the imposter Draen Skylaros I had told you about tried to kill everyone there."

2013-08-10, 03:56 PM
Upon arriving at the Pelorite cathedral, Violet looks around, and soon sees the old man, something she has never seen before, living among immortals. She excitedly flies out from Irraly's Bosom, and flies up to him as soon as he completes his greeting, seemingly concerned.
"Hi, I'm Violet, but... is something wrong with your skin? Did an evil undead thing get you?"
She reaches out, and gently touches his wrinkles.
"And... doesn't your hair know that it is meant to be on the top of your head?"

Discussing the Autumn ball.
Violet seems excited, as she loves telling stories.
"As we came in, there were a group of poor, dead cats, and a halfling and a nymph were fighting. I think the halfling was trying to avenge the cats. He was really fast, and could jump and throw things. The Nymph was mean, though. So, Irraly and I went inside, and we saw the most amazing and horrifying thing. A golem, made out of ruby, with a dragon inside! The poor dragon, though, it didn't like being in there, so they"
She gestures magnanimously at the newcomers, the ones that are going to help the forest against the undead
"They were trying to buy time to let the Wizard cast a spell to free the dragon, which he did, saving her, before Irraly shattered the golem. Then the halfling threw the blank man and the nymph away"

2013-08-10, 04:00 PM
@Luthon: Wilhelm listens to this and grunts as he gets up, old age getting the best of him.

"Madness...Pottsdorff would allow this? No, I know him. Even as a child. He was duped."

@Alex: Wilhelm crosses his arms and looks at you.

"How could you fall for a woman like that, Alex. Look at her name- Siren. What do Sirens do? Very well, I can attempt to remove the Mark, if only because it may have caused your deaths. Mathilda will likely be furious come tomorrow, but I can do it..."

Wilhelm goes over to the pulpit and takes three scrolls.

"I will be casting these, since Mathilda is far less likely to place a Mark on me than on Alex, who would be breaking his word. I am afraid this is not a cheap process...three thousand for all three Marked to be freed of it. I am sorry."

2013-08-10, 04:16 PM
@Violet: Wilhelm's eyes widen as you play with his wrinkles.

A funny feeling as his face, old and wizened, looks like malleable clay.

Tugging at his beard and pondering on why his hair chose to grow on the other side of his face, the old priest chuckles and extends his hand for you to land on it.

"I take it you have never seen an old man before, little one. I am human. and, with time, humans are bound to leave this earthly realm. A natural passage of time. And in our case, marked by wrinkles. And beards."

Wilhelm listens to your tale and nods and raises an eyebrow.

"A dragon and a golem? So these two went all out. I once asked Pottsdorff to allow the church to be involved in his house- for security. He denied such request. Now, I believe he will reconsider. and a wizard, you say? Whih one? I see at least two here. As for the Fey woods and undeads...hmmm."

Wilhelm holds on to the pews as he walks up to the pulpit.

"I had no idea such monsters had reached the ancient fey woods. I assume you come from there? Please excuse these old bones of mine as I take a seat. I believe you have the right people to deal with those creatures. Alex, Kara, Meic, Archaidous, Luthon, and Aradia have proven themselves to be very strong if they survived an encounter with a golem and this Siren."

2013-08-10, 04:18 PM
"I apologize for my earlier outburst. It has just been a rather long evening, especially with this Mark. What Luthon and Violet says is true, and no, Pottsdorff had nothing to do with it.
I believe that the Siren and her accomplice, a greater doppelganger by the name of Varian were using the ball as a trap for the halfling Violet referred to. And they were willing, and wanted to, kill everyone there.

They began by unleashing a pack of displacer beasts on the guests. At the same time, the Siren activated our Marks with the command word. Thankfully..."
"....none of the guests were fatally harmed and we managed to dispatch them all with the help of Silas and the Hexorite representative.
Then we ran inside to confront Varian. While we were preoccupied with the displacer beasts, he somehow succeeded in catching Melody and trapped her within a..."
"...ruby golem, using her as a "battery". Again with Silas's help, we managed to free her and destroy the golem. However, in the process, the Hexorite representative lost his life. You may be approached for requests for his resurrection later."

Archadious attempts to further explain in detail the events of the evening while struggling with the curse.

Upon hearing about the sum they would have to pay to remove the Marks.

"In Alex's defense, the Siren was a very... charming person, up until she unleashed the displacer beasts and went crazy. But we all make mistakes, and hopefully he will learn from his. As for the cost, well, if anyone should pay, I think it ought to be Alex.
And thank you for the offer Father, if Matilda insists, I suppose I would be willing have Mark replaced upon me..."

2013-08-10, 04:31 PM
@Archaidous: Wilhelm listens to your tale with much attention.

"Displacer Beasts... how did they get those creatures inside the palazzo? Has Pottsdorff become so blinded by this Siren"

Wilhelm looks at Melody and pats her head.

"I am sorry for what you had to go through, Melody. No one should ever go through that experience. At all."

Wilhelm looks at all of you, much determination in his face.

"Alex, lay the hextorite's body here. I shall keep it well preserved and ask for him to come back to this Realm at dawn."

Lucian's body is placed on the altar and Wilhelm puts a shroud over it.

At the mention of Silas, Wilhelm nods.

"He is a very capable wizard. I have a lot of respect for him and his counsel is always sought out. I will suggest to the duke that he hires Silas as his adviser. These events cannot be repeated."

@Alex: Wilhelm looks at you at Archaidous' opinion on who ought to pay.

"Well, Alex? From what I have gathered, casualties have been avoided because everyone worked together."

Business Scrub
2013-08-10, 04:48 PM
Aradia instinctively jumps a bit when Irraly touches her hair, but doesn't complain. She notices the Petal get comfy between between Irraly's breasts, and says, "R... right. Let's get this damned mark removed."

Sense motive for Irraly, if she wants it.

Back at the pelorite temple, she is relieved to see Father Wilhelm again, and is glad to hear he can get rid of the Mark. "I ag-agree with Archadious.

And Father. One of our friends lost his life in the fight, unfairly. Can I pay you to bring him back, like you did Meic? I don't have the coin on me now, but we're about sell some valuables we found from the fight..."

2013-08-10, 04:59 PM
Lúthon chuckles at Violet's curiosity about old age. "The petal is quite inquisitive. She was quite eager to meet a wizard when we first encountered her. Luckily for her, she found three, and one cheap substitute. Of course, she had several misconceptions. The wizard who in fact freed Melody from the golem was Silas. I would most definitely like the effects of the Mark removed, though I cannot say I would be eager to have it replaced upon me...

2013-08-10, 05:17 PM
Violet lands in his hand, pondering the strange feeling touching his skin had to it.
This is what happens to humans as they age? I thought they just stopped doing stuff after a while, as their brains fill up.
She looks horrified, shocked
"This happens to all humans? Their face goes wrinkly, and their hair gets confused, and starts growing from their face, instead of their head? How can you stand it?"

When Wilhelm asks about which wizard helped, she looks at him, and then gives the most descriptive answer she can.
"The one that said he wore the hat on all hallows eve."
Violet looks confused once more.
"Um... what is All Hallows Eve?"

As he goes to take a seat, Violet flies up once more, allowing him to use both hands, and looks at him hopefully.
"You really think that?"

2013-08-10, 05:44 PM
@Aradia: This obsidian elf is very bossy and demanding. She has a defined viewpoint on men. That much is clear as she has shown minor distaste for Alex.

But then, how Alex has managed to bed so many women if beyond your mortal understanding.

At the pelorite church, Wilhelm listens to your request.

"may I see him?"

Alex places the body on the altar next to Lucian's and Wilhelm removes his poorly assembled mask.

"Hmmm...not a human...not entirely. Dragon blood used to flow through him. I can, Aradia. If his soul is willing to return too his vessel...and the funding can be produced, then yes, I can bring him back."

@Luthon: Wilhelm smiles as Violet lands on his hand.

"Silas has traveled extensively for someone as young as him. He has seen much and suffered many losses. As such, he decided to focus on magic that would help people, rather than destroy. Justcrown is very fortunate to have him with us as an ally. And yes, I can remove the Mark, Luthon. Mathilda will understand when I explain my reasons behind it. You will not suffer a second one from her. Your actions tonight have saved the duke and, by extent, the city. She may be an Inquisitor, but is not beyond common sense."

@Violet: Wilhelm chuckles and then coughs a little to the side.

"Most do, yes, little one. Depending on many factors- a healthy lifestyle. exercise. Or, for those who want to preserve their youth or life...magic. But that is never the way to go around it, since those means usually have nefarious intents and effects."

St the question of Hallow's Eve, Wilhelm stifles a laugh, remembering there are two fallen in the room.

"Little fairy, it is an old tale, referring to a forgotten tradition about spirits of all kinds walking the streets alongside men. Back then, it was said that wizards wore such pointy hats to ward them off. Silas was just being sarcastic. I doubt he would don such a hat, personally."

Business Scrub
2013-08-10, 06:07 PM
Aradia nods, giving Adoben a sad look. "Thank you Father. And I'm sure he will too, once he returns. I'm sure between that ruby and the duke's reward I'll have the coin."

2013-08-10, 06:27 PM
Violet looks sad that all humans age. She knew that they were mortal, but knowing and seeing were two different things.
However, as he describes All Hallows Eve, Violet looks excited
"Spirits of all kinds? Like dryads and nymphs and petals? Or more like the dead? But... surely, he would wear a pointy hat! It would look amazing!"

2013-08-10, 09:23 PM
As it is suggested Alex pay for their marks to be removed he looks at those who speak up as if they are mad and had spent the last year in limbo. I am not the one who went sneaking around no house on the words of a thief. And I am not no one to give hand outs. You want me to pay thats fine. But when YOU get the money, I will be taking it back. Just caus that she devil knows how to read minds does not make it my fault you were all foolish enough to get those blasted marks because you choose to brag about breaking and entering. Even if for good reason. Alex says before looking to Farther Wilhelm. I have no problem helping them, but I will not be paying for there marks to be removed. If they choose to pay you that is another story and between you and them High Farther. And I am sorry if you disagree but my farther would say sleep in the bed you made. And they are sleeping in it now. he says turning back to the others. You find it unfair, take it up with Mother Matilda for latching you onto me, I came here for personal reasons with Kara and Melody Not to be a dam inquisitor again. That life is behind me now. Alex says clearly annoyed as he speaks the word inquisitor, as if he had a bad experience with them in the past.

Alex then more gently speaks to the little petal named Violet who had been speaking with Farther Wilhelm. Would you happen to be one of the creatures known as a fey? And if so could you come with me to speak with my friend Kara please? She has a problem that she thinks a fey could help her with. Alex says softly.

2013-08-10, 09:39 PM
When Alex asks her a direct question, Violet stops pestering Wilhelm about things like spirits and pointy hats, and flies over to him, curious.

"I am indeed fey, and I can talk to Kara, and I can even try to help."
Violet pauses for a moment, thinking, before brightening.
"You are the one with the changing voice, right? Do you know why your voice changes? Do you have something else living in your head? It must be crowded there, though. And what is an inquisitor?"

2013-08-10, 09:47 PM
Lúthon pauses. The beguiler, and thief, inhales for a moment. "Correct me if I am wrong, Alex. But two people knew the codeword to trigger the mark. You would insist that the Siren could not possibly have gotten it from you. So, what would that imply? Certainly you are not foolish enough to be unable to follow simple logic. And certainly you would agree that that implication is simply outrageous. But how? How on earth could the seductress, potent magic-user, and evil nymph possibly gotten the code word for our Mark from a law-crazed inquisitor being led around by his own groin? Wait. I believe I just answered my prior inquiry. Instead, mind-reading is your conclusion, the only one you can possibly arrive at, because heavens above forbid the mighty Alexander Anderson be wrong about something." Lúthon pauses, again, choosing his words carefully. "And what if, good *inquisitor*, one of us marked had perished? How would you explain that to Mathilda?"

2013-08-10, 10:07 PM
As Alex is about to answer to violet thanking her he hears Luthon chime in. Watch your words thief, or you will meet a law crazed inquisitor as you will be on your way to Hamalthan to spend the rest of your time under his orders. See how long you live then you god forsaken thief. Alex says, his voice raising as he goes on. How about I show you what I was really trained to do by the church of the crudgel, what I was FORE|CED to do under orders. Alex says hefting his greatsword up. To kill those who break the law, would you rather I do what I was trained to do? I will happily do it for you if you like. Alex says a mixture of emotions on his face, though not a single fade of red appears in his golden aura, nor do his eyes seem to change unlike when a melody was in trouble.

Sense motives as there are some big secrets being locked up Luthon just unlocked pandoras box of BEFORE he meet KAra.

2013-08-10, 10:13 PM
@Alex: "Alex, STOP!"

Wilhelm places his hand against the wall as he coughs uncontrollably.

"What in the Seven Heavens are you doing, boy? Have you lost your mind? We do not raise our blades like that, Alex. You were raised better. Would Mathilda approve you smiting people in a church, on the street, only because of some poorly chosen words? You are an Inquisitor, but you are also a paladin, Alex. please do not forget your oaths."

Light steps are heard from the second floor as a candle light illuminates the stairs.

Rosalind stands there with a candle in her hand as she looks at you, blade hefted at Luthon.

"Alex? What are you doing???"

2013-08-10, 10:19 PM
Violet, flying near Alex, does not much appreciate the sudden increase in his volume, let alone his threatening moves, and mentions of death and such. So, she tries to stop it.

She starts playing her harp, the lovely music filling the room, as she sings of calm, peace, and rest, hoping to calm things down, or, at least, to not make things worse.

Does anyone resist her song?
[roll0] perform

2013-08-10, 10:23 PM
Lúthon looks at an increasingly infuriated Alex, his face expressionless. "And here I was, thinking, for a moment, that he would go through with it. Very well. I should remind you, though, Alex, that we thieves have our gods too, and we are never forsaken." The elf exhales sharply, when the Mark will allow. "I suppose I owe you my gratitude, if not my very life itself, Father Wilhelm."

Christine Daae
2013-08-10, 10:28 PM
As violet voices her opinion Irraly raises an eyebrow up at her before saying, And there will be people when we return home. The same people. Irraly says softly before watching the small fey land in between her large bosom, exactly where Irraly enjoyed her.

I was having her stop before touching your hair, as if asking for permission but I guess thats ok. [roll0]

What mark? I do not see one? Irraly says beofre using a quick spell and looking at her. What is that ugly thing doing on your head, it is hideous, and does not go with you in any manner of the sense. Irralys says looking a tad bit annoyed at you having such a thing on you.

Irraly watches as the large orge made his way across the street to another temple and watched as an elderly man opened the door. That must be that Farther Wilhelm I heard about ealier. She says looking at him. He barely looked like he could hold himself up, even her mother who was older had more life in her bones, an unfortunate fact as it was. She is quite amused when the old man tells her to make herself at home, choosing to keep her voice silent for now.

2013-08-10, 10:35 PM
As Alex hears Farther Wilhelm he looks t him with concern on his face as he goes over to him using a spell to help ease the pain. I was doing what I was trained to do before I left, or have you forgotten Matilda was not my first teacher or my last. Alex says to him annoyance clear on his face, but at what it can not be known. Alex then turns to Rosalind, Here to prod me again and tell me about how I am always wrong Rosalind? Alex says remembering his last visit with her, it had not ended well. Though the music seemed to be calming alex as he tossed his blade aside he did not go near anyone as he went to the back of the church to be alone, Ignoring Luthon before he did something his farther would not be proud of. The elf was egging him on, trying to get an excuse to have the mark removed and be set free. Probally to go rob someone else.

2013-08-10, 10:56 PM
@Alex: Wilhelm sits down and catches his breath as Rosalind rushes to his side and looks at you.

Everything she had to say had been said before, she would not voice her opinion at you. Not with so many around.

"I know who it is you trained with, Alex. But I will ask that in my church you do not apply such tenets."

Wilhelm turns to look at the dead hextorite on the altar.

"Rosalind, please prepare a room for Luthon and the others if they wish to stay. I have to catch on some rest and raise Sir Ironhelm tomorrow."

Alex storms out of the chapel. Metal clanking on stone, like the furious golem you faced not too long ago.

@The Party: Wilhelm helps himself up and heads up the stairs.

"He isn't a bad person, but he is prone to emotions. A very human trait, which, in most cases, is a huge relief considering he is an Inquisitor."

Rosalind looks at all assembled and bows.

"Father Wilhelm has a few spare rooms upstairs, bit not many bed. I can prepare some makeshift bed here, between the pews, if you wish."

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-10, 11:01 PM
Meic turns to Irraly. "Er... perhaps. Given that the ball's over, there might be an open room at the inn... if there is, I'll loan you the gold for the room. If not... then I suppose I could make room... He sighs, and mutters to himself. "I've not used that spell in a while... I'm glad I know it, though."

"I only follow him around because the three I am indebted to..." He points at Aradia, Archadious, and Luthon. "...are his wards. I merely try to keep Alex from acting rashly, sadly without much success."

Meic looks at Alex, then shakes his head, clearly disappointed. "Thank you, Father Wilhelm."

Christine Daae
2013-08-10, 11:05 PM
Irraly watchers the proceedings as the go on, a spark of interest in her lavender eyes, though that does not stop her from reaching for her blade as she sees Violet get in harms way and play a tune.

As the orgee storms off into the night Irraly smiles, About time that man left. I was starting to wounder how far up his rear that stick would go. she said with a smile only a drow could pull off and still look enticing. she then turns to Aradia and then Meic. I much rather be alone with you two, especially with violet. Though I could settle for just having a bit of girl time. she say batting her eyes seductively at Aradia.

So you would let this young beauty sleep alone. Come now I think there is more then enough room inside if Aradia will not have me and Violet. She says to Meic trying to shake him up a it, this one was fun.

2013-08-10, 11:10 PM
"I don't want to be a burden..." Melody spoke softly. The ordeal with the golem and Alex had shaken her. Kara crouched, sadness in her eyes, and hugged the drake. She was angry at Alex, at how he behaved, at how it's not his fault, according to him. But Melody was more important.

"Ka- We're sorry." Melody says as she looks at the others. "For Alex, the way he is..." She paused, not sure entirely how to continue.

2013-08-10, 11:20 PM
As Alex gets outside a jet black horse is already waiting for him, Away he thought as there minds connected and the horse began to run through the streets towards the main gate.

2013-08-10, 11:26 PM
At the thought of rest, Violet smiles, a twinkle in her eyes.
"I have pillows. And blankets. Comfy ones!"
however as the conversation continues, and an inn is mentioned, that attracts Violet's attention.
"Are we going to an Inn? Don't we already have a quest, to free the fey woods? Why would we want to look for another one? Are we going to stay the night there? That always leads to a quest!"
Alas, Violet's attention is rapidly stolen once more by the talking drake, and she flies down to her, excited.
"You can talk! Can you tell me what it is like to be a dragon? Is it fun? Are you ok? What was it like, inside that Golem?"

2013-08-11, 12:08 AM
@Irraly,Violet & Meic: This is assuming you head for the inn

You leave the pelorite chapel and walk for about thirty minutes until you reach a large three story building with a wooden sign of a large chested woman and the words. Foaming Wench" written on the sign.

Much noise and music can be heard inside as you open the door.

The place is large and decorated with lanterns and autumnal wreaths. People, humans, for the most part, drink, laugh, eta, and play games of chance as a rotund barkeep is busy running back and forth between the bar, kitchen and tables, tending to the patrons.

More Ale!

We ran dry over here!

Got some more mutton!

Can I leave without paying? Is that a Yes? Hah!

The crowd goes silent as the three of you walk in. Meic is nondescript, being a human like everybody else.

Irraly and Violet however, they are exotic views. A beautiful obsidian elf in revealing armor and a body drawn only by the finest artists. And even the little winged girl, tiny as she were.

Well strike me down and take me to Hades. I think I'm in love, boys!

Hot mamma! Leave the pencil neck! Come over here!

Those lavender eyes are killing me...ooof!

Forget the eyes... check out the curves!

The barkeep stop and bows to the Irraly and Meic.

"My apologies, madam. The patrons have been drinking heavily all day. The Autumn Festival, you know. Master Meic, will you be checking in for the night? Are these fine ladies your guests? I can have a mattress brought upstairs if you wish."

@Violet: The Barkeep looks at you with much curiosity.

"Hello, Welcome to the Wench...care for some honey?"

@The Rest: Rosalind watches a group leave shortly after Alex and ivites you upstairs.

"Kara, Melody, Aradia. This will be your room. It is fairly basic, but the bed are comfortable. Here is your key."

Rosalind then opens another door and shows three bed.

"Archaidous, Luthon. You may sleep here. Again, I apologize on Alex's behalf. He isn't usually like this."

Rosalind heads for the door and closes it slowly, so as to not wake the other neophytes.

"Good night."

@Alex: You call forth a beautiful black steed, Shadowfax and ride towards the north gate.

You then ride as fast as you can through the now mostly empty streets, leaving everything and everyone behind. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zhid0ScYAc)

As you near the North gate, you hear a voice. A females.

Alex... why do you leave them behind?

Leaning against a wall, you see someone you hadn't seen in a long time. Tall, beautiful and forever masked, Myriam.

"You can run to the ends of Oerth, Alex, but will it give you peace of mind? I sent those you left at the pelorite chapel because they can help you and Kara. You want to just get on your high horse and leave? Do you understand what is happening? You take off now and what do you think will happen to her? You think they will just stand by idle and not exact horrible revenge on her and everyone you know? And where will you be then? Veluna? Back in Halmathan? Or will it be...will it be back with the Brunhaussers in Furyondy?"

Myriam walks away.

"You are free to do as you please, Alex. I am not going to stop you. Clearly, nobody can. But know that your actions or lack thereof may have grave consequences and then who will you blame?"

2013-08-11, 12:23 AM
As the beautiful and mysterious Myriam finally reveals herself Alex looks at her as he listens to her words atop Shadowfax. You sent thieves to help me Myriam on a quest to find Kara's memories. You knew what I came here for. You know the true reason and you sent those who would mock me not knowing my past and what I have been through. Forcing me to be there babysitter while complaining it is my fault for their actions. Alex says before letting a long breath out. If I just had been smarter I would not have slept with her and listened to Kara. That dam Siren. Alex says frustration and pain on his voice. She made a fool of me Myriam, and then the others seemed to try and follow suit. I will not have thieves and whinners on any quest. Kara is to unstable, and with all that has happened, even I can not say how stable I am anymore. All this. Alex says throwing his hands out, its all coming full circle. Being forced to be an inquisitor again. Everything. Alex says to the woman before him, not even sure if she understood. I will never Leave Kara, but that mans blasted training keeps ringing in my head when that boy speaks, as if he knows everything about the world. I needed to get away and there was no where else to go but outside the city where no church could claim me, nothing, just peace and quite. Alex said as he got off of Shadowfax and dismissed him. Why now have you come though is the question Myraim? Your mask hides more from me then anyone has ever been able to hide from my view, all I can see are your eyes. Alex says taking a slow step forward and brushing her hair back as he looks into them. Stay with me the night, so at least I can tell Kara I did not do anything stupid, and if my memory goes blank at least I will have someone to tell me what happened? Alex asked kindly.

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 12:23 AM
Alex's bad mood and refusal to pay sets off her fury again, and she's just about to shout something when Violet's music calms her down again. "You, arrg, mmph..."
She glares at him as he walks out, then sighs, a bit upset. Irraly's offer and flirtation takes her by surprise again, however. Quietly to the drow she says, "I- Um... you want- What?"

Very enunciated post for Aradia here. :smallsmile:

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 12:46 AM
Ohh it seems I missed a lot, and aww no Aradia in bed tonight. :smallfrown:

It will only be fore one night so we can rest and be ready for tomorrow, if we are to have strangers helping us, one of us will have to change our sleeping patterns. I should be able to deal with the sun, or at least I hope so. Irraly says gently to the fey.

Looking to Aradia she notices that the girl did not seem to be liked being touched, I wanted to have some girl time dear, I understand though. A dark elf and all, can't trust them. Irralys says seductivly swaying her hips back and forth as she walks over to Meic. Looks like its your room tonight, shall we?She says blowing a kiss to Aradia, and bowing her head at the one named Kara Let her know when she is ready I would like to speak with her, if she is willing. I see much strength behind those eyes..Irraly says in perfect draconic to melody with a smile. Come on Violet time to go get some sleep with Mr. Meic now. she says taking his arm into hers, as he was a male and in her eyes did not get the same personal space a woman would have received like Aradia.

As the three enter the Foaming Wench she takes in the sights of the dingy place, raising her head as the men call out to her as if she were some cheap slave. Meic dear do you mind coming and sitting on the front row of the stage for me, I need to pray. Irrals says with a grin turning to Violet, ready to perform for our goddess tonight my sweet? Turning then to the bartender who had apologized she shakes her head. clear the stage. Is all she says as she leads Meic to the front and center waiting for her stage to be clear.

2013-08-11, 12:50 AM
@Alex: Myriam looks at you through her wooden mask. Her amber eyes sparkling with what can be interpreted as sorrow.

"You were played by her, Alex, I know..."

Like you have no idea. Why, Nerine?

"You don't have to be an inquisitor again. You have a choice. Be thankful that you do, at least. But with choices comes a responsibility. I sent those people because they were given a choice, and they took it. Their actions are there's. Was it not you who turned them in to the high Inquisitor? We could argue that, by your choice, they were Marked. But that would be semantics now."

As you brush Myriam's Autumn red hair, she holds your hand.

"I will stay with you tonight, Alex Anderson. I rarely sleep, so you can rest easily under my care. But please, promise me: You will stop Kazym. If he gets what he's after, then none of us will have a choice, in anything."

Myriam walks beside you and takes out a scroll and runs her hands over the scriptures on it as this one fizzles and a rope materializes in space, peeking inside you see a bed, a rug, and a wash basin.

"You need rest, Alex. Too cool off. I will be in there as well. After you."

@Aradia: As Rosalind shuts the door, you find yourself with Kara who silently avoids meeting eye contact with you and climbs in bed as Melody jumps in another one and lays her head on the pillow as she closes one eye and keeps the other opened, looking at you before she blinks once, twice, and then shuts them completely.

2013-08-11, 12:58 AM
@Irraly: Otis the barkeep looks at some amateur bard plucking some chords off his lute.

"Are...are you sure, madam? I mean. The crowd is drunk and..slightly aroused."

As you give the old bald human a piercing stare, he rushes to the amateur musician and whispers something in his ear.

The bard looks at you then back at him and whispers back.

Otis shakes his head and points towards one of the tables as the bard sighs, gets up and picks his chair as he places it back on a random table.

The barkeep comes in, slightly nervous.

"Madam, the stage is yours...you aren't going to fight anyone, are you? Please tell me you aren't."

@Meic: Otis carries a chair and places it a few feet from the stage.

"As instructed by your guest. Front and center."

Otis gets closer to you.

"Does she wish to be announced? Does she have a name she wishes for me to call?"

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-11, 01:03 AM
"That'd be much appreciated, Otis. I'd help, but I'm afraid I'd probably just get in the way."

Meic turns to Irraly. "Er... I was going to go up to the room. I don't particularly like these fancy robes; I'd much rather just wear my regular black ones." He nods to the bar. "The food's not bad, and the ale's pretty good, if you like that sort of thing. I lock my door and window; make sure you've got whatever you want in the room when you go up there. I don't want to be woken in the middle of the night."

He sighs as she leads him up to the stage. "I suppose I can wait a bit. This isn't going to take long, is it?"

He turns to Otis and shrugs. "I've got no idea, honestly."

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 01:13 AM
As what I have asked for is carried out I look at the man and Smile. No harm will come I promise, though you may earn some extra coin. as for my name, Just let them know the dark maidens dance is about to begin and to keep in their seats is they value there hands. She says with a smile before smiling at Meic. Keep your eyes on me now and enjoy your show. She says nodding as she covers the stage in a globe of darkness. getting undressed in it until she is complete bare, and once done she takes out her sword, Oh may this bring you the praise you deserve Dark Maiden. and with that she alights herself with a purple flame, highlighting her body as orbs of light begin to fly around the stage in purples, blues, and greens. This is when all in the tavern can hear a voice coming from the darkness as it dissipates, revealing her as naked as a new born child as she sings, her eyes always on Meic when they are able.

Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep,
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep,
And carry you down into sleep.

Guileless son, I'll shape your belief
And you'll always know that your father's a thief
And you won't understand the cause of your grief
But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me.

Guileless son, your spirit will hate her
The flower who married my brother, the traitor
And you will expose his puppeteer behavior
For you are the proof of how he betrayed her loyalty.

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me.

Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep,
And carry you down into sleep.

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me.

Guileless son, each day you grow older
Each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold
The child of my body, the flesh of my soul
Will die in returning the birthright he stole.

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me.

Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep,
And carry you down into sleep.

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me.
Lyrics from <a href="http://www.elyrics.net">eLyrics.net</a> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBBXRQHKFcE) As the song goes on Irraly steps off of the stage dancing around Meic and playing flirtatiously with violet, slowly making her way back up the stage as the song comes to an end, swaying her hips back and forth for his enjoyment. The game was on, and the hunt had begun.

2013-08-11, 01:14 AM
@Irraly: Otis the barkeep steps on stage and raises his hands.

"Fine folk, please! We are honored in having a special presentation tonight! The Obsidian Lady. Dark maiden of the snow hair! Please raise a glass and puts your hands together for her!"

The patrons hoot and cheer as the Foaming Wench fill with thunderous applause.

Otis walks up to you and signals the stage.

"They're all yours, madam."

The crowd gasps as the drak globe manifests on stage and you begin singing.

Then the evocation dissipates and everyone's jaw drops as you start dancing like a true goddess of the moon with blade ever in hand.

One of the patrons gets up and walks towards the stage as Otis puts him in a choke and sits him down.

"No touching...trust me. You don't want to lose a hand, son."

@meic: Her form is perfect. Crafted by the finest sculptor from pure obsidian and tempered under moonlight.

Those curves that conjure forth ideas. Sensations.

The dark maiden from the Fey Woods moves her hips invitingly to you as she finishes her dance.

The crowd stays silent for a few seconds.

And then, the acclaim. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nONDwWZu28g)

Otis brushes off the sweat from his brow as he pours himself a mug of ale and you walk past him, nose raised high.

"My lady! That was...that was. Well...I...I..you want a drink?"

2013-08-11, 01:16 AM
That night, Kara couldn't sleep. She finally jumped off the bed and woke up Melody, motioning for her to follow. They looked for someone, anyone. Well, perhaps not Wilhelm or Rosalind. Kara didn't want to talk about it right now. "Could we have a piece of paper, and ink?" Melody asked one of the waking acolytes.

2013-08-11, 01:24 AM
Alex can almost feel Myraims sorrow as she speaks to him, and for once he could tell someone understood how he felt. So you know the feeling as well then. Alex says, not a question as her eye betrayed it all.

AS Myriam takes his hand in hers e looks into her eyes. That creature has decieved my family and that of my emperor, you do not need my word that he will fail. And when I go back to my homeland I will destroy his heart for what he has done. Alex says anger at what Kazym had done in his voice. Thank you. Alex says simply, not needing to say more as he climbs up the rope and into the space laying down on the bed waiting for her to come in as well, unlike normal though he keeps his clothes on. He needed a friend right now, not someone to sleep with.

2013-08-11, 01:31 AM
@kara: You watch Aradia's back turned to you in bed, sleeping soundly.

And who could blame her? It had been a rollercoaster of a ride- in every single sense.

You shake Melody slightly and hush her scaled lips so she would make no noise.

The felldrake walks with you out the door and you watch a neophyte walking by, yawning and holding a candle in his hands.

The poor lad nearly jumps out of his bed garments as he sees you and Melody.

"Are you leaving us already? Paper and pen? Of course. Follow me."

The neophyte leads you downstairs and hands you a paper and a quill and ink.

"Have a good night, madam."

@Alex: You enter the portal and lay down on the bed as Myriam stays for a few seconds outside, looking at a round stone.

She then enters and shuts the portal.

"Sleep, Alex, I shall meditate a few feet away from you."

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 01:34 AM
Aradia stands blankly for a good minute, totally baffled. To the air, she says "What... just happened?"
Eventually, she wanders away, back to the Wench, trying to figure out what happened.

She walks into the Wench with the lights out, Irraly beautifully dancing nakedly around the bar, quite close to Meic, not really believing her eyes. What the f**k is happening tonight?
She stands in the back of the bar during the performance, red in the face and trying to seem small: not her usual demeanor. As the performance draws to an end, she rubs sleepiness out of her eyes. I think I just need to sleep...

2013-08-11, 01:41 AM
@Aradia: You get up from the bed at the pelorite temple and find that you are alone.

Heading out the front door you go back to the Wench, just in time to watch this dark elf, Irraly dancing for Meic and the entire Wench...nude.

As the crowd cheers, Irraly picks up her armor and walks with the poise and grace of a true elven noblewoman, ignoring the drunk lards in the crowd.

You can see Meic still sitting on his chair as Otis stutters and sweats profusely, trying to talk to the beautiful drow.

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 01:42 AM
Irraly seems lost in and off herself as she dances, giving all to her goddess as she does so. Paying close attention to the partons , espically Aradia in the back who had just come in, annoyed she had not come closer though she merely looks at her when her eyes are not on Luthon the words coming out of her mouth as clear as day from her beautiful voice as if only for you,

Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep,
And carry you down into sleep.

As the song comes to a close she picks up her belongings and makes her way over to Meic, not bothering to get dressed as she takes his hand. Did you enjoy the performance? she asked teasingly as she brings him over to where Aradia was standing. I hope you enjoyed it as well it would have been much more enjoyable with you on stage, should we go again? Irraly asks Aradia, an amused look on her face as she holds out her hand to her. I do not need anything yet no.

If Aradia declines Irraly will then ask her if she will share the room with her, Meic and violet as she did not want to be lonely.

2013-08-11, 01:48 AM
Again thank you Myriam, for everything. Alex says rolling over and kissing her wooden mask before going to sleep.

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 01:59 AM
Aradia gives her a blank look for a second. All this was wildly not what she was used to. She thinks for a second: why not make this day a little weirder?
"I'm not getting naked, just singing. And if I do this with you I get to ask you a question after."

2013-08-11, 02:09 AM
@Alex: As you kiss Myriam's wooden mask, the fey covers you with a blanket.

"Get some rest, Alex."

Myriam lies against the wall opposite the bed and sobs in silence , yet no tears come down through the sockets.

Am I doing the right thing? Gods! Please give a sign, anything! I cannot endure this any longer. And she will not listen...

Myriam looks at the stone and her eyes widen.

Oh no...

Myriam quietly gets up and watches Alex sleep.

I'll be back shortly. You'll be safe here. Get some sleep and put your demons to rest.

@Kara: The acolyte takes the note, sealed.

"Have a pleasant trip, my lady."

You smile faintly at the acolyte as you and Kara shut the door quietly and behind you.

2013-08-11, 02:14 AM
"Thank you, Rosalind. I believe I shall rest here." Lúthon says, graciously accepting the generosity of the Church of Pelor. He decides not to venture out tonight, preferring to stay in and rest now, and get the mark taken care of early in the morning.

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 02:17 AM
As Aradia agrees to dance and sing with her, Irralys eyes light up as if with a new passion. I wont be able to give us such a grand entrance as the last sadly. As for your clothes. Irraly says looking at them, It is your choice, though when worshiping and giving thanks to the Dark maiden Eilistraee it is only natural to be such. I suppose at least a little less clothing then would be enough to please her. Irraly says happily as she pulls Meic back to his chair telling Ottis as she goes to get the stage ready once more.

Relying on Violet this time for her flowers to enhance the dance she nods to Aradia, One question for you up on stage with me, fair trade. she says waiting for them to be announced, though this time she has no blade in her soft hands, that along with her other belongings she had left by Meics side. Shall I choose the song, or shall you? I know many. Irraly says with a kind hearted smile.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-11, 02:21 AM
Meic watches the performance in rapt attention, and smiles and applauds when Irraly finishes. "Impressive! I'm glad I stayed for the show." He glances at Otis, shakes his head, and chuckles.

He then gets up, and starts to head towards his room. "I'll be back out in a few minutes. I'll make sure there's room for that extra mattress, while I'm up there."

When Irraly returns with Aradia, he stops, unsure of what to do. He looks back and forth between the stage and the stairs. "Er... hrm."

2013-08-11, 02:21 AM
In his sleep Alex seems to sense Myraims sadness and rolls over. Do not worry fey, this ones hatred shall slay the fiend. You just make sure he stays alive. A voice says to her, though it comes out of alexs mouth it is clearly not his.

2013-08-11, 02:23 AM
@Luthon: Rosalind bows.

"Have a restful night, Luthon. Father Wilhelm will see to your mark tomorrow, unless Alex decides to do it himself."

@irraly & Aradia: Otis is overjoyed as you request to sing again, and with Aradia, no less.

Otis finishes his ale and gioes up on stage.

"Fine folk! Before closing! A grand finale: The Obsidian Maiden and the Alabaster princess. Together. At the Wench!!!!"

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 02:25 AM
hurry along now, we will not start without you, after all comfort is needed for this next one. Irraly says with a seductive smile, knowing she had power over him. Something only a drow could think of at a time like this as she waited for Aradias answer.

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 02:33 AM
Once Meic has come back down and ottis has annouched them she casts once of her last spells to help with the stage, lighting it once more in purple's and blues, to highlight each one of their features as she begins the song she had quickly tried to teach Aradia as Meic got changed.

Now when the world is shadowed and dark
Now when the sky is empty of stars
Now when the world is wrapped in sleep
In a quiet endless and deep
In the silence of the night

Far off in the distance
A fire comes to life
A flicker of a flame breaks through the dark
Burning soft and bright
Dancing with the light
Awakening the Heavens and the Earth

Far across the ocean
A flame is rising high
Breaking through the shadows and the dark
Shining in the night
Rising with the light
Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth

Now as the light starts to rise
Now as the day opens wide
Now as the dreams slips away
You wake to the day
You wake to the light

Here as your dream falls away
Feel as the dark turns to day
Leave the shadows behind
And the dream called in blind
Turn into the light

Far off in the distance
A fire comes to life
A flicker of a flame breaks through the dark
Burning soft and bright
Dancing with the light
Awakening the Heavens and the Earth

Far across the ocean
A flame is rising high
Breaking through the shadows and the dark
Shining in the night
Rising with the light
Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth

Far off in the distance
A fire comes to life
A flicker of a flame breaks through the dark
Burning soft and bright
Dancing with the light
Awakening the Heavens and the Earth

Far across the ocean
A flame is rising high
Breaking through the shadows and the dark
Shining in the night
Rising with the light
Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth

Here to wake the Heavens and the Earth
To light

As she dances she makes it a point to bring Aradia into it with her, seductively, her obsidon skin clashing together with Aradias fine pale features, as she twirls this way and that, bringing there bodies close, and then far apart. Making sure as she sings to look into Aradias eyes, her breath always on her, as she winks at meic every now and then. The last dance had been for him, this one was for Aradia.

Dance [roll0]
Sing [roll1]

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 02:38 AM
Momentarily bolstered by the cheers of the crowd, Aradia has a surge of confidence. She steps on stage with the drow, whispering to her in draconic, "Lead the way."

Aradia begins the dance shakily, as she had never focused on learning how. Yet a few steps in she falls into a beautiful rhythm with Irraly, catching onto the song with ease. Half way through she gives the drow a look of apprehension, then frenetic enjoyment: the first time she has seen Aradia smile since they met.


2013-08-11, 02:45 AM
@Aradia & Irraly: The drow maiden is a succubus as she clearly leads the dance as black and white intertwine as a serpent to engulf it all.

Amidst her sensual coils your gaze fixes on her lavender eyes, which burn with a passion not even Avernus could match.

And your heart beats like an adamantine hummingbird, pecking at a stone cage, aching to get out.

Otis has two hold two patrons down as the crowd watches the dance without blinking once.

Dragon and Drow, engaged in combat eternal. Flying to the loftiest heights of Heaven, only to plunge into the Styx, whirling in a spiral of sensations.

And what a plummeting ride this is...

As both bow to the those assembled. The crowd roars in applause as a few even stand on the tables and clap pointing at them to be the next dance partner.

"Ok, folks! Last call!"

Otis walks up to both of you and hands Aradia a small pouch.

"For your...performance. May there be many, many more in the future."


Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 02:55 AM
The smile on Aradia's face makes the dance worth it as she twirls her around and around, in a never ending dance. As the two become one for the briefest of seconds Irraly lays a soft kiss onto her a smile appearing on her face as the dance comes to a close.

As the song ends Irraly is amused at how simple it was to please the crowd. Speaking in draconic she says with a smile, Never danced before hmmm. You took my breath away, and that voice. Irraly says with a kind smile as she walks down with Aradia towards Meic. I believe I owe you a question Aradia. And Meic I do hope you enjoyed. she says with a wink, as she sits on his lap looking up to Aradia, her hair creating a small thin layer between her body and Meic's.

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 03:00 AM
Aradia and Irraly finish the dance with a flashy spin, the two ending close together. Breathing heavily, Aradia ends with a grin, looking out at the raucous applause. Shortly, and as always in draconic, she says to the drow, "That was... wonderful."
She gets a glass of water after, taking a seat on the edge of the stage when Otis comes up. She takes a peek inside the bag, and pulls out half the coins. Offering the other ten to Irraly, she says, "Split it?"

As they danced however, Irraly could strangely feel that, despite what it looked like, Aradia was covered shoulders to toes in armor. Some kind of steel, by the feel of it, heavily illusioned to appear as an elegant dress.

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 03:07 AM
After the dance was over Irraly looked at her dress once more and then at Aradia as if saying she had a bit of explaining to do when they were alone before adding from Meics lap, That is fine by me, just dancing with you though was a gift of its own. You are a marvelous dancer and I hope we enjoy this more often. Irraly says with a look in her eyes that said it all.

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 03:24 AM
Aradia returns the look, but not as expertly: whatever her apprehension before, she had either work through it or stopped caring about it. "I guess that makes you an expert leader then. ... Perhaps, at some point." She sounds a bit less certain about the last bit, but doesn't dwell on it. She stifles a yawn, and says, "It's been an exhausting day, anyway. I think I'm heading up."

2013-08-11, 09:24 AM
When they enter the tavern, Violet is speechless. This... this is almost exactly what the stories said it would be like. They were just missing the cloaked stranger who walks up to them, and gives them some sort of epic quest. Amazingly enough though, when the Barkeep offers her honey, it is like a light just filled her, and she flies around in a small circle in joy.
"Honey? Yes, please!"
She heads over to him, hoping desperately for some honey, and that there are no bees to defend it.
However, sadly, Irraly asks for her help with dancing, and Violet, somewhat regretfully, flies over to her, and joins in, dancing, naked, and occasionally performing some truly epic leaps. After Irraly finishes, however, she pulls her grass dress back on, and flies over to the bar, to collect her honey, smiling cheerfully as she does.

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 09:39 AM
As Aradia speaks Irraly looks at her a bit confused until she hears her yawn at least. Shall we all go then? Shall we be staying in Meics room or will you two make a girl walk between rooms? Irraly asks with a smile, slowly getting off of Meics lap and picking up her gear.

2013-08-11, 09:43 AM
Alas, Violet's attention is rapidly stolen once more by the talking drake, and she flies down to her, excited.
"You can talk! Can you tell me what it is like to be a dragon? Is it fun? Are you ok? What was it like, inside that Golem?"

Melody looks up to the flying petal, curios herself. "Kara had bought me a gem that allows me to understand your language..." Melody says and opens her mouth. For a moment, a pearl appears on her tongue, before being absorbed back into it. Then she thinks. "Fun... I..." Melody exchanged a look with Kara. "Being stuck with such a messed up girl, how could it not be?" Kara smiled, petting Melody on the back.

She chooses to not respond about her experience in the golem.

2013-08-11, 09:49 AM
Violet smiles, and gently flies over, landing on Melody, her bare feet running over scales.
"You... you're lovely! Do you have any stories to tell? Why do you think she is messed up? Well, apart from being too big, anyway!"

2013-08-11, 11:44 AM
@Violet: Once the dance is over you glide to the bar and Otis places a glass of wine filled with sparkling golden honey.

"Dig in. You earned it."

@The Party: Everyone finally rests their head on a pillow- be it one made of cloth and stuffed in goose feathers or Irraly's.

It has been a violent night. A strange night. And yet, the questions remain...with very few answers.

Day 8

@The Party: Everyone gets up a few hours later than usual and head downstairs where a yawning Otis leans against his broom and a few patrons have fallen asleep on their tables, a warm mug of ale in this hand.

"Good morning". Otis yawns. "Let me get a table cleaned up and I'll cook you some breakfast.

@Alex: You wake up and watch Myriam rising from the ground.

"I hope you have slept well, Alex. Praying here won't do for you, since there is no sunlight. Let us leave this room."

You follow Myriam outside and the portal and this one closes.

The sky is slightly less grey this morning and with a lot less people, expect the pilgrims, of course.

"Please do not forget what we spoke about last night, Alex. I hope we meet again soon."

Myriam walks a few paces ahead from you and disappears.

@Alex: After kissing Myriam on her wooden mask the nymph stays silent as she walks away, hopeful to be seen again.

You then stay in silent prayer at dawn and head to the city.

What a mess. Trash everywhere from last night. Not to mention the duke's palazzo that was heavily damaged. At least there is no blood here, only cheap ale and vomit from some of the drunks.

You head up to the Pelorite chapel, where Luthon and Archaidous are sitting on the pews silently, listening to a mass, courtesy of Wilhelm.

The two elves aren't interested in mass, clearly, but they were offered hospice, and they need you to remove the damn Mark.

Rosalind, kneeling in prayer, looks at you from the corner of her eye and resumes silent prayer.

Once mass is ended, Wilhelm walks up to you.

"I hope you have rested well, Alex. Sometimes a solid rest is needed after episodes like that. Luthon and Archaidous, I hope you have slept well?"

An acolyte bows to you as he walks up and hands you a letter.

"Father Anderson? This is for you, from Lady Kara."

The acolyte hands you a sealed letter.

2013-08-11, 11:44 AM
And this is how the letter goes. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxTs3Cxn-Lg)

My Love

I am sorry that this is how you will find out, but I could not bear another confrontation. I told you before, I am selfish. Your recent behavior is just too much for me to handle. I was with you when you were taught and trained, and it seems that we learned different concepts. I believe that the law is supposed to serve and protect the people, but you act as if representing the law means that you are above others. The way you spoke to them, the way that you behaved. You didn't act as if you are responsible to their lives, but as if they were vile men that had to obey. You didn't listen to all the warnings and caused pain to those around you, to people that depended on you, yet you got angry at being called out on it. You can't accept responsibility. This is not the man I fell for. The man I fell for was loving and reasonable, he was compassionate. I could handle your lust to women, but you now lust for power, for leadership. I know you would say otherwise if you could, but people who do not wish to lead, do not act the way you did. You held to your power over them and would not listen to reason.


2013-08-11, 12:02 PM
As Otis gives her an entire glass of honey, Violet's eyes go wide indeed. She had never seen so much honey in one place before. Indeed, it was too much for her to even eat! But... it was delicious, indeed!
"Thank you!"
Smiling, incredibly happy that she can have some of the rare and hard to get honey, Violet, crouching on the bar, enjoys her honey, managing, somehow, to get through a third of it, before, smiling contentedly, she falls down, going to sleep there, happy with her honey, and the drowsy warmth of the tavern.
Irraly, seeing the poor tired petal, picks her up, and takes her with her to her room, not even awakening her.

In the morning, Violet awakens with the sunrise, as she always does, and she looks around at the others.
"Wake up, sleepyheads! We can go to the forest now, and help!"

Oddly enough, you notice that you no longer stink, indeed, you almost smell of Violets...

2013-08-11, 12:13 PM
Archadious listens to the sounds of prayer, freezing every now and then. Clearly annoyed by his Mark, he struggles to remain stoic. His night had been rather restless and he had certainly had a difficult time attempting to memorize spells for the day. As he watches the religious ceremony, he notices Alexander enter and receive a letter.

"I didn't know Anderson left last night, I wonder where he went."
He thinks to himself.

He watches as the Pelorite reads the letter. He remembers the events of the previous evening, Luthons critical speech, the drows insulting remarks, and Alex's angry response.

"Maybe someone ought to try to be nice to the guy for a change"

With that in mind, he strolls over to Alex.
Struggling to maintain a friendly attitude through the occasional activations of the Mark, Archadious greets him.

"Good morning, I didn't realize you had left. I hope the rest of your evening was a bit more peaceful."
He gestures to the letter.

"Anything interesting?"
He asks.

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 01:13 PM
As The sun comes out Irraly stretches smiling up at the fey before the sun hits her eyes and she almost falls out of bed launching a bolt of pure blackness at it. Landing like a cat on her hands and feet she looks up to Viloet and kisses her. Your work I take it. Irraly says smiling still nude from the events of the night before as she looks at her other partner(s) in bed still and goes over gently placing a kiss on them. Time to wake up, or the drow may not let you leave her bed today. She says with a smile.

2013-08-11, 01:17 PM
Violet smiles as Irraly kisses her, still enjoying the sensation even after 75 years.
"Of course. Everyone likes a garland! And they look so nice too."

Indeed, a garland of flowers adorns the heads of all those in the room, except for Violet, who hardly needs one, with her petal like hair.

2013-08-11, 01:30 PM
As Alex awoke the next morning and was greeted by Myriam he smiled at her as if she were a good friend. I did thank you, I only hope Kara was ok last night. I should of had her come with me. Alex says shaking his head as he puts his armor on and heads out of the little hole in time and space.

Once Outside Alex once more kisses Myraim on her wooden mask. I will do what I have promised. Just make sure you don't send any more thieves my way please. Alex said watching her leave before he began to pray.

After morning prayer Alex called upon shadowfax and made his way back to the pelorite temple to apologize to Farther Wilhelm and Rosalind, as well as to Kara for his actions last night. In high spirits after a good nights sleep he made his way into town. What he found when he arrived though could not have been farther from the truth as he was handed the letter and read it over and over, even falling into a pew to sit, tears in his eyes. Alex could not pull himself away from the letter, how, why. Thousands of things began swimming in his head as the letter finally fell to the floor, though still no words came from his mouth. Not even when Archadious had been kind, as for the first time in seven years he had been truly alone. Once again what he had loved had been taken from him, though this time it felt like with it a part of his soul had been taken as well as his inner demons tried to break free,

2013-08-11, 02:26 PM
@Alex: You slump on the pews as the letter falls off your hand and drops on the ground.

You can swear it breaks the entire chapel and drowns you down to the Pit itself.

Tears want to come out, but there is nothing left.


Your mind flies violently through the memories.

The tribes in the North.

That rainy night in an alley in Halmathan.

The hours spent by her side as she slept and reciting the old verses at the Pelorite Chapel.

Her eyes, a feral glare as she faced off against Balberith, who threatened Melody's life.

And now, all that swirls around in a very dark pool as nothing matters.

The inquisitor has suffered a blow, deadlier than any spell or blade.

Then a warm hand on yours, as Rosalind looks at you as she picks up the letter.

"Alex... you must go on. She will be back. I am sure of it. You are free to stay here as long as you want, but mourning her departure will not allow you to find closure. You are Alexander Anderson! Stand and face the challenges each day presents, that your fair maiden will one day be found. I promise I and Father Wilhelm will use everything at our disposal to locate her, Alex, but please. This hurts us...me, tremendously. I cannot see you defeated like this."

Wilhelm looks on and looks at the floor as he sighs.

"It is as Rosalind says, Alex. We will do our best to find her. And when she is found, I will contact you immediately."

2013-08-11, 02:34 PM
Archadious watches as Alex drops the letter, stunned. Archadious's curiosity is peaked. What could possibly have stunned the knight so much. Whatever it was, it can't be good.

"Mind if I take a look."

Archadious stoops down to retrieve the letter at his feet. As he stands up again, he looks at Alex to check if its not something the man wants him to read.

He quickly reads the letter, and understands the Pelorite's shock.

"Kara? Gone? That's... unexpected..."
He looks back at Alex, and tries to show a little sympathy.
"This must be hard on you. I am sorry. Was she just a friend? Or did she mean more to you?"

2013-08-11, 04:00 PM
@Meic, Aradia, Irraly & Violet: After a well deserved breakfast, you head for the Temple district.

It is impossible not to hear the murmurs of the crowd as Irraly and Violet walk past them- elves are somewhat common n Justcrown.

Yet a dark elf and a petal...not at all.

Comments whisper through the citizens about a demonic invasion at the palazzo. Of the duke's demise and that of every single guest. Stories of flying trees and lightning.

However, the Autumn festival was a day ago, and there was much drinking involved, so chances are it will be discarded as just that- drunken rumors.

You head to the pelorite chapel and find Alex sitting in one of the pews as Rosalind sits beside him, consoling him.

Luthon sits a few rows behind, still struggling with the mark as Archaidous stands next to the inquisitor and reads a piece of paper.

Wilhelm looks at all of you and bows.

"Welcome. I believe he needs as much cheer as he can get. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Wilhelm takes out a diamond and walks up to the altar and removes one of the shrouds, revealing Sir Lucian ironhelm.

Wilhelm crushes the diamonds as he intones a few ancient words in celestial and the diamond dust sprinkles over the hextorite's body.

After a few minutes, and with a gasp, Lucian Ironhelm opens his eyes.

"That duke! He is... where am I. Father Wilhelm?"

The old pelorite helps Lucian up as he motions to everyone in the room.

"You fell. And they brought you here. The duke will take care of the expenses."

Lucian Ironhelm, decidely not as strong as his brother Kalyn walks up to you, holding the pews for support. His stay in Acheron and the travel of his soul across the Astral and back here has been most taxing.

@Alex: Lucian manages to give you a military salute as he places the flail on a bench.

"You all have my thanks. As for the flail, I desire to purchase it. Meet me at the duke's palazzo when you have time and the transaction will be concluded."

@Irraly & Violet: As the man in armor walks out he raises an eyebrow at both, but says nothing, as he limps his way out. Clearly exhausted.

@Aradia: Wilhelm points to the other shroud.

"It is your call, dear. We can give him a most honorable burial or bring him back, soul willing, of course."

2013-08-11, 04:16 PM
As they walk through the city, Violet flies around, looking at all of the strange new things along the road, occasionally stopping and waving at the stunned humans along the way, smiling, and enjoying the attention. Indeed, she even pauses to play a quick game with some children along the way. Once there, she looks at Alex, and flies over to him, looking concerned.
"Why so sad?"

As Lucien walks out, Violet looks surprised, and flies up to him, having never spoken to a formerly dead person.
"Didn't you die? What was it like?"

2013-08-11, 04:21 PM
@Violet: You fly up to the armored man, Lucian and ask him what it was to be dead.

The man gives you an annoyed look.

"Serving in Hextor's Bastion in the Great Clashing Cubes of Acheron is a sight few can forget or are able to. And yet, I have this..creature fluttering around me and asking questions that are not in her right to ask! Be thankful you are not in Geoff, little fairy."

Lucian makes one final salute to Wilhelm and leaves.

"Violet, dear. It would be best to leave sir Lucian be. Coming back from the Great Beyond is a most taxing experience. And many have different reactions to it."

2013-08-11, 04:28 PM
Violet, the ever cheerful little fey, seems to droop at this nasty response.
"But... I was just curious..."
She speaks softly, her voice barely more than a whisper.

After Lucien leaves, Violet flies up, and sits on an exposed beam near the ceiling for a minute or two, apparently coming to terms with what had happened.
At, least, that seems to be the most likely explanation, as she flies down and lands on the podium, turning to address the group, her demeanor one of impatient cheer.
"Can you please to go to the forest now? I... I can't think of what it must be like there now."

2013-08-11, 04:32 PM
Lúthon sees Violet take the podium, and responds to her address, notably calmer than he was last night. "We will get to that, but first we have to get our Marks taken care of, collect our reward from the duke for last night, and probably equip ourselves for the mission ahead. After all, if we are facing undead, we may want to make sure we are ready for the task."

2013-08-11, 04:37 PM
As Luthon explains that there are more delays, Violet frowns.
"Are you sure? Will it make things better? Please, hurry!"
Clearly, the poor fey is quite worried now that some of the newness of being in a city has worn off.

2013-08-11, 04:49 PM
Lúthon continues speaking calmly, now trying to calm the petal down. "Rest assured, being delayed perhaps a day at most to make preparations would give us valuable advantages. We are aware that the situation requires haste, but it is better to be prepared for fighting undead than to charge in too quickly and risk everything. We have faced these salt mummies of Kazym's before, as well as Kazym himself, and preparation is wise. Admittedly, too much preparation is a waste of time, as the fey woods are after all in jeopardy, but some preparation is preferable to none at all, I should think."

2013-08-11, 05:20 PM
@Luthon: Wilhelm listens to the situation.

"I am certain the duke will pay handsomely well for his life being spared. As for the undead you mention. Well, this is the House of Pelor. Fighting undead is our business, and we take it seriously. Alex has a few items granted to him as a reward some time ago, but I have made a new batch of holy water, if you are going to be facing these creatures. I also asked my acolytes to practice their brewing. The potions are good, if not too potent."

Wilhelm opens a cabinet and you see, neatly labeled twenty small vials.

"The first ten on the top row should be very effective against the unliving."

10 vials of holy water, 250gp total

The bottom ten are good for the body and soul. Alternatively, they can harm the unliving as well."

10 potions of CLW, CL 1st 500gp total

"If the forest is as infested as you claim it to be. You will need all the help you can. Alex, I know you use Cuthbert's power to fuel your spells. May i advice you do not? Who knows what creatures you might find in there that brute force may not be enough."

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 05:51 PM
Aradia wakes up, still very groggy from the effects of the mark, but handling it better this time around. What a strange night...
She joins the others for breakfast, and follows to the Temple District. She shows the mace when it's brought up, and is happy to hear it will be sold.
After, she gives Wilhelm a sad look. "Thank you Father. But I realized the material needs of a resurrection is something I just don't have. Whatever his upbringing, Adoben died a hero, however, and should be buried as such."

2013-08-11, 06:17 PM
Violet, while still worried, nods, and seems to accept this argument. Especially when Wilhelm offered holy water. However, Violet, discovering that she has none of this gold stuff(and is uncertain as to what it is, anyway), alas, is unable to buy any.

"Please, hurry! Who knows what those things are doing to my home. If they breach the coven, or reach the gardens..."

2013-08-11, 06:20 PM
@Aradia: Wilhelm places his hand on your shoulder.

"I do not know what gods he serves, but they may be smiling upon him now after giving his life in such an honorable way. he will be buried in the small graveyard we have behind the Temple for our own. In consecrated ground."

The Neophytes carry Adoben's body in a shroud and to the back, where, after almost an hour of shoveling, a holde large enough to fit his wrapped body is placed gently inside.

Wilhelm gives you a white rose.

"It is said that these flowers guide the souls to their eternal rest. He was your friend, so I believe it is fair you place it on his chest and say the parting words before the earth reclaims his body."

2013-08-11, 06:45 PM

Meanwhile, deep in the Fey Woods...


A beautiful dryad with short olive hair and violet eyes is thrown against a tree as three more of her sisters surround a pair of salt mummies.

Two more dryads lies on the ground, their bodies smoking and bereft of all water.

"Sister Casyllyn, run! We can deal with them!" Two of the dryads draw scimitars as one prepares to cast a spell.

Casyllyn wrests herself out of the tree and looks at the indentation, running her hand across it.

Thank you, brother tree. For preventing my fall. I have another favor to ask of you, however...

Casyllyn looks yonder at a grove several hundred feet away.

"GO! I will deter these monsters..for our sisters that have fallen.GO!"

The dryads look at each other and then at the olive haired fey.

"But sister..."

"I said GO! I cannot risk more of you falling to them. Use the trees. Reach his grove. I will meet you there shortly."

The other three dryads shed tears as they turn tail and run, each leaping into a tree and disappearing.

One of the salt mummies looks like it used to be a half orc once, now his muscle mass incremented and salt encrusted. The other is shorter and walks with a hunch, moving erratically left and right. A cracked mask on its face and a few grey hairs on its bare head.

"Hehehhehehhee... you are alone now, fey! And nobody can help you..."

The half orc mummy croaks through dried vocal chords as both begin to surround Casyllyn.

The dryad's heart races. She knows she only has one chance, or else these two would finish her like they had done with her sisters on the ground. The idea that later she would have to put an end to her coven members was a terrifying thought, but the fey held her ground.

"I shall not fall to a pair of weak piles of sand and salt. Where you the discarded heaps of a shroud that is too terrified to show itself? I have no time for losers like you!"

Casyllyn, places her hand against the tree bark.

With an unearthly growl, both of Varian's former thugs rush at the dryad, smoking fists held high.


Casyllyn shuts her eyes and retreats into the tree as both mummies nearly obliterate her, instead punching the tree and leaving severe indentations on it.

Closer to the grove, Casyllyn emerges and can hear the frustrated roars of the mummies in the distance.

Thank you, brother tree...and I'm sorry. I promise I will tend to you once this is over.

Casyllyn looks at an enormous grove made of tangled roots and sighs in relief.

At least this place is safe...

Casyllyn walks inside and sees an enormous tree with its branches leading up to the domes ceiling, covered in thousands of roots, big and small.

Her eyes widen in horror as tears fill in her eyes.

"No...not you too, Old one! Why???"

The entrance to the grove is sealed by roots as Casyllyn looks back and prepares one of her most potent spells.

"I am sorry...I really am."

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 08:47 PM
Aradia stands over the grave after helping dig.

"What to say... I didn't know Adoben long, only a few days. But in that time, he showed the world what a difference our choices can make. Adoben gave his life fighting his slaver and his nature to do what was right. Even in his last moments, when his loyalty and character were called into question, he stood by his decision for good. His bravery should be an ideal for us to strive for, and he will never be forgotten."

Her short speech done, Aradia places the flower on his grave, and stands for a moment of silence. Eventually, she returns to the temple, with a bit of a heavy heart. "Are we ready to go?"

In retrospect, Adoben's story is quite tragic. I like to think that his last few moments of life were enough to change his alignment to good, and find solace in Bahamut's domain.

2013-08-11, 08:56 PM
After a touching ceremony, Violet once more addresses the group, speaking urgently.
"Of Course! Please, we need to hurry! You want to give something to that mean man, right? He said that he would meet you at the palazio? Then why are you standing here?"

Violet starts leading the group to the palazio, hoping that they would follow, and that with her prompting, they could do this quickly, and then help.

2013-08-11, 08:59 PM
@Aradia: You place the white rose where his chest would be.

In a way, Adoben has sent you a message- one can change. Be redeemed. Even at the very end.

As the neophyte piles the earth on top, Father Wilhelm recites a small prayer and sprinkles the mound with holy water.

"He is now at peace, Aradia. I am sure that wherever he is, he smiles at you and will keep an eye out for you."

@The Party: Wilhelm and Aradia walk back inside the chapel as the Shaman stays silent for a moment, contemplating what has just happened.

"Well, ladies, gentlemen.... what will you do now? These two ladies seem to have an urgency to head for the Fey Woods and I will have to meet with the duke along with Mathilda to discuss new rules regarding security for this city. Last night has been a terrible wake up call that could've ended with a war at our doorstep."

2013-08-11, 09:14 PM
Archadious decides to leave Alex, who clearly seems to be speechless and want time alone. He wanders around, freezing from time to time, waiting for the others to arrive. After the funeral, he meets with the others.

"Father Wilhelm, I believe the three of us still need to resolve this issue with the Marks. She also needs to hear from either Aradia or Alex the events of the previous evening."
The elf says, struggling to speak through the effects of the Mark.

"I also believe that Luthon would like to collect our reward from the Duke. Then I believe a trip to Silas's might be in order, although I don't know if he has restocked yet...

2013-08-11, 09:23 PM
When she is introduced, Violet waves brightly at the duke.

2013-08-11, 09:24 PM
@Archaidous: Wilhelm watches you freeze interminently during your speech.

"Yes, that Mark is becoming more of an annoyance than a penalty for lawlessness. My offer still stands- I can have all three marks removed now for a donation of three thousand coin. I know it is steep, but It will save you having to deal with Mathilda."

Regarding the duke's reward, Wilhelm nods.

"I believe you are entitled to one, yes. The man will likely be indebted to every noble house in Justcrown, gaining favors to rebuild his palazzo, if what I heard is true and it is nearly destroyed."

2013-08-11, 09:25 PM
Seven years of meomries fly by in what seems like an instant as ALex withdraws in on himself seeing once more his shadow take form, though unlike before it has more human like features though covers itself in a red cloak. Both watch the memories fly by. Of Kara and more, all the way back to Veluna and more his mind seems to fly as if asking itself if everything he truly loved died or left him forever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaQwybpzoak) It is the road our kind walk Alexander Anderson and the sooner you acknowledge it the easier it will become. The figure on the side of him says more kindly enough, as it was even seen the pain in its own face. All we have our there memories. Be happy that they are fond ones. it says putting a golden clawed hand on him. Go back now. Prove her wrong, find her you know where she is. And when it is time you will remember. the demonic voice says to him letting him go and pushing him back out of their shared mind, leaving him in a desolate wasteland alone once more. If only I had been strong enough earlier to take more control and this dam seal was not so powerful. Acheron said looking at the faint barrier that surrounded the landscape he was in.

As Alex awakens from his inner self he feels warm hands on him and for a second turns, thinking Kara had played some sick joke. But as he turned his face to see Rosalind, the small amount of joy that had been on his face vanished and was once again replaced by his depression. No! Alex says sternly looking up at each of them. She left because of me, and it will be by my own powers that find her. Alex says asking fro the letter back and placing it into his fullplate. He then looks to Violet and Irrraly, saddness and anguish still on his face as he stands, very much defeated. I promised someone last night I would help stop this menace in the fey woods. But know killing him will not fully stop him. He is a creature from my land made by a ritual long forgotten most thought, and for good reason. To kill him you will have to destroy more then just his body, but also his soul. Otherwise your woods will never be safe, do you understand what I am saying? Alex asks before turning his attention to the next group of people.

Does it really matter any more Archadious what I felt for her or What she was to me. It was only in my eyes. Alex said emotions running hick through his voice and actions. Smiling at the small little fey Alex shakes his head. Hope you never have to understand little one. We have your family to save now though we should get moving. Alex says looking to Farther Wilhelm and taking out the necessary gold for all the items. Thank you, and know that if a message does not arrive in two weeks I have failed and to have Justcrown ready for war. Alex says looking at farther Wilhelm. The one who leads these undead was the adviser to the emperor of the Jade emperor himself, and for such a betrayal to happen means he has gone mad, though he is not foolish. Nor does he gamble much. Everything he does is planned. Each action a movement of a game piece. Alex says handing out the items to the others. You all will need these more then I will.

Next Alex looks to Aradia, I can lend you the money Aradia if you want to bring him back, know though that after I leave for the fey woods I will not be able to lend anything to anyone.For all I will have with me are my sword and other weapons needed to face the undead. Alex says kindly to her, though his voice is still littered with sadness speaking about setting all these undead to rest seems to be having a small effect on him.

Looking then to Luthon he adds. Let us go see Matilda now, and get those marks removed. And turn in this. Alex says pulling of his inquisitors cape and folding it up. It felt like all those years ago, the training he had to endure was finally over. He would not let the man control his life anymore like he had his daughters. Alex was not an Inquisitor like him, no he was a paladin. Kara's Paladin and a servant of the gods, not one, and having no ties to any church.

2013-08-11, 09:31 PM
Violet looks at Alex, concern warring with fear.
"But... surely, if we defeat him, he will leave us alone? What could we have that would interest such a thing?"

2013-08-11, 09:40 PM
I do not know little one I do not know. I am sure in time we will learn though. The universe show all when it is ready. Alex says to her softly trying to ease her fear.

2013-08-11, 09:42 PM
@The Party: Will post the palazzo scene later.

With renewed determination, Alex gets up as Rosalind looks at him, uncertain if her words have reached him in a good or bad way.

Heading to the Cuthbertine Fortress with the entire group, you are lead to Mathilda's, who gets up immediately and fixes her glasses as she looks on at the group.

"News have reached me already, Father Anderson. About the Autumn Ball fiasco. I was told it was you and everyone here who put an end to such madness. But was it necessary to level half the house? Also, where is Kara? And I believe the dark mistress in your group was looking for you last night, as well as the tiny fey."

Mathilda sits back down and gets out a quill and parchment.

"Well, start with your report on the events. The church needs to know everything so we can more effectively investigate this matter. Omit nothing."

2013-08-11, 09:44 PM
Violet hardly seems re-assured, but as the others go to the Palazio, she follows.

And... back to the giving of the address to the duke.
Back to the Cuthbertines then.

2013-08-11, 10:15 PM
Sense motive on Rosalind and Wilhelm [roll0]

Also everyone roll sense motive for Matilda saying Kara

Alex grits his teeth as Mother Matilda begins asking him a thousand questions, as if it was his fault the house had been leveled. First if I was the duke I would care less about my house and be happy people were there to keep me alive. Just like I am happy I am alive, and only because of the people with me. Alex says before tossing his inquisitors attire at Mother Matilda. Second I am no longer your lap dog or that of your church. I made it clear when I came to this rock that I belonged to no church, and all but you dam inquisitors have respected it. Especially that overzealous mad tyrant that started my training. Alexander says, And the marks will be removed now. Or would you like to explain to the duke why those who saved him are still being punished? Lastly you want an account, ask someone else. What am I your personal secretary. Alex says letting out a breath of fresh air. Gods that felt good.

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 10:36 PM
Aradia stares at Alex, shocked and slightly amused. Damn, who would have thought Alex had it in him to give his beloved church the good old 'f**k you'? Maybe I misjudged him. Part of him. Slightly. But where is Kara..? She wasn't at the Wench last night. Could she still be asleep? I suppose I couldn't blame her.


2013-08-11, 10:36 PM
@Alex: Mathilda, for the very first time, at least for you, opens her mouth as if to say something and then shuts it again as the inquisitor cape is tossed on her desk. The cuthbertine symbol spins on the ground and lands a few feet away from you as the sun's light catches the cross.

Mathilda fixes her glasses and stands up, looking at you and then at the cape and symbol.

Wordlessly, she beckons for Aradia, Luthon, and Archaidous to step forward as she shuts her eyes for a few seconds.

The room glows in emerald light as three symbols of the cudgel project from the marked ones and dance around the walls and ceiling before disappearing and the room regaining its natural light.

The three of you feel the headache gone. The Mark has been lifted.

Mathilda looks at Alex very sternly.

Alexander Anderson, you have prevented a major catastrophe on this...rock, as you so aptly put it. For that, the church and the city are grateful."

Mathilda walks around her desk and picks up the cape and cudgel badge, a sign of office as an inquisitor.

"However, due to your actions now, I, Mother Mathilda, Head priestess of the Cudgel in Justcrown, dismiss you of your duties as an Inquisitor. I will have a report sent to every church in the continent detailing these actions. You serve the Cudgel no more, Alexander. In hindsight, perhaps his training is to blame, pushing you to this boiling point. However, you are not fully observant of the Law and how it operates. I do not wish you ill, Alexander, but you are not to interfere in Cuthbertine affairs from now on. I hope I am clear."

Mathilda shakes her head as she places the cape and badge on her desk. as she sits down and keeps writing some documents.

Without looking up, she calls out to all of you.

"For what it's worth...you have done well. Dismissed."

@The Party: It had to happen. It was a matter of days, hours, or seconds, but it happened. Where did Alex stand now church wise? That was anyone's guess.

The big group makes their way to the palazzo. Now two members shorter.

Where did Kara go? Nobody knows, but you can only hope that the road places her in your way. Sooner rather than later.

The palazzo is abuzz with guards and formen, working quickly to rebuild the ruined garden.

What in the hells happened here? A storm? It was nice and chilly last night. No storms at all...

I heard it was a dragon. Big one, too. Blew the garden with its wings!

Not a dragon. I heard there was a practice duel and it got out of hand. wizards...what do you know.

You cross the ruined path, past the now broken giffin fountain and knock on the door.

Silas opens and greets you with a smiles.

"Comrades in pain and punishment! Come in!"

You are lead to a room in the first floor. A library, where the duke is taking a seat as his hand shakes uncontrollably as he holds a tiny porcelain cup of tea.

Lucian sit on a couch and nods as all of you enter.

"Who...who are they, Silas?"

"Your grace, Father Alexander Anderson, Lady Aradia Ferran, Luthon Escalwathon, Meic Rhodri, Archaidous, and these two lovely ladies are lady Irraly and Lady Violet. "

Silas notices Melody and Kara missing, but decides not to extend the introductions with more questions.

"They saved your guests last night, your grace. And that of the guests."

The duke takes sip from the tea, which has a strong hint of chamomile.

"Ahh yes, of course, of course. I believe you are here for some reward, naturally. Yes, of course. Please give Silas your address and I will have the reward delivered."

Business Scrub
2013-08-11, 10:41 PM
Aradia takes a deep breath as they leave the church. Freedom, finally. As she walks past Alex, she says briefly but honestly, "Thanks for that," and continues, without waiting for a response.

2013-08-11, 10:51 PM
"Wow!" Archadious thinks
"What happened with Kara must have really effected the man. Well maybe now we'll all get along a little better. "

Following behind Aradia, he too approaches Alex.

"Thank you, that couldn't have been easy. Although for the record, I was fine with the Mark when it wasn't activated."

He takes a deep breath, reveling in the freedom from his Mark.

"I'm glad to know that you'll be fighting alongside us in those woods."
He adds, wanting to say something nice.

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 10:53 PM
Irraly smiles at the sensations playing across Violets face, the expressions she made as her muscles moved to accept Irralys much larger body only made it all the more beautiful to her. They look as beautiful as their maker. Irraly smiles warmly at Violet as their kiss ends, though not going too far away.

After all well-made breakfast, and some liquid diet provided by Violet, Irraly seems to almost be glowing as she strolls down the streets in her armor, though she makes sure to have her purple cloak covering her head from the worst of the sun’s rays, though this only let those from behind imagine what was under her cloak as her hips swayed back and forth in a mesmerizing way, letting Violet enjoy herself as long as no one tried to harm her. Content being near her two new “friends” each of her arms interlocked with one of the others if they were willing. Though if Meic tried to fight it she eventually to her arm around his waist possessively, as if saying mine. The stories that come out f people’s mouths when they see a drow. You would think they had a bit more respect to talk more softly. No? Irraly says to Aradia and Meic happily as she walks down the streets, not really caring about these people in the town she would probably never see again in her life.

Once at the temple and the priest says Alex needs to be cheered up Irraly smirks at telling him what a show he missed last night. But decides better of it, not wanting to embarrass Aradia or Meic. The man in armor on the other hand I was not told to leave alone and as he raises an eye I strike a pose. I’m sorry do you see something you like? If so you may just want to keep walking and think about a pick up line that won’t make your head spin. And cute limp, did she ride you good. . Irraly says making fun of the man as he walks out of the temple, that would teach him not to pick on her Violet.

As Aradia buries what seems to be a close friend or lover Irraly whispers support into her ear, respecting her boundary and letting her know she was there if she needed her.

Soon they find themselves at the temple ruled by a female, and though another stick in the mud, at least she knew how to amuse Irraly, as Alex threw his sign of office in her face. Well well well, the orgee is not as boring as I thought. Irraly smile as she watches the inquisitor get up and do what Alex had told her to do. And as she sees the mark no more on Aradias face a big smile comes to her face before she grabs her and kisses her full on the lips. Thank the dark maiden that thing is gone. It was so hideous. She says as she breaks the kiss away, not really caring who just saw it. It was the right moment in her eyes and she did not regret it.

2013-08-11, 11:03 PM
@Irraly: At the pelorite temple, the hextorite turns to look at you as he keeps limping.

"A dark elf, right? Be fortunate you are not in hextorite territory, woman. Words like that rarely go unnoticed...or unpunished."

At the Cuthbertine temple, you rush to kiss Aradia once the mark is gone. A passionate kiss, as Obsidian and Alabaster once more lock lips in a divine admixture of sensuality and love.

Mathilda has had enough of outbursts in her church. In her office.

"I believe I dismissed everyone. You may have your public displays of affection in public, not in my private chambers. You are free to leave. Ideally now."

2013-08-11, 11:16 PM
Alex just smiles and says one word, a sigh of relief seems to follow. Freedom. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6zGEBhJMHA)

As they leave and thanks can be heard Alex acknowledge them in silence. It is what Kara would have wanted. It was easier then one would think. Alex says, the only thing he says all the way to the duks. Once inside he bows to Lucian in military fashion before turning to the duke. you can send mine to the church of Pelor with my name on it, as well as Karas, the woman with the drake. Alex says his voice cracking as he speaks. As for a reward, I came for no such thing, merely to finish my business with Lucian. Alex says taking out the weapon along with a tent and bedroll made of a bears fur. I do not know if you would be intrested in these as well, but they were also with his belongings when we were bringing him here. If that shapeshifter had not stolen him he would have had a fair trial for slavery. Alex says placing them onto the table between them. Now under normal circumstances I would accept half of what this weapon is worth as it is not brand new as you can clearly see, but it is an relic of your church, a champions weapon and as such I would ask to agree on a slightly larger amount of money. You can name how much extra as it is your church and not mine. I am sure you will be fair with what you offer. Alex says before adding. And next time we meet, I hope it will be under my next instructor Lucian. As I am trying to learn from each temple what I can. You seem to be an honest man and I wold be honored to be your student one day the gods willing.

2013-08-11, 11:22 PM
Archadious meets with the Duke again. He remembers the immature manner in which the Duke acted the previous evening. Archadious tries to conceal his slight negative feelings towards the man and speaks.

"A pleasure to help."
He says, smiling.

"Unfortunately we aren't really living in any permanent place at the moment, and for the next several days we will be away from town. But if Silas is willing, I wouldn't mind if he could hold onto it until we come back. We will most likely be spending it at his store anyways."
As he speaks, he looks to the wizard to make sure that he was willing to do so.

Archadious continues.
"In the future, might I recommend regular subtle inspections by either Matilda or Silas to make sure none of your most "trusted" advisors are secretly shapechangers in disguise."

Christine Daae
2013-08-11, 11:30 PM
And be happy I don't cut that tongue from your mouth male and watch as you try to ask for your gods help then. Irraly responds, very much on the offensive with this male.

Public displays of affection, I believe I needed a private room for what I just did. And you did say this as private no? Irraly says smiling at Aradia before walking out like a kid who had just had a freshly made pie.

2013-08-11, 11:43 PM
@Alex: Mathilda shakes her head, already seated on her desk.

"Rules exist to guarantee the people's freedom, Alexander. I hope one day you can see around that concept."

It's hard to tell if Mathilda is genuinely mad. You have never seen her raise her voice. stern yes, absolutely, but violent? No. There is another cuthbertine who fits that bill.

And thankfully, he is very, very, far away.

At the palazzo, you place the flail and tent and bear blanket on the table, neatly folded, at least the tent.

Lucian recognizes the banner.

"I see... no wonder the clerics in Geoff could not get ahold of him. Hmmm... a difficult situation, Father Anderson. For one, I should be your hated enemy- you slew my brother, Kalyn. On the other, this gives me a promotion in my church. I trust he died with honor, as is expected from a Champion from the Scourge of Hell."

Lucian calls one of his personal guards.

"Have these taken to my carriage. And bring the coffer."

A few minutes later, the servant comes in with a heavy coffer, assisted by a second servant and places it on the table.

Lucian opens it and you see neat stacks of gold coins.

"Seventeen thousand. I believe it is a fair price. More than fair, really."

At the mention of the reward, Pottsdorff sips from his tea.

"The woman and the drake? yes. I remember both from the play. I will have someone deliver a reward to you and her in an hour. Now, I believe I must eat and rest. It has been a taxing day and many more to come with all the expenses.

@The Party: You return to the pelorite temple, where Rosalind greets you at a prudent distance.

"Feeling better? You know you can stay here if you wish. There is always room for one more in our flock."

An hour goes by and a carriage stop at the pelorite temple with several small coffers, each with Justcrown's royal seal. One addressed to each except Violet and Irraly.

You each open the small coffer and find a neat stack of gold coins.

2000gp for each.

"The duke wishes to extend his thanks and believes this is more than sufficient compensation. Have a good day."

the servant gets on the carriage and rides back to the ruined palazzo.

"Rosalind looks at all of you."

So what now? Where will you go?"

2013-08-11, 11:55 PM
Archadious says, relieved that everything has tied up neatly.

"I think now we ought to make haste to the woods. Kazym needs to be stopped and we promised these two we would help."
He says, gesturing to Irraly and Violet.

"We should be on our way."

2013-08-12, 12:00 AM
"Time is of the essence, in all likelihood, but we must make sure that we are well prepared. Does anyone have any suggestions for materials we can acquire or spells we can prepare before we march forward?"

2013-08-12, 12:14 AM
your brother died in a duel protecting his...captures if you will. I had no personal qualm with him and he put up a very great fight, even bested me. Alex says. Becuase of this I had planned to have him brought back to life, and would have if his body was not stolen, it is good at least his family shall get what was his. The price seems fair as well. Alex says kindly and softly as he accepts the gold. I hope as I said we one day meet again as Allies Lucian Ironhelm. When I find your brothers body it shall be returned to you and your kin. He was a valiant warrior and is no doubt serving Hextor proudly in Acheron.... Alex says and for the first time realized what the name inside him kept calling itself. Misery, sorrow, woe.

Once more at the pelorite Temple Alex walks over to Rosalind and Farther Wilhelm. I have turned in my badge and want you both to hold onto this in case Kara comes back. Alex says handing her two boxes, one with Melodies name on it the other with Kara's. I would also like the church to hold onto this until my return. Alex says pulling out the box the duke had given him and filled it with the rest of the coin he had. My only instructions are to send 500gp a week to the temple of Kord in Veluna with my name on it, they will understand. Also another letter sent to Hamalthan to a Ms. Cassandra. This one will have 200gp in it every two weeks. If I do not return, at a month tops send all the money to the temple in Veluna, with a note saying I have passed and this is my legacy for my son. Alex says to the two of them.

He then goes to the others and says plainly, Prepare for hell. And with that gets ready to leave for the forest.

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 12:23 AM
As all this is going on Irraly stays close to Aradia and Meic. Why so silent you two? she asks quietly for the others not to hear. Why no box for me filled with money? Or violet we helped as well?

2013-08-12, 01:05 AM
Alex then looks at Farther Wilhelm asking him what he has in stock.

2013-08-12, 01:12 AM
@Alex: Wilhelm takes the money and the instructions.


But then he goes silent and takes the coffer with him to his room.

Rosalind looks at you and, unexpectedly, rushes in and gives you a hug.

"Don't you dare die in there, ok? Don't do anything stupid, ok?"

Rosalind steps back and you can see her eyes water.

"damn...now I have to go read some more. Good luck everyone."

Rosalind bows nervously and hurries upstairs.

@The Party: This is assuming all purchases have been made.

You hear Alex mention Hell and it snaps right in.

This is uncharted territory. Who knows what awaits there. Except for Irraly and Violet, nobody has come out or gone in and left. except for Steiner and he did not give out much info.

Now Kazym and the Mad Guardian Balion are doing who knows what in there. Salt mummies. Four where a problem. What about a dozen, or more?

All these questions in your mind are interrupted as tyou reach the south gate.

"Are you serious? Going in there? Ok...we cannot force you otherwise. OPEN THE GATE!"

With a low ruble and grunts from he soldiers on the watchtowers, the southe gate opens wide for all to pass through.

Before that, you turn around and look at the many sites that you have viisted during your days here.

Miranda, with her amazing clothes.

Silas, probably teaching young arcanists on the dangers of summoning wands.

Otis serving home cooked meals, always with a smile.

Tarith and his Ravens, caught up in this mess.

Basil and Cecile...who knows what has befallen them.

The gate shuts behind you as the sky shines bright blue.

The Fey Woods stretch for miles on either end, imposing, unconquered. Foreboding.

It would take about an hour to reach what could be described as a clearing. An opening. The Tall trees are primeval in nature. These have been around before any man walked these lands. Blocking out the sun except for the occasional sun ray peeking through the thick canopy, you enter the woods.

There is no path here. Roots and branches and moss dots the ground, as well as fallen leaves. The trees tower like copper and veridian titans, looking at you in utter silence.

Then, you come across a marker.

This one looks very old and made of stone. It depicts a crude etching of a woman with nondescript features.

The stone has been smashed and you can see trails of sand wandering off in different directions.

Writing has been etched at the base of this slab. This marker.

Arrallae the Shining One

Smile Upon Your Most Sacred Guardian

Light my Blade Upon thy Enemies

That I will forever Prowl your Garden

You can all swear someone or something watches you from the treetops above.

Business Scrub
2013-08-12, 01:21 AM
Aradia looks around the forest with a bit of wonder, speaking quietly and looking about, ready for anything. "Why do I get the feeling we're not supposed to be here..."

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 01:28 AM
As they enter the woods Irraly seems to stop before sharing a look with Violet. Once the moment has passed the dark elf leads the way, her cloak billowing behind her as she darts in and out of trees with blinding speed and mobility, as if dancing, though her blade is always out, at the ready, almost as if she were expecting something, after all the covens had been attacked.

But even Irraly could not match the speed at which Violet could fly, and she was happy knowing Violet could always be safe from harm. soon they came to a clearing and with an odd look at the statue she looked to Violet as if asking if she had ever seen it there before. She knew of the one near her friends lake, but never knew there were others scattered around. And the fact it looked like it had been broken recently by the trails of salt she began scanning the area. Because of the guardian. He almost killed me once, he does not like trespassers and you are likely feeling his presence. No matter where we are no he will likely already know so do not let your guard down.

If Aradia has her sense aura up (why wouldn't she) add +2 to my roll please. [roll0]spot
[roll1] Listen

2013-08-12, 01:41 AM
Dantie returns Rosalinds hug, surprised at the surge of emotions from her. If I die in there is not my call Rosalind. When the gods wish me to join them I shall. As for doing anything stupid in there, how can I? I already lost the most precious thing to me. Its surviving that which will be hardest. Deliver the note yourself if I die Rosalind. Meet my son for me. Alex says brushing away her tear as he releases her from his bear like arms. May the unconquered rose stay pure and true to herself. And let Pelors touch guide her way along the path of light. Alex says reciting a prayer with a few alterations to it. And get your head out side and away from those books or when I do get back in this life or the next I will hide them all away. Its nod good for you. At your age me and Prince....well yea, just get some fresh air. Alex says thinking twice about what he was going to say.

An hour into the forest and Alex was already complaining. It was to hot, and no path, and how the hell were Irraly and Violet making it look so easy, when he tried to fly he crashed into a tree how close together this forest was. And so after an hour of hard work Alex happily seeing the clearing walked up to the statue and sat down exhausted. What this about some person named Arrallae the shining one here, and her guardian with a blade of light? Alex says reading from the statue not looking up.

2013-08-12, 01:52 AM
Lúthon looks around. "I do not much care for this place. It lacks a good, solid road on which we can traverse..." Lúthon looks around, then begins concentrating on a spell.

Casting Heroism.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

Casting Detect Thoughts.

2013-08-12, 02:13 AM
@The Party: You traverse through the thick undergrowth.

The feeling of his place...it is otherworldly. As if time was too afraid to come in here.

Then, a moderate clearing of light. You see a woman looking up at the canopy, about thirty feet away.

Yet she does not move.

@Luthon: Something is wrong with this woman.

She's a statue. But of what? You do not know.

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 02:15 AM
As Irraly sees the woman she calls out softly in elven. Are you ok? What are you looking at? Irraly says as she tries to follow the girls angle but in vain.

2013-08-12, 02:36 AM
Lúthon looks around, to make sure there aren't any minds in the area he's missed, then turns his attention back to the statue, focusing on it. "It's...a statue, Irraly. I think."

If there's an unexpected mind in the area with Detect Thoughts, Lúthon focuses on that. If not/afterwards, Lúthon casts Detect Magic.

Knowledge (religion): [roll0] on the off chance I can get something.

2013-08-12, 02:38 AM
@Irraly: You call out to the woman, but get no response.

She keeps looking up at the sky, covered in the thick canopy.

@Luthon: You keen your senses, but can hear or see nothing.

Everyone make a spot and Listen

Above, through the tallest canopy, quick shades dart from tree to tree. A trace of their presence being a silent rain of autumn leaves.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-12, 02:41 AM
Along the way, Meic casts greater mage armor, and runs through his spell list over and over again in his head.

He stops when he sees the woman in the tree, and narrows his eyes. "Odd. Do any of you know who... or what, that is?"

2013-08-12, 02:42 AM
"Hrm...my divination turns up nothing..."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Add 2 to both if Aradia has Senses Aura up.

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 02:44 AM
As the woman does not reply Irraly begins to draw her sword at it, only to hear it was a statue, but why over there she thought looking to Aradia and Meic to come with her and investigate it.

[roll0] Spot
Listen [roll1]

2013-08-12, 02:49 AM
As the trees shake Alex looks around, I don't like this it smells like one of his traps. Alex says as he casts a simple spell to guard him from harm.

Shield of faith
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1] These do not include Sense aura

2013-08-12, 02:56 AM
@Luthon: You can sense one thought coming in and you and Dantie spot something by the statue.

It's a pilgrim, or what used to be. The creature is well known to you.

It's a salt mummy.

The creature growls at the statue and pummels it as it breaks down in chunks of salt.

You are all, however, too far at this point to attack it in melee.

2013-08-12, 03:14 AM
Baaaaaaaaaaaaatle maaaaaaaaaaaaaaap

2013-08-12, 03:25 AM
Initiative in advance, just to get it out of the way:

Luthon 28

Archaidous 24

Meic 24

Aradia 21

Violet 19

Salt Mummy 18

Alex 12

Irraly 10

2013-08-12, 05:17 AM
After several hours of tromping through the woods, Archadious is hot, sweaty, and physically exhausted. His ring may save him the urge to eat or sleep, but that doesn't prevent exhaustion after a long march.

After they arrive in the clearing with the statue, Archadious looks at it with curiosity.
"Huh, who is she...?"
He wonders

Knowledge History attempt: [roll0]

But as he stares at the statue, a salt mummy bursts out of the undergrowth. Archadious sees the monster, and prepares for battle.

2013-08-12, 05:40 AM
@Archaidous as you watch the salt mummy take down the statue, you notice immediately it does not break down like stone or marble.

It crumbles like a very large pile of salt.

There is no history to be learned here.... there is magic.

Spellcraft check, please.

2013-08-12, 06:42 AM
While at the palazio, Violet, realizing at long last that Kara and Melody were gone, flies over to Luthon, and sits on his shoulder.
"Hey, do you know where the dragon, and the dragon-lady are? I was hoping to talk to them more."

In the Fey Woods:
Along the way, as Violet and Irraly guide the party, Violet cheerfully tells a tale, of how a rabbit was eating flowers, and how the petals persuaded him to not do so, carefully sneaking up behind him, and yelling surprise! The rabbit had to have leaped 10 feet in the air at that one. But he never did eat flowers again.

At the Marker.
As they reach the statue, Violet is reminded once more of how much there is in the forest, and how little of it she has seen. Deeper in, she knows more, but on the edges... she had never traveled here. When Irraly looks at her, Violet shakes her head, not recognizing it.
"Maybe... something about Balion. The others always called him the guardian, but for what? I always thought it was just of the woods, and he was mean anyway, but maybe, he was for this Arrallae? But I have never heard of her. She sounds pretty, though."

At the Statue of the woman
[roll0] spot
[roll1] listen
Violet looks at her, and looks at what she is looking at, and then looks at her once more, however, as she starts to fly towards her, the salt mummy appears, and she flies rapidly back to the group, even as she wonders what happened to the poor woman, and how she was turned to salt.
[roll2] spellcraft
"It's one of the evil mummies! And... and it killed that girl!"
Flying high enough that she was out of the mummies reach, Violet begins playing her harp, her music and voice weaving together into a song, a tale of overcoming impossible odds to win against an overwhelming threat.
Actions and Buffs:

Cast bardic inspiration, fly up, start inspire courage.
Everyone gets +2 to attack, +2 to damage, +2 to saves vs fear and charm, and fast healing 3

2013-08-12, 07:22 AM
At the Pallazio, Lúthon explains Kara's disappearance as best he can. "To be honest, I do not know. It would seem she left of her own volition, as finding her has not been discussed as a major priority. Perhaps someone else might be able to answer better than I? I would tread carefully when asking questions, though. This may be a sensitive subject for...some."

Later, at the marker, Lúthon realizes that he can answer more of Violet's questions. "We were fortunate to meet with Steiner Lacore before he passed on. Balion was one of Arrallae's three guardians, as was Lacore. Arrallae is a goddess...and she is in danger from Kazym and Balion. Balion has betrayed Arrallae and allied himself with Kazym."

Preparing for combat, Lúthon decides to launch a spell at the salt mummy, attempting to blind it with sparkles.

Casting Glitterdust. I think there's somewhere I can hit the mummy and only the mummy. Will DC 18.

2013-08-12, 07:39 AM
At the Palazio:
Violet seems to droop at this news. She was really hoping to talk to them more. What tales they would have hold! Still, perhaps she might encounter them later? Her voice sounds quite disappointed.

At the Marker
Violet looks excited at the news about Arrallae.
"A goddess? Here? I always wanted to meet one! But... She is not here, surely I would have heard if she were? Maybe we can tell Kazym that, and he will leave us alone?"
Violet seems strangely hopeful.

2013-08-12, 07:40 AM
Following Luthons example of disabling the mummy, Archadious decides to follow suite. Fingering the pork rind in his fingers,the elf mutters a short phrase.


casting grease

Suddenly the mummies feet becomes slick with oil and grease

Reflex Save DC: 18 (or fall prone)

2013-08-12, 08:35 AM
@Luthon - As you cover the area in glitterdust, the salt mummy raises it's hands in a vain attempt of covering it's eyes.

@Archaidous - You cast your spell and watch the mummy drop to the oily forest ground

@Violet - You begin playing your music, bolstering the morale and courage of your new companions.

@The Party - The mummy manages to stand up and struggles, but is able to, retreat out of the greased area and away from the group while flailing it's hands wildly and in a very exaggerated fashion.


Initiative - Meic and Aradia moved to second party of the round:



Salt Mummy





Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 09:01 AM
Worried about the last fight she had with one of these creatures she calls upon her heritage to make a field of force to protect her from blows, and for a few seconds a visible Lavender aura can be seen around her.

Standard action casting shield, ready action to use my anklets of trans location if something tries to attack me.

2013-08-12, 09:05 AM
Alex takes into account all that is happening and casts a simple spell on Aradia. This will keep all close to you as well as yourself safe. Alex says as he throws powdered silver down around her, a faint glow surrounding her when the spell is finished.

Magic circle against evil (+2 to AC and Saves, 1 hour and 30 minutes)

2013-08-12, 10:34 AM
@The Party: Glittered and Greased, the undead pilgrim still manages to get up and wave its salted arms around as it runs deeper into the woods.

To kill or let it go...that is the question.

2013-08-12, 12:38 PM
@The Party: The mummy runs into the thicket and disappears.

Eventually, the roots and thick canopy cover the glittering mummy and this one can be seen no more.

@Aradia: An extremely high pitched sound can be heard on your shoulder as you turn around and see a small fey. Much smaller than Violet. This one is pink colored and has extremely delicate elven features, as well as a pair of gossamer wings.

Another, blue in color lands on your hair as it speaks in an unintelligible language.

@Alex: A green elfin creature, smaller than Violet lands gently on your armor as a golden one flies around you in spirals.

Know. Nature to ID what they are

@The Party: A concert of multicolored light dances around Aradia and Alex as they are covered in thousands of tiny specks of light that seem to get in between the armor. Into their noses, ears, and mouths.

@Aradia & Alex: 16 damage + Distraction, Fortitude or become nauseated.

@The Everyone else: The swarm of fine sized creatures creates a hypnotic pattern, leaving you mesmerized at the beautiful dazzling colors.

Will or become fascinated and automatically dazzled

2013-08-12, 01:12 PM
Violet, seeing the tiny creatures, turns to look at them more clearly. You can hear a simple phrase from her, as her music stops.
"Ooh! Pretty!"
A portion of her mind tries to tell her that something is wrong, something is very wrong, but it just can't seem to get her to do anything.

Business Scrub
2013-08-12, 01:12 PM
What the..? Aradia looks around, pestered suddenly by a swarm of tiny... fey... things? It didn't matter: they were starting to hurt and needed to die.
In a flash of white light, a thin skin of ice covers her companions. Let's see these pests hit us now.
Taking a step out of the colorful swarm, she takes a deep breath, accidentally inhaling some of the buggers, before releasing a cloud of snow and icy wind, now glittery from the tiny fey tumbling about in it.

5-foot step out of the swarm, ideally closer to the salt mummy.
Breath attack any section of the swarm that doesn't also hit an ally.
Switch to Energy Shield Aura.

BA damage: [roll0]
Cooldown: [roll1]
Ref. DC 21.

2013-08-12, 01:19 PM
@Aradia: You step away from the swarm and breathe a gout of cold air.

The mummy is now gone, but Alex is caught in the blast as well.

Check the map, it covers 4 squares, with you and Alex inside it.

Some of the tiny creatures drop like flies, but keep shimmerling about, shouting in a thousand voices.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-12, 01:29 PM
Meic stands still, transfixed by the swarm of shimmering insects.

2013-08-12, 01:53 PM
@Violet, Irraly & Alex: The glowing swarm flies away from Aradia and engulf all three.

16 damage plus DC 15 Fortitude or be nauseated for 1 round

At this moment, as the minute elfin creatures bite, tug and pull at various parts of your body, you break away immediately from the fascinating array of colors.

2013-08-12, 01:58 PM
Archadious is momentarily distracted by the bright display of lights, but he is able to resist staring at them for too long, and he realizes they are under attack. He goes over his own list of spells and curses himself for not memorizing area egfect spells.
Moving over to Luthon, he shakes him roughly, and shouts.

Hey! Wake up! Stop staring at those lights, we are under attack!

2013-08-12, 01:59 PM
Violet, nauseated, and knowing what they are, tries, in between her heaving, to talk.

"Hey! Why are you attacking us! We are trying to help everyone!"

2013-08-12, 02:02 PM
@Luthon: mesmerized by the show of lights, you feel a strong tug and shake as Archaidous nearly slaps you out of the fascinate effect.

And indeed, you see about a hundred of these tiny fey on the ground, flash frozen as Alex, Violet, and Irraly are now consumed by the living lights.

@Violet: The creatures tug at your flowery wings and bite your hair as all speak in a language only you can hear through the cacophonous din.



Shroud Walkers!

2013-08-12, 02:03 PM
"No! We are trying to stop the evil ones from hurting anyone else! Please!"

2013-08-12, 02:06 PM
Lúthon shakes his head vigorously. "Thank you. Someone ought to wake Meic." Addressing Violet in Sylvan, he says, "Violet! What's going on? Why are they attacking us?"

2013-08-12, 02:07 PM
@Violet: You know what they are.

This is a shimmerling swarm. Very ancient fey. Primitive even by fey standards. Disdaining clothes and living in between blades of grass and flowers.

Normally, harmless as individuals, but when angered, they are known to coalesce into a most dangerous hive mind and attack with impunity.

And here I thought you were ensorcelled, Violet...

A familiar voice sounds through the tree tops as the shimmerlings disperse into the canopy.

That's Uwellyn's voice.

2013-08-12, 02:10 PM
Violet, still trying to reassure the shimmerlings in between her heaving, tries to answer Luthon as well.

"They think we are working with the mummies! If we..."

At that moment, Uwellyn's voice drifts among the trees. Violet responds, angrily.
"Uwellyn? You tried to get the shimmerlings to attack strangers? But... they are so small, they will get hurt doing that! Why would you? And... why do you think I am enchanted? Steiner was dead, so I got some others to try and help instead."

2013-08-12, 02:19 PM
@Violet: The treetops rustle as leaves rain upon the group.

"From what I have seen, they weren't in much danger...until that woman decided to breathe ice on them."

@The Party: From behind a tree a beautiful maiden wearing hide armor and long green hair appears. She has amber eyes and a tanned complexion.

Know. Nature to ID her

"...and I wouldn't say Steiner is dead, little Violet. Not entirely. You may come out now."

A young human walks behind Uwellyn. He wears a ful lplate, similar to Aradia's and has light brown hair and blue eyes.

Most startling is the fact that a sphere floats above his shoulder.

"I believe you found some potential allies? My apologies for what transpired. Their nest was attacked not too long ago and they have been quite furious, what with not being able to harm the walking dead. I am Uwellyn, elder sister of the Eastern Coven and this young lad beside me is Reinste."

As the growls echo through the forest, Uwellyn motions for all to follow.

"The Fey Woods is not usually this dangerous, but times have changed. Follow me."

2013-08-12, 02:24 PM
Violet sees the poor, frozen shimmerlings, and flies down to them, hoping that while frozen, they are still alive, or at least, healable.

If she detects any signs of life, she will once more play her harp, hoping to restore them.

Business Scrub
2013-08-12, 02:26 PM
Aradia grumbles, pulling one of the fey creatures out of her hair and tossing it. "Hey, they started it!"
She follows the others as they lead: after all, where else was she going to go?
Mumbling a bit, she says in Draconic, "I officially don't like these woods..."

2013-08-12, 02:26 PM
The young boy's hair is messy and he is quite dirty and unkempt. He is short compared to an adult, but his face looks more mature than the boy is actually is, and his eyes show his defiant youth quite well. His mithral full plate is not a perfect fit, which kinda reminds you of a turtle shell.

He waves awkwardly as he is introduced as Reintse, and motions to the orb. "This is Glit... Say hi, Glit." The orb flashes with bright green light, three times. "That's how he says hi." Reintse explains.

2013-08-12, 02:35 PM
"Greetings, Uwellyn, Reintse. And you too, Glit. It is good to meet potential allies. I presume if you are familiar with Steiner Lacore and the undead, you would be aware of one Seneschal Kazym? We have encountered him in Justcrown, where we recently were, as well, and have...experienced...his capabilities. The salt mummies that seem to be his signature undead are quite irksome. I can understand those creatures' frustration, though it is of course regretful that they took it out on us. By the way, my name is Lúthon Esgalwathon. I should not go so far into tactical briefings without mentioning that fact..."

2013-08-12, 02:39 PM
Reintse looks at the man, worried. "You know my dad? Is.. Is it true? Did he die? H- How?" The boy's eyes began to tear up.

2013-08-12, 02:41 PM
@The Party: Uwellyn takes the long way, certain that not all, especially those with armor may be able to follow through the trees.

She looks up at the canopy as the thin rays of the sun struggle through.

"It wasn't always like this, you know. These woods have seen struggle before, yes, but there were many years of peace and harmony. Now, those days are but a distant dream..."

Uwellyn picks up an apple and looks at it. Ripe, red. Delicious.

"To the outside, it may seem beautiful and wondrous..."

Uwellyn takes a dagger and slices the apple in half, revealing it to be blackened and rotten within, tossing it to the ground.

"Balion has made sure the state of affairs here has changed to what it is now."

After a few hours, you reach what looks like a natural fortress with large thorns jutting out.

"The Eastern Coven. Not how it would normally be, but these circumstances are anything but normal."

Uwellyn raises her hands and with a low groan, the natural wall parts, allowing you entrance.

The place you find yourself in is a blasted grove. The grass is copper in color and dried. A few dying trees surround a quickly drying pool as an elven maiden dressed in regal knight armor kneels by the pool, attempting to replenish it with magic.

The elven woman in shining armor gets up and you can see her eyes blaze with unnatural beauty. Not from this world, that's for sure.

"Uwellyn...I was afraid you were taken."

The elder dryad places her hand on the knight´s shoulder.

"Not this time, thank Verenestra. Violet and Irraly have returned and they seem to have found quite a group. I also found his son..."

Uwellyn turns to all and gestures to the female elven knight.

"Lady Azakhiel has been called to assist us here i protecting the Eastern Coven from that monster, the White Shade."

Azakhiel bows to all.

"I really hope you are able to provide help. This forest is dying by the hour and if that monster reaches the end of the Woods..."

Azakhiel looks down with much concern.

Know, The Planes to ID Azakhiel.

2013-08-12, 02:59 PM
Lúthon looks down, hating to be the one to break the news to Reintse."Steiner was your father? I met the man once. I am sorry to say it was at the end of his life. The man did indeed pass away, as a consequence of his age, I believe. I do apologize for having to bear this news to you. He was a good man, though, and I am glad to say that I have met him."

"Balion...Steiner told us of Balion's treachery..."

Know (planes) untrained: [roll0]
Know (nature) untrained: [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-12, 03:00 PM
Meic bows slightly. Meic Rhodri, at your service. I'll gladly do everything within my ability to help you; these dessicated husks are an offense against nature and disrespectful to the bodies and souls of the people they once were. Is there anything we should know or look out for?"

2013-08-12, 03:01 PM
As Violet plays her music, the fallen, shivering shimmerlings slowly cease to be blue(Well, except for the blue one. He just stops shivering), and recover, flying away, waving goodbye as they do so.

Violet starts out trying to explain Aradia's actions, before the import of what Uwellen said sunk in, leading her to a stunned question.
"Uwellyn, I think she was startled, more than anything else. But... Steiner, Alive? Sort of? How?"

She then flies over to Reinste, and smiles.
"Hi, Reinste, You can call me Violet."

When Aradia throws the shimmerling that was merrily hanging on her hair away, Violet looks at her, outraged.
"Why? First, you attacked them, when they were only scared, and then you threw her away! You are almost as bad as that lich!"
"And these are perfectly nice trees!"

When Glit flashes three times, Violet smiles, and bobs three times in return.
"Hello, Glit, nice to meet you as well."

After the return to the Coven:
Violet flies around, agitated, as Uwellyn explains the dire situation.
"It has gotten even worse? Why are they even here? What can we do to help?"

2013-08-12, 03:14 PM
Archadious arrives at the fortress-coven. He is amazed by all the fey around him.

He joins in on the discussion with Uwelyn.

"Indeed, we have had the unfortunate experience of meeting this lich before. We want to see him defeated.
And before I get any farther, my name is Archadious.
My companions and I are here to help. What can you tell us about the current situation of the forest. I understand its pretty bad. How far have Balion and the lich gotten?"

2013-08-12, 03:29 PM
@Luthon: You take a lookat both Uwellyn and later Azakhiel.

Uwellyn is a dryad. A fey related to nymphs, and who are forever bound to trees. They usually form Covens where the spend the summer seasons swimming in natural pools, entering their bonded trees during the winter.

They are said to have fantastic sorcerous powers, but some of the most committed, dedicate themselves to the druidic arts.

As for Azakhiel, she is no elf or fey.

Azakhiel is an Eladrin, a race said to be older than the gods themselves and native to the Olympian Glades of Arborea. The personification of Freedom and Chivalry made flesh, they are said to have incredible powers, akin to clerics, but little else is known.

@Meic: Uwellyn bows in return and smiles faintly.

"It pains me to say that many of those you will be putting to rest were my sisters once. Now turned, twisted by that monster. So it has a name...Kazym."

Uwellyn looks at the blasted trees in her grove, barely clinging to life as whimpers can be heard inside.

"My sisters, they are trying to drink what little water is left. Azakhiel and I have been trying to replenish the pool, but to no avail. His corruption extends fast. If only the waters of the Font of Life were to flow again...but that is an impossible dream now."

As to your inquiry about what you should look out for, Uwellyn sighs.

"With Balion gone mad and Kazym bolstering his ideas and spreading his mummies around, some fey and even outsiders have claimed patches of the forest for themselves. The birds tell me of orcs, giants. Hunting parties chasing the Myrdian Stag. So far unsuccessful, thankfully."

Uwellyn then looks at the group.

"A crazed druid has made his home far from here, in the swamp. He does not seem like a threat. I was told Balion scared him of and he escaped within an inch of his life. Even if the man is crazy, he seems harmless. If you can please take your time to bring him to the Coven, I would appreciate it greatly."

@Violet: Uwellyn looks at you and shakes her head.

"Even one of your court has decided to take on Balion's mantle- Belladonna. She now moves through the forest with a band of giants and orcs, killing everything in their sights. Why? I do not know, but be careful, Violet. I have consulted with Queen Petunia: belladonna is mad and powerful, as is her entourage...the Boom Boom Band. Yes, I know."

Uwellyn sighs

"Enoka and her brood have gone hungry as well, now that animals have been dessicated or scared off. She and her progeny have taken over a stretch of the woods. be careful. She is now beyond reasoning. Avoid her at all costs."

Uwellyn whistles and a small creature with wings and leather armor shows up.

Elven in features, with spiky red hair and a lute strapped to his back.

"Gigglemug...what news of Casyllyn. Oh yes, Gigglemug, Balladeer of the Fey Woods, and a most trusted pixie and friend."

Gigglemug bows to all.

"Good job, Violet! You found Steiner? Ok, Uwellyn, last I checked, Casyllyn had gone to see the Shepherd, but that is at least four days away. I have not been able to track them further and the White Shroud has been spotted walking not far from here...alone."

Uwellyn sighs in relief.

"Casyllyn is very crafty and the Shepherd will know what to do. In Steiner's absence, it is he who can talk reason to the Old Guardian."

@Alex: Azakhiel looks at you and moves way from the group.

"I would like to have a word with you, priest."

2013-08-12, 03:40 PM
Violet, upon hearing that the dryads may die if the Font of Life does not let its waters flow, looks nervously around, clearly not liking what she is about to say.
"Maybe... maybe we can get Anzaril to help?"

When she hears of the hunting of the stag, she looks surprised.
"But... they could never catch him, could they?"

However, far more important to her is the mention of Belladonna. As Uwellyn explains that she had betrayed Petunia, and the house of flowers, Violet looks shocked.
"Belladonna? But... while her tricks could be a bit mean from time to time, she seemed nice enough, really. Why would she help giants, and even help them to kill us! That seems... Insane."

When Violet hears that Enoka and her brood have been unleashed, she pales, landing on Irraly's shoulder, wanting the physical contact.
"But... she is mean! She captured poor Daffy, and did not let her go for days! And now she is even worse? I... I don't think this is going well..."

As Gigglemug says that she had found Steiner, Violet shakes her head, sadly.
"Gigglemug... Steiner... he... he died. I brought what help I could, but... I can only hope that they will be enough."

2013-08-12, 03:47 PM
Archadious thinks for a moment upon hearing about the state of the woods.
"Wow! Amazing how one lich can do so much to an entire forest."

He then speaks up, curious about a few of the matters.

"What is this Font of Life? Why would it be impossible to restore it? Also, who, or what is Enoka?
Who is the Shepard?
Who is the White Shroud?
And what is the Old Gaurdian?"
Asks Archadious, is mind reeling from the new information.

2013-08-12, 03:50 PM
At the mention of the Myrdian Stag, Lúthon speaks up. "Interestingly, we know of at least one person back in Justcrown willing to offer money for the beast, thinking it would make good venison. This is more likely than not shortsightedness on his part, but it does put us in the position to be curious as to what the Myrdian Stag is."

"...They call themselves the Boom Boom Band? I for one support crushing them posthaste, if only to rid the world of one more group of idiots going by such a preposterous name. That name is more ludicrous than the names adventuring parties give themselves..."

2013-08-12, 03:53 PM
Violet looks horrified as Luthon explains that someone wanted them to kill the Myrdian stag, and looks at him, wide eyed.
"But... how could anyone want that? He is so beautiful... But.. We might be able to persuade Belladonna to stop! If we can, we wouldn't need to scare them away!"

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 04:07 PM
As Aradia threw the small little fey Irraly caught it and gently used some of her powers on it to heal it. Speaking in elven she says gently I'm sorry little one we disturbed you and your nest. I promise we are here to help. And I will have a talk with the one who breaths winter's cold. Irralys says letting the fey fly off before looking at Aradia with anger in her eyes, something that was not seen the night before. Don't you hurt my friends. They were scared and only like catching rides when they know it is safe. That was very mean of you Aradia, I thought you were better then that. Irraly says, disappointment clear on her face, especially when Aradia says she already did not like the woods. She knew who would be sleeping alone tonight with that remark.

So mad was she that she barely acknowledged Steiners son, merely nodding her head at him as she went over to Violet to help her sing to the little ones. A few hours latter they arrived at the coven, and after being told what had hapened while they were away, and the word from the font of life Irraly speaks up. So she did not reply. Irraly said as more of a statement then a question. I think it would be best if we save Anzrail and the font of life first. If we can get the waters flowing again we can slow him down, and you will all be strong again. You all may not see eye to eye, but you are family. Family sticks together. Irraly says looking to all the fey in the grove.

2013-08-12, 04:13 PM
Not replying to all I missed sorry, to much to hit
The planes [roll0]

As Alex reaches the coven he looks at the state of the pool and the creature standing by it. I will happily speak with you, but may I try to help first? He asked walking over to one of the dryads and taking out a vial of the holy water with Castials blood. This holy water was made with the blood of the celestials, drink please. And I hope it helps. Alex says holding the dryad's head in his lap as he uncorks the vial and brings it to her lips to drink.

2013-08-12, 04:19 PM
@Violet: Uwellyn takes a deep breath and sighs.

"I know, little one. It is an idea that has crossed my mind. Anzaril will not be willing to negotiate easily. That is, if the path to the Font is free from Kazym's mummies. However, I believe not even Kazym would want to mess with the Witch of the Fens."

At the mention of the Myrdian Stag being captured, Uwellyn smiles.

"They can try, little one. They can surely try..."

At the mention of Belladonna, Uwellyn nods.

"It is not the first time good fey go bad, Violet..."

Uwellyn looks off to the distance.

I would know...

At the mention of Enoka, Uwellyn paces back and forth.

"yes, she can be mean, but at least when her brood was fed, she was passive. Now, she is hungry and aggressive. I remember the incident with daffy. Poor little petal- wrapped for days in her silk."

Gigglemug rises up.

"Ahem...who got her out?"

Uwellyn rolls her eyes.

"You did, Gigglemug. And we are thankful for that."

At the mention of Steiner's death, Giglemug lands on the ground.

"Well...what now?"

Uwellyn looks at Reintse.

"Perhaps not all is lost, my friend."

@Archaidous: As you flood Uwellyn with questions, Gigglemug flies up and perches himself on one of the trees.

"Allow me, Uwellyn. That is what Balladeers do, after all."

Uwellyn shrugs and gestures to the pixie.

"Go ahead."

"the Font of Life is the Fey wood's largest body of water. Found deep in the Fey Woods. It was said that She bathed on those waters once. And one dip in those waters was enough to make the grand lake a wellspring of life! As to why it would be impossible to restore it, well... because of the banished Winter Fey, Anzaril. The terrible Witch of the Fens. A being so nasty it would suck the marrow out of your bones. It would..."

"Enough, Gigglemug! Don't get carried away." Uewllyn interrupts him.

"Ahem, yes, of course. Ok. Well... let's see Enoka. She was old when I was born. And that was over two hundred years ago. She is an ancient eight legged mother. Said to have been taught the skills of music by an exiled fey..."

Uwellyn goes silent at that last comment and looks at the ground.

"The Shephered is the oldest spirit in the Fey Woods. Said to have been the very first tree to grow here. By default. Every tree here is his son or daughter. And we fey refer to him with great respect. A fountain of knowledge and wisdom. If anyone knows how to stop Balion and the White Shroud, it will certainly be him."

At the mention of the White Shroud, Gigglemug shakes.

"He's a vile spirit. One that has recently walked into our woods. The one that trails sand and salt. The one who drys the land."

Upon the Old Guardian, Gigglemug flies around you, playing his lute.

"It was said a great power blessed Three mortals with the title of a Guardian. One of them Was Steiner, the Wandering Minstrel. The other was The Eternal Hunter, Jacob, said to have ascended to paradise with the Power herself.

As for the Old Guardian, that would be Balion, Nature's Wrath. A man blessed by the goddess herself and who wields power beyond anything imaginable."

@Luthon: Upion mention of the Myrdian Stag and anyone wanting it for dinner, Uwellyn looks horrified.

"Who in their right mind would want to do that? The Myrdian Stag is here so events from the past are not repeated. To kill the Myrdian Stag would spell the end of this fey land with the coming Winter Cycle. I shall not elaborate further on that, since that are fey matters and they are not urgent. The Myrdian Stag is cunning enough to avoid predators. He will be fine."

At the Mention of Belladonna's Boom Boom Band and deciding to curbstomp them, Uwellyn nods.

"Please do so. The name alone is offensive enough, but the giants are a problem if unchecked."

2013-08-12, 04:25 PM
"So the White Shroud is your name for Kazym... You mention an exiled fey...would you perchance...happen to mean a fey by the name of Nerine?"

2013-08-12, 04:51 PM
Archadious listens in silence to the dryads long response before speaking up again.

"Well, I agree with Irraly,"
He says, gesturing to the dark-skinned maiden.

"I think our first priority should be to restore the Waters. If that is restored, you will all have a better chances of restoring order. As for Anzaril... I'd like to more her.
And maybe we'll encounter the Boom Boom Band. Any group with that name ought to be taken down."

2013-08-12, 05:24 PM
Violet looks sad as Uwellyn answers her questions, as she does not like the content of them, or the answers she received.

Violet chirps up, knowing the ways of the forest better than the others.
"We could go and ask the shepherd what he thinks! He is along the way to the Font, so he might be able to help us to not need to see Anzaril."

2013-08-12, 05:31 PM
@Luthon: At the mention of Nerine, Uwellyn turns her head sharply to face you.

"Please, do not mention that name here."

@Alex: You hold one of the dying dryads and piur some of the holy water that Cassiel had poured his blood into.

The dryad coughs and you can see that she regains some of her former color, but not for long.

"It will not be enough, I am afraid. If what Uwellyn says is true, then you may need to go to the Font of Life and deal with this Anzaril."

Azakhiel walks away from you and the rest and places his hand on your shoulder.

"Alexander Anderson, listen well. If you manage to brave through the Fey Woods. If you manage to slay the Guardian and the lich. It is very important that you never mention to Her that I was here. Do you understand that? This is not a capricious request. It is by a decree higher than any of us here. Please, Alexander..." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TYR919pABA)

Having said that, Azakhiel hands you a wand made of ivory.

"It will be a dangerous path ahead, Alexander. Use this wisely...and hopefully never."

Wand of Revivify, 10 charges

@Archaidous: Uwellyn looks concerned as the growls echo through the trees.

"The Font of Life would be a huge step, yes...."

Azakhiel looks at her in silence, knowing what she will say next.

"...but there is someone that can heal everything much faster. The one that was Sealed Long ago...in Swan's Rest. Arrallae. If she were to come out, then surely the Fey Woods would be restored to their former glory, but nobody knows how to reach the Seal. Nobody knows... except Balion. And his master."

Uwellyn's eyes rise up.

"The Shepherd! Of course. He is all knowing. He would know how to get to Arrallae. Please. My sister Casyllyn should already be on her way to his grove. His wisdom will help us tremendously."

@Violet: Uwellyn looks at you with a renewed smile. There is hope for the dying woods, after all.

"You. I am appointing you to guide them to the Shepherd's Grove. I know you have been there before, so you shouldn't get lost. Can you do it?"

2013-08-12, 05:36 PM
Violet smiles, filled with hope that she can do something once more.
"Of course! This way, everyone!"
She eagerly flies to the exit in the wall of thorns, and lands on it, carefully avoiding the thorns as she does so, clearly waiting for the others to follow.

[roll0] survival

2013-08-12, 05:42 PM
"Well," Thinks Archadious,
"I guess we're moving out now."

As he follows Violet out of the coven and departs the safety if its walls, he casts a few preparatory protective spells

Mage armor greater and
heart of earth

2013-08-12, 06:00 PM
"I...had only thought it may interest you to note that she had been working with Kazym in Justcrown to an extent. Though her plans in Justcrown were thoroughly interfered with, and I do not think she will trouble us here. In the brief time I have known her I have grown to loathe her. I can only imagine..."

2013-08-12, 06:05 PM
@Luthon: As you mention Nerine's involvement with Kazym, Uwellyn sheds a single tear.

"Why...why does it not surprise me. Thank you, Luthon."

Do you hate Her so much you would allow your sisters to suffer in this way?

@The Party: Following Violet's cheerful pace you turn around and look at Uwelly, Azakhiel and her ruined Coven.

"May Arrallae guide you, travelers....wherever she is."

Uwellyn raises her hand as Azakhiel looks at Alex and bows.

"Use it wisely, priest."

With a loud groan, the roots push back the wall of thorns and you find yourself out in the Fey Woods, with little light from above, given the thick canopy that has never been tended in who knows how many years.

You trek for about four hours, following Violet. Hoping she knows the way to see this Shepherd.

That's when you hear some trees being chopped.

Faster! Chop faster! We need to set it up!

The voice does not sound human, at all. But not undead either. You can indeed hear axes hitting trees about 50ft away, through the thicket.

2013-08-12, 06:09 PM
Dantie smiles at the dryard as she regains some color. Do not worry, I am here now. Th Sea of sands has come to reclaim what belongs to it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4pMQv46vz4) Alex says his aura begins to grow as his eyes begin to change, but then with perfect celerity they open, revealing his pure blue eyes. He will fall and your forest will be restored. As for this woman you speak of. Alex says turning to Azakhiel, We will find a way to set her free. Alex says his aura taking in the whole grove now before in a single burst of divine energy gallons of water shot out of his hand into the pool of water. I hope this helps until we come back. Alex says as he looks around the grove.

2013-08-12, 06:19 PM
@Alex: With an explosion, you call forth gallons of water to fill the pool.

The dryads creep out of their trees and jump in as they sigh in relief.

Uwellyn dries her tears.

"Thank you, Alex. You have given this Coven a temporary breather. Azakhiel and I will try and preserve the water from drying up."

2013-08-12, 06:22 PM
Alex smiles as his celestial body seems to glow. What would be the point of this battle if there was no one to enjoy the peace to follow. Alex says kindly before looking to the group. We should hurry and follow our guides, this way we can stop this madness in time to save the most amount of lives. Alex says turning to their guides ready to leave.

2013-08-12, 06:22 PM
Violet, hearing the sound of something hitting trees, looks confused.
"What... why would anyone be hitting trees?"

Then she hears the voices, and looks angry.
"They... they are killing the forest!"

She flies off up ahead, taking a look, before returning, a few second later.

[roll0] hide
[roll1] move silently

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 06:25 PM
Irraly stays at point, though not as far as Violet who was their guide. She wanted to be away from Aradia right now as how mad she was at the woman.

2013-08-12, 06:54 PM
"This is either an ambush or a welcoming buffet..."

Casting Heroism if it needs to be refreshed.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
Not including a potential bonus from Senses Aura.

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 06:58 PM
Alex looks to his guides, he had been so used to Kara doing this kind of stuff he felt useless in this situation unless he walked right into it which would be foolish.

2013-08-12, 07:06 PM
Says Archadious, agreeing with the other elf.

"I believe it might be prudent to make attempts to conceal ourselves. I can throw up an illusion of us to distract whoever they may be, if they are hostile."

If we decide to try to hide: casting invisibility on myself.
Hide: [roll0]

2013-08-12, 07:29 PM
@Those who approached the source of the noise.

There is a clearing here. A few badly chopped stumps litter the area, no more than 3ft. tall.

A large brutish man , about 11ft tall stands with a greataxe next to a group of six broad shouldered humanoids with greatswords. These humanoids have olive skin and piggish faces.

Two of them are hacking a tree with the swords and are 20ft away from the giant.

The other four are spread out around the clearing with a wagon loaded with logs. Each of them are spread out 40 ft from each other, making a perimeter.

They also have greatswords in hand.

"Why aren't you chopping? You got an axe and you're big!" One of the orcs complains as he struggles to get the blade out of the tree.

The giant laughs.

"It is because I am big that you are chopping..Ha!"

2013-08-12, 07:35 PM
Violet rapidly flies back to the others, and tells them what she saw, with wide eyes, amazed at what she had seen.
"There's... there's Things! Chopping down the trees! One of them is really, really big! They shouldn't be here!"

2013-08-12, 07:42 PM
Archadious listens to Violets report and thinks for a moment.

"Hmm, sounds like theres a giant there. So should we attempt to negotiate peacefully first? Or do these people seem like the kind of people that would attack us on sight?"

2013-08-12, 07:46 PM
Violet looks shocked. Of course they should talk. How else would they drive them away?
"We can probably scare them off, just by being here, letting them know that they fey defend their forest! That will work, right?"
For some reason, you get the sense that Violet does not normally do things like this.

2013-08-12, 07:58 PM
"Well I suppose that we could try scaring them away, but I doubt they are very scared of fey at this point.
Can you try telling me more about these people chopping down the trees?"
Archadious asks, trying to ascertain more about the people there, before making a decision.

2013-08-12, 08:03 PM
Violet explains what she saw, albeit in a confusing fashion.
"There were lots of them, and their skin was green, like olives. Isn't that a silly color for skin? Olives are not yummy at all! They have gigantic swords, and the really big one has a really, really gigantic axe!"

Christine Daae
2013-08-12, 09:08 PM
As Irraly hears the situation she looks at the others. Let me take this, if it looks like things are going bad come in otherwise do not act. She says rasining her head high like her highborn heritage and walks into the glade. Seeing the creatures a scowl comes onto her face as she looks at them, a glare that would melt bones. What are you doing here Slaves? Did I not send you to go and attack the city, idiots. GET OVER HERE NOW AND STOP CUTTING DOWN USELESS TREES! WE HAVE ELVES TO KILL TONIGHT. Irraly says in goblin looking at all the creatures before her as if they were under her, as if they were worth less then the mud on her boots. I SAID STOP!!!!! She screams again demanding them to obey her.

2013-08-12, 09:13 PM
Seeing Irraly heading towards the clearing, Violet follows, hoping that she would be able to scare away the creatures.
To get a view, she hides in a nearby tree, peeking out from behind a leaf.
[roll0] hide
[roll1] move silently

When Irraly gives her commands in the strange language, Violet hopes that the creatures will take the hint, and leave, peacefully.