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2013-08-09, 05:32 PM

Alignment: Any

Race: Any

BAB: 6+

Feats: Weapon Focus (any of the following: Crossbows, (light and heavy types), Slings, Longbow’s, Shortbows, Repeating Crossbows, (light and heavy types)), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.

Class Skill:s Spot, Listen, Heal, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Dungeoneering)

Skills Points: 4 + Int

Hit Dice: D6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

1st|+0|+0|+2|+0|Ranged Specialist
2nd|+1|+0|+3|+0|Precision Shooting
3rd|+1|+1|+3|+1|Improved Precise Shot
5th|+2|+1|+4|+1|Instant Reload, Improved Shield Use
6th|+3|+2|+5|+2|Volley Fire
7th|+3|+2|+5|+2|Responsive Fire, Combat Reflexes
8th|+4|+2|+6|+2|Defensive Posture
9th|+4|+3|+6|+3|Piercing Shot
10th|+5|+3|+7|+3|Devastating Strikes

Weapon & Armour Proficiencies: An Archer is proficient with Daggers, Light Maces, Handaxes, Shortswords, Crossbows, (light and heavy types), Slings, Longbow’s, Shortbows, and Repeating Crossbows, (light and heavy types). An Archer is also proficient with light armour, and all shield types, (including Tower Shields).

General Note: Any rule for the archer class which refers to ranged weapons should be treated as referring to only the non-throwing ranged weapons that are granted by the classes weapons proficiencies. Ranged weapons of other kinds are never affected by these rules.

Class Features:

Ranged Specialist (lv 1 Ex): An Archer is a ranged specialist and as such gains a bonus to all attack rolls equal to her level in the archer class. In addition so good is her control over her weapon that it is no longer affected by wind conditions, magical or otherwise, and as such is neither blocked by such things, nor do they impart any attack roll penalties.

Precision Shooting (lv 2 Ex): So precise are the Archers shots that she may add her Dexterity modifier to the damage of all ranged attacks. However if she does so she may not add her strength modifier, even if using a weapon, (e.g. composite Longbow), that would normally allow her to do so.

Improved Precise Shot (lv 3): At 3rd level an Archer gains the improved precise shot feat for free, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Fletcher (lv 4 Ex): Starting at 4th level, whenever an Archer uses her Craft Arms and Armour skill to craft any of her ranged weapons or any form of ammunition for them she may add her Archer level as a bonus to her skill check.

Instant Reload (lv 5 Ex): An Archer may now reload any ranged weapon she uses as a free action.

Improved Shield Use (lv 5 Ex): Over time an Archer comes to rely upon their shield as a potent defence against the attacks of her many and varied enemies. As a result she quickly becomes highly skilled in it’s use. An Archer who has not moved this round may now use a shield and fire her ranged weapon at the same time, even if the weapon requires two hands. Additionally, moving or not, shields, (including Tower shields), no longer inflict an armour check penalty upon an Archer, and she may ignore it’s weight for encumbrance purposes. Finally, tower shields no longer have a dexterity modifier cap, nor do they inflict an Attack Roll Penalty.

Volley Fire (lv 6 Ex):As a full round action an Archer may make a number of attacks with a ranged weapon equal to one half of her Archer level. These attacks are all resolved at her full BAB.

Responsive Fire (lv 7 Ex): An Archer who has not moved in her last round now threatens any square that is inside one range increment of her ranged weapon. As such she may respond to any action that would normally grant an attack of opportunity by firing her ranged weapon once, (she must of course have it in her hands to do so).

Combat Reflex’s (lv 7): At 7th level an Archer gains the Combat Reflexes feat for free, however she may only benefit from it’s effects with her ranged weapons.

Defensive Posture (lv 8 Ex): So long as she does not move that round an Archer wielding a Shield gains a bonus to her AC vs all attacks, (including touch attacks), equal to her Archer level. This bonus is lost if the archer is engaged in melee for more than one round.

Black Arrow (lv 9 Ex): An Archer may at the cost of 100GP per arrow and a DC20 crafting check craft specelised Black arrows.

Such is the power of these arrows that they are now able penetrate any Wall’s of force, Prismatic Walls, or Prismatic sphere’s. Such objects if struck are destroyed and the arrow’s flight continues un-impeded. Physical walls and other mundane sources of total cover 5ft or less in thickness may also be penetrated in the same manner, though you must of course be aware of the target to conduct attacks upon them.

Devastating Strikes (lv 10 Ex): When using any of her ranged weapons, the base number of damage dice are doubled. Note this is an increase to the base number and as such effects like critical hits will scale off this new number.

Author Notes:

Ok first up I’m suffering from cold as I’ve been writing this and I threw it together in an afternoon rather than my usual week+ development process so if I made a grievous error you know why. Also despite the name archer I’m actually arranging the class to cover all ammo consuming ranged weapons besides hand crossbows.

I flip flopped on the base vs prestige line a few times before going with this prestige class format, I just couldn’t come up with enough good stuff for a base class, but PrC worked ok if a littlie awkwardly with a couple of concepts.

I didn’t go overboard on either skills or skill points and I kept the HD modest, the aim was more creating an effective ranged weapon user than anything else.

Which leads me onto the BA progression and the first skill. Half BAB kept the melee progression down whilst the ranged specialist rule gave me the attack roll boost needed to make the class work. Going for double level was really required with the limited number of PrC levels available, but it does create some extreme scaling at the top end. The real reason though you want that 1st level of archer is the ability to go “screw you” at wind wall and the like.

Your next skill is really nice however, getting to forget your strength stat even exists whilst giving all ranged weapons a nice damage upgrade really helps put the hurt on, whilst not, (for the level), going overboard.

The next 4 skills in line aren’t quite so spectacular, but they help shore up specific area’s nicely. IPC gives you the ability to Support melee team-mates whilst getting round a number of otherwise negative effects, though of course it doesn’t help with invisible opponents. Fletcher helps you keep your weapons up to date and plenty of ammo on hand. And instant reload helps bring all Crossbows up to bow levels of utility. Improved Shield Use is mostly there for the sake of making shields a bit more appetising in the short term, so that when the big effect comes in a few levels later you’ve had a reason to be using one for a while.

Volley Fire a level later comes in just as a full BAB class would be getting it’s next iterative attack. With this not only do you get your third, but it’s more accurate too, and you’ll get more faster than anyone else from there, which should help deal with some of the issues vis a vis lower average damage with ranged weapons. The full BAB here helps too as it makes the latter attacks more accurate to boot.

Responsive Fire paired with combat reflex’s is the nod at the issue of melee fighters just trying to charge in and cut the Archer up. Trying is going to result in much pin-cushioning now.

Defensive posture is the real reason you’ll want to use a shield as an archer.. That AC bonus is going to muck up a charging melee character something fierce, giving you a bit more survival time, but the increase in touch AC will really help vs a wide range of spells.

Piercing shot for a supposedly non-magical ability is rather OTT, but it does what needs to be done, makes wizards unable to hide inside their safety walls, and it has some nice secondary utility vs cover to boot.

Devastating Strikes helps add that final extra bit of damage, particularly on criticals, that’s needed to keep the damage scaling up.

Overall I think I hit my main target of making a PRC that makes ranged weapons relatively useful. The higher average damage should bypass the DR issues and their tricks give them the ability to attack and defend despite the majority of magic user missile defences. It’s not perfect, greater invisibility and Enlarge spell on a long range spell can give the wizard some get out of jail free cards, and there is a selecting, even in core, of spells that require neither touch attacks nor allow reflex saves. But I wasn’t trying to create a wizard equivalent anyway, just an effective ranged weapon user, and against all but the most munchkinned spellcasters and the like I think I’ve got there.

EDIT1: Made some updates, put an only when stationery limit on Improved shield use and changed Defensive Posture to a straight fixed by level bonus. Also dropped the attack roll bonus down and replaced piercing shot with Black Arrow which gives the same capabilities but requires you to craft a modestly expensive arrow.

2013-08-10, 06:53 PM

Alignment: Any

Race: Any

BAB: 6+

Feats: Rapid Reload, Weapon Focus (any of the following: Crossbows, (light and heavy types), Slings, Longbow’s, Shortbows, Repeating Crossbows, (light and heavy types)), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.

Rapid Reload as a feat makes some sense, but if you decide you want to be a bow archer, then this is a dead feat. Perhaps something like Rapid Reload OR Rapid Shot. Something like that? A feat drop is infe, as long as it's a feat drop for everyone (or sufficiently close to everyone).

Class Skill:s Spot, Listen, Heal, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Dungeoneering)

Skills Points: 4 + Int

That's an awful lot of skill points for such a short skill list.

Hit Dice: D6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

1st|+0|+0|+2|+0|Ranged Specialist
2nd|+1|+0|+3|+0|Precision Shooting
3rd|+1|+1|+3|+1|Improved Precise Shot
5th|+2|+1|+4|+1|Instant Reload, Improved Shield Use
6th|+3|+2|+5|+2|Volley Fire
7th|+3|+2|+5|+2|Responsive Fire, Combat Reflexes
8th|+4|+2|+6|+2|Defensive Posture
9th|+4|+3|+6|+3|Piercing Shot
10th|+5|+3|+7|+3|Devastating Strikes

Weapon & Armour Proficiencies: An Archer is proficient with Daggers, Light Maces, Handaxes, Shortswords, Crossbows, (light and heavy types), Slings, Longbow’s, Shortbows, and Repeating Crossbows, (light and heavy types). An Archer is also proficient with light armour, and all shield types, (including Tower Shields).

Why do you add all these proficiencies? Shouldn't previous proficiencies with weapons of intended use be sufficient? Also why Tower Shields? That's a pretty unusual proficiency to grant a non-front line class.

General Note: Any rule for the archer class which refers to ranged weapons should be treated as referring to only the non-throwing ranged weapons that are granted by the classes weapons proficiencies. Ranged weapons of other kinds are never affected by these rules.

That works I guess, but might be a little less clunkier to just say something like: "All of the Archer's class features only apply when using weapons from this list: <list>." This also doesn't explain the melee weapons since you don't have them as valid for class features when thrown.

Class Features:

Ranged Specialist (lv 1 Ex): An Archer is a ranged specialist and as such gains a bonus to all attack rolls equal to double her level in the archer class.

Woah, this is too good. Consider the build <fullBAB> 10/Archer 10. Gives 15 BAB with +20 to hit, BEFORE stats and cheeze. Bonus equal to level seems sufficient, 1.5 x level if you really want to make it powerful.

In addition so good is her control over her weapon that it is no longer affected by wind conditions, magical or otherwise, and as such is neither blocked by such things, nor do they impart any attack roll penalties.

This is fine. Good, but fine.

Precision Shooting (lv 2 Ex): So precise are the Archers shots that she may add her Dexterity modifier to the damage of all ranged attacks. However if she does so she may not add her strength modifier, even if using a weapon, (e.g. composite Longbow), that would normally allow her to do so.

Improved Precise Shot (lv 3): At 3rd level an Archer gains the improved precise shot feat for free, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Fletcher (lv 4 Ex): Starting at 4th level, whenever an Archer uses her Craft Arms and Armour skill to craft any of her ranged weapons or any form of ammunition for them she may add her Archer level as a bonus to her skill check.

Instant Reload (lv 5 Ex): An Archer may now reload any ranged weapon she uses as a free action.

All fine.

Improved Shield Use (lv 5 Ex):

Ahhhh..... no. Here's why.

Over time an Archer comes to rely upon their shield as a potent defence against the attacks of her many and varied enemies. As a result she quickly becomes highly skilled in it’s use. An Archer may now use a shield and fire her ranged weapon at the same time, even if the weapon requires two hands.

Keep Shield while using a ranged weapon? Well ok, there is historical precendant, but it should disappear if you move, since you basically have to stick the shield in the ground and hide behind it like cover. In fact that might be a better way to get the effect you want.

Adittionally, shields, (including Tower shields), no longer inflict an armour check penalty upon an Archer, and she may ignore it’s weight for encumbrance purposes. Finally, tower shields no longer have a dexterity modifer cap, nor do they inflict an Attack Roll Penalty.

Reword this. Right now, the shield check penalty disappears for everything, which doesn't make sense. I'd change it so it only removes the check penalty imposed during ranged weapon fire while using the shield.

Actually, probably better to replace the whole ability with something like this:

Improved Shield Use (Ex): As a move-equivalent action, the Archer may plant his shield for use as cover. If he doesn't move, treat the archer as having cover based on the shield used (Small - Nil, Medium - 1/4, Large - 1/2, Tower - 3/4). While using his shield in this way, he receives it's bonus to his AC (optionally, include touch), but does not suffer any of the associated penalties. Note that this bonus only applies to attacks made from the appropriate direction. If the Archer decides to move, he may pick up (but not equip) his shield as a Free Action. Otherwise, it remains in place, providing cover as any other obstacle on the battlefield.

Volley Fire (lv 6 Ex):As a full round action an Archer may make a number of attacks with a ranged weapon equal to one half of her Archer level. These attacks are all resolved at her full BAB.

All at full BaB? That's a bit good. You're already getting more attacks than a full BaB class doing anything other than TWF, and you won't be dropping BaB on Power Attack, so it's probably better to have the successive attacks come at reduced BaB. Perhaps a cumulative -2( Or 4) penalty per attack after the first (so the attacks come at -0/-2/-4/-6/-8).

Responsive Fire (lv 7 Ex): An Archer now threatens any square that is inside one range increment of her ranged weapon. As such she may respond to any action that would normally grant an attack of opportunity by firing her ranged weapon once, (she must of course have it in her hands to do so).

This is REALLY good. Probably a bit too good, but since you've explicitly limited the AoO reaction to ONLY firing a ranged weapon, it *might* be ok.

Combat Reflex’s (lv 7): At 7th level an Archer gains the Combat Reflexes feat for free, however she may only benefit from it’s effects with her ranged weapons.

Defensive Posture (lv 8 Ex): So long as she does not move that round her AC bonus from any shield used is tripled and she retains the AC bonus against touch and ranged touch attacks. In addition Tower Shields

Also quite good. I'd drop it to double and have it only apply while the Archer is using Improved Shield Use (see above) as per the suggested change.

Piercing Shot (lv 9 Ex): Such is the power of her shots that they are now able penetrate any Wall’s of force, Prismatic Walls, or Prismatic sphere’s. Such objects if struck are destroyed and the arrow’s flight continues un-impeded. Physical walls and other mundane sources of total cover 5ft or less in thickness may also be penetrated in the same manner, though you must of course be aware of the target to conduct attacks upon them.

While this might be mechanically reasonable (and I'm not sure it is) it completely ignores quite a bit of fluff. Why can a mundane arrow suddenly bring down a Wall of Force, something that otherwise requires very specific magic to drop? If you really want to have this ability, give the class very specific Craft Feat (just for them, no one else) that lets them craft arrows (or bolts or w/e) that do teh same thing.

Same thing for punching through walls. There is no way a mundane arrow can deliver enough force to punch through more than paper. (even cloth stops
em cold. That's why horses wore the caparisons in the middle ages. Not just for show.)

Devastating Strikes (lv 10 Ex): When using any of her ranged weapons, the base number of damage dice are doubled. Note this is an increase to the base number and as such effects like critical hits will scale off this new number.

Solid, but reasonable.


Not bad, needs some tweaking (but by your author's notes you knew that, but definitely a good start.

2013-08-11, 01:47 AM
I'd say something, but iron wizard got everything. Nix the shield bonuses entirely, add move speed, mobility, or thrown weaponry mastery. Just my two cents.

2013-08-13, 03:00 PM
To go through a point at a time:

1. I'm trying to cover all ranged weapons that use ammo in one class here, still with instant reload so low in i can see a reason to drop it.

2. I'm in the camp that feals unless you don't want a class ever investing in skills at all they need more than 2+int SP's as most classes are going to dump int making their real world SP gain really bad.

3. The proficiencies are a legacy of when i was trying to go for a base class instead of a PrC, they're all the ranged weapons i wanted to make effective with this class explicitly and a few basic melee weapons. I didn't see any real reason to dump them so i left them.

4. I'm open to re-wording that bit, i just didn't want to repeat myself in every skill entry with a weapons list ;).

5. See my response vis a vis volley.

6. Glad you liked the next few.

7. Okay let me try and break down some of what i was doing and some of the thought processes.

A) I wanted to make shield more desirable so i hit the check penalties and the dex cap on tower shields. At the same time Shields are annoyingly heavy for the benefit they grant in AC, especially for a PrC that isn't valuing strength, far heavier in fact than they ever where in real life so i hit that over the head.

B) the ability to use it alongside ranged weapons was inspired by an old medieval fair thingy i went to many years ago, (about 15 or so at a guess). There was a lady there demonstrating and letting people have a play with modern plastic bows and arrow's, complete with rests for the arrows so we didn't have to use our thumbs. She however had a replica Recurve, period authentic replica ammo and a proper bracer on. During some show shooting for the crowds she also had a shield on over the bracer, i never got a good luck but given the coverage, (from just below the shoulder to level with the wrist), i'd guess the straps went over the upper forearm. Now i'm under no illusions that was for the benefit of the crowds, a real archer would almost never have done that due to the extra fatigue on the bow arm. It was pure showmanship to impresses. Nonetheless D&D tends to let a certain amount of "heroic" styling in. A shield so used can technically be brought into use at a moments notice.

Of course in reality that should still only allow light shields to be added to the list, but given the utterly pitiful AC of light shield's and even to a large degree heavy ones, it kind of seemed pointless, even with no encumbrance or other penalties, it's a lot of hassle and money for such a paltry AC benefit. SO i opened it up to everything.

That said it is meant to represent an archer carrying or equipping a shield in such a way that she can bring it into instant use at a moments notice. As opposed to planting it.

With that said.

I actually like your idea of stationery only, as it's meant to represent that instant availability, something i think on the move would prevent. And it does fit with how i see the Archer being used, I'm not imagining someone running around like crazy avoiding people, I'm imagining a seasoned archer pouring a steady and unending stream of shots into an attacker whilst using her shield to defend herself from ranged, melee, and spell attacks as they come in.

8. The reason Volley gets full BAB and the class gets such a huge boost to attack rolls on top is explicitly to render their attacks pretty much unable to miss. Spellcasters can easily push up to or beyond a hundred average damage even if the target makes their reflex saves, and martial types, particularly outside core, can push as far or more. This class at it's best gets 5 attacks that are going to average the mid 30's at the very best, (base 18 dex, 5 points of investment, +6 item, +6 manual for a total 13 modifier, plus 2D10, (average 11), from a heavy crossbow, plus 2D6 from a weapon property, (average 7), plus 5 from weapon bonus, for a total average of 36 damage), even with everything I've given it it needs every bit of help it can get to remain relevant. A more reasonable Dex score puts the damage much closer to 30, and this is all before DR.

That said +Level would still achieve my aims even with a 3/4 BAB base class so i see no reason i can't lower the bonus. Even with a reasonable Dex a +5 Weapon is still going to come in at somewhere around the mid 20's for a lv20 character. AC is only the mid 30's generally for CR 20 creatures.

9. It's meant to stop charging pouncing storm troopering types just lazily wandering up and one shotting an archer. Unless you go all out on the Dex the chances of successfully one shotting anyone trying to charge the archer without having already scuffed them up are pretty slim IMO.

10. It kind of got forgotten but the AC bonus is only supposed to persist for the first round of a melee combat, it's basically an additional defence against Various Stormtrooper and Pounce builds, (either alone or in combination). By forcing them to roll against a higher AC it hits them where it hurts.

I'm not sure if double would be sufficient, (remember a heavy shield is only 2 AC and a Tower is only 4, they're pretty cruddy values to be multiplying), that said i'm considering changing it to a fixed bonus so that it makes the shield type a bit less relevant.

11. I'm well aware of the issue, my main concern here is that i prefer it to be available on demand, rather than risking the archer running out, i'm also aware via several comments vis a vis a recent OotS strip that many games don;t bother to track their ammo, so it is an additional headache i'm adding. Still i guess i can see the point here.

@Amridell: This isn't a rouge, it's a battlefield style archer, the style is all about taking a commanding position then pouring a withering hail of shots into the target. The class really isn't meant to be highly mobile, or using throwing weapons.

I've made some edits though. Tell me what you think.