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View Full Version : iaijutsu focus with thrown weapons?

the OOD
2013-08-09, 06:12 PM
I am working on a flamboyant 3.5 rouge with an abundance of flair, knives, and no qualms about murder. to bump up the damage can I use a level in samurai and iaijutsu focus with throwing daggers, or if not what else would work?

2013-08-09, 07:35 PM
I actually had a similar question, and it boiled down to this: IF only works when your opponent is flat-footed. However, it's a player skill not a class feature, so as long as you have a method of flat-footing your opponents then just put points in the skill. However, I'd run it by your GM and see if he's cool with you having it.

the OOD
2013-08-09, 08:03 PM
but dose IF work with thrown weapons?
how can i get an opponent flat-footed besides murdering them at the first sign of trouble(plan A), and will it work on a flank?

2013-08-09, 08:27 PM
IF only works when you have just drawn a weapon AND the person is flatfooted. Forcing a balance check is enough to make most people flatfooted, and spells that cause balance checks are not hard to come by (grease anyone?). I see nothing forcing melle weapon.

2013-08-09, 10:34 PM
It has to be a melee weapon being used as a melee weapon. So the only option is bloodstorm blade (sadly).

2013-08-09, 10:56 PM
It has to be a melee weapon being used as a melee weapon. So the only option is bloodstorm blade (sadly).

Iaijutsu Focus (Cha)

This skill allows you to channel your chi more effectively when making an attack. Whenever you are making an attack roll immediately after drawing a weapon and your target is flat-footed, you may make an Iaijutsu Focus check as a free action. The results of the roll determine the amount of additional damage done, as shown on the following table:

10-14: +1d6
15-19: +2d6
20-24: +3d6
25-29: +4d6
30-34: +5d6
35-39: +6d6
40-44: +7d6
45-49: +8d6
50+: +9d6

This bonus damage stacks with sneak attack, sudden strike, et cetera. Note that in an iaijutsu duel the character who loses initiative is flatfooted, and thus a valid target for sneak attack.

Action: Not applicable; Iaijutsu Focus checks are made at the beginning of a surprise round or as part of an attack, and are therefore not actions in and of themselves.

Retry: Against inanimate objects, yes. In a formal duel or combat situation, generally not, unless the requirements for using the skill (sheathed weapon, flat-footed opponent) somehow come about again.

Special: You may also use this ability when making an attack against an inanimate object. This is the technique martial arts masters use to break boards or bricks with their bare hands.

If engaged in a formal iaijutsu duel, you may use your total Iaijutsu Focus modifier in place of your standard initiative if it is higher.

You gain a +2 bonus to Iaijutsu Focus checks if you have 5 ranks in Balance.

Where do you see melee weapon used as melee weapon?

edit: I'm not even finding the word melee in the skill.

2013-08-09, 10:58 PM
It has to be a melee weapon being used as a melee weapon. So the only option is bloodstorm blade (sadly).

Technically by RAW, you can draw a melee weapon then throw a thrown weapon from your other hand to carry the extra damage.

Ask your DM though.

2013-08-10, 01:12 AM
I'll just leave this here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134276)

2013-08-10, 06:17 AM
edit: I'm not even finding the word melee in the skill.
That would probably be because you're looking at DnDwiki, not Oriental Adventures. The relevant text in the actual Iaijutsu Focus skill description is as follows:

If you attack a flat-footed opponent immediately after drawing a melee weapon, you can deal extra damage [...]
So, yes, you can throw a melee weapon immediately after drawing it to get IF damage against a flat-footed opponent.

2013-08-10, 07:15 AM
Never, ever count on dandwiki to contain the actual rules of the game. What it contains is what some random schmuck on the Internet thinks should be the rules of the game. Note also that many random schmucks on the Internet have really stupid ideas about what the rules of the game should be. Occasionally, what the random schmucks think will happen to be the actual rules, but there's no way to know when that's happening.

2013-08-10, 07:25 AM
Since the OP plans on using throwing daggers i don't really see the problem.
It works, by RAW at least. Anything beyond that is up to the DM.

2013-08-10, 10:05 AM
Read here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20070717a)

When a weapon is thrown, it is treated as a thrown weapon, thus ineligible for Iajutsu focus.

2013-08-10, 10:17 AM
It's also worth noting that the original text of Iaijutsu Focus, of which Karnith only quoted a snippet, makes it plain that drawing and striking are meant to be done as a single motion with a katana.

There is no mention of throwing anything--nor should there be. Iaijutsu focus is intended for an initial melee strike.

2013-08-10, 03:11 PM
Check: If you attack a flat-footed opponent immediately
after drawing a melee weapon, you can deal extra damage,
based on the result of an Iaijutsu Focus check.

Just wanted to add that, IIRC, feint also renders an opponent flat-footed in relation to you. Although if your focus is on thrown weapons I don't recommend entering melee range to feint and then throwing a weapon at them. It just... seems like a bad idea.

As for ranged IF, it says the attack has to be made after drawing a melee weapon, which a dagger is when you draw it. It makes no comment as to the nature of the attack that is made, just that it has to immediately follow the drawing of a melee weapon. (so yes, RAW it doesn't have to even be the same weapon) But I could see a case for drawing a dagger transitioning straight into a throw, as one motion to keep with the fluff, and not break the Rules As Written and at least stay within a cozy proximity to the Rules as (presumably) Intended.

Acknowledgement: This skill was clearly themed around attacking with a katana as you draw it, implying a melee weapon, however the wording may have been intentionally left open to allow for other uses. I see no reason a dagger flinging rogue who gets wins initiative can't open the combat with a ranged iaijutsu sneak attack. I believe this is still keeping within the spirit of the skill, although not its implicitly intended use.

2013-08-11, 06:45 AM
Just wanted to add that, IIRC, feint also renders an opponent flat-footed in relation to you.
Your memory's playing tricks on you, I'm afraid.
If your Bluff check result exceeds this special Sense Motive check result, your target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) for the next melee attack you make against it. Won't help with Iaijutsu Focus.