View Full Version : The Temple of Inari XXXIII

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2006-12-23, 03:11 PM
Ms E looks at Aiki's gear and asks, "Would you like to show them to me in the meantime?"

(OOC: Sorry for long post time. I'm cleaning the house while everyone else is out.)

2006-12-23, 03:19 PM
Aikidu nods and reaches further than he should be able to in his satchel, removing a folded crimson-coloured cape with gold threaded embroidery.

The rest of the items are as follows. A pair of steel gauntlets with golden trim, a small steel shield in the shape of a fox with highly mirrored eyes, and a longsword made of an almost glowing metal with a golden hilt and a ruby studded into the middle of the crossbar.

2006-12-23, 03:25 PM
Karaki watches them all, as all the items emerge.

2006-12-23, 03:28 PM
Earin melts out of the shadows.
"Good afternoon."

2006-12-23, 03:29 PM
Karaki jumps slightly at the sight of Earin unmelting.


Well... ok, not slightly.

2006-12-23, 03:31 PM
Grace stands up and wanders into the sanctuary

2006-12-23, 03:32 PM
Aikidu jumps as Earin appears and looks at him. H-hey... Earin...

(I need to get out of here... I'll see you all later. NPC aiki if you need to...)

2006-12-23, 03:35 PM
Ms E stares in appreciation of the shiny objects. "Very nice. Got any inkling of what their enchantments are? I assume they have some. More than likely." The metal glints tantalizingly in the temple light.

2006-12-23, 03:39 PM
Earin grins at Karaki.
"Oh sorry, that is my normal entrance. People are usually used to it."

2006-12-23, 03:44 PM
Grace waves happily at everyone and sits down.

2006-12-23, 03:45 PM
Karaki smiles.

"I've only seen you do it, what is it now, twice? I'll get used to it."

2006-12-23, 03:46 PM
"Oh, wait a second, I need to put on one last enchantment before I forget. Aiki, we can continue this conversation later, m'kay?" As Ms E scurries back to Evander she yawns widely. Apparently she hasn't slept in awhile since starting the enchantment phase.

2006-12-23, 03:46 PM
"Hopefully you will."
Earin smiles and and leans against a wall.

2006-12-23, 03:54 PM
Karaki smiles at Earin before looking around, and seeing grace, he smiles to her before crossing his arms and closing his eyes.

2006-12-23, 03:59 PM
Grace smiles back at Karaki before pulling out a small book that she starts to read.

2006-12-23, 04:51 PM
Fenhai walks into the sanctuary, after a couple months of absence.

2006-12-23, 04:52 PM
Earin melts back into the shadows after a while.

2006-12-23, 05:01 PM
Karaki looks up at Fenhai.

2006-12-23, 05:03 PM
Fenhai walks over to Karaki.

Greetings be to you. Are you new around here?

2006-12-23, 05:05 PM
Karaki nodds, then shakes his head, but then smiles.

"New, that I've been manifested here in the past Month. Old, that my player has been here for a while. How are you?"

2006-12-23, 05:07 PM
I'm fine. I just need to find my Lord, the Champion.

2006-12-23, 05:09 PM
Karaki blinks.


2006-12-23, 05:13 PM
Kyrian. Saiyan Champion.

2006-12-23, 05:16 PM
Karaki nodds and confirmation, then stands.

"I'm afraid I haven't heard of him. I'm sorry."

2006-12-23, 05:18 PM
Fenhai sighs. Any idea where Fenric is?

2006-12-23, 05:19 PM
Karaki winces.

"I Think... 1) he's in ravenloft, saving Exachix, Krystal, and a horde of other people. And 2) His player's gone off until the second."

2006-12-23, 05:20 PM
Fenhai sighs again, and kneels down to begin praying.

2006-12-23, 05:21 PM
Karaki smiles, sits down and soon falls asleep.

2006-12-23, 06:23 PM
Grace wakes up after being forgotten and closes her book with a sigh before leaving.

2006-12-23, 06:26 PM
Ms E reemerges from the insides of Evander, her guardian armor. I still need Kazuki or Atreyu... *sigh* I hope they come back soon! I'm so excited. She grins widely (^_^). Noticing the praying man in the middle of the floor, Ms E walks until she is standing right next to him. She leans in a little closer, considering whether or not to bother a man who is praying.

Eventually, Ms E decides to leave him in prayer and take a rest. The enchantment have been slowly wearing her out. She climbs into Evander and once again falls asleep inside for the 3rd time in a row.

2006-12-23, 10:36 PM
All seems quiet in the temple when suddenly mist sweeps in. It rises from the floor and yet seems to flow from all the walls. Within seconds the entire place is filled. It is impossible to see anything that is more than three feet away. Yet just as suddenly as it appears, it leaves, dissipating into thin air.

Lying in the middle of the temple floor, face down, are the bodies of Phoenixineohp and Phoenix. They are wearing the same things as when they left for Ravenloft, but it is all in shambles. A blood pool is seeping out from both of them; from Phoenixneohp's left side and from Phoenix's stomach. They are covered in what looks like bite marks, with strips of their flesh missing. Claw marks mar their bodies. One of Phoenixineohp's wings has been broken and it lays at an odd angle. Most of her feathers are missing, apparently ripped out. Her finger nails are an inch long and three are shattered. Phoenix's leg is twisted and pointing in the wrong direction. Her hand is gripping her cane, which is drenched in blood and there seems to be hair stuck to it. The smell of wolves radiates off of their bodies. Neither of them stir.

2006-12-23, 10:41 PM
Fenhai finishes praying and goes about trying to mend the two as best he can before he casts healing spells. First he tries to stop the bleeding and patch up any holes.

2006-12-23, 10:46 PM
((Please be more specific. Patch them how?))

2006-12-23, 10:48 PM
((Specific? Oh...curse you...curse you... *gives a glare*))

Um, well, he tries to carefully straighten out Phoenix's leg, and Pxp's wing. He pulls a cloth out of a pouch and starts ripping it up, tying it around various cuts on both of them.

2006-12-23, 10:56 PM
The cloth bandages may work for the scratches, but the strips of flesh can not be replaced. Blood continues to seep from their bodies.

((May I suggest some magic. I really don't want to kill the girls.))

2006-12-23, 10:58 PM
Fenhai casts two CCW per girl.

2006-12-23, 11:03 PM
The pool of blood does not continue to expand. A shudder passes through Phoenix's body. Her eyes flicker open, buring red. She blinks and vanishes. Phoenixineohp still lies there.

2006-12-23, 11:04 PM
Fenhai checks Pxp's pulse.

2006-12-23, 11:07 PM
A slight pulse is there, but her skin is burning hot to the touch.

2006-12-23, 11:07 PM
Fenhai casts Cure Serious Wounds on her and looks to see if she needs anything else.

2006-12-23, 11:13 PM
Some of the scratches heal but she stays out of it.
((It was some insane damage.))

A flapping can be heard. Flying into the temple is a Golden Eagle carrying a snake.

2006-12-23, 11:15 PM
Come on lady....wait, I think I know who this is...my Lord had fallen for her before...Fenhai, this isn't the time for this...

Fenhai tries to figure his next move.

2006-12-23, 11:20 PM
"Phoenixineohp! Phoenixineohp!" The snake screams as it is dropped by the eagle. It lands next to her and quickly slithers onto her chest. It closes it's eyes and the pair vanish.

The eagle makes a lap of the temple before landing next to the healer.
"I felt them. Where is she? Where is Phoenix?" It seems to be in a panic.

2006-12-23, 11:22 PM
Phoenix? You mean the other one. I don't know. I healed her and she vanished.

2006-12-23, 11:25 PM
The eagle pauses for a moment and looks at him.
"You healed her then she vanished? How healed was she? Was she awake and fine or just hanging in there?"

2006-12-23, 11:30 PM
I don't know...I didn't get a chance to check...she shuddered, then vanished.

2006-12-23, 11:33 PM
A look of realization dawns on the eagle.
"Thank you sir. Thank you very much. She vanished to protect you. Do you have any potions that heal? Even just 10 hp?"

2006-12-23, 11:35 PM
Protect me? Oh, and here. Fenhai pulls out a CCW potion.

2006-12-23, 11:39 PM
The eagle takes it in his claw.
"Thank you greatly kind Sir. And yes, to protect you. It is a long story, but sadly I do not have much time. Please forgive me, but I must go help my Lady. Hopefully we will be able to see you again soon." He bows and vanishes.

2006-12-24, 12:09 AM
Fenhai sighs and sits back, wondering if anything else will happen tonight.

2006-12-24, 12:27 AM
((The girls independantly teleported to empty areas. They had been unable to do so before some healing due to being knocked out and down too far. After some things happened there, (still a secret for now I guess) they would have joined up again with their familiars and each other and gone to Phoenixineohp's home. They needed to be healed enough to do the spells and then Sirius needed to know what happened to Phoenix to be able to complete part of the healing. So thanks and good job! :D ))

2006-12-24, 12:28 AM
Fenhai looks surprised as the OOC message seems to appear and disappear before his eyes.

I'm not getting payed enough to be here...

2006-12-24, 01:43 PM
Ms E pops out of her enchanted armor guardian, Evander, and proceeds to look around for Atreyu or Kazuki. She sighs a little in disappointment as she sees they are not around. This is worse than waiting for Christmas morning!

2006-12-24, 01:44 PM
Karaki smiles.

"No Christmas morning will arrive at some point. And they will too!"

soon, karaki falls slowly to sleep.

2006-12-24, 05:28 PM
((Christmas soon...A little early but hey, Merry Christmas everyone!))

2006-12-25, 04:20 AM
((merry Christmas Kantur))

2006-12-25, 08:36 AM
The acolytes and priests begin exchanging presents.

((Merry Christmas!))

2006-12-25, 12:08 PM
Karaki soon wakes up, smiles, and goes through the mirror to trogs.

2006-12-25, 12:46 PM
Ms E smiles at the present giving among priests. Feeling in the mood for company, she follows Karaki throught the mirror to Trog's.

(Merry Christmas!)

2006-12-25, 05:37 PM
A very confused Karaki comes through the mirror, but then remebers where he is, before going off to bed.

2006-12-25, 06:26 PM
Ms E scrambles over to Evander, does a quick maintenance check, then pops inside and falls asleep.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-25, 08:22 PM
(Merry christmas to all!)

2006-12-26, 09:12 AM
Karaki wakes up and wanders into the sanctuary, confused as he spent the night in the traveler's quarters rather than the sanctuary. He looks around and sees the Priestess and Priest, whom now shall be called Mitsuya and Kawatu. He smiles to them and waves, as they wave back. Seeing no-one else save Ms Elaneous and her Construct, he goes and sits where he usually dones, quietly.

"Hello you two."
"Good Morning."

Soon he wanders into Trogs. Bored.


Soon he comes back, saying 'quiet'. Soon he smiles, sits by the wall and falls to sleep.
Mitsuya and Kawatu both wander off to bed soon after, paw in paw. ((Aww...))


He wakes up and goes into trogs.

2006-12-27, 11:18 AM
Earin melts out of the shadows, his eyes glowing blue.
"Is anyone here?"
He looks around, then goes over to the mirror for more than one purpose. Earin notices that he no longer has a trailing shadow, but small stray whisps of blue energy still coil around him.
This can't be good.
He goes into Trog's.

2006-12-27, 01:47 PM
Jesion pads into the Temple and looks around.

2006-12-27, 01:49 PM
Lillah steps inside and makes her way to the statue of Inari. She kneels down infront of it and lowers her head as if praying.

2006-12-27, 01:53 PM
Jesion sniffs around in the corners and peeks her head into the garden before she finally lies down along the wall where she can still see Lillah.

2006-12-27, 01:58 PM
Lillah's lips are moving but no noise comes out. Tears slowly roll down her cheeks.

2006-12-27, 02:10 PM
Jesion waits patiently.

2006-12-27, 02:19 PM
Lillah stands up and wipes away the tears.

2006-12-27, 02:22 PM
Jesion gets up and goes over to her, brushing her body against Lillah's legs.

2006-12-27, 02:28 PM
Lillah lets one of her hands rest on Jesion's head.

2006-12-27, 02:31 PM
Did you want to go anywhere else or stay here for a while longer?

2006-12-27, 02:33 PM
I don't know. Maybe Trog's.

2006-12-27, 02:37 PM
If you want, I'm a little hungry.

2006-12-27, 02:39 PM
Lillah heads towards the mirror and stops infront of it, thinking.

2006-12-27, 02:47 PM
Jesion patiently waits next to her.

2006-12-27, 02:49 PM
Lillah sighs and steps through the mirror.

2006-12-27, 02:51 PM
Jesion follows her

2006-12-27, 03:05 PM
Mitsuya and Kawatu come up from the stairs, Mitsuya's hand on Kawatu's shoulder.

"Dear, they wanted to be alone."

Kawatu sighs.

"They did."

The pair sit in chairs and converse.

Ellear Ias
2006-12-27, 03:55 PM
In front of the mirror to Trog's stands a slender woman with silver hair, cat-like ears, and light grey fur. Her eyes are clenched tight, and her arms are in front of her chest as if bracing for some unseen impact.
After several seconds, she opens her eyes slightly and gasps, looking around with a bewildered expression at the temple.
"That... Was simpler than I expected."

2006-12-27, 04:04 PM
The Priest (Kawatu) looks over.

"Greetings! Welcome to the Temple Of Inari! May Her blessing be upon thee!"
The Priestess (Mitsuya) smiles.
"Seems you found the mirror."

Ellear Ias
2006-12-27, 04:06 PM
Ellear nods and smiles. "Yes, I did." She bows respectfully, as is customary in her country of origin.
"I am on a quest and I was wondering if you could by chance aid me? I'm looking for someone."

2006-12-27, 04:09 PM
The pair stand and bow in reply.

"Urm yes, We can help, how would you like us to help?"
"We can Scry out the person if you would like."

Ellear Ias
2006-12-27, 04:16 PM
Ellear frowns slightly.
"I am afraid scrying has no effect, else I may have found her years ago. I am told that foxes frequent this place, and the person I quest for has had a love of foxes since childhood."
She walks toward them and holds out a charcoal sketch on parchment. The sketch features a young girl with cat like ears, who looks like a younger version of Ellear herself. In the corner of the parchment is written 'Livenier Ias, Age 13.'.
"My name," She says sadly, "Is Ellear Ias. This is a sketch of my sister nine years ago. At this time, she should look very similar to me. I must ask, have you seen her?"

2006-12-27, 04:19 PM
The pair look at each other then look back to Ellear.

"I'm very sorry." "We haven't seen her."

Ellear Ias
2006-12-27, 04:25 PM
Ellear's ears droop slightly, but her face shows stubborn determination.
"I see.... Well... If you do, I'm staying in Town. Would it be possible to have a message sent to me? Or anything?"

2006-12-27, 04:41 PM
Mitsuya nodds.

"If we know any more, I will find a way to contact you."

2006-12-28, 09:25 AM
A large blue portal opens in the middle of the temple. It looks oddly similar to the blue effect of Earin's psionics. Five men step out of the portals, but these five men look different from any men that have set foot in town before- and thats saying something.
For the most part they look human, but they have massive spines along their arms and down their legs. Their eyes are harsh and searching. One of them wears an odd, ornate headband.
Gth'jaldor! Kl'aathorn vle dneos.
Two of the men nod and sprint through the temple, ignoring the protest of the two day priests.
Vs'idor tse vylicte. Phren valtar.
The other two men start off at a quick, military jog and go out into the streets.
The remaining man (the one who gave orders and wore the headband) looks at the portal to Sneak's and Trog's, pondering them. He goes through the portal to Trog's.
The two men who had searched quickly through the temple come back to the front and place a hand over their brows while facing the priests before turning smoothly and going through the mirror to Trog's.
The two day priests look at each other, confused.

2006-12-28, 09:45 AM
The Priest and Priestess look over at them confusedly as they go. The Acolytes decide to hinder them, slightly.

2006-12-28, 12:13 PM
Gwen walks into the Temple and looks around for someone to talk to.

2006-12-28, 12:26 PM
The Priest and the Priestess smile and wave to Gwen.

"Hullo miss."
"Welcome to Inari's Temple."

2006-12-28, 12:30 PM
Hello, thank you. I'm looking for Earin? Has he been around here lately?

2006-12-28, 12:34 PM
They shakes their head.

"We haven't seen him."
"There were some strange people before, but that's about all."
"How do we know that they are anything related to Earin?"
The Priest shrugs.
"He's strange, they are strange."

2006-12-28, 12:36 PM
Thanks, I'll go look elsewhere. Gwen leaves.

2006-12-28, 12:41 PM
The pair sigh and get back to talking to each other about mudane subjects.


Soon Karaki enters and stumbles over, the preist and priestess rush over to him, simultaniously casting Heal and Remove Poison. Before getting Acolytes to take Karaki to the hospital wing. Then Mitsuya and Kawatu head for bed.

2006-12-29, 10:27 AM
Fenric and Myobi sneak in and offer up some quick prayers while their player is borrowing his brother-in-law's internet connection.

2006-12-29, 10:29 AM
Mitsuya and Kawatu wander in and looks strangly at Fen and Myobi.

"urm... Welcome back."
"Arn't you meant to be in ravenloft?"

2006-12-29, 10:39 AM
Fenric gives the 4th wall a good, hard kick.

Well... it ended up taking so long that the others decided to convert it to a time-warped adventure so they could get back to town... Can't say that I blame them, really.

Myobi nods

So we are back, but we can't tell you what happened yet.

2006-12-29, 10:41 AM
The pair nodd and vacate the chairs before smiling to them.

"Then Welcome back."

Exachix groans as he wakes up.

[Hospital wing]
Karaki wakes up and groans, loudly, clutching his forehead.

2006-12-29, 10:45 AM
When did we decide on that?

Conrad appears, trying to figure out what's going on. There is a high pitched squeal as Sayuri runs into the sanctuary and tackles him in a hug.

2006-12-29, 10:52 AM
Hawkeye wanders into the sanctuary and takes a look around

2006-12-29, 11:00 AM
Fenric shrugs

Looks like it was right after my player left last Friday.

Myobi waves to Hawkeye

Hello, Hawkeye.

2006-12-29, 11:04 AM
Hawkeye grins at Myobi "Very nice to see you after so long Myobi and Fenric, where have you been?"

2006-12-29, 11:07 AM
Fenric sighs

Went to take care of some business back home. I guess it's really not much of a spoiler to say "it all worked out in the end"

2006-12-29, 11:08 AM
Conrad laughs at Sayuri, after complaining to Mike about his switching accounts.

Good to see you too, dear.

I was so worried! Plus, Mike never posts as me anymore.

2006-12-29, 11:11 AM
Karaki gets up and wanders into the Sanctuary, before smiling at people and sitting down by the Wall.

The Priest ans Priestess go down to a kitchen to prepare some food. Because they want to.

2006-12-29, 11:12 AM
"I could say the same about myself Fen, even though it really doesn't look like it at some points." Hawkeye grins again "Though things are really looking up for me at this point"

2006-12-29, 11:25 AM
Fenric smiles

That's good to hear! What's been going on in your life lately? How are things with the annoying god family going?

2006-12-29, 11:35 AM
Hawkeye leans against a wall "As for the family I haven't any problems recently. As for my life...well until recently Hawkeye and Merant shared the same soul...and then Wukei gave Merant the chance to become a God if he seperated himself and promised not to attack Hawkeye. He of course agreed and now he's got some of Vidar's powers...it's awkward for a demon to get used to LG powers as you can imagine. Merant made an appearance at the agency last night and it ended...messily for one person." he grins again, this time slightly evily

2006-12-29, 11:45 AM
Fenric tilts his head

Fascinating. And who ended up the target of the mess?

2006-12-29, 11:49 AM
Hawkeye grins really evily this time "Well one demon can't let the person who tricked him into taking the wrong alignment god powers get away scot free, can he?"

2006-12-29, 11:50 AM
Conrad slowly moves Sayuri off him and stands, watching Hawkeye.

2006-12-29, 11:50 AM
Karaki listens intently.

2006-12-29, 12:05 PM
Fenric chuckles

Merant just never learns, does he?

2006-12-29, 12:11 PM
"Merant just looks for the power, he never really looks for the slight complications of taking said power. But he does learn." Hawkeye stretches "One thing about Gods, they let people into places that had been barred to them before..." he looks around again and shrugs "Not as fancy as I thought it would be..."

2006-12-29, 12:13 PM
Conrad watches, hoping that what he assumes isn't true.

2006-12-29, 12:21 PM
Fenric catches the sotto-voce statement and looks at Hawkeye, but changes the subject.

Krystal has made a lot of progress with her psionic enhancements

2006-12-29, 12:26 PM
Exachix sighs and nuzzles his wife before rolling out of the bed and thus getting up and dressed. He smiles at the possibly sleeping form of his wife before going out to the sanctuary.

2006-12-29, 12:32 PM
Hawkeye raises an eyebrow "Interesting...I must catch up with her sometime. Something that was mentioned to me before has...caught my interest." under his breath "God these people are stupid..."

2006-12-29, 12:35 PM
So Merant...you going to cut with the act?

2006-12-29, 12:35 PM
Krystal smiles at Exachix as he heads out and sits up to study her spellbooks.

Fenric yawns

Yep, I think we've got the INT check DC down far enough by now: Hawkeye didn't know about Krystal's studies, Merant. 'What is that?' would have been the right answer.

2006-12-29, 12:42 PM
Hawkeye smirks "I was wondering how long it would be." he raises an eyebrow at Conrad "Although I'm curious how you know me because I've never met you..."

2006-12-29, 12:44 PM
May not know you personally, but I know you from the other world. Used to be called Kyrian over there...

2006-12-29, 12:47 PM
Exachix looks at 'Hawkeye' confusedly, before sitting in a chair, thinking, and watching.

Karaki looks over at Exachix, smiles before blinking and looks down at his sword.

2006-12-29, 12:48 PM
Hawkeye rolls his eyes at Conrad "Well gee, I never would have guessed because, I don't know, you look almost exactly the freakin' same as him"

2006-12-29, 12:49 PM
Don't you have demons to be going and killing?

2006-12-29, 12:51 PM
Ms E peeks out of her armor. Remarkably, Evander's shell is quite sound proof as well as a cozy place to sleep. As she pops out, a small card dangles itself in front of her face. "Ah!" She quickly peeks at its message and lets out a small gasp. "Lillah?" Ms E then eyes the Kyrian?/Hawkeye? situation going on nearby. "Oh that is it! I'm taking off the seclusion enchantment on Evander..." She watches avidly, wondering if she should interfere at some point or another. For now, she is content to watch.

2006-12-29, 12:51 PM
Hawkeye yawns "Done enough of that already...gets a bit boring after a while. And killing people up here is so much more interesting."

2006-12-29, 12:54 PM
Exachix sighs as he falls asleep.

((Got to go for food.))

2006-12-29, 01:05 PM
Fenric arches an eyebrow at Merant

And to what do we owe this visit, then?

2006-12-29, 01:07 PM
"Oh, I was just curious to what this place looked like on the inside, given I was barred from here for so long, and I must say it's not worth the effort really. Also to say hello to all my dear friends here."

2006-12-29, 01:32 PM
Fenric yawns

Well, I'm sorry it wasn't quite as fancy as you expected. If you want opulent, Bahamutte's is probably more what you want.

2006-12-29, 01:39 PM
Ms E decides to ignore Merant for the time being and work on taking that enchantment off of Evander. She then remembers that Fenric is here. That means I can complete him today! she thinks to herself with a smile.

2006-12-29, 01:39 PM
"Inari is the only real God that listens to people and manifests herself here...I imagined that the place would be a little bit fancier for her. No matter, if another God wants to live in a quite shabby environment I can't argue."

2006-12-29, 01:45 PM
Ms E overhears this comment about Inari and lets out a bit of a snicker. "And tell me, where is your temple, Merant? Since yours must be that much nicer."

2006-12-29, 01:51 PM
Hawkeye smiles at Ms E "I haven't had the chance to set one up yet, I have important things to do before that."

2006-12-29, 01:52 PM
Fenric smiles

Not everyone considers masses of shiny objects and ornate carvings to be worthy surroundings. There is beauty in simplicity and natural finishes, and serenity has great value.

2006-12-29, 01:56 PM
Exachix smiles.

"And then there is beauty in tranquility and silence. And then there is a beauty that shines."

2006-12-29, 01:58 PM
Hawkeye shrugs "Each person to his own...and I can't decide what to send to the agency, grapes or tulips. I don't know which one would be more appropriate"

2006-12-29, 01:58 PM
Ms E makes a mental note to visit the temple of Merant someday... though she isn't sure she'll like it. "Fair enough," she replies to Merant. "Fenric? Are you extremely busy or may I ask for a little assistance? Everything is ready but the shadow resistance." Her eyes gleam at the thought of her finished project.

2006-12-29, 02:00 PM
(( Let's spout sappy philosophy at Merant until his head explodes! ))

Fenric tilts his head (( He didn't know about Ms. E's little toy ))

No, not busy... but I'm sorry... what shadow resistance?

2006-12-29, 02:04 PM
Hawkeye smiles, takes a last look round and leaves the temple

2006-12-29, 02:04 PM
((I toast therefore I am.))

Karaki smiles to Ms. E, watching.

Exachix looks over at Karaki, before blinking.

Karsen comes in and looks at Exachix, before sighing.

2006-12-29, 02:07 PM
Ms E smiles brightly. "Oh, I was hoping for you guys to help me give Evander some shadow resistance. I've got the enchantment set up. It's basically like an immunization. You do your shadow thing on him, and after that he will no longer be affected by shadow energy. I've been planning this for quite some time now. After that, he'll be ready for awakening. Ah! Wait, were you gone the entire time I was building him? Ah, well, Kazuki and Izumi helped me a lot. Evander will by my enchanted clockwork guardian. I'm extremely excited. Heh, didn't wonder what that huge pile of armor was doing in here?" She laughs a bit. "Oh, and how did your trip go? We were all rather worried about you." At this her eyes lose their bit of dancing laughter and turn a serious grey.

2006-12-29, 02:09 PM
Karaki stays up, watching, as Exachix falls victim to water in his chair, Karsen sighs and goes back to his room to fall victim to water.

((Sorry! Be back in about 50 minutes!))

2006-12-29, 02:13 PM
(( Lunchtime... back in a bit. If I don't reappear today, I'll be back Tuesday ))

2006-12-29, 02:17 PM
(Gah! I've been waiting forever! Please hurry back, Fenric!)

2006-12-29, 03:01 PM
Karaki and Exachix wake back up.

((That's a bit longer than a Bit. Looks like it'll be on tuesday.))

2006-12-29, 04:44 PM
Noticing that Fenric looks a little tired to her eyes, Ms E changes her mind. "Don't worry about it for now, I think I'll animate him today and we can work on the final enchantment later. He just won't have the resistance for a couple of days. Besides, there's someone I need to check on and I think that his company would be most welcome to the both of us." She gives him a friendly wave and proceeds to run over next to Evander.

2006-12-29, 04:52 PM
Calpurnia gallops into the Sanctuary and straight through into the gardens, pale and panting.

2006-12-29, 05:09 PM
Shea walks inside and looks around the place.

2006-12-29, 05:26 PM
Ms E's face turns slightly serious as she stands on the currently inanimate suit of armor she calls Evander. Her eyes flash brightly with a magical light as she places both hands, palms flat, against the shiny metal of the breast plate. She closes her eyes and the light transfers to her fingertips. Ms E starts to speak words, but no one else can her hear over the vibrations being created by the magical energy.

2006-12-29, 05:26 PM
Shea watchs wondering what is going on.

2006-12-29, 05:29 PM
There is a resounding shockwave that shakes the Temple, causing a shaking sensation, though not hard enough to harm anything. Then everything becomes quiet and still. "Phew..." Ms E slumps down against the armor, quite tired after having used a lot of her magical energy.

2006-12-29, 05:30 PM
Shea gets up and goes over to Ms E. Are you ok?

2006-12-29, 05:42 PM
The armor snaps it's enormous arms in front of Ms E in a defensive position. A dark indigo light glows from underneath the chainmail hood. "Classify, friend or foe." The voice is deep and intelligent.

Ms E is rather taken aback by his protectiveness, however, that is what she made him to do. "Um... this one is ok. Uh, a friend." She peers out from around his arms. "You can put your arms down now, Evander." He removes them without question and sits quietly. His bright eyes are watching the exchange between Ms E and Shea carefully.

"Oh, um... I'm fine, just tired. Heh... Evander took a lot of energy out of me. And it looks like I've got some work to do yet." She grins at Shea with a little shrug.

2006-12-29, 05:43 PM
Ok, what is he?

2006-12-29, 05:50 PM
"Um... well, Evander's an enchanted clockwork knight." She gestures to the 8'8" tall suit of mithril armor. "I've been working on him for a few weeks now. Made him to be my guardian, actually. He'll do a fine job, I can already tell. We just need to work out what I need protection from, first off." She laughs a little and flashes a big grin.

2006-12-29, 05:52 PM
Wow, he is big. I bet he is really strong to.

2006-12-29, 06:08 PM
"I would assume such. I built him to be." A thought strikes her. "Hey, Evander?"

The eyes flash to her. "My lady?"

Ms E blushes a little at his reponse. "Do you think you can lift me up?" She turns to Shea, "I don't weight that much, but still..."

Evander gives a short reply. "Yes."

Ms E waits expectantly for a few moments. "Oh, right... um... I guess I should have been more specific. I would like you to lift me up, would you lift me up? Now?" She decides she is going to have to teach him a lot more than just what is friendly or hostile.

Evander holds out one large hand and lays it palm up. Ms E hops on, sits down, and holds onto his large thumb for stability. He rapidly lifts her as high as his arm will extend. She has a flash of fear at the sudden change in height and closes her eyes tightly. Quickly he pulls his arm down next to the floor.

She opens one eye gingerly and observes her return to the ground. She is happy but a little surprised. "Why did you bring me down without me telling you to?"

"I sensed distress. I do not wish to cause you distress," he reasons.

"Hm... so he does have free will, we'll just have to work on when to exercise it. A lot more often I hope." She grins at him and then at Shea.

2006-12-29, 06:09 PM
Shea grins back. Wow that's cool. You built him all by yourself? Well I better go. Bye. He leaves waving goodbye to Ms E and Evander.

2006-12-29, 06:35 PM
She smiles proudly. "See you later then Shea!" she waves in return. Evander looks on curiously. "Well, Evander, I guess it is just you and me for awhile." Ms E sighs. "Do you think you could go with me to Trog's Tavern? I'd like to see if I can find some of my friends, or at least get a drink."

"I will go with you," he replies quite seriously.

"Right then, but one thing: Can you not jump in between me and other people like you did with Shea? I'll let you know if someone is bothering me or if they are intending us harm, ok?" She gazes up at him.

"I will know before you must say it. I can feel when you are distressed." He says quite wisely.

"I noticed. But why did you try to protect me from Shea? I wasn't distressed at all."

"But you were weakened. I must protect you when you are weak," Evander says matter-of-factly.

"Oh, I get it," Ms E nods, "But even when I'm weak there are lots of people who will help me. Not hurt me. Especially a lot of people in this temple."


"Okay then. You see this mirror here?" She points at it. "This mirror lead's to Trog's. All you have to do is step inside it."

"Mirrors are solid," Evander sounds confused, "stepping through one is illogical and the attempt may result in injury."

Ms E laughs, "This is an enchanted mirror. It'll work, trust me." She grabs ahold of his large hand as he stands up and begins to tug him towards the mirror. He moves closer of his own accord, as she really didn't have the strength to pull him anyway. They move through the mirror and are whisked away to Trog's Tavern.

They return several hours later and Ms E falls asleep in the guest rooms. Evander joins her in a form of sleep.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 12:42 AM
*The llama trots in, looking around. He trots over to the night priests and has a discussion about what's been going on and Kyrian's training techniques and how quickly they are progressing.*

*Eventually, the events of the day overtake the llama and he starts sleeping*

(goondight guys)

2006-12-30, 07:19 AM
Karaki and Exachix wake up, Exachix sighs and nodds to Karaki, before going off into trogs, leaving Karaki to read his spellbook.

As Exachix goes through the mirror, he looks at the ceiling and mutters something like "Why did you leave me here all night!"


Soon he comes back, and kneels in front of the altar, praying quietly. Soon he gets up before going to a chair and sitting in it.


Soon he sighs and leaves a note saying Exachix has gone back to trogs. The other priests smirk as he goes back through the mirror.

2006-12-30, 04:07 PM
((very sorry. This is likely to be long)).

Exachix returns through as Mitsuya and Kawatu come up from the rooms.

"Greetings Sister, Brother"
"Greetings Exachix."
"Welcome back from Ravenloft."
"Thank you. I have something you will need to do."
Mitsuya looks at him. "What now?"
"Earin is going off to help Elya. You know Elya. What I want you to do is to scry him out. And also have a team of what, 4 other priests on standby to help him out. Ready with healing and protection spells."
"A couple of Defenders too?"
"Yes Kawatu, them too. Be ready asap. In the meantime, do either of you have a cheap free gemstone?"
Mitsuya puts a hand in a pocket on her robe, before getting out a small red ruby. Exachix smiles and casts a vague spell on it. Limited Wish. He smile.
"Why did you do that?"
"In case you can't scry. Then at least they can contact you for help. It also acts as a beacon, and that'll be where you fire the teleport too."
The Pair nodd as their 5 Priests enter. 3 in normal robes, two in a light blue armour.
"Ah, welcome. Mitsuya, when Earin comes in, give him that, and then they'll be ready."
"Yes ok."

Exachix smiles and heads off to bed. Karaki falls asleep there as two acolytes bring a large font like object, with water, for them to scry into. Mitsuya sits in a chair and waits, while Kawatu gets bread for the other preists.

((Mitsuya and Kawatu are NPC preists for you Earin.))

After a while Exachix comes back.

"Actually, give me the gem."
Mitsuya tosses the gem to him and he smiles, sitting in a chair.
"I can stay up for a little longer Krystal says."
The others chuckle and continue what they were doing as Exachix reads, soon, Exachix gets up, and goes back into trogs.


Exachix comes back and nodds to them. Kawatu and Mitsuya begin to scry Earin out. The 5 others stands around the font, watching, as Exachix goes to bed.

2006-12-30, 08:53 PM
Hoseki, Earin, Elya, Alena, and some offline people appear in the Sanctuary. The dimension hopper looks at Earin. "Will she be all right?"

2006-12-30, 08:54 PM
Alena looks around, ruffling her wings nervously. Where are we?

2006-12-30, 08:55 PM
"I hope so... but I'm not entirely sure whats wrong."
Not for the first time, Earin wishes he knew as much about mental healing as Elya. He sits down and sets her next to him, but she is unresponsive.

2006-12-30, 08:57 PM
Alena pulls her wings in tightly as she crouches on the floor next to Elya. She puts one hand on her arm as she looks at her in concern.

2006-12-30, 08:58 PM
"There's the emotional trauma of being cooped in a tiny cell for... how long? And we don't know if they did anything else to her." Hoseki's lips are tight.

2006-12-30, 09:00 PM
Regiji materializes, much to his surprise, standing on the ground.

He glances about his surroundings and notes that this place is absolutely permeated with foxyness. Regiji unconsciously extends his aura of banality out a little further than normal.

He looks at Elya and sighs.

"I... I hope you actually got her back..."

2006-12-30, 09:00 PM
"We're in the Temple of Inari, by the way."
Earin reaches out a hand to brush Elya's hair back, but she jerks her head out of the way and finally looks up, her clear blue eyes flickering oddly. Alena's touch doesn't seem to faze her.

2006-12-30, 09:00 PM
Alena hums very quietly adding in the Song of Freedom.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 09:01 PM
SASO goes from the temple to the streets without a word. His player is in a hurry.

2006-12-30, 09:07 PM
Earin hesitantly puts an arm around her, and she looks at him with sad, flickering blue eyes.
You didn't come.

2006-12-30, 09:08 PM
Alena steps away and stands up, she looks towards the ceiling. Jovah, please grant this woman joy

2006-12-30, 09:10 PM
Hoseki hesitates, then sighs. "I... I can't help anything right now. Please excuse me." She vanishes.

2006-12-30, 09:10 PM
Earin, do you need anything else?

2006-12-30, 09:13 PM
Earin is very obviously pained by her words, and he just meets Alena's eyes hopelessly for a moment.
"Elya, I'm sorry. Please..."
He puts a hand to the side of her face and she gives a small gasp of pain and jerks her head away.

2006-12-30, 09:15 PM
Alena watches Earin and Elya with concern in her eyes, but she backs up to give them space.

2006-12-30, 09:19 PM
Earin very, very gently moves Elya's hair aside, and hisses as he sees why she was in pain.
In looks as if someone had extracted something from her forehead, despite there being nothing to remove from the head. Her skin is torn and rent in several places, but until know her hair had been covering the wounds up.
"By Inari..."
Earin is suddenly very glad he has gained a small alotment of spells as a Defender of Inari, and he casts Cure Light Wounds on Elya.

2006-12-30, 09:20 PM
Alena looks in surprise, What did they do to her?

2006-12-30, 09:20 PM
((Looks like she failed her Sanity check T_T))

"Are the priests here equipped to handle this kind of thing?" Regiji asks, his voice tinged with concern. "It... may be best to leave her to those that can care for her condition."

2006-12-30, 09:21 PM
"I have no idea... and Regiji, she is the priestess who takes care of this kind of thing."
Earin hugs her and she just sobs quietly.

2006-12-30, 09:24 PM
Oh Earin, is there anything I can do?

2006-12-30, 09:26 PM
"I don't know... what do you think we should do?"
Earin looks fairly lost.

2006-12-30, 09:27 PM
Regiji cringes.

"I... I'm sorry."

He thinks for a moment.

"My deity might be able to help but... She is outside their realm of influence as a worshiper of Inari. Without Inari's consent nothing could be done. This... wouldn't be something to be done lightly."

2006-12-30, 09:30 PM
Alena comes forward and kneels next to Earin and Elya, she arches her wings over them as she leans forwards to look at Elya. I know healing spells, but I don't know mind healing.

2006-12-30, 09:33 PM
Earin looks at Regiji and shrugs.
"I don't know if that would happen, but you can try..."
Earin nods to Alena.
"I don't think my healing spell did too much anyways, we might as well start with what we can fix."

2006-12-30, 09:37 PM
Alena starts to sing a beautiful melody, her voice rising and falling as she casts Cure Serious Wounds on Elya.

2006-12-30, 09:41 PM
Regiji sighs.

"With Inari's consent, Elya would be taken to Alearis, the birth-place of my people and the world where The Shepherds ascended," Regiji pauses for a moment, hesitant, then continues. "Her body would be rebuilt, her mind repaired, and her soul mended. Her soul would be united with the new body my people would make for her. She would be surrounded with the same aura of un-magic all me people have though we could. Duplicate. The effects of any of the powers or spells she's accustomed to using but..."

He pauses for a long while.

"But she... she would be cut of from Inari. She wouldn't ever again be able to channel her goddess' divine power. I'm sure there's another way. Think of this only as a final resort."

2006-12-30, 09:41 PM
The rest of the wounds on Elya's head close up, and Earin gently runs a hand through her hair. She shivers slightly, but doesn't move away.
Earin looks up at Regiji and shakes his head.
"I don't think we want to resort to that."

2006-12-30, 09:44 PM
The song trails off as Alena finishes it, her wings flutter as she resettles them over their heads. Elya?

2006-12-30, 09:46 PM
Regiji shakes his head.

"I expected you wouldn't. But it's all I can offer."

2006-12-30, 09:47 PM
Elya continues crying quietly, and Earin looks at her with concern. He gently reaches out to her with his mind, and tears start up in his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something, and he looks concerned, almost worried, but he doesn't actually end up saying anything.

2006-12-30, 09:50 PM
I don't know what else to do for her?

2006-12-30, 09:52 PM
Earin looks at Elya, then at Alena, and he snaps his mental contact with Elya after a moment.
"By Inari, I don't think thats natural to feel that way..."

2006-12-30, 09:53 PM
Regiji catches Earin's look.

"What.. what's wrong?"

2006-12-30, 09:53 PM
Feel what way?

2006-12-30, 09:56 PM
"She's just..."
Earin gropes for a word that will work.
"All she's feeling is hopelessness... I mean, its one thing to feel hopeless, but I've never felt someone have such a singleminded and intense focus on one emotion."

Elya only seems half aware of what is going on around her.

2006-12-30, 09:58 PM
Would you like me to sing for her? I can add in a spell?

2006-12-30, 09:59 PM
"If you think it will help, please do."

2006-12-30, 10:03 PM
Regiji actually looks surprised. He hasn't ever heard of anything like this before. Well, he had heard of methods to mentally crush an opponent's resolve, but such things are normally temporary, lasting a few minutes at worst.

"Do you think... it might be a very specifically molded use of Insanity? If they had wanted to," he pauses for a moment. "I hate to try and think like them, but if they wanted to bend her completely to their will an easy way to do it by causing her to go insane with despair."

He shakes his head.

"But she's a powerful psion. How in the Shepherd's name could they have gotten through her mental defenses..."

2006-12-30, 10:05 PM
Alena stands, her wings flare out as she raises her voice in song. She sings a wordless song of hope, casting Calm Emotions in and through the notes.

2006-12-30, 10:07 PM
"I have no idea how they could have."
Earin watches Elya sadly, who seems almost riveted on Alena's song.

2006-12-30, 10:11 PM
As Alena sings you can feel her glory in the notes, in the spell as she turns her face skyward and raises her arms, trying to gain Jovah's attention even though she's not flying high above. Her voice sings of hope, of life waiting to be lived, all through it the Calm Emotions spell.

2006-12-30, 10:15 PM
Regiji thinks for a moment.

"I'm going to allow Alena to finish her song," Regiji nods to the black-winged angle. "Then I'll see if I can't suppress the effect. If Elya's condition has a magical component to it then it will be halted so long as I'm in contact with her. But... but if it's purely mental then I won't be able to help."

2006-12-30, 10:17 PM
Elya watches Alena, then her eyes flicker again and she cringes, huddling and holding herself. Earin nods to Regiji.

2006-12-30, 10:20 PM
Regiji sighs, then kneels down next to Earin and Elya.

"I'll see what I can do. Mind you, if this does work it will only be a temporary solution."

Regiji gently places his hand on Elya's shoulder.

2006-12-30, 10:20 PM
Alena feels the change in the air and changes her song to what Elya needs to hear, she continues the Calm Emotions spell.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 10:23 PM
*The llama perks up at the song, coming out of his sleep/trance, he trots over with a worried look on his face.*

(In case Alena is a newcomer and not an alt, Atreyu is a sentient llama who wears a black mask, a black collar with blue gems on it, and also an amulet of Inari's holy symbol.)

2006-12-30, 10:25 PM
Elya shudders at Regiji's touch, and her eyes flicker uncertainly, going from clear blue to the same sort of blue that is associated with Incarnum.

2006-12-30, 10:28 PM
Regiji's eyes narrow as he spots the sudden change in color. He persists with his attempt.

"I don't know how... but this may have been inflicted through Incarnum. If that's the case it'll take longer to erode, perhaps a minute or two."

2006-12-30, 10:31 PM
Elya's gaze becomes distinctly unsettling...
((This is a non-magical ability that renders people shaken for a minute unless they make a save))

2006-12-30, 10:31 PM
Alena continues to sing and adds in the element of Inspire Competence

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 10:34 PM
*Atreyu stands around not knowing if he can help, but wanting to be there just in case*


*he shivers as Elya's gaze sweeps over him, looking creeped out by her expression*

(eeep. no one else is posting. I broke the thread. I didn't mean too, Earin, I wasn't even planning on being part of the plot. Atreyu was just here, so I thought I'd just post a little bit. Where is everyone? HELP! I broke the plot.)

(V oh yay! Its fixed.)

2006-12-30, 10:44 PM
Earin sighs and shakes his head.
"I don't think its doing anything, Regiji."

2006-12-30, 10:45 PM
Alena looks down at Earin as she ends her song. Anything?

2006-12-30, 10:47 PM
He shrugs.
"Not much, if anything. Thank you for trying..."

2006-12-30, 10:47 PM
Regiji recoils as he feels... fear? He hadn't felt this since...

Shadows all around. Smell of death. Cold grip of the grave. Consuming hunger. Oh Shepherds save me! That horrible eyeless gaze! Their stare eating into my soul! Screams. Screams of sibling dieing. Consumed. Ravaged. Lost forever. Souls shattered. Spirits quenched.

You shall never escape our power. Gaze upon oblivion and let it seep into your soul. Know that we are Destruction and despair, the End of All that Is.


"NO!" Regiji suddenly yells aloud. His gaze hardens as does his resolve. "I. Will. Not. Let. My. Fear. Stop. Me."

"Not! Again!"

Regiji's aura intensifies, spreading out well beyond its normal limits and threatening to disjoin any magic around him.

2006-12-30, 10:49 PM
Earin looks freaked, and he holds Elya closer to himself, obviously not seeing her gaze.
"Regiji? Whats going on?"

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 10:51 PM
*Atreyu scurries away, effects that mess with magic make him nervous.*

2006-12-30, 10:51 PM
Alena backs up from Regiji's effect, I'm sorry Earin, I wish I could do more.

2006-12-30, 10:54 PM
"If there's anything you can do... I'll let you know."

2006-12-30, 10:58 PM
Get a hold of yourself! You're scaring them.

Regiji's breathing begins to slow slightly at Earin's voice, the aura beginning to ebb back to its normal area of effect.

"She... She used some kind of fear effect on me. I..."

The aura returns to its normal state.

"I... haven't felt anything like that. Not for a long time."

2006-12-30, 10:59 PM
Alena leaves the Temple, head down, trying to think of anything to help Elya.

2006-12-30, 11:00 PM
"She what?"
Earin glances at her, seemingly unaffected by her gaze.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 11:02 PM
*No longer fearing for his sentience, Atreyu trots back closer to the scene, nuzzling Elya if he can.*

2006-12-30, 11:07 PM
Regiji breaths deeply, doing his best to calm himself despite Elya's otherworldly stare.

"I don't know. Her eyes... I just felt... terrified all of a sudden," Regiji shivers. "It brought back some very bad memories. Memories that I wish I could forget."

2006-12-30, 11:08 PM
Elya looks at Atreyu with deep, blue, hopeless eyes. They are no longer terrifying, but its still very odd.
Earin just looks lost.

2006-12-30, 11:12 PM
Regiji takes his hand off Elya and sighs.

"Even if it were inflicted by Incarnum it should have been suppressed by now," he shakes his head. "I... I just don't know. It isn't magic or psionics, nor is it Incarnum. Aside from physically altering her brain I can't think of anything else that would do this."

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 11:12 PM
"It'll be okay, Elya. Good always finds a way." *He tries to be a comforter, errr...comforting, not a warm blanket, although he might make a good blanket if you're able to stand the weight*

2006-12-30, 11:15 PM
((How about gaining a Template, Regiji? Hm? Could he supress an Incarnum type template? :smallbiggrin: I'm so evil...))

Elya doesn't seem convinced, if she even heard him.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 11:17 PM
(This is my fault for hopping into a plot I just happened to be around, but umm.....what's an Incarnum? and should I go read the Beach thread you started earlier, to better understand what's going on or is this seperate?)

2006-12-30, 11:20 PM
((At this point most people only have a vague idea of whats going on with Elya. Incarnum is an odd form of magic that deals with soul energy))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 11:21 PM
(ah, okay, so I'm not overly behind. Great, thanks)

2006-12-30, 11:21 PM
((One of those new decks of many things could help. They let you re-build your character >.>))

"I'm sorry I couldn't be more help," Regiji sighs. "I'll have my family watch for word on any psions powerful enough to remove mental conditions like this. Who knows what might come up."

Regiji stands an begins to leave the temple.

"Oh, and Earin. If you ever want me to hold your player for you while you punch him in the gut, I'll be happy to help."

Regiji exits the temple, stepping over the shattered remains of the fourth wall on his way out.

2006-12-30, 11:23 PM
((Stephen fervently prays that the Dancing Man won't yank him into IC anytime soon...))
Earin nods to Regiji and holds Elya tightly to himself.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 11:27 PM
((Is it possible the kidnappers found some space-time-hole-portal thingy and technologically did the damage with some device that was spat out of said potal-hole-thingy?))

2006-12-30, 11:29 PM
Um... no...))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 11:31 PM
*Not knowing what else to do, the llama stands by, looking worried*

(I need to go soon, I'm hoping to play some Fatal Frame tonight.)

2006-12-30, 11:46 PM
((I'll let you go then))
Earin sighs and stands, almost forcibly standing Elya up with him.
"I'll be by tommorow. Good night, Atreyu."
He vanishes.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-30, 11:51 PM
"Goodni- Dang teleporters. Poor Elya. She's always been there for us and always positive. What could have happened to her? Earin will find a way to cure her. He's one of Inari's best knights and a darn good ninja, too."

*the llama trots over to Inari's statue and lays down to pray for his friends. The night priests come by, but seeing as he's deep in prayer, they don't muck with him, but one does go over and give him a reassuring scratch behind the ears.*

(off to play Fatal Frame, while alone, in a strange house, a large strange house, with 5 cats to cause random noises from bizarre places, GULP!)

2006-12-31, 04:57 AM
Exachix wakes and wanders into the Sanctuary, before kneeling at the altar and praying, before initiating the morning's ceremonies.

Soon, he leaves the temple via the streets.

Much much later he comes back and retires to bed.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-31, 08:28 PM
the llama scurries off to spend new year's with Kint and Ala and Alarra and El J at the gem shop.

2007-01-01, 11:04 AM
Exachix wakes up, late, and wanders out into the Sanctuary, thinking about what to do today. Karaki is already awake and looks up at him as he enters.

2007-01-01, 11:05 AM
Suddenly a small, blue portal opens, and a man with spines along his arms and legs steps out. He looks around.
Six more portals open, and three men come out of each.

2007-01-01, 11:08 AM
(Oh...yea...like YOU needed more characters.)

2007-01-01, 11:09 AM
Exachix looks at them, and Karaki stands up. A priest shifts to fox-form and scampers.

{Elvish}"Karaki." "Yessir." "Ready yourself. This may or may not be good"{/Elvish} "Hello."