View Full Version : e6 rolled stats instead of pointbuy and LA

2013-08-09, 10:12 PM
Generally in E6 to compensate for racial LA one uses the point buy method:

Point Buy According to LA LA Point Buy
+0 32
+1 25
+2 18
+3 10
+4 0

However, in a game that does not use a point buy method but instead is based of of dice rolls to generate stats, starting with 5d6(drop lowest 2) 7 times keeping the highest 6, how should one scale that down for increased LA?

5d6 only 6 times(minimum 8) for +1
4d6 for +2(minimum 8)
3d6 for +3 (minimum 8)
A simple 8 in every score for +4?

Through in the minmum 8 because that is what you would start at with a 0 point buy, and it is very possible to get lower than an 8 with these rolls.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

2013-08-10, 01:00 AM
I'd advise against this. While altering point buy guarantees that the low-LA PCs will have an edge against the high-LAs, this does not. It would be fully possible for a player with a +2 or +3 template to end up with better starting abilities than one without an LA. There's barely any reason to play a +0, because all that gives you over +1 is an extra roll. While the odds may be stacked against those with LA, they still have a chance at beating those without in literally every area, and that's simply unfair.

Let's try those rolls out, shall we? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15793875#post15793875)

EDIT: As you can see, +1 and +2 did as well as or better than +0 in all three sets. In set 3, +3 was actually better than +0 or +2. This is why this is a bad idea.

2013-08-10, 02:09 AM
Yeah, thats what I was afraid of, the original 5d6 7 times also had the stipulation that you could move 1 point from 1 to another as many times as you wanted. For example if you had 6 14s you could end up with 3 18s and 3 10s. If that was continued on do you think it would help balance the rolls I suggested more?
This system was designed for higher than average starting scores.

On a different note, what do you think about increasing the standard point buys to a greater level? Thereby shifting the whole table up allowing point buys that could still generate greater ability scores than average. With starting point buys for LA+0 characters starting in the high 40s or low 50s then scaling it down from there?

For the record I started this thread on behalf of a friend(dm) of mine who told me he was thinking of changing his game to e6, I asked him earlier if he would be using the standard point buy rules and such for the LA, I have not heard back from him on it yet, but we have been using the 5d6 7 times like I said so far. I'm perfectly fine with playing the +3 LA race I have in mind with a 10 point buy, not because it is that powerful but because I think it would be fun, but I have a feeling he would want the other players to have more than a 32 point buy.(or w/e buy they would use for their race) so that is why I ask. Also I wouldn't mind noting other peoples opinions on the matter anyway.