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2013-08-10, 11:42 AM
“I can’t believe he’s dead.”

You all have the same reaction. Donal Mercathy had been always been around Scornubel. He was a fixture of the Western Heartlands. Working with traders, he made connections for those who had none. He had a knack for finding who had what crop, who needed that crop, and how it could get there. Rumor had it that he did the same for adventurers, found work for those who had certain skill sets.

You had heard of him but never worked for him. Yet. It seems that he knew of you and each of you received the same letter, delivered by courier, three mornings ago.


I hope this finds you healthy and well. I wish I could say the same for myself. If you have received this message, it means that I am dead and in need of your help.

My name is Donal Mercathy. I work here in Scornubel with merchants, traders, and other “business” folk. Some very legitimate and some on the grey edges of society. It is this grey edge that I fear has done me in. I do not seek revenge. What has happened has been my own doing and I always accept the consequences of my actions. It is right to do so. I need your assistance in what comes next.

Most likely I have been killed over an item in my possession. I came by it quite legally and was striving to return it to its rightful owner. Determining that person has been quite tricky and convoluted. Many lay claim to this prize and I have been researching to find its true lineage. Those who desire (but do not deserve) this treasure have hounded me and, apparently, eliminated me. However, they can’t have claimed the prize. I have taken many steps to insure that impossibility. With your help, I can see to it that the rightful person receives their heritage.

My Last Will and Testament will be read to my invited guests in the communal dining room of the Far Anchor, an inn here in Scornubel in eight days time. I wish to employ you as “crowd control.” There will be several noteworthy people there, and, most likely, the one who arranged my demise.

During the reading and execution of my Will, I ask that you keep things in line, watch for trouble, and handle any problems that may arise. You will be compensated the sum of 400 gold pieces for your time plus more for any additional efforts on your part. Please contact Eubin Clodfall upon your arrival in Scornubel.

Please give your reply to the courier and may Lathander protect your endeavors.

Donal Mercathy (deceased)”

An out of breath courier seems ready to run with your word.

2013-08-13, 09:04 PM
Orion calmly folded the letter he was given. Slightly glowing azure eyes stare at the courier. Orion stands in silence for a few moments to allow the courier to catch his breath. Orion then takes out a piece of paper to write down his reply. Handing it to the courier Orion said,"I will take the contract."

2013-08-13, 09:12 PM
Harken sat on the dead tree stump cross-legged as he read the letter that he had just received. It took him a while to get through the whole thing. While he could read, as he picked up some skill during his travels, he did so at a slower pace than normal. Harken ignored the courier's impatient foot tapping as he thought to himself.

He smiled softly, trying to scribe this memory into the back of his mind. This was the first time he ever had a letter addressed to him. Of course, he had seen it before in some villages and towns, but he had never been the recipient of such a parchment. Civilized life was still peculiar to him.

Harken had been passing by, within the Western Heartlands, and had made camp a little ways away from Scornubel. While he had heard the name Donal Mercathy before within the region, he had no recollection of ever meeting him. Apparently he was dead, and apparently he had at least known of Harken. Not many people actually knew Harken, and probably fewer knew him by name, so it struck Harken as quite impossible that Donal did in fact know him.

"I wonder if he knew Uncle,", Harken thought to himself. It was a possibility, Harken knew little about the man that raised him. Maybe Donal knew his uncle?

Sensing some adventure and possibly an answer to this mystery, Harken told the courier he would do this guard duty, and started walking towards Scornubel as the courier ran away.

Harken reached into his pocket to find very few objects.

"At the very least, I would get some more gold for supplies. How hard could it be? Most likely the people will be distraught by Donal's death. Hopefully too distraught to cause trouble."

Harken continued on his way, looking towards Scornubel with a toughtful, albeit confused gaze.

2013-08-14, 08:18 AM
After almost an year wandering, Azktor was able to save just enough money to pay for his travel expenses and a couple of personal equipments. He then decided to go to the city of Elturel, because he knew of the mighty paladins of Torm and thought that it was a good place to make some allies and money. After one week in Elturel Azktor was still just observing things and waiting for a good oportunity.

One day a breathless courier arrived with a letter. After reading it, Azktor thought "400 gold pieces...this is the oportunity I have been waiting for. But I wonder how Donal Mercathy heard of me." Azktor then looked back to the courier and replied "Hey boy! Grab some parchment and ink so I can reply the letter!" After a second the courier was back with it and Azktor wrote: "I accept." After seeing the courier going away with the letter, Azktor had a last thought "I just hope that there will be some battle over there, my sword is getting restless"

18th Avenger
2013-08-14, 10:53 AM
The message found him in Amn.

And not in one of Athkalas' more reputed taverns, oh no. The courier had managed to find Sarvin in one of the rattier holes-in-the-wall in the docks, the kind favored by sailors, guildsfolk of the disreputable sort and nobles out for a good time.

It wasn't as if the tiefling had any choice. Talented as he might have been, his specialty lay in commanding people (as well as getting hurt alongside them). That being the case, Sarvin found that there was a bit of a dearth in jobs for aspiring warlords. So when the breathless courier managed to slink his way past the gutter toughs and sharp-eyed cutpurses towards his table, the tiefling in hide armor thought that that Tymora had finally smiled on him (at least until he'd have to save the well-dressed pup).

Reading by smoky torchlight as he gnawed on a skewer of stringy chicken, Sarvin frowned. As much as he needed direction and purpose, he didn't expect his start to be crowd control for some dead businessman. Then there was the fact that this Mercathy should possibly have had better choices than some wanderer just at the start of his career.

Thoughtfully, while the courier meekly ordered some form of refreshment, the tiefling fondled the tarnished silver pin he wore behind his collar, as was his habit when thinking.

"How soon can we leave?" he asked the courier, who couldn't hold down the half-pint of rotgut that had been plunked down before him. Sarvin chalked it up the sudden start people get once they heard the red-skinned man's smoky rasp of a voice. The young man got over his surprise and pursed his lips, mulling the tielfing's question. One look at their current surroundings (just as a fight broke out) answered Sarvin's question. The pair gathered their belongings and tried to catch the first boat for Scornubel as soon as they could.

2013-08-14, 06:59 PM
With the courier given his reply, Orion will find the first caravan headed out that way. True he could walking the distance, but the time it would take, as well as the energy expenditure, was not worth it. A few gold to ride in style was worth the price. He was worth it after all. Stowed away securely in the luxury land vehicle, Orion planned to enjoy his time riding to his new job in style.

2013-08-16, 02:22 AM
Azktor have no attachments with Elturel, so he was quickly ready to leave the town. He decided to rent a horse to go to Scornubel, since he did not enjoy much to go on caravans and the horse seemed to be the fastest way to get there. Also the letter said that they would pay him for any additional efforts.

He had a some dificulty to make the horse accept Zau'nix with him, but after that he was ready to go. He decided to use the main road, since he had no reason to hide himself and the roads are faster than secondary paths.

2013-08-16, 05:51 AM
Asteroth was surprised by the letter, he never had any contact with Donal. It must have been his fathers idea. Well, he did choose to be an adventurer, there was no turning back now, and he was determined to prove himself to his father. A spark started to twinkle in his eyes when he read the part about the crowd-control, that was what he did best.
"Of course I will accept." he answer and wrote a few simple lines on a parchment.
"You can take this as my response, I will be there on time."

Eight days? It was only five days walk to Scornubel, so he decide to spend one day with his parents and hit the road. He got there a little earlier, but it didn't matter, it gave him enough time to learn a few local songs and hear a few fascinating tales.

2013-08-20, 08:00 PM
With Azktor mounting the horse and Zau'nix following close by, they were able to do about 35-40 miles in the first day. He decided to stay a day in a Inn - close by the road, between Scornubel and Elturel - to rest, enjoy some food and to spend his day trainning in the woods "Getting rusty will not do me any good...". Zau'nix spent most of his day watching his master trainning and just barked once or twice to ask for food. After that day in the Inn he felt full of energy and decided to keep going to Scornubel.

By the end of the third day, since he left Elturel, he finally arrived to Scornubel. He decided to spent the night at any inn and was going to look for Eubin Clodfall the morning of the next day. When he awake the first thing he donne was ask for the innkeeper if he knew anyone named Eubin Clodfall and where to find him.

Well Azktor take about 3-3.5 days to get into Scornubel, so I should at least got 4 more days.

2013-08-20, 09:52 PM
It only took around a half days time for Harken to reach the outskirts of Scornubel. He hesitated as he approached the entrance to the city. This was quite possibly the largest one he had ever dared step foot in.

There were many more people than he had expected, and only his curiosity of how Donal had contacted him spurred him on. Closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, he took one step past the guards. He opened his eyes and looked around, "that was easy I suppose", he thought.

Harken didn't believe he seemed too out of place. Surely, he looked a little more well traveled than most of the citizens in the city, but he was doing his best to look civilized. As people walked by, he tried to remember to not stare, or make prolonged eye contact, but it was difficult to not gawk at some of the oddities he was not used to seeing in a more natural environment.

The first thing he noticed was the smell. Not quite what he was used to, the odor of the streets wafted around his nose and seemed to stay there, despite his attempts at waving it away.

The second thing he noticed was how many people were trying to take his gold. Not necessarily steal his gold, but peddling some useless object that he would never need. As he walked through the streets, he often ignored the vendors, thinking that everything he needed he could find in the surrounding forests. Sometimes some oddity caught his eye, so he would stop and look at it for an inordinate amount of time, before being forced to put it back and go on his way.

The third thing he noticed were some children playing in the street. Harken actually stopped and stared at them, which drew some glares from some of the people around him. His mind drifted to the time when he was a child, and his Uncle one day had brought him into the nearby village. While his Uncle was at the tavern collecting some news, he tried to play with the other children, only to be made fun of for living in the forest alone with his uncle. Harken decided to hit the other children with a stick for making fun of him. This in turn made his Uncle and himself make a hasty retreat from the village that day. Shrugging, he thought to himself, "they deserved it, besides I didn't hit them very hard at all."

After walking around for what seemed like hours, and realizing eventually he had no idea where he was going (he had always been quite hopeless at navigating urban environments), he stopped and asked a guard where the Far Anchor was located, or where he could find someone named Eubin Clodfall.

Diplomacy roll for the guard.

I'll just take my passive perception and insight for those rolls. (If I need them.)

2013-08-21, 01:34 AM

"Eubin?" the innkeeper responds with a chuckle. "Are you 'ere for the wake? It's goin' ta be dun right thru the night over at the Far Anchor. Gor! Wish I'd got that bookin'." He gestures to the door. "Right out of the door, left on Far Rider Street, three blocks up on your left. Look for the scrawnist lil' dwarf you eva' saw. That's Eubin."

2013-08-21, 01:40 AM

The guard looks at you as if the scum on his boots had come to life in your form. "Center of town. Look for the anchor," he mumbles at you, barely moving his mouth. He sniffs loudly, wrinkles his nose and takes two uncasual steps away from you.

You decide south-ish would probably be the right direction.
It's not you, it's him and the diplomacy roll. You'll find Far Anchor.

18th Avenger
2013-08-21, 05:10 AM
"I can see why Master Mercathy's estate sought you out," said the messenger, who was named Danil, as he and the tiefling stepped on to the dock of Scornubel less than a tenday after they'd left Athkalas. Apart from an incident with coastal raiders, the journey had been uneventful. But in the skirmish with the riverborne rogues, Sarvin Damakos had acquitted himself well. Without his leadership, the crew of the Whisperwind would have not only seen their cargo of wares hauled off, but that would have been the last thing they would have seen.

Sarvin grunted by way of reply, scratching at an armored armpit. But he felt good from the praise. While his kind were uncommon around Amn and he'd kept to himself during the voyage, the ship's crew couldn't help but look at him a little more positively after he'd had a hand in saving not only their lives, but their livelihood as well. The warlord thought that was a good thing while the young courier prattled on.

It was then his companion suddenly remembered himself. "Oh! You'll want to present yourself to the Far Anchor! Here, hang on a bit." He reached into his knapsack and fumbled for a sheet of parchment and an inkstick. Danil scribbled some quick directions and a crude, though highly detailed map. "Grew up around here, y'see," he explained as he put on some finishing touches. Sarvin watched quietly, noting that his companion seemed to have quite the knack for map-making. A few minutes later, the map was pressed into his red-skinned hand.

"I'll run ahead and inform the estate. Good luck, Master Damakos," Danil said brightly. And with that, he scurried off into the crowd and disappeared. Sarvin sorted and looked at the map, preparing the long process of finding a spare room in a tavern in a city he'd never been to before.

He recalled a saying about adventurers and their lots, the thought of which making his expression go sour as he went the other way, looking for any of the landmarks Danil had listed.


"What a load, 'no ale'!" shouted one of two people in beaten and well-used armor, presumably adventurers, who were stepping out of the large and unassuming inn with an anchor sign hanging over the door Sarvin presumed was the Far Anchor. To a person might not have had a good rest or a solid lunch, finding Far Rider Street might have been an exercise in frustration. Especially since the tiefling was not patient by nature. But the map was helpful and he was able to find the Far Anchor with little duress (and a bit of help from some helpful locals).

Folding up the map and stuffing it into his knapsack, he let the two disgruntled would-be patrons pass by. His ears picked up their grumbling, then his face grimace when one of them shouted back, "Your cheese ain't all that great anyway!" While Sarvin wasn't averse to a nip of hard drink, he didn't see any reason why you had to leave with such a sour note. His armored shoulders shrugged and went up to door and stepped in.

For all the rather plain exterior, the Far Anchor was a cheery and large place, the smell of food and warmth suffusing the building with a homeyness quite rare in such establishments. Even more surprising was that a large number of the patrons were still armed. When asking a nearby server why that was, he only received a light laugh and a waving gesture over to a table.

Sarvin stood in place, thanking the server anyway and trying not to stand in anyone's way. "But I'm looking over someone called Eubin Clodfall," he added, leaning closer and lifting his tail out of the way of someone's bootsteps. "I've been summoned here by some merchant named 'Merchathy'. His wake's here, yes?"

2013-08-22, 09:00 AM
Azktor looks back to the innkeeper with a serious face "It is not of your bussiness why I'm here. I will leave my things here for today and be back for one more night." He then eats something at the inn - giving some for Zau'nix - and starts to go to Eubin's place. After more then four hours looking for Eubin's place Azktor was finally there "I hate this town...". He then gives 3 strong knocks on the door and waits.

I will roll streetwise just to see how long Azktor take to get there.
Streetwise check:[roll0] - With a 6 I will assume a lot of time, but not the whole day.

2013-08-22, 08:38 PM
Harken stared blankly towards what he thought was the center of town. He turned around to ask the guard another question, but the guard's grimace quickly told Harken it might not be a good idea.

After what seemed like hours of walking the maze-like roads towards what he thought was the center of town, Harken arrived at an inn, with an anchor hanging over the door.

He took a deep breath, tried to look as inconspicuous as possible, and opened the door. Harken took two steps in, and stood there, staring at the crowded room.

As he continued to stand there, observing the Inn's patrons for what must have been an embarrassingly long time for a more civilized person, a server finally approached him.

Acknowledging the server with a curt nod, Harken asked, "I'm looking for Eubin Clodfall, do you know where I could find him?", before his eyes drifted to a couple sitting at a nearby table.

2013-08-24, 02:06 AM

The server, passing back again with arms laden with trays and platters, gestures with her hand and mouths, "Bar." Looking in that direction, you notice a wide human male of average height serving cups of steaming water with floating leaves. Mouthing, "My thanks," you make your way to the counter, repeating your query to the bald man, trying not to stare at his voluminous moustache while trying to find the mouth underneath.

"Eubin? Oh, wait a tic..." he digs through some papers under the counter, and, after looking back and forth at you and the paper he drew forth, asked, "Are you one of the guards he hired? Damakos? Eubie...er...I mean Mr. Clodfall wasn't expectin' you for another few days but if you wanna talk with him, he'll be in here for early dinner shortly. Can mark the time by him. If you wanna have a seat there," he says pointing to the near table, "I'll set you up on his tab."

2013-08-24, 02:22 AM

A shaken gnome answers the door and directs you across the street to the door with the large sign with an anchor above.

Your patience at an end, you merely stare at the server when she asks that your dog remain outside. She meets your eye for but a moment, then lowers hers and continues on her way. The meeting room in large with a raised stage at the far end, a long bar along the back, and stairs leading to the rooms on the second floor balcony. The few people between you and the barman subtly move out of your path, although you get a strange half-smile from a seated tiefling. The large, walrus-looking fellow behind the bar seems to know why you are here.

"The guard job? You here for the guard job? Eubin Clodfall, right? He'll be here in a little bit if you'd like to have a bite. That fellow there is waiting for him, as well," he says pointing to the tiefling, who is raising his glass to you in salute.

2013-08-24, 02:35 AM

For some reason her eyes roll as she juts her thumb towards the bar and says, "Talk to Willie, the barman." A patron flags her and off she scurries. You glance a second time at those two at the table as you make your way to Willie. A tiefling and a half-orc, both dressed for travel. Quite a different look that the rest of the well-to-do crowd. The barman's large brush of facial hair is rather soothing to watch as he speaks.

"Boy, don't you boys just come out of the woodwork! Sure, Eu....darn it....Mr. Clodfall will be here shortly. You can wait with your other buddies right over there," he says motioning you towards the half-orc and tiefling. "I'll send over some warm food, fix you right up."

18th Avenger
2013-08-24, 03:36 AM
Sarvin nodded when Willie the barman asked for his name and did as he was bid, slightly mystified by the whole thing. While settling in (it's hard to sit with weapons at your belt, especially since one of the two was a triple-headed flail), another serving girl brought him a flagon of lemonade. Having been warned earlier by departing patrons, Sarvin made no fuss and raised his glass in greeting to a half orc in full battle plate.

He didn't know why he smiled. The tiefling saw the crowd parting to let the half orc to the bar, where Willie shared a few words and pointed over to the table. While the tiefling wasn' all too fond of the race, he'd known some rather exceptional individuals with orc parentage. After all, who was he to judge.

Evidently, he received the same instruction as well, for the half orc was coming this way. Then Sarvin got to watch the barman direct a rather young and scruffy human be directed towards them as well. Now he wasn't so alone.

But for what?

"Well met," he said by way of greeting towards the pair when they sat down. "This Master Mercathy contaced you as well." Sarvin was never one for gilding the lily.

2013-08-24, 08:44 AM
Azktor did not liked to leave Zau'nix outside, but he was thinking on the 400gp. He gave a last look to Zau'nix that meant "Be on your guard!" Azktor was used to this kind of reaction, expecially from humans, he thought "Petty humans...", but something unusual happend a tiefling smiled to him "What this fool is smiling about?"

"Yes! I'm here for the job, my name is Azktor the Blackblade." Azktor answerd this to the barman and the tiefling at the same time. After a couple of seconds of silence Azktor also said "I will accept the food, also say to someone to give a piece of meat to Zau'nix - my companion dog that is outside." Azktor said with a tone of command*.

In case it is necessary to roll a intimidation for the command* here it go:
Intimidation check: [roll0]
If not necessary, just ignore it.
When the woodman (Harken) entered Azktor just stared him for a second and kept eating and thought "I wonder how good of fighters those 2 are...they don't seem like much though."

2013-08-24, 04:07 PM
Harken's eyes traveled over to his "buddies" at the table.

I hope these are the other guards and not the ones I am supposed to be guarding, Harken thought.

His hand instinctively wandered closer to his staff as Harken walked over to the table.

Free food at least, he thought.

Harken took a seat next to the adventurous looking pair. Harken ignored the Tiefling's comments, but did remember to incline his head politely with a half-smile at his two fellow table-mates. One arm on the table, while his other arm draped his staff across his back, Harken looked around at the rest of the Anchor's patrons, remembering to keep a keen eye at the two with him at the table.

18th Avenger
2013-08-25, 01:43 PM
Sarvin blinked at the half orc's bluntness and the druid's reticence (anyone dressed or smelling like that could be nothing but). The tiefling caught the extravagantly-mustached barman's glance and gave him a look that could only say, "what by Tymora's brass brassiere have I gotten myself into?"

So now when the barmaid, incidentally the one Sarvin had spoken to, she found a human and a half orc eyeing the table with measuring glances while the tiefling fiddled with his fingers.

Honestly, it was like the set-up of one of those jokes.

Eventually, Sarvin did speak up. A quiet man by nature, too much silence had been known to irritate him. "I don't know about either of you, but this whole thing is highly suspect." He leaned closer. "I've never even heard of this Mercathy character until less than a tenday ago. Have either of you?""

2013-08-25, 02:14 PM
Azktor did not mind the silence, actually he apreciate it. the only noise he liked was the noise of a good battle. But the tiefling kept trying to make a conversation. He looked back to him and answered "I find it very weird as well, because I only have heard of Mercanthy by name before...but I could not pass this opportunity. And as long as we remain alert and with our weapons ready, we can leave here with some easy money." He didn't like the ideia of working with those two, but he was not going to fail.

2013-08-26, 05:26 AM
From his position in the corner Astaroth was watching the other mercenaries and he was amused. The half-orc looked aggressive, but he was probably useful in a fight. Astaroth made a mental note not to get on his bad side. He did not have much love for Tiefling, but this one looked different. There was something about his posture that looked familiar. The human was the weird one, he looked so out of place. Well, spying gathering information was fun, but it was time for him to introduce himself. The mentioning of Donal was a perfect opportunity, so he walked to their table.
"Well, I can't tell you much about old Donal, but I did hear a few things. Despite his suspicious activities, he was a good man, and people loved him." He said while sitting down. "I'm Astaroth Seldari, but you can call me Ace. I guess I'm here for the same reason as you."

18th Avenger
2013-08-27, 02:39 PM
"And a well-met to you too," greeted Sarvin to the dragonborn who took this place at their table. He tried not to stare. Those born of Bahamut's blood were an even rarer sight that tieflings. Though given the cosmopolitan nature of the cities along the Sword Coast, Sarvin thought that he might even see more of the scaled warriors around.

At the mention of Mercathy's goodness in spite of his activities in the shadows, Sarvin couldn't help but feel the weight of the pin at his shirt collar. He'd known a little something about what a person was in the dark. So, he inclined his head. "I'll give him that, but wouldn't one of his caliber have his own guards? Or more experienced friends? No offense to the table, of course."

2013-08-28, 10:08 PM
Harken looked around at the newcomers to the table. He saw their stares and thought the same thing they were most likely thinking - this is strange company.

Not one to judge based on outward appearance, he decided to answer all of them at once, instead of answering their individual questions.

Nodding again to the people at his table, he said, "My name is Harken. I fear I do not know this Mecanthy either, but surely he most have known all of us? At least we share one common thing."

2013-08-29, 10:09 AM
"I'll give him that, but wouldn't one of his caliber have his own guards? Or more experienced friends? No offense to the table, of course."
"Maybe his problem are his "friends", so he needed to turn to stranges." Azktor could understand that, since he trusted no one, besides Zau'nix.

"My name is Harken. I fear I do not know this Mecanthy either, but surely he most have known all of us? At least we share one common thing."
"The will to make money?" Azktor knows that was not the real goal of everyone there, and even his goal was not money. But he don't want a "flashback moment" right now.

18th Avenger
2013-08-29, 11:29 AM
"That we're as babes in the woods and we're looking to make our mark in the world?" piped Sarvin after taking a sip of his lemonade. The way the tielfing put it seemed like he wasn't all that serious, that he was grasping at straws.

2013-08-29, 11:50 AM
"It is a pleasure to meet you all." Astaroth said with a slight head tilt.
"I agree with the half-orc. His guards are to involved, and a men in his position can never trust the people around him. He just needed some outsiders." Astaroth knew that wasn't all, but he didn't have any more information, and apparently neither did his new companions, so there was no point in discussing it any further.

2013-08-31, 11:42 PM
Far Anchor

The barman clears his throat loudly and point to the door when you look his way. As you turn, the door is opened gently by what appears to be a hairy halfling. As the being steps daintily through the door and makes its careful way across the room past your table, it becomes clear that you are looking at the scrawniest dwarf you have ever seen. Narrow shoulders, no belly, twigish-thin legs, well manicured beard, and a bulbous nose are very disconcerting on one person. He steps lightly to the bar and, after a brief word turns to look at your table. He meets each of your eyes as if ticking each one off a mental checklist. Concern crosses his face as he approaches the table. When he speaks, the tone is thin and nasally.

"Where are the others? There were supposed to be six. I received acknowledges from six. Where are they?"

His tone is quick and accusatory, as if you held the key to where they were or to blame for their absence. He slumps into the chair with a sigh.

"Another set back," he says more to himself than you. "For such precise arrangements, these matters such have been peeled potatoes.<second sigh> No matter. Ever forward." He shakes his head thrice and looks up at you with a forced smile. "Hello. I am Eubin Clodfall," he starts, sounding rehearsed and not entirely sincere. "Thank goodness you've come. I did not expect you until two days hence but better early than late, eh? Ha. Ha. I see you've set a tab already. As budgeted, all reasonable costs will be covered." He refers to a sheaf of papers pulled from his robes. "Hmmm...yes... Payment for services set at 400 gp plus additional bonuses for ancillary activities and allowances for...um...next of kin, if necessary. Non-idemnity statements...blah blah...revenge dismissal...standard line of mercenary agreement." He passes the papers to each of you. "This binding contract does not need to be signed. I have witnesses of your accepting the jobs and receiving this paper." He smiles somewhat haughtily, "Donal believed in the promise of a handshake. I am far more realistic."

He leans back as a bowl of stew is slid in front of him. He fastens a napkin around his pencil neck. "If you have any questions, I will be eating for the next fifteen minutes. Please, excuse the splashing."

18th Avenger
2013-09-01, 12:20 AM
"Six?" Sarvin counted those seated at the table and came up one short. He was about to ask the others if they knew someone else was coming but thought better of it.

His plate of beef slices and fried potatoes forgotten, Sarvin picked up the proffered parchment and began to read. Accompanied by the sounds of a dwarf heartily enjoying his meal. Eventually, before his eyes rolled back in his skull from the thickness of the legal jargon, he waited quietly until Clodfall had finished eating. Along the way, the tiefling finished at his meal and lemonade.

"I take it you're not at liberty to answer how Mister Mercanthy found our names?"

2013-09-02, 01:17 AM

Snorting through a spoon of stew, "Donal had his own way of running things. It didn't include telling his supposed second in command what was going on. Now I'm trying to run a business I've 'inherited' and I have no idea how! Ordering me around even in death..." he mumbles as he rips a hunk of crusty bread from the loaf and sloshes it through his bowl. "My first and only turn in command is running his services," he reaches into his robes and takes out a bound sheaf of papers and slaps them on the table, "and they have been already planned down to the last speech!" He fishes the soggy bread out of his stew and stuffs it ungraciously into his mouth.

2013-09-03, 08:24 AM
Azktor is usually suspicious of everyone and he decide to just observes Eubin before saying something. He just nod back to Eubin and start to read the "contract" thinking "Well seens to be everything is in order..."

Insight check: [roll]1d20+7[/roll Just to see if he is lying or hiding some crucial information from them.

2013-09-03, 08:26 AM
Forgot the last "]" on the Insight check: [roll0] Just to see if he is lying or hiding some crucial information from them.

18th Avenger
2013-09-03, 09:36 AM
From the short glimpse that Sarvin had been able to take from the dwarf's sheaf of papers, it appeared that he was just as in the dark about the whole thing as they were. He gave a mental shrug and let the matter rest. Suddenly, his meal seemed all the tastier.

"I thank you for your candor, Master Clodfall. Now, if you could be kind enough to provide an inkstick, I would be honored to provide security." The tiefling gave a rare smile. In spite of the warnings on the contract, he was quite sure that there was no way he and the others would meet their end in various ways, even considering what he understood of the merchant's acquaintances and colleagues.

2013-09-03, 06:43 PM

"As you wish." From his robes, he uncovers four sticks of leather wrapped charcoal. The carbon is tightly packed and nearly dust-free providing a clean line. "For those who can, a name is appreciated. If you are unable, mark an 'X' and place your hand or paw print in the carbon. Legally acceptable in nearly every civilized city." He lifts the bowl to slurp the final drops of his stew and sips quietly with no mess.

2013-09-03, 06:45 PM
You see nothing that leads you to believe that he intends to deceive you. He may not have given you all the details but this paper is fairly straight-forward in letting you know that whatever happens is not his fault.

2013-09-03, 09:37 PM
Harken's attention focused suddenly on the strange dwarf and his paper. He smiled at the small dwarf, grabbed a parchment and carbon. If the others were willing to sign the parchment, it couldn't be that bad.

"So we just sign here?", asked Harken as he drew a straight line where the dwarf indicated.

2013-09-03, 10:59 PM

With a sigh and barely veiled frustration, he presents a second copy to Harken while whisking away the mis-lined copy. "An 'X' is you are unable to scroll your name. Then place your hand print in the center of the mark so we may see your palm lines," he says with a slowed tone and slightly higher volume.

2013-09-03, 11:49 PM
Azktor grab the charcoal sticks and sign his name "Azktor the Backblade" with some crude letters in common language. He then says "Here it is. It is official, I will do my part of the contract and you better do the same." Azktor says this words with a bit of threat. He then just keep in silence observing the others "mercenaries".

2013-09-03, 11:54 PM

You notice a moment of fear flicker behind Eubin's eyes as he gingerly reaches for your paper as it you might strike like a snake. Paper in hand he regains his composure, folds it twice, and places it in the bound collection of directions.

18th Avenger
2013-09-04, 03:21 AM
"In brief, the contract has a description of what we are to do, how it must be done and how much we will be paid, the sum of 400 gold pieces," Sarvin piped helpfully, making his mark with an oddly delicate kind of handwriting. "It also cautions us how we might be injured or killed and how those who hired us are no way responsible." The tiefling took another swallow of lemonade. In the deepest part of his soul, an unnameable feeling was greatly entertained in the thickness of the legal jargon. Sarvin tried not to think to hard about it as he handed his contract back to the dwarf. "Master Mercathy had very interesting friends, it seems."

"I thank you for seeing us, Master Clodfall," he added graciously. "You must have had other more pressing matters of business pushed aside in order to dispense your duty to your superior, Ilmater rest him."

2013-09-04, 03:53 AM
"Well, I'm used to working a crowd like puppets, so this should be interesting." The Dragonborn found the detailed explanation of potential bodily harm very interesting. "Here's my signature, this is gonna be fun."

2013-09-05, 10:42 PM
Harken draws a crude "X" where he is to sign his name and presents the document to Eubin.

"Sorry about that," he says looking downward.

2013-09-06, 12:22 AM

Eubin collects the remainder of the contracts and places them safely in his keeper. After a last sip at his bowl, his carefully cleans off his mouth and beard. "If there are no further questions," he says as he looks around the table, "I will say good-bye for now. Many things left to check on. Rooms have been arranged for you upstairs. You are invited to attend the wake. I will make sure your names are on the list. All those who will be at the reading tomorrow has been invited, along with nearly everyone else in the town. I will expect to see you down here at two hours past noon tomorrow, ready for...work." He stands, gives a bow barely more than a head nod, collects his papers, and walks briskly to the door. After being bumped out of the way by two larger men entering, he moves out into the street and gives a small squeal, being startled by the sight of Zau'Nix. He turns and walks quickly out of sight.

18th Avenger
2013-09-06, 01:15 PM
Sarvin thought he caught a bit of excitement in the dragonborn's voice and filed that away for later occasions.

"I understand. We'll see you then."

The tiefling bid the dwarf good-bye before finishing off the last swirls of gravy and scraps of meat with a slice of toasted bread. Dusting his hands off, the tiefling finished his lemonade and instantly wished it had a little more kick.

"Well," he began, subtly eyeing each of his new colleagues. "I don't know what else you all have planned, but suppose we ought to pay our respects to the man paying us 400 gold pieces." He'd thought about stepping out into Scornubel but shook that thought away. Sarvin had done enough walking. So, with little better to do (and that he had a room already waiting for him in the second floor), he stood up to first put his backpack away before asking a barmaid (the flouncy brunette he'd asked earlier) where he could find where Donal Mercathy was being laid in state.

2013-09-08, 01:21 AM

The barmaid meets his eye and smiles as he gets her attention but lowers her eyes as he asks his question. "Oh, you haven't heard. It's terrible really. There's nothing left. Nothing!" She looks quickly at her stations then proceeds, eager to tell the story again. "Well, Donal was down at his warehouse near the docks. He was always shipping thing here and there, but this night there was a loud racket, like mad creature had gone wild in there. We heard bellowing and screaming then out the side door come Donal nearly engulfed in flames. He went running up and down the fish market trailing flames and screaming in agony the whole way. He eventually collapsed on some crates they just offloaded. The must of had some rum in them or something because WHOMP! the whole lot went up with poor Donal. Took hours to burn down. All they found was some charred bones that splintered as they dug them out and a couple of rings that Eubin identified as Donal's. The town militia rushed the warehouse and found absolutely nothing amiss. Not even a broken box, like some cleaned the whole thing up." She takes a few breaths. "Well, that was last week's excitment. Now the whole town's itchin' to get in here tomorrow night. They say he's got a fortune in gold and magic to pass out." A patron catches her eye and she excuses herself.

2013-09-09, 12:04 AM
The wake begins shortly after sundown. Many people from the town have been invited. Many others hang around outside pretending to have business on the street hoping to get a glance of what was happening inside.

The Inn has brought in extra cooks from other inns to provide a special menu to every taste. Trays arrayed with succulent meats, strange sweet fruits, and aromatic vegetables were decorative and tasty. The drinks, while wild and exotic, are still alcohol free leaving the crowd slightly disappointed but much easier to manage. Eubin runs back and forth from the kitchen to the door to the barman, always with his sheaf of papers clenched like a holy tome in his arms.

From where you sit the party seems very pleasant.

While the townspeople are a friendly bunch, you can see that they have not had very much experience with those of Tymantherian blood. While no one openly stares, you get the feeling of many eyes on your back that are not there when you turned to look. Only one person has fewer conversation starters than you. A tall, well-muscled orc sat slouching on a bar stool staring a glass of fruit juices. Sighing, he looks around and meets your gaze. He nods and slides down the bar to your side. Modgrim is his name and he speaks with very little trace of the usual orcish accent. He has worked for Donal several times before on odd missions. He speaks of a few of them with fondness, sneaking sips out of flask stashed inside his leather vest. He points out a couple others he has worked with on different quests whom he speaks of with less fondness. A wizard there, a paladin there, neither what they seem to be. Only here to collect in death what they can from a man they didn’t really respect in life. His voice gets more slurred as the night goes on. He asks about you and your goings on, listening politely. Before the night is even half over, he thanks you for your company, excuses himself, and stomps out into the night, swaying slightly. During the rest of the party, you watch others coming and going, wondering who else may be here to get something from Donal’s legacy. Perhaps something they tried to get already and failed.

Despite your stifling disposition, rather early on in the night, you are approached by a dwarven paladin in the service of Clanggedin Silverbeard. He hails you as “brother of the shield,” and insists on telling you of his various exploits. They all start against amazing odds, yet he seems to prevail every time. Your lack of response and silent looks cut short his third story and he excuses himself. As the night goes on he comes back to you with annoying frequency to share more tales of his mightiness with you despite his obvious discomfort at being under your gaze. Each time he approaches with greater reluctance, as if daring himself to get near you just one more time. Finally, he walks towards you as a man might walk to the gallows, nearly trembling and whispers very harshly, “I know that you know of my failure! Why else would you vex me?! You are here for something of Donal’s, too, yes? Many of us seek what he has to give. Mine has been a long but rewarding wait. Clanggedin tests me still! I am here to recover the object of my shame so those who know can never sway me again. I shall be in his favor again! I shall be his Chosen! I shall not yield to fear ever again!” His last statement is nearly a roar. He downs his drink in front of you and slams his mug to the ground. Turning on his heel, he marches, head held high, out the door while those in the room stare on.

2013-09-09, 12:05 AM
The party is lively but peaceful. The lack of alcohol keeps things running with civility. Many revelers give you a polite smile but glance at your horns and move on. Later in the evening, a woman with light, dusty gray skin covered in tattoos catches your eye. Her hair is long and black except for two stripes of white running its entire length. She is wearing fur trimmed black leather, a bit warm for your liking, and ringlets through he ears and lips. She is striking and exotic, yet very few seem to acknowledge her presence. She drifts through crowd effortlessly, touching a shoulder here, a light tap on the back there, while the talking partiers part for her without noticing. You see her several times through the night passing through the crowd. One time, you see her glide past two groups of loud talking men, brushing up against them subtly. She moves to a darkened corner and surreptitiously examines several things in her hands. They appear to be folded papers and billfolds. Is she really working the crowd? Before a moment has passed, your eyes follow her back past the same groups. This time you see her handiwork, but she putting everything back and keeping nothing. Fascinated, you watch her make two more passes at different groups, each time looking through what she collected then returning it, not finding what she’s searching for. When you finally make a move to speak with her, she turns and winks at you, then walks through an exterior wall, vanishing.

The wake is a lively one. No mourning, no wailing, just a large group talking about their shared experiences. Most seem to be from the town but there are several interesting people obviously from out of town. One of them is a half-elf with some talent for the arcane. He flaunts his meager abilities to impress the towns folk, but his ‘wonders’ are far less spectacular than things you see every day in the wilds. After a display of dancing lights that makes the ladies coo, you let him know that you he seen bugs that can do that same trick with their backsides, phrased with less appropriate language, however. The ladies are shocked and with raised nose, he leads them to a table away from you. For the rest of the evening, things are quiet in your corner, allowing you to watch the bigger picture of what is going on. Some groups move like the starlings, flocking to a point of interest before flapping to the next roost. Some preen like the peacocks for a mate, some roar like the manticore claiming their territory, some cower like vultures picking of the weak. However, you notice that all seem to glance at some time or another towards the stage at the west end. You begin to sense another wild pattern. Fear. Fear of something coming. A predator. A known killer. You’ve smelled the same near the waterholes at dusk. They are anticipating the return of death/trouble. Would Donal’s killer return? If he was killed at his warehouse, perhaps they were seeking something important. Something that important would sure to be passed on to someone else at his death. These little animals think the predator will show up tomorrow at the reading to claim its prize.

Just then a man escorting a giggling woman towards the door makes a sour expression at you and whispers to the lady. She glances at you and cackles, “A bildgesnipe! You’re right!” and continues laughing out the door.

2013-09-09, 03:11 PM
The wake goes on until late in the evening. Most stories you hear paint Donal as an business man who helps solve problems, but some viewed him as a meddling busybody who just gets people killed. The crowd leaves fairly early and by the time you get to your rooms upstairs, there is very little that can be heard.

The next morning when you come down, the few decorations that had livened the room room last night have been replaced with bows of black, a more somber mood. Eubin is already putting the workers through their paces. A morning greeting receives the hurried reply. "Be here at two hours past noon!" before he bothers the barkeep with another question.

The morning and afternoon are yours but you are sure to return before your time, no sense making Eubin's job harder, poor thing. You group at a table waiting patiently, and, at precisely the appointed time Eubin moves towards the table to speak with you. However, there is a bit of a distraction at the door. A half orc has made his way inside past Eubin's "Do Not Enter" signs. Eubin throws his arms up and begins to shoo the armed man away when thehalf orc gently stoops and speaks quietly to Eubin. Eubin halts and listens carefully, checking his papers once or twice. He speaks in low tones to the fighter, then perks up with inspiration. He speaks one more time to the half orc who thinks for a moment, then nods his head. The dwarf gives a giddy clap then leads him over to the table.

"Gentleman," he says with slight pompousity, "I have made an executive decision to add this fellow to the guards. His name is Tak. Ooops. Pardon me a moment." Eubin steps away to speak with a chef with singed eyebrows.

Lunch break over. More tonight.

2013-09-09, 04:34 PM
The wake was very tasteful and Ace thought that it was fitting for Donal. He was very surprised by the half-orc that he met. He never liked his kind, but this one seemed tolerable. The conversation was pleasant and he was glad when Eubin added him to the guards.
"Welcome to the group, it is a pleasure to share your company again."
He said with a smile.

2013-09-09, 05:59 PM
At last. Scornubel.

Just getting here had been an adventure in itself. First, a mysterious letter from a Donal Mercathy inviting you to join a sailing expedition. You'd never even been on a lake, much less the open sea, but he wrote with such conviction of your ability to help, you couldn't say "no." Then caravaning with the crazy Brimstock brothers, the misunderstanding with the sorcerer's daughter, and the gypsies "Running With the Tarrasque" fiasco left you surprised you were only two weeks late. Stopping in on the chance that employment was still possible, you were confronted by a dwarf telling you that Mercathy was dead. Hadn't you received the cancellation? Rather than explain your tardiness, you asked if there were any other jobs available. He brightened up and offered you a guard position for Mercathy's funeral or something. He escorted you to a table with other heroic types and left you there.

Irish Musician
2013-09-09, 09:41 PM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak, finally, has made the end point of his long, and very odd, journey. He started to walk in to his destination but was stopped by a dwarf. After a few minutes of talking with him, the dwarf seems quite pleased and lets him in the room. Tak sits at a table and waits for the discussion to start, not that he would be talking much in it anyway. He was definitely not much of a talker and liked it when others talked for the most part, while he added an agreement or a disagreement during the conversation. He also tended to be a little shy and weary when it came to new people, mainly because of his heritage. Most people seemed uneasy around him, so he tended to not try too hard to get to know anyone. This usually made him come off as rude and even angry, but really....he was just scared a little. Of course he would never admit it out loud, but Tak had a good heart in truth. It was just hard to see unless you knocked down a few walls to get to it.

2013-09-09, 09:52 PM
Harken (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628370), Human Druid

Harken didn't sleep very well that night. As he was listening to the little dwarf's instructions he let out a great big yawn. Too much danger was present in this city. Maybe the others didn't see it, but Harken knew something was afoot. There was a tension at the wake that could only be described as fear. While he had no doubt in his abilities, he wondered how his companions would fare, even though they seemed a hearty lot.

Harken sat next to the new guy and nods promptly in his direction.

"The name is Harken, welcome to our little party."

A pack fares better than a lone wolf, thought Harken as he looked around the table. He put his most sociable face on, which probably made him look even more out of place.

2013-09-10, 12:39 AM

Breathing heavily, the dwarf returns and flops into a seat. "Thank you for your patience," he says, mopping his brow with a dripping lace handkerchief. "So may fires, real and imagined. Ahem. Your jobs will be to insure the smooth transfer of bequeathed items to their rightful inheritor. Once the person's name is called, they will step forward, receive the item, and you will escort them out the door. Once they are outside, they are no longer our responsibility. Based on the people I met last night at the wake, I foresee no problems. Most of the people concerned with the process seem very reasonable. Your presence guarantees they stay reasonable. Questions?" he asks halfway out of his chair.

Irish Musician
2013-09-10, 11:23 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak gave a silent nod to the ones that greeted him. When asked for his name he simply said, "Tak," and left it at that. He may have come off as uninterested, but he did, in fact, want to get to know the new people he was working with. He just wasn't sure how.

Tak nodded and stood up, making the chair behind him scrap fairly loudly. Being closer to him, you notice the Half-Orc towers above most everything in the room. He walks over to where the reading of the names will happen and stands guard, Gouge in hand, waiting to escort the first person.

2013-09-10, 02:37 PM
Azktor thought the wake was something to forget, but he was able to pass trough it without killing the annoying dwarf, so that was the plus side "I would not receive my money if I kill someone BEFORE it was necessary..."

When Eubin asked if anyone had a question, Azktor said "This is not a question, I'm just informing that Zau'Nix will stay close to me during the reading. He will not attack anyone unless under my command." Azktor used a serious tone of voice to say this.

When the fifth and final member of the party arrived, Azktor noticed that he probably could handle himself in a battle. Azktor replied in giant languange to Tak "My name is Azktor the Black Blade!" with his natural tone of voice. Azktor gave a last look in his equipments and weapon, positioning himself in the same line that Tak, but far enough that both could manouver their weapons at same time. And said to all the party "Let's get ready, this may not be as easy as it sounds." Zau'nix stayed close by Azktor in silent obedience.

18th Avenger
2013-09-10, 02:40 PM
Sarvin would have liked to thank the maid for her unexpected gift of information. It put his (and the others') reasons for being here in Scornubel. Given the nature of Mercathy's death began to cast light on what his estate may be facing.

But there was still the question which would be answered on a later date, the one which had never left the tiefling's mind since boarding the boat from Amn.


He greeted the new half orc before turning to Eubin. "I have no questions. If you believe Master Tak has a right to be here, I have no word in the matter." Sarvin was still rather curious about the woman who disappeared through the wall.

Well, not really curious. Since she left, he had been entertaining thoughts which made a deep part of him yowl with need. Sarvin fought that feeling down just as he fought down a yawn, exactly as he had been taught by his mentors.

2013-09-10, 06:06 PM
Harken (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628370), Human Druid

Harken rose from the table and looked quizzically at Euben.

"I just have one question," he said, "are any of the events for today supposed to take place on the stage?"

He took a place against the far wall close to the stairs as he waited for a reply from Eubin.

2013-09-10, 09:45 PM

Eubin looks at Azktor as if to comment, but decides against it.

"The stage? Yes, the reader of the testament will be there along with myself to dispense the bequeathments. If you are ready, the inheritors will be ushered in soon. I will see you after the process." Eubin takes a deep breath and pushes onward to the next task at hand.

Place yourself where you like to start on the map

2013-09-12, 01:20 AM
A short time later people begin filing in. Each is checked off a list by Eubin before being admitted. The room fills up quickly and without incident. You notice that many of the same people that were at the wake have been invited to the reading as well. Certain personalities stand out to you: the orc, the dusty, grey woman, the show-off wizard, the dwarf paladin.

Satisfied that all that need be here have arrived Eubin moves to the stage and gestures for silence.

"Thank you. Ahem. Thank you all for attending. Donal was an important businessman and member of the community. As such, he has requested that portions of his estate by dispersed thusly." He takes the thick bundle of papers out of his robe and looks through them, stopping and taking out one piece of paper in particular.. Placing the sheaf of papers on the podium, he places the single paper on the floor of the stage. He places his hand gently on the top of it and whispers quietly. The paper rustles and flaps then seems to unfold into a box, then a larger box. It keeps on expanding until a full sized chest is sitting on stage.

Eubin steps to the podium. "Ahem. First to barman Stevens. For his constant forbearance and patience, he leaves 2,000 gold pieces and his apologies for whatever may come." The large mustachioed man steps from behind the bar, surprised, approaches the stage to small applause and receives a small bag that Eubin removes from the trunk. He weighs it gently and begins to head back to the bar, but Eubin stops him. "I'm sorry, but the instructions are to escort each recipient out of the inn after they receive their gift. No exceptions." The stunned barkeep is led out the front door, flabbergasted.

This continues on for five, ten, fifteen, twenty minutes. People of the town receive small or moderate amounts for different reasons then are asked to leave. Some are eager to get away with their gift, other appear loathe to leave and miss what interesting things may come later. Most a gold endowments but there are a few odd items, mostly trinkets, that are distributed. A wooden necklace, two muddy shoes, an empty picture frame, a gem encrusted spoon, and a pair of woolen gloves are some of the more strange pieces.

Soon there are only four people left besides yourselves. They are definitely not townspeople.

18th Avenger
2013-09-12, 06:07 AM
Unlike Harken, Sarvin took his place close to the stage as well. It seemed that they were all choosing places to sit that allowed them to be able to respond quickly.

And so for a relatively short period of time, they were audience as Clodfall gifted people his employer had known in life with either cash or items whihc could have been considered sundry. The tiefling had expected either the ones who had received the boots or the picture frame to raise a fuss, but things had been rather civil.

Now it was the high point of the evening and the four most outlandish-looking visitors (those hired as guards excluded) would finally receive their inheritances. Sarvin leaned forward in his seat to watch, his tail lightly twitching in excitement.

2013-09-12, 04:40 PM
Harken looked up, back leaning up against the staircase, arms crossed. His face took on scowl at the four strangers left in the bar.

And this is where the trouble starts, he thought.

2013-09-12, 10:07 PM

"To Casaubon, my friend," Eubin reads from the paper. The cowled wizard's head turns and his body becomes rigid. "You were always first to dinner, always last to battle, and always where I needed you. Thank you. You are the apple of my eye." Eubin stoops to the chest and pulls out a golden apple. The wizard approaches, receives his gift and begins laughing a hearty belly laugh. By the time he walks out the door, he almost appears to be sobbing.

"To Kalad, the brave." The dwarven paladin stands, slightly red in the face as if slapped. Eubin clears his throat and continues. "There are those who know you and those who think they know you. Those who know you, need no proof. Those who think they know you, need not your time. Live well, good friend." Eubin reaches into the chest as Kalad begins to approach the stage. When he sees the rod in Eubin's hand, he freezes. It is a silvered rod with several jeweled bumps along its surface.

"That's not it," Kalad cries out. Eubin looks at him, wide eyes. "That's not it!" he calls louder. The orc gives a start, as if woken up. "He promised me proof! He said he had it! He promised me!" Kalad yells, growing louder, his hands balling into fists. "Give me what's mine!"

Eubin begins to look flustered and looks in your directions. "This..this is what is listed for...for you," he stutters, looking again at the paper. "I promise, that's what it says."

Kalad holds his head in his hands for a moment then looks up with stern resolve. "Donal promised me that proof would be mine! Do not deceive me, brother! I trust Donal's word more than my own senses!" He points an accusatory finger at Eubin. "What right have you to keep me from what is mine?!" His other hand moves, slowly but purposefully, to rest upon the sword at his side.

The dusty grey woman in the shadows by the wall begins to smile.

Irish Musician
2013-09-12, 10:40 PM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak immediately walks to a place behind the dwarf and point his Gouge at him, speaking in a strong and might voice. Not only to the dwarf, but to everyone else in the room as well. "You calm now. No trouble needed. Take and go." Then in giant, Tak speaks to Azktor, "Maybe trouble. Get ready for fight. Keep eye on others." Tak grips his gouge, waiting for the dwarf to make the next move, while keeping an eye on all the others around the room.

Intimidate check [roll0], to make everyone calm down and not freak out :smallsmile:
Apparently Tak is off his game :smallamused:

2013-09-13, 12:19 AM
Azktor gets ready for what is to come, he gives a small look to Zau'nix to "stay alert" and then says with his Fullblade on hands "You better listen to him and back off..." Azktor says this with a serious face, ready to kill if necessary.
Intimidation check: [roll0]

2013-09-13, 01:43 AM
Harken leaves his spot by the stairs and walks closer towards the commotion. His staff drawn, he searches the room quickly with his eyes to see if there is anything other kind of trouble brewing.

Perception Roll

2013-09-13, 04:13 AM
Ace smiled at the reaction of the other guards. Two half-orcs towering above a dwarf, who could keep a straight face. Still, he didn't feel the need to interfere, the dwarf was probably just blowing some steam. The worst thing that a dwarf can do is some property damage.
His gaze falls on the smiling woman in the corner.
"This one could be trouble, it's always the subtle ones you need to watch out for."

Perception roll, checking out the woman.

18th Avenger
2013-09-13, 04:36 AM
Unlike the two half orcs and the human, Sarvin kept his hands away from his weapons. No sense to escalate things.

The tiefling closed with the armored dwarf as well. "I think you ought to keep your hand away from steel, friend," Sarvin murmured quietly. "Think hard, neighbor. There must be a reason for, " he flapped a hand at the proffered scepter. "Mercathy's last gift."

2013-09-14, 10:53 AM
The orc stumbles off his stool still clutching his flask. He stands between the two dwarves with his arms outstretched as if keeping them apart. "Holdd it, hol dit, hold it," he says slurring slightly. "Mazter Clodfall, we all know of Kalad's embarrassing situation though he would rather we not...know." The paladin blushes but stays where he is. "We know how Donal felt about it, and we all know that Kalad's word is impeecible...impekilible... we believe him. He deserves his proof. It is right for him to have it" He stands tall, wavering slightly.

Eubin raises his palms in supplication. "I would, but I can't." He stoops to the chest and begins taking out items: a scroll, a lumpy loadstone, five small bags of stones, and a silvered dagger and places them on the table in front of him. "It's not here. I don't have it."

When the dagger hits the table, it sounds a resonate note. The grey woman sit bolt upright, her eyes wide. The orc raises his arms high and bellows something tremendously loudly, dropping his flask.

Tak, Azktor, Harken
In the language of orcs (giant) he yells, "NOW!!"

Roll initiative!

2013-09-14, 12:22 PM
When the orc's flask hits the ground, it shatters like glass and explodes in soundless light. Azktor, Kalad, Sarvin, and Tak wince from the pain shooting through their eyes. Spots and watering eyes keep them from seeing what is happening around them, but they hear a tremendous crash followed by growling and howling with many echoing footsteps stomping on the stage. When their vision clears there is a large hole in the wall behind the stage, orcs everywhere, Eubin is on the ground, and Modgrim is no where to be seen.

Ace and Harken
You see the wall behind the stage collapse in smoke and flame. Orcs come barreling through trailing ash and glowing embers. They stalk the stage looking around. One of them clubs Eubin to the ground while another oogles the items on the table. Modgrim bounds upon the stage, completely sober, grabs the dagger, and strides victoriously through the breech in the wall. He calls imperiously behind him as he leaves.

Azktor, Tak, and Harken
You hear Modgrim say coldly, "Kill the witnesses, then follow me."

Your turn. The map is updated and the tracker is linked and ready.

Battle Tracker (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsTTsRXJ3Q4SdDF5VzR5R201VWdlNTFzc0ZEeUVpV nc#gid=2)
Far Anchor Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Tk7guNOch1W1SUzTxrzWMih_fuEy50D-b1du2fKpj5M/edit)

Irish Musician
2013-09-14, 03:58 PM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak grips his gouge tighter and readies for the battle at hand. "You no kill, Orc. You die! Come fight Orc-Coward!" Tak yells at Modgrim.

Initiative [roll0]

2013-09-15, 12:39 PM
Harken lets out a guttural cry as his skin begins to take on a bark like texture. His arms lengthen into branchlike appendages, his fingers curved viciously into sharp points. He runs forward and swiftly throws a walnut at the Orc in the back of the room. As it hits the Orc, it bursts into flames and surrounds the companions closest to him.

2013-09-15, 10:37 PM
The smell of singed, dirty hairy fills the room quickly. The two standing near the recipient of the flaming nut seem not to notice the small smoldering fires on their own shoulders.

Irish Musician
2013-09-16, 10:29 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak narrows his eyes and glares at the orcs that busted through the wall. Time fer killin', he thinks to himself....and charges up to the nearest one.

Move - to H13
Minor - Berserker's Charge stance, +2 to charging speed, +2 to charge attacks
Standard - Charge to E12 against Battleaxe 3 [roll0] (+1 for charging normally, +2 for my stance) Sigh a miss :smallsigh:
Damage - [roll1]
No action - If it doesn't kill him outright (and I hit), use Power Attack [roll2]
Brutal Dice Rerolls - [roll3]

And just an FYI, I have the Guardian's Counter power. Burst two, if an ally is hti in an attack and I'm not included, we shift up to two squares and I take the attack. I can then make an MBA on the attacker, it is an immediate interrupt power. Just letting you know Waffle. :smallsmile:

2013-09-18, 04:30 PM
Azktor challenges the orc holding a club to attack him, using his divine powers. He and Zau'nix Move close to the orcs on the right side and he attack both orcs.

I will also spend an Action Point:
Minor Action: Divine Challenge on Club 1 (E9) = -2 attack penalty and 3 damage if he does not attack Azktor.
Move Action: Azktor will move to F9 and Zau'Nix to G10.
Standard Action: Holy Strike on Club 1 (E9)
Attack vs AC: [roll0] Radiant Damage: [roll1]

Action Point: will use Blood of the Mighty on the BattleAxe 2
Attack vs AC: [roll2] Damage: [roll3] Also, I take 5 damage. Looks like a miss, but the power is not wasted since it is Reliable, but I think I still get the 5 damage.

2013-09-18, 10:33 PM
Azktor liberates the orc carrying the club from his miserable life with one swing. You sense that the other club wielder will fall as easily. Although Azktor misses the second, sturdier orc, the paladin still winces in pain from the exertion of his blow.

Yes, you still take the 5 damage.
The clubbers are minions.

Go Astaroth and Sarvin!
PS You don't have to wait for my flavor to take your turn.

2013-09-19, 04:04 AM
Surprise paralyzes Ace but he quickly regains his senses.
"So, it's time for the fun part?"
He quickly moves towards his allies and and points his harp towards one of the orcs.
"Let me play a little tune for you and my friend there."

I'm sorry, but I can't access the map at the moment.

Move action:Moves closer to the orcs(5 squares).

Standard action:Staggering Note, orc closest to Azktor takes 4 thunder damage and moves away from Ace two squares. Azktor makes a MBA.
Charisma vs. Will

2013-09-19, 09:33 AM
MBA: attack [roll0] ; damage [roll1] if it hit I will also use furious assault for extra [roll2] damage

18th Avenger
2013-09-20, 12:13 AM
Minor: Draw Handaxe
Move: K9
Standard: Direct the Strike -> Azktor
Looks like Willie the barman gets to use his gift early.

Sarvin had been surprised by the orc's sudden treachery but not all that disappointed. On a whim, he read his mentor's notes on orcish warfare and saw that such deception, while uncommon, was one of the species' favored tactics.

The tiefling drew one of his handaxes and readied his shield, but didn't advance into the melee. He left the dwarf and looked to Harken. "With me," he ordered as he went to find a better vantage to the battle. The tiefling found it a bowshot from the breach and turned to the battling crowd.

"One of you get Clodfall out of there!" He ordered. "The rest of you, press them back to the breach!" Sarvin roared at Azktor.

Direct the Strike
The target makes a basic attack as a free action against an enemy of your choice that you can see and is within 10 squares of you.

2013-09-20, 01:57 AM
MBA on battleaxe 2: attack [roll0]; damage [roll1]

2013-09-20, 10:04 PM

After the Azktor tornado slows down, another orc with a battleaxe steps for ward to engage the paladin, while a club-armed orc adds to Tak's misery.

The two battleaxed orcs use teamwork to both score hits upon Azktor. The wounded orc roars with victory and seems less concerned about his wound. Tak easily blocks the battleaxe but catches club to the side.

The orcs standing in the rear with bellybows let loose a barrage at Harken in return for their scorched hair, still smoking. The druid sidesteps one bolt but the other lands on his shoulder, sending him stumbling back a step with its force.

Minion 2 to D13
Battleaxe 1 to E9

Battleaxe 1 vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0] HIT
Damage - [roll1]
Battleaxe 2 vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll2] HIT
Damage - [roll3] and heals 9 points

Azktor is bloodied.

Battleaxe 3 vs Tak AC (17) - [roll4] miss
Damage - [roll5]
Minion 2 vs Tak AC (17) - [roll6] HIT
Damage - 5 damage

Bolt 1 vs Harken AC (15) - [roll7] HIT
Damage - [roll8] and pushed 1
Bolt 2 vs Harken AC (15) - [roll9] miss
Damage - [roll10] and pushed 1

Top of the order: (feel free to change your order as convenient.)

Irish Musician
2013-09-20, 11:11 PM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak successfully dodges the battle axe one of the orcs swings at him, but the other hits him with a club in the side. Instead of having the effect he wanted, Tak growls at the orc and swings his gouge at it.

Minor - Battle Wrath, stance. I gain +2 to Dmg with my attacks
Standard - MBA [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal Dice - [roll2]

If the minion dies, Tak shifts to D13, in its spot
Tak smiles with satisfaction as he cleaves the puny orc in half. "You be next, weakling!", taunting the orc in front of him.

2013-09-21, 04:43 AM
"You brainless sack, that's not very nice. Dodging my attacks makes me look bad, and we can't have that. Now, let's try this again, without the dodging part."
Ace plays his music again, hopefully more successfully this time.
Move action:Move to I8
Standard action:Staggering Note, Club 1 takes 4 thunder damage and moves to E11. Azktor makes a MBA.
Charisma vs. Will
Minor Action: Majestic Word-Azktor can spend a HS and recover 4 extra HP. He can also slide 1 square, if he wants.

2013-09-21, 10:21 AM
Azktor sundenly starts to feels better and with the guidance of Astaroth he makes a new attack and then moves surrouding the Orc. He seizes his good momment in battle to make another attack on the Orc, now with tactical advantage over him. He finishes challenging the orc close to Eubin to attack him.
MBA: Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]
Azktor recover his HP and is now with 25! and I will slide to E10.

Also will take my turn
Standard: Ardent Strike on the Battleaxe 1
Attack vs AC: [roll2] (with +2 from CA granted by Zau'nix); Damage [roll3] Extra Effect: the target is now subject to divine sanction, is the same as divine challenge without the "engage" clause.
Minor: Divine Challenge on the BattleAxe 2.
Move: None

Damn 2 misses! And now just BattleAxe 2 is marked with Divine Challenge. So will take -2 attack and 3 damage if he attacks someone besides Azktor.

2013-09-21, 06:47 PM
Harken winces at the arrow in his shoulder. Listening to the tiefling, Harken moves towards the warlord.

Grinning evilly, Harken makes a throwing motion with his branchlike arm towards the archers in the back. His arm extends quickly over the battle, a giant thorn whipping at its target.

Move action : To K11
Standard action: Thorn Whip at bolt 1 [roll0]
Damage if it hits: [roll1]
Also, if it hits I will be pulling him into melee combat with Azktor. (hopefully reducing his accuracy with a bow)

18th Avenger
2013-09-22, 08:42 AM
Either the orcs were much stronger than they thought or today wasn't their day.

A fire lit in Sarvin's breast as we watched the action on the stage. The tiefling watched the battle's ebb and flow and made a few quick decisions. To start, he moved closer to the stage, setting himself up in the relative eye of the storm.

Move Action: H12

"You there, Tak! Are you going to let him play you as a chump!" The tiefling roared at the half orc they recently met. "Show us your strength and let 'im have it!"

Standard Action
Direct the Strike -> Tak
He could also see Azktor beginning to flag from being the center of attention. "Hold fast, Azktor!" yelled Sarvin. "They see you as a threat! Prove them right! All of you, keep at it! Up an' at them!"

Minor Action
Inspiring Word -> Azktor
Heal your surge and add 1d6 HP

Irish Musician
2013-09-23, 10:01 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak nods at the tiefling and swings at the orc in front of him.

Action - MBA [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal Dice - [roll2]

2013-09-23, 11:12 PM

Emboldened by their opponents apparent lack of skill, they rally themselves into a wild fury. The bellybowman change targets with a nod, directing the bolts at Astaroth. The dragonborn has plenty of time to catch both bolts with his shield.
Bolt #1 vs Astaroth AC (17) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and pushed 1 square.

Bolt #2 vs Astaroth AC (17) - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3] and pushed 1 square.
One of the wild orcs with the battleaxe leaps over the table, under which Eubin now cowers, and off the stage. Planting his feet solidly, he dashes for Harken, bringing his axe down as he reaches his target. Harken lightly dances out of the way, as a leaf might swirl around a passing zephyr.
Opp Attack from Azktor if he wants it.
Charge vs Harken AC (15) - [roll4]
Damage - [roll5]
The orc kept in flank by Azktor and Zau'Nix looks to both, then swings his battleaxe two times in quick succession aiming for both Azktor and his dog. The first swing catches the paladin off guard, slipping under his blade to make contact with his torso. As the axe blade flies towards Zau'Nix, the orc suffers a blinding blast of radiant energy, interfering with his aim, completely missing the hound. Angered by the miss, he steps carefully away for the dog.

Savage Strike vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll6]
Damage - [roll7]

Savage Strike vs Zau'Nix AC (16) - [roll8]
Damage - [roll9]
Takes 3 radiant damage himself.

Shifts to E9.
Tak's foe eyes him up and down, spits at his feet, and mumbles, <<"Long pig,">> in giant before swinging his axe. His extra fury and disdain improve his eye as his axe finds its way past Tak's defense and connects solidly with the slayer's ribs. The armor prevents the cut, but the blow may have broken something.
Battleaxe vs Tak AC (17) - [roll10]
Damage - [roll11]


2013-09-24, 12:00 AM
OA: attack vs AC [roll0] damage [roll1]

18th Avenger
2013-09-24, 01:21 PM
The tiefling stood, axe in hand, in the heart of the battlefield. He gave himself a brief smile. It felt like he was where exactly he should be.

Now if only their luck would just turn. "Stand tall, Tak! We're taking longer than they thought!" It was a creative interpretation of the odds, but Sarvin was never one for tough honesty when not needed.

Minor Action -> Tak
Inspiring Word - Heal surge and 1d6 HP. Good luck to us all, because that's the last one until the next encounter.
He looked at Ace, the dragonborn. He was directing the flow on the stage, but not well enough. "Azktor, once more! Give it your best!"

Standard Action -> Azktor
Direct the Strike

2013-09-24, 01:46 PM
Azktor is now in a battle frenzy, attacking the orc one more time, at the same time saying some war's prayers for Tempus.
MBA: attack vs AC [roll0] damage [roll1]

Irish Musician
2013-09-24, 02:26 PM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak takes the hit with a stoic grunt. He then shoves his gouge at the orc, barking back at him in giant, <"You mother was troll-boogies">.

Standard - [roll0]
Damage - 2d6+ 21 total
Brutal [roll1]
Free - If I hit, an extra [roll2]
Tak slices through the Orc's side, tearing through its flesh. Blood runs down its side and it is not long for this world. Tak smiles at the orc and his eyes narrow, <"You weak, you die now.">

2013-09-24, 05:15 PM
Harken laughs as he dodges the orcs axe. No sooner does the axe miss does Harken swipe at the orcs body with his sharp fingers.

Standard Action: Savage Rend
to hit [roll0]
damage if it hits [roll1]
also if it hits, I'm sliding him to I12, hopefully to set up a flank.

2013-09-25, 03:06 PM
Azktor keeps his frenzy attacks but his prayers starts to have an effect on him, making his blows stronger then usual. He then unleashs all of this god powers over the orc with a BattleAxe near him.

Minor: Divine Strength: Apply my strength as bonus damage on my next attack this turn.
Standard: Divine Pursuit on BattleOrc 2
Attack vs AC [roll0] Holy Damage [roll1] (+4 from Divine Strength) On Hit: the target is pushed 2 squares and Azktor follows him (I guess if he is not dead he will be prone, right? due to the drop out of stage).

Move: Since he is dead I will move Azktor and Zau'nix close to the Bolt-orcs: Azktor 9C and Zau'Nix 8D.
After killing the Orc Azktor send a battle roar to all around him and rushes towards the Orcs with bolt on their hands, with Zau'nix! and says in common "Come on! Lets finish them!"

2013-09-29, 05:42 AM
"Let's wrap this up guy, they are already down." Dale takes his harp once more and plays a perfect tune for his enemy and Azktor.

Standard-Staggering Note-Bolt 2
Attack [roll0] Vs Will
Hit: Target takes 4 damage, and is pushed two squares (and hopefully falls of the stage.) Before the push Azktor makes a MBA
Move-Stands there looking pretty
Minor-Stands there looking less pretty

"Now that is how a true performer does it." He adds with a smile.

2013-09-29, 11:33 AM
MBA: Attack vs AC Damage [roll1d12+4

2013-09-30, 01:24 AM

The bolt thrower who was pushed off the stage finds himself five feet down on the floor off the building next door that they used to gain entry. His leaps back to his feet a fires his bellybow at Azktor. Meanwhile, the other bolt throwers finds his weapon useless against two foes in his face. He drops it and brandishes his battleaxe, chopping at Azktor. Both bolt and blade speed by the paladin with no harm done.Bolt 1
Battleaxe vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0] MISS
Damage - [roll1]

Bolt 2
Stand from prone
Bellybolt vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll2] MISS
Damage - [roll3]

The battleaxed foe gives up chasing the elusive druid, ignores the dwarf on the floor still rolling around holding his head, and turns his attention to the tiefling at his back. A quick shift and slash is all Sarvin sees of his foe before feeling the bite of pain.Battleaxe 1
Shift to I12
Battleaxe vs Sarvin AC (17) - [roll4] HIT
Damage - [roll5]

Tak finds himself still the favorite target of the bloody orc trading arguments with him upon the stage. His side of the conversation lacks conviction. How will Tak respond?Battleaxe 3
Battleaxe vs Tak AC (17) - [roll6] MISS
Damage - [roll7]

Your turns

Irish Musician
2013-09-30, 08:45 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak smiles as the orc in front of him starts to slow his swings, allowing Tak to dodge its axe. Tak then responds in kind....not with words but with his gouge.

Standard - on BA3 vs AC [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal - [roll2]

Since I killed him, Tak will move to D9
Tak splits the Orc's head in two, leaving its lifeless body on the ground. He pulls his gouge out of its head, blood and brain matter dripping from his weapon, and moves to help Azktor.

18th Avenger
2013-09-30, 10:04 AM
"You're all on your own! Press on and fight hard!" And with that, in the swirl and crash of a barroom brawl, Sarvin turned to face his opponent.

"Red Knight, guide me," the tiefling grunted as he held his axe at the ready. Hunkered down behind his shield, he found a wellspring of fury and lashed out in an attempt to break the orc's guard and spirit.

Minor Action: Infernal Wrath (+1 to Attack, +2 DMG on hit)
Standard Action: Intuitive Strike -> I12 Orc
Damage: [roll1]
Intuitive Strike
Hit: 1 [W] damage. Until the start of your next turn, any ally who attacks the target and has combat advantage against it gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to 1 + your Wisdom (+2) or Charisma modifier instead of the normal +2 bonus.

2013-09-30, 11:27 AM
Now that the battle is getting into its end Azktor is more calm and can think clearly again, he then, position himself between the two orcs bolt gaining advantage over one of then. He then challenge one of the orcs and attacks the other one.

Move: Azktor will move to 7B

Minor: Divine Challenge on the BoltOrc 2; he is now suffering -2 attack and 3 damage if he does not attack Azktor.

Standard: Ardent Strike on the BoltOrc 1
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+2 from CA granted by Zau'Nix) Damage [roll1] on Hit: the Target is subject to Divine Sanction: -2 Attack and 3 damage if he does not attack Azktor.

2013-09-30, 05:01 PM
Harken moves in behind the orc attacking Sarvin, confident that the battle has swung in their favor. He leashes out with talon-like branches, and swipes at the orcs legs.

Move: To J12.

Standard: Grasping Claws
to hit - [roll0] vs reflex
if it hits - [roll1]

Minor: none

2013-10-04, 04:21 AM
"It looks like we're almost done, one more note for the big finish."
Staggering Note, Bolt 1
4 Thunder damage, pushed to B7(and of the stage), and Azkot gets a MBA.
Free action: Praises himself
"Dance puppets, while I pull your little strings." He adds with a laughter.

2013-10-04, 03:03 PM
MBA: Attack vs AC [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2013-10-06, 12:15 AM

Although finding themselves in a hopeless situation, the orcs refuse to surrender, fighting on until the end. With screams to the glory of Grummish, they swing what could be their finals efforts at Azktor and Sarvin. Only the warlord feels the bite of a blade.

Bolt 2
Battleaxe vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Stands his ground defiantly!

Battlexe 1
Battleaxe vs Sarvin AC (17) - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Shift to H13

Finish them!

18th Avenger
2013-10-06, 05:27 AM
Immediate Interrupt: Harper Pin (Mielikki's Endurance)
-Trigger: You take damage.
-Effect: Reduce the damage by 5 + one half your level (5).
Standard Action: Intuitive Strike
Damage: [roll1]
Sarvin grimaced when the crude blade bit but suddenly felt no pain and a warm glow emanating from his throat. He gave thanks to the man who raised him for inducting him.

With a feral grin, the tiefling surged forward, axe raised and intent on returning the favor.

2013-10-06, 08:48 AM
Azktor and Zau'Nix move as a one, surrouding the orc that was close to him. Then, Azktor attacks him, cutting his head off.

Move Action: Azktor A7 and Zau'Nix A9, grating CA.
Minor Action: Divine Challenge on the BoltOrc 2
Standard Action: Holy Strike on the BoltOrc 2
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+2 from CA) / Radiant Damage [roll1] (+2 from Wisdom Mod Bonus)

Irish Musician
2013-10-07, 09:29 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak sees one orc remaining...and charges it.

Minor - Berzerker's speed - You assume the berserker's charge stance. Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to your speed when charging and a +2 power bonus to the attack rolls of your charge attacks.
Standard - Charge on Battleaxe 1 to G12[roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal - [roll2]
Tak charges the remaining orc, sticking him in the belly with his gouge, and slightly picking him up and slamming him down on the ground. Not full dead yet, Tak pulls the gouge from the orc's belly, spits on him, then slams the gouge into its face, exploding brain matter and blood everywhere. "Orcs dead. Where cowardly leader?", and looks around the room to find Modgrim.

2013-10-07, 06:06 PM
Seeing that there was no more enemies around Azktor starts to clean his Fullblade, on his clothes that go underneath his armor, and place in its sheat. He then start to walks towards Eubin and the others, giving a low whistle to Zau'Nix follow him, he looks to the door and says to all "Well fight! But, I think we should follow him, I do not like to have unfinished bussiness."

If the combat is not over yet, sorry, just ignore my post and then I will edit it!

2013-10-08, 01:23 AM
The Inn sits in silence except for a few groans from the dwarven paladin rolling on the ground. He took the blast from Modgrim's flask full in the face, evidenced by his singed beard and eyebrows. Eubin begins to crawl out from underneath the table. He shakes his head a few times and calls out louder than necessary, "Oh my, what the...WHAT...WHY CAN"T I HEAR MYSELF?" He pounds and shakes his head a few more times. His eyes fall upon the table and he gasps loudly. "THE DAGGER! WHERE'S THE DAGGER OF CLEAVING?!" He begins frantically searching the debris on the stage.

18th Avenger
2013-10-08, 12:52 PM
Sarvin looked rather sheepish, seeing how much trouble he had with one orc. But the battle was over and they'd come out with little to no lasting marks. He felt the pin at his neck grow warm again. From what he knew, it would be ready for use once again.

But it seemed the orc Mordgrim got away with something, given how Eubin was rooting around the wreckage frantically. The tiefling hissed as he ran his hands through his hair, a gesture he picked up when he was nervous. Sarvin turned to his new companions, those he'd known for less than a day or so.

"Aye, good battle indeed. Now, one of you call for help to see to Eubin and Kalad," he ordered, snapping into the crisp tones of a battlefield commander. "Afterwards, ready yourselves." He smacked his axe against his shield. "I have a feeling we'll find Master Clodfall's dagger with the orc who got away."

2013-10-10, 07:15 PM
Azktor does not wait for a proper answer and start to go to the door to look for Modgrim he says "Two of you come with me, the rest stay here and protect Eubin!" He start running toward the door with Zau'Nix on his side.

Just in case I will pre roll a Perception Roll to look for Modgrim once I've got to the door [roll0]
We don't really need to follow him all the way until we find him, but I think it is good to at least follow while the trail is "fresh".

2013-10-14, 05:55 AM
Harken follows Azktor, running behind him, carefully maneuvering around the corpses. He had been in a couple fights before, but nothing like this. His eyes darted around, looking for any additional danger, as well as signs of other orcs.

"I'm right behind you", Harken says to Azktor.

Perception roll: [roll0]

Nature roll for tracking "if applicable": [roll1]

Irish Musician
2013-10-14, 11:04 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak follows Azktor out to find the orc. "Me follow and find Orc. He pay for insult and return item."

Tak will also follow to go find Mordgrim

18th Avenger
2013-10-14, 10:13 PM
Sarvin sighed, but could not find fault in their enthusiasm. "Fine. The rest of you, after them! I'll stay here until the dwarves are safe. I'll follow behind." The tiefling put away his axe and went to call Willie the barman. "Hear a noise behind you? Challenge is String. Answer is Note."

2013-10-15, 12:59 AM
Far Anchor
Willie steps in the front door and nods somewhat dazed at the tiefling's instructions, looking at the orcs on the floor.

The wreckage on the other side of the wall is light, at least here near the breech. Most of it seems to have blasted inwards, towards the Far Anchor. The dry goods in this store are barely disturbed. Barrel still sit in orderly rows filled with beans and other basic staples. Three things, however, break the calm and orderly scene. One: the viscera of the store owner that has been stuffed into an empty keg near the front door. Two: his empty husk that in propped on a broomstick so that it may rock back and forth in front of the curtained windows. Three: a five foot hole in the floorboards that, smell tells you, heads down to Scornubel's sewer and drainage tunnels. A quick peek reveals a ladder going down twenty feet into its depths.

2013-10-16, 08:57 PM
Azktor is used to this kind of violent scene so he just keep walking towarad the sewer hole with Zau'Nix, he then look to the others "I think we should keep following him inside the sewers..." He grabs a sunrod from his backpack and lights it, he then put the sunrod close to the hole and look inside to see if there is not someone or something 'weird' inside.

So, sunrod + low-light vision should be enough to me to see something. But will roll Perception, just in case [roll0]

2013-10-16, 11:40 PM
The brilliant glow of the sunrod shines down deep into the roughly hewn hole revealing stone walls down below. Brackish water flows slowly along a 10 foot channel of unknown depth. There appear to be 5 foot walkways on either side of the channel.

You can hear faint splashes and echoing voices of a grunting nature.

Irish Musician
2013-10-17, 09:53 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
As soon as Tak hears the grunts and the splashing, he knows who it is by instinct. He jumps down into the sewer and starts sprinting as fast as he can to overtake Mordgrim.

2013-10-17, 10:07 AM
When Azktor notice that Tak was already in the sewers he does not think twice, he and Zau'Nix also goes inside the sewer, he keeps the sunrod in his hand so that he - and Tak and Harken - could see something. He rushes toward Tak's direction keeping himself close by the Half-Orc Fighter, during the running.

2013-10-18, 01:22 AM
SPLASH! Tak finds himself in 3 feet of water, trying to push himself against a slow but forceful current. He scampers up to the walkway and continues to charge down the blackened passageway.

EDIT: Traveling through the water is difficult terrain with one difference. Entering the water takes one square, exiting takes two squares.

Come on down everyone! The waters fine!

18th Avenger
2013-10-19, 11:30 AM
So while Wille saw to the dwarves (got them help), Sarvin went and retrieved his pack from his room. Shouldering it, he stepped back into the bar and stood in front of the ingress point. The tiefling drew his axe once again and raised after the two half orcs (and anyone who might have been following them).

2013-10-19, 11:37 PM
Charging forward you see up ahead a gathering in an area lit by carried torches. A clump of orcs stand congratulating themselves. Modgrim stands at the rear. He glances up and catches sight of the sunrod. Cursing in giant, he points his ragged fingers towards you and commands his troops attack. They turn as one and screams toward you as their leader runs the other way.

Place your tokens on the map and roll initiative.

2013-10-20, 11:12 AM
Harken climbs down the ladder after his half-orc companions and places himself squarely behind Tak. The stench of the sewers hits his nose, and his adrenaline races as it was apparent there was another fight. Thoughts of dying in this gods forsaken sewer flash across his mind. He shakes his head, steadies himself, and clutches his staff, preparing for battle.

Initiative roll:

2013-10-24, 11:46 PM

Modgrim snorts in your direction. "Foolish pawns!" he calls at you. "Chasing around at your master's every whim with no thought to what you face! Destroy them!"

The two orcs in front scream in blood-thirsty response. Rushing at you, they leap over the water trough, bounce of the wall nimbly, and one charges your position, while the other takes position at the bridge. The lead orc swings so wildy that Tak blocks it easily with his gouge.

Battleaxe 1
Move Action
H4-I4 Jump to L1

Athletics - [roll0]

Standard Action
Charge to O1
Attack vs Tak AC (17) - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]

Battleaxe 2
Move Action
G4-H4 Jump to K1

Athletics - [roll3]

Standard Action
Move to L1

Go Azktor/Zau'Nix

2013-10-25, 02:52 PM
Azktor says to Tak and Harken "Follow my lead! Let's kill these two first!" as he jumps in the water and moves close to the First Orc and then attack him, from the water with all his strength, Azktor also marks the frontline orc as his enemy. Zau'nix jumps in the water and start to swim dog style to the other side of the margin. Azktor draw the power from his blood, but being on the water makes things worse and Azktor missed the Orc.

Move action: Azktor move: Q2 (1sq) -> P2 (2sq) ->O2 (2sq) = 5 sq
Zau'nix move: R2 (1sq) -> Q3 (3sq) -> P4 (2sq) -> O4 (1sq) = 7 sq
Minor Action: Divine Challenge on the BattleOrc 1: -2 attack and 3 damage if he does not attack Azktor.
Standard Action: Blood of the Mighty - Reliable - on the BattleAxe1 Attack vs AC [roll0], Damage [roll1] I also take 5 damage from hit or miss.

2013-10-25, 10:10 PM

As the paladin sloshes along the water trough, the orc swings at him. He clips the soggy half-orc on the shoulder.

Opportunity Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2013-10-25, 10:24 PM

Stepping forward, the two armorless orcs lob cloth-wrapped jars on both sides of the waterway. Wobbling through the air, the jars smash upon the hard walkways and splash flaming liquid all over the area. Tak and Harken become doused in the acrid solution, while Azktor and Zau'Nix receive only a few burning drops.

Move to H1
Bomb to R1 (area burst 2)
Attack vs Harken Reflex (13) - [roll0]
Attack vs Tak Reflex (13) - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] fire damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)

Bomb #2
Move to G4
Bomb to O4 (area burst 2)
Attack vs Zau'Nix Reflex (14) - [roll3]
Attack vs Azktor Reflex (13) - [roll4]
Damage - [roll5] Miss = 5 fire damage

2013-10-25, 10:30 PM

Drawing his bellybow back, he fires at the soggy paladin. The bolt glances of the brick beside him and splashes harmlessly in the water.

Attack vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Go, Tak, Harken, and Astaroth.

Irish Musician
2013-10-29, 09:37 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak swings his gouge at the Orc in front of him, hoping to get it out of his way. He has one target.....Modgrim.

Minor - Battle Wrath, You assume the battle wrath stance. Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to the damage rolls of basic attacks using a weapon.
Standard - BA 1 vs AC [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal - [roll2]

2013-10-29, 09:44 PM
Harken steps back as the fire consumes him. Smoke billows around his eyes, in pain he raises his hand above him as the wind begins to pick up in the room. He points his finger towards the orc that threw the fire bomb at him. As soon as the finger falls towards the orc bombardier, he is encases in a whirlwind so furious that rock and debris begin to break off of the origination and pellet the orc within.

Harken takes a step back to recover from the fire.

to hit
if it hits, the target grants combat advantage, and if it tries to move, or moves it knocks all enemies prone within 5 squares.

[roll]1d20 save roll

2013-11-01, 12:45 AM

Catching up to the group, the bard quickly assess the situation and sounds a clarion note that speeds towards the nearest orc like a crossbow bolt. The orc merely shakes his head and continues to press his attack.

Staggering Note Battleaxe 1
Attack vs Will - [roll0] MISS
Damage - 4 thunder damage and Tak get to make an MBA before B1 is pushed 2 squares.

Sorry, my rolls have been off all week on both sides of the screen.

2013-11-01, 12:56 AM

Spinning his poleaxe in both hands, he yells and charges, vaulting across the waterway and charging the Fey beast. He brings the whirling blade down upon the creature, wounding it greatly.

Move Action
G1 - I1, Running jump to L4

Athletics - [roll0] Success

Standard Action
Charge to N4
MBA vs Zau'Nix AC (16) - [roll1] HIT
Damage - [roll2]

2013-11-01, 01:05 AM

"Give no quarter! Fill the river with their blood! For Gruumsh and glory!"

The orc leader urges his soldiers onward, ever onward, then turns the corner and begins to run.

Go, Sarvin.

18th Avenger
2013-11-01, 07:38 AM
Move Action: R4
Minor Action: Draw Hand Axe
Sarvin sloshed up behind them, particularly the dragonborn and the wolf, just in time to see hostilities break out anew. The tiefling cursed. The orcs began to fill the sewer with rage and noise and his lips curled into a smile.


He drew his axe once again and readied his shield. "No quarter, lads! Clear the corridor one side at a time!"

For Azktor
Direct the Strike -> Azktor

2013-11-01, 10:43 AM
MBA: Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2013-11-02, 11:13 PM

Seeing blood in the water, some of it his own, drives the orc mad with bloodlust he swings two quick, overhead chops down upon the paladin in the water. The other battleaxe-armed orc by the bridge shifts from foot to foot as if waiting for something to happen.

Battleaxe 1
Savage Attack (Encounter)
Attack 1 vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Attack 2 vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

Battleaxe 2
Readied Action - ???????

Go, Azktor.

2013-11-03, 11:04 AM
Feeling the blood dripping Azktor uses his divine powers to heal himself, also healing Zau'Nix due to their connection. He then attacks the orc one more time. Azktor attacks was fierce spliting the orc in half and then Zau'Nix gives a quick step away from danger, Azktor Moves in his place instead.

Minor: Lay Hands on Self, spending 1 Healing Surge and healing 8 HP, Zau'Nix will also heal 4 HP.
Standard: Divine Pursuit (vs Fortitude) on the BattleaxeOrc 1
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If I hit I can push him 2 squares and I will also damage him extra [roll2] damage due to Furious Assault
Move: Zau'Nix will use his move action as a shift 1 to shift to P4 (without provoking OA) and then Azktor will move to P3 and then O4 (that way hopefully without provoking an OA as well)

2013-11-03, 12:33 PM

As his comrade falls into the water, in several pieces, the second battleaxe-wielding orc finds a clear path to an opponent. Just what he was waiting for! Sprinting forward, he charges Tak with his whirling axe, but his blade is deflected at the last moment.

Readied Action
Charge open opponent, O1.
MBA vs Tak AC (17) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2013-11-03, 12:37 PM

The two orc try to ready their next explosive jar, but fumble in the dark and narrow passages, making preparing the missiles very difficult.

Recharge for next round?
[roll0] Really? Three in a row??
[roll1] Was that so hard?

2013-11-03, 12:40 PM

Seeing one of their number cut down, he loads and aims his bellybow at the offending paladin. The bolt clangs of the hero's helmet, ringing his bell slightly.

Attack vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Go Tak, Astaroth, and Harken.

2013-11-04, 09:27 PM
As fire clings to his armor and clothes, Harken thrashes about trying to extinguish himself. He jumps into the "water" as the fire consumes him. Harken calls upon his inner resolve to try and heal himself.

Using my second wind.

Roll to save

Irish Musician
2013-11-09, 09:09 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak eyes the orc in front of him and swipes at him with his gouge. Then he tries to put out the flames that surround him.

Minor - Battle Wrath, +2 to Dmg
Standard - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal - [roll2]
Free - If I hit, Furious Assault, [roll3]
Brutal - I'll take from above

2013-11-09, 10:30 AM
"So, the coward ran away again? How can I write a glorious song about our great battle when we are fighting this minions. This battle bores me. Anyway, looks like you need some encouragement."
A beautiful melody flies from his harp, restoring Azktor's will to fight.
"And one for your friend right there." Astaroth adds, sending an offensive note that hurts his target's ears.

Minor Action:Majestic Word, Azktor spends a HS and recovers +4 HP
Standard Action:Staggering Note
Attack [roll0]
Glaive takes 4 damage and he is pushed 2 squares to L4. Before that Azktor makes a MBA

2013-11-09, 10:43 AM
MBA: Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1] (forget my +4 on damage roll...but since it is a miss it don't really matter, i guess...)

2013-11-09, 07:38 PM

The force of the bard's attack moves him back over the slimy rock. Wiping a touch of blood from his lip only bring a fanged smile to his face. He sets his feet and charges back to face the paladin.

From far down the sewer, you hear the encouraging voice of Modgrim urging someone to do something.

Charge to N4
MBA vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Azktor|Battleaxe|Bombardier|Bolt|Tak|Harken|Astaro th|Glaive|Sarvin

18th Avenger
2013-11-10, 09:27 AM
Move Action: Move to O2
And the traitor had joined the battle. Sarvin grinned at that. With any luck they could end this quickly. He moved to flank Tak's latest opponent before turning to Azktor and his wolf. It's a good thing half orcs are easy to rile up.

"Every minute he stands is an affront to your strength and that of your god, Azktor," Sarvin snarled. "Will you let the very insult of his presence stand!? Strike!" The tiefling then turned to help Tak menace the orc they faced.

To Azktor
Standard Action: Direct the Strike
Should I spend an Inspiring Word on Zaunix? Or can he handle it?

2013-11-11, 09:46 AM
Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

18th Avenger no need to heal Zau'nix he is easily ressurected by expending a healing surge out of combat, I would prefer you to heal Azktor or even Harken.

Btw, Azktor was bloodied for a second there, so I've got 5 THP. I placed it now, it should not be a biiig problem.

2013-11-12, 02:19 PM
Azktor draws strength from his gods into his arms and sword and then he attacks the nearby Orc one more time. Azktor's attack hited...

Minor: Divine Strength (Strength Mod as damage bonus on next attack)
Standard: Ardent Strike on Glaive Orc
Attack vs AC [roll0]; Damage [roll1] and the Target is Marked (-2 attack penalty and 3 damage if does not attack Azktor)
If hit I will trigger Furious Assault for extra [roll2]

2013-11-13, 10:29 PM

Changing his tactics slightly, he takes a quick swipe at the slayer, drawing a thin line of red along the half-orc's arm, then shifts back to clear a space for a moment's breath. He chuckles brutally at his coup.

Warrior surge attack vs Tak AC (17) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and regains 9 hp

Shift to N1.

2013-11-13, 10:43 PM

The two bombers finally get their missiles under control and launch a double strike, overlapping their blasts to bring fiery death to their enemies. For a moment, the sewer is an inferno, flames stretching from wall to wall, scorching all within. When the brilliant light fades, through the acrid smoke, the heroes still stand, save their four legged companion, returned to his home in the Feywild.

The orcs are angered by the team's refusal to die, but grudgingly respect their soon-to-be-destroyed adversaries.

Bombardier #1
Cinderbomb attack on R3 (burst 2)
vs Tak Reflex (13) - [roll0] HIT
vs Astaroth Reflex (14) - [roll1] HIT
vs Zau'Nix Reflex (14) - [roll2] miss
vs Harken Reflex (13+2) - [roll3] miss
Damage - [roll4] and ongoing 5 fire damage
Miss - half damage, no ongoing

Bombardier #2
Cinderbomb attack on Q2 (burst 2)
vs Tak Reflex (13) - [roll5] HIT
vs Astaroth Reflex (14) - [roll6] HIT
vs Zau'Nix Reflex (14) - [roll7] miss
vs Sarvin Reflex (14) - [roll8] miss
vs Azktor Reflex (13) - [roll9] HIT
Damage - [roll10] and ongoing 5 fire damage
Miss - half damage, no ongoing

Tak - 14 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
Astaroth - 14 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
Zau'Nix - 7 fire damage. (Sorry, Old Yeller.)
Harken - 2 fire damage Since you're prone in the water, we'll say no damage
Sarvin - 5 fire damage
Azktor - 10 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)

2013-11-13, 11:01 PM

Finding his sergeant under attack, he unleashes his belly bolt in an attempt to knock the attacker back into the brackish water. However, it glances harmlessly off the wall beside the paladin.
Belly bolt vs Azktor AC (18) -[roll0] miss
Damage -[roll1]

Azktor | Battleaxe | Bombardier | Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Glaive |Sarvin

Irish Musician
2013-11-14, 10:16 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak, too, takes a step back. Although instead of staying back, he charges the orc.

Move - to Q1
Minor - Berzerker's Charge - Effect You assume the berserker's charge stance. Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to your speed when charging and a +2 power bonus to the attack rolls of your charge attacks.
Standard - Charge vs BA2 [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal - [roll2]

Also, Tak could use a Healing Surge, if someone would like to give him one :smallsmile:

2013-11-19, 02:18 AM

Roaring with fury, he calls, "Druid! Follow my lead!" He steps forward and lets loose a powerful growl of triumph. The orc wielding the glaive becomes unbalanced by the thunderous bellow and stumbles backwards into the water off the bridge. "Clump them up and burn them!" He takes a moment to catch his breath.

Move - Move to Q4

Standard - Shout of Triumph blast 3
vs Battleaxe 2 Fort - [roll0]
vs Glaive Fort - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] thunder damage, push 3 sq. M4-L3-K2

Action Point
Second Wind

Save vs ongoing fire - [roll3]

2013-11-19, 02:30 AM

Rising out of the water, the guardian swings his staff like a whip at the wounded bombardier. It rips deeply into the orc, leaving bloody trails along its body as it pulls his now lifeless body into the water.

Thorn Whip
vs Bomb 1 Fort - [roll0] CRIT!
Damage - [roll1] 12 damage and pull 2 squares

2013-11-19, 02:40 AM

Feeling bolstered by his success, he throws another quick fire seed at the soggy glaive wielding orc before he can recover. The flaming missile strikes the orc squarely on the head and explodes in crimson of fire mixed with blood. The orc slowly sinks below the waves.

Action Point
Fire Seed vs Glaive Reflex - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Azktor | Battleaxe | Bombardier | Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Sarvin

2013-11-19, 02:51 AM

The dragonborn points a clawed hand at the bombardiar.

"Azktor! Take him down! We'll deal with this one."

2013-11-19, 08:23 AM
MBA: [roll0] [roll1]

2013-11-20, 07:55 PM
Azktors tries to reach one of the bombardier, but the water was on his way, making it hard to reach. After a couple of seconds struggling with the water Azktor finally arrive at him unleashing a attack with the impulse of his charging.

Move: to get out of prone
Standard: Charge using Ardent Strike on the Bombardier 2
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+1 from charging); Damage [roll1] on hit he is Marked
Minor: Lay on hand on self to heal 8 HP - Right now I've already spent 4/12 H surges.

2013-11-22, 09:53 PM

Drawing his flail, he swings at the midsection of the orc in front of him. He catches the thug solidy, breaking a rib or two, and distracting him enough for an advantage for Tak. "Keep the faith, brother, we'll take him down shortly!" he encourages Tak.

Standard Action
Warlord's Favor
vs Battleaxe 2 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and Tak gets +2 vs Battleaxe 2

Minor Action
Inspiring Word for Tak
Surge + 6 hp (OOC)

2013-11-22, 10:05 PM

Finding his wounds beginning to drip blood into the water, he takes a quick two chops at those around him, slicing into both superficially, and falls back a step.

Standard Action
Savage Attack
vs Sarvin AC (17) - [roll0]
vs Tak AC (17) - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]

Move Action
Shift to M1

2013-11-22, 10:09 PM

Caught off balance by the half orc in his face, he draws his battleaxe and takes a swing at the paladin. Azktor blocks the swing easily, almost mockingly.

Standard Action
Battleaxe vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2013-11-22, 10:12 PM

He draws his belly bow and fires into the face of their enemy as the tide turns against him. Moving as a half-orc possessed, the paladin turns his head at the last moment to dodge the savagely targeted bolt.

Belly bow
vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and push one square.

Battleaxe | Bombardier | Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Sarvin | Azktor |

2013-11-24, 04:16 PM
Azktor attacks again the nearby enemy, trying to finish this battle once for all! But his efford was in vain, he ended hiting the ground making a resonant metal sound on the hit!

Standard Action: Divine Pursuit on the Bombardier 2
Attack vs Fortitude [roll0]; Damage [roll1] and on hit I can push him 2 squares and follow him the same number of squares, I will push him to the water making him prone (he will be prone by falling to the water, right?)
Minor: I will Mark him with Divine Challenge (-2 attack and 3 damage if does not hit Azktor)

2013-11-24, 05:15 PM
Harken, emboldened by his two kills, rears his staff back and whips it towards the axe wielding orc, thorns hurtling to his enemy.

to hit


Irish Musician
2013-11-25, 06:27 PM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak once again attacks the orc with the battleaxe, hoping to finish with him and move on to his true target.

Minor - Battle Wrath, Effect You assume the battle wrath stance. Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to the damage rolls of basic attacks using a weapon.
Move - to N1
Standard - MBA, of course :smallwink: [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal - [roll2]

2013-11-26, 05:56 AM
Seeing that the battle is almost over, Astaroth grunted joyously.
"I have one more tune for you Azktor, so let's finish this."
He unleashed another double melody, one for his companion, and one for his enemy.
Minor Action-Moves to L4
Standard Action-Staggering Note-Bombardier 2
4 thunder damage, Azktor makes a MBA and Bombardier is moved to G2

2013-11-27, 02:51 PM
MBA: Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2013-11-27, 07:59 PM

Sloshing out of the sludgy river, the warlord advances on the orc with the belly bow. "Finish him, Azktor, then we'll make mincemeat of this one and track down their leader. Keep steady, Tak, your strength will be needed for this fellow."

Move Action: move to J1
Standard Action: Direct the Strike =>Azktor
Minor Action: Inspiring Word => Tak, surge + [roll0]

You get an MBA, again.

2013-11-27, 08:05 PM
Azktor starts a rampage, swinging again and again. Killing the nearby enemy!
MBA: Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2013-11-28, 12:32 AM

Feeling alone, the orc's resolve begins to fade. Not far enough to run, but perhaps a strategic retreat would aid his cause.

Firing his belly bow at Sarvin, he takes several steps backwards while he prepares another bolt. Seeing the tiefling stumble and fall, he calls out in giant with no response.

Standard Action
Bellybow vs Sarvin AC (17) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Move Action
Move to A4

Free Action
Call out in giant

Azktor, Tak, Harken
"Lord! They have broken through!"

| Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Sarvin | Azktor |

Irish Musician
2013-11-28, 02:30 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak, seeing his way cleared a little more, sprints foward in persuit. And yells in giant down the sewers, <"I come for you, Modgrim. You be sorry you run from TAK!">

Double move - Run to D5

What does Tak see now? :smallbiggrin:

2013-11-28, 12:20 PM

Peering down the sewer line, you see it continue in a straight line for 100 feet with inlet grates every twenty feet. At the end of your sight, it turns left, and you see the glimmer of sunshine coming in from that end. No one is in sight.

2013-11-29, 01:18 PM

"Don't fall down now. We've got them on the run!" The dragonborn whistles a quick tune and throws his arm towards the downed warlord. Tendrils of arcane energy wrap around the tiefling, healing his wounds and reviving him. The dragonborn steels himself and launches across the watery divide. The slippery surface causes a mislaunch and he splashes into the water. Grumbling, he hauls himself out and shakes dry.

Majestic Word to Sarvin - surge plus [roll0]

Double move with a jump
Athletics - [roll1] splashdown

2013-12-03, 07:27 AM
Azktor rushes straightforward he then attacks the remaining enemy from the water.

Move: 5 squares entering the water
Standard: Charge from C4 to B4 and Ardent Strike on the Bolt
Attack vc AC [roll0] (+1 from Charge); Damage [roll1], on hit he is also Marked.

2013-12-03, 10:09 PM
Seeing his comrades rush forward, Harken pulls himself out of the water and runs to catch up with them.

Using both my standard and move to move to F1. Sorry I couldn't attack!

2013-12-04, 01:24 AM

Staggering to his feet, the tiefling moves carefully along the wall to continue the chase.

Move Action

Standard Action
Move to D1

2013-12-04, 01:27 AM

Foiled by the paladin's position, he draws his axe to take a swipe at the offending half-orc. With a menacing grin, Azktor blocks the clumsy attack easily.

Minor Action
Draw battleaxe

Standard Action
Battleaxe vs Azktor AC (18) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Back to you guys!
| Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Sarvin | Azktor |

2013-12-04, 08:02 AM
Azktor focus his holy power in his sword that starts to shine. He then attacks back. But Azktor was more worried about blocking the last attack, so his new attack was inaccurate and ended missing.

Minor:Divine Challenge (he is now re-marked now)
Standard: Holy Strike
Attack vs AC [roll0]; Holy Damage [roll1] (+2 from Wis Mod)

2013-12-05, 03:23 AM

"Press the attack!" the tiefling calls. "We must finish him and move on before the thief gets too far!" Steadying himself against the wall at the turn, he charges his foe with all the strength he can muster, with his flail a-flailing. It is not much more than a glancing blow, but it draws orcish blood.

Move Action
Move to A1.

Standard Action
Charge Bolt at A3.
MBA vs Bolt AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

| Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Sarvin | Azktor |

2013-12-05, 07:17 AM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

MBA: Attack vs AC [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

Irish Musician
2013-12-05, 02:20 PM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak keeps moving down the tunnel, set on finding his quarry.

Double run, moving 14 squares down the tunnel.

2013-12-07, 02:17 AM
Running along the side of the tunnel, Tak smells the air getting fresher and cooler. The left turn at the end of the tunnel has definite sun light illuminating the slime dried on the walls.

| Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Sarvin | Azktor |

2013-12-09, 09:16 PM
In an effort to hurry the pursuit and kill the last orc, Harken reaches out, sweeping a thorny whip through the air. Then he moves closer to the others running down the hall and through the water slowly, screaming "Be careful there could be traps!"
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
moves to E4

2013-12-10, 02:37 AM

Lumbering forward, chainmail jingling, he roars a note of haunting beauty, despite its obvious ferocity. It falls on deaf ears.

Move to D4.

Staggering Note
attack vs Bolt Will - [roll0]
Damage - 4 damage and Azktor gets to make an MBA

2013-12-10, 02:42 AM

Not fearing his demise, he slashes this way and that with his axe screaming. A glancing blow rings the paladin's armor.

Battleaxe vs Azktor - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Tak, Harken, Azktor
"You will never defeat my Lord! He has a great destiny you cannot stop!"

| Bolt | Tak | Harken | Astaroth | Sarvin | Azktor |

2013-12-14, 07:21 AM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor just keep attacking what is in front of him, the attack ends killling the bolt-orc, and then without losing any time Azktors rushes following Tak and Modgrim.
Minor: Divine Challenge
Standard: Holy Strike
Attack vs AC [roll0]; Holy Damage [roll1]
Move: Move 5 squares toaward Tak/Modgrim

2013-12-17, 02:33 AM
As the final orc falls and rolls into the water with a splash, the rest of the party charges after Tak.

Tak reaches the bend, rounds the corner, and blinks hard as he comes into twenty feet of sunlit pipe. Shading his eyes, he moves forward cautiously and sees the pipe spills its stream of water into the harbor. Piers on both the left and right rise ten feet above the level of the pipe over rocks that keep the bay from eroding. Several ships docked at the piers are in various stages of docking, loading, and unloading. Different shapes and sizes of river cutters and barges sit peacefully in the water.

Glancing quickly about, he spies a lone row boat reaching the far side of a landing two piers down on the right about 100 feet away. Modgrim leaps out, nearly capsizing his rowman, and climbs quickly up a ladder towards a ship that looks like it is nearly ready to get under way.

Rocks on either side of the pipe could be climbed to reach the dock area.Very difficult terrain, three move actions worth

2013-12-19, 02:43 AM

Please let me know what you would like more details about.

Irish Musician
2013-12-19, 09:22 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak steps to the edge of the pipe and looks out, seeing Modgrim almost to a ship that is getting ready to sail. He looks back at the others, a bit behind him, and point out and says, "Jump and swim. He getting away on ship." Tak then takes a few steps back, gets a running start, and jumps into the water, swimming as fast as he can towards the ship.

[roll0] Athletics Jump check

[roll1] Athletics Swim check

2013-12-23, 03:20 AM

His scale armor makes a big splash as he launches himself into the calm river with a mighty dive. He surfaces and begins long smooth strokes towards the orc's craft.

100 feet away. 20 squares. Back up/run up, 2 squares each, long jump start 5 squares, extra square movement per square for 1 more. 6 squares total water move. 14 to go.

2014-01-17, 01:05 PM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor looks to Tak crossing the swiming and is tempted to do the same, but then he reminds of his heavy armor and decides to rushes running across the pier!

Double movement around the border of the pier, until arriving to the ship...maybe tak can dealy the ship for the rest of us.

2014-01-19, 04:12 AM
By Land and Sea

Tak continues swimming at top speed directly towards Modgrim's vessel while the paladin takes to the streets, charging around the harbor. The crew on deck of the orc's ship scurry under the furious tongue lashings of their captain.

Tak = 14 squares away
Double move swim"run" speed = (5 + 2)/2 *2 = 7 sq.
2 rounds to the dock.

Azktor = 50 squares away.
Double move run speed = (5 + 2) * 2 = 14 sq.
3 1/2 rounds to the dock

Modgrim's crew
4 rounds from getting underway.

2014-01-20, 08:44 AM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor keeps running and gives a shout, that everybody in miles should be able to listen "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FLEE YOU SCUM!" He then decreases the shout strength, so that just Tak is able to listen "Tak keep them occupied! I'm nearby!" Azktor keeps rushing toward the ship, ready to give a mortal blow in that slippery rat.

My idea is that they focus their attention on the pier entrance to the ship, not the water! So that Tak can enter the ship without being targeted by arrows and others stuffs.

2014-01-21, 01:49 AM
By Land and By Sea

The swimming half-orc gives no indication that he has heard the paladin, but everyone else within three blocks of the harbor has. Merchants, shoppers, and dock workers dive for cover as the fearsome sight of a charging half-orc in plate armor, screaming for vengeance barrels along the waterfront.

Those onboard the ship hear as well. Most continue to prepare the ship while two orcs draw clubs and walk down the gangplank to the dock.

Tak = 7 squares away
Double move swim"run" speed = (5 + 2)/2 *2 = 7 sq.
1 round to the dock.

Azktor = 36 squares away.
Double move run speed = (5 + 2) * 2 = 14 sq.
2 1/2 rounds to the dock

Modgrim's crew
3 rounds from getting underway.

Perception to notice the threat by water - [roll0]

2014-01-28, 06:47 AM

Guarding the merchant's vessel did not pay much, but passage to Scornubel was payment enough in Ogun's eyes. The merchant had just placed a few silver coins in Ogun's large hand when the commotion broke the otherwise calm dockside. The merchant decided that sticking around to see what unfolds was not in his self-interest and ran for the safety of the buildings, nearly spilling several of the coins onto the docks as he ran.

Ogun didn't run like the others. The sound of battle was something he tended to run towards. Drawing a javelin, Ogun approached the ship as the orcs with axes descended the gangplank. A bunch of orcs on a ship might have been a curiosity, but so was a half-orc in plate. Normally such a shell was too restricting of movement that a charging half-orc loved.

"What goes on here friends," Ogun shouts, trying to sound friendly, but half-orcs tended to be frightening, not friendly.

History: [roll0] (Does he know anything about a ship full of orcs?)
Diplomacy: [roll1] (Does he sound friendly?)

2014-01-28, 11:19 AM
"Boldog... I can smell you. You're close." Skadi sniffs the air like a wolf on the hunt. "I've been tracking your foul orc hide for more moons than I can count. Since Vaasa and the Tortured Land, across Netheril, through the Farsea Swamp, into the Reaching Woods and now to Scornubel." Rumours of an orc gang, led by someone called Modgrim, had brought Skadi here to Caravan City. Supposedly this Modgrim knew the vile Gruumsh-sworn warlord she hunted, or worked for him, or could offer some hint as to where Boldog was heading next.

The huntress stalks down an alley that runs behind the fish market. One hand holds each end of a giant crossbow, rough hewn but well cared for, strapped to her back. "Kaival smells you tooooo..." she continues with a smile, stroking her weapon like a trusted pet as she climbs up on some nearby crates to get a better look at the docks. Skadi's sharp eyes spot Modgrim preparing to leave; he is her only lead to find Boldog, and she is not going to let him escape and leave her with a cold trail.

2014-01-28, 12:31 PM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

"What goes on here friends," Ogun shouts, trying to sound friendly, but half-orcs tended to be frightening, not friendly.
Azktor for half of second was in doubt if he should attack this newcomer or not...but then he thougth "His spear is not flying toward me...so at least he is not with Modgrin...", but Azktor keeps running toward the ship and then shout one more time to everyone around him "COME AND FIGHT MODGRIN, YOUR COWARD SCUM!" Still trying to cover for Tak who have a better chance to arrive at them.

That was partly a answer to Ogun, as well as a new Taunt for the orcs on the ship!

I will roll a Intimidation roll as a tentative to make then angry at Azktor and maybe do something fool like leaving the ship or something like that! [roll0]

2014-01-28, 02:22 PM
It appeared that these two half-orcs were chasing someone who was hiding on that ship. Ogun concluded that the only way to sort it all out was to keep the ship from leaving. He started to approach though at a more casual pace than the others.

Walking towards the ship.

I might be able to help close the gap once someone is close enough.

2014-01-28, 03:20 PM
Skadi Neith, Half-Orc Hunter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774466)

Skadi raises one bushy eyebrow as she sees all the commotion happening down on the docks. "Looks like we're not the only ones on the hunt for this mucker," she says to her "companion" as she nocks a heavy bolt. Frowning as she looks at the fury with which Modgrim's pursuers approach him, Skadi picks up to a jog, trying to get within firing range to Modgrim's ship. "They better leave enough of him to flap his tongue," she thinks, "or I'll never find Boldog!"

I'd like to try and get within 20 squares of Modgrim, without being spotted by Modgrim's crew or the other PCs for now, with the intention of knocking him off the ship. Non-lethal damage, Skadi's goal is to interrogate him.

Stealth check: [roll0]

For the record, Skadi is currently in Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx.

2014-01-29, 03:17 AM
The orcs on the ship have been eyeing that black-clad human for a while now, sitting on the roof of the warehouse for some reason. Well, she is sitting there now, but she seemed to do some weird acrobatics on there before that, sliding around the edges, carving something from a piece of wood, then currently eating an apple. Much grumbling has happened as they watched, but she didn't really seem to be a threat. Those yellow eyes were unusual, though, clearly not natural for a human. Or maybe she's one of those humans raised by wolves? Feral humans exist, right? Do feral humans carve birds from wood? Is that a thing?

Hearing an angry half-orc's voice bellow across the harbor, Wind turns to see what is going on, lazily brushing a strand of hair sticking together because of the salty everything in this harbor out of her face, half an apple impaled on her rapier. Someone chasing someone else. The orcs seem to be busy now. Oh well. Then another shout. Something about fighting grim coward scum.

Inclining her head, Wind pulls up her face mask once more and hops to her feet on the roof, lobs the rest of her apple towards the gangplank with a quick flourish, deciding to hop onto the ship's railing and look what's up.

2014-01-31, 02:24 AM
A ship of orcs, while uncommon, is not terribly unusual, nor famous in your circles. Ogun's thirsty throat, parched from the long day's work, makes his voice sound more growling than he intended. Not too friendly.

Your words have grabbed the attention of everyone on board. The two by the gangplank eagerly await your arrival while the gangly orc with the head bandage standing next to Modgrim steps closer to the rail to get a better look at you.

It is no trouble moving undetected to the edge of the building where you can see Modgrim standing on the aftdeck with a one-eyed associate. He continues barking out command, unaware of your presence.

2014-01-31, 02:39 AM

After his long swim, Tak comes at last the the side of the ship. The cargo net that Modgrim had climbed is still lowered.

Azktor continues to charge around the dock. His shouting has cleared a path and is beginning to draw some hoots and hollers from workers Some are good-naturedly cheering him on while others mock the armored racer.

Azktor = 22 squares away.
Double move run speed = (5 + 2) * 2 = 14 sq.
1 1/2 rounds to the ship

Modgrim's crew
2 rounds from getting underway.

Irish Musician
2014-01-31, 10:48 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak finally gets to the same netting that Modgrim used. He climbs up it as quickly as he can and readies himself on the boat for anyone who might attack, keeping his eyes out for Modgrim. "Modgrim, you no leave here with dagger. You will get taken."

Athletics to climb, [roll0]

2014-02-01, 02:48 AM
On Deck

The orc rasing the sail at the main mast is shocked to see Tak seemingly materialize on deck dripping wet. He quickly ties off the rope and draws his club, growling out in giant.

"Captain! Intruder!

Roll initiative!

2014-02-01, 06:07 AM
"Well, looks like things are about to get interesting. I hope the people don't get too mad over blood on the docks," Ogun thought. He weighed his own options as weapons were drawn.


Remember you get a +2 power bonus to initiative if you are within 10 squares of Ogun and can see and hear him.

2014-02-02, 08:09 AM
Ogun circles around the orcs on the docks, incanting words of diabolical power as he approaches. He draws an arcane sigil on the ground that resembles a ram's head.

"This ship is going nowhere. Run. Run while you still can."

Move: J15 > I16 > H17 > H18 > H19 > I20 > J19
Standard: Sign of the Golden Ram
Effect: Creates a zone in a close burst 2. Enemies that start or enter squares in the zone are subject to an attack as an opportunity action.

2014-02-02, 01:35 PM
Wind hops from the warehouse's roof to the rope leading from the nearest mast to the corner of the ship, cutting it in midair and grabbing it. Swinging in a curve, the strange human pulls in her legs to soar just over the helm, feet first right into the chest of the orc standing at the railing to send him sailing over it. Or crumple to the ground. Whatever works.

Using the orc's mass, Wind launches herself away, twisting her body in midair to once more just go over the helm. Once her feet are back on the floor, she throws herself at that Modgrim fellow, almost jumping on him like some feral animal, seeking to stab deep with her thin blade, after which she crouches low on the ground, ready to dodge when the inevitable retaliation comes.

Well, guess I'll just go ahead with my plan I posted in OOC and see what happens.

First Strike gives Wind CA against all opponents who haven't acted yet (which is all of them).

Move Acrobat's Trick to move from N8 -> P11

Standard Charge to R11 at Rod during rope swing to knock him over railing or knock prone
Unarmed MBA vs Reflex [roll0] (includes charge bonus, CA) EDIT: Heroic Effort to bring the attack up to 16, and thus make it hit
Hit: [roll1] damage (includes Acrobat's Trick bonus, Surprising Charge) and knocked over railing/prone
Miss: Provoke OA

AP Standard Charge to Q13 at Modgrim with Backstab
Rapier MBA vs AC [roll2] (includes charge bonus, CA, Backstab bonus)
Hit: [roll3] damage (includes Sneak Attack, Surprising Charge) + [roll4] from Backstab

2014-02-02, 11:57 PM
The bandaged orc, caught unaware by the stranger flying in from nowhere, is thrown against the railing of the ship and slips to the ground.
Prone from roll in OOC

Ogun (done)
Wind (done)

Irish Musician
2014-02-03, 01:43 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak narrows his eyes, seeing the orcs between him and his target. He charges one of them, slicing at it with his weapon, hoping to ends its life.

Minor - Berserker's Charge
Standard - Charge #1, T21<S20<S19<R18 [roll0] vs AC
Damage - [roll1]
Brutal - [roll2]

Action Point! - If #1 dies, I will use it. Charge on Modgrim [roll3], [roll4], Brutal [roll5] Nevermind. Just saw that #3 is up 20' in the rigging. Might use it as a charge against Modgrim, waiting for a reply from Waffle, in which case it would be a 22 to AC.

2014-02-03, 02:28 AM
Somewhere below, there's this other half-orc. There are kind of half-orcs everywhere really. But anyway, he seems to see what Wind is doing and distracts Modgrim just enough so that Wind slips past him and hops over the railing, down onto the deck below.

(Shift from Q13 to R16 due to spending an AP)

2014-02-03, 03:14 PM
Skadi Neith, Half-Orc Hunter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774466)
Skadi's eyes go wide as violence and chaos explode from all sides of the ship. Half-orcs (and something that looks like a man but moves like a shadow) fall upon Modgrim's crew like an avalanche. "Gah! No! Mine!" Skadi says as the first blow lands on her prey. Grabbing two "boomer" bolts from her quiver, the hunter takes aim at some of the crew, making sure that the ship isn't going anywhere.

Skadi's first bolt strikes the mast beside the orc high in the ship's rigging, exploding on impact and knocking the crewman (creworc?) off his perch and into the waiting arms of Wind, Tak, and a hard deck. He lands like a sack of vegetable soup, dead before he knew what hit him.

OOC: Wind and Tak... and we're on a sailing ship. That's perfect. :smallbiggrin:

Sprinting down the dock, Skadi comes to a sliding stop as she drops to one knee, feeds Kaival another boomer bolt, and fires through an opening in the railing. Unfortunately she slips on the wet surface, and the bolt flies over the ship and into the water beyond, where a perfectly innocent trout is exploded into the beak of a passing lucky seagull. She scans the ship docked beside her for a better shooting position, shouting back over her shoulder, "I need Modgrim alive!"

OOC: My whole "interrogating Modgrim" thing is pure character fluff; if he lives I don't mind if he has no idea what I'm asking, if he dies Skadi will complain a bit but I won't make a big issue of it.

Standard Action: Clever Shot against Club 3

Attack vs AC (+2 from Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx, +2 from CA via Hidden): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] and Club 3 is slid to R17, hopefully landing with a splat between my two hungry new friends.
I'll roll the Club's saving throw to prevent falling here, to save a step if that's OK: [roll2] Not relevant.

Move Action: Move to H9

Action Point -> Standard Action: Clever Shot against Rod

Shift to G12 with Ogun's blessing.
Attack vs AC (-2 for prone, +2 from Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx): [roll3] EDIT: Miss.
Damage: [roll4] and Rod is slid to V12, hopefully making a nice splash.
Likewise with Rod's save: [roll5]

Minor Action: Change to Aspect of the Dancing Serpent

Free Action (from Aspect of the Dancing Serpent): Shift to G13

2014-02-04, 11:08 PM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor give a quick pray to Tempus asking him to guide his blow toward the enemie. He then charges toward the nearst orc slashing him with fury! Azktor does notice the other guys, but he is just glad they are attacking the same enemies as him, so that is enough to just leave them be!

Minor: Divine Strength => +4 Bonus Damage (= to Strenght Mod.) on next attack
Move: 5 Squares
Standard: Charge 7 Squares using Ardent Strike
Attack vs AC on the Number 4 Orc [roll0] (+1 from Charge) on hit he is also Marked with Divine Sanction (-2 attack and 3 damage if he does NOT attack Azktor)
Damage [roll1] (+4 from Divine Strength) Also, on hit, I will spend Furious Assault for extra [roll2] damage!

2014-02-05, 01:58 AM

The deck hands, dazzled by the sudden appearance of so many enemies, scramble to attack, leaving their ship duties unfinished.

The orc climbing along the rigging sees an enemy attack his leader then jump to the lower deck. Grinning at his luck to find an enemy so close to pounce upon, he readies his jump only to be blasted out of the air by a flying missle.
Pouncing on Wind (ala chandelier drop)
vs Wind Ref (18) - [roll0] - Crit! for no difference
Damage - 3 damage and Wind is prone at Q16 and since she's not prone...

The orc untying the ship on the forecastle roars at the unexpected company and rushes to attack the foul human on board. Sliding down the step railings, he draws a belaying pin from his belt and charges. He steps close and strikes at the human, but the human ducks under the swing at the last moment.
Move to O20.
Charge to Q17
vs Wind AC (17) - [roll1] (+2 now that she's prone)
Damage - 5 damage

Finding his partner flattened by the charging paladin, the orc at the base of the gangplank turns to face the fouled-blood next to him. He raises his belaying pin...
Going to attack Ogun unless he wants to use his Golden Ram OppAction

Belaying Pin to the head vs Ogun AC (17) - [roll2]
Damage - 5 damage

2014-02-05, 02:14 AM

Crumpled on the aftdeck, the witch shakes his head and stands, leaning heavily on the rail. He raises his rod at the disgrace attacking his lord. With words of praise to One Eye, he launches a curse at the half-orc. Darkness falls on the slayer as he feels the burn of acid on his face and eyes. Pain, great pain, blinds him and continues to burn.

Move Action

Standard Action
Curse of Gruumsh
vs Tak Fort (16) - [roll0] (-2 for cover from mast)
Damage - Tak is blinded (save ends)

Secondary Attack
vs Tak Ref (13) - [roll1] (-2 cover, +2 CA from blind)
Damage - [roll2] acid damage and ongoing 2 acid damage (save ends)

Recharge - [roll3] - yep

2014-02-05, 02:49 AM

Seeing a nearly helpless foe before him, the orc lashes out with a mighty kick to knock him from the ship. Turning and running farther astern, he launches himself from the deck to the pier. Landing awkwardly but on his feet he runs back along the pier, turns, drawing the silver dagger, and bellows a challenge. "You think you can stop the mighty Modgrim?! You can't even catch me!"

Minor Action
Brutal Kick vs Tak AC (17) - [roll0] Miss (CA already in the roll)
Damage - [roll1] and push 2 squares.
Tak save vs fall off boat - [roll2]
Opp Attack for Tak

Move Action
Running jump
Athletics - [roll3]

Standard Action
Move to U2

Free Action
Heckle the heroes.

Your turns
Ogun (+ram?)
Tak (+opp att?)

2014-02-05, 05:56 AM
As the orc raises his weapon to attack, the symbol on the ground flares with power. The orc is blasted into the water and sinks beneath the surface.

[roll0] vs Will
On a hit Club 5 dies (4 damage) and is pushed into the water.

2014-02-05, 06:18 AM
"Oh no you'll not be getting away."

Ogun moves around the docks and tosses the javelin in his hand at Modgrim. The javelin catches the orc in the side, Ogun's fury causing a gash that irritates Modgrim, perhaps this sore spot can be exploited by the others.

"And you," he says to Tak, "this is not a time to be worrying about being wounded. We can fix that later." Tak feels slightly refreshed after hearing Ogun.

Move: to K13.
Standard: Paint the Bulls-Eye vs Modgrim
Attack: [roll0] vs AC (Includes -2 for range)
Hit: [roll1] damage and allies gain a +3 power bonus to damage rolls against Modgrim until the end of Ogun's next turn.
Furious Assault: [roll2]
Minor: Inspiring Word on Tak
Tak spends a surge and heals surge value plus [roll3].

Irish Musician
2014-02-05, 11:55 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak, refreshed by the words of this other half-orc inspires him. Tak smiles and goes rushing off to find Modgrim, blinded though he be.....he can still hear is taunting!!

Move - Running jump to P8 [roll0]

and of course if he makes it:
Standard - Charge Modgrim, -5 included [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Brutal - [roll3]

2014-02-06, 04:14 AM
With Modgrim on the run and that witch zapping about, there isn't much for Wind to apply herself fully to. Pity. Ah well, she just suddenly turns around and runs right up the wall behind her to get to the upper deck, going straight for the witch. That is, before suddenly making a sharp right, scampering up the rigging and invoking a sudden, but intense sense of déjà vu as Wind suddenly swings her entire body around, aiming for Rod with her feet. Granted, if she misses, she'll probably sail right off the side of the ship. It happens.

Move Acrobat's Trick to move from R16 to S15 (provoking OA from Club 2), gaining +2 to the damage of the next MBA this turn.

Standard Unarmed charge vs Rod, moving from S15 to T13, once again seeking to send him flying off the side of the ship. But let's spice things up a bit. If Wind misses, not only does she take an OA from Rod, she also falls off the ship, into the water in U13, perhaps bonking her head on the way down as well. I find either outcome too entertaining for different reasons ("Not again!" vs "Whoops.") not to go for it.
[roll0] vs Reflex (includes charge bonus) - Critical (second time's the charm, apparently)
Hit: [roll1] 13 damage. Save against falling off the ship: [roll2]

2014-02-06, 10:21 AM
AoO vs Wind AC (17) - [roll0]
Damage - 5 damage

As Wind runs from the orc, she hears a whoosh, much like her namesake, of missing belaying pin behind her. Bouncing from deck to rigging, then caroming into the witch does feel oddly familiar but this time ends with a satisfying thud and accompanying sound effects as the witch topples backwards over the railing to the river below. Kersplash!

2014-02-06, 12:20 PM
Skadi Neith, Half-Orc Hunter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774466)

"Shargaas' spit!" Skadi curses as she sees Modgrim flee down the lane way. She gives chase for a few steps while drawing a particularly ugly crossbow bolt, heavy and lined with back-facing barbs. Skadi takes a breath, waits for the stumbling blind Half-Orc also chasing Modgrim to give her an open shot, and lets fly at her prey.

Kaival fires true, and Modgrim howls with pain as he finds his leg skewered and stuck to the warehouse wall like a slaughtered bird on display.

Move Action: Move to M10

Standard Action: Disruptive Shot against Modgrim
Attack vs AC (+1 from Aspect): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] and Modgrim is Immobilized (save ends)

+3 Damage from Ogun (forgot to include in my roll).

Free Action (if successful attack): Furious Assault for [roll2] additional damage

All damage is non-lethal.

Minor Action: none

Free Action (from AotDS): Shift to N9

2014-02-07, 09:56 AM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor charges the remaining weakling to clean the field, killing him in one attack.

Move: 2 square south
Standard: Charge using Ardent Strike on the last minion.
Attack vs AC [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-02-07, 10:44 PM

Surfacing with a sputter, the witch doctor swim raggedly towards the cargo net hanging down the side of the ship. A growing pool of crimson floats along with him in the slow but inexorable current of the river.

Move move
Swimmy swimmy

2014-02-07, 11:00 PM

Taking an unexpected hit from the stumbling half-orc unsettles the orc leader. Finding no release from the bolt skewering him to the warehouse, he raises the silver dagger above his head and slashes down, nowhere near the slayer. However, as it slices through the air, a brilliant trail of light follows the dagger's arc. A similar line of light appears on the aftdeck near the rudder. As he finishes the stroke, the fissure flashes and the orc vanishes from this spot and appears back on deck. A quick sawing action later and the mooring line separates, freeing the ship to drift in the gentle current. He tries to turn and wave with mocking silence at the blind slayer, but winces in pain at the crossbow still piercing his leg.

Move with neat magical item.
Standard action - cut the rope
Immobilized save - [roll0]


2014-02-07, 11:17 PM
"Don't think you will slip through our fingers."

Ogun moves up the gangplank and draws another javelin. He tosses the weapon at Modgrim, it catches him in the shoulder and spins him around, leaving an opportunity for Wind to pounce.

Ogun then rushes foward not even taking the time to draw another weapon. He runs up the stairs and leaps at him with a flying punch that catches the salty orc right between the eyes.

Move: N18
Minor: Draw Javelin
Standard: Race the Arrow
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll]1d6+4[roll] damage and Wind can charge Modgrim as a free action with +3 to hit and damage.

If Modgrim is still alive after Race the Arrow...
Action Point: Unarmed Charge to P12 with Inevitable Wave
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: [roll2] damage and allies deal +3 damage with charge attacks against Modgrim until the end of Ogun's next turn.

Irish Musician
2014-02-08, 02:33 AM
Flying blind for the moment, the slayer hears a weird sound in front of him and feels as though something is wrong, for he can no longer smell the foul-smelling orc in front of him. Yelling out to his friends, he tries to get his bearings, "WHERE MODGRIM?! TELL ME WHERE!!! QUICK!!" The slayer then moves closer to his friends, hoping they can shed some light on the situation.

Minor - Active perception check to find him [roll0]
Move - 5 to P7
Hopefully the free action of yelling to everyone will get some results before I take the rest of my turn :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-08, 03:13 AM
Move Tactical Trick, granting her CA to all enemies adjacent to allies, until the end of her turn. Wind moves to Q12 to T13, not provoking an OA due to leaving a square threatened by Ogun (thanks to Tactical Trick).

Standard Charge at Modgrim, moving from T13 to Q12.
[roll0] vs. AC (includes CA, charge bonus)
Hit: [roll1] damage (includes bonus from Ogun and Surprising Charge) + [roll2] sneak attack damage.

Riding the rudder to hopefully inflict an attack penalty on Modgrim (if a penalty for failure is needed, perhaps the rudder swings back and hits Wind in the head, giving her the attack penalty).
[roll3] vs Reflex

edit: I hit with a 2 (totally okay with the attack being against AC instead or that stunt not doing anything, though)! And those are some real good damage rolls, finally! :smallbiggrin:

edit2: If Modgrim attacks and misses Wind with a melee attack, she will use Disciplined Counter against him.

edit: This is what Wind does after the charge she was granted! Description of all she does in the next post, along with the rolls for the granted charge that happens before this turn! READING COMPREHENSION, ARRRGH!

2014-02-08, 10:29 AM
Modgrim just appearing on deck doesn't even seem to faze Wind, promptly getting a bit of a running start while the orc is distracted by that half-orc that created a distraction for her before. Wind runs, weaves under the rudder as if made of water and pretty much leaps onto Modgrim to skewer him, using the half-orc's cover to jump and flip back through the air, landing on the rudder and jumping back once more, once again where she started. Wind herself seems to have a bit of déjà vu there, her head inclined in thought, but then she remembers the wants to try out first going over, then under.

Suddenly, there is a human soaring through the air, landing on the rudder and surfing on it towards Modgrim before hopping off of it, letting the thing (hopefully) smash right into Modgrim and messing with his attacks as Wind ducks beneath it, going for that almost imperceivable opening with her rapier.

"Here!" Wind suddenly calls out, her speech quick, curt and with a strange accent and raspy voice. Afterwards, she falls silent once more, yellow eyes on Modgrim. Helping a stranger half-orc out.

Charge, moving from T13 to Q12.
[roll0] vs AC (includes Ogun's granted bonus to attack and charge bonus)
Hit: [roll1] damage (includes both +3 damage bonuses granted by Ogun)
edit: Should only be one +3 bonus. Already adjusted the damage in the tracker, still enough to drop Modgrim on Wind's turn.

edit: Modgrim is knocked out by Wind. Wind DOES NOT kill Modgrim, just make him take a nap.

When Wind looks back to Modgrim, she looks just in time to see him just fall over. The human actually looks a bit confused, she kind of thought he would still have some fight in him, already having readied her counterattacks and everything. "Nevermind!" she calls over to the kind of stumbling half-orc on the pier, scratching her head.

2014-02-10, 07:03 AM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor rushes to the remaining enemy sword on hands ready finish him off.

Move: 4 Squares (U,21)
Minor: Divine Challenge
Standard: Holy Strike vs the ClubRod Orc
Attack vs AC [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2014-02-10, 12:24 PM
Skadi Neith, Half-Orc Hunter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774466)
Skadi watches closely as Wind takes the *cough* wind out of Modgrim's sails. She moves towards the gangplank, keeping her crossbow aimed and tracking along the far rail, ready to put a bolt between the eyes of any Orc foolish enough to pop it's head over.

Move Action: Move to L15
Minor Action: None
Standard Action: Ready a Clever Shot attack

Trigger: Rod attempts to board the ship or climb on the dock, moving to where Skadi can make an attack (remember, Skadi ignores cover, so basically as soon as she can see any part of him)

2014-02-11, 02:06 AM
Witch Doctor

As the soggy orc reaches for the rope ladder, the river's current begins to take the untied ship. Slowly at first, but certain to pick up speed. You hear a splash as the gangplank is upset and falls to the water below. The witch doctor lurches and catches the rope and begins to climb until he sees and armored helm look over the railing at him. Stuck between the drink and a paladin, he spits a curse at the paladin, then raises his dripping rod for a real curse. His careful aim its upset by the moving boat and the beam of evil splashes harmlessly of the hull of the ship.

Move - swim to rope and hold on
Standard - Curse of Gruumsh vs Azktor Fort (15) - [roll0]
Damage - Target is blinded (save ends) and secondary attack.

2nd vs Azktor Ref (13) - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] acid damage and ongoing 2 acid damage (save ends)

Recharge? - [roll3]

Finish them!

2014-02-11, 03:30 AM
Hearing the spell go off, Wind suddenly turns around and rushes towards the railing, running up the nearest mast and grabbing a rope to swing on once again. Nonchalantly, she soars through the air, only to suddenly let go, twisting and rotating in the air as if she was weightless for a moment. Then, she plunges past the railing without much fanfare. The platemailed half-orc can certainly see the strange human coming out of her rotation with her feet aimed downwards as her hand moves to soon grab the ladder, swiftly delivering a boot to the head.

Wait, only the lower rope was undone, right? What happened to the upper rope?

Move Acrobat's Trick to move from Q13 to T17, gaining a +2 power bonus to the next MBA attack roll this turn.

Standard Charge at Rod, moving into (above) his square, practically jumping on him to make him splash back into the water while grabbing onto the ladder herself.
Unarmed MBA [roll0] vs AC (includes CA because Rod is climbing and charge bonus)
Hit: [roll1] damage (includes Surprising Charge and Acrobat's Trick bonus) + [roll2] Sneak Attack damage

The witch is seeing stars before the lights go out for good as he falls down, making a big ol' splash. Wind just climbs back up on deck, says "Hi." to the armored half-orc before her in her raspy voice and just jumps over the other railing back onto the pier, moving towards the warehouse she was on before, seemingly effortlessly running up the side of it to sit on the edge of the roof, pulling out a fresh new apple.

2014-02-11, 06:50 AM
"First things first," Ogun thought, he grabbed the nearest rope (whether on deck or in his pack) and worked to secure the ship once again.

Irish Musician
2014-02-11, 09:59 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak nods and also takes a rope and start lashing the ship back to the dock, keeping it in place before it sails away. He then moves over to Modgrim, protectively, and starts to tie him up as well. He then searches the Orc for the dagger that he stole, securing it.

2014-02-11, 12:58 PM
Skadi Neith, Half-Orc Hunter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774466)
Skadi straps her crossbow across her back and helps to hastily secure the ship before hoping on board. She heads up to the aft deck and paces impatiently, waiting to interrogate Modgrim when he regains consciousness.

The Hunter offers a toothy grin to the other Half-Orcs and the mysterious Human. "Just need a few words with this mucker, then he's all yours." Leaning against the rudder, she says, "Name's Skadi. I'm hunting a Grummsh-Sworn Orc Warlord called Boldog, and supposedly this one used to run with him up in Vaasa." Skadi adds with a shrug, "That's the rumour anyway... Only lead I've got right now."

"So what'd this one do to get you bad-ass worgs on his scent?" Skadi asks as she lightly kicks Modgrim in the foot, trying to shake him awake.

2014-02-11, 01:30 PM
Wind is about to bite into her apple when she hears the female half-orc speak, puts the apple away again and just hops back onto the deck. "Wind." she says. It is probably her name. Looking at Modgrim and the others, she just shrugs in answer to Skadi's question. And again, those yellow eyes. Maybe she was raised by wolves? That's a thing, right? Maybe cats? House cats can be deadly, after all. The strange human does examine Skadi a bit more, then pokes Modgrim's face with her boot.

2014-02-11, 07:28 PM
"My name is Ogun," he says, keeping out of Skadi's way while she works. "A Gruumsh-sworn orc warlord you say? I may have known a few of those in my youth. What was the name? Boldog, hmm..."

Ogun is wondering if he ever knew of Boldog, perhaps they belonged to the same Gruumsh-sworn orc warlord club.

2014-02-13, 01:43 AM
The witch doctor floats down the gentle river current as the boat comes to a rest, tied once again to the docks. Tak finds the silver dagger under the fallen orc. It feels warm and heavy in his hand as he slips it away securely.

The orcish leader, under the attention of several boots, groans and rolls before snapping awake and struggling at his bounds. Seeing an armed crowd around him settles his motions, but his eyes never stop from looking around at the situation, spying for an opening or advantage.

2014-02-13, 02:26 AM
Wind just watches, standing a little away from Modgrim and the others. Watching, waiting.

2014-02-13, 09:28 PM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor march toward the others with determination, when he is near he says with a firm voice "They call me Azktor the Blackblade and I was glad that we (Tak and him) did not need to kill you all to get to this scum here!" he points to Modgrim, Azktor them looks to Skadi "You! If you have issues with Modgrim you can come with us to Eubin - the one that hired us for this job - and when our job is done you can have Modgrim and interrogate him all night, I do not think Eubin will care about that and he might even give you all some reward for helping us in this fight..."

Azktor then secures that Modgrin is nicely tied and place a gag on his mouth, he get him and says to Tak "Tak! Give me a hand here. We need to go back now."

2014-02-18, 02:18 AM
It is quite an early evening's sight.

An impromptu parade of half orcs, and one human, marching a bound figure of an growling, spitting orc through the city streets to the Far Anchor Inn. Most adults simply watch in confusion, some try to pass it off as nothing surprising but sneak second glances. Two different watchmen make moves to stop the group on their way but pull back and allow them to pass at the sight of the paladin's grim visage. A few young boys march along behind the line, joining in as victorious heroes returning home from a rewarding quest, at least until they are shooed away.

The Inn looks very much the way you left it, in disarray. Most of the people milling around outside have either left or pushed their way inside. Willie, the moustachioed barkeep, is setting things right and wiping them down. Eubin still sits on the stage, his head in his hands, running his fingers through his very thin hair.

2014-02-18, 02:41 AM
Wind eats her apple as she walks, seemingly oblivious of what is happening around her, just drifting along. She does seem to have various fruit along the way, a plum, a peach, then a pineapple which she examines closely before planting the whole untouched thing in the arms of a passerby. No one actually sees her retrieving the fruit, though. At the inn, Wind just looks around for a moment.

"Hey Willie." she greets, starting to help a bit with the cleanup without any further explanation.

2014-02-18, 10:42 PM
Azktor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=594376), Half-Orc Paladin

Azktor walks toward Eubin carrying Modgrim with the others helping, when he is nearby he says "Eubin, we finish our job! Here is the scum who stole the dagger!" Azktor makes a pause and then end saying "Some of our companions desappeared in the sewers....but those guys here helped us caught Modgrim."

Irish Musician
2014-02-19, 10:16 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak helps Azktor pick up Modgrim and haul him back into the Inn. Tak can't seem to figure out this Wind person as they are walking and finds himself curious about her mannerisms. Once they reach the Inn, Tak sees Eubin sitting down and drags Modgrim over to him. From a pretty much standing postition, Tak drops Modgrim to the ground, putting the end of his Gouge at the base of his skull. "We chase him and catch him. These people helped, others lost in the sewers. Tak bring you back this." From his bag, Tak pulls out the dagger that was stolen and hands it back to Eubin, pressing ever-so-slightly down on Modgrim neck with his weapon. Then in giant, <"You move, orc, you die. Then Tak will eat your heart,"> and after spitting on Modgrim he continues, <"Tak said he get you. Don't you ever think he won't.">

2014-02-20, 01:42 AM
Far Anchor Inn

Eubin starts at the first call of the paladin. His hands slap down on the stage and grip the edge tightly and his mind tries to get around what he is seeing. When the orc is dropped at his feet, he breaks his stunned silence by hopping backwards and squeaking. "Mercy!! Gent...uh...gentlemen! You're back! You... you got him! He's here! He's...the dagger! Have you the silver blade?!" Receiving it from Tak, he cradles it gently with wide eyes. "You did it! Gentlemen, gentlemen!" he says warming up and standing tall looking over the crowd. "Well done, men, er.. and women? Where are Harken, Astaroth, and Sarvin?" Hearing they had not returned yet, he looks concerned for a moment. "I'm sorry to hear that, but as you read in the contract, we cannot be held responsible for death, dismemberment, disintegration, or disappearance." He steps back to the small chest on the stage and picks out two small pouches and hands them to Azktor and Tak. "I thank you, gentlemen, for your dedicated services. Your contracts are fulfilled!" He speaks with great ceremony and officiousness. He stands smiling in front of you, shining with great pride.

2014-02-20, 03:04 AM
Somewhere in the background, Wind is merrily tidying away. At some point, she suddenly has another piece of fruit in her hand, offering it to Willie. "Orange?"

2014-02-20, 01:11 PM
Skadi Neith, Half-Orc Hunter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774466)

Skadi grudgingly follows Tak and Azktor back to the Inn. Along the way, she makes eye contact with the beaten and gagged Modgrim, "I don't know what these scathebeasts have planned for you, but you're going to answer my questions before the sun's down. You will tell me how to find Boldog." She yanks the barbed crossbow bolt out of his leg with a cruel swipe, then holds the bloody iron shaft in front of him. "No matter how fast you run, Kaival's kiddies run faster."

At the Far Anchor Inn, Skadi stays quiet while Tak and Azktor complete their business with Eubin. When Eubin hands over the two pouches, she raises an eyebrow and steps forward. "*ahem*, if there's some kind of reward on this slink's head, I think the rest of us might be entitled to a share, yes?"

2014-02-21, 01:43 AM
Eubin looks surprised to not be receiving accolades for his generosity. "Um...well this wasn't so much a reward as payment for doing what they promised to do. In fact," Eubin says, adopting a pedantic tone, "I would be well within my rights to deduct for damages caused by their negligent services. This villain should never have gotten his hands on the dagger in the first place. It is only because of my graciousness, and my wish to honor the spirit of my predecessor, they receive as much as they have. As for you," he says, turning to Skadi, "you were not contracted for services, no promises were made, and no papers signed. Whatever 'help' you rendered, you did of your own free will! You have my thanks, but beyond that, I owe you nothing!" He stands defiantly, proud to have stood his ground, confident of his righteousness.

He turns imperiously and walks towards a shadowy corner of the inn next to the stage. He holds the dagger out towards a dark figure rising from a chair, a woman with light, dusty gray skin covered in tattoos. She pulls back her fur trimmed leather hood to reveal hair that is long and black except for two stripes of white running its entire length. Tak and Azktor remember her from reading ceremony. He presents the dagger to her with a short bow, and she nods politely in return, her attention focused more on the blade. She tucks it beneath her cloak and returns to her seat with a smile, her eyes fixed on Eubin's retreating back.

Irish Musician
2014-02-21, 11:46 AM
Tak (http://iplay4e.appspot.com/characters/agdpcGxheTRlchQLEgtDaGFyYWN0ZXJWMhiN2-YIDA), Half-Orc Slayer
Tak is not one you would consider smart, however he definitely recognizes a threat when he hears one. He pockets his money, his eyes narrow and he looks at Eubin, raising his gouge up, "No Tak, no dagger. Tak no take threats good, wise not to do again. Tak hunt down nasty orc and get back dagger....Tak did good. Would Eubin rather have Tak throw dagger into bay? Me no think so." With that Tak lowers his gouge back down onto the head of Modgrim, at the base of the neck, read to shove it through his head if need be. "What we do with nasty orc now? Some here need answers, we go into basement as ask them?"

Tak wasn't a bad person, but he knew how to get answers out of people if it came to that. Tak looked to Skadi, "Tak help get answers for you." Tak takes out a few gold and tosses them to the barkeep, "For mess....and also for a round for all here. Good Stuff."