View Full Version : Epic wizard without access to spellbook

2013-08-10, 02:36 PM
Say, epic wizard with Epic Destiny: Eternal Hero somehow got himself killed (unfortunate meeting with apocalyptic monster).

Immortality in Rebirth: Despite your ability to avoid it, you will eventually face death. It might be from a foe too powerful to overcome, but whom you might face again in another life. Or, you might have finished your destiny quest and realized your work is done in this body and it is time to move on. In either case, your soul returns to its true essence, and you experience, briefly, knowledge beyond all mortal ken. Then, you find yourself once again in a new body. Does this manifestation know anything about its past lives now or will it learn more later on? Does this form resemble the last or are they far different? All these might be questions to explore with your next character. So he was rebirthed in another world.
But he doesn't have his spellbook anymore and this new world don't know a thing about arcane magic.
Does it really mean he almost out of spells until he reinvented all magic or just move to another world?
Spellbook tattoo is not working because wizard have a new body now (even race is different)
(Yes, I'm aware about feat Spell Mastery, but how many spells he can retain this way?)

2013-08-10, 02:40 PM
Well, since you're using Dragon Magazine material anyways, take Eidetic Spellcaster. DrM #357, IIRC.

2013-08-10, 02:40 PM
Say, epic wizard with Epic Destiny: Eternal Hero somehow got himself killed (unfortunate meeting with apocalyptic monster).
So he was rebirthed in another world.
But he doesn't have his spellbook anymore and this new world don't know a thing about arcane magic.
Does it really mean he almost out of spells until he reinvented all magic or just move to another world?
Spellbook tattoo is not working because wizard have a new body now (even race is different)
(Yes, I'm aware about feat Spell Mastery, but how many spells he can retain this way?)

You misunderstand the end of the Epic Destinies.

It's not "you're you elsewhere with your build other than race".

It's "You're now a completely new level 1 character with some thematic tie back to the original."

They're... pretty much all that way.

2013-08-10, 02:41 PM
You misunderstand the point of the capstone.

It's not "you're you elsewhere with your build other than race".

It's "You're now a completely new level 1 character"

Not necessarily. It's up to the DM.

2013-08-10, 02:44 PM
There's an ACF in an issue of dragon called eidetic spellcaster that allows you to trade in scribe scroll or your familiar RAW(probably both RAI) for the ability to never require a spellbook and use incense instead of ink. Your memory is photographic so your spells are imprinted on your mind.

Spell mastery allows a wizard to prepare int mod spells without his book, which are selected when you take the feat. The feat can be taken for more spells each time, so a high level wizard could conceivably have a couple dozen of mastered spells.

Immortality in Rebrith creates a new character with the same essence or soul or whatever, which is purely fluff. For all mechanical purposes, the old character is dead. Assuming he retained any spellcasting ability he could never cast a spell without access to a spellbook to prepare them from. If he gains a level he can gain some spells(usually two) through "personal research" and scribe those into his spellbook.

Edit: Ninja'd a bit.

2013-08-10, 02:59 PM
Just take Spell Mastery for Plane Shift and Summon Component.
Store a spare spellbook on a demiplane you create.

All assuming you keep your levels, abilities, etc. of course.

2013-08-10, 03:06 PM
Not necessarily. It's up to the DM.

The DM can alter how they work, sure, but Jack is absolutely correct as far as intent.

At the barest minimum, they become macguffins - NPCs that a later group of adventurers can dedicate their campaign to reviving briefly to fight a great threat or something. (Or evil characters can dedicate their lives to controlling.)