View Full Version : Iron Jedi Contest: Round II

2013-08-10, 04:35 PM
Iron Jedi Contest
Round 2

Welcome, everybody to the second round of Iron Jedi! The goal of this contest is to provide an enjoyable outlet for those character creation urges we all get from time to time, and it will be contested on the specific field of Star Wars Saga Edition.

The Rules
Each round, contestants will be asked to create one thing, almost always a charater. This creation should be built with the rules of the Star Wars Saga Edition game. This includes (exclusively):
- All fourteen published Saga Edition books.
- Officially published Errata for the above.
- All officially published adventures (including the Dawn of Defiance campaign).
- All published Web Enhancements, including Jedi Counselling articles. I know these can be hard to get hold of these days, but there are backups around, we should really make a list of links here for future rounds.

Nothing else can be included. This includes:
- Homebrew.
- Anything converted from older versions (even using the official conversion guide).
- House rules, EXCEPT those mentioned below.
- Any sort of 'custom' element, like a custom Destiny or something.

If you want use any optional rules or anything, explain them in your entry.

House Rules and Variants in use
- Ability Scores should be generated using 32pt Point Buy for primary characters, and the Standard Score Package for minions, NPCs, and so on.
- When multiclassing into a second (or later) base class, instead of taking one of the class's starting feats as a bonus feat, you may take Skill Training in one of that classes Class Skills.
- You may choose either a single Destiny or a single Background (REcg) for each character.
- Use the entry requirements for Master Privateer from the Force Unleashed campaign guide, the more liberal of the two.
- The Unleashed feat (and thus all Unleashed abilities) are not available.

ANY and ALL of these rules may be changed by a round's specific rules! For example, a round may allow you to use homebrewed Backgrounds, or may restrict you to certain books only.

The Entry
Character entries should be presented as a level-by-level build of up to twenty levels. Spoilered below is an example of how to do this if you aren't sure:

Character levels presented in the basic following format:

ClassName 1 | ClassStartingFeat, Feat, Talent
ClassName 2 | ClassBonusFeat
ClassName 3 | Feat, Talent
PrestigeClassName 1 | Talent (+1 Str, +1 Dex)
and so forth.

Feel free to modify this table to suit the needs of your own build, (for instance, adding BAB in brackets after the class name and level might be appropriate for combat characters without full BAB). Force Powers, techniques, and similar bought abilities should be listed in a separate table below; you need only list the levels that you gain new ones, not the blank ones in between. Example:

1| Force Lightning, Surge
4| Vital Transfer
6| Move Object, Vornskr's Ferocity x2

In addition, for each character, a 'sweet spot' should be identified, and at this level, the character should be worked up and presented as a stat block similar to that in the published books. Exactly how much information you duplicate from the above tables is up to you, but it should be easy to take that character block and use it in a game.

You needn't worry about generating a list of equipment for your character at each level (unless you really want to), but at the 'sweet spot', you are considered to have [lvl] x [lvl-1] x 1000 credits. So if you were generating the sweet spot for your character at level 10, you'd have 90,000 credits to spend on equipment. If your character has the Waelthy talent, add those credits on for THIS LEVEL only. So a level 10 noble with Wealthy would have an additional 50,000 credits to spend.
A background for your character is also usually expected, no matter how rudimentary it is; a background that meshes well with the build is something that should be voted highly.

Handy list of abbreviations to use when referencing your character:

CW - Clone Wars campaign guide
Core - Core rulebook
GaW - Galaxy at War
GoI - Galaxy of Intrigue
JATM - Jedi Academy Training Manual
KotOR - Knights of the Old Republic campaign guide
LE - Legacy Era campaign guide
RE - Rebellion Era campaign guide
SGtD - Scavenger's Guide to Droids
S&V - Scum and Villainy
SotG - Starships of the Galaxy
FU - The Force Unleashed campaign guide
TotG - Threats of the Galaxy
UR - Unknown Regions
WE - Web Enhancement

Other abbreviations
UtF - Use the Force
SF - Skill Focus
WP - Weapon Proficiency
AP - Armour Proficiency
FP - Force Point
DP - Destiny Point
BF - Bonus Feat
more added on request

Right! Judging is gonna be super simple this round. Once you've made your character, send it to me in a private message; when the contest has ended, I'll post all of the builds anonymously. Then, a period for voting will begin; in this period, anyone can post a message in the thread voting for their favourite build, with a little paragraph explaining why. Votes without explanations don't count, and you can't vote for yourself (I'll check to make sure no-one is doing so).

If anyone disagrees with a vote (ie, someone explains that they aren't voting for entry X because it's an illegal build, but it isn't), then please don't post in the thread, private message me instead.

Final Word on disputes
I have the final say in all matters concerning the competition and the interpretations of the rules used therewithin. If you disagree with an interpretation I have provided, either here, or in Private Message, please feel free to PM me an explanation of why you I am wrong, or make a post in the general thread for Star Wars Saga Edition. I cannot promise I will change my mind, but I will generally abide by the consensus of that thread.

Thread Rules
Here are just a couple of rules you should abide by when posting in these threads, just to keep it fair.
- Firstly, of course, always abide by the GitP general forum rules.
- Please do not 'speculate' as to potential builds before the deadline has passed: Let inspiration strike people individually.
- Whether it's before or after they're posted anonymously, please don't make any comment that could suggest which entry is yours, to preserve anonymity for unbiased judging.

Finally, please feel free to post here or PM me if you have any questions or queries at all.

This Round
With no further delay, the challenge for this month's IJCCC is...

The destruction of the second Death Star and the death of the Emperor and Darth Vader brought about a full-scale collapse of the Imperial infrastructure, including large portions of the Imperial Military. This left an awful lot of soldiers, officers, and even Stormtroopers, out of a job. You goal is to design a character who graduated from Stormtrooper Academy the week before the Battle of Endor, and describe what they proceeded to do after the collapse of the Empire.

All entries should begin with the same level: Soldier 1, with the Coordinated Attack feat, and any Soldier talent that could be reasonably learnt at the Stormtrooper Academy. Additionally, they should be of a species reasonably possible to be accepted as a Stormtrooper (ie, no Hutts).

The deadline for this contest is Midnight GMT, August 24th. Entries should be PMed to me, with [IJCCC round II entry] in the title, as well as your name, or character's name, something to identify each entry quickly in my inbox.

Voting this round will be based purely on which entry you like best, no special criteria.

Good luck! Please don't hesistate to post here or PM me with queries.

Have fun building!

2013-08-11, 07:09 AM
Hello all; Minor edit to the rules: You don't have to write up a full level 20 build; any size is fine! Hopefully this will lower the work threshold for entry.

Mando Knight
2013-08-11, 08:34 AM
For the week before Endor, that means Humans only unless they were scooped up by the Eye of Palpatine, though a Near-Human or a Clawdite could pose as Human...

...Also, due to the sheer size of the Empire, it fractured but didn't completely fall apart (though the corrupt only got more corrupt, and the not-corrupt only continued to defect or die for a couple decades).

2013-08-20, 09:27 AM
How about a Wookiee stormtrooper??

Just kidding :D

2013-08-29, 02:13 PM
Okay, the only entry was Alejandro, so he's the winner!

Dareth Krieg

Soldier 5/Scout 3/Pathfinder 2

Soldier 1: Soldier Starting Feats, Imperial Military Training, Point Blank Shot, Armored Defense

Soldier 2: Coordinated Attack

Scout 1: Skill Training: Survival, Linguist, Acute Senses

Scout 2: Rapid Shot

Scout 3: Ghost Assailant

Soldier 3: Mighty Swing, Melee Smash

Soldier 4: Skill Training: Stealth

Soldier 5: Unrelenting Assault

Pathfinder 1: Wilderness First Aid, Safe Zone

Pathfinder 2: Create Cover class feature


STR: 16 (raised at 4th and 8th)
DEX: 16 (raised at 4th and 8th)
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 12
CHA: 10

HP: 105

BAB: +8
Reflex: 25
Fort: 29
Will: 21

Trained Skills: Endurance, Initiative, Mechanics, Perception, Stealth, Survival, Treat Injury

Languages: Basic, Ewok, Sanyassan

Equipment: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, survival knife, comlink, medpacs, mace, spear, bow and arrows
Dareth Krieg's very first assignment out of Stormtrooper Academy was momentous, to say the least. Shipped to Endor along with a major Imperial starfleet, he found himself assigned to duty on the Forest Moon, defending the Death Star's shield generator and shuttle platform complex.

One day after his arrival, everything went to hell. A Rebel sabotage squad attacked the shield generator, got captured, and then fought their way out after Dareth's unit was ambushed by the native Ewok creatures. Dareth did his best to fight his way to the bunker entrance, but was shot and incapacitated by a Rebel agent fighting at the door (he never knew it, but this was Han Solo himself.)

When Dareth woke up, he found he wasn't dead. However, he was being dragged away by some kind of horrible creature, all fangs and scales, to its forest lair. Lucky to still have his rifle, Dareth waited until the creature looked away, and shot it through the head.

In the cave, he discovered an Ewok, also still alive. They could not understand one another, but the Ewok grasped that Dareth had saved its life, as it was also surely about to be eaten. The Ewok took Dareth back to its village, where he slowly recovered, although wondering if the Ewoks were going to kill him or not.

The Ewok had explained to the elder Ewoks how Dareth had saved his life, but the other Ewoks were skeptical. Before they could make a decision, however, a group of Sanyassan raiders attacked the village at dusk. They were dumbfounded, to say the least, when they pushed their way into the lodge where Dareth was resting, only to receive a healthy burst of blaster bolts.

After this, the Ewoks were convinced. Dareth was their hero, the 'Tall One' who wears strange, hard hides and shoots angry fire from his hand. Dareth collected every power pack the dead Sanyassans had, you can be sure. He sent a distress signal from the top of an Ewok tree tower, but no Imperial response ever came. He was alone, but for the Ewoks.

Over time, he learned to survive in the forests, with the help of the Ewoks. He learned their language, as well as that of the Sanyassans, when they were foolish enough to come near him. He carefully hoarded his blaster packs, only using them when necessary. He made a spear and a mace from the wreckage of a speeder bike he found in the wilderness, and the Ewoks made a much larger bow and arrows for him. In time, he became skilled at hunting and fighting with them.

Dareth 'Tall One' continued to live with his adopted Ewok friends, helping defend their village from predators and Sanyassan raiders, fighting alongside the Ewoks. He continued to send regular distress signals, though he wondered if there was even an Empire left up there to hear them...

2013-08-31, 08:08 AM
The competition was scared to enter.

2013-09-15, 09:26 PM
Any luck on those Jedi Counselling articles?

2013-09-23, 05:52 PM
Dang it! I was gonna enter this one! Totally forgot about it. Anyway, congrats to Alejandro and hopefully I'll remember to put something up for Iron Jedi III.

2013-09-24, 07:00 AM
Argh, been away from the forums for a bit. Missed this one...though I did submit for Round I :)