View Full Version : Keep on the Borderlands

2013-08-11, 03:13 AM
The Realms of mankind is narrow and constricted. Always the forces of Chaos press upon its borders, seeking to enslave its populace, rape its riches, and steal its treasures. If it were not for a stout few, many in the Realm would indeed fall prey to the evil which surrounds them. Yet, there are always certain exceptional and brave members of humanity, as well as similar individuals among its allies - dwarves, elves, and halflings - who rise above the common level and join battle to stave off the darkness which would otherwise overwhelm the land. Bold adventurers from the Realm set off to the Borderlands to seek their fortune. (...)

You are indeed members of that exceptional class, adventurers who have journeyed to the Keep on the Borderlands in search of fame and fortune.

Your Group:

Elinor Trueflight Half-elf female ranger

Physical Description:

Elinor’s stocky form is comprised mostly of lean muscle. Her hair is shaved short around the sides with a shock of bright red on top that sometimes falls over her green eyes. She wears a braid on the right side that extends down to just above her jawline and is threaded through a dulled crossbow bolt head. Her left ear is pierced with five black rings and her lip holds one, just off center on the right. She constantly wears a confident smirk on her face. She wears green and brown clothing under her studded leather armor. A tunic with green leather vest and brown breaches. This is usually concealed under a dark blue, almost black, cloak. She carries a fine hand crafted crossbow that she handles with great care and affection.

Caleb Breckson human male fighter

Just about 6 foot tall with average build, brown hair and blue eyes, Caleb looks rugged but kempt, a working man. At first glance one might mistake him for nobility with his trimmed appearance but his demeanor and simple clothes belies this.

Kieve Gwydion
human male wizard
Kieve just decided to take up training as a wizard and he is looking to make his mark on the world and become a great adventurer. He comes from a far away place most folks haven’t heard of. He likes things to be simple for the most part. He has a facination for the mage craft and really likes it. His baldness just runs in the family genes he figures.

Vanarea Moonwood Moon elf cleric

She has pale skin and raven blue-black hair that she usually wears in a tail to the small of her back. The color of her eyes depends upon the light and her mood, and she is often described as having “pale eyes.” She also has alabaster skin and delicate features. She wears several earrings

2013-08-11, 12:29 PM

Crixicus was born a servant into a wealthy family dedicated to pious belief in their gods. This family was murdered before his eyes by brigands, except for a young child he'd helped raise. His last sight before being bludgeoned unconscious was her frightened face before a burlap bag enveloped her. As a young man he wandered from place to place, searching for this child, but in vain. In time, he entered a monastery deep in the wilderness dedicated to the undermining of the gods through achieving the path to ascendency. He learned to curse negligent divinities whenever their names arose, vowing never to give them credence. The pain of his former life eventually faded, and he now lives for the virtues of martial perfection, the graces of the occasional free-thinking woman, and the spiritual excesses of wine and justice.

Crixicus is a reliable, dedicated, honorable person who will often choose paths counter to his own self interest, if it's the right thing to do. He carries a heavy burden, though, after seeing the family of his master murdered. The fun loving boy, given to jokes and laughter, turned him into a hardened man at an early age. His time in the monastery hardened him even more, awakening in him a hatred for the gods, and a wariness that the path to the Ascended is fraught with danger. Today, he no longer believes he will find justice for the murdered family. He now wanders the land, teaching those who will listen about marital perfection, or working as a hired hand, often as a body guard. His one major vice is wine and women. Okay, two, but they usually happen at the same time, so he thinks of them as one.

Height: 6'11'
Weight: 230 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Cropped short with a knife
Complexion: Rudy
Body Shape: Long and lanky, but athletic
Clothing: Monk's robs
Distinguishing Marks: cauliflower ears, a flat nose, knuckles with huge callouses, battered but strengthened shins
Merits: Steadfast, dedicated, focused, reliable.
Flaws: Deep seated anger that can turn to violence in an instant. Inability to walk away from a bully.
Likes: Good wine, preferably from the Jagged Cliffs region, and women with red hair.
Dislikes: Negligent gods, meddlesome priests, the weak-willed.
Peeves: Coffee brewed like water.
Phobias: Being swallowed by a gelationous cube.
Goals: Find the culprits who murdered the family of his master.
Family: None
Friends: A aging mentor in his monastery who embodies the weapons adept archetype that Crixicus hopes to perfect.
Enemies: The unnamed murderers
Crushes: A fiery haired trollope from Urik named Zenobia who always carries two knifes, even into bed, and who is a specialist in more ways than one.


Male Human Monk 1
LN Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Listen +7, Spot +3
Languages Common
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 13
(+1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
Speed 30ft.
Melee weapon Flurry of Blows +2/+2 () and
Nunchaku +4 (1d6+4) and
Quarterstaff +0 (1d6+4/1d6+2) and
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d6+4)
Ranged weapon Shuriken +4 (1d2+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grp +8
Atk Options Flurry of Blows (-2, 1 extra attack)
Combat Gear Flurry of Blows, Nunchaku, Quarterstaff, Shuriken, Unarmed Strike
Abilities Str 18 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 7
SQ Ability Focus - Stunning Fist, Improved Armor Class, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Damage (1d6), Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist (DC 14) (1/day)
Feats Ability Focus - Stunning Fist, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Stunning Fist (DC 14) (1/day)
Skills Jump +8, Listen +7, Move Silently +5, Sense Motive +7, Tumble +5
Possessions combat gear plus Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Grappling hook, Money, Monk's outfit, Monk's Outfit (Free), Pouch, belt (15 @ 1.5 lbs), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Sack (6 @ 20 lbs), Tent, Torch
Shuriken - 0/15
Stunning Fist (DC 14) (1/day) - 0/1
Ability Focus - Stunning Fist You gain a +2 bonus to the DC of a special attack.
Flurry of Blows (-2, 1 extra attack) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full action.
Improved Armor Class The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC, more at higher levels.
Improved Grapple You grapple at +4, with no attacks of opportunity allowed.
Improved Unarmed Damage (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Stunning Fist (DC 14) (1/day) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.

2013-08-12, 11:07 AM
Ahead, up the winding road, atop a sheer-walled mount of stone, looms the great KEEP. Here, at one of civilization’s strongholds between good lands and bad, you will base yourselves and equip for forays against the wicked monsters who lurk in the wilds. Somewhere nearby, amidst the dark forests and tangled fens, are the Caves of Chaos where fell creatures lie in wait. All this you know, but before you dare adventure into such regions you must become acquainted with the other members of your group, for each life will depend upon the ability of the others to cooperate against the common foe. Now, before you enter the grim fortress, is the time for introductions and an exchange of information, for fate seems to have decreed that you are to become an adventurous band who must pass through many harrowing experiences together on the path which leads towards greatness.

You have traveled for many days, leaving the Realm and entering into the wilder area of the Borderlands. Farms and towns have become less frequent and travelers few. The road has climbed higher as you enter the forested and mountainous country.

You now move up a narrow, rocky track. A sheer wall of natural stone is on your left, the path falling away to a steep cliff on the right. There is a small widening ahead, where the main gate to the KEEP is. The blue-clad men-at-arms* who guard the entrance shout at you to give your names and state your business. All along the wall you see curious faces peering down at you - eager to welcome new champions of Law, but ready with crossbow and pole arm* to give another sort of welcome to enemies.

2013-08-12, 12:09 PM
Crixicus surveys the group who linger beside him in front of the immense fortress. A young man who looks to have some fight in him stands close by, and Crixicus eyes him warily. The rest of the group doesn't seem to amount to much. They all look exhausted from the road. Two female elves and another young man who looks like he's spent too much time reading books in candle light--all of them probably here to help fight Chaos, one evil doer at a time.

Crixicus introduces himself, stating candidly he's here to investigate the surrounding hills and caves beneath them, pretending just to be an adventurer. He's wandered for some time now, always with an ear for word about a family murdered and a young girl kidnapped, never truly believing he'll find what he seeks. Still, he is drawn to the dark places where evil lurks.

He asks any of them if they'd like to meet in the tavern for a drink or two, finally saying, "Yep, a monk who likes to drink. What's wrong with that? This keep has a tavern, right?"

2013-08-12, 02:00 PM
Each of your companions give their name and the reason ''to investigate the surrounding hills and caves beneath them''.

Were just saying you know the group, in the classic ''grew up together'' plot.

The men-at-arms move out of the way, and a fit, attractive woman in her thirties steps out writing on a scroll. "I'm Sabine, the Gatekeeper. If you need anything, just let me know. "

2013-08-12, 02:11 PM
Crixicus steps forward, bows awkwardly, hoping his broken nose and cauliflower ears don't cause her to sneer. He says, "Madame Sabine, I am Crixicus, a traveling monk, eager to offer his services to the lord of the Keep. My friends and I seek lodging and a meal or two, while we provision ourselves. We will abide by any all rules of the castle. You won't have any trouble from us."

He nudges Caleb who I now assume he knows from the road to bow and put on a good smile.

2013-08-12, 02:58 PM
Sabine The Hog and Thistle Tavern and Traveller’s Inn are both made available to you." she says as she leads your group in through the court yard and points out both places.

"We are currently on a high state of alert, so you may keep your weapons. We ask that should the keep be attacked, you contribute to the defense. It is still against the law of the keep to use your weapons inside the keep against us who live here. To even draw a weapon in anger or a show of force will get you arrested and fined."

"I will pass your offer of aid on. We can sure use the help. I''l let you know later, don't worry I'll have no trouble finding you."

Sabine does give you a good look over, carefully looking at your face and making a small sketch on the scroll. She does not react to your features at all. She then moves along to make a sketch of each other person.

For speech it is best to put it in " " and pick a color. Each NPC will always have a color.

2013-08-12, 03:11 PM
Crixicus nods at the Hog and Thistle and suggests they head for the bar. Assuming he's able, he plans to buy a round of drinks for his group and chat up the bar tender to get a feel for who to search out in the Keep.

He also suggests whoever is the most charming to be friendly as well.

Whoever has the best charisma and/or diplomacy skills

2013-08-12, 03:49 PM
Inner Keep Description:
The walls of the L-shaped outer keep are twenty feet high; most of the towers are an additional ten feet, though the Watchman's Tower at the northeastern corner of the keep, nearest the gate, looms fifty feet above the ground and is forty feet in diameter, a fortress in itself. The inner keep, nestled in the southwestern part of the castle, is even more stout; thirty foot walls and forty foot towers rise like a man-made mountain, but the summit is the impressive Tower of Guard. The largest in the whole citadel, it stands near the center of the castle overlooking the outer courtyard, some seventy feet in height and forty feet in diameter.

The outer courtyard is crammed full of buildings arranged such that there is no straight passage from the outer gate to the inner keep. Nestled in the shadow of the near-northwest tower, straight ahead, is the smithy. Stables are nearby to the left. Additional buildings further south outline a grassy yard where some crops are eked out of the rocky soil. Further still are warehouses, shops, and the tavern and inn. In the gate court north of the inner keep, there is a chapel, barracks for soldiers, and a deep well that provides fresh water should the citadel ever come under seige.

The Hog and Thistle Tavern This building is the jewel of the fountain square. It’s wide and welcoming double doors face the fountain, above the door an enormous boars head is seen, and within its toothy maw, a wooden apple painted rose red resides. Perched at the ledge of each window, are wooden flower boxes, with colorful vines of spring and summer in verdant display for most of the year.

The jovial Innkeeper Erwin Kuhn is the heart of this establishment, year after year maintaining an excellent reputation for good food and drink. He is assisted by his son Erik, daughter Eve, and wife Magda. A serving wench, pot boy, and scullion also provide loyal service.

The Tavern always seems to be active day and night, on occasion dignified inhabitants of the Outer Bailey enjoy their supper by the hearth. Wanderers from the demi races of man and myth draw to the tavern comforts, and mercenaries gather to share stories and sell the service of the sword.

Drink Prices: beer 1 cup= 1 silver, honey mead 1 cup = 1 gold, bark tea one small pot =1 sp, wine one cup 1 silver to 1 gold.

You are the most open of the group, both Elinor and Vanarea are not good with people. Kieve only cares about magic and does not like small talk. And Caleb, while open and friendly is loud and comes on too strong.

2013-08-12, 04:19 PM
Once inside the tavern, Crixicus approaches the bar and, he assumes, Erwin Kuhn, the man scrubbing the bar top. He withdraws a shiny, thick gold crown and spins it on the table. "Five cups of beer, sir, if you will." Crixicus does his best to smile and present himself in a respectful manner. Assuming the bartender is amicable, he plans to inquire about the Keep and who might be willing to aid them in a jaunt into the wilderness.

2013-08-12, 05:18 PM
Erwin Kuhn quickly grabs the gold coin and slides it into a pocket. Then with swift and practiced moves he fills five mug fulls of beer and lays them out on the bar in front of you. "Ah, much brew for a thirty group". All new faces too. Just into the Keep? On a pilgrimage? Tour? Something else?"

2013-08-12, 05:35 PM
Crixicus explains the group met on the road, all of them coming to the Keep for various reasons. He leans in close, as if fearful his words might carry:

"I'm here to get to the caves ... of Chaos. Word is they're not far. Word is bunch of bad types round there. Lizard folk, flat noses, a dark acolyte or two." Crixicus displays his calloused hands, making them into fists. "Nothing better than smashing up a priest gone bad. Any idea who might help us get there?"

2013-08-12, 08:14 PM
Erwin Kuhn "Your right, the Caves of Chaos are not far. They are in fact the main reason this keep is even here. And your sure right about the caves being full of monsters. Goblins, orcs and worse. Something about the caves just draw in dark folk.

What kind of help do you need? A map? I can sell you one for 25 gold. You want a guide? I can make a connection for just five gold. Or if you want to hear a story about the caves, you only need buy me a cup of honey mead, that is a gold."

2013-08-12, 09:25 PM
Crixicus begs Kuhn's pardon for a moment, while he sips his beer, and asks his companions what they think.

I assume they don't have 25 gold to spend. I realize now that when I built out my character I never determined how much coin I have. Feel free to either give me a number or tell me how to roll this. I'll also assume we have enough funds to buy a guide and a single round of honeymead. (I also already just spent .5 gold on beer, if I remember correctly.)

After convincing Caleb that, yes, a guide would be a good idea because, no, they don't want to go gallivanting off the main road without one, Crixicus ignores the surly glares of the elves and the oblivious disinterest of their wizard in training.

He tears a portion of Caleb's tunic, wraps the six gold coins in them, and sets the bundle on the bar.

"Honeymead, sir, for your kind self," Crixicus says with his best attempt at a smile. "And later, after you've poured wise words into our ears about the foul caves, I'll be glad to meet that guide."

While Kuhn inspects the bundle, Crixicus does a more careful scan of the room for any interesting characters.

I just realized I don't see a Perception Skill on my character sheet. How do I determine perception in 3.5? Is it just my wisdom modifier? If so, and if I remember correctly, I guess this is a proper time for such a check, correct?


2013-08-13, 07:29 AM
You have 10 gold, and everyone else has 3, 0, 10, 4.

Elinor"I'm not sure we need a guide. People and monsters come and go to the caves all the time. I'm sure I can find a trail to follow."

Caleb "We don't need a stinking guide." He has no gold.

Kieve"I do not care, Crixicus you decide."

Vanarea"A guide could be useful, I say we get one."

Erwin Kuhn takes the gold coins, but leaves the tunic piece. And he happily pours himself a cup of honey mead. Nods "I'll be right back," to you and goes into the back room.

There is no 'perception' in 3X. If you want to see something that is Spot. To listen is Listen. And to physically search and area is Search.

You don't need a skill check to look around the room.

You must be thinking of Pathfinder, or worse 4e Perception, the skill that tells players amazing things like ''fire is hot''.

Your free to make a skill check whenever you want too, as long as you have the time/action available.

2013-08-13, 08:00 AM
"A guide, at least, might help us get to the Caves unmolested," Crixicus says. "I'll pay for it from my own purse."

Crixicus deducts 5 gold, leaving him with 5

Crixicus returns to his beer, waiting on Kuhn. He's unimpressed with the other patrons in the room, which is disappointing. He was hoping someone of interest might enter with whom he could speak. He is sure the Keep has plenty to offer, in terms of information, before they leave. And it would be a boon if he met the Lord, or castellan, to offer his service at a later time.

He also contemplates visiting the smithy to put in a kind word, as well as the chapel to ask for a blessing (even though bending the knee will make him wince at the indignity). It might be worth it if the chaplain has an idea what sort of twisted god-worshippers frequent the caves.

2013-08-13, 08:40 AM
Other then your group, there are fifteen other people in the tavern. Four of them are (obviously off duty) men-at-arms and five of them are commoners. That leaves:

1.A male dwarf in plate mail and a big hammer, sitting alone.
2.Three females in chain mail with swords and shields sitting together.
3.A human male in dark brown robes, sitting with a human male in leather armor.
4.A human male with leather armor sitting alone.
5.A female human in white and gray robes.

2013-08-13, 08:48 AM
After nearly finishing his beer (and feeling a helluva lot better for it), Crixicus realizes he should take a closer look at the other patrons. Some of them do, in fact, look interesting.

He scans through them, one-by-one, and figures the dwarf and his hammer could come in handy. Nothing better than a dwarf by your side in a tight spot. Besides, they already have two testy females in the group (neither of whom ever once gave Crixicus a chance at sport), and three well armored and well armed women sitting with their noses together at a table never leads to anything good ... except after a few more drinks. Crixicus pushes that thought aside as he considers his next move.

Yeah, he tells himself, I'll walk over there with a tall mug of ale and set it down. Just lay it on the table, present my less-than-perfect looking self, grinning like a school boy, and simply announce that that warhammer looks like a work of art. Not that it does ...

Crixicus snaps out of his reverie, lays coin on the table, grabs another mug, and pours himself and the dwarf two drinks from the keg on the bar. He tells his group to stay out of trouble and to stay put if the dwarf gets testy.

2013-08-13, 09:41 AM
"Well met, human, I'm Kadcag Anvilsmiter, what can I do for you? says the dwarf as he takes the mug and takes a drink.

2013-08-13, 09:56 AM
Crixicus introduces himself as smoothly as possible and quickly gets to the point:

"We're a young group in need of an experienced warrior or two. You look like the tough type. Chew nails for breakfast? If you're in the mood for a bit of excitement, we'll soon be heading into the wilderness to find the Caves of Chaos. You'll get your fair share of any loot, if you'd like to join us. If so, I promise to keep our pesky elves on a short leash. The other two humans are amicable enough, although our spell-loving wizard sometimes talks to himself and screams in his sleep."

If all goes well with the conversation and the dwarf seems amiable, Crixicus asks if the dwarf knows anything about the political situation at the Keep. He says Sabine the Gatekeeper said the Keep is on a high state of alert. Crixicus intimates he'd like to know who is in charge. In particular, "What's the best way to speak to the Lord of the Keep? What's his name?"

2013-08-13, 10:24 PM
Kadcag Anvilsmiter Aye, the Caves of Chaos. Lost all me best friends in the whole world there. Dead. Gone. Just me left now." says the dwarf as he empties the whole mug.

"Aye again, it's the hobgoblins. The Iron Eyes. They have attacked the keep a couple time. I hear now they might be making a siege weapon"

"I don't know about the lord...un, he is a human."

2013-08-14, 09:52 AM
Crixicus "So, not interested in joining us when we go back? If not, good luck, and I wish you well."

If that ends the conversation with the dwarf, Crixicus returns to the bar to await Kuhn. While there he shows Caleb how to place a coin on his elbow and catch it with the same hand.

2013-08-15, 12:08 AM
Kadcag Anvilsmiter "Aye, not interested. And you'd be a fool to go yourself."

2013-08-15, 08:04 AM
After unsuccessfully teaching Caleb how to catch the coin, Crixicus eyes the human male in leather armor (sitting alone). Crixicus is feeling just fine, even though the somber dwarf rebuffed him. The hardy fighter could have been a helpful hand, but they already have ample muscle in their group. What they really need is a scoundrel, a thief, a rogue--types Crixicus usually ends up throttling ... or hugging.

He approaches the lone human and repeats what he said to the dwarf, hoping to get a feel for the special talents of the stranger. If the conversation leads in the right direction (i.e., that the man is, indeed, a gifted rogue), Crixicus will try to get him in their party.

If he senses the man is but a fighter, roustabout, actor, cleric of any type, wizard, or drunk, he'll excuse himself with a bow.

2013-08-15, 10:36 PM
The man in leather is indeed a gifted rouge, a wanderer that simply ended up here. He would not mind a task that will make him some money. He is willing to join up.

2013-08-16, 08:09 AM
Excellent. I assume he tells us his name and is amenable to leaving whenever. If so, my intention will be to 1) have a look at the chapel to see if the local priest/chaplain has any, ahem, advice for us. 2) Get our group to provision themselves. I can't remember where they do that. I vaguely remember it bering right by the inn. The quartermaster? 3) Wait for Kuhn to give us a guide. Then we can leave

Crixicus calls his group over and introduces them to the solitary rogue. He asks any of his group if they'd like to accompany him to the chapel for a "blessing." Of course, this is an intelligence gathering mission, and any of his group who'd be helpful should come along. Those not interested should head over to the quartermaster and provision the group. Crixicus tosses Vanera his purse of coin, gives her a wink, and says, "Get a bargain ... and don't forget to buy the best lamps possible."

Before he leaves, he wrying asks the rogue, "You wouldn't know anyone with some enchanted gloves would you?"

Then Crixicus leaves the tavern for the chapel.

2013-08-17, 08:42 AM
Jolden Daycloak human rogue.

The rest of the group says hello to Jolden and welcome him to the group, knowing a rogue can be useful...if not needed.

The group does politley refuse to go to the chapple, but will go gater supplies.

Jolden Daycloak"Do i know anyone with nchanted gloves? Um...no, not off hand. LOL!"

2013-08-17, 03:31 PM
Crixicus leaves his group to gather the provisions. He gathers his gear and heads toward the chapel, whispering a litany of calm to control his anger (in case the cleric is one of those types that just piss him off).

2013-08-17, 07:52 PM
The Chapel of Helm is a nice place. Torches are set and blazing, shields and weapons cover the walls.

A human female in brown robes watches you as you enter and comes over to you. "Welcome to the Chapel of Helm. I am Nytcha, Watchknight of Helm. Can I be of any help to you?"

2013-08-18, 07:57 AM
Does Crixicus have any sense what sort of chapel this is? What divinity its priests worship? What sort of icons stand in niches? What saints are depicted in mosaics? Etc? He's particularly interested in whether this chapel is, itself, already tainted by the evil in the caves.

Crixicus wants to get a sense from her what to expect from the Caves of Chaos. In fact, he's hoping she'll have some good tips on how to get in and get out successfully, maybe what might be lurking there, what treasures might exist, etc.

He says, "I'm a wandering monk about to head into the caves. Any advice?"

2013-08-18, 08:29 AM
It is possible. This is what Knowledge skills are for, such as in this case knowledge religion. The best way to do it is ask a question like "I look at the tapersery with the skull and dagger, do I know the symbol?" One roll per question.
Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions).

Nytcha, Watchknight of Helm ""Advice? Why yes, don't go. Stay here and help defend the Keep." she smiles big as she says this to you and looks you over.

2013-08-18, 08:51 AM
Crixicus tries to determine the nature of her interest.

Sense motive:[roll0]

If she seems sincere in her attraction, he says, "I'd love to see the inside of the chapel, maybe take a tour, if that's possible. I'd also love to speak to the chaplain, if that's also possible. A blessing is always a help before venturing into the dark and dangerous world. You never know what you might encounter. You wouldn't happen to have any advice, as well, would you? Beyond defending the keep, of course."

2013-08-18, 09:21 AM
As far as you can tell, she is speaking the truth.

Nytcha, Watchknight of Helm"Your free to walk around and look at the chapel. There is no chaplain. He died defending the keep almost a year ago. No replacment was ever sent. I'm just filling in.

And as for advice, I'd again say don't go. I lost all my companions in the Caves, and for what? Some treasure?

But, I can see it in your eyes, you have the hunger, the fire. You will go no matter what I say. And if that is your path so be it. Anything you want to know about, feel free to ask. I can see questions in your eyes.

I would be happy to grant you some divine power of Helm, for a donation to the chapel, of course.

Oh, and I can give you a tour too, if you wish"

2013-08-19, 09:58 AM
Crixicus says, "A blessing and a tour? That sounds great. But I will definitely still be going to the caves. Where there is evil, there needs to be an avenging hand. Shall we take that tour now?" He offers her a cold coin. "And this is for the blessing."

Assuming she leads him inside the chapel, he looks around for any signs of the divinity worshipped here. In particular, he tries to see if any hint of corruption has overtaken the chapel.

I'm thinking here about the particular history of the conflict and whether the chapel has anything revealing.

2013-08-19, 04:54 PM
Nytcha, Watchknight of Helm gives you the tour. She takes you around the main hall, past all the shields and weapons on the walls. "Each one of the shields and weapons is from someone who died defending the keep. " She notes some of the names of the defenders and the ways they died.

She stops at a shield with a gray colored hawk on a red field."And this is the shield of Lord Edrick Grayhawk, the founder of the Keep. It was his dream to bring law and order to this land, but he never lived to see it. He only managed to finish the keep, and then fell in battle against a chaos beast."

She does not take the coin and frowns "I like a good joke as much as anyone, but please not mock my faith."

The god worshiped in the chapel is Helm, as in The Chapel of Helm and Nytcha, Watchknight of Helm. (most cleric-types are quick to identify who they worship with a simple ''of (god name) after their name).

2013-08-20, 09:07 AM
Crixicus realizes he is in the presence of a true and right cleric, not a shuckster skimming off the top of alms plate or selling fake relics to the poor.

He gets down on one knee and says, "I am sorry for offering the coin. I did not mean to offend. Any true worshipper of Helm must be a vigilant and courageous defender of good. I am often brusque and in need of a whipping. While I have the most miles under foot, the most brawls in my past, and the most evil in my dreams, our group is young and untested. If you were to accompany us into the dark, we might have a better chance of returning."

If she rebuffs him again, he returns to the tavern, hoping to find Kuhn and see his group provisioned.

2013-08-20, 11:20 AM
Nytcha, Watchknight of Helm"You are young and untested. But don't worry, I take no offense. This time. I was young once too.

I'm not going back to the Caves. " she says as she looks down for a few moments then up and away from you. "Like I said I was young and even untested, just like you once. Years ago. I was part of a group, friends from childhood. We where here to make a name for ourselves, destroy evil and all that good stuff. And we did not do so bad, until the cave with that minotaur. In less then a couple moments my group, all my friends were dead. But not me. No, i lived through it. The minotaur took a...a...like to me, in the worst way. My time with that minotaur was not pleasant, and all I had was my faith to protect me and keep me going. I was eventually, saved, of course. Rescued, if you want to call it that. And now I'm here." She then looks over to you.

"And now I'm here. Watching young person after young person just like you pass through here on their way to the Caves of Chaos. Few come back. I guess it is all part of the curse. A curse on me, a curse on this whole place."

"So I know you will go anyway. After all, nothing would have stopped me all them years ago. I wish you well."

Vanarea is the only one of the group at the taverns. She tells you everyone is equipped and bedded down for the night at the stables. Where they can sleep for free. It would be better to head out in the morning.

2013-08-21, 02:27 PM
Before Crixicus leaves for the stables, he tries not to let his gorge rise at mention of a minotaur. He steels himself, struggling to appear brave. "Do you have any suggestions on how to defeat the minotaur? I have no doubt that we'll need any help we can get, if we face such a beast."

2013-08-22, 02:26 AM
Nytcha, Watchknight of Helm "Defeat the minotaur? Are you crazy? Stay as far away from that beast as you can. If you must go to the caves, stick to killing goblins.

Though, I guess, thinking about it, the minotaur is a bull headed, impulsive non thinking thug. He just charges in. I guess that could be turned against him, but I don't know how."

Although anything not statted up as a creature lacks Wis and Cha scores; therefore, according to the Nonabilities section in Special Abilities, it is an object, not a creature, Trees and Plants ARE creatures and not objects. A strongly Positive-Dominant environment will effect trees and plants.

Only extradimensional spaces which are stated to "function like planes" can be transited via magic like Plane Shift. Thus you could access the result of a Genesis spell with Plane Shift or the like, but there is no stipulation in the description for a Portable Hole or a Rod of Security that these spaces function like planes. Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion explicitly disclaims access via such planar transit spells
When you trigger a trap that works by making an attack roll, you are flat-footed (that is, add no Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class) with respect to this attack, unless you are already somehow engaged in combat.

Absent that visual confirmation of a particular component there's no way to tell if a spell is arcane, divine, or other.

Encounter Distance = ((higher of Spot or Listen check) + 5) x 10 feet.

2013-08-22, 07:17 AM
Stunned and excited by thoughts of the minotaur, Crixicus walks back to the stables, rubbing the callused knuckles of his fists together. While back at the tavern, Crixicus speaks to Vanarea, who informs him everyone is waiting for them at the stables.

He asks, "What about Kuhn's guide? Has he arrived?"

If she says he has and is already at the stables, Crixicus leaves the tavern for the stables, ready to head out in the morning. If not, he decides to wait for Kuhn's guide.

2013-08-22, 08:07 PM
Vanarea"The guide came while you were gone. He is a good enough person. He is bedded down with the others."

If you don't have anything further, we can just skip ahead to the next day. You head to sleep in the stable with the others, and wake up the next day.

I see you caught on that boding names makes them easy to find in the text, and having colored speech.

2013-08-24, 02:05 AM
Crixicus wakes up from dreams of the minotaur, leaping to his feet, fists at the ready. He realizes what an idiot he must look like, so he flattens out his monk's robes, does his best I-Got-It-Under-Control grin and surveys the group.

He looks over Kuhn's guide to make sure he's up to snuff and does a quick run through of the provisions.

If all is well, he'll suggest they get started after a quick breakfast. He'll lead them out of the keep and into the wilderness, where he'll ask the guide, "Which way, sir, and how long will be on foot before reaching the caves?"

2013-08-24, 10:57 AM
Samluss Shortshoes is the halfling guide.

You can add any needed item to your equipment you can afford, if you feel you have missed anything.

Everyone is ready to get on the move, right after a good meal.

And soon after, your group leaves the keep...and heads out into the Wilderness.

Samluss Shortshoes"Now the keep guards don't really patrol the area, but do send out ones to keep watch of the area. They don't go much farther then sight of the keep. So they won't help if we get into troube out here. Unless you can get back into within sight of the keep.

The Caves of Chaos cover quite an area, so getting there depends on where you'd like to go. The cave entrance that is the most close?

2013-08-25, 11:59 AM
Crixicus says, "The most direct route will be best. Yes, then, lead us to the cave entrance that is closest to us. And, lest we be taken unawares, Caleb and I will take up the lead, ever ready for bandits, kobolds, and wayward harpies."

He is ready to go as he is equipped.

2013-08-25, 12:25 PM
Samluss Shortshoes"The Gold Toe goblin caves are the closest. The caves are about a days travel from the keep."

Caleb and Crixicus take point, with Samluss just behind.

Kieve, Vanarea and Jolden are in the middle.

And Elinor in the rear.

It is slow moving through the dense, over grown forest. Though not much happens until just after noon....

Spot Checks

Caleb [roll0]
Crixixus [roll1]
Samluss [roll2]

This is a case where I can just roll the spot check to save time, instead of taking several posts up.

2013-08-26, 12:00 AM
Eleven spears fly out of the woods ahead.

Caleb [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]

Samluss [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

Crixicus [roll8] [roll9] [roll10]

Spears impact the ground just in front of you and Caleb, and Samluss is hit by two of the spears!

2013-08-26, 12:39 AM
Spear damage for Samluss [roll0] [roll1]

Guide Samluss takes 10 points of damage and is badly wounded(but still alive).

In the distance, roughly 70 feet away, eleven hobgoblins rush out from behind the trees. Each wears hide armor colored brown and green and are covered in sticks and leaves. Each has a couple spears on their backs and in their hands.

The was the surprise round, the hobgoblins gained surprise and got to make an action.

Group initiatives

Hobgoblins [roll2]

Group [roll3]

Round 1 Your group gets to act first. The hobgoblins are 70 feet away(From the people in front) and then 80 and 90 feet away from each.

2013-08-26, 10:24 AM
Ignore this post

2013-08-26, 11:44 AM
The Ambush is on! The eleven hobgoblins are moving forward to attack!

As your group won initiative, you get to act first in round 1

Caleb grabs one of the spears in the ground in front of him, and throws it back. [roll0] [roll1] He misses hitting anything.

Samluss tumbles behind a big, thick tree.

Jolden waits, holding his action, and is ready to act when they get closer (Ready action to throw a dart as soon as a hobgoblin is within 30 feet of him, so he can use his sneak attack damage)

Kieve shoots a bolt from his light crossbow [roll2] [roll3] He misses hitting anything.

Vanarea Fires an arrow from her longbow [roll4] [roll5] HIT! and wounds a hobgoblin!

Elinor Fires an arrow from her longbow [roll6] [roll7] HIT! and wounds a hobgoblin!

And your action.....

2013-08-26, 12:01 PM
Crixicus throws a shuriken at one of the wounded hobgoblins.


2013-08-26, 01:46 PM
You really don't want to do a missile attack at the moment.. Shuriken have a range of 10 feet. So every 10 feet, you take a -2 to hit, so hobgoblins at 70 feet away equal a -14 to hit.

You get two good options:

1.Hold and Throw As you can see and know the hobgoblins are running at you, you can just wait. And make ready an action. You would simply say ''I'll wait'' and add ''I ready an action to throw as soon as any hobgoblin is is with nine feet of me. " So you would do nothing now. But when and if your ready action is triggered, you go first.

Hold and Attack Again as you know they will come at you, you can just wait. You can say ''I will attack as soon as one is within 30 feet of me''. As you can move 30 feet (a move action) and attack (standard action) in one round. You can even rush forward 20 feet and leap the last ten feet to a hobgoblin. The jump check for that would be DC 10, and it would give you a +1 to hit for being higher.

Note you can also use Furry of Blows(Throws):

1.AYou can use Furry of Throws to throw two Shuriken, one for each attack you get. But at a -2 for each attack. Though you would still want to wait for a hobgoblin to get within nine feet.

2.AYou could Furry of Blows with your melee attack, but then you can only move a 5 foot step. So that would be waiting until a hobgoblin was within ten feet of you. But then you could make two Nunchaku attacks, at -2 each (or just kicks).

3.Or you can take another action, like climb a tree or such.

So lets ''Do Over" for your action for the round...

2013-08-27, 05:59 AM
Crixicus holds and waits, two shuriken in hand, eyeing one of the wounded hobgoblins rushing forward.

When my turn comes I roll for: shuriken 1 [roll0][roll1] shuriken 2: [roll2][roll3]

Note: I am only adding a +2 modifier to my d20 roll because the standard -2 to my flurry of blows applies to my +4 mainhand shuriken attack. I hope this is correct.

2013-08-27, 07:19 AM
As one of the hobgoblins rushes right at you, you calmly wait until he is just within ten feet of you. Then you hurl two shuriken at hit. One shuriken bounces off his hide armor, but the other shuriken lodges itself right in the throat of the hobgoblin. With a gurgle, the hobgoblin falls to the ground and dies.

Yes, your doing Furry of Blows correct.

2013-08-28, 10:24 AM
Once I complete an action, do I state what I am doing? Or do I wait? I am guessing I need to wait for you to set up the next round.

2013-08-29, 10:47 PM
It is still round 1. Your group went first, now the hobgoblins will act.

The hobgoblins move forward, each taking a double move, and a five foot step. So the hobgoblins move from 70 feet away to just five feet away (move 30 feet, double is 60 and plus 5 for a total of 65 feet.

This ends their turn, as they are out of actions. And you kill the hobgoblin directly in front of you.

Round 2 Your group goes first.

Three hobgoblins are moving toward Caleb, and two towards Crixicus (was three, but you killed one), each starts the round just five feet away. Two are 20 feet off to your left and three are 20 feet off to your right.

2013-08-31, 05:04 AM
Crixicus attacks the nearest hobogoblin with his Quarterstaff and his Flurry of Blows ability.

So, if I understand this, Crixicus gets two attacks for his Quarterstaff and one extra for his FoBs. I just noticed on my character sheet that the FoBs ability for Crixicus is listed as +2/+2 for both hands. Does that mean this plus modifier and the default -2 FoBs modifier cancel each other out, leaving his +0 for quarterstaff to be the correct attack modifier? Also, his quarterstaff damage roll is 1d6+4/+2. I assume the third damage roll would be +2. If all that is correct, his three attack rolls are: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4][roll5]

Here is the link to his character sheet if you need to look at it:


Feel free to clarify how FoBs works with his unnarmed attack and, especially, the double attack of the quarterstaff.

2013-08-31, 05:06 AM
The rolls didn't work for the previous post. Here they are


2013-08-31, 10:20 AM
Your base melee attack is +4, all from your Str. When you FoB you take a -2, so that leaves you with +2 (it did the math for you)Note you always add your full Str damage (as a monk), so it will always be +4 to damage.

You...can use a staff as a double weapon and make a FoB. To make two attacks with a staff, you'd take a -4 to hit to both rolls. As a monk, you have no 'off hand', and monk weapons give So that would make it 0 for you, as your Str is +4. If you then Fob, that it is another -2 to each attack. So you would get three attacks total, at -2 to hit.

This is where the idea of a bulid comes into 3E. If you want a character to do a thing or two, you need to bulid them that way. So, for example, the feat ability bonus is good for your stunning fist, but if you take weapon focus with a quaterstaff that would give you a +1 to hit on every attack. And a +1 to hit might be more usefull at 1st level, you can always take the abilty feat later.

2013-09-01, 12:51 PM
Jolden does his round 1 action to throw a dart at a hobgoblin[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(forgot him..almost)

HIT! And his accurate dart throw kills a hobgoblin

Round 2 group actions

Caleb move a five foot step and draws his great sword and attacks!

[roll3] [roll4]

He draws his weapon as a free action, and gets +4 Str, +1 weapon focus, +1 BAB for a total of +6 to hit.
HIT! He beheads a hobgoblin

Samluss Stays prone half behind his tree, and fires a rock from his sling.

[roll5] [roll6]

HIT! His rock gives a hobgoblin a good hit right in the head.

Jolden moves forward 15 feet to be closer to you and Caled, draws his short sword and attacks.
He can draw his weapon for free too. The hobgoblins are still flat footed as they have not acted yet in this round. So he will sneak attack again. (and by being next to the fighter types, he can flank the hobgoblins next round too.)
[roll7] [roll8] [roll9]

Kieve drops his crossbow and casts Ray of Frost
He targets a wounded one, off to the side. [roll10] [roll11]
HIT! He goes for the one wounded by Samluss...and kills it!
VanareaFires an arrow off to the side
[roll12] [roll13]
HIT! Kills a Hobgoblin!
Elinor Fires an arrow at the other side

[roll14] [roll15]

HIT! Kills a Hobgoblin!

2013-09-02, 08:16 AM
Do I need to declare any defensive action, or is this not the case now that it is the hobgoblins turn of the round?

2013-09-02, 01:39 PM
you did not take an action for round 2. Did you want to attack three times with your staff and fob? If you want to do nothing but defend yourself, that is an action Full Defense. You should note that from the last post, your group is taking down the hobgoblins like flies. You really just want to stand there?

2013-09-03, 11:09 AM
Crixicus attacks three times with quarterstaff, focusing on the nearest and most wounded hobgoblin.


Jesus! Two natural misses! What a flub!

Also, feel free to suggest combat strategy to me. I am trying to remember the possibilities from my time playing basic, but I realize there are other types of actions I have never heard of.

2013-09-03, 03:14 PM
You have mixed up the attack and damage bonuses. Your damage bonus will (most likely) stay the same. It will always be +4 from your Strength. It is your attack roll that gets modified for multiple attacks and FoB.

Your base attack is +4, all from your Strength. To make two attacks with a staff, you'd take a -4 to hit to both rolls. As a monk, you have no 'off hand', and monk weapons give So that would make it 0 for you, as your Str is +4. If you then Fob, that it is another -2 to each attack.

So your attacks, attacking twice with the staff and getting one attack from FoB would be -2, -2, and +2. The damage will always be 1d6+4.

You can rush forward 20 feet and leap the last ten feet to a hobgoblin. The jump check for that would be DC 10, and it would give you a +1 to hit for being higher.
Sure it is ''only'' a +1 though.

2013-09-05, 11:04 PM
The forest you have been passing through has been getting more dense, tangled, and gloomier than before. The thick, twisted tree trunks, unnaturally misshapen limbs, writhing roots, clutching and grasping thorns and briars all seem to warn and ward you off, but you have forced and hacked your way through regardless. Now the strange growth has suddenly ended - you have stepped out of the thicket into a ravine-like area. The walls rise rather steeply to either side to a height of about 100’ or so - dark, streaked rock mingled with earth. Clumps of trees grow here and there, both on the floor of the ravine and up the sloping walls of the canyon. The opening you stand in is about 200’ wide. The ravine runs at least 400’ west (actually 440’) to where the western end rises in a steep slope. Here and there, at varying heights on all sides of the ravine, you can see the black mouths of cave-like openings in the rock walls. The sunlight is dim, the air dank, there is an oppressive feeling here -as if something evil is watching and waiting to pounce upon you. There are bare, dead trees here and there, and upon one a vulture perches and gazes hungrily at you. A flock of ravens rise croaking from the ground, the beat of their wings and their cries magnified by the terrain to sound loud and horrible. Amongst the litter of rubble, boulders, and dead wood scattered about on the ravine floor, you can see bits of gleaming ivory and white - closer inspection reveals that these are bones and skulls of men, animals, and other things …

You know that you have certainly discovered the Caves of Chaos.

2013-09-06, 09:23 AM
Crixicus's jump check is [roll0]

He attacks twice with the staff and once with his FoBs:


Please correct me if the above modifiers are incorrect.

2013-09-06, 11:08 PM
Not quite. Making multiple attacks and FoB are both full round actions. So you can't move other then a five foot step. So you can't move or jump and make multiple attacks/FoB. Sorry, guess I was not clear that if you jump to get that +1 to hit, you only get one attack.

But it is all good, as you forgot to add in the +1 anyway.....

Note that when using FoB, you can use your staff. A staff is a special monk weapon. It is ''like the staff is a part of you''. But note, you don't have to make your FoB with your staff, you can kick, punch or such.

Only your last attack hits, the one for eight points of damage...but that is enough to kill one of the healthy hobgoblins.

2013-09-08, 11:37 AM
Ok, I get the jump check. Sorry for adding that.

2013-09-08, 08:59 PM
You swing the tip of the left end of your staff out in a large arc...that the hobgoblin slides to the right a bit to avoid. You swing the tip of the right end of your staff out in a large arc...that the hobgoblin slides to the left to avoid. Then, as the hobgoblin is unbalanced....you slide your hands out wide and slam the hobgoblin in the center of it's face with the middle of your staff. With a sicking pop, you smash the bones of his face and neck and he tumbles to the ground dead.

Hobgoblins Attack!

Two move forward to stab Caleb with their spears.
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

One hobgoblin attacks Elinor[roll4] [roll5]

One Hobgoblin attacks Vanarea[roll6] [roll7]

And one hobgoblin attacks Crixicus! [roll8] [roll9]

2013-09-09, 12:22 PM
Very cool narration of the events. I guess I am waiting to see what the attack on our party has accomplished. From the rolls, I assume Caleb and Vanera get hit.

2013-09-11, 12:26 AM
Caleb does indeed take a spear hit in the side, but he only lets out the smallest grunt.

Vanarea is also hit, but she lets out a loud yelp as she is struck.

The hobgoblin misses Crixicus....

Just five hobgoblins left, but they show no signs of backing down.

Round 3

Your group goes first.......

2013-09-12, 11:20 AM
Crixicus swings his quarterstaff with both hands, engaging his flurry of blows, attempting to hit the nearest hobgoblin.


If I get this wrong, can you write out the rolls for the three attacks, plus the damage rolls.

2013-09-12, 10:18 PM
Just a bit.

Base Attack: Your single, base attack with the staff is 1D20+4

Double Attack(with staff) Gives you a -4 to both attacks, is 1D20 +4 -4=0/1D20+4-4=0

Furry of Blows gives you an additional attack 1D20+4 with a -2 to all attacks, so 1D20+4-2=+2

So a Double Attack with the staff and a Furry of Blows with the staff are: 1D20+4-4 -2= -2, 1D20+4-4 -2= -2 and 1D20+4-2=+2

The damage with the staff will always be 1D6+4. Double Attack and Furry of Blows only effect your accuracy to attack and have no effect on the damage. The +4 to damage is from your strength, so unless something effects your strength score.

You have a couple basic attack options:

1.Single Attack with the staff a single at +4 to hit.

2.A Double Attack with the staff at +0 (nothing) to hit.

3. A Double Attack with a Furry of Blows with the staff at -2, -2 and +2.


4. A Single Attack with a Furry of Blows with the staff, for two attacks at +2.

The Double Attack and Furry of Blows together gives you a huge penalty, but Single Attack and Furry of Blows works better.

2013-09-13, 11:31 AM
Awesome explanation. I think I got it now! Ok, if you haven't run the numbers yet, I'll roll again with the proper attack and modifiers.

Crixicus performs a single quarterstaff attack with a FoBs against the nearest hobgoblin.


Damn! Can't wait to read the narration on that one!

2013-09-13, 10:16 PM
Crixicus holds his staff over head with both hands and whirls it around with great speed You know like a helicopter slamming the hobgoblin in the head, twice, in rapid succession.

The head of the hobgoblin is reduced to little more then a mass of bloody flesh and it tumbles to the ground and dies

2013-09-14, 11:38 AM
Sweet! That looks like the best way for a melee attack. Now, I'll need to start thinking of other types of strategies.

2013-09-16, 11:17 PM
Round 3 group attacks

Caleb swings his greatsword [roll0] [roll1] Miss

Samluss slings another stone [roll2] [roll3] Miss

Jolden [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] Miss

Kieve Throws a dagger [roll7] [roll8] Hit, wounding a hobgoblin

Vanarea Fires an arrow from her longbow [roll9] [roll10] Hit, kills a Hobgoblin

Elinor Fires an arrow from her longbow [roll11] [roll12] Miss

This leaves just three Hobgoblins, one by Caleb and Jolden, one off to the side by Vanarea and one off to the side by Elinor.

2013-09-17, 07:06 PM
Hobgoblin attacks Caleb!

[roll0] [roll1]

The spear scrapes off his armor and does no harm

One attacks Vanarea

[roll2] [roll3]

Hobgoblin misses
One attacks Eilor

[roll4] [roll5]

Hobgoblin misses

Round 4 Actions...

2013-09-18, 11:55 PM
Round 4 Your group gets to act first....

2013-09-20, 07:18 AM
Sorry for the delay. Almost moved into our new place!

Crixicus performs a single quarterstaff attack with a FoBs against the nearest hobgoblin.


Not sure why that didn't work. I'll roll again in a new thread.

2013-09-20, 07:42 AM

Thump! Thump!

2013-09-20, 09:26 PM
Two hits! You come in quite low, and your first staff strike comes in low, smashing the hobgoblin's thigh. The hobgoblin stumbles a bit forward, and you quickly bring the tip of your staff up under the hobgoblins chin. With a loud snap sound, you send the hobgoblin's head snapping backwards. The very dead hobgoblin falls backwards.

You could always try your own description, if you'd like.

2013-09-23, 05:15 AM
Ok. I am finally getting settled so I should be able to write a bit more. Question: when providing descriptions, do I simply state what I am attempting? I assume I shouldn't dictate what you should be dictating. Right? I simply state my intentions ... you tell the end results. If that is the case, do I gain any benefits to modifiers if I try to make the roleplaying more specific? Calling shots, for example. If I say, Crixicus tries to smash the knee cap of his enemy, does this affect combat in any way?

2013-09-23, 10:02 PM
Your free to describe and dictate most things about your character. If there is a chance of failure, then you should not assume success or failure. For a lot of things were a roll is done, you do the description after the roll.

There are circumstance bonuses for descriptive role playing.

There are no ''called shots'', as D&D combat is more vague then that. You can take all sorts of actions in combat(trip, disarm, sunder, etc), but you can't just ''describe'' an action. There are tons of feats that allow you to take other actions. For example the feat Brutal Strike lets you harm a foe and slow them down a bit (-2 to rolls).

2013-09-26, 06:57 PM
Vanarea Fires an arrow from her longbow [roll0] [roll1]

Elinor Fires an arrow from her longbow [roll2] [roll3]

Both Vanarea's and Elinor's arrows find their marks and kill the last two hobgoblins.

2013-09-28, 11:39 AM
ExprenceYou get XP for three main things. Combat: overcoming foes. Problems:problem solving. Role playing: naturally.

Now for role playing, you need to play a role, of course. I'm sure you have at least some idea who Crixicus is, you just need to promote that. You want to avoid ''making the character just like you'', you want to role play a character that is not you. It is always a good idea to write down as much about a character as possible, and keep it ready for handy refrence. Speech patterns are a good thing to add as they let you get into character, and help make your character unique. I always add oaths too. The same is true for non verbal things.

Using your group....

For Example:

CalebHe is a freindly fighter. He loves to adventure and fight, but does not really want to hurt any one...other then monsters. He is very simple and direct. Says what he thinks, but does not think all that much anyway. His speech is simple and direct, and he always uses small words. If he needs to say a big word, he will use the old combination Hulk Speech(He would say ''moneybag man'' for investiment banker). For oaths, he uses lots of colorful ''dirty'' fighter types ones like ''Harpy's Hangnail or ''Goblin Guts!'' or worse.

KieveHe really only cares about magic. He is not to social, unless you want to talk about magic. He tends to talk down to others, and is quite judgmental...but more often then not he will just stay quiet. He speech is complex, and he loves to use big words and confuse others. He will often use three words where he could use just one. For oaths, he uses magic related ones like ''Flaming Fireballs!'', but his favorate is ''By the Seven Sided Circle!''.

VanareaShe is quiet and reserved. She wishes to adventure and see the world, but more the nature side. She sees most humans as 'kids', but does not talk down to them or is mean to them. She tends to over state that she is an elf, and when she talks you can be sure she will mention elven kind. For oaths she uses 'elven' nature ones like ''By the Great Tree!''.

2013-09-30, 01:40 AM
Sorry for the absence. I still haven't gotten proper internet in my home. They are telling me it won't be until the 6th! I've been using my crappy cellular service, and that had trouble for the last three days. Anyway, I should be good now. As far as I can tell our group is waiting for the hobgoblins attack round. Correct?

Also, thanks for the explanation of experience. I couldn't remember exactly how it worked. I assume, so far, our group is doing quite well.

Let me know if I am confused about whose turn it is.

Thanks for being patience! I will be more regular once I am all settled.

BTW, we now have the villa (still needs to be furnished), both cars, my kid in school, my job full underway. But we have a million other little parts to fix:like getting curtains in the damn house!

2013-09-30, 09:07 AM
Yup, moving is always a bunch of fun work.

Game: All the hobgoblins are dead. There bodies lay on the forest floor, not moving. All is quiet in the woods now.

2013-10-02, 04:04 AM
Crixicus surveys the carnage and sighs. He's relieved his friends have come though, mostly unscathed. The site of the dead hobgoblins reminds him what's at stake. Still, he begins down to search the bodies ...

2013-10-02, 06:54 PM
Everyone searches the bodies as well. There is a total of 12 sets of hide armor and 18 spears. Each had a water skin, for 12 waterskins total. There is a total of 20 small animal horns of a dark grease. They have no money, coins or other things of value.

Elinor identifies the dark grease as Vermin Ointment. Vermin Ointment
Price: 20 GP
Weight: 1#
Vermin of diminuative size or smaller (including swarms) can't get within 5' of you unless magically compelled (and with most vermin being mindless, good luck with that). Larger vermin must make a Fortitude save DC 15 or become sickened.
Craft (Alchemy) DC: 20

Samluss refuses and healing "I blame myself for walking right into that. Blasted hobgoblin skirmishers.

2013-10-06, 07:31 AM
I am not sure how you're handling encumbrance. Would it be wiser to bundle everything up and hide it, coming back for it later to sell? Or should we carry it with us. Either way, we take care of the spoils and head back into the wilderness.

2013-10-06, 09:04 AM
I, myself, tend to ignore encumbrance other then to say ''you can't carry around an anvil''. Unless you really want to use the rules. Used armor/weapons/equipment is only worth half the base cost. So hide armor would only get you seven gold. But it not really worth taking back, not when you can find a single diamond worth 100 gold.

Caleb and Samluss each gather a couple spears to cary with them.

2013-10-07, 06:33 AM
Crixicus leads the way into the wilderness, eager to leave the stench of the hobgoblins behind.

2013-10-08, 07:18 PM
The group forms back up and follows Samluss as he leads onward. The woods get quite over grown and wild as you walk along. You can tell that 'civilization' has not touched this area.

Your overland trek led to an trail alongside a quick-running stream straight to a waterfall spilling out of a cave in the side of a hill.

Samluss nods, looking over the area "Dragontooth Hill. kobold territory.

About 15 feet up from the ground you are on is a large, dank cavern that lets forth a slight odor of decay and dim blue light.

2013-10-13, 10:25 AM
Hey, sorry for the absence. Was traveling for eid, and I had spotty internet. Sending this from my phone.

Crixicus grimaces at the smell, but steps toward the cave entrance. "Anyone in the mood to go Kobold hunting?"

If everyone is agreed, he heads into the cave entrance, hoping someone is already lighting a lantern.

2013-10-13, 10:49 AM
I understand..

Caleb "Let's kill'em all, dang Kobold Krap!"

Vanarea cast light on her sword and Kieve cast light on his dagger.

2013-10-16, 06:46 AM
Crixicus leads the group into the cavern, eager to find the Minotaur and end his existence.

2013-10-17, 04:18 PM
Just a couple of steps in the cave becomes only five and a half feet high and three feet wide. You will need to go single file.

Caleb "I want to go first, of course. But you got more book smarts them me, so it might be better if you take the lead. I'll be right behind you. he says to Crixicus .

2013-10-18, 07:25 AM
Crixicus goes first, with Caleb behind, and the rest following.

2013-10-19, 08:40 AM
Kieve casts light on your staff.

The first couple of feet in the narrow cave are uneventful.....but then you see that several ropes have been strung across the cave, blocking it. There are six ropes in total, make a crude 'x'. Each attached to the stone wall with a pinton. Each rope is covered in a clear, sticky substance. There is not enough room for a medium sized person to get through the ropes without touching one.

2013-10-27, 12:47 PM
Sorry for the delay again. I am going to have to take a hiatus. A book editor deal I thought had fallen through is back on the table. That means I'll be up to my neck in editing for some time. I totally forgot about our game. No bull****. Just forgot. Even PBP will probably be a problem for me. So, I'd rather put it on hold. If you don't mind, maybe in the future we can start again. If you'd rather not because you want to start up in another game. I totally understand.

Anyway, thanks for the briefest of introductions. I'll let you know about future possibilities later, if you're still interested.

Let me know.

2013-10-27, 10:51 PM
Sorry to hear you got so busy, but a least it is a good kind of busy. I'm ok putting the game on hold. Take all the time you need. I'll still be here.