View Full Version : tibbit leadership

2013-08-11, 06:13 AM
i'm playing a fifth level tibbit psion and i am thinking of taking the leadership feat, because i have the idea of leading around a bunch of awakened psionic cats, but my DM says that i need to convince him as to why there are awakened cats in the world.

how should i do this and what fun could i have with my furry cohorts?

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-11, 06:25 AM
Followers you get using Leadership have NPC classes. There is no psionic NPC class, so only your cohort could be an awakened psychic cat.

Also, cats have no LA, so actually your cohort couldn't be an awakened cat. He could still be psychic though.

2013-08-11, 06:54 AM
You could always try to tell a story about some old crazy cat lady who got so lonely that she had a druid awaken her 108 cats. But as soon as the cats got some half-decent intelligence they left her

2013-08-11, 07:13 AM
A wizard druid did it.

2013-08-11, 07:40 AM
Kitty is really a tibbit cursed to be stuck in cat form by a miracle spell/major artifact/anyyhing else that is hard to dispel.

Humble Master
2013-08-11, 07:44 AM
First a rather dumb question: What is a tibbit Psion?

As for Awakened cats? Maybe a cable of Druids who worshiped a cat god or something. To show their devotion they Awakened a number of their sacred cats. I have no idea how a cat would become psychic though.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-11, 07:58 AM
Tibbits are a humanoid race that can transform into a house cat at will.

Psion is a base class.

A cat could conceivably become psychic by taking a psionic class (like Psion, Wilder, Erudite, etc.). But there isn't a psionic NPC class, unfortunately.

There probably should be one. Divine and arcane magic both get an NPC class.

2013-08-11, 09:27 AM
This is a world where people consider the laws of physics general guidelines at best. Druids are fully capable of casting Awaken on an animal, so awakened cats are entirely viable.

Followers you get using Leadership have NPC classes. There is no psionic NPC class, so only your cohort could be an awakened psychic cat.

I don't suppose you could provide a quote for this rule? I've never seen this used before; all followers in most games I've been in have had PC levels.

2013-08-11, 11:43 AM
Since you're already a Tibbit and and a psion, why not go for the gusto and go Thrallherd? For your minions choose more psionic themed Tibbits. Choose different psychic classes for your different levelled kitty followers. I would advise using your level 1's for blaster wilders and getting some shaper psions as quick as possible for copious amounts of, well, whatever you can think of (that lasts 1-2 minutes...) made of plant matter.

50+ housecats all hiding their use of matter agitation or mind thrust with augments...it would be fun to watch the carnage.

2013-08-11, 12:14 PM
The Epic Level Handbook has an optional rule called exceptional followers on page 37.

Basically, you can get improved followers with something like a level adjustment.

Adepts and aristocrats = follower level +2
PC classes = follower level +3
Follower with any levels in a prc = follower level +5

so using this rule you could get a psionic follower as soon as you can get 4th level followers

2013-08-11, 12:22 PM
Followers you get using Leadership have NPC classes. There is no psionic NPC class, so only your cohort could be an awakened psychic cat.

Also, cats have no LA, so actually your cohort couldn't be an awakened cat. He could still be psychic though.

The 'NPC classes only' rule is from 3.0, as of 3.5 Cohorts and followers can be of any class. Of curse I told my DM that for my Thrallherd/Leadership chaining I would just use NPC classes to avoid (more) cheese. :smallsmile:

2013-08-11, 12:56 PM
Since tibbits are familiars of fallen wizards that got the ability to shapeshift into a humanoid, you could have some familiars(probably most of them) that didn't get the ability to shapeshift and still use tibbit cat stats, or just use familiars(lower int easier to coral to your will!). Pcionic NPC class is a barrier, but there are feats you can pick up for pcionics, would be far from optimal though. I have 3.0 DMG, 3.5 removes that issue. Using awakened cats seems unlikely. Druids would probably not awaken such low power creatures, except potentially as messengers but birds are better for that, and tend toward beasts that could actually help defend the wild places.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-11, 01:34 PM
The 'NPC classes only' rule is from 3.0, as of 3.5 Cohorts and followers can be of any class. Of curse I told my DM that for my Thrallherd/Leadership chaining I would just use NPC classes to avoid (more) cheese. :smallsmile:

They changed the wording in 3.5?

Welp. Psion kitties are a go, I guess!

2013-08-11, 01:51 PM
The question shouldn't be "Why are there awakened cats?". It should be "Why wouldn't there be awakened cats?".
The explanation can be as simple as "because some druid somewhere felt like it", "Worshippers of Bast/Sharess/cat-goddess x did it" or "magical weirdness happened".
It's not like cats are particularly powerful compared to the humans that you would presumably get otherwise.

2013-08-11, 06:26 PM
A lone druid walking through the forest when a thought occurred to her. The reason why nature can't always defend it's self is because nature isn't always the smartest thing in the world. She looked down at her human form and realized how weak she would be with no magic or the years of training.

"Humans" she thought to herself "the bulk of us could be killed by a common house cat... The only reason we last is because we work together and are smarter than the average owlbear". Then the idea struck her, "What if I started awakening the animals I come across and instructed them in the druid ways... Taught them to lead their kind in protection of their homes..." This druid does just that and some of those animals followed the druid ways and became strong. Eventually awakening more of their kind some left after being blessed with intelligence yearning to see the world they live in, some stayed passing along the druid's torch from generation on to the next.

There you go plausible backstory for awakened psionic house cats if your dm is cool with druids speeding evolution by magical means... Also gives your DM a neat plot hook if s/he chooses.

2013-08-11, 11:34 PM
Since you're already a Tibbit and and a psion, why not go for the gusto and go Thrallherd? For your minions choose more psionic themed Tibbits. Choose different psychic classes for your different levelled kitty followers. I would advise using your level 1's for blaster wilders and getting some shaper psions as quick as possible for copious amounts of, well, whatever you can think of (that lasts 1-2 minutes...) made of plant matter.

50+ housecats all hiding their use of matter agitation or mind thrust with augments...it would be fun to watch the carnage.

Just need to add in the 1 follower that looks like a crazy old lady

2013-08-11, 11:42 PM
well, since a commoner will lose a fight with a house cat as often as not, someone awakened cats to be their soldiers instead of training humans. Not too surprising really.