View Full Version : "Kinky" Spells [3.5]

2013-08-11, 09:43 AM
So, I'll be running a short D&D adventure at a convention in a few months, and let's just say that the convention has a "theme"

I was hoping for a bit of help finding some spells from first through third level for an encounter with a wizard that fit that theme. His fourth level spells are Evard's Black Tentacles and Electric Fog to give a clue on the crowd that I'm running this game for. Any other suggestions? the battle is taking place in a disco-themed dungeon room, so earthen and stony grasp are out.

2013-08-11, 09:50 AM
Not kinky, but they go with the Disco theme:

Color Spray
Dancing Lights

2013-08-11, 09:52 AM
Animate Rope
Charm Person

2013-08-11, 09:52 AM
Bands of Steel is a Hold Person-style Conjuration spell of the same level, and does pretty much what it sounds like.

2013-08-11, 10:16 AM
Try to locate Encyclopaedia Arcane Nymphology :-)

Quite a few useful spells there.

2013-08-11, 10:21 AM
BoEF is a licensed sourcebook, you know.

2013-08-11, 10:28 AM
BoEF is a licensed sourcebook, you know.

I second this, its also surprisingly not crappy, i had some players years ago that used it.......a lot, mainly for those friggin fairies.

2013-08-11, 10:31 AM
I was going to mentiong "Polymorph", "Animate dead", "Gentle Repose", and "Summon Monster", but those might be bit too hardcore for your theme. :smallamused:

BoEF has lot of appropriate spells, though. "Block the Seed" deserves a mention at least. So does "Disrobe".

2013-08-11, 10:32 AM
Hideous Laughter (Sorc/Wiz 2) could work for this theme. You can change the fluff easily enough, I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.

Piggy Knowles
2013-08-11, 11:20 AM
Grease always comes in handy.

2013-08-11, 11:27 AM
I could see Kaupaer's Quickblast being usable for this. Free action (I guess Swift, since it's like auto-Quickened) to deal 1 point of fire, cold, or electric damage? I can think of situations where those would fit this. It's only 1st level, too.

Constricting Chains should also get a shoutout.

And to be more subtle, control spells in general. Not like "Dominate Person" (though that obviously does fit,) but spells that limit or control someone else's actions implicitly. I accidentally made a magical dominatrix (ironically with Vow of Chastity) by making a super-counterspeller who basically got to say "No, no magic. You're only allowed to use magic if I say you can. And even then, it's up to me to decide how it's used and for whose benefit." That was a fun character.

2013-08-11, 11:40 AM
I believe there's a spell known as "Spark of Life" that works well with "Lichloved."

2013-08-11, 05:48 PM
Bands of Steel is a Hold Person-style Conjuration spell of the same level, and does pretty much what it sounds like.
Oh my god that's prefect. Exactly what I'm looking for. And you remind me
to add "web" to the list. And Electric Vengeance. (Danger! Danger! HIGH VOLTAGE!)

I second this, its also surprisingly not crappy, i had some players years ago that used it.......a lot, mainly for those friggin fairies.
A few of the spells are good, but most of them are too "vanilla" for this crowd. Though I'm thinking of using Pleasure Motes for an encounter either earlier or later than the disco wizard.

2013-08-11, 05:55 PM
I second this, its also surprisingly not crappy, i had some players years ago that used it.......a lot, mainly for those friggin fairies.

I beg to differ. Almost all BoED content is either useless or horribly broken, and the fluff was written by someone whose idea of "mature" and "erotic" consists of bad puns about sucking. Also, the illustrations, gah.

2013-08-11, 05:59 PM
For the evil bard types, Suggestion, Dominate Person, Glibness, Disguise Self and the ever popular with the schoolgirls Black Tentacles

2013-08-11, 06:10 PM
I beg to differ. Almost all BoED content is either useless or horribly broken, and the fluff was written by someone whose idea of "mature" and "erotic" consists of bad puns about sucking. Also, the illustrations, gah.

Yeah, it's pretty immature and the pictures are a cross of irritating and frightening, certainly not their intention. But I quite like some of the material. Several spells have functionality well beyond whatever they were intended to, like Magic Probe, Animate Image, Ghost Touch, and Life Shell. I do see what you mean about broken though, the feat chain Submissive Demeanor->True Submissive means you can basically avoid all attacks. And of course, Metaphysical Spellshaper, which looks like it has NOTHING to do with the theme of the book, and yet is as or more broken than the Incantatrix.

What else from that book do you think is broken(ly good)?

2013-08-11, 06:14 PM
Yeah, it's pretty immature and the pictures are a cross of irritating and frightening, certainly not their intention. But I quite like some of the material. Several spells have functionality well beyond whatever they were intended to, like Magic Probe, Animate Image, Ghost Touch, and Life Shell. I do see what you mean about broken though, the feat chain Submissive Demeanor->True Submissive means you can basically avoid all attacks. And of course, Metaphysical Spellshaper, which looks like it has NOTHING to do with the theme of the book, and yet is as or more broken than the Incantatrix.

What else from that book do you think is broken(ly good)?
The only reason I would even consider buying it would be if it was a copy with the Phil and Dixie comic in the back....and even then probably not.

2013-08-11, 06:17 PM
The only reason I would even consider buying it would be if it was a copy with the Phil and Dixie comic in the back....and even then probably not.

I'm afraid the reference is lost on me. Phil and Dixie?

2013-08-11, 06:27 PM
The comic by Phil Foglio. "What's New with Phil and Dixie?" Used to be in the back of Dragon magazine. For a while they always joked: "The next strip will be about Sex and D&D!" and it never was.

on broken things in that book: Grope. A 0 level spell that messes with spellcasters for concentration duration.

Back on topic of the thread. Any other spell ideas for the encounter in question?

2013-08-11, 06:37 PM
Got to have Knock to get in to those chasity belts. :P
Open/close For ranged stripping.
Silent image could have some uses with ghost sound.

2013-08-11, 06:43 PM
Reverse Gender.
a perma-invisible monster like an Imp with a wand of Grope who flutters around annoying the party casters.
A minion or cohort with the Mindcrusher (SRD) property on a whip, crop, or paddle. Give them a good spanking until they've taken enough wisdom damage that their Sense Motive or Will save is where you want it, then move on to more sinister things.
Blinding Beauty (The abstinance component can be gotten around with plenty of acts that are not technically 'sexual intercourse' but still erotic.)
Bestow Curse (Any PC with an intelligence of 8 or lower can be zapped with this and have their functional intelligence drop to 2 for a semi-permanent duration. This qualifies them for training with the Handle Animal skill.)
Feather Token (Whip) (Spiritual weapon also works if you have a god/goddess with a favored weapon of Whip, I think.)
Alter Self (You can designate physical qualities within the range normal for the species. Aggressively oversized primary/secondary sexual characteristics.)
Suggestion ("That ranger has been a naughty boy/girl, haven't they? Go punish them.")
Depending on what level your wizard is and what PRCs they may already have, you could possibly use the Pervirtuoso trick to have some bard buffs up for your minions.
Speaking of minions, Summon Monster to give immobilized PC's 'playmates'.

2013-08-11, 06:45 PM
The comic by Phil Foglio. "What's New with Phil and Dixie?" Used to be in the back of Dragon magazine. For a while they always joked: "The next strip will be about Sex and D&D!" and it never was.

on broken things in that book: Grope. A 0 level spell that messes with spellcasters for concentration duration.

Back on topic of the thread. Any other spell ideas for the encounter in question?

Oh, okay, I hardly ever read Dragon Magazine, so I wouldn't know.

And Grope doesn't look too broken. A -2 Concentration penalty, Fort negates, and doesn't actually force those checks? Meh. The level 1 spell Buzzing Bee is much worse than that.

2013-08-11, 06:50 PM
Speaking of minions, Summon Monster to give immobilized PC's 'playmates'.
Rounds/level isn't really enough time. Lesser Planar Binding gets you a Succubus for a minimum of 9 days (open-ended task) or indefinitely long, provided that the creature can complete the task with its own actions.

2013-08-11, 06:53 PM
Rounds/level isn't really enough time. Lesser Planar Binding gets you a Succubus for a minimum of 9 days (open-ended task) or indefinitely long, provided that the creature can complete the task with its own actions.

I was thinking in terms of heckling PC's that end up falling for one of the wizard's myriad battlefield control spells by sending over a monster to pound on them or start trying to sunder/take their gear, just to give a bit of urgency to their escape.

2013-08-11, 06:54 PM

That aside, Dancing Lights? Armor Lock? Bigby's Slapping Hand? Animate Weapon on a Net or Whip?

2013-08-11, 06:58 PM

Hee. I like that.

That aside, Dancing Lights? Armor Lock? Bigby's Slapping Hand? Animate Weapon on a Net or Whip?

I get the others, but why Dancing Lights?

2013-08-11, 07:01 PM
Grease always comes in handy.

You can never have too much Grease.

2013-08-11, 07:06 PM
Hee. I like that.

First thing I did when I saw the thread.

I get the others, but why Dancing Lights?

the battle is taking place in a disco-themed dungeon room


2013-08-11, 07:21 PM
You can remove the horn of a unicorn while it is still alive then violate someone with it to grant it evil magical properties. Spells? You may want to pick up Book of Vile Deeds. It has spells called Sadism and Masochism as well as one to turn your tongue 15 feet long to grapple people. One spell lets you relatively slowly turn someone into stinky slime, a gruesome fate. And torture rules. There is a spell to summon a torture bag and such as well as some EVIL seductressy prestige classes.

Is that the book with the nipple clamps of exquisite pain that allow the infinite XP trick?

Might I suggest that the creepy dungeon room used to be owned by a powerful wizard, (but has been taken over by a lower level guy, obviously.) This is so you can have a hallway with rows and rows of little bird cages each with miniature people of different races that have been trapped for hundreds or thousands or years? Minimus containment has always struck me as one of the kinkiest and most evil spells in D&D and so such a scenario would be crazy easy to explain with that spell.

2013-08-11, 07:39 PM
Ah, I've just remembered the 1st level Psionic power Glorytongue (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20020925a). Among other things, 100 foot long tongue. That can sense stuff with Blindsense at the tip. Yeah, you can have fun with that.

2013-08-11, 07:47 PM
Is that the book with the nipple clamps of exquisite pain that allow the infinite XP tricks
Actually those just make you immune to spells that cause pain and turn painful sensations into pleasurable ones. You're thinking of the Masochism spell and an infinite damage to self loop with artificer and it's infinite bonus to skills.

Although, those are some good spell ideas for the Elven Gimp Wizard that the party will have.

And the setting is actually based on the X-Crawl setting. It's a special pay-per-view event that's a cross between Pro-Wrestling, Smash TV, and (in this case) Porn.

2013-08-11, 07:51 PM
Actually those just make you immune to spells that cause pain and turn painful sensations into pleasurable ones. You're thinking of the Masochism spell and an infinite damage to self loop with artificer and it's infinite bonus to skills.

Although, those are some good spell ideas for the Elven Gimp Wizard that the party will have.

And the setting is actually based on the X-Crawl setting. It's a special pay-per-view event that's a cross between Pro-Wrestling, Smash TV, and (in this case) Porn.

The supposed infinite XP trick I think is to use those nipple clamps alongside Distilled Joy, to torture someone to happiness and use the Distilled Joy to craft items in place of the XP. Not the most efficient, and your suggestion is much better.


The Viscount
2013-08-11, 08:51 PM
Quite a few spells work if you use them the right way.

Serpents of Theggeron


Wrack is an easy refluff, or leave as is.

Evard's Black Tentacles has of course been mentioned, but the invocation variant Chilling Tentacles might be of interest.

Spiderclimb helps for more...acrobatic options.

2013-08-11, 08:54 PM
Minor Image for, ah, demonstrations.

2013-08-11, 08:54 PM
ectoplasmic cocoon is helpful for reasons, as is entangling ectoplasm

hardening can make things easier, ironically

kelpstrand can grapple multiple targets

fox's cunning. after all, the brain is the largest sex organ

The Viscount
2013-08-11, 08:57 PM
Let's not forget synesthesia. Opens up all sorts of possibilities.

2013-08-11, 08:58 PM
Evard's Black Tentacles has of course been mentioned, but the invocation variant Chilling Tentacles might be of interest.

Mmm, cold.

2013-08-11, 08:59 PM
Let's not forget synesthesia. Opens up all sorts of possibilities.

so close (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/synesthete.htm)

magic jar

steal size

2013-08-11, 09:11 PM
fox's cunning. after all, the brain is the largest sex organ

With one simple little potion, you no longer have to use that excuse!!

2013-08-11, 09:15 PM
Which reminds me, not a spell but might be pertinent depending on whichever direction this goes, is the Potion of Infertility from Magic of Faerun. 150 gold, and you're infertile for a month. I think it makes an interesting flavor thing. If memory serves, there's a much cheaper (like 2 gold) root that does the same for 1d4+something days, but I forget where it's from.

2013-08-11, 09:20 PM
Which reminds me, not a spell but might be pertinent depending on whichever direction this goes, is the Potion of Infertility from Magic of Faerun. 150 gold, and you're infertile for a month. I think it makes an interesting flavor thing. If memory serves, there's a much cheaper (like 2 gold) root that does the same for 1d4+something days, but I forget where it's from.

bestow curse can also render one permanently sterile

Roland St. Jude
2013-08-11, 09:31 PM
Sheriff: Despite the restraint shown so far, this isn't really an appropriate topic for this forum.