View Full Version : Starter Eberron game IC

2013-08-11, 06:31 PM
Lyndayen, the adventurous fire-elf,G'thar the freed slave,Honu the druid, and Shevan of House Lyrandar have all come to Sharn, the city of Towers for a variety of reasons But through fate of coincidence they find themselves crossing the same bridge.
Curtains of water fall from the sky as you traverse the labyrinthine walkways of sharn. The stone and wooden paths wind around and between the towers and spires high above the ground forming a complex latticework that can be very confusing on evenings such as this. The rain falls hard running off higher walkways and balconies in drenching waves making it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of you the distant glow of ever-bright lanterns barely visible barely visible does little to light the paths on this warm, wet evening.

2013-08-11, 06:52 PM
Sharn....The most distance he could cover becomes irritatingly repetitive. He needs someone that's familiar with the city. Honu did some asking around, all they did was giving him directions. They have "no time" for a "commoner" like him. His bearish body, his overwhelming, uncivilized features throws people off. The looming archistructure causes discomfort and the rain aggravates his stay in this urban landscape. Shar's scouting was, well, not helpful in his dilemma. The more area he covered, the city seems to be more larger.

2013-08-11, 07:13 PM
Shevan walks across the bridge with the confidence of a man who doesn't know where he's going, but knows exactly how to get there. The dragonmark on his face and neck, as well as the insignia on his rain cloak, mark him as an heir of Lyrandar, and that in turn marks him as a khorovar. Used to getting wet from his time aboard his house's ships, Shevan still can't help but say to no one in particular, "Positively horrible weather. Wouldn't get a downpour like this back home."

2013-08-12, 09:05 AM
The smells of the city where overwhelming, G'thar walked in a daze with his Winter Blanket draped over his shoulders... "So many people..." he Mused, barely noticing as people moved from his path while the Towering Eneko made looked out towards the maze of streets.

He had not eaten for days but did not want to dip into the rations until he had no choice... his stomach started to groan like a beast possessed and the Giant felt himself fall to his knee...

2013-08-12, 02:27 PM

Lyndayen walked with a miserable look on his face. His bright red hair matted against his skin giving a pale sickly look to the normal lively features of the fire elf. His jaw is clenched as he grinds his teeth in frustration.

Stupid rain he grumbled What a useless weather phenomenon

He pulled out a stack of notes and glumly attempts to shield them from the rain as he scratches a note to himself.

1. acquire rain gear
2. stop all rain, EVER

Perhaps today was just not his day.

2013-08-12, 04:34 PM
Breathing deeply for a moment G'thar regains his composure and gets back to his feet - the bulk of the crowd had moved on but a smartly dressed man a short distance ahead of him appears to know where he is going...
"Excuse me..." the Eneko mutters as he tries to approach the man in the Rain Cloak, "Excuse me please"

2013-08-12, 05:45 PM
Turning to the person addressing him, surprise briefly flickers across Shevan's face at the sheer size of the eneko. He schools his expression into neutrality in short order, and asks, "Yes, can I help you?"

2013-08-13, 09:01 AM
G'thar noticed the brief look of surprise on the man and quickly softened his expression with a simple smile... it didn't look much better to be honest...
"I don't want to trouble you, but I am very out of place here... Could you perhaps direct me to somewhere I could buy Lodgings and food for the night?"

2013-08-13, 06:26 PM
The wayward druid was walking when he detect two presence ahead. One person bespoke of orientation. It might prove beneficial to him if he can get him to guide him. He appears before the two.

If you would be kind, I am indeed need of direction as well.

2013-08-13, 10:06 PM
"New to the town, eh? I'm not exactly a font of knowledge myself, but I know a couple places where you can get a decent night's sleep." Not particularly getting any more comfortable with the downpour, Shevan turns to move and says, "Walk with me, we're all liable to catch our death from this rain."

2013-08-14, 06:48 AM
"My Thanks" replied the Eneko placing his hand on his chest and giving a polite nod of his head, "I am G'thar"
G'thar looked over the two figures before him - the Cloaked man had Elven features and despite the rain looked quite well maintained, the other looked quite fierce with his Braids and Raptorlike appearance - neither looked Inspired or Riedran, which was a relief, but the Giant still felt wary of revealing too much about himself

2013-08-14, 04:36 PM

Lyn, hearing a group he is passing talk of shelter and directions takes a few more steps before stopping. He looks at his stack of notes slowly getting moist and turns. With a awkward chuckle he approaches the small group.

Hate to intrude, but you see holding up his notes I seam to have lost my directions and you all seem like you may know where you are going.

Looking up at the big guy, Lyn makes a mental not to jot down some notes and observations, he was an odd creature that one. The one who seemed to know his way had a mark along his face, upon closer inspection it could only be a dragon mark. Lyn couldn't tell which but perhaps he would be an interesting subject for study. His addition to the group could only make it look that much more ragged, his wind blown cloths, in their blacks and browns, were made that much drabber as they clung to his body as they soaked through. His pack was slung loosely across his back with its road worn holes.
Lyn slipped his notes back into his pack as gingerly as possible as not to ruin them now that they were quite moist. And he looked up hoping the others would not refuse him.

2013-08-15, 01:50 PM
"Got us pegged wrong, I'm afraid. I only know where a couple decent inns are. Good enough to get out of this weather, though, if that's your intention." Shevan continues walking as he talks, preferring to be indoors before he has any long conversations.

2013-08-15, 03:28 PM
As Shevan leads the small group towards an Inn Honu Spots a figure in a dark cloak moving quietly through the rain on the sky-bridge Ahead. It seems to be avoiding the dim pools of light cast by ever-bright lanterns, preferring to stay in the shadows, as lightning flashes he sees a shape on the stone floor of the bridge in the brief illumination. The Cloaked figure quickly reaches the railing of the sky-bridge then slips over the barrier and disappears into the darkness of the rain.

2013-08-16, 08:58 AM
G'thar stretches his Winter Blanket high over the heads of the party, trying to shield them from the cascading waters, and starts to walk with the Raincloaked Half-Elf

2013-08-21, 06:02 AM
Honu thinks he is hallucinating. The corner of his eyes did catch some sort of shadow. Before it slips away, he tries to capture the details. His eagle on his shoulders, he issues a sharp command.

Shar, trail that thing.

The eagle complies through their bond, flies overhead to see what escape them.

Spot - [roll0]
Shar's Spot - [roll1]

2013-08-21, 11:17 AM
G'thar stops in his tracks upon hearing the Druids words and turns his head slowly to face him - a confused and slightly irritated look creeping across his features...

2013-08-21, 06:32 PM
As Shar flies overhead to investigate Shar spots the cloaked figure climbing over the rail behind you on the other side of the bridge, Roll initiative


2013-08-21, 07:02 PM
Marking a potential enemy, probably a cutpurse or some other lowlife, Shevan prepares himself for trouble.
[roll0] Initiative

2013-08-21, 08:26 PM

Lyndayen trudges through the rain miserably unaware of the inbound assailant.


2013-08-22, 04:45 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2013-08-22, 04:51 AM
Initiative - [roll0]

2013-08-22, 04:53 AM
Shar's initiative - [roll0]

2013-08-22, 05:27 PM
(its a surprise round so Honu,shar,and the cloaked figure get a standard action then its in initiative order)

2013-08-22, 05:53 PM
Shar, distract em and try to take away the cloak if you can!

Honu plucks a few strands of grass from his ankles that are blessed by his elven leader and slams one of his hand onto the ground.

Feel nature's wrath!

Entangle, centred on the figure.

2013-08-22, 09:45 PM
Shar dives at the cloaked figure and attempts to get the cloak away from him, The figure keeps Shar at bay with a battleaxe that was hidden under his cloak


2013-08-24, 07:05 PM

Confused by whats going on Lyndayen casts about trying to determine what is going on. He slides his blade partially from its sheath readying it should he be attacked.

draw my weapon and make a readied action to attack anyone who attacks me.
also spot/listen to see if I can get a better understanding of whats going on.

2013-08-25, 03:51 AM
Suddenly realising the Druid's words were not directed at him but at a potential threat G'thar drops one arm from his Blanket and draws a Throwing Axe from his belt, the soaked Cloth falling over his Buckler, and spins his Gaze towards where the Druid appears to be looking

Spot =[roll0] Darkvision/Low Light Vision
Listen =[roll1]

2013-08-25, 08:33 PM

Lyndrayen Spots the cloaked figure, G'thar hears the sound of the fight

2013-08-25, 08:38 PM
OOC: Too badddddddd! *Vines erupts from the ground, encasing the would-be escapee* :smallcool:

2013-08-25, 08:47 PM
OOC: I definitely need to upgrade the enemies

As the Vines entangle the figure He roars in anger and slashes at Shar

2013-08-25, 08:50 PM
OOC: I think Shar might have just died


2013-08-25, 10:31 PM
OOC: Oh wow, pardon me for venting but...YOU BASTARD! :smalltongue:

2013-08-26, 02:40 AM
Shevan draws steel as he approaches, on guard against any aggression from the cloaked figure. "Drop your weapon and the guards will sort this out instead of the gravedigger."

Drawing my weapon and shield, going into stance of clarity against the enemy. Next round I actually get to roll an attack. Sorry about the late post, didn't have internet for the past couple days.

2013-08-29, 10:08 PM
As the figure Pulls his axe out of Shar's corpse its hood falls back revealing the head of a war-forged. "The only graves needed will be yours"

2013-08-29, 10:35 PM
OOC: I am such a bad druid player and no, Shar would not die at -8 hit points.

OOC EDIT: Correction, he's alive at -1 hp! My feathered friend, I will save you!

2013-08-30, 01:37 AM
Stabilization - [roll0]

OOC: -2 hp! He really needs to rush to his bird.

2013-08-30, 03:36 AM
I don't mean to be a jerk, but where are your bird's stats coming from? As far as I can tell, an eagle animal companion comes with 15 dex and 12 con at level 1.

2013-08-30, 05:47 AM
OOC: Whoops, I misread. So it is close to death then. But still it will be if Honu does not reach and stabilize the bird within his round.

2013-08-30, 11:38 PM
(I think Shar is dead, He took 30 damage from the critical hit)

2013-08-31, 12:36 AM
OOC: Isn't it suppose to be 26 damage? I thought you multiply your base damage by 2. :smallconfused:

2013-08-31, 05:26 AM
OOC: Greataxe: Critical Multiplier x3 - Shar (with a Con of 12) would have 9hp and has taken 30 points of Damage (-21) Sorry mate, Not even enough for Soup

2013-08-31, 09:00 AM

Seeing the warforged reveal itself after striking the eagle down takes Lyndayen back. Henearly steps back from the fray but glances to the others and see them combat ready and he was not about to be outdone. He looks the assailant over biting his lip slightly out as he recalls his notes before moving up and attacking the creature as best as he could recall.

This does not have to end with your destruction warforged.

if I am not mistaken it is my turn :smallconfused:

-Move action to move to the warforged
-knowledge (arcana) to identify the warforged and trigger knowledge devotion, spending a insight point to boost the roll [roll0]
-attack the warforged spending an inspiration to add my Int to the attack roll
[roll1] This will have the additional bonus provided by the above roll
-If I hit I shall spend another inspiration point to boost my damage again it will be modified by the knowledge check.

The total being attack 17 and the damage being 9

2013-08-31, 11:05 AM
OOC: Isn't it suppose to be 26 damage? I thought you multiply your base damage by 2. :smallconfused:

(a greataxe is multiplied by 3)

Lyndayen's attack hits the warforged, and Lyndayen has to make a reflex save to avoid being entangled.

2013-08-31, 01:47 PM
OOC: Action isn't going to change regardless of if Lyn is Entangled

G'thar see's the Little Man too close to the Warforged Axe, the Hawk was swatted in an instant - He must do something...
"You threaten forces beyond your Ken, Forged-One"
G'thar leaps into combat with a mighty swing of his Throwing Axe (melee)

Just a Basic Attack, the Leap is for Dramatic License
Attack Roll:[roll0]

and in prep for the Entangle: Reflex Save:[roll2]

2013-08-31, 05:56 PM
you Attack Hits the warforged hard, knocking him unconcious, and your entangled.

2013-08-31, 07:32 PM
OOC: Good save! You made it! Doesn't entangle affect only foes?

Honu is silent as the axe swiftly buried onto his closest friend. He feels nature mourns the loss of one of their own. He was shocked by the combination of pain and the strength of the construct but then his mood underwent a circular transformation. His volcanic veins are visible on the surface of his biceps, threatening to burst from the exaltation of rage. He roars and launches to avenge the fallen.

Attack: [roll0] (-4 due to Lyndayen's engagement)
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-31, 09:31 PM
(He failed the save for entangled since the Dc is 15, Entangle effects friends and foes as do most Aoe spells, I'll go ahead and edit my last post as I forgot about the Ac penalty for rage)

2013-08-31, 10:48 PM
OOC: Spell DC for entangle is 10+Spell level(1)+Wisdom Modifier(3)=14

2013-09-01, 01:53 PM
OOC: Spell DC for entangle is 10+Spell level(1)+Wisdom Modifier(3)=14

(your wisdom modifier is 4)

2013-09-01, 09:03 PM

As the Warforged falls to the ground and a sling bullet flies over the unconscious body only just missing Lyndayen, he turns weapon up in a defensive position and steps between the warforged and the druid.

Stop! he is defeated and no one has died. He is no threat and I will not be part of a murder when I have just arrived in this city!

2013-09-01, 09:38 PM
He murdered my bird and you expected him to be left alive? What kind of customary is that?

The druid glares at the warforged, waddling slowly to pick up Shar.

And do not fault me, I was doing that for the betterment of us.

2013-09-01, 10:41 PM
As honu picks up Shar's corpse Three members of the town watch emerge from the darkness, One a Bald Dwarf with an orb of arcane light over his left shoulder, the others a male and female human, As the dwarf sees the unconscious form of the warforged "By Olladra's bloody nose!" he curses "By order of the watch, drop your weapons and explain yourselves!"

2013-09-02, 05:21 AM
G'thar replaces the Throwing axe on his Belt and lifts his hands to chest level with the palms facing the Gity Guards
"I am G'thar, new to your City and seeking Shelter - This Company is not known to me but shared a common goal, before we could seek hospitality we were Accosted - This One would call destruction upon us and has been Subdued, I submit to your Authority and would ferry this Assailant to your Healers should you so desire"

G'thar is making a minor Diplomacy check to (hopefully) improve the Guard's disposition[roll0]

2013-09-02, 11:09 AM
"I can confirm that. He got the drop on us with an axe, and we had to defend ourselves."

2013-09-02, 09:32 PM

Lyndayen sheaths his weapon giving the druid one last knowing look as he turns to the guards.

This warforged did attack. I reacted in self defense to subdue him and here he is, if you can give him mechanical assistance he may need it, in our haste to defend ourselves we may have been over zealous.

He steps aside.

I however had no intentions of harming him more than needed but he would not yield even against the greater odds.

I assume you would say mechanical assistance in reference to medical assistance for a warforged :smalltongue:

diplomacy to go along with my story as an aid another.

2013-09-02, 10:32 PM
The druid catches the look and decided to play with the impression of self-defence and ignorance. Since he came from a primitive society, he is befuddled by the terminology between the civilized. He gives a brief nod.

2013-09-05, 09:35 PM
the dwarf signals to the two guards behind him, the male goes to the dead body honu had spotted earlier, the female guard heads over to the warforged. the Dwarf turns back to you "Well We'll take things from here, You can go about your business here but try to stay out of trouble"

2013-09-06, 06:23 AM
G'thar, not comfortable with the attention he has already called down, turns to Shevan,
"Shall we continue on our way?"

2013-09-06, 11:21 AM

Lyndayen's brow furrows as the proceedings seemed too simple. Not wanting to get more involved however, he turns from the warforged shaking some of the water off his soaked collar before stepping over to the rest of the rag tag group.

Indeed let us continue.

I will keep an eye and ear open for the guards as long as we linger and when we leave


2013-09-16, 03:17 PM
you spot the guards dragging the unconscious war forged away while the dwarf continues to examine the body

2013-09-17, 12:49 PM
G'thar felt himself doubt... as much as he wanted to keep out of sight his deep sense of Honor would not let a matter like this just be swept away...
"This does not feel right"
Turning to the company, G'thars brow furrows in concern
"Someone has suffered, Civilians were Attacked on the Street - and we are permitted to just Walk Away?"
G'thars confusion became tinged with Anger
"This is NOT right"