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View Full Version : Faithkeeper [D&D 3.5, Peach], D20 modern in your Cleric

2013-08-11, 06:42 PM
I guess I should start with a preface since I'm doing some out of the box things here. I've been working on remakes of the classes and scratched several projects (which you may have seen earlier). Though the first project was out of discouragement, the further two just weren't clicking with me right and I lost interest. But why am I remaking classes you ask? (Hopefully)

Though D&D 3.5 is still my favorite system it is filled with imbalances, particularly between the different classes. After several tries, as well as looking at other peoples fixes, I began to wonder what was going wrong (especially when so many people fix their fixes). Simply put, I determined structure is the problem. The 20 level class system and ballooning numbers are brutal in particular.

Now lets look at D20 Modern. All of the classes have a wide variety of options at every level and similar power. About the only thing done wrong was the abilities weren't active enough or powerful enough.

So without further ado, I present the Cleric and Paladin replacement:

the Faithkeeper

Class Features

Hit Die: d6

Starting Gold: 50gp x Highest Profession Rank

Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)

Proficiencies: The Faithkeeper is proficient with light and medium armor, her deity's favored weapon, and with light shields (including bucklers).

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Refx|Will|Special |1st|2nd|3rd|4th|Defense

1st|+0|+0|+0|+1|Turn Undead, Talent|—|—|—|—|

2nd|+1|+0|+0|+1|A Feat of Faith|2|—|—|—|




6th|+3|+2|+2|+3|A Feat of Faith|3|3|—|—|




10th|+5|+3|+3|+5|A Feat of Faith|3|3|3|2|


Defense Bonus
Versed in some self defense the Faithkeeper gains the indicated bonus, as a dodge bonus, to her AC.

The Faithkeeper casts divine spells drawn from the Cleric spell list. She can spontaneously cast any spell within this list except for harm spells, evil spells, or necromancy spells.
Like other spellcasters she can only cast so many spells per day, as indicated on the table. She may cast a higher level spell using a lower level spell slot.
To recover her spells, for the day, the Faithkeeper must pray for an hour after receiving at least 4 hours of rest. If she doesn't get at least 8 hours rest, however, she is unable to cast defensively until she does.
The saving throw for any of her spells has a DC of 10 + her wisdom modifier, though this is boosted by +2 if she expends a higher slot than is necessary to cast the spell.

The Faithkeeper knows, and can cast, any cantrip on the Cleric spell list. This functions as any of her other spells, but she is limited to 3 + her wisdom bonus (if any) cantrips per day.

Turn Undead (Su)
Able to channel divine energy, the Faithkeeper can turn, and maybe even destroy, undead as detailed for the special ability Turn or Rebuke Undead. Her effective Cleric level equals her total Faithkeeper levels.

Lv1, 3, 5, 7, 9 > Talents
The Faithkeeper gains a new ability, at each of the indicated level, chosen from the various trees below that she meets the prerequisites for.

Lv2, 6, 10 > A Feat of Faith
At each of the indicated levels the Faithkeeper draws upon divine inspiration and acquires a single fighter feat, divine feat, or turning feat, that she qualifies for, of her choice.

2013-08-11, 06:43 PM

Zealot Tree

The Faithkeeper's greatest strength is her fate. Therefore she must learn to wield it with the passion in her heart.
Zeal (Su)
Prerequisites: At least one talent
She gains her charisma bonus (if any) to attack rolls, and a +4 sacred bonus to damage, against evil creatures. The DM may add this bonus in secret in order to hide a foe's alignment.

Censure (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Zeal talent
When the Faithkeeper succesfully deals extra damage with Zeal her target must make a will save, DC 10 + her charisma modifier, or be silenced, as if in an area of Silence, for 1d4 rounds.

Smite (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Censure talent
A creature dealt extra damage to with Zeal must also make a fortitude save, at the same DC as Censure, or be dazed for 1 round as well.

Greater Zeal (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Zeal talent
The damage dealt by the Faithkeeper's Zeal ability is increased by +2.

Grand Zeal (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Greater Zeal talent
The damage dealt by the Faithkeeper's Zeal ability is increased by +2. This stacks with the bonus from Greater Zeal.

Support Tree

Many pacifists realize that fighting in combat isn't the only way to win a war. Peace can be a Faithkeepers greatest weapon.
Improved Aid Another (Ex)
The Faithkeeper provides an additional +2 bonus when performing the aid another action and she can perform it from a range of up to 10ft.

Aura of Courage (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Improved Aid Another talent
The Faithkeeper, and all allies within 60ft, are affected by fear effects as if they were one stage lower than they actually are. This would effectively suppress the lowest stage of fear.

Aura of Freedom (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Improved Aid Another talent
Her, and all allies within 60ft, ignore the movement penalties normally given by difficult terrain. This does not negate any other drawbacks of the terrain, such as any possible damage.

Aura of Heroism (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Improved Aid Another talent
The Faithkeeper, and all allies within 60ft, gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC.

Devotion Tree

By drawing on the power of her deity the Faithkeeper can perform miraculous effects in the form of miracles.
Prerequisites: At least two other talents
This ability may be taken multiple times. Each time the Faithkeeper may choose a single domain. She gains it's granted power. Her spellcasting restrictions also apply to powers, though it is up to your common sense (or failing that the DM's).

Prerequisites: At least one talent in each of the Zealot, Support, and Defensive trees
The Faithkeeper gains an additional spell per day of every spell level she can cast (and an extra spell of every level she later gains access to).

Defensive Tree

One can'not learn to protect others without first learning to protect themselves from harm's way.
Purity of Soul (Ex)
The Faithkeeper gains immunity to all magical death effects, to all forms of drain (such as ability drain), and to any effect that would target, or require, a soul.

Divine Grace (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Purity of Soul talent
Protected by holy energy the Faithkeeper gains her charisma bonus (if any) as a sacred bonus to her saving throws.

Gaurdian (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Divine Grace talent
Her allies, within 60ft, gain the benefits of her Divine Grace ability.

Aegis of the Light (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Purity of Soul talent
The Faithkeeper gains spell resistence equal to 15 + her Caster level. She can suppress, or resume, this as a free action (even out of turn).

Reflection Field (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Aegis of Light talent
Whenever the Faithkeeper resists a magical effet, that specifically targets her or includes her as a target, with Aegis of Light she may return the effects, that would have affected her, back upon the originator.

Illumination Tree
The path of light can actually be quite literal for some. The Illumination Tree lets the Faithkeeper channel holy energy into blinding beams and flashes.
Flash (Su)
The Faithkeeper can cast Flare, as the spell, at will, except it also blinds the opponent for 1 round if they fail their save. Undead struck take 1d6 + her caster level in untyped damage regardless of their save.

Blinding Arrow (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Flash talent
Whenever the Faithkeeper makes an attack with a ranged weapon her target must make a reflex save, DC 10 + her charisma modifier, or be blinded for a round. Multiple arrows during a full attack increase duration (though it doesn't stack under other circumstances).

Plasma Arrow (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Blinding Arrow talent
Any ranged weapon the Faithkeeper attacks with is automatically counted as having the Holy and Fire Bursting enchantments. They do not count towards the normal enchantments the weapon has.

Curtains of Light (Su)
Prerequisites: Must possess the Flash talent
The Faithkeeper may cast Wall of Light, as the spell, once per day.

Curtains of the Beyond (Su)
Prerequistes: Must possess the Curtains of Light talent
The Faithkeeper may cast Wall of Force, as the spell, once per day. Curtains of Light can now be used once per encounter (instead of once per day)

2013-08-11, 06:45 PM
New and Revised Rules

You can multiclass freely within one parameter: Once you enter a class you must take at least 3 levels of it before taking levels in another. This is due to the fact the first level often has more abilities than any other and we don't need anyone picking and dipping.

Beyond Level 10
With the beginnings of my revision I'm eliminating epic progression, as it was, completely. You can continue taking levels in other classes. Note that classes don't have epic progressions anymore and so you can't take more than 10 levels in any class.
Once you reach level 10 classes do not provide an increase in BaB, skill points, saves, or defense, though other abilities and statistics continue to increase normally.

Note: Also, your level, and by extension caster level, is never considered higher than 10 for the purpose of scaling effects such as damage or DCs. Effectively your effective character level caps at 10 even though your true character level might continue to increase.

Prestige Classes
Whether or not you use the normal prestige classes is up to the DM. Keep in mind that they may screw with balance. Because the levels are much shorter here multiclassing is a much easier way to handle it.

2013-08-17, 12:35 AM
Nearly 500 views and not a single thought? Someone please PEACH. Sorry if this is obnoxious, but it's exasperating.

2013-08-17, 03:52 AM
I'm unclear on the concept this is meant to fill.

Is it a replacement for a cleric? A paladin? d20 Modern's Acolyte? A representation of action-movie (the concept d20 Modern tries to fill) modern clerical orders? Something else?

It does seem as if this class can't be used to cover "evil" clerical orders. Is that intentional? What class do you intend to be used for the classic "evil high priest" concept?

2013-08-17, 07:30 PM
Thanks for the peach!

It is meant as a replacement for the Cleric and Paladin. If you read my forward you'll also see my intent is to replace the original 20 level classes, starting with the Cleric/Paladin, with 10 level classes.

In particular I'm aiming for a more action hero cleric within a more realistic, and I use that term loosely, grittier medieval world, rather than the classic high fantasy cleric. I suppose I'm trying to blend the two styles a bit.

It was intentional that it can't cover 'evil' clerics. I think a more unique interpretation is needed rather than tacking everyone together. For that I was thinking of a Cultist class.

Sorry for leaving things a little open, but I was hoping to get some critiques before I moved on to the other classes. So far the plan for additional classes includes a Cenobite (monk/psion), Cultist ('evil' cleric), Armiger (fighter), Vangaurd (rogue/ranger), Troubadour (bard), Magician (wizard/sorcerer), and Witch (druid).

2013-08-18, 12:13 AM
Stuff I don't like:

Merging the cleric and paladin. I'd personally prefer to see a paladin who is the "sword of the faithful", while the cleric becomes the "shield of the faithful". In RAW, the paladin is underpowered for his job, with the spellcasting feeling like a tacked-on extra; the cleric feels more like a caster rather than someone who should need to care about the faithful. This doesn't fix either issue.

The talent trees are focused towards a stereotypical "god of light"/Pelor archetype. It's not until 5th level (their 3rd talent) that a cleric of the god of strength or harvest or water can gain something to distinguish themselves as being focused on that deity.


Is the slower BAB progression meant to make it equal to wizards (in which case yay as far as cleric design)? If that is the case though, then it means paladins will be rather useless as martial types.

2013-08-19, 12:02 AM
I'm more than open to suggestions on how to widen the Faithkeepers girth of options a bit. I suppose I could add a couple more trees. If so what 2 or 3 would you personally like to see?

But I am going to be stubborn on fusing the paladin and cleric. Because of the broad spell access, and the zealot tree, buffing yourself into McFighter shouldn't be a problem.

The previous paragraph is also my answer to your question about making them more like wizards (in addition to your answer). Basically all of your choices will decide if you are more like a cleric or more like a paladin.
I could require spells to be learned to emphasize that, but I felt that since they were essentially praying for a miracle limiting them to a spell list didn't make a whole lot of sense (and the lower spell access, and lower levels, makes this route actually viable).

