View Full Version : Game of Ninjas

2013-08-11, 07:09 PM
The Stormcatcher is a sleek vessel, long and dark, with blue light flickering over its surface from the Ephemeral Tapestries that wind through its hull. It's not as quick or as graceful as some of the new smaller airships- 'minnows', the captain calls them dismissively- but its majesty and power cannot be disputed. One way or another, you've managed to book passage on this great ship, and now with a blast of noise that seems to shake you from your bones, it is releasing from the dock and soaring out over the choppy waves.

2013-08-11, 07:43 PM
Zumoto settles into his tiny last-class cabin, making sure not to hit his head on the ceiling. He starts thinking to himself. "Well, looks like this ship has finally left. Good thing I had a plan to get out of town quickly after that last job; it was bringing in lawmen like they were vultures. Still, I wasn't expecting that merchant to have those undead in his room."

2013-08-11, 08:00 PM
Looks like my luck is finally paying off.

Kuone settles into his first-class cabin's complimentary armchair, setting his hat aside. He was on a vacation, plain and simple. Hopefully, this journey wouldn't end in a disastrous crash, like the last eight. That was in the past, though. Back when I was jinxing magitech left and right.

He snuggled into his armchair, easing deeper into it. He sighed aloud, almost purring to himself. Maybe I can finally relax. Every assassin needs their time off, after all.

2013-08-11, 10:12 PM
Adrian closed the door of his last-class cabin quietly. As if on cue, Bob the shadow emerged noiselessly from his cloak.

Stay in the walls to remain completely concealed. Listen for suspicious characters and activities in the nearby last-class cabins and return in five minutes. Go.

Bob quietly melded into the walls to carry out its instructions. Adrian could have booked a middle or even a first-class room with the church's resources but he always found the last-class chambers' unusual characters more endearing and relevant to his tasks. Afterall, he was tipped off to the location of his recently deceased mark on his way here in a similar vessel. Adrian mentally erased that name from a memorised list. Another threat eliminated.

2013-08-11, 10:55 PM
Down in the storage hold, atop some rather large crates, Kendrick sits quietly as he exams the large room. The ship had taken off. Check. The crew had failed to notice his entrance, of course. Check. Finally it appeared the storage hold was not a place of high activity. Check. Leaning back, he let out a soft chuckle.
A fine time to take a nap. I think they'll be much too busy with takeoff to be here for a while. Even then, I wonder if it might just be some crew members screwing around.
In the shadows of the room, his black garbs blended in quite nicely. Casting a Silent Alarm, Kendrick pulled his hat over his eyes, leaving only the mouth of his leather mask showing. A large smirk to greet anyone who got lucky enough to spot him. But that didn't happen very often.

2013-08-12, 09:12 AM
Ashdan stood on the deck, wrapped on his cloak, looking down at the landscape before him. He didn't get why there was no one around. <<"Is this so common for them that they no longer care?">> True, it was cold, but the view was worth it.

He was wearing a simple disguise. He use his hat only to mask his Elan features, so he still looked like himself but as if he were just a regular human.

He was shocked by the abrupt advance of technology while he was locked and the sight of the Airship spiked his curiosity to no end, he had to try it. So he booked a passage right away, thinking that maybe he could find Baske, or Kandie at his detination. Would they be alive? Are there still any Elans alive?

2013-08-12, 08:30 PM
A few hours later, the first real event of the trip comes in the form of a large bump to the side of the ship. Some objects tip over with a crash, and a few faint shrieks come from other cabins. The vessel rocks again, with a distant boom sound.

Marius, feel free to make a Perception check.

2013-08-12, 08:39 PM
Kuone's complimentary hat rack is the only thing in his room to fall. Turbulence. Figures.

He hops up to straighten it, but stops when he hears screaming coming from the other rooms. "Why does everything around me always go to hell in a matter of minutes? Does the universe hate me that much?" Kuone sighs, scooping his hat from the fallen rack and exiting his door. "Well, the faster this gets worked out, the faster I can get back to my vacation."

He opens the door, looking for any sign of trouble.

16 Perception to scan the hallway.

2013-08-12, 10:21 PM
As a few passengers are running for the stairs to the deck, a larger thump throws them off balance and crashing into the wall. Glass shatters somewhere, and there are more shouts from cabins along the hallway.

2013-08-13, 12:06 AM
Adrian snaps to attention at the sounds of distress and commotion. Clearly something was amiss. Deciding that it was no time for napping, he got off the bed and geared up. Readying his weapon in one hand, he quietly and slowly pushed the door open while peering outside. Bob emerged from the walls and hid in Adrian's cloak as he did so.

Well ? Did you find anything interesting ? And what's causing this commotion ?

asked Adrian as they made for the deck of the ship.

Perception check for wandering Bob [roll0]

2013-08-13, 02:10 AM
The ship shook once, then twice. With a half snore, Kendrick awoke suddenly and rapidly. His eyes still covered by his hat, Kendrick reflexively sat up. Seconds later a small wooden crate that was poorly tied down fell upon his resting spot where his head had laid. Fixing his hat, he smirked inside and outside at his fortuitous reaction.

Getting a bearing of what was going on, things still seemed off. The ship shook once more. Turbulence one would think... But he could have sworn he heard screaming. Or was that his dream? He didn't know but he certainly didn't hear anything now.

Still... He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. So after a few moments of thought, Kendrick jumped off the crates and headed out towards the outer part of the ship.

2013-08-13, 06:39 AM
Lost in thought, Ashdan almost falls over but he manages to catch himself in time. He quickly looks around to see what caused the shaking.

<<"I thought this things were safe!">>

2013-08-13, 08:38 AM
Zumoto, previously lost in though, is startled by the sudden shaking. What's going on? Maybe there's something wrong outside. Hmm, better make sure this thing isn't going to crash! Zumoto clambers out of his cabin, and runs towards the deck.

2013-08-13, 08:52 AM
Adrian UtrechtBob reports that most passengers are panicking, either hiding in their cabins or running for the deck to try and find out what's going on. As the two try to leave their cabin, they are slowed by a crush of passengers who apparently had the same idea.

Kendrick AssariKendrick knows from his earlier reconnaissance of the storage hold that there are three ways to leave: the passageway into the passenger section, a stairway leading down, into the underbelly of the ship where the thrust web and batteries are located, and a hatch up to the gas cells and the top of the ship.

AshdanAs he looks over the rails, the elan spots several skywhales, leviathans of the air almost a third of the length of the ship, and another ship that seems to have oars poking out of the hull, in the style of more ancient crafts. His keen eyes also pick up several figures on the backs of the vast creatures. The captain, about ten meters away, looks over as well and quickly shouts to the other members of the crew, "Full speed ahead! Hook up the extra battery! We may not be able to outrun them, but we're going to damn well try. Lads," he says grimly, "we've got pirates." Immediately, the other members of the crew leap into action. The captain turns to Ashdan "You got keen eyes, a strong hand, or a brave heart?"

Zumoto TekarukiariZumoto runs out of the cabin but is immediately caught in a crowd of people trying to get to the deck.

2013-08-13, 09:13 AM
Stupid crowd... well, I'm not about to let them slow me down! Zumoto begins dodging through the crowd heading for the deck.

Tumble Acrobatics check result, taking 10: 36
Is that enough to move through at full speed?

2013-08-13, 09:18 AM
Pressed amidst the generally unwashed masses of the lower-class cabins, Adrian briefly contemplates the idea of having Bob paralyse the whole lot but decides otherwise. The teeming mass was not parting fast enough for his taste. He whispers to Bob,

Check out what's going on from the deck and return, do not engage.

Bob slips down through Adrian's shadow into the floor and glides through floor, up the walls to the deck above, popping his head out in a dark corner of the deck.

Meanwhile, Adrian's patience was being tested as the chaotic masses slowed movement to a crawl. Sheathing his weapon to avoid accidental gougings of innocent civilians, he tries to squeeze through the transient gaps between the passengers to speed up his progress.

Escape Artist check ? [roll0]

2013-08-13, 09:33 AM
Zumoto TekarukiariThere are a few angry grumbles, but Zumoto makes his way through the crowd and up the stairway, ending up on the deck. Crew members are scrambling to speed the ship's progress, and the captain is talking to a young man with dark hair.

Adrian UtrechtEventually the mass of people reaches the deck, only to find a crew member instructing them to return to their cabins, assuring them that everything is fine. A few minutes later, Bob returns with the information that something called skywhales are tipping the ship and pirates are after the Skycatcher.

EveryoneYou're knocked a bit off balance as the ship leaps forward, rapidly increasing speed. A brief blue glow illuminates your cabins, and the captain's voice reassures the passengers that everything is fine, they encountered some turbulence but should be past it soon. As if to undercut his words, another large bump rocks the ship.

Grim ranger
2013-08-13, 10:54 AM
Having been carefully grooming his hair and arranging his robes for lack of more interesting activity to engage in, Jin observes himself from full-body mirror hanging from the wall of his first-class cabin. Thoughtfully changing his eye colors and skin pigmentation from one color to the next for a while before stopping and allowing his face to settle to it's normal outlook. His servant is currently away on a task of his own, but the white-clad noble knows that the butler will arrive when he calls for him: he always does, no matter the distance or impossibility of it. It is not like he needs the man currently anyhow: the journey on board the Stormcatcher has been quite uneventful thus far.

As for what he is doing on board the vessel in the first place, the answer should surprise no one: he has decided to travel to new locales to find new ways to grow his power and that of his clan... Perhaps even magitech masters who he can persuade to helping his cause. This vessel alone is quite enough proof to him that magitech is indeed quite useful and something that he should definitely look into... And if he will have a chance to settle few scores for his clan while at it, all the better.

The first bump against the side of the ship causes him to look up as he busily finishes grooming himself, and the second one causes him to almost tumble before he spreads his wings momentarily to catch himself, afterwards shifting right back to his normal form. What in the name of archdevils is going on?

The announcement of the captain more annoying him than anything else, Jin heads out of his cabin, belting his wakazashi on as he heads towards the bridge. It always pays off to be informed of things, that much he knows quite well by now.

[roll0] (Perception)

2013-08-13, 11:23 AM
Watching the pirates maneuvers, Ashdan thinks: <<"So the pirates have adapted to this new age as well! Some things never change.">>

He quickly grabs the railing expecting the movement the captain ordered and says to him:

"I'm a good fighter and my eyes are sharp as the best of the elves Captain. But if I were to choose, I would rather do something that keeps me moving. What would you have me do?"

2013-08-13, 11:33 AM
Kuone ducks and weaves through the crowd, arriving on the man deck just as the captain reassures the passengers. He rolls his eyes.

'Everything's fine?' Right.

A massive throwing dart made of a glassy material appears in his hand as he takes stock of the current situation.

2013-08-13, 11:41 AM
Zumoto glances around, trying to figure out what's going on.

2013-08-13, 12:27 PM
Adrian hides in plain sight as the rest of the people turn back towards their cabins begrudgingly, some muttering angry complaints and demands for compensation for damaged items. The slow trudge becomes a panicked rush for cover back into the ship when the ship leaps forward and the second bump occurs.

Having avoided the deckhand, Adrian circles around the ship with Bob in tow, assessing the combat strength of the pirates compared to the Stormcatcher while looking for the captain of the ship.

2013-08-13, 12:31 PM
Kendrick heads through the hatch, climbing his way to the top of the ship. If you want to see what's going on, the highest point is the best place to start.

Perception [roll0]

2013-08-13, 01:40 PM
Jin LanThe halls are near empty by now, only a few remaining passengers rushing back to their cabins. Jin makes his way up the steps and onto the deck, where the captain is talking to a group of several men. Below the deck, he sees several vast skywhales soaring underneath the ship and another vessel. It has oars poking out, recalling the ships of ancient times, and a few figures are visible on its deck and on the great backs of the whales.

Ashdan"Most of the jobs require technical knowledge the likes of which I doubt you have, no disrespect intended. If you could perhaps take a spot in the observatory tower," the captain points to a small tower poking out between the gas cells, "I'd be much obliged." At that moment, a young man with a face concealed by a conical hat and scarf steps up to the deck, a large dart made of glass clenched in his fist. He is followed by another plain man, and finally a beautiful man wearing white arrives from a different part of the ship. "Sirs, I must ask you to return to your cabins, unless you are capable of helping us escape this predicament," he says, glancing curiously at the man holding the dart.

Kuone MaertaAs he steps onto the deck and examines the scene below, he sees several vast skywhales soaring underneath the ship and another vessel. It has oars poking out, recalling the ships of ancient times, and a few figures are visible on its deck and on the great backs of the whales. The captain is talking to a dark-haired man, and in a few minutes others arrive, a plain man and a beautiful one. Turning away from his conversation, the captain sees the new arrivals. "Sirs, I must ask you to return to your cabins, unless you are capable of helping us escape this predicament," he says, glancing curiously at the dart in Kuone's fist.

Zumoto TekarukiariZumo arrives on the deck and sees several vast skywhales soaring underneath the ship and another vessel. It has oars poking out, recalling the ships of ancient times, and a few figures are visible on its deck and on the great backs of the whales. The captain turns towards him and a few others arriving at the same time: a man with a face concealed by hat and scarf, clenching a glass dart in his fist, and a beautiful man arriving several minutes after Zumoto. "Sirs, I must ask you to return to your cabins, unless you are capable of helping us escape this predicament," he says, glancing curiously at the man holding the dart.

Adrian UtrechtAdrian decides that the Skycatcher has more resources, but are crippled by their need to protect the passengers. The pirates are fast and well-armed, and it seems possible that the skywhales they're leading could capsize the ship if not stopped.

Kendrick AssariAs he climbs up through the hatch and flattens himself on the cells, Kendrick sees several vast skywhales soaring underneath the ship and another vessel. It has oars poking out, recalling the ships of ancient times, and a few figures are visible on its deck and on the great backs of the whales. Below him, several figures are visible on the strip of deck that encircles the Skycatcher, and a small tower on the other side of the ship, poking its way up through the gas cells.

2013-08-13, 02:21 PM
"Well, I don't know about the others, but I can at least try."

Switching to Assassin's Stance.

2013-08-13, 02:27 PM
Kuone tilts his hat back, looking the captain in the eye. He laughs.

"Don't worry about a thing. I live for this."

The ninja steps over to one side of the deck, looking down at the pirates below. "This is gonna be good."

2013-08-13, 02:28 PM
The captain sighs. "How so?"

Grim ranger
2013-08-13, 02:36 PM
Assessing the situation quite, Jin sighs and clears his throat slightly. "Normally I would not interrupt you fine gentlemen, but it seems that you have not been exactly forthcoming with me, Captain. Since pirate attack might slow us down, perhaps you would let me talk to them? I could solve your problem in record time."

2013-08-13, 02:39 PM
The captain sighs. "How so?"

"Good for us. Not them." He points to the pirates with his throwing dart. "Their luck has just run out." He waits, though, as the beautiful man speaks up.

2013-08-13, 02:40 PM
"Non taken Captain, I'll get on it. The name is Ashdan by the way."

Ashdan looks up at the tower and starts walking to it. Once he get there, he looks down and shouts at the captain.

"What now Captain?"

2013-08-13, 03:08 PM
"Very well," the captain replies to Jin's offer. "You may take one of the flightjackets so you can get to their ship, if you're willing to risk it. Perhaps you should take some of these gentlemen with you, in case things don't work out quite as planned," he says, gesturing to Kuone and Ashdan. "The lifejackets are beneath the staircase."

Grim ranger
2013-08-13, 03:15 PM
"Well, I did plan to handle this alone, but perhaps it would indeed be useful to have others helping me out just in case they won't listen to reason... Very well" Jin says with a nod. "Just keep your weapons to yourselves until I say otherwise... this situation can still be salvaged. My name is Jin Lan."

2013-08-13, 03:19 PM
The captain tips his hat politely, then turns to the man in the observatory tower. "Ashdan! Seems there might be something more active for you to do after all!"

2013-08-13, 03:41 PM
"Nice to meet you. I'm called Zumoto." Zumoto says, stepping further into view.

2013-08-13, 11:18 PM
"Pleased to meet you," the captain replies, hiding his impatience well. "Johnson! Go get five flightjackets," he calls out to a passing crewman, who drops his tools and trots down the stairs. He returns a few minutes later with arms full of what appear to be leather vests with faint blue lines etched in the surface. The captain takes them from him, and Johnson picks his toolbox back up and heads for the engine room. "These'll provide approximately half an hour total of flight, so you shouldn't have to worry about it. Just don't drain its power by hovering a few feet off the ground to look cool and you shouldn't have to worry about it. So who's going?" Another impact rocks the ship, and a few crewmen tumble to the ground. "Quick- if they don't succeed in capsizing us in another few minutes, they'll start firing on us. I'd suggest carrying a white flag, but it might just give those bandits an easier target."

2013-08-13, 11:40 PM
Adrian has no desire to plummet to his death with the Stormcatcher and decides to look for the captain to offer assistance.

Stay out of sight until I call you, Bob.

Bob ducks into Adrian's shadow on the ground as Adrian adjusts his clothes to make the holy symbol around his neck more prominent. Time to play Brother Utrecht, lowly cleric of Shade.

Perception [roll0]

2013-08-14, 10:25 AM
"Alright, I'm in". Ashdan climbs down, not before taking a good look at the enemies below.

He takes the strange apparatus that will enable him to fly and put it on. He tries the controls carefully while looking what everyone else is doing.

He says to the others, "I'll take down that one" while pointing a nearby flying creature. Then at the Captain: "If I take down the controller will the animal go away?"

Grim ranger
2013-08-14, 10:42 AM
Frowning slightly and regarding the new arrival with furrowed brow that clearly voices his displeasure, Jin puts one of the jackets on above his regal attire. "You will do no such thing until I am done convincing them to just go away" he says in voice that brooks no argument, folding his arms behind his back. "If they do not in fact listen to reason, however, you are free to inflict whatever mayhem you wish on them. But for now, I suggest you follow me: they are less likely to try and shank me right away if I have some capable men with me to protect me from such. So, if anyone is in agreement, I suggest we drop into that pirate vessel for a visit."

Using Diplomacy to convince everyone to just go along with it if possible.


2013-08-14, 10:46 AM
Kuone straps on the flying apparatus with some distaste. He smiles underneath his scarf. "Lead the way, snow angel."

2013-08-14, 11:21 AM
Zumoto puts on the flight jacket after studying it for a minute. "Okay, boss. We do it your way."

2013-08-14, 11:29 AM
As the group on deck puts on the flightjackets, Adrian arrives. The captain frowns. "Sir, unless you wish to aid this expedition or can help keep the ship from tipping, I must ask you to return to your cabin."

2013-08-14, 12:00 PM
Greetings gentlemen, I am Brother Utrecht, cleric of Shade. It would be an honour for me to assist you in securing the safety of the ship.

Adrian picks up a flightjacket and after a moment of struggling with the straps, puts it on.

Let us go with the blessing of Shade!

he says as his hands emit a minor divine glow.

Adrian casts Guidance for anyone who accepts.

+1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies. Lasts 1 minute or until discharged.

2013-08-14, 02:42 PM
Ashdan just shrugs at Jin words and says: "Have it your way then, but I doubt the you'll find anyone of autority anywhere but in that flying ship over there."
He quickly adds: "I'll join you if you have need of me, but know this: If I'm attacked I will retaliete."
There's no menace or bad intentions in his words, they are spoken plainly as simple matter-of-fact. Having said his piece he waits for the signal to take off but drops his stance slightly, coiling himself like a viper ready to strike.

I'm assuming Assassin's Stance

2013-08-14, 02:53 PM
Kendrick sits atop the cells for several minutes, watching to make sure what is going on. "Pirates. I hate Pirates!"

Quickly he inducts the ritual that he has done countless times before. When it finishes, he can feel the strength of his extra planar ally flowing into him. His body grows and changes, into a large snake like creature with four arms and wings. It's scales thick and green.
"Come my friend. Let's us vulnerate these varietist villians."

Turning invisible, Kendrick dives into the air and glides to the ship with the oars.

Grim ranger
2013-08-14, 04:17 PM
Favoring Kuone with a small, amused smile due to the nickname he has apparently been saddled with, Jin turns to regard the clergyman that has apparently decided to join them. "Well, you are welcome to come along Brother... I believe that this is quite enough men for us to take care of the problem down below one way or another. Now, shall we?"

Without further ado, he walks to the side of the ship and hops off, knowing that the others will follow his example... Or possibly stay behind due to being utter cowards. He himself has little reason to fear the jump: he can always just grow his wings back and return to his normal method of flight should the enchantment of the jacket wear off.

Falling until he sees the pirate ship Jin begins to fly towards it, flying with spread arms to show he means no harm. Maybe it will not work, but it is worth a shot.

2013-08-14, 05:05 PM
Zumoto watches Jin for a moment, and after seeing that he is not being attacked, jumps off after him.

2013-08-14, 05:12 PM
Kuone watches Jin plummet through the air for few moments then follows after him. His scarf unfolds and trails him in the air like the tail of a kite.

2013-08-14, 10:13 PM
The pirates appear to have not manned the various weaponry mounted on the side of the ship, apparently confident in the skywhales they seem to have under control. As the various figures circle down to the deck, a rasping noise heralds the unsheathing of a sea of blades as well as various painful-looking magitech devices The pirates, who seem to be playing to their audience and decked out in the old swashbuckling style, nevertheless allow the six to land, quickly encircling them. They take no outright hostile actions, however, apparently needing to hear why in the nine hells these were stupid enough to fly onto the deck of a pirate ship before they can kill them satisfied.

2013-08-14, 11:11 PM
Kendrick looked around curiously, as several individuals landed right after him. Still invisible, they had ruined his element of surprise. Or at least they would shortly. As the pirates gather around, Kendrick decided to announce his presence even if he couldn't be seen.

Like the fury of a tornado, he unleashed a lash of shurikens. Each one spread out upon a different pirate, aimed at a vital organ. As he did so, he let out a inhuman "ROAR!" Something quiet confusing coming from a creature still invisible.

Each one targets a different pirate. Since he's invisible, he should theoretically get sneak attack.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus sneak attack [roll2]

Attack 2 [roll3] (Rolled a 1, auto miss)
Damage [roll4] plus sneak attack [roll5]

Attack 3 [roll6] (this was a mistype, should be 5 lower)
Damage [roll7] plus sneak attack [roll8]

Attack 4 [roll9]
Damage [roll10] plus sneak attack [roll11]

Attack 5 [roll12]
Damage [roll13] plus sneak attack [roll14]

Two ki points spent

2013-08-15, 04:41 AM
<<Oh well, there goes diplomacy. Time for a contingency plan.>>

Adrian whispers to Bob,

Well Bob, time to do what you do best. Slink off the side where you're out of line of sight and give the whale a good groping. Don't forget to come back and give me a warning when the whale's an inch from becoming a shriveled prune.

Bob attempts to slip off the side unnoticed, out of the line of sight of the pirates gathered on the deck and begins to invade the whale's personal space.

Bob slips off the side stealthily [roll0] +4 for dim light -4 for bright

Bob's incorporeal touch attack [roll1] (Huzzah natural 20)

Bob's strength damaging touch [roll2] (X2 multiplier for 8)

2013-08-15, 11:06 AM
Kuone glances over to Jin. "It was fun while it lasted."

His force-dart evaporates as he draws a single ninja-to, turning to face the pirates. He calls back to Jin. "I can handle myself in an open fight. Can you?"

Grim ranger
2013-08-15, 12:34 PM
Losing his smile and rubbing his temples with deep sigh, Jin slowly pulls his white-handle wakazashi from his belt. "Well, even if the initial plan has been derailed by that idiot, I will not be deterred. I have my ways of surviving, but having someone covering my back would nevertheless be appreciated. I will go and find the captain of this lot" he replies calmly. "Care to join me?"

2013-08-15, 12:46 PM
"You go ahead, boss. I'll take care of the small fry," Zumoto says, and then bounds after the nearest pirate. He then leaps straight over the pirate, pummeling him into the ground.

Using the Sudden Leap maneuver to get into position. Iget a 36 if I take 10 on the check, moving me 35ft.
Then, using Death from Above. DC20 Jump check is easy, rendering him flat-footed and giving me an extra 4d6 damage to boot.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Sneak Attack: [roll2] And Death from Above bonus dice: [roll3]
Then using Snap Kick on anyone within reach: [roll4] Damage: [roll5] Potential Sneak Attack: [roll6]
If there's nothing for me to Snap Kick, that's an extra +2 on the first attack roll.

2013-08-16, 12:44 AM
Adrian mutters a few quick prayers to his God in preparation for combat.

Adrian casts Divine Favor
Personal, +3 luck bonus to attack and damage, 1 minute

Meanwhile, Bob finally reaches the skywhale.

2013-08-16, 07:27 AM
At the instant the shuriken appears out of nowhere, moving toward a pirate, Ashdan is already in action. The supernatural insight costs him effort, so he takes the focus stored within his psicrystal to fuel it.

A dark blade materializes in his hard, it looks like it's made of some otherworldly crystal-like substance that seems to suck the light around it, barely giving a purplish shine to its edge. The blade seems then coated with a translucent green liquid.

And then he strikes, throwing the blade at, who he thinks is, the pirate leader.

Ashdan expends the Psionic Focus stored in his psicrystal to use the feat Ready Response (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/ready-response-psionic). This allows him to act in the surprise round.

As a free action he draws his mindblade.

I manifest prevemon weapon (cost 1pp) and attack at the same time (using the PW ability "Martial Power"). I have a range of 30ft and try to hit the pirate leader. If that's not possible I just hit whoever seems pointing weapons directly at him. Psychic strike is not expended if I don't hit. Sneak attack is granted by Assassin's Stance.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: Base: [roll1] +Psychic Strike [roll2] +Sneak attack [roll3]
Plus 1 point of Con damage for 2 rounds, DC 16
Oh and 3 more points of damage since he still has his focus. So 32 total if he hits.

2013-08-16, 11:15 AM
A fan of ninja stars fly out from a point in space, three finding their targets and dropping them, one sticking in a pirate's leg, and one lodging in the railing between them and space. Almost at the same moment, Ashdan draws a glowing blade from the air and hurls it. It tumbles through the air, slamming hilt-deep into a pirate's chest and into the deck below, blood leaking from the mortal wound. With a single bound, Zumoto leaps over the crowd, smashing one pirate through the deck and into the cargo hold below and kicking another over the railing. A scream trails away, ending in a distant splash. As one, the remaining pirates raise their weapons. One massive weapon with a funneled barrel fires a mass of sticky strands of webbing towards the area where the shuriken originated from, catching Adrian and Kuone in the farther reaches of the magic. Three pirates level their weapons at Zumoto. Two spit fire and one spits a magical cloud of sparkly golden dust. One pirate vanishes from sight and footsteps can be heard on the deck and then on the stairs, and one points two hand crossbows at Jin and pulls the trigger. The final three pirates draw cutlasses and move towards the web, obviously preparing to attack.

Six pirates down, one going for help, eight to go. HairyGuy4, tofucake, and Kymme, Ref DC 17 for the web. Kendrick would be caught in the center, the other two with 5 feet of webbing to go.

Scorching Rays: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] [roll3]
Glitterdust: Will DC 17 or be blinded.

Attacks: [roll4] [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] [roll7]
Both bolts are poisoned with Drow Poison, save DC 18 or fall unconscious, if both bolts hit the DC is 20. You can be awakened if someone spends a standard action to wake you.

It is now the ninja phase. Kendrick may take a standard or move action, Adrian and Zumoto are skipped for taking an action out-of-turn, and everyone else may take a full turn. The pirates are largely identical for your purposes, by the way, so you can deduce that the captain's not on deck at the moment.

2013-08-16, 11:20 AM
Kuone rolls his eyes, sidestepping the webbing. "Seriously?"
32 Reflex

2013-08-16, 12:29 PM
<<Hm, web-cannons. Nifty stuff.>>

Adrian casually observed as he deftly avoided the webbing. Or so he planned. Glossamer strands clung to his cloak as he tried to move. Getting out of this would be tricky..

Reflex [roll0]

2013-08-16, 01:47 PM
Ashdan looks at the others: "Who the hell ruined this for us?" He then jumps swiftly towards the enemies slashing them with his mindblade left and right. "Kill them quickly before reinforcements arrive, and try to see how we can disable the ship".

Swift action: Sudden Leap: Acrobatics to jump: [roll0] Acrobatics to tumble: [roll1]
Full round action:
Attack 1: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 1: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]

Can't roll to confirm the critical, I'll let Gm do it.

2013-08-16, 02:15 PM
Kuone smiles, exchanging looks with Jin. He snaps his fingers and reality seems oddly skewed for a second, almost folded in on itself. Two things happen at once. One, Kuone disappears from sight, and two, one of the pirates feels a horrible pain in his heart, as if something very dear has been taken from him.

Then, Kuone reappears, slashing at the man with his Ninja-to.
Activating Aura of Misfortune. All enemies within 60 ft take a -15 ft penalty to their speeds, as well as a -3 penalty to Will Saves.

Kuone uses Step Into the Unknown (5/6 remaining) to teleport beside one of the pirates. He then uses Curse of the Fateless (6/7 remaining), following it up with a melee attack.

The pirate has to make a Will Save (DC 21) with a -3 penalty or take a -6 to attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, ability checks and skill checks. If the pirate succeeds, he still takes 24 damage.

Attack: 20
Damage: 10, 14 if the pirate failed his save.

2013-08-16, 02:43 PM
Ashdan opens a deep cut in the side of one of the pirates, following it up with another slash that sends a different pirate's head rolling on the deck. Kuone appears next to the man with a bleeding leg, who clutches his heart as the ninja follows it up with several slashes. The pirate staggers backwards and slumps against the railing, his blood staining the deck.

Kendrick has a standard or move action and Jin has a full round left. Once these two have posted, it'll be the Pirate Phase again.

Grim ranger
2013-08-16, 02:59 PM
Looking at the chaos all around him with clear distaste, Jin looks at the pirate who had the gall to shoot at him before, walking right in front of the man before speaking in very soft and hypnotic tone. "Would you please lead me to your captain?" he asks in friendly manner, shaking his head at the others if any of them try to kill the pirate in front of him now.

Walking right in front of the pirate (5 ft away) and using Suggestion. DC 25 Will save or he will need to immediately lead me to his leader.

2013-08-16, 07:49 PM
The young man's eyes immedately glaze over, and he agrees immediately, his words flowing into each other. He leads the succubus down the stairs , into a hallway. At the end of the corridor is a set of several doors, from behind one of which urgent footsteps seem to be issuing.

Grim ranger
2013-08-17, 03:26 AM
Following behind the pirate without worry in the world, Jin calmly checks that his poisoner's dagger is still carefully hidden in one of his long sleeves before shifting his shape, turning into female version of himself... Who, apart from definitely feminine figure and flowing blonde hair instead of his usual shorter cut is not all that different from him. Gender has at this point lost more or less all meaning to him, apart from occasions he shifts it to help in manipulating people.

"Thank you, I believe I can find my own way from here" she says sweetly before eyeing the pirate suggestively. "That kind of service deserves a reward, I would say. How about a kiss?"

Changing shape to Jin's female form and casting another Suggestion to make the pirate kiss Jin, DC 25 (or 27 if this fills the criteria of especially reasonable request: she is smoking hot, after all). If he won't save, the kiss will drain a level from him, and has the effect of another suggestion at same DC forcing him to accept another kiss.

Jin will continue that either until interrupted or until the pirate is a lifeless husk, at which point he'll enter through the door behind which the footsteps are issuing. For every 2 levels drained he will also gain +1 to strenght for 1 hour.

2013-08-17, 08:18 AM
The man accepts several kisses, each time responding with more intensity and each draining him of a bit of color, until he seems to snap out of it and steps back, fear and lust mingling in his eyes. The footsteps behind the door seem to have taken a different direction and are fading.

Take a +2 Str.

Grim ranger
2013-08-17, 08:54 AM
Her eyes shining with more vigor and new strength surging through her frame, Jin stretches with obvious enjoyment. "Mmmh, that was very good. Are you sure you don't want some more? You should know by now my kisses are to die for" she asks with raised eyebrow, beckoning the pirate to embrace he won't be returning from.

Using Suggestion again to initiate level draining. After the man is dead, using Detect Thoughts to locate dear old captain. If he resists and tries to attack, well... Then Jin'll just have to deal with him.

2013-08-17, 09:24 AM
The pirate wavers for a few moments, different emotions fighting in his eyes. He gazes longingly at Jin, but his feet begin edging away.

Grim ranger
2013-08-17, 09:39 AM
"No? Now that... Is heartless. I feel so dejected..." she says in saddened tone even as she draws the wakazashi on her sash in a blur, darting forward in movements that seem every bit like alluring dance as he makes a quick slash with the weapon, aiming for the neck of the pirate.

Good thing he backed away. Quickdrawing wakazashi and moving right in front of the pirate before attacking. Thanks to slippers of battledancing, I am quite capable combatant when taking people by surprise.

[roll0] (To hit)

[roll1] (Damage)

[roll2] (Crit confirmation if needed)

Edit: Well, that sucked.

2013-08-17, 09:49 AM
Even as the blades slash deep into his skin, he looks wistfully at the woman. But the pain seems to break him out of his trance, and he rushes towards the end of the corridor, throwing open the door and running heedlessly into the room beyond.

2013-08-17, 12:58 PM
The pirate wielding the web firer shoots again, sending a ball of sticky fibers tumbling towards Ashdan as Kendrick struggles against his first shot. Two pirates send lances of fire streaking through the air towards Kuone, faces pale as their companion dies behind them. Of the remaining two pirates, one grits his teeth and holds a hand to the wound at the wound at his side, reaching for a potion at his belt, and the other speaks an incantation and fire leaps up around him, cloaking him in pale blue flame.

Ashdan, Ref DC 17 with 20 feet of webbing in between you and the deck. Kendrick, you are entangled with 10 feet to go.

Scorching Rays: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] [roll3]
First one hits, take 15 damage.

It is the Ninja phase and there are five pirates left.

2013-08-17, 01:09 PM
Zumoto vanishes for a few seconds, sending shuriken flying at three different pirates before he reappears.

Using Cloak of Deception for Greater Invisibilty (on my turn only).Then using the Storm of Steel Ninja Art to make three shuriken attacks, each at a -2 penalty. The pirates should be flat-footed due to my invisibility.
Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]
Attack 3:[roll2]
Damage 1:[roll3] and Sneak Attack:[roll4]
Damage 2:[roll5] and Sneak Attack:[roll6]
Damage 3:[roll7] and Sneak Attack:[roll8]
The shuriken will return to me by my next turn between the Teleporting enchantment and Deadly Precision Ninja Art.

2013-08-17, 01:26 PM
Two ninja stars spin towards the wielders of the fiery weapons, piercing their hearts and sending them falling backwards onto their comrade who died seconds earlier. The third slashes through a single thread of webbing and returns to the ninja's hand along with it's bloodstained brothers.

Three left: two with swords and one with the web-gun.

Grim ranger
2013-08-17, 01:37 PM
Shaking her head, Jin (or rather Jil given the current form of the conniving devil) darts after the man, easily keeping up and swinging the wakazashi again, intent on driving it through the pirate's chest. Handling this is quiet way would have been preferable, but she has no qualms with killing the annoyingly strong-willed goon with cold steel either.

Moving after the pirate and attacking again.

[roll0] (To hit)

[roll1] (Crit confirmation (if necessary))

[roll2] (Damage)

2013-08-17, 01:39 PM
Kuone grunts as the first fiery ray connects with him. Covering the scorched hole in his tunic, Kuone narrowly avoids a second ray. He locks eyes with the web-gun pirate, and rushed towards him, sheathing one sword and casting a spell with his open hand. Once he reaches the pirate he stabs forward.

HP 55/70
Move action to close the distance.
Swift action to cast Distract Assailants. (DC 15 Will save at a -3 penalty or be flat-flooted)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2013-08-17, 01:48 PM
Focusing on Kuone and apparently seeing through the distraction visible to his eyes only, the pirate nearly dodges to the side but Kuone's blade scythes across his leg.

2013-08-17, 05:45 PM
Ashdan tries to move quickly out of the web spewed by the strange weapon and then uses an instant to gather energy in his weapon, then he throws his mindblade straight at the pirate.
"So... Magic is in the hands of anybody in this era?" he asks almost to himself.

Reflex [roll0]

Move action: Charge psychic strike

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] psychic strike [roll3]
In case of critical: [roll4]

2013-08-17, 06:43 PM
Unable to see clearly, he can't get a clear shot at the nearest pirate.

2013-08-17, 11:27 PM
With a flash of his kukris, Adrian ripped the web strands clinging to him to shreds . However, more threads settled on him as he tried to cut himself free.

<<Time for an alternative solution>>

To the casual observer, he then disappeared without a trace.

strength check 15
Hide in plain sight stealth [roll0]

Meanwhile, Bob hovers beside the skywhale, doing a pale mockery of a paladin's lay on hands.

Forgot to roll critical hit confirmation for Bob's incorporeal touch [roll1]

2013-08-18, 02:39 PM
Seeing that there're only a few pirates left, Ashdan turns his attention to disabling the ship. "Maybe I should break that wheel first, they must use to it steer just like a regular ship".
He's sunddenly engulfed in shadows and then he's gone, appearing next to the wheel.

Using Shadow Haunt to teleport and I'll charge my psychic strike as a move action.

2013-08-18, 06:33 PM
On DeckKendrick struggles against the web, after a few seconds snapping the gluey strands and striding out onto the deck. The pirate wielding the web-gun staggers and collapses to the deck. His weapon clatters to the deck, spinning across the boards, but he draws a dark dagger from a sheath on his leg and stabs it up towards Kuone's chest. The two cutlass-wielding pirates rush towards Zumoto, flickering back into visibility, and slash wildly towards him.

Mr. Web:
Attack: [roll0]

Attacks: [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

Jil LanThe man crumples silently to the floor, Jil's blade protruding from his chest. The footsteps, now above, abruptly stop.

2013-08-19, 08:07 AM
Zumoto dodges nimbly out of the way of the pirates's swords, and strikes at the adjacent pirates.

Using Snap Kick, Flurry, and full attack. Rolling in the OOC thread.

2013-08-19, 08:39 AM
Zumoto slams one pirate into the railings, and with an audible snap he slumps to the ground. Spinning, he throws a flurry of punches at the other, with a final leg sweep sending him crashing to the ground. He doesn't get up.

Grim ranger
2013-08-19, 11:01 AM
Pulling her blade from the man's chest, Jil calmly cleans the weapon against her victim's coat and resheathes it before focusing, listening to the thoughts all around herself. It is one of the useful talents she has picked up thanks to her... condition.

Using Detect Thoughts, DC 25 to resist if someone does not want me into their head. Just trying to locate the captain, and get some info out of his head if possible.

2013-08-19, 11:14 AM
The captain seems to be torn between going to help his crew and investigating the noise he heard below. In a moment, he has resolved to return, and his steps are light above.

2013-08-19, 01:11 PM
Ashdan raises his mindblade and thrusts it down to the wheel trying to break it. "When you're done with the other pirates try to break the big weapons, if we kill the ship they won't bother anyone for a while."

Using Stone dragons fury for 4d6 extra damage and it bypasses dr and hardness. I also recover the psycristal psionic focus as a swift action using the feat instant clarity. If I manage to break the wheel, I'll use my move action to fly to one of the big guns (or, if that's not possible, to one of the pirates).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2]

2013-08-19, 01:18 PM
With several strokes of his mindblade, Ashdan cracks the wheel and hacks out pieces of the base, nearly destroying it.

It's got a couple HP left.

2013-08-19, 01:53 PM
Kuone easily dodges the pirate's clumsy swing.


He casts another spell before laying into the pirate with his swords.
Casting Distract Assailant again. DC 15 Will Save with a -3 penalty or be Flat-footed.

Attack 1: 33 to hit, 7 damage, 23 Sneak Attack

Attack 2: 29 to hit, 10 damage, 17 Sneak Attack

Attack 3: 18 to hit, 11 damage, 17 Sneak Attack

Attack 4: 24 to hit, 6 damage, 16 Sneak Attack

Grim ranger
2013-08-19, 04:38 PM
Deciding to try something bold, Jil drags the dead pirate to the second door on the left, hoping to open it and drag the corpse inside, afterwards closing it behind herself. With her power, she is likely quite capable of pinpointing the captain's location... So she will know if she'll have enough time for her little party trick.

Assuming there is time, her plan is quite simple one: grabbing the pirate's weapons and hiding her own to her person, morphing her clothing to exact match of the pirate's, copying his body and face, and then going to meet the captain.

If she doesn't have the time needed, however, she will just search through the pirate's pockets for anything useful and go to confront the captain with her wiles.

So Sleight of Hand check to hide her weapon to her person, Disguise check to take the guy's face and voice perfectly as she morphs to his form, and Perception to spot the goodies on him. If there is no time for the body dragging and disguise fun, only goodie check applies.

[roll0] (Sleight of Hand)

[roll1] (Disguise)

[roll2] (Perception)

2013-08-19, 04:40 PM
Once again, the pirate easily ignores the spell, but can't manage to dodge all of Kuone's expert blows. Bleeding profusely, he tumbles backwards, standing up and grabbing a rope that appears to have been placed solely for the purpose of awesome line-swinging attacks. Ignoring this potential, he quickly pulls himself up, and once a safe distance away, snatches a potion from his belt and guzzles it. Most of his wounds heal instantly, but he's now disarmed of both his weapons.

He rolled an unmodified 19 on his Will Save. Now he's about ten feet away and twenty feet up.

2013-08-19, 04:44 PM
Jil LanJil has barely enough time to change before the captain comes leaping down the stairs, brandishing a massive magitech gun. "Ah, Ky. I thought I heard your voice. What's happening?"

Grim ranger
2013-08-19, 05:12 PM
Slipping into the role he has taken on so recently with ease born from long practice, Jin looks appropriately grave. "We're being attacked by bunch coming from th' other ship, Captain. They're...they're slaughtering everyone in there!" he sputters, trying to get right amount of panic into his tone without seeming suspicious. "What'll we do, captain?!"

Nothing fancy to begin with, just trying to convince the captain that I am indeed the real deal and that the pirates are losing the battle badly.

[roll0] (Bluff)

2013-08-19, 06:10 PM
A distant scream from outside the cabin lends more weight to Jin's words. "James, you're good with poison. Got anything that affects an area? Maybe something I can drop? Come on!" Gesturing for the disguised succubus to follow him, he bolts back up the stairs.

2013-08-19, 11:49 PM
It wasn't the first time a mark had escaped to a hard to reach place with a smug look on their face, thinking themselves untouchable. Adrian focuses and grabs the closest shadow to him, pulling it over himself swiftly like a cloak and vanishing underneath it. He reappears behind the pirate who escaped upwards and sticks a kukri into his back.

You didn't really think you could get away that easily, did you ?

Adrian uses Improved Shadow Jump as a move action, then attacks.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]
Sneak attack [roll2]

2013-08-20, 07:50 AM
The man gasps in pain as the kukri pierces his back, but manages to hold on to the rope, pulling a small bag from his pocket and letting it fall onto Adrian. As it drops, it bursts open and goo floods out, engulfing the man. He scurries farther up the rope, finding a solid support.

Entangled, DC 15 Ref save or be held in place and arguably fall to the deck.

Grim ranger
2013-08-20, 08:13 AM
"Aye aye captain!" Jin replies briskly, loading the crossbows as he follows the man... And using his innate sense concerning morality to figure out where this man stands in grand scheme of things.

Following the captain, loading crossbows and using Detect Good. I know alignment is not huge issue in this game, but I have my reasons to know if he is good or not.

2013-08-20, 08:27 AM
Jin LanHe leaps up the stairs, through a cramped passage, and onto the gas cells outside. Bouncing slightly on their buoyancy, he strides near to the edge. "Okay, what do you have that could take them out?" he whispers, clicking his massive weapon from one setting to another.

He's honorable, but not good exactly. He'd rob and pillage and go out of his way to break laws, but he'd never kill an innocent and he lives by his own code. So not good.

2013-08-20, 09:17 AM
Your obsession with sticky stuff is most disturbing..

Adrian remarks as the goo splashes harmlessly about him. Meanwhile, Bob is having a whale of a time wailing on the skywhale.

Forgot to mention and likely not impactful but the guy also took a point of dexterity damage when Adrian sneaked attacked him.

Bob's incorporeal touch attack [roll0]
Bob's strength damaging touch [roll1]

2013-08-20, 09:28 AM
"That's my job," he replies as Adrian avoids most of the goo, but enough clings to his limbs to impair his movement.

Grim ranger
2013-08-20, 10:47 AM
In the instant the pirate's back is turned, Jin begins to hover and draws poison-laced dagger from his sleeve. Before the captain has as much as a chance to turn around, he flies past him, stabbing the back of the man almost artistically via ease born from long practice before flying down to the deck.

Flying down to the deck and using Flyby attack to land Death Blossom on the captain, combined with Poison Swap that lets me immediately apply poison to the blade without risk or action wasted. Applying both Fortified Centipede Venom and Giant Wasp Venom on it (can hold two poisons at once thanks to being Poisoner's Dagger). Fortified Centipede Venom Giant Wasp Poison reinforce each other if both are afflicting at same time, rising their DC's to 16 and 17 respectively.

2013-08-20, 11:43 AM
The dagger slashes into the captain's side, sending virulent poison working through his bloodstream. He's knocked off balance, but regains some steadiness, roars, "You bastard!" and grabs hold of another dramatically placed rope. He leaps off the cells, soaring through the air, and pulls the trigger of his massive, heavily-modified magitech gun. A great fireball bursts out of the barrel, spreading and slamming to the deck. Flames dance over the wooden board and the remaining webs are instantly crisped to ash as the captain leaps off the rope at the apex of his swing, executes a flip, and slams into the deck, swinging his great weapon around at the ninjas in his midst.

Everyone except Adrian take [roll0] damage, Ref 19 for half.

2013-08-20, 01:07 PM
Ashdan mumbles a curse when his hit doesn't quite break the wheel for good. He's surprise by the ball of fire coming his way but he manages to dodge some of the heat. He won't take another hit like that. Using the strage artifact that was given ot him, he flies throw the fire toward the captain and strikes him as hard as he can.

Reflex: [roll0]
Swift Action: Manifest Inevitable strike, augmented to 7pps for a +8 to hit.
Free action: Manifest Prevenom weapon (1pp, DC16, 1 CON damage for 2 rounds)
Piranha Strike -2 attack +4 damage
Standard action: Mountain Hammer maneuver, extra 2d6, bypasses DR.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + Mountain Hammer [roll3] + Psychic Strike [roll4]
Just in case: Critical Confirmation: [roll5]

2013-08-20, 06:12 PM
Zumoto gathers the fires around himself after dodging, and soars towards the captain.

Using the Searing Charge maneuver, Snap Kick, and Dancing Mongoose.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1] Searing Charge: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Attack 3: [roll5]
Damage 3: [roll6]

2013-08-20, 06:36 PM
The captain's balance is still off from the poison, and Ashdan lands a solid hit on him, followed by Zumoto's blazing flurry of strikes, which sends him staggering to the deck, wisps of smoke rising from his singed coat, but he manages to twist in midair and land on his feet. Skidding slightly on the hot boards, he brings his arm back and hurls the huge gun to his last remaining crew member, who barely manages to catch it without toppling from his spot. Glaring at the ninjas, he shrugs off his thick coat and draws a massive, jagged blade from a sheath across his back. "Oh... so that's how it is. Fine by me."

2013-08-21, 12:30 AM
Adrian was about to climb after the pirate when a glint on the deck caught his eye. The web cannon. He jumps down towards the web cannon and lands as safely as he can in order to pick up the web cannon.

Acrobatics roll (+8 -4 from entangled) ? [roll0]

2013-08-21, 12:49 PM
Turning his attention away from the retreating pirate, Kuone rolls his eyes. He jinxes the captain before charging at him with both swords drawn.

Using another Curse of the Fateless 5/7 DC 21 Will save at a -3 or take lots of penalties, or take 24 damage on success.

Charging Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-21, 02:31 PM
Ashdan is surprised after the captain takes his hit but doesn't go down. "For the Mind Eye, that hit should've cut him in half! I'll better take this guy seriously."
First he focuses his mind on strenghening his body, then recharges his blade with power and takes a posture that will help his allies take the pirate down.

Manifest Vigor for 8pps (+40 temp HP), then chage psychic strike, and finally change stances to Island of blades to give flanking to anybody close to the captain.

2013-08-23, 05:17 PM
Kuone's curse grips the man in its clawed embrace, but closing his eyes for a split second, he opens them again with perfect clarity. Dodging Kuone's slash, he slips under the blow and brings his blade around in a devastating arc of flashing silver.

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been busy the last few days.

Attack vs Zumoto: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack vs Zumoto: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Attack vs Ashdan: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
Attack vs Ashdan: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]

Attack vs Kuone: [roll8] Damage: [roll9]
Attack vs Kuone: [roll10] Damage: [roll11]

2013-08-24, 07:21 AM
Ashdan manages to dodge The captain strikes with ease and prepares to retaliate with his own attacks.

Manifest inevitable strike (swift) -1pp
Full attack: [roll0] (+2 flank -2 piranha strike)
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] (+2 flank +5 inevitable strike -2 piranha strike)
damage: [roll3]
Confirmation [roll4] confirmation 2 [roll5]

2013-08-25, 08:53 AM
As Ashdan's strikes send the captain tumbling to the deck, Kuone vanishes into the shadows. Adrian leaps down from his perch and snatches the web cannon, but the pirate with the captain's weapon clicks it into a new setting and fires a streak of lightning towards him, which arcs to the other combatants before fizzling out.

[roll0] damage to Adrian, half that to Ashdan and Zumoto. Ref save 21 for 'half', you Evasion people you.

2013-08-25, 10:21 AM
Landing on the balls of his feet, Adrian transitions into a roll to disperse the residual momentum and grabs the web cannon. At that exact moment, the hairs on the nape of his neck stand on their ends. Sensing an incoming threat, he prones just as a bolt of lightning blasts overhead from behind him. Spinning around, he points the cannon at the pirate holding the captain's weapon, briefly takes aim and fires.

Bob, on the other hand, continues fondling the whale

reflex save 33 with evasion

forgot bob's action earlier, so two strength pokes
bob attack 1 [roll0]
bob damage 1 [roll1]
bob attack 2 [roll2]
bob damage 2 [roll3]

Grim ranger
2013-08-27, 02:17 PM
Having carefully observed the situation and waited for his chance, Jin gets up from the deck and brushes his somewhat damaged robes distastefully before looking at the last remaining crew member besides the pirate captain himself and snapping his fingers at him in commanding manner. "Mister, the gun if you please" he demands, his voice once again carrying that hypnotic edge before he snorts at the captain. "You have lost, utterly and completely. All of your crew are gone, your ship conquered by mere handful of men. No man will ever accept you as equal after this. Do us all a favor and end your disgraceful existence."

Using Reasonable Request (Entice Gift) on the crewmember with a gun. He has to pass DC 20 will save or immediately move next to me and hand me the gun without taking any other actions. Also using Scathing Wit on the captain, which will deal lethal damage since he was damaged this round. Scathing Wit is ranged touch attack.

[roll0] (Scathing Wit hit)

[roll1] (Scathing Wit damage)

2013-08-27, 05:39 PM
The crew member struggles against the sticky fibers that now entangle him, striving to move to Jin, but as his efforts come to nothing, he gradually snaps out of his reverie... in time to see the captain, his eyes glazed with tears, his clothes cut and ripped and scorched, standing in the middle of his blackened deck surrounded by the corpses of the men who had trusted him to save them, turn his great blade on himself and plunge it deep into his heart. The crewmember throws his head back and screams, an echoing sound of sorrow and fury. He finally forces his way through the web, balances unevenly on the crossbeam, and falls forward with a last sob. His body tumbles through the air and passes out of sight in the clouds below the ship.

Grim ranger
2013-08-28, 03:00 AM
"What a senseless waste...of perfectly functional magitech, that is" Jin says with a mild frown, his face flowing back into it's usual pristine beauty and his clothing changing back to silken robes instead of pirate's garb. "I believe I may require some medical assistance. We should also figure out what to do with this vessel: I believe we lawfully liberated it from lawless brigands, so it is now ours to do away with as we please, gentlemen" he notes with tinge of satisfaction in his voice as he walks to the captain and grabs the hilt of the man's sword, twisting it slightly to make sure that he is indeed dead before pulling the blade away from the rapidly cooling corpse. "Then there is also the matter of other spoils of battle to be considered."

2013-08-28, 03:22 AM
<<Looks like I'm on triage duty.>> Adrian rips some strips of cloth of the rags on a nearby dead pirate and hurries over to the bleeding out Zumoto to staunch the bleeding with a combination of tourniquets as well as direct and indirect pressure. Looking at the lightning sears on Zumoto's body, he remarks "Well, that's probably going to leave a mark."

Heal - First aid check (DC15) [roll0] (+1 guidance)

2013-08-28, 03:26 AM
The first aid wasn't enough, Adrian could feel Zumoto slipping away. No dice, huh ? Magical healing it is then. Adrian grabs the CLW wand from his pack and zaps Zumoto with it.

CLW - [roll0]
another for good measure [roll1]

2013-08-28, 08:07 AM
"Uhhh... Thanks, I needed that," Zumoto says, sitting up and looking around. "Well, it looks like we won."

2013-08-28, 09:34 AM
Kuone reappears, clutching his chest to staunch the flow of blood. "Damn. That bastard cuts deep."

He tips his hat to the ninjas, his scarf concealing his beaming smile. "Excellent word, gents. Seems we've finished our work down here. What do you say we head back to our own ship. I'm in dire need of a rest."

2013-08-28, 10:09 AM
Looking around at the corpses of the unfortunate pirates, Ashdan shakes his head while saying: "Some people don't know when to quit"
He then turns his attention to his partners in battle, specialy to Zumoto. "Are you good enough to move? You should probably return to the Stormcatcher for medical attention." Looking back at Jin he adds: "I don't need the weapon, but we should see if the Captain give us a reward, pool everything and see what we do from there".

2013-08-28, 01:40 PM
Zumoto clambers to his feet, wincing slightly as he does so. "Yeah, getting patched up is a good idea. I've had worse though."

2013-08-29, 05:39 PM
Suddenly Ashdan turns to Jin and adds: "Oh I kind of wreck some parts of the ship, so we need someone to repair it if we want to keep it. If it can't be done here maybe we can ask Stormchatchers Captain if they can tow us to a port."

Grim ranger
2013-08-30, 03:11 AM
Nodding as he finishes checking the pirate captain's corpse for useful items, Jin sighs somewhat. "It is true that the ship has likely been severely damaged... If we wish for it to still function for long, we should indeed return and discuss the matter with the captain. New ship has to be worth untold fortunes, so it is quite likely he will agree to towing it. So we have no time to waste."

With that, he takes off towards the passenger ship, intent on finding the captain. They have to act fast.

Looting the pirate captain's corpse for anything useful and returning to passenger ship to find our own captain.

2013-08-30, 08:37 AM
Stowing the web cannon in his backpack, Adrian remarks "Let us head back to the Stormcatcher and check on the situation then, I had dispatched my shadow to deal with one of the skywhales but I recall there were more."

After some fiddling with his flightjacket, he lifts into the air after Jin.

2013-08-30, 06:42 PM
On the captain's corpse, Jin discovers several unmarked potion vials, a dagger with a snake carved into the hilt, a few gems and coins in a belt pouch, a worn leather belt, and high boots with frayed laces, as well as his heavy coat, swashbuckler's outfit, and sword. As they lift into the air, Bob trickles up to Adrian, and a second later the dried husk of the skywhale begins to float gently down to the sea below, resting on the waves for a moment before sinking silently into the ocean's embrace.

2013-09-01, 07:25 PM
Jin and Adrian land on the deck a moment later. The captain rushes up to them. "I saw the battle. Is everything all right? What happened?" He breaks off as another skywhale slams into the ship, taking the place of the one drained by the shadow. "Can you fix this?" he pleads.

2013-09-02, 06:41 AM
Ashdan flies to the Stormchatcher lands on the deck and starts throwing his mindblade at the Skywhales. "Go away stupid creature!"

Damage + 2d8

2013-09-02, 09:49 AM
Zumoto flies over to a skywhale, and begins pummeling it.

Bloodletting Strike + Snap Kick

[roll0] Damage: [roll1]
[roll2] Damage: [roll3]

That first one deals 4 Con damage, with a DC 22 Fortitude save for half.

Future turns will be Bonesplitting Strike for flat 2 Con damage, refresh maneuvers, then restart the cycle.

2013-09-02, 10:14 AM
Ashdan's mindblade sticks in the hide of the whale before reappearing in his hand. Zumoto lands on the skywhale and starts raining blows seconds after. With a great moo, it turns downwards and flips over, sending Zumoto flying off. The other whale soars up and slams into the hull of the Stormcatcher. It tilts sharply.

2013-09-03, 05:22 AM
"Usual drill, Bob." Adrian and Bob flank the other whale by its side and unleash a clearly rehearsed routine of strikes.

Adrian attack [roll0] (+4 outflank +3 buff)
Adrian's damage [roll1]
Adrian's sneak attack [roll2]
if critAdrian confirmation [roll3]
extra damage [roll4]

Bob's attack [roll5] (+2 flank)
Bob's drain [roll6]

Grim ranger
2013-09-03, 05:51 AM
"Do not worry, captain, the matter is being resolved" Jin assures the man calmly, arranging his robes slightly. He will have to look through all of the spoils he has managed to liberate from the pirates later on, but currently he has other things to arrange. "Say, by my understanding the pirate ship now belongs to me and my compatriots, given that we boarded it and took care of the crew... But it is damaged, and will likely not be able to maintain flight pattern for long without assistance. Could you perhaps tow it until we reach our destination? It would be a shame to throw a fortune to waste by allowing it to crash..."

Diplomacy to convince the captain to tow the pirate ship.

[roll0] (Diplomacy)

2013-09-03, 08:25 AM
Zumoto moves into a flanking position with the shadow, and attacks the whale.

Bonesplitting Strike and Snap Kick.
[roll0] Damage: [roll1] and 2 Con
[roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2013-09-03, 08:26 AM
Forgot the Sneak Attack.

2013-09-03, 04:54 PM
With a great bellow, the skywhale starts sinking as the three assault it from all directions. Zumoto strikes deep and punctures several gas cells, and flailing around, it splashes into the sea.

On deck, the captain is listening to Jin's proposal. He looks thoughtfully at the unguarded ship for a moment, then says, "I'll send a few crewmen to check out the damage. Towing is difficult, but we might be able to spare a few men to pilot it behind us if it's repairable, though you're right that it'd still be a shame to let it go if it's not." Not waiting for a reply, he whistles and a few crewmen come running.

2013-09-05, 06:52 AM
Adrian returns to the ship with Bob in tow and lands beside the captain.

"Does this happen all the time or do you think they were after you for a reason ? he asks.

2013-09-05, 07:23 AM
Kuone reappears beside Adrian, arms folded.

"They're pirates, motivated my wealth. A ship like this must have considerable bounty in its hold to attract such a group. He turns to the Captain, tilting his head in such a way that he can fix the man in a hard stare. "There's something you're not telling us, sir."

2013-09-05, 08:42 AM
Zumoto lands as well. "Or maybe the pirates were mistaken in attacking this ship."

2013-09-05, 01:40 PM
Ashdan just shrugs: "Why should we care why they were after the ship? Unless they attack again it's not really our problem." He then looks at the captain: "But, if you need our assistance again I'm sure we could work something out. I've been out of the game for some time and a little work is just what the doctor ordered."

2013-09-05, 05:05 PM
"Passenger ships are often known to carry valuable cargo, especially that brought on by rich passengers. Presumably they planned to render us helpless and take the passengers' valuables as well as anything of worth in the hold. Does it matter what's in the hold?"

Grim ranger
2013-09-06, 08:19 AM
"I believe it doesn't truly matter myself. What does matter is that some of our entourage, myself included, need healing" Jin says and grimaces slightly as he touches the burns that pirate captain's gun has given to him. "Are there any healers or doctors on board?"

2013-09-06, 04:15 PM
"Of course, this way." He guides the group through the passenger quarters to a fair-size bay in the rear of the ship, cluttered with magitech devices. A bespectacled man wearing worn robes is reading in a corner, but leaps up when the captain enters. "Sir!" he says nervously. "John, these heroic sirs require medical attention." "Of course, sir!" He turns his attention to the passengers as the captain exits. "Ah, what sort of healing do you need?"

Grim ranger
2013-09-06, 04:21 PM
Opening his robes and flexible armor hidden beneath enough to show the burns, Jin looks surprisingly casual about the entire thing. "Something to help with magically inflicted burns for me, if possible. I believe the others may need some of the same and some help with sword cuts."

2013-09-06, 07:29 PM
Kuone touches the gashes on his side gingerly, wincing all the while.

"I could use some healing. As I said, that bastard cuts deep."

2013-09-06, 08:19 PM
"I should get patched up too. Neither the pirate captain's sword or his magitech device were gentle." Zumoto says, grimacing slightly.

2013-09-07, 12:51 PM
"I have a few burns as well. I would be grateful if you could take care of them."

2013-09-08, 11:28 PM
"I will not be requiring medical attention, sir. I would be happy to offer my rudimentary skill in first aid to assist your endeavors in healing these men though, " Adrian offered.

2013-09-09, 05:52 AM
"Thank you, sir, but I do not believe I will require your assistance. No, wait- there's some burn salve in that cabinet. You could use it to ease the pain while get these set up." He bustles around, clearing the space of clutter except for several long tables, hooking up several large nozzles above them and connecting them to one of the strands of a Tapestry that wind around the bay. "These will heal your injuries, but slowly. If it's so severe as to require more than that, I also have scrolls. Who's first? I can heal three at a time."

2013-09-10, 10:40 AM
Adrian crosses the room quickly to the cabinet he was directed to and after picking up and checking the labels of several jars, finds the burn salve John mentioned. Popping the lid, he then proceeds to smear the contents on the various burn wounds of the party.

Perception check for any useful or interesting stuff in the room [roll0]
Also, in case any heal rolls are needed [roll1]

2013-09-14, 10:30 AM
The salve soothes the burns while John escorts the heroes onto beds and activates the magitech devices. Simultaneously, the nozzles spit golden fire which warms their insides and makes their extremities tingle as their wounds begin to knit together. As the healing magic begins to wear thin, the doctor activates another button, and the golden fire warms them again. "That should continue working for a few minutes. Now if you two might step up?" he asks, gesturing to those with the least serious wounds. The process repeats itself, until every man's wounds are cured. "It was a pleasure to serve you, sirs," he says, bowing.

2013-09-17, 08:12 AM
Feeling much better now that his wounds are healed, Ashdan turns to the doctor. "You have my thanks good man. I'm happy to see that the healing arts aren't fogotten in this age." He extends his hand to the man and gives him a gold coin.

Grim ranger
2013-09-17, 09:46 AM
"Indeed, it is good to know that the ship has competent healer aboard" Jin says with a graceful nod. "Before we go any further, gentlemen, may I inquire what has brought you all here? It seems that there are quite masterful fighter among us..." he notes with raised eyebrow.

2013-09-21, 02:06 PM
"I'm no master fighter, I'm afraid," laughs Adrian, "but to answer your question, I was simply attending to some .. administrative duties for the church. My role requires me to travel about and ensure that certain things are always in order."

2013-09-21, 02:11 PM
Kuone shrugs, tipping his hat to mask his face. "I'm just a guy on vacation; I'd like to get back to enjoying myself, if you don't mind."

He tucks his ninja-to back into their hidden sheaths and hides his arms under his sleeves.

2013-10-02, 09:07 PM
The rest of the trip is relatively uneventful, the ship gliding through the skies with ease. The captain returns, declaring that the ship's wheel can be fixed, and he's stationed several trustworthy crewmembers, though adding with a cough that a small share of the profits might be appreciated in recognition for services rendered. Night falls, and the Stormcatcher's lights cut swathes through the darkness before the great ship finally slows. The Captain's voice booms through the ship, "We will be docking in one half-hour, after which you will have two hours to exit the ship and unload your posessions. Thank you."