View Full Version : [IC] Heroes of Songwillow Isle (Amethyst Isles of Rimecroft)

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2013-08-11, 09:21 PM

The south-western coast of Dreamglen is a very pleasant place - windswept meadows filled with tall, wild grass and dotted with thin amber-leafed trees. Small, crystal clear streams meander down off the Serenepeace Mountains, snaking their way through the veritable menagerie of radiant flowers that have come to call this area home. A gentle breeze wafts in from the north, its coolness a reminder that winter is coming. The throp of Fishook is little more than a ramshackle communal long house, a ravaged building to house fish and a large pen for sheep. The throp is mostly deserted as the men have gone out to sea to fish. The wives were very pleased to have so many visitors, especially during this time of year. The children were awed by the guests, especially the strange rat person and the Knight in shining armor.

Saba Redhoof, a unicorn, is the leader of the throp and bid the travelers welcome with a free meal of cod stew. While an old fisherman with a peg leg and a surly attitude cooked the dish, the adventurers find themselves inside the ravaged store house. The building is quite dilapidated and appears to have been repaired and re-built many times. Makeshift tables have been set up, all of them soaked deeply with dried fish blood. The old fisherman curses behind a thin wooden wall as he burnt his hand on a hot pot. Saba remained outside, preferring to gallop around, enjoying the autumn day. The sound of children laughing and sheep rustling easily flow into the building, as if the walls did not exist at all.

2013-08-12, 01:26 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

Fishook was a place Lenfrey could come to often, if he had any time for leisure. The faith kept him busy travelling to Eastfarm or Sunleaf, most often to help gather supplies, or to study up on how to consecrate various undead. His journey now brought him to Fishook only to rest on the way to Whitebuck. Apparently, a very old undead disruption spell had been found in the depths of Whitebuck's libraries, and Lenfrey was tasked on copying it for Tenia at Sunleaf.

Just now, he was ushered into a storage room set up for supper of cod stew. Lenfrey meanders in, looking about the room cautiously. The rat stands under four feet. He has on a thin chainmail hauberk and coif over a white woolen doublet and tan breeches. Overtop his hauberk is a faded orange surcoat sporting the sigil of autumn sewn in russet and burnt orange that's held at the waist by an over-sized leather belt. A slender cold iron hammer hangs from his hip and a silver halberd in the shape of a crescent moon peaks over his shoulder. The rat himself is nearly bald the length of his body save tufts of mint green and sky blue fur on his wrinkly pink skin. He unstraps his halberd and shield and set them against the wall before sitting at the table nearby.

2013-08-12, 07:51 AM

Eoghan smiles and waves at the children watching as he pulls up in his wagon, getting down he unhitches his donkeys, Apples & Oranges, leaving them to wander around under the watchful eye of lady Redhoof as he heads inside to eat.

Still smiling Eoghan enters the ramshackled building, his smile widening as he notices the other travellers "Greetings friends" he says as he takes his seat "What brings you to fair Fishook?"

2013-08-12, 12:09 PM

A young, darkhaired halfling sits at a table in the storehouse, clad in a slightly dented but otherwise nicely polished breastplate over a green vest and dark brown breeches. Her bag is standing next to the stool she's sitting on. Before her on the table is a small mug of water.

Having sent Cyra out to hunt so as to not upset the villagers, Myrtle feels slightly alone but not threatened. She eyes the first newcomer with interest, and as the paladin arrives she smiles and nods at the human.

"Greetings, fellow traveller!" She takes a small sip from her mug. "I happen to be on my way to Whitebuck together with my companion. How about yourself?"

2013-08-12, 12:25 PM

"I'm also on the road to Whitebuck, though i like to stop into all the villages along the way to see if they've posted any bounties or have any other problems they need help with"

As he talks Eoghans been reaching down to unhook one of his canteens from his backpack which he takes a sip from before continuing "As Almahara teaches, we all must pull together and aid each other in these dark times right?" he beams a smile at the halfling woman and fingers the silver amulet shaped into Almahara's holy symbol hanging from his neck.

"I'm Eoghan by the way, Eoghan Galahad" he gives as much of a bow as possible while seated.

2013-08-12, 01:10 PM
From, what you suppose is, the kitchen you hear the old fisherman yell, "Why you lousy, no good pot! Why I oughta make you walk the plank fer burnin' me!"

2013-08-12, 01:54 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

A natural sway accompanied the girl as she walked in a rather sultry fashion through the storehouse. The red head looked to have an almost seductive look on her face. Moving gracefully over she sat down beside one of the men, giving a rather hinting wink. "Hope you don't mind me here sir, I'll be a good girl and not bother you." She spoke, her voice in some parts attempting to sound seductive It was nothing new for 'her' to do. Typically most wouldn't question things so long as you played your cards right.

It was a joy taking advantage of this body and the natural charm the girl seemed to ooze to 'blend in' easier to the surroundings. A nice pretty face made it so much easier to get away from trouble should her stunt fail. It only was that much sweeter she was a very sweet and a 'good natured' girl, it made the activity that much easier to cause her embarrassment to the spirit's own enjoyment.

Turning her head around, her eyes lingered on what appears to be a bit more 'proper' adventurers. A halfing and a human in particular she noticed conversing. A cheeky grin appeared on her lips in full delight with their backs turned towards her. The girl softly muttered some words as she gestured her hands in part, fixated on the much more properly dressed man (Paladin). A small rain cloud formed above his head, before suddenly water began to downpoor on him, meant to drench him.

A soft giggle escaped her lips as the girl seemed to pause in place. She blinked her eyes looking quite puzzled, her body still turned almost suspiciously in the direction of the paladin, unaware at all just what had happened.


Cast Drench (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/rare-cantrips#TOC-Drench)(Level 0) on Eoghan (1/r). Reflex DC 13. Target becomes soaked and rained on for 1 round. ^^;;

Sorry Eoghan!

2013-08-12, 02:43 PM

Just as Eoghan finishes his bow and straightens in his seat water hits him from above and continues pouring down upon him for a few seconds, once it finishes he looks up and squints at the ceiling "It seems the roof needs a touch of repair work done on it" he remarks before standing "I'll just go dry myself off and change clothes, excuse me" he tells the halfling woman he was speaking with before heading for the door, as he passes a young lady standing in the middle of the room he gives her a friendly nod and smiles before he walks out the door and climbs up into his wagon to rumage through his supplies.

2013-08-12, 03:03 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

Lenfrey watches the scene of the other adventurers.

perception check to notice odd behavior: [roll0]
Using detect magic if I notice anything.

2013-08-12, 04:14 PM

"I'm Myrtle Sunnyskin. Adventurer and... Oh dear." Myrtle scoots back slightly with her stool as Eoghan is rained on. As the rain stops, she looks up with a puzzled look on her face. "That's unusual, I didn't notice it was raining."

She nods to the paladin. "Of course, good sir. Of all the moments for the roof to start leaking." As Eoghan leaves, she picks up her haversack to inspect it for possible water damage.

2013-08-12, 04:30 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna looked a bit puzzled towards the man who was drenched as he walked past her. Her cheeks suddenly glowed as she came to a realization of likely just what had happened hearing them speak. She held her hand over her mouth shaking her head a bit. I... no! I... not again... She thought to herself a bit in distress, swaying back and forth.

Her eyes diverted down looking towards Myrtle, noticing as she seemed to be inspecting her own goods. Her own heart raced a bit, unable to believe 'that type of thing' seemed to happen once again, and she had just arrived! She walked over towards Myrtle looking a bit nervous.

Her lips parted as if to accept blame for it though biting her tongue. She had been taught by her caretaker to not so quickly put blame on herself. Even though she had the feeling it was in her doing. She shook her head looking at her hoping to help how she could, whether it was in part her fault or not. "Ah... is... is everything okay here? Is there anything I can do to help?" She spoke, her voice only briefly fragmented likely to make her sound more shy then guilty, or so she hoped. She truthfully never understood just why she seemed to find herself in such situations.

2013-08-12, 05:06 PM

As she notices the human approaching, Myrtle looks up from her bag. "Oh, hello miss. Everything is fine here. No water got in my pack, and the nice fellow who just left only got a bit drenched. I'm sure he'll be fine."
She smiles pleasantly at Kanna. "Thanks for the offer, though."

Myrtle pauses for a moment. "Please, have a seat. Plenty of room. What brings you to Fishook?"

2013-08-12, 06:40 PM
As the paladin grasps the door handle to leave the building, a shriek of terror echos across the plane. The boys that were playing "Adventurer" can be heard running away at break neck pace. The sheep fidget and throw themselves into the pen's gate, busting it open with a loud crack. One of the sheep is trampled to death, its death-throws emulate the saddest of Elven Dirges. The voice of Saba Redhoof is cut off by a blinding, white-blue lightning bolt that strikes just outside the ramshackle storehouse and the booming peel of thunder that quickly follows. An alien-sounding voice screeches, "DIE! DIE! DIE!" As Eoghan throws the door open, he is confronted by a massive zombie Stone Giant with a devious little red Xill on his back. To his left, he sees the charred husk of what was once a beautiful, ivory white Unicorn. The Xill screams, "HAHAHAHA! I KNEW I SENSED VIRULENT LIFE HERE! I'M GLAD I TELEPORTED YOU TOO ZABO! YOU NEVER GET TO PLAY WITH NICE THINGS ANY MORE!" The Xill howls into the azure-blue sky, "I SHALL MAKE ALL OF YOU MORTALS THE THRALLS OF KREN GRAVETONGUE - APPRENTICE OF DAEDRAS MALVORRE!"

The Stone Giant shambles up to the storhouse and takes his enormous gnarled tree trunk and slams it across the roof, sheering it off, sending splinters and wood chips across the field near the river. The rest of the party now sees the horrifying sight of an undead Stone Giant and a chortling little Xill.


Out on the docks, you can see a small Halfling Boy curled up in a ball, cowering in fear.

Initiative has been rolled! We'll do group initiative, you guys lost! :(
You guys are now up in initiative. First to post is first to act. After you post, make sure to post an "X" next to your name on the Battle Grid :)

2013-08-12, 08:26 PM

As soon as he hears screams Eoghan throws the door wide open immediately spotting the Zombie giant "To Arms" he bellows while stepping out through the door to give the other room, drawing his Scythe from his back and lauching a brutal swing at the zombies leg.

So 5ft step to AC-16 then attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2013-08-12, 10:30 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna's attention was suddenly jarred at the sound from outside. She let out a sudden gasp as she could see the giant outside, cracking its weapon on the room. Her eyes fixated towards the creature looking a bit nervously upon it. She shook her head a little bit. Any sense of nervousness she had about what had just happened all faded back as a threat was now before her.

Biting her bottom lip, the young sorceress held her hands out in front of her. Her lips parted as she spoke out in part before a flaming beam of fire shot out towards the strange giant creature standing before the door.

Meanwhile outside, Kanna's fox companion Aishie cowers behind the building. The fearful little fox slipping into the shadows attempting to hide itself from danger.


Casting Scorching Ray (Fire) on Zombie Stone Giant
Range Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Aishie (Kanna's Pet) rolls 28 for Stealth (In OOC) to hide.

2013-08-12, 10:31 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The familiar scent of putrefied flesh fills Lenfrey's nostrils just before the roof is torn off of the storage house. The deafening noise makes Lenfrey fall from his seat. Lying on his back, the rat watches and listens as the xill on the dead giant threatens the adventurers.

Malvorre!? No!

In an instant, he was transported back to the damp cell where Daedras had kept him. The taste of rotten meat thick on his tongue and tears begin to sting his eyes. His fear is quickly replaced by fury as he glares at Deaedras' apprentice. 'Keep that one alive.' Lenfrey yells, his hoarse voice scraping across the air. He stands in indignation and points at the enemy, 'Kill his zombie pet. Sonbahar will show us how to withstand winter's kiss!'

-Free action to speak
-Move action to get up
-Standard action to cast Bless. (Everyone gains +1 to attack rolls and saves against fear for 5 minutes.

2013-08-13, 12:36 AM

"Wat? Reus!" "What? Giant!"

As soon as she hears Eoghan's call to arms she begins moving her right hand in an intricate pattern, speaking the words to a powerful incantation. Her hand glows shortly in a brown color as she presses it to her chest, casting the spell on herself.

Having done so, she digs into her pack quickly and somehow manages to pick out an old looking shield, taking a small step forward almost simultaneously.

"Hou vol! Ik kom eraan!""Hang on! I'm coming!"

Standard action to cast bear's endurance on self, Myrtle gains +4 constitution for 5 minutes
Move action to retrieve shield from Haversack
5-foot step forward

2013-08-13, 02:15 AM
The zombie stone giant is staggered by the impressive assault by the Paladin, who manages to scythe the Giant's left arm off (which just so happened to be holding the gnarled tree). The Zombie then writhes in agony as his flesh is burned by the Sorceress.


Zabo the Zombie rears his fist back and slams it into Eoghan's face!


Meanwhile, Kren grasps his charred heart-holy symbol of Yasgaram at the Unicorn corpse and screams, "TUMINDOG!"

The unicorn begins to stir; shaking at first but then slowly turning into a violent vibration. With a disgusting ripping noise, the ivory white skeleton of Saba Redhoof bursts out of her silver-blooded flesh. The equine is covered in black felfire, her eye sockets filled with malice incarnate. Her neigh is otherworldly and disturbing.


Turning is ire to the Paladin once more he smirks as he whispers, "Skeleton, attack the Paladin."

The Unicorn Skeleton does as it is commanded without question. The horse-like creature rushes over and thrusts her mighty horn into the chest of Eoghan! But cannot find the room to attack between the hulking giant and the storehouse.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Zombies are shambling, totally forgot about that. So Zabo cannot move to free up the space for the Unicorn. :smallfrown:

You guys are up! :smalleek:

2013-08-13, 02:36 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Looked out uneasily, noticing the hulking creature seemed quite alive, even if it appeared to be hurt. She cringed a little bit at the small of burnt flesh her magic in some part caused. While it wasn't something she had never smelled before, the fact it was a zombie creature only seemed to intensify the smell.

The red head shook her head briefly lifting her hand and chanting, attempting to once again strike at the beast, hoping to put it down for good. "We need to try and get rid of this, and get its master... I... I think." She spoke softly at the last second a bit uncertain realizing she was giving orders in a way, not at all intending to do such as another ray shot from her hands.

Ai remained hidden away behind the building, keeping quiet and still, not wanting to get involved with the fighting.


Casting Scorching Ray (Fire) on Zombie Stone Giant
Range Touch:[roll0]

2013-08-13, 02:43 AM
The hulking Stone Giant collapses to the ground, sending his Necromancer Lord tumbling away.

The Giant's corpse is difficult terrain (as any 1,500 pound creature should be :smallsmile: )

2013-08-13, 03:09 AM
Lenfrey Coyne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628629)
Init +6, HP 42/42, Speed 20
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
(+6 Armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Condition None
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 11
Bane 8/8 rounds, Judgment 2/2

The rat picks up his shield, and unsheathes his warhammer.

2013-08-13, 10:42 AM

Wincing from the Giants club Eoghan just smiles as he calls upon the power of his godess to heal his wounds before steping up to face the newly raised Saba Redhoof "I'm sorry" he says sadly before lauching another swing of his scythe.

Swift action to use lay on hands on Eoghan to heal [roll0]
then 5ft step to AD-16 followed by an attack on Redhoof
Attack roll [roll1]
Damage roll [roll2]

2013-08-13, 11:07 AM

Seeing the ratfolk draw his weapons, Myrtle rushes forward past Kanna, shield still held loosely in her left hand. When she arrives next to Lenfrey, she mumbles the words to another spell, tracing out another pattern in the air. She taps Lenfrey lightly on the shoulder with the glowing aura around her hand.

"Beschermd tegen kwaad." "Protected from Evil.

She nods to the ratfolk with a determined look on her face, as a very light, translucent golden aura appears around Lenfrey for a moment before fading.

Move 10 ft adjacent to Lenfrey.
Standard action to cast protection from evil on Lenfrey.
Lenfrey gains bonuses against evil creatures: (+2 deflection to AC, +2 saves, immunity to possession or mental control, cannot be touched by summoned creatures)

2013-08-13, 01:50 PM
Lenfrey Coyne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628629)
Init +6, HP 42/42, Speed 20
AC 22 24, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
(+6 Armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Condition None
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 11
Bane 7/8 rounds, Judgment 2/2
Effectsbless +1 atk, P vs. E +2 AC/Saves

Lenfrey steps out of the door and onto the dead giant's body. He brandishes the cold iron warhammer and fiery runes glow across it's business end. He brings the hammer down onto his skeletal foe.

Move action to get outside to AD-17, drawing the warhammer as a part of it
Swift action to activate Bane (undead): +2 enhancement, +2d6 DMG
Standard action to attack the skeleton unicorn: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-13, 02:10 PM
the Xill stares in awe of his enemies, never before has he seen so many brutally effective people gathered in one area before.


Three creatures manifest on the battlefield. The first is a Xill with a blood red carapace, the other two are ferocious, emaciated, hairless canines.

"HAHAHA! DEFEAT THEM MY MINIONS! While Gravetongue makes a hasty exist..."


With that, he casts a quick little spell that sees him teleport away.

He's using Planar Binding to bring a Xill and 2 Yeth Hounds, then using Getaway to escape your clutches.

2013-08-13, 02:23 PM

Myrtle takes a small step forward while finally getting around to properly fastening her shield on her left arm. Having done this, she begins the incantation for yet another spell. Her arm traces the same pattern as before, and she speaks the same words. When a glow appears around her right arm, she touches Eoghan on the back. Like Lenfrey, a faint translucent golden aura appear around Eoghan before quickly fading.

"Beschermd tegen kwaad." "Protected from evil."

5-foot step forward
Move action to don her shield
Standard action to cast protection from evil on Eoghan
Eoghan gains bonuses against evil creatures: (+2 deflection to AC, +2 saves, immunity to possession or mental control, cannot be touched by summoned creatures)

2013-08-13, 03:16 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl noticed the commotion outside, hearing the very odd voice from outside. Biting her bottom lip a bit encouraging herself further, she rushed outside the door heading down outside where the other two had gone, passing by Lenfrey giving only a brief glance over as sh headed outside. Her eyes picked up on one of the new creatures, noticing its rather menacing look.

Rushing up on the edge of the docks, the young sorceress lifted her hand up. A cone of flame erupted from her hand, shooting out in a wide area, avoiding hitting at the building she had just exited from.

Ai, meanwhile, remained behind the building. Seeing the bright flame erupted just around the corner, the creature seemed to take it being its master... if not something menacing. The little creature crouched down, readying itself to attack should something threatening move its way around the corner.


Kanna used Burning hands on Yeth Hound 1.
Save: Reflex DC 15 (Half)
Damage: [roll0]

Ai readies an action to attack should an enemy rush back into its spot. Remaining stealthed behind the building. (Below only applies if something jumps out for AI to attack. Enemy would be considered Flat footed given it doesn't spot Ai as it moves over. ))
Stealth: 28 (OOC from before)
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2013-08-13, 03:34 PM
[roll0] v. DC 15, save for half of 17

Maybe this time I will remember to close the roll code before discussing what he is saving against :smallsigh:

2013-08-13, 03:51 PM

Eoghan nods thanks to Myrtle before stepping carefully over the bones of Saba Redhoof and taking a swing at the newly appeared xill.

5ft step to AE-17 then attack the xill.

Attack roll [roll0]
possible crit confimation roll [roll1]

Damage roll [roll2]
possible crit damge roll [roll3]

2013-08-13, 10:55 PM
Lenfrey Coyne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628629)
Init +6, HP 42/42, Speed 20
AC 22 24, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
(+6 Armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Condition None
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 11
Bane 6/8 rounds, Judgment 2/2
Effectsbless +1 atk, P vs. E +2 AC/Saves

With the unicorn's skeleton lying smote on the ground. Lenfrey looks to the xill who appeared next to him and brings his hammer down again.

Knowledge nature check to discern subtype of xill:
Swift action to switch bane if successful
Standard action to attack: [roll0](+10 if knowledge nature check is successful
Damage: [roll1]+ [roll2] if knowledge nature is successful

2013-08-14, 03:28 AM
The Xill recoils in pain as he is smacked with the buisness end of the Warhammer. Meanwhile the Yeth Hound screeches in agony as he is burned by the Sorceress' spell.

Kanna and Myrtle spot a big hulking ship out in the bay...

The Xill takes his three short swords and wields them like an expert dervish, slashing at the Paladin's knees and claws the man's thigh with his last remaining hand but finds himself rebuffed by the magical aura surrounding Eoghan.

Sword Attack 1: [roll0] // [roll1]
Sword Attack 2: [roll2] // [roll3]
Sword Attack 3: [roll4] // [roll5]
Claw 4: [roll6] // [roll7] Fails Automatically

The first Yeth Hound howls into the sky, then rushes over to attack Kanna with his mighty fanged mouth. The second Hound also howls and then tries to attack Eoghan but the magical aura protects him.

Everyone needs to make a DC 12 Will save or become panicked for [roll8] rounds (Yeth Hound 1).

Bite v. Kanna: [roll9] // [roll10].
--- Since you are Good, you need to make a DC 14 Will Save or be shaken for 1 round. Additionally, you are already suffering from a fear effect (such as the hound's bay attack), you are instead completely overcome with fear and can do nothing but cower for 1 round.

Everyone needs to make another DC 12 Will save or become panicked for [roll11] rounds (Yeth Hound 2).

2013-08-14, 03:53 AM
Lenfrey Coyne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628629)
Init +6, HP 42/42, Speed 20
AC 22, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
(+6 Armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Condition None
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 11
Bane 5/8 rounds, Judgment 2/2
Effectsbless +1 atk, P vs. E +2 AC/Saves

Lenfrey scowls at the xill, baring yellow and broken teeth. The cold blue gleam of his hammer shone in an arc as he brings it down to meet his enemy.

Maintaining bane for extra damage
Standard action to attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-14, 09:40 AM

Frowning as the Xill sidesteps his swing and follows it up with a savage flurry of blows, Eoghan twists and spins his scythe as he tries his best to fend off the foul creature though he fails when one of the xills blades bites into his thigh.

Grunting with pain Eoghan spits blood towards the Xill and once more calls upon his godess to heal his wounds before lauching a cautious swing at his foe.

Swift action to use Lay on Hands upon himself healing [roll0]

then fighting defensively so -4 attack to get a +2 dodge bonus to ac until my next turn.

Attack roll [roll1]
possible crit confimation [roll2]

Damage roll [roll3]
possible crit damage [roll4]

Also i'm at AC 23 until my next turn.

2013-08-14, 10:38 AM

Seeing Kanna being attacked by a yeth hound, Myrtle does not hesitate one moment. She casts the same spell once more, this one focused on herself. Then, she moves to stand next to Kanna, drawing her heavy mace while walking there. She yells to Kanna.

"Achteruit!" "Get back!"

Standard action to cast protecion from evil on self
Move 15 ft adjacent to Kanna while drawing weapon

2013-08-14, 11:49 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl let out a loud cry in pain as she was bitten. Her body began to shake as the girl took a step towards the docks, what she perceived to be an ally stepping up just right beside where she had been. She clutched her arm in discomfort at it. She hadn't at all intended to get bitten, though her hasty decision to move up to attack wasn't likely the smartest option either she now had the pleasure of knowing first hand.

Kanna lifted her other hand up as she chanted briefly before letting another wave of flame at the beast, the flames just zipping past Myrtle in a cone, the flame managing to just evading hitting her before burning at the hound in an attempt to finish it and keep herself save.

As all this goes on, the poor little Ai hears the sound of the roar, the little critter suddenly dropping its guard as it ran off, rushing in fear away.


Burning Hands directed towards the creature (15' cone)
Reflex DC of 16 on Hound 1
Damage: [roll0]

Flees away in fear (Panicked)

2013-08-14, 04:02 PM
The Yeth Hound is fired to a crisp. The stench of rotten meat and burnt flesh permeates the air.

The second Yeth Hound decides it is better to go for easier prey. It rises up off the ground and dives for Kanna with its maw wide open.

Lenfrey gets an AOO.

Attack v. Kanna: [roll0] // [roll1]
--- Sinister Bite (Su) A good-aligned creature bitten by a yeth hound must make a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1 round.

The Xell screeches in Infernal, "CHET VOI CHUOT!" "Death to rats!" as he triple slashes Lenfrey's face, chest and waist with his dervish-like mastery of the short swords.

Attack 1: [roll2] // [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4] // [roll5]
Attack 3: [roll6] // [roll7]

2013-08-14, 04:41 PM

Seeing Kanna in trouble yet again, Myrtle acts quickly. She knows she cannot do much in combat without Cyra by her side, she positions herself slightly behind Kannaand sheaths her mace again. She then speaks the words to one of the more powerful incantations she knows while tracing an intricate pattern with her free hand. A slight brown aura appears around her hand, and as she touches Kanna on the arm, it seems to be absorbed by the spell's recipient.

"Uithoudingsvermogen." "Endurance."

5 ft step behind Kanna
Move action to sheath mace
Standard action to cast bear's endurance on Kanna, Kanna gains +4 constitution (basically, +10 hp and +2 fort saves)

2013-08-14, 04:43 PM

Whilst defending himself against the xill Eoghan spots the Hound moving away and swipes at it with his scythe as it heads toward Kanna before refocussing on the xill who just battered Lenfrey "Leave my companion alone foul creature" he tells it as he slowly circles around to get a better position before lauching another attack against it.

AoO against the yeth hound:

Attack roll [roll0]

Damage roll [roll1]
Possible crit damage [roll2]

then 5ft step to AF-17 and attack the Xill

Attack roll [roll3]

Damage roll [roll4]
Possible crit damage [roll5]

2013-08-14, 05:37 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna let out a sound cry as she was nipped at once again. The poor sorceress shifts back, trying to get into a better position. Biting her bottom lip she lifts her hand up attempting to protect herself. Holding her hand she shoots yet another flaming ray out, attempting to attack the hound and keep it away from herself, standing beside her ally nervously.


Will save: [roll0]

Scorching Ray on the last Hound
Touch Attack: [roll1] (-2 if shaken)
Damage: [roll2]

2013-08-14, 10:21 PM
Lenfrey Coyne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628629)
Init +6, HP 33/42, Speed 20
AC 22 (24), Touch 14, Flat-footed 19; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
(+6 Armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Condition None
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 11
Spells 1:4/5, 2:3/3
Bane 5/8 rounds, Judgment 2/2
Effectsbless +1 atk, P vs. E +2 AC/Saves

A flurry of strikes from the xill brings Lenfrey to his knees as one slashes his calf just below the protection of his chainmail hauberk. A surge of adrenaline follows the laceration immediately replaced with vehement rage. In a singular motion, Lenfrey stands and delivers an overhand swing at his opponent.

Standard action to attack: [roll0] (not using bane)
Damage: [roll1]
Possible Critical Hit Damage: [roll2]

2013-08-14, 11:58 PM
The Yeth Hound hears the clarion call of a poor, defenseless Dwarven Child. The beast wheels himself around and flies right for the boy. With one might chomp, he devours the entire upper body of the lad, leaving a bloody lower half to collapse onto the ground, spraying the Halfling boy in scarlet. The child screams in horror, "RIK!!!! OH ALMAHARA, SAVE ME!" He looks into the hungry eyes of the hound, "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" The Yeth Hound snarls at the lad and readies himself for another feast.

Meanwhile, the Xill is beaten, battered and cornered by the Paladin and the Inquisitor. Sensing his time is close, the insectoid-man attacks the Ratfolk with reckless abandon! One, two, three slices with his sword. He then lunges up and tries to grab Lenfrey's head (digging his sharp claws into the latter's neck) and then finishes with a massive chomp to the left shoulder.

Sword Attack 1 v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll0] // [roll1]
Sword Attack 2 v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll2] // [roll3]
Sword Attack 3 v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll4] // [roll5]
Claw Attack v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll6] // [roll7]
--- Grab Attempt: [roll8]
Bite Attack v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll9] // [roll10]
--- Make a DC 16 Fort Save or be paralyzed for [roll11] Hours

2013-08-15, 12:03 AM
The ship comes every closer to land. Kanna and Myrtle can now see that the ship's banner belongs to Sunleaf's High Admiral - Nvod Lightmace. He is a renowned Priest of Autumn.

2013-08-15, 12:41 AM

Hearing the childrens screaming Eoghan whips round "Nooooo!" he screams when he spots the remains of the dwarf and the Yeth hound poised to devour the young halfling he throws himself forward desperately trying to stop the death of another child.

"Run boy" he yells at the terrified young halfling even as he lunges at the Hound.

Charge at AD-24 and attack the yeth hound

Attack roll [roll0]

Damage roll [roll1]
possible crit damage [roll2]

2013-08-15, 01:12 AM
Lenfrey Coyne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628629)
Init +6, HP 12/42, Speed 20
AC 22 (26), Touch 14, Flat-footed 19; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
(+6 Armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Condition None
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 11
Spells 1:4/5, 2:3/3
Bane 5/8 rounds, Judgment 2/2
Effectsbless +1 atk, P vs. E +2 AC/Saves


Lenfrey cries out in pain as the creature hits him with blade and claw. Then the thing grabs him with it's spindly arms and pulls him toward it. The inquisitor attempts to break from it's grasp and fails. Feeling nearly hopeless, Lenfrey prays for protection from Sonbahar and feels autumn's embrace.


Standard action to break grapple (failed)
Swift action to activate Judgment (Protection): +2 sacred bonus to AC for the encounter.

2013-08-15, 02:17 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The relatively hurt Kanna gasped out a bit, some relief filling her as the hound seemed to move away. Such a feeling however quickly sank away as her eyes focused on realizing just what was happening. She shook her head as her fear before of being bit all but faded as she ran ahead. She pushed off the ground running forward up the dock, lifting her hand up. Her voice carried out as she shot another ray out towards the hound, her heart sinking that she reacted to late as she attempted to strike down the hound before it might hurt another innocent child.

Her head turned suddenly, glancing over noticing the ship from the corner of her eyes. Noticing just what it was from had left a rather uneasy feeling in her chest. She bit her bottom lip glancing back towards the hound, trying to steady herself more focusing on the threat ahead, much more concerned about it then the ship as of now.


Scorching Ray (Hound)
Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-15, 10:42 AM

Time seems to slow down for Myrtle as she helplessly watches the hound devour the dwarven child. Her eyes widen in horror even more when she realizes the halfling child will be next. She instantly realizes there is nothing she can do, however, and she swivels her head around at the sound of Lenfrey's cry.

She rushes over to the struggling ratfolk and calls out, hoping her companion will somehow hear her.

"Cyra! Ik heb je nodig! Val de Xill aan!" "Cyra! I need you! Attack the Xill!"

As she arrives at the struggling pair, she casts another of her spells on Lenfrey with her free hand. A translucent brown aura seems to flow into the ratfolk where she touches him with her hand.

Move 15 ft to AD-16
Standard action to cast Bear's Endurance on Lenfrey
Free action to call out to her wolf

Edit: Changed a few words that bugged me.

2013-08-15, 01:13 PM
The Halfling boy stares into the eyes of the Paladin and finds a courage he did not know he possessed. The child bolts off at great speed.

The Yeth Hound is furious that his meal was taken away from him. He rears his hellish head around and tries to bite Eoghan's head off!

Yeth Hound's bite: [roll0] // [roll1]

Meanwhile the Xill cackles with glee as he realizes he may have found a suitable host to implant his eggs within. He feverishly assaults the Ratfolk once more, jabbing his swords into the Inquisitor's chest, digging ever deeper into Lenfrey's skull with is claws and once more trying to take a bite out of the Ratfolk's shoulder.

Sword Attack 1 v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll2] // [roll3]
Sword Attack 2 v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll4] // [roll5]
Sword Attack 3 v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll6] // [roll7]
Claw Attack v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll8] // [roll9]
--- Maintaining the Grab: [roll10]
Bite Attack v. Lenfrey's AC: [roll11] // [roll12]
--- If hit, make a DC 16 Fort Save or be paralyzed for (1d4)[4] Hours

2013-08-15, 01:56 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna bit her bottom lip as she glanced forward. I can't use to many more rays... She thought, though seeing the child running away did give her a sense of comfort. Her attention was shifted suddenly noticing the other two fighting what seemed to be an even more threatening opponent.

She glanced briefly to the paladin before nodding a bit feeling he had things under control. Jumping into the water, Kanna walked her way forward through heading to the side. "Careful!" She called out a warning briefly to the two, hoping she might be able to free the other from the grapple with a careful spell. Carefully aiming her hand, the girl chanting briefly as a torrent of flame erupted out in attempts to scorch the Xill.


Cast Burning hands towards Xill (Cone Diagonal to avoid Lenfrey)
Reflex save (half): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-15, 02:09 PM

Seeing the Xill release Lenfrey, Myrtle decides to finally take a swing at an enemy. She draws her mace, steps next to the ratfolk and takes a swing at the Xill while letting out a high scream.


Move action to draw heavy mace
5 ft step to AE-17
Standard action to attack Xill: [roll0]
Possible damage: [roll1]

While she does so, a grey blur comes rushing in from a few bushes to the north with great speed. When it gets close enough it is obvious it's a ferocious looking wolf, who charges at the Xill and tries to take a bite out of it.

Charge from AF-1 to AF-15
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Edit: Since Cyra hits she gets a free trip against the Xill.. I'll roll it in the OOC

2013-08-15, 02:40 PM

Determind to finish off the hound before it can pursue the young halfling Eoghan raises his Scythe above his head where the sunlight reflects off it in a gleaming arc even as he brings it down upon the murderous beast before him.

Free action to activate Inexplicable Luck then attacking the hound

Attack [roll0]

Damage roll [roll1]
possible crit damage [roll2]

2013-08-15, 05:43 PM
Lenfrey Coyne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628629)
Init +6, HP 6/42 (16/52), Speed 20
AC 22 (24), Touch 14, Flat-footed 19; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
(+6 Armor, +2 shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size; +2 P from E)
Condition None
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 11
Spells 1:4/5, 2:3/3
Bane 4/8 rounds, Judgment 1/2
Effectsbless +1 atk, P vs. E +2 AC/Saves


As soon as the xill relinquishes it's grip, Lenfrey falls back onto the ground. A wash of crimson flowed from his brow and a sweat leaked from every pore. Haggard but determined, the rat man drags himself to his feet and gives the xill one more clout with his hammer.


Swift action to activate bane.
Swift action to change judgment to Justice (+2 to atk)
Standard Action to attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible Critical Hit Damage: [roll2]

2013-08-15, 09:57 PM
With one mighty slash, the Paladin decapitates Yeth Hound at almost the same time as Lenfrey slams the Xill through the wall of the storehouse.

A few minutes pass as everyone catches their breath.

The wives come rushing around the corner, from where they were hidden inside the Longhouse. The surly old fisherman hobbles out of the ramshackle storehouse. All of them drop to their knees. The Fisherman yells, "THANK THE SPRING, SUMMER AND AUTUMN YOU WERE HERE TO SAVE US! Without you, we would all be dead, or worse, in the thrall of that vile Necromancer. We owe you our lives... And our freedom. How can we ever repay you?"

2013-08-16, 02:03 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl let out a soft sigh of relief, the commotion having come to an end as the threat was eliminated. She bowed her head briefly as if in a short prayer for the fallen enemy, and in particular the poor boy. It was a trait she had picked up from her parents. As much as they didn't tend to be around her a lot, a little bit of that religious favor seeped onto her, even if it was brief gestures. It was only further strengthened as her mind thought of the poor young boy, the girl a bit upset she hadn't done more to stop such a thing.

Turning her head, Kanna blinked a bit puzzled looking back at the people as the fisherman in particular seemed very adamant in thanking them. She turned towards him smiling softly as she waved her hand, almost forgetting her place that she hadn't done it alone. It wasn't so much she didn't acknowledge the others as much as her natural tendency of doing things from good will.

"Ah, its nothing really." She waved her hand with a light blush on her cheeks. "Just giving room and board and a little food is all I really need to be content, if you don't mind." She spoke out with a soft tone of voice. She wasn't typically to speak out loud to a group, preferring more intimidate conversations with people. She wasn't much of a public speaker usually though she did try.

She blinked a bit glancing over at the others before blushing a bit more. She bowed her head again realizing she spoke up without even giving the others a chance. "Ah.. b...b.. but the others m... might like something in return." She bowed her head again, looking back towards the others biting her bottom lip a little nervous, not quite sure how they would react to her speaking up.

2013-08-16, 09:47 AM

After looking around to make sure there are no enemies left Eoghan quickly hurries over to the gathered crowd "Stand up all of you, there's no need for to be on your knees" he tells them a touch embarrassed "Now is anyone injured? If you are gather round and i'll call upon Almahara grace to close your wounds"

So using the last of my Lay on Hands for the day to do a Channel Positive energy burst to heal all living creatures within 30ft which i know at this point is going to be Eoghan, Kanna & Lenfrey at least so:

Lenfrey heals [roll0]
Kanna heals [roll1]
Eoghan heals [roll2]

2013-08-16, 10:32 AM
After the xill smashes into the wall, it disappears. Lenfrey stood gasping for air, sweat, blood and tears streaming down his face. He places his shield and warhammer down against the building before taking a breath of relief. He then limps over to the gathering crowd and receives a blessing from the human. 'There's much and more I could learn from Almahara, if her divine grace shines so brightly in battle. I thank you for the healing.' Lenfrey says to the healer. The rat then makes a holy gesture towards the sky before placing his palm on his face, seeming to mend his cuts and bruises. He repeats the gestures, then shies away from the group and looks out to the sea, contemplating the trinket they just found and keeping an eye on the boat as it draws nearer.

+14 HP from Eoghan puts me at 20
2 cure light wounds on self: [ROLL]1d8+5[ROLL]+[ROLL]1d8+5[ROLL]
Knowledge religion to determine what the amulet is: [ROLL]1d20+11[ROLL]

2013-08-16, 11:26 AM

After the Xill has disappeared, Myrtle takes one last, futile swing at where it had stood before dropping her mace. She stands still for a moment, looking at the destruction wrought by the necromancer and his minions. The wolf looks at her quizically, waiting for her next order.

The fisherman's word snap her out of her confusion, and she motions to the wolf to remain still. After the others have spoken, she speaks up. "Well, normally I wouldn't turn down a little reward but... You have lost more than enough today. I wouldn't turn down dinner, though." she says with a smile on her face.

After this, looking at all the healing going on, she turns to the other three warriors. "Thank you, sir Eoghan. Sir. Miss." She turns to each of them in turn. "Without you these good people would've died, and me with them. I notice you've got the magical healing well under control. If you have any more wounds that need treating, I'd be happy to help. There's something I need to do first, though."

She then returns inside, where they were sitting earlier, and comes out with her haversack. She fishes out a riding saddle and begins fastening the saddle and her haversack to Cyra's back. When done, she puts the mace in a sheath alongside the saddle and picks up her shield. She then gives Cyra the order to guard. "You stay here. Keep an eye out for trouble." she whispers to the wolf.

2013-08-16, 01:27 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

'It's by Sonbahar's wisdom there were enough capable hands. Daedras Malvorre is not a xill to take the defeat of his apprentice well. Within a fortnight he'll be back with numbers, I assure you. Take this time to consider moving to a new settlement, you are not safe here.' The rat did not know gentle words.

2013-08-16, 01:39 PM

Myrtle turns to the fisherman. "It may sound bad, but the ratfolk may have a point, sir. Do you have another place you can go? Also... do you need aid with the burial rituals of the fallen? I know a few rites of Reinarra I could recite for you."

She then turns to Lenfrey. "And you, sir, do you know this... Daedras? Do you know where to find him? Can he be convinced to leave these good people alone?"

2013-08-16, 01:47 PM

"Hmm you really think this Daedras Malvorre would come after these good people" Eoghan gestures towards the villagers "Instead of the four of us? We're the ones who faught off the attack and made his apprentice flee after all"

2013-08-16, 02:03 PM
One of the wives comes up and hugs Kanna, "You were so brave little one. I will cook anything you desire, so long as we have the ingredients."

Many gather around the Paladin. The fear the Yeth Hounds struck in them caused many to harm themselves in their panic to flee. They are bathed in the light of the Summer. Eoghan watches as the flesh surrounding cuts stitches back together and the color of bruises fades back to normal. Many of the wives thank the Paladin for his power, one even yells, "PRAISE ALMAHARA!"

The Old Fisherman stares at the smashed remains of the Unicorn and begins to weep, "We were lovers, you know. We were even talking about marrying come Spring time. She's the only woman I ever met that loved me even though I have this damned wooden leg..." Tears flow from his eyes. Looking to the Paladin, he asks, "Is there anything you can do for my Saba?"

After a fashion, he responds to Myrtle, "We have no where else to go. This is our home. The women's husbands are all out at sea. Even if we left, what will our kin do when they return? They are just as likely to be attacked by this Necromancer as we are if we stay."

2013-08-16, 03:28 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl was taken a bit back as she felt the warm embrace of one of the women. The girl blushed a bit a little taken back by the woman's gesture and wording. She shook her head a little bit. "Ah... it... it was nothing really. I'm content with whatever you might normally make if anything, I don't need anything special" She spoke smiling lightly. It did make her happy they seemed quite happy with their efforts.

Her head turned looking over towards the Paladin who seemed to get his own attention, looking curiously towards the others before finally setting her eyes to the fisherman. She glanced a bit uncertain towards the remains of the unicorn making her feel a bit worst. As much as she knew it was useless to linger on what could of happened, it didn't stop her from thinking about it anyways.

2013-08-16, 04:26 PM

Eoghan goes to stand by the old fisherman when he speaks and places a hand upon his shoulder "I can pray to Almahara asking her to cleanse any lingering trace of the necromancers magic that remains but that is all, i'm afraid returning those that have passed on back into this world is beyond me" he tells him with a sad expression.

2013-08-16, 04:30 PM
The Old Fisherman bows his head low and nods. It is as if all hope has been sucked out of the man, leaving only sadness and grief.

2013-08-16, 05:17 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The rat shakes his head solemnly, 'This may be your home, but if you don't do something, it will also be your grave. I cannot say if the xill will return, but this could very well be it's first stop as it comes back for vengeance. Winter is the only certainty in this cruel world.'

'The four of us who fought him best leave as soon as possible; we could only hope that he has a supernatural ability to track us so we can lead him away.'

2013-08-16, 05:18 PM

Myrtle turns to the fisherman. "I'm sorry there wasn't more we could do."

She turns towards the water, to see if the ship is still approaching. She mumbles to herself. "Perhaps they can help us..."

She then turns to the ratfolk. "Perhaps we could do that, yes. Lead away the xill and his minions." She turns to Eoghan and Kanna. "What do you think?"

2013-08-16, 05:36 PM
As Myrtle looks off in the distance, she sees that there is a rowboat filled with men coming ashore. After a fashion, they make landing. The band of men look rugged and powerfully built. Their bronzed skin and oily complexion testaments to a life at sea. Their leader is a strapping human with a strong jaw, three days worth of black stubble, flowing long black hair and dark brown eyes. His face bears a single long scar across his left cheek. He wears a loose fitting white shirt, that clearly bares his hairy chest. His right hand rests upon a pistol, his left upon a long scimitar.

The man walks up, removes his broad brimmed black hat and bows deeply, "The name is Admiral Nvod Lightmace. I hail from the Kingdom of Ratara, sent here my his majesty Sara'dronxulipod I to patrol the seas around Songwillow Isle and ensure they remain safe for all. I command the Iron Maiden, which is the most resilient ship ever constructed. I saw a battle taking place on land and came as fast as the sea would allow. Do you require any assistance?"

Kanna You notice that the Admiral goes out of his way to not meet your gaze or even look upon you.

2013-08-16, 05:50 PM

"Ah i don't believe so sir" Eoghan replies respectfully "My companions" he gestures to each of the others in turn "and I have defeated all of the attackers"

2013-08-16, 06:13 PM

"That does not mean the danger has passed, though. One got away. I would not be surprised if he seeks vengeance for his defeat."

2013-08-16, 10:00 PM
The Admiral looks shocked and over awed, "You defeated a Giant, a Xill and two Yeth Hounds...? Amazing! How did you accomplish such a noble deed? Magic or brawn? Please, recount the battle for me!"

2013-08-17, 12:15 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna stood quietly glancing up towards the admiral. She could feel his eyes shy away from even glancing at her, not remotely acknowledging her. She bit her bottom lip as she gripped her arm. She figured she knew why exactly he was doing such and didn't question it. She glanced away feeling a bit of shame as her own head seemed turned away, listening though avoiding eye contact of her own, feeling a bit guilty.

2013-08-17, 04:38 AM

Myrtle turns to the admiral. "Well... sir Eoghan smote the giant zombie in one mighty blow and chopped up one of the hounds. The other hound got burned to a crisp by the lady here, and the xill was defeated by the mighty ratfolk warrior. As for me... well, I uh... used a few spells." She looks around at the other three. "They make a great team, though."

She looks around at the carnage again, silent for a moment. "What's important however, is that the people here need help. You patrol the seas for safety, right? That means you have soldiers. Can't you help these people out? There's just four of us, and I don't think we'll be able to fight off another attack should it arrive. In fact, I think the ratfolk has a point, and we should be leaving to draw off any possible attackers."

2013-08-17, 10:24 AM

"Your spells were very helpful Myrtle, i don't know we could have won without them" Eoghan tells her with a smile before addressing Admiral Lightmace "The necromancer who lead the attack fled after slaying and raising poor Saba Redhoof" he points out the unicorns bones before adding "We believe he'll be coming after us at least, perhaps the villagers as well so if you can aid them please do so sir"

2013-08-17, 10:54 AM
"Fascinating! Never before have I seen a group of strangers work together so coherently! This attack will not be the last, of that I am sure. King Hopewind needs to know of this assault. My mission is to patrol the seas... I have a proposal, I shall garrison the throp for a week while you head to Whitebuck and seek the council of the King. I shall give you each a writ of entry, so you can see the Chancellor."

He walks into the storehouse, pulls an inkwell and pen out of a pouch and proceeds to write four notes. When he is done, he hands one to each of you in turn. He stares into Kanna's eyes as he hands her the writ and whispers, "Little torch, please do not burn any statues while you are visiting the capital."

2013-08-17, 12:03 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She could hear the man speak, seeming so enthusiastic about their exploits. It didn't really help making her feel a bit worst knowing the fact she was specifically mentioned about. It made her stick out a bit more then she would really of liked, embarrassing her a bit considering the 'circumstances'. She turned her head looking as the man ventured out to get something to write upon.

A sense of tension could be felt by her as she stood idle, watching him slowly hand off each paper, time seeming to slow until he ultimately game to her. She bit her bottom lip looking at him as his gaze sent chills through her spine. She heard his voice looking at him. She looked down a bit shameful before glancing back up at him, nodding lightly in response.

2013-08-17, 12:59 PM

Myrtle nods to Eoghan. "Thank you, good sir. But you three did most of the work."

She then turns to the admiral. "We shall leave the throp in your capable hands, then. I myself was heading to Whitebuck anyway, visiting my sister. I believe sir Eoghan was en route to Whitebuck as well?" She smiles to the paladin for a moment, before turning to the others. "What about you two? What do you think? Would you mind to have some travelling company on the road to Whitebuck, or does your road take you elsewhere?"

After the others have answered, she turns to the admiral again. "I have one request, though. Do you have any throwing weapons you can spare? Small sized javelins or somesuch? I find that my mace is hardly enough for fighting. I imagine I'd do better with something I can throw at the enemy. With the ferocity of the attack we had here, I don't think the road to Whitebuck will be uneventful."

2013-08-18, 04:08 AM
The Admiral smiles at Myrtle, "Why I happen to have a very special sling. You see I had a Halfling lad in my crew, name was Kich Wyrndeye. Bravest little Halfling Sailor I ever did know. Why just last week he charged into the gaping maw of a Kraken armed only with his sling and a cutlass. The beast swallowed poor Kich straight up like you or I would slog back a pint of grog. Little Kich took his cutlass and slit the throat of the beast wide open, slaying the vile creature and saving the Iron Maiden! Sadly, Mr. Wyrdeye slipped and fell into the acidic bowels of the Kraken and was boiled alive. When we carved the creature open, all we found was brave little Kich's sling."

The Admiral pulls out a sling whose rope is composed of two different colored hair, one golden-yellow, the other ebony-black. At the center of the sling lies a very rough white leather cradle. "Kich once told me he created this work of art after being stranded out at sea by rampaging merfolk. Mr. Wyrdeye said two beautiful mermaids - one blonde and the other black-haired - came to him in the middle of the night and gave him food, water and company. Shortly before he was rescued by the Iron Maiden, the Mermaids each cut off a lock of hair, to remember them by." Lightmade looses himself in his memories for a time before coming to, "At any rate, I don't know if it's true or not but, believe me you, this is a fine little sling. The cradle is actually made out of dire shark shagreen, the beast from which it came we caught not long after Kich joined our crew. Only true heroes are worthy of wielding such an impressive weapon..." He smiles at Myrtle, "And I'm delighted that it has found a worthy owner."

As Lightmace hands Myrtle the sling, he gasps, "I almost forgot!" He yanks a brown woolen pouch from his belt. "Wyrdeye also used these with the sling. He doesn't have many of these special bullets left but hopefully you will find some vile soul to sling them at!"

You peak inside the bag and find three bullets inside, each with an intricate flame-symbol carved into them.

You have received a +1 Sling! The Three bullets are enchanted with fire magic and deal an extra +1d6 damage. :smallsmile:

2013-08-18, 04:32 AM

"Oh my. That was a beautiful and dramatic story. I didn't expect something this valuable." She accepts the sling carefully and examines it. "I'm sure I'll figure out a way to use it effectively together with my shield, thank you. I guess you can't escape the old halfling-with-a-sling thing. My father was right." She grins, remembering her father's stories.

When she's handed the pouch with bullets, she carefully puts it away. "Thanks. I'll be sure to throw them at some vile necromancer's minion. Or maybe directly at some vile necromancer."

2013-08-18, 02:16 PM

"What a brave and noble man" Eoghan says with note of awe in his voice after the Admiral finishes his story.

2013-08-18, 10:41 PM
Lenfrey Coyne


"What about you two? What do you think? Would you mind to have some travelling company on the road to Whitebuck, or does your road take you elsewhere?"

'I happen to be traveling to Whitebuck as well. It might be that our paths converge for purpose. May Sonbahar guide us.' Lenfrey says as he emerges from the nearby building, halberd in hand.

2013-08-18, 11:49 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

Thinking of the road ahead, Lenfrey speaks to the townsfolk, 'Is there any chance that you would have a pony to spare me for the road to whitebuck? I'll pay seventy gold for such a beast with a saddle.'

2013-08-18, 11:58 PM
One of the wives pipes up, "Sadly we are but poor fishmongers and shepherds. We have no use for horses or ponies. We do have a rowboat you could use."

2013-08-19, 12:00 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna kept quiet, a bit shying away from conversation at this point. She looked over hearing about the chance to travel. She nods a little bit. "Y... yes... I would be willing to travel though I don't have a mount..." She spoke, glancing at the admiral once more before glancing away, moving a bit timidly to look around not feeling very comfortable, hoping to be on her way and shy away from 'him'.

2013-08-19, 12:17 AM

"I have a wagon, it won't be comfortable but there should be enough room for the both of you" Eoghan tells Lenfrey & Kanna after they mention not having mounts "Is there anything else you wish to do here in Fishook or shall we leave now?" he asks the others.

2013-08-19, 12:39 AM

Myrtle smiles. "Well then, it is settled. We head to Whitebuck. Guess we'll skip the room and board for another time." She looks at the wives with a smile. "Unless... Would you have some food for the road for us? It'd speed up our travels considerably if we didn't have to hunt for food underway."

Myrtle turns to the admiral. "Thank you again, good sir, for protecting these poor people, and for the sling. I shall remember the name Kich Wyrndeye whenever I throw one of my bullets."

She then turns to Eoghan, Lenfrey and Kanna again. "I don't believe we've all been formally introduced yet. As you may have overheard earlier, my name is Myrtle Sunnyskin, daughter of Derek and Irlana Sunnyskin, owners of the Thristy Lute in Eastfarm." She takes a slightly stiff bow (due to the breastplate she is still wearing). Motioning towards the wolf, she continues. "And that is my companion and loyal mount, Cyra."

Once introductions are over, she walks over to the wolf and climbs nimbly into the saddle. "Well, then..."

2013-08-19, 04:16 AM
The wives fetch each of you a pouch full of sheep jerky and a waterskin full of diluted mead.

You set off north-east, towards the capital. The furtehr you travel inland, the brisker the Autumn air becomes. Up in the sky you can see rainclouds forming above the Dreaming Forest. You skirt around the forest as the cart would make travel inside the woodland a bit more difficult (compared to the meadows that surround the coppice).

As you near the end of your journey, you come across a small stream with a dilapidated, half-burnt down house standing astride it. The house is very peculiar as there are no other structures nearby, nor do there appear to be any remnants of any either. The building has been crafted with wood in a style not unlike what was once popular with Dwarven settlers long before the Gloom. The sun is setting in the west, you can already see the Shield of Autumn clearly in the sky (with the faintest glimmer of Summer's and the dark, ominous glow of Winter's).

Moons are called Shields. There are four Shields, each named after a god.

It is Autumn right now, so Sonbahar's Shield is the brightest in the sky. Summer's and Winter's Shields are also plainly visible but only have about 50% of the luminosity of Autumn's. Spring's Shield is dimmest glowing at about 25% of Autumn's strength. On the Holy Day of Autumn (which is 14 days away), Spring's Shield will be completely invisible and Autumn's Shield will glow even brighter.

2013-08-19, 11:22 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

Before the group left, the ratfolk had looked at them each in turn and rasped, 'I'm Lenfrey.'

On the ride to Whitebuck, he sat in the cart and looked out along the path, ever watchful of danger. Occasionally, he would remove his halberd from it's black leather sheathe and to be sharpened and oiled.

When the cart came upon the small house by the bridge, Lenfrey stood up.'Wait! I'll proceed and check out this building.' grates Lenfrey's voice. He removes his hammer from it's sheathe and walks silently and slowly to inspect the building.

Stealth check [roll0]
Use Detect Evil
Use Scent to detect anyone

2013-08-19, 11:31 AM

Before Lenfrey can walk away, Myrtle speaks up. "Wait a moment, sir Lenfrey. Let me cast a spell that lets me keep track of you. In case something goes wrong."

Myrtle traces a pattern in the air with her right hand and speaks the words to a spell. When she touches Lenfrey on the shoulder, he briefly glows with a golden light, while Myrtle's eyes light up with the same glow. "There. Now I always know where you are and if you're hurt."

While Lenfrey walks off, she takes out her sling and gingerly puts one of the bullets in the cradle, then hangs it back on her belt.

Cast spell on Lenfrey: Status (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/status)

2013-08-19, 02:48 PM

As they leave Fishook Eoghan starts chatting to the other he's travelling with hoping to get to know them better while swapping stories to pass time on the road.

Eoghan pulls up his wagon when they start to approach the ruined building, nodding to Lenfrey when he volunteers to scout the place and unsheathing his Scythe incase its needed "Goodluck" he whispers to lenfrey as the ratfolk slips silently passed him.

2013-08-19, 02:50 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl had kept mostly quiet during the trip, a bit shameful about the meeting with the admiral avoiding speaking all to much on the way. It looked almost to the point she was dazing off as they traveled. Her eyes closing as they traveled. She did have a tendency to drift off when taking transportation, it almost acted as a lullaby for her, something she wasn't all that use to.

It was as they stopped that the girl's eyes opened up. She stretched out a bit, seeming quite a bit more carefree then usual, as if on bothered from before. A light grey mark lingered on her cheeks as she yawned out. A light smirk appeared on her lips glancing out as Lenfrey walked off to investigate, receiving Myrtles spell before venturing off.

The little trouble maker spotted the devout paladin, smirking a bit. She 'crawled' up towards him, acting a bit seductive in her movements before shimmying over, sitting beside him rather close. "So what is my cute lil knight in shining armor thinking right now about this? If something comes out... you will protect me riiiiight?" She flirted with the Paladin, giggling a bit. It was something she learned to be quite fun to do having been surrounding by such individuals back home. Paladins always had such fun reactions to teasing, placing her hand on his chest.

2013-08-19, 03:12 PM

"Of course though i doubt you'll need me, after all you did well in the battle early" Eoghan replies after a moment without looking at Kanna "You do seem quite capable" he adds noting that Kanna seems to be acting strangly compared to before though not remarking on it as he attention is focussed on watching out for Lenfrey.

2013-08-19, 03:35 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

A frown appeared on her lips realizing he seemed to be dismissing her despite her flirty attempts. She frowned before sticking her tongue out at him, almost child like in her behavior. 'She' wasn't fond of having her teasing or pranks being ignored, a bit of jealousy in the act when they didn't ensue any sort of reaction at all or being so quickly dismissed as if it was nothing.

Kanna pushed up against Eoghan, nuzzling her head against him. "Me? I could hardly pretect myself from anything! I got so hurt the last time, I'm such a fragile girl... so weak and defenseless! I'd need such a strong and handsome man around me at all times to keep me safe... nuzzled right in your arms." She let out a rather seductive type giggle hoping to grab his attention.

2013-08-19, 04:25 PM

Myrtle looks over her shoulder at the two, slightly raising her left eyebrow. "Say, I hope I'm not interrupting or anything, but I have a rather important question. Does either of you speak the Celestial tongue?"

2013-08-19, 04:54 PM

Eoghan turns to face Kanna with a frown "Are you feeling alright? You're acting completly differently from this morning."

When Myrtle finishes Eoghan turns to her "I'm afraid i don't, why do you ask?"

2013-08-19, 05:09 PM

Myrtle frowns. "Hm... That's too bad. Didn't you notice that my communication during combat was... limited?" She ponders for a moment, think about how to explain her situation.

"Well, when I'm under a lot of stress my grasp of the common tongue seems to disappear. For years I could only speak some unknown language, in tongues, so to speak. My parents eventually found out I was speaking in Terran. Recently, through a lot of practice I have gained command over another language during stressful situations, but unfortunately it is not the common tongue. It is the speech of the heavens, celestial."

She pauses again for a moment before continuing. "It makes communication during combat situation very difficult though, which is why I was asking. I'd prefer to be able to talk when we're fighting something."

2013-08-19, 06:10 PM
Lenfrey quietly padfoots his way up to the house. He does not detect evil in the vicinity but there is a smell of a dirt, grime and... Sickeningly sweet mead. He peers over one of the half-collapsed walls and finds a small campfire that looks to have been smouldered a few days prior. There are footsteps in the loose, ash-covered floor but they go every which way in no discernible pattern.

2013-08-19, 09:46 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The ratfolk waddled back to the group, 'There were five stayed here not two days past. Four free and one tied up. This'll serve for shelter s'long as we have a guard. Those that've left could come back.'

2013-08-19, 10:37 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She noticed his expression, his reaction not as drastic as she hoped. It didn't help that Myrtle seemed to interrupt her fun asking something she didn't really care too much about. Her eyes glaring briefly at Myrtle before making a rather sweet innocent face. She spoke out words softly under her breath in Sylvan.


"Stupid shorty girl fun interrupting jerk!"

Her attention was shifted a bit hearing as Lenfrey spoke out. She pushed up against the paladin tighter as she embraced him more, squeezing her frame against him in perhaps a very personal way. "Ooo Ooo! I wanna sleep by man Gan Gan, don't worry, we can share a bed roll together nice and comfy!" She winked rather seductively towards him. Her gaze however shifted to Myrtle giving an almost mischievous look. She was going to find a way to have some 'fun' on her behalf as well. Her trouble making mind already working on how to pull a prank on her during the night if they stayed.

Meanwhile, little Ai stirred from its slumber on the trip, popping up. The creature tilted its head curiously towards Kanna, the little creature almost instinctively knowing just what was going on as it twirled around a little bit before jumping out, looking around curiously.

2013-08-19, 11:59 PM

Eoghan raises an eyebrow and mutters under his breath in dwarven

"I guess you're not as innocent as you seem"

When Lenfrey arrives and finishes speaking Eoghan immeditely asks "You said one of them was tied up? That doesn't sounds good, what else could you tell about this group?"

2013-08-20, 01:43 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

'The one tied up was being roughed up a bit. They're several days out though, so we'll not be bothered.' the rat replies.

2013-08-20, 01:59 AM

"I see, well then if we'll be making camp here lets get settled in" Eoghan says while flicking the reins to set his donkies into motion moving the wagon closer to the ruins.

2013-08-20, 02:34 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She blinked hearing him speak under his breath in another language. Shrugging a little bit she gave one more nuzzle before jumping down. Her eyes fixating on Myrtle before giving a light shrug as she wandered ahead to look around curiously, both for the sake of seeing what was around as well as how to get Myrtle good.

Little Ai noticed Kanna wandering off, the little fox letting out a soft sound as it scurried behind to follow her, not quite certain what the possessed Kanna might be up to though more then devout to follow her.

2013-08-20, 02:48 AM
The group makes camp inside the ruins. The smouldered fire pit once more serves its purpose with a little elbow grease. A large fire burns in the center of the house, warming each of you from the sudden cold snap that seems to have gripped the area. By the time you are ready to sleep, it has begun to rain quite hard with large, cold droplets that smack against the mostly intact roof. It's not usually this cold this early in Autumn. Common belief is that a cold Fall will lead to a frigid winter... Several wooden buckets have been laid out underneath the few holes that exist in the ceiling. At the rate the rain is coming down, each will need to be emptied several times in the night or lest the floor will be flooded.

As you make yourselves cozy, Kanna spies something glimmering underneath a broken floorboard.

2013-08-20, 11:54 PM
As everyone drifts off to sleep, little Kanna is left to guard the group. She returns to the broken floor board and pushes her hand deep within to grasp the shiny object that had caught her eye. She peers below the wood and sees that it is a dolly with metallic buttons for eyes.

2013-08-21, 12:13 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The spirit glanced down looking upon the doll it had finally picked up. Her eyes fixating at it letting out a light tsking sound. The girl wandered over with the doll, glancing down Lenfrey. She grinned a bit, moving to place the doll down though finding herself drawn to it. She glances around nervously before tucking away the doll hiding it in her clothing, well as best she could.

Wandering over towards Myrtle, a much more sinister smirk appeared. It didn't take long before Kanna found just the right sized stick to use as she drew upon the sleeping oracle's face. A grin filled her lips as she included a rather interesting mustache, as well as several silly shapes such as larger looking eyes among other things, spending a good period of time doing so, Ai watching rather curiously from the corner before falling asleep.

Finishing up with emptying the bucket, the sorcerer wandered over to Lenfrey, giving a light nudge. Wandering over, she carefully slid herself in next to the Eoghan, cuddling up on him before falling asleep, just as her sense of control on Kanna faded away with her job done.

2013-08-21, 12:20 AM
It is a simple doll with red yarn hair, burlap-skin, two dark copper button eyes, a smile made from red stitching and a green dress. Kanna: As the Sorceress stairs into the eyes of the doll, she grows very find of the toy and oddly possessive of it. You do not want to share it with anyone else, or even let them see it. You will go to great lengths to hide the doll, even to the point of lying.

As Kanna's watch ends, the Paladin awakes to find the Sorceress nestled up next to him.

2013-08-21, 11:16 AM

Disturbed by Kanna laying down next to him Eoghan looks over her before settling back down to sleep.

2013-08-21, 12:47 PM

When she's woken up by Lenfrey, Myrtle takes her place as watch with Cyra by her side in the shadows, slightly away from the fire to keep herself from dozing off. Suddenly, Cyra's ears prick up and she looks eastward.

Myrtle whispers to the wolf. "What's that Cyra? You hear something?" She looks at the wolf, then towards the east.

"Show me." She whispers to the wolf. "Sneaky."

Together, they get up and sneak towards eastwards, Myrtle following Cyra in the dark until the wolf stops.

Stealth checks and perception checks for both:
Stealth Myrtle: [roll0]
Perception Myrtle: [roll1]
Stealth Cyra: [roll2]
Perception Cyra: [roll3] (+ scent)

2013-08-21, 09:45 PM
Cyra and Myrtle padfoot outside to see what the wolf has detected. The beast drops low into a crouching position, as if ready to bolt forward and attack prey. Mystle can barely make it out but there appears to be the outline of a very large doe about fifty feet away from the house.

2013-08-22, 12:53 AM

Seeing the outline of what looks to be a doe, Myrtle sighs. "Come.You can hunt later." She whispers to the wolf as she turns around. When they arrive, she returns to her guarding spot and sits down, giving Cyra the order to guard.

When her watch ends, she tells Cyra to go hunt. She then walks over to Eoghan, raising an eyebrow when she notices Kanna next to him. She shrugs her shoulders before quietly waking up Eoghan. "Your turn."

Then, she returns to her bedroll to go back to sleep.

2013-08-22, 01:09 AM
The dawn comes late as the sky is covered in a thick, black-gray blanket of clouds. The fire died during the night, though there are still a few embers left sizzling. Outside the house, Myrtle finds Cyra except the wolf looks haggard and bloodied. You call the animal over but no noise emanates from your mouth. You try again and once more no sound leaves your lips. Cyra appears to be barking but, like you, seems to be oddly silenced.

Lenfrey walks outside and quickly realizes there has been an illusion cast around the house. As the illusory image is shaken from his mind, he sees [roll0] dead zombies strewn across the plains surrounding the house. All of them have been bitten and clawed back to death. It is as if a great battle took place and yet none of you were the wiser.

As everyone piles out of the house to see the destruction, the Inquisitor catches sight of a shadow moving in the trees nearby.

2013-08-22, 11:30 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

Lenfrey retrieves his shield and hammer after pointing out the copse where he spotted a shadow moving. His mouth moves as if to speak, and no words come out.

2013-08-22, 11:44 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

A light yawn escaped Kanna's lips as she cracked open her eyes, stretching herself out a bit. She sat up, looking around a bit puzzled. She lifted her hands rubbing her eyes a bit. Like a drunk waking up after a night of hard drinking, she was completely lost as to how she got there or where they even were. She slowly propped herself up with a rather confused expression. The markings on her cheeks now gone. When did we get here? What is this place? She pondered rather lost.

Little Ai seemed to perk up, pouncing towards Kanna before crawling up on her, nuzzling against her cheek much to her surprise and delight. She gently pet the create as it rested upon her shoulder, perching itself up as best as it could, Kanna's hand helping to to keep the little critter in a way balanced on her before it finally jumped down, standing beside her.

Wandering outside, a cringe formed on Kanna's face looking at the bodies. "Wh... where did we stay exactly?" She questioned rather puzzled and a bit disturbed by the sight she saw around it. She heard Lenfrey speak, blinking as she turned her head glancing in the direction trying to look herself at it.

Incase... and cause I can! :)
Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-22, 12:06 PM

As Myrtle gets outside after her meditations and silently strapping on her breastplate, she notices Cyra outside looking terrible. She opens her mouth to yell at the wolf. "..."

She tries to speak several more times, each one "louder" than the previous, with the last one leaving her out of breath. No sound seems to come out of her mouth, and the same goes for her wolf. Her eyes go wide with fright for a moment, before she gets an idea. She digs her shield out of her backpack, picks up a nearby stick and whacks it loudly. When that doesn't work, she motions at the ground for Cyra to come to her.

When the wolf reaches her, she waves her hands in the air to try to get everyone's attention. Then, she looks for a small patch of sand or dirt where she writes out the following words:


When she's done writing, she looks at the others with pleading eyes. Due to the mustache drawn onto her face, this looks silly rather than sad.

2013-08-22, 01:11 PM

Eoghan sits up and shakes off the lingering traces of sleep before opening his mouth to wish everyone else a good morning, only no sound comes out. Suprised Eoghan looks around and spots the zombie remains scatter about the house so he immedately reaches for his breastplate which he methodically starst to put on.

2013-08-23, 04:04 PM

After several moments of looking extremely distraught in a slightly silly way, Myrtle manages to pull herself together somewhat. She wipes out the message she wrote in the dirt, and writes something different. After rewriting her message several times, she finally manages to write it in the common tongue.


2013-08-23, 04:11 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She stood a bit puzzled outside. Her lips parted to speak though finding no words to reach her lips. She watched quietly Myrtle as she wrote something in the ground twice, the first being gibberish while the second finally made sense. Her eyes fixated up at her a bit taken back by the weird mustache she seemed to have drawn on her face.

She shook her head a little bit glancing around trying to get her baring and figure out just what was going on.


Long shot, but going to try a Spellcraft check incase there might be some sign as to what they might be 'around' as well as a knowledge arcana because... why not!

Knowledge(Arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2013-08-23, 11:00 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The inquisitor brandishes his warhammer and heads in the direction of the shadow. He motions at his eyes and points around himself before waving the rest to follow.

2013-08-24, 02:09 AM
KannaKanna has heard of Gnomic Scrolls that are "accidentally" designed with weird errors and/or effects. The silence and the illusion spell were obviously intended to encompass the entire field but for some reason the house was excluded.

Lenfrey chases after the shadow. The shadow darts away deeper into the forest, running along the tree branches. After about two hundred feet the shadow jumps onto a thin branch and plummets to the ground, smacking hard against the muddy earth. Lenfrey is about twenty feet from the shadow, which now appears to be a lithe Xill clad in a skin-tight black outfit with a thick woolen hood. The only bit of color on him appears to be an off white circle on his upper right arm that has two black spears crossed in front of it.

LenfreyThe Xill is prone and about 20 feet away from you. He looks to have suffered mightily from the fall.

2013-08-24, 02:33 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

As the rat closes in on the 'shadow', he puts away his shield, slides his warhammer back into his belt and takes out a length of silk rope. He ties the foe up and searches it for anything of value and glances back to see if anyone followed him.

2013-08-24, 02:39 AM
Lenfrey: The Xill is currently unconscious and thus puts up no meaningful fuss to your efforts.

The Xill has two daggers, two potions and two scrolls hidden along his belt.

2013-08-24, 03:09 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

Lenfrey puts all of the enemy's gear save a dagger in his backpack. Wielding the dagger, he first cuts the painted patch off of his shirt, then waits for the others as he holds the dagger to the xill's throat.

2013-08-24, 04:44 AM

Myrtle follows Lenfrey, ordering Cyra to stay with hand gestures. Underway, she checks if her sling is still on her belt (it is) and if her mace is still there as well (it is).


2013-08-24, 10:44 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She glanced up in thought, thinking about the silence that up holded her before coming to a realization about it. Before she could speak (or at least attempt to out of habbit before realizing once more that she was silenced) her eyes had caught sight Lenfrey charging forward. Not knowing what else to do, the girl followed behind, having some distance between her and the others who followed behind.

Ai scampered curiously behind, keeping herself a bit further behind, looking around a bit worriedly. The fox wasn't exactly built to fight, though it would defend itself if needed. Ideally, it tried to keep back as much as possible to watch over its master while keeping itself safe from danger.

2013-08-24, 11:39 AM

After donning his armour Eoghan Spots the other heading off into the forest and follows them.

2013-08-24, 11:44 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

As he sees the others catching up to him, he gives the xill a good hard slap. With the dagger pressed against it's throat, he screeches into it's face, 'Wake up you bastard! Tell me who sent you!'

2013-08-24, 01:15 PM
The Xill groggily wakes, "Who in the nine hells are you? Oh in the name of Yasgaram, really? Way to go go Xalnew, way to go. You let them live AND you get captured by them. Luc ain't gunna like this."

2013-08-24, 01:32 PM

Noticing that the silence has been lifted, Myrtle turns to her wolf and commands her to follow. Once the wolf reaches her, she casts a healing spell on the animal.

Then, she turns to Lenfrey and the Xill. "What've we got here? An assassin?"

Action: Cure moderate wounds for Cyra: [roll0]

2013-08-24, 01:40 PM
The Xill scoffs, "I ain't so fancy. I'm just a murderer for hire. Would have gotten away with it two if it weren't for that Gnome Scroll I bought. Darn Gnomes, Yasgaram take them all!"

2013-08-24, 01:41 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

This one's name is Xalnew.

'Who is this Luc? What does this symbol mean?' Lenfrey held up the patch he cut from the xill's uniform and staring at the xill unblinking.

Intimidate check: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]
Activate discern lies, round 1/5

2013-08-24, 01:51 PM
The Xill laughs, "I ain't gunna lie. May as well send as many people to Yasgaram before I die. My name is Xalnew. I am a murderer for hire. I recently found employee in them Blackspears Bandit group. My boss is Luc Corraidhin. 'Cause Ima Xill, I happen to know a bug who knows a bug who put us in touch with Kren Gravetongue. Seems he had a death wish for the four of yous. Luc told me to take care of it... And I would have too, if it weren't for that damned Gnomic Scroll. I woulda sent the zombies Kren loaned us to rile you up, then rush in for the kill. But no, the darn spell didn't penetrate the house and that darn Halfling let his wolf go run around. Slaughtered all the Zombies. You should keep an eye on that wolf, 'ling, 'cause I think there's more than meets the eye with that one."

2013-08-24, 02:20 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

'Where can we find this Luc Corraidhin and the black spears? How did you find us?' hissed the rat.

2013-08-24, 02:32 PM
I can smell you ten miles away. No idea where Luc is, he comes and goes as he pleases.

2013-08-24, 02:43 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The rat snarls as he draws the blade across the xill's throat.

Full round action to coup de grace.
Damage: [roll0]
DC 17 Fort or die.

2013-08-24, 02:59 PM

"WOAH! Hey!" Myrtle rushes up to Lenfrey when she sees him slice the Xill's throat. Her eyes go wide with shock. "Don't..."

2013-08-24, 04:05 PM
Black-red ichor spews forth from the Xill's throat. His body goes limp.

2013-08-24, 06:10 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna watched from a distance, dismay filling her as she held her hand out. "No!" She called out in dismay. Evil as it might of been, the girl had such a strong sense of justice filling her. She shook her head falling to her knees. No matter how vile the thing was, it didn't seem right at all.

"You... you should of at least taken it into custody... and tried to bring it to justice." She looked quite uneasy, glancing away feeling a bit torn. Sure she wasn't exactly the most lawful type, but for her she had always been instilled with such a self righteous tone, disliking the notion of taking a life if such was avoidable, particularly if the individual had no chance to defend themselves. Her eyes lingered down avoiding the body in distaste for the scene.

She slowly stood herself up, looking quite upset towards Lenfrey. "We... we could of gotten more information out of him... I'm sure... and... and..." She spoke fragmented, collecting her jumbled thoughts after some difficulty. "I'm sure we could of at least sought a way to at least give it a chance to redeem itself or talked it through!" She looked rather uneasily forward, her dislike for the act ever so present.

2013-08-24, 08:30 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

Lenfrey wipes the xill's blood off on it's cloak and looks at the rest grimly, 'It said it was a hired murderer. And it had tried to murder us in our sleep. You can't count the lives I saved from extinguishing this one. I plan to give it a proper burial, if that soothes yer' minds.'

The rat goes back to the corpse and relieves it of his fine silk rope and Begins to dig a shallow grave with his claws.

2013-08-24, 11:25 PM

Eoghan catches up to the others only to see them gathered around a dead xill, Lenfrey digging a grave whilst a distraught Kanna and shocked Myrtle look on.

"What happend here?" he asks immediately "Where did he come from?" he says pointing to the dead xill.

2013-08-24, 11:53 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The ratfolk looks up as the paladin approaches, 'This one was sent by that other insect, Gravetongue. He was responsible for those undead outside that ruin we stayed in. They will continue to pursue us, we best not mark where we lay him.' He doesn't wait for a response before continuing the impromptu burial.

2013-08-25, 02:17 AM

"That was cold, sir Lenfrey." Myrtle looks down at the xill corpse. "But... necessary, I suppose. Nothing good would've come from taking him into custody, right?"

She turns around and walks over to her wolf. "Thank you Cyra. Your bravery saved us from a very nasty fight." She traces a simple pattern in the air and mutters a few words. She then lays her hand upon the muzzle of the wolf. Some of Cyra's wounds visibly disappear.

Cure light wounds cast on Cyra: [roll0]

"Now. I guess this Luc's going to come looking for us, so I'd suggest we get out of here as quickly as possible. And..." Myrtle is interrupted by a great big wolf tongue licking her right in the face. She wipes herself off with her sleeve and looks at Cyra. "Aww... What was that for?"

The mustache has been smeared out mostly, and now Myrtle has several black stripes running upwards on her face starting from where the mustache was.

2013-08-25, 10:45 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Hearing the response, she still felt uneasy about the murderer... but still she kept quiet. It wasn't really her place to question stuff, deciding to just keep silent for now. As much as she didn't like it, it was pointless to really argue against it.

She watched as Myrtle suddenly was licked by her wolf. She blushed a bit watching the markings stripe across her face. The girl looked away feeling quite guilty. While she didn't remember doing it, she was almost certain she had some part. It was far to common for her to even doubt such a thing.

Little Ai jumped up onto Kanna, suddenly causing her to turn her head watching the little fox climb its way up her clothing before propping itself on her shoulder, wrapped around her a bit to get a comfy spot to lay its frame.

2013-08-25, 09:27 PM

"I see" Eoghan replies a disapproving frown marking his forhead.

2013-08-25, 09:41 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

'The halfling spake sooth.' the rat admits after finishing the shallow grave. 'We must continue to Whitebuck. We are the only chance the citizens of Fishook have to survive.'

Lenfrey pulls out his backpack and shows the others the two potions and scrolls, 'That bug had these on him as well. Any of you wish to carry them to use? I don't even know what they do.'

2013-08-26, 12:14 PM

"I could have a look, see if I can find out anything about themif you want. I'm by no means an expert on those things, though. But..." Again, Myrtle is interrupted by a lick in her face from the wolf.

She looks at the wolf for a moment before wiping her face again. "What? Do I have something on my face? Excuse me a moment." She walks over back to the house, finds a filled bucket and quickly washes her face with the water before coming back out. "Well... I suggest we get ready to go. I'll go prepare myself for the road."

She walks over to Cyra, and puts the riding saddle on the wolf's back. Then, she scoops up a handful of sand and throws it in the air. She stands still for about ten minutes, studying the motions of the sand in the wind.

Myrtle makes a natural divination, giving her a +4 insight bonus to her next initiative check today.

2013-08-26, 02:43 PM

While the others are checking out the items taken frmo the dead xill Eoghan goes back to the ruins to ready his wagon for the days travel.

2013-08-26, 11:45 PM
The journey to Whitebuck is surprisingly uneventful.

As you near the city, you see a contingent of seven guards standing out in front of Atlar's Bridge, which spans the Great Moat. It is one of only two such bridges that lead into the city. The guards give you free passage across, they barely acknowledge your existence.

You find the evening air is chilly with cool blasts of wind racing straight into Whitebuck from the Bay of Rain to the north. The temperature is odd given that the Holy Day of Autumn is still two weeks off. When cold comes early to Autumn, one knows the winter will be frigid. Dark black storm clouds have gathered above the city. It has rained on and off all day. Large cool droplets of rain smack your cloaks as you make your way through the maze of interlocking hempen rope bridges that act as the streets and causeway of this vertical forest city.

Since it is so late, you decide to bed down for the night and seek your mark in the morn. You travel to the third tier of Frost Weld and find several inns. All but one have no vacancy. The sole inn that is not full is called the Beard's Hallow. It is a pleasant enough inn, mostly patronized by Dwarves but you see a smattering of other races going to and fro. The room is cheap as the Inn Keep takes a shine to Eoghan. The room you have rented is small, no more than 10 feet by 10 feet but it has four straw beds and an ever-burning rock to keep the room warm.

When the morn comes, the sun cannot be seen as it is hidden behind a morass of thick rainclouds. The air is cold and the rain still colder. You make your way across the various rope bridges to Westgate, one of only four trees that connect to the King's Palace. The entire redwood is akin to a fortress with hundreds of soldiers living and working on the tree. Twelve guards stand in front of the bridge that spans the wide gap between yourselves and your destination. Their leader is a portly little Gnome who has a large brown-black cigar tucked into his mouth. His tricorn hat deflects the rain away from his face and cigar. He stares up at you with beady little black eyes and says, "Who be ye? Why should I let ye pass? What business have ye with the government?"

2013-08-27, 01:01 PM

Myrtle, walking beside her wolf, steps up to the gnome and takes a deep bow. "Greetings, good sir! We've come to see the king." She digs into her pack and takes out the writ written by admiral Lightmace, handing it to the gnome for inspection. "We seek his wise council."

2013-08-27, 08:26 PM
The Gnome takes a big puff of his cigar and blows the smoke out towards Myrtle's face, "And why should I let ye do that? We've had an attack inside the city. No one except nobles can enter the King's Palace."

2013-08-27, 10:05 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl looked a bit uncertain at the guard, not very certain. He seemed like a rather... odd fellow indeed. Not the kindest of people either as she watched him rather disrespectfully refuse Myrtle's request.

"Please sir, we were told to come here and have proof of such. We mean no harm. Do we really look like individuals who seek to harm your city?" She asked softly, looking at the gnome biting her bottom lip.


Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-08-27, 11:06 PM
The Gnome smiles, "Little lass, no one would think ye a bad person. Ye are far too precious for that." He ponders the situation before saying, "I need to know why ye wish to see the King. He is a very busy man afterall."

2013-08-28, 12:20 AM

"We defeated an attack on the village of Fishhook by a xill necromancer apprenticed to Daedras Malvorre, he escaped and we fear he while return soon to attack the village again." Eoghan says stepping forward "An admiral Lightmace from Sunleaf was patrolling the nearby sea when he noticed the fight and came to offer his assistance, he agreed to remain in Fishook for a week and sent us here to seek more help"

2013-08-28, 12:56 AM
"Malvorre... Isn't he that Necromancer from Foulbone...? I think I've heard of him... But I cannot recall. I certainly don't take orders from some roving buccaneer. Hmm, ye say Fishhook was attacked...? That hovel is blown over by wind and rain just as often as Goblins..." The Gnome slaps his back hand against the leather-ed stomach of one of his underlings, "Hey, doesn't Redhoof live in Fish Hook?"

The grunt responds, "She moved there to go marry some low born pirate or something. Rumor has it, she actually birthed a Whitebuck with him but no one knows for sure since that marsh witch takes all of 'em at birth."

The Gnome takes a deep puff of his cigar, "I remember now. Yeah, her mother was none too pleased when she ran off with that scum. Still, she was a noble and she lives in that makeshift hovel of a throp. So tell me, good sir, what did Saba Redhoof have to say about all of this?"

2013-08-28, 01:11 AM

Myrtle looks down at her feet. "I'm sorry sir. The necromancer's minion killed her before we even knew what was going on. His first strike was against her. Please, you must let us through, we promised the poor people of Fishook we would send aid as soon as possible."
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-08-28, 01:50 AM
The Gnome bursts forward and grabs Myrtle's shirt, "Don't ye dare say such a thing..." He stares into your eyes and sees you are telling the truth. He lifts his head up into the downpour. You think you see a single tear flow down his tanned cheeks though it could have just been a rain drop. He bows his head and whispers, "Ye can pass."

The guards part in half to allow the four of you to travel across the long hempen rope leading to the King's Palace.

Once on the other side, there is a great commotion going on. Haggard people running to and fro, most laden down with arm-fulls of scrolls and books. You happen to flag one down and inquire as to what is going on. He tells you that there was an attack in the city earlier and the Nest has been convened for an emergency meeting. The King will be busy all day and won't have time for visitors. The man directs you to Hatad Hopeforge, (the Bridge Master of Whitebuck and Half-Dwarven brother of the King), who has been assigned the task of dealing with the non-crucial business of state during these unprecedented times.

The Halfling escorts you to the proper tier and finds a boy to lead you the rest of the way. Hopeforge's office is small, dark, dank and out of the way. A massive oak table lies at the center of the office, which literally has hundreds of papers and scrolls strewn across it. A stocky short man looms over the desk. He hears you enter but does not raise his head to meet your gaze, "I am Bridge Master of Whitebuck, hereunto assigned by the His Majesty the King to oversee the non-essential business of the Realm." His voice is raspy like a Dwarf's yet eloquent and slightly high pitched like an Elf's, "How may I help you on this rain-stricken day?"

2013-08-28, 02:20 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna stood back hearing as the others spoke, allowing them to take control. It seemed the gnome had at least relaxed a little perhaps due to her efforts. She kept quiet following behind the group as they moved in.

Having come up to the bridge master, Kanna parted her lips to speak though reserved herself. She still felt so guilty having such a pass, considering who issued it to her. Her head turned down in guilty as she kept quiet, not really comfortable speaking about it at all.

2013-08-28, 02:29 AM

While walking by, Myrtle whispers to the gnome. "I am truly sorry, sir."

As they walk through the city, Myrtle looks around constantly, hoping to spot her sister Layla.

Perception: [roll0]

When they arrive at Hopeforge's office, she is the first to speak up. "We arrived yesterday from Fishook. The village came under attack by an apprentice of the necromancer Daedras Malvorre. We managed to stop the attack and got an admiral from Sunleaf to defend the throp for a week. However, the village could come under attack again at any moment. We were hoping the King would be so kind to help us find a more permanent solution to this situation. After all, all the people on the island are under the king's protection, are they not?" She smiles brightly at the man.

Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-08-28, 10:31 PM
The Man looks up. His well kept but short blonde beard clearly indicates his Dwarven heritage, while his high cheekbones, alabaster skin and pointed ears give a nod to his Elven parentage. "Fish Hook was attacked by Daedras Malvorre's Apprentice, eh? Hmm, well we cannot have that can we? Unfortunately, the might of the realm is stretched thin... Most of the King's forces are deadlocked at the Throat, battling the increasingly ferocious and suicidal Xill. The Turs and Welds refuse to send any more than a paltry sum to help defend the west and south.

He ponders his predicament for a few moments while studdying a map, "I suppose we could hire more mercenaries from Rho-Elus. The King definitely won't like more Merfolk zealots coming to our shores but... I see little else we can do... Unless..." He turns his gaze to the Sorceress, "Lady Kanna Ashbaugh, I must ask a dreadful favor of you..." He blushes and bows deeply, "Excuse my impertinence My Lady but as Master of Bridges and Trader of Secrets, there is little in this realm that I do not know."

He walks over to Kanna and delicately grasps her hand, "Would you be willing to return to Sunleaf to beseech Exarch Vanuel Coldtear to send a contingent of soldiers to fortify the southern shores of the realm? I know this favor asks much of one so young but our people are dying and I have little recourse at the moment."

2013-08-29, 01:20 AM

Eoghan turns to Kanna with an eager smile "You're from Sunleaf? I've been wanting to visit the grand Temple of Almahara there for many years, ever since i first spoke to Father Irvine and came into the faith, what is the city like?"

2013-08-29, 01:39 AM
The Hopeforge smiles, "Though we have never met, I have become quite the fan of your exploits, Master Eoghan. You have caught many vile souls in your years as a Bounty Hunter, for that you have my thanks. It is a shame that Luc Corraidhin has eluded your, and the Ranger's, grasp. I have heard he has begun recruiting Xill and Half-Giants into his Black Spears. I pray to Almahara for the day when we can bring that criminal to justice at the end of my mother's axe."

2013-08-29, 02:36 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

The rat follows along and keeps quiet. The protection of Fishook is what's important. Let the others hammer out the details. The idea of returning to Sunleaf would be nice. Unfortunate that it's I'll news that brings everyone there.

2013-08-29, 11:36 AM

The halfling listens quietly to the half-dwarf and the others before replying. "That's all well and good, but what will the Exarch say about this? Does he feel any obligation to protect the southern shores of our island?"

She looks around at the others before turning to the half-dwarf again. "Are you sure you can't spare some soldiers? We spoke to an admiral from Sunleaf before leaving Fishook, and it didn't sound like he wanted to permanently help protect the village."
She smiles slightly at Hopeforge. "Are you sure there's nothing you can do? You know, besides sending Kanna here on a dangerous trek to Sunleaf?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

"I uh... also have a personal question. Do you happen to know a halfling called Layla Sunnyskin? She's my sister, and she works here in Whitebuck somewhere. Seeing what happened here I'm... worried about her." She sighs.

Edit: Changed a few typos.

2013-08-29, 01:03 PM
I can spare a few banner-men but it would not be enough to garrison our southern shores and would come at the detriment of our forces in Eastfarm. Rueserond, Drow Pirates, the Black Spears and all these goblinoid incursions have our forces stretched to the breaking point! I need more men!"

He ponders the situation for a time before unfurling a large map of Whitebuck, "If we could some how acquire more men from the Turs then we could afford to spare the soldiers necessary to garrison the south. The Hopes, Winds, Hills, Wars, Forges, Roots, Eyes, Blues and Rains are all stalwart in their support of the realm. The others, however, are not so generous."

He stares at the map for a while before stating, "Most of these Telus are either staunch allies or latent enemies to the Crown. If our goal is to find aid for the south, then we must convince a few of the other Telus to send men to Forgestar Keep. I'd say the easiest would be the Flails. They have long been friends of the Hopes but, as of late, have allowed their support to wane. Their Patriarch is Vegtur Flailwar, who just recently ascended to that role. He is a capricious man who always seeks the upperhand in everything he does. Since you are outsiders and being the ones to have witnessed the assault on Fish Hook, perhaps you can convince him to aid our cause?"

2013-08-29, 02:47 PM

"Well, I suppose that gives us more options. I understand your predicament, sir, I was just hoping there was a faster option than trying to convince third parties."

She looks around at the others. "What do you think? Sunleaf? Or should we try the Flails? We should decide quickly though, Malvorre is not going to wait."

She turns back to the half-dwarf. "And uh... my sister? Do you think you could deliver a message to her?"

2013-08-29, 03:05 PM
He smiles, "I was going to save this for after the meeting but I suppose now is as good of a time as any. Your sister works for me as a scribe. She is down in the Scribe's Hall copying some texts for me. You can go visit her after the meeting."

2013-08-29, 03:11 PM

Myrtle's face lights up with a smile. "Oh! That's great! Thank you."

2013-08-29, 04:22 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She heard the voice of the man directed to her. A bit of shame filled her as she glanced away a bit. "You know that is not possible..." Her voice carried out softly, quite weak. Hearing Eoghan speak up in regards to it. She really had terrible luck avoiding her past, though perhaps that was to be expected. At the very least it seemed as if Eohan did ample to distract the man and perhaps give her a chance to hide away from her past.

Myrtle's voice only helped to aid her ease as yet another barrier seemed to be put in place allowing her to escape from speaking out more on the subject. She bit her bottom lip remaining quiet.

2013-08-29, 06:48 PM

"We could always start with the Flails and head to Sunleaf after that" Eoghan replies a hopeful note in his vocie when he mentions Sunleaf "I mean it shouldn't be hard to convice the Exarch since Almahara teaches us to stand together against the darkness, even if he can't help us someone else probably could."

2013-08-30, 11:53 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

'Aye,' Lenfrey chimes in, 'The Flails'll add a tremendous strength to our own. I would travel there first.'

2013-08-30, 12:02 PM
"The flails it is then. Return to me when you have spoken with Lord Vegtur Flailwar, regardless of the outcome."

With that, the Master of Bridges escorts you out of his office. You find yourselves in the narrow corridors of the King's Palace. The Flails are located in another Tree, which means leaving the Palace.

Warning, big map :) http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/235/5/d/amethyst_isles_of_rimecroft__whitebuck__city__by_e lemental_elf-d6jfb4i.png

2013-08-30, 12:06 PM

"Well, I guess business goes before pleasure. I'll speak to my sister when we get back from our meeting." She looks at the others. "So, how will we go about doing this?"

2013-08-30, 12:23 PM
An overworked little Halfling woman waddles up to the office. Her face is obscured by a literal mountain of scrolls that she is barely managing to control. Beside her are three hunman girls, also balancing a massive number scrolls in their arms but their larger size makes the task a bit easier. The Halfling speaks with a soft voice, "Excuse me, we have to enter the Master's Office. Could you please hold the door for us?"

2013-08-30, 12:39 PM

Myrtle smiles at the halfling woman, ordering her wolf to make more room in the narrow corridor. "Of course, miss."

"Actually, do you need a hand with those scrolls?"

2013-08-30, 02:37 PM
The Halfling girl peaks around the mountain, sees Myrtle, drops the scrolls and rushes over to hug her sister. "What are you doing here in Whitebuck?"

One of the human girls sighs, "I wish I had a wolf..."

2013-08-30, 02:48 PM

After a long hug, Myrtle lets go and grins at Layla. "I came to visit you. Well, we came to visit you." She pats Cyra on the head. "It's been too long, big sis. Oh! Mom and dad and Lemmy say hi. They all miss you very much."

She smiles brightly at her sister. "I got a bit delayed underway, though. Ran into some trouble in Fishook, but I did pick up a few friends." She motions to her companions in turn. "This is Sir Eoghan, and sir Lenfrey. They're both powerful warriors. And this is miss Kanna, she's a mage of sort... a sorceress, miss?"

"So what about you? How have you been?"

2013-08-30, 03:58 PM
The little Halfling smiles wide and bows, "Pleased to meet all of you!" She turns her gaze back to Myrtle, "To tell you the truth little sister, I didn't know if I was going to make it in the big city. Things are so different here in Whitebuck compared to Eastfarm. I happened to get a job as a Bar Maid at the Red Sword Tavern. It was there I met the Master of Bridges when he was throwing a party for one of his kin. I happened to mention the fact that I wanted to become a scribe and he hired me on the spot!"

Layla closes the gap between her and Myrtle and whispers in the latter's ear, "I think he likes me. Can you believe it? Me? A little common girl! He's the brother of the King!" Layla backs away and blushes, "I am very happy here."

She begins to gather the scrolls she dropped, "So, why are you meeting the Master of Bridges?"

2013-08-30, 04:51 PM

An even bigger grin appears on Myrtle's face when Layla mentions the bar maid thing. "Ha. You, a bar maid? I thought you said you'd never do that again. It's great to see you did end up with the job you were looking for though."

When Layla whispers in her ear, her smile disappears somewhat. She whispers back to her sister."Are you sure? I mean, I'm sure he's nice but... he's not, you know... a halfling."
"It is good to hear you are happy, though."

"We are actually on a mission. Trying to save the throp of Fishook. I was there when we were attacked by some vile necromancer and his minions, but these heroes here drove them off." Myrtle bends down to help Layla gather some of her dropped scrolls. "I did help out, though. With the gifts nature has granted me."
"Anyway, we managed to stop the attack, but now we're looking for a more permanent solution, so we're trying to convince the Master of Bridges to send some troops to Fishook."

She grins widely. "I guess you could say I'm an adventurer. I even have a sling. Father will be so proud when he hears."

2013-08-30, 05:06 PM
Lalya smiles at her sister's remark about Hatad's race, "It may be uncommon but it isn't unheard of for Halflings to couple with other races. Plus, he's Half-Dwarf (so short) and Half-Elf (so lithe), I think it will work out beautifully!"

She stares in awe of her sister, "Y-you're a bonafide Adventurer now!? Father would be so proud of you! Off saving the world, that's my little sister! I'll make sure Master Hopeforge does his utmost to aid you in your just and noble quest! I'll bet the next time I see you, you'll be one of the wealthiest - and eligible - women in Whitebuck! We need to find you a boyfriend! I will keep my eye out dear sister! I'm sure I can find you some loving near-do-well noble!"

2013-08-30, 05:27 PM

"Thanks, big sis. I don't think I'll have time for boyfriends, though. With the saving the world and all." She pats Cyra on the head while talking. "But I think we should get going. Can't save the world when we're standing here talking. And I think I'm keeping you from your job." Myrtle winks at her sister. "I'll see you later big sis!"

She turns to the others. "Shall we move on to see the Flails?"

2013-08-30, 06:19 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The rat gives a snort, not amused. 'Let's get along, then.'

2013-08-30, 11:18 PM

"Fine with me" Eoghan replies with smile at Myrtle & her sister "Lead the way"

2013-08-30, 11:55 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl stood back, watching quietly as Myrtle and her sister were united. It caused a soft smile to appear on her lips. It did make her in a way miss her family. Still, she was happy two people could get along so well. It did make her wonder just how things might of been if she had one. She brushed her hair lightly with her hand fixing it up. "Y... yes lets go." She responded in part sticking back a little bit.

2013-09-01, 01:02 AM
You make your way out of the Palace. The rain is still coming down hard. You hear a roar from above you. Your eyes are cast up and you see a wondrous sight - Viacarious the Savior of Civilization - flies overhead. He is much larger than you imagined. His leathery wings beat down with ever flap like a blacksmith striking hot iron. As the Dragon flies north, your eyes follow him. As you do, you see a large force of over a hundred soldiers marching across the North Gate Bridge. Each is clad in a shimmering green cloak. You recognize these men as the Rangers. It is very strange to see so many gathered in one place. They must be readying themselves for a major offensive. As you watch the parade, you spot King Hopewind, who is marching at the front of the column. As the force nears middle of the bridge the King stops, turns around and yells,

"In hottest Summer, in Coldest Winter
I guard the forgotten lands of hinter
My war is with dark and dreaded terrors
I fight to protect the standard-bearers
Of Civilization and Wilderness
I shall aid any in distress
Songwillow will not fall while I stand
For it is my homeland"

The Rangers all yell the last line in unison. The king then turns around and continues to march onward to the north.

After a fashion, the four of you find yourselves on Flail Tur. It is a sturdy, thick tree with wide decks. Humans meander about, looking none the worse for wear. Most are clad in fine clothing dyed in brilliant colors. The Lord of Flail holds sway over his family at the top of the Redwood. Access is usually restricted to those of the family only but you come bearing a note from the Master of Bridges. The guards let you make your way to the very top, where you are ushered into a very large hall.

The walls are made of wood but do not appear to be carved into the the tree itself, rather constructed atop it. The walls are lined with wooden statues of various men and women, all of whom hold flails. Flail Tur is one of the tallest trees in the city and as such lies above the main canopy, thus allowing natural light to stream into the hall unfettered. Between each statue are stained glass windows that are composed of a riot of different colors. The unique pattern casts a rainbow colored shadow along the ground.

At the end of the Hall lies a sturdy marble throne where a massive man clad in thick bear pelts sits. Beside the Lord is a Herald, which are men of metal and wood constructed by the gods in time immemorial. The Herald bears the autumn leaf holy symbol of Sonbahar. He takes five steps forward and yells, "You stand before the Grand Panetier of Songwillow, Defender of the Realm, Friend of the King, Patriarch of Flail Tur, Lord Vegtur Flailwar. What business do you have with His Grace? Winter is upon us all and His Grace can not tarry with the frivolities of fools and those that bring ill tidings."

2013-09-01, 03:18 AM

Standing before the marble throne, Myrtle takes a step forward, addressing the herald and the lord. "Hail, honorable lord Flailwar. We are travellers from outside Whitebuck, and we stand before the mighty Patriarch of Flail Tur with a request. We are neither frivolous nor fools, and while our tidings may be grim, they present a grand opportunity for Flail Tur." She takes a deep bow, waiting for permission to continue speaking.

2013-09-01, 03:27 AM
The herald looks to the Lord, who gives a half-hearted gesture for you to continue. The Herald nods as he says, "His Grace bids you to continue but do so quickly for your audience shall linger not a second longer than it must."

2013-09-01, 10:54 AM

Myrtle nods. "I shall keep it short, then. A mad necromancer threatens the king's lands. He has recently struck against the throp of Fishhook, slaying the daughter of a noble in the process. We witnessed the attack, but we only managed to stop his minion's assault after milady Redhoof was killed.
After the attack, we rushed to Whitebuck to make sure the village is defended when they strike again. Unfortunately, the king's forces are deadlocked at the Throat, and they can do nothing to aid poor Fishook. However, we understand that you still have troops available for such a mission.
We know little of the necromancer's intentions, but it stand to reason that he did not attack a small village without more nefarious plans. He may be staging a diversion to cover for a massive assault on the throat, or he may be staging an attack on the southern shore."

She pauses for a moment before continuing to speak.

"His plans may threaten the entire kingdom. If you pledge more troops to the king's cause at this very moment, he will be able to protect the shores without weakening his defenses at the throat. You would be considered a true hero. A savior in the realm's time of greatest need."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

She steps back, looking to her companions to see if they have anything to add.

2013-09-01, 12:44 PM
The massive man atop the throne considers your request before shaking his head. The Herald speaks, "His Grace is currently in a dispute with the Patriarchs of the Ice Tur and the Mace Tur. We stand on the precipice of a bitter and bloody feud that could well engulf the city during Winter. His Grace cannot afford to send his men away when the threat of battle against his Telu is so near."

2013-09-01, 12:55 PM

Myrtle nods. "I see how that would complicate things. Err... excuse me a moment."

Myrtle turns to her companions and whispers. "What do we do now?"

2013-09-01, 01:33 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

'Fishook is a small problem compared to the safety of Whitebuck. We cannot afford to be fighting amongst ourselves. Surely these tree lords can see this.' Lenfrey hisses.

2013-09-01, 06:15 PM

"It seems like they don't. I think we're going to have to try and fix this mess first"

2013-09-02, 11:52 AM

Myrtle turns back to face the throne. "Mylord, surely we cannot afford to fight amongst ourselves with the threat of the goblinoids and xill looming over all of us? I am sure that the good lords of the Ice and Mace Turs will see this too. Perhaps they can be convinced to abandon their reasons for the feud?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-02, 01:01 PM
The Lord nods. The Herald says, "If they retreat from their entrenched positions, then so shall we."

2013-09-02, 04:19 PM

Myrtle nods as well. "Then we shall speak to them, try to convince them to abandon the feud." She turns around to the others and smiles at them. "That is, if you all agree, of course."

She then turns back to the lord. "If you would permit me one more question, mylord. Perhaps you could tell us more about the feud? In that way, we will know how best to approach these negotations.

2013-09-02, 04:30 PM
Lord Flailwar stands up angrily and marches over to one of the windows. The Herald walks closer the group, "The Patriarch of Flail Tur holds the hereditary title of Grand Panetier of Songwillow. What this means is that the Lord holds a monopoly over the baking of bread and bread-like products. All within the realm must seek his permission to create bread (and must either give His Grace a percentage of the profits or a percentage of the total sum baked). This monopoly has made the Flails quite wealthy and prosperous, as one can imagine. Recently, those within the Ice and the Mace Turs (who have long been opposed to Flail Tur) have been baking crackers and dense, sugar-less cakes and selling them to all as a substitute for bread. This rapid rise of non-bread breads has severely cut into Flail Tur's profits. The law is ambiguous when it comes to this issue as Crackers and sugar-less Cakes could be seen as either bread-like or not, depending on your point of view. The King has been too busy to deal with this issue directly. The matter has escalated latent rivalries, which threaten to foam up and engulf the city."

2013-09-02, 04:34 PM

"I see." She turns to the others. "No time for loafing around, then. Shall we?"

2013-09-03, 07:07 AM

"Of course, you seem to know Whitebuck better than I so perhaps you should lead us?"

2013-09-03, 01:54 PM

Myrtle laughs. "Oh, I don't know Whitebuck at all. I just have a knack for dealing with nobles. Runs in the family I suppose. You're quite welcome to lead, I have no idea where the Mace and Ice Turs are."

2013-09-03, 06:56 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Having stayed back, a bit shameful still from before, she had remained quiet. It came to a point she had looked on in a daze. She could hear them speak looking on keeping silent. Perhaps a bit to quiet. The girl closed her eyes briefly as all seemed quiet before suddenly opening them.

The faded black marking of whiskers appeared on her cheeks. Her eyes glancing out seeming rather lively and 'different from her normal self. Behind her, a tail poked out, hidden partly under her robe as it could only be partly seen. Fixating on the lord and with what she assumed to be a good amount of distraction for her purposes the kitsune decided to strike.

Raising her hand she spoke softly out, her voice very gentle in tone and not attempting to upstart the loud speaking jerk. A rain cloud formed over the head of the Lord Falilwar as it opened up to start raining on him, much to her snickering delight. It all but passed in an instant as Kanna suddenly blinked, looking a little bit puzzled and shaking her head looking puzzled, the tail and marking of whiskers still lingering on her.

2013-09-04, 11:03 AM
A rain-cloud manifests above the behemoth of a man and lets slip a torrent of water. The man is barely fazed, merely taking a moment to pull his bear-head hood up over his head more snugly. The Herald, however, screeches, "YOU VERMINOUS COW! GUARDS! THROW THEM ALL IN IRONS!" Twelve guards burst into the room, all bearing large, spiked flails. They surround you and are slowly moving in to arrest you...

2013-09-04, 04:50 PM

Myrtle's eyes go wide as the guards bust into the room. "Wait!" she shouts, "I am sure my companion meant no offense! She was just..." Myrtle turns around to face Kanna and her eyes go even wider."What..."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-04, 06:06 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl looked wide eyed as what she did (or at least she assumed it was her, knowing how things tended to work). She heard Myrtle speak as she looked back and forth, shaking a bit as her heart raced. No... she couldn't of done something like that again! She wiggled back and forth looking so nervous.

Fumbling in her mind briefly as to what to do, the red head shook her head back and forth in an attempt to focus herself. She had to do something, specially if it had been her as she suspected. Her sweet innocent eyes fixated on the man. "Pl... please sir!" She spoke, her new 'tail' swaying slightly under her robe. "I... it... it wasn't likely meant to offend... we... I hold respect for you sir and as such I do not seek to be the enemy of such a great man." She spoke bowing her head to him.


Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-04, 10:51 PM
The Herald's mood softens, "Impudent wench! Take her to the dungeon, escort the others out forthwith!"

2013-09-06, 09:38 AM
'M'lord!' Lenfrey shouts above the commotion, 'The lady's possessed by some malevolent spirit. It should have been said that we three who fight for the spring summer and autumn are escorting her to be exercised of this evil. Please allow us to continue to do so, and she will not become a mouth to feed in your dungeons.'

Bluff: [roll0]

2013-09-06, 10:55 AM
The Herald tells his men to halt, "You are a follower of Sonbahar. Your words carry weight. Explain to me how a mere maiden not long past her age of ascension, can be of use to battle hardened warriors like yourself?"

2013-09-06, 11:01 AM
'She was given to our care in Fishook, so we could rid her of this burdensome devil. She is our burden, and I have taken a vow to see that she is cured.'

2013-09-06, 11:06 AM
The herald stares directly into the Ratfolk's eyes, "I will entrust this maiden to your care. See that whatever possesses her is expelled forthwith." He turns away to go stand near his Lord. As he does, he says, "You may leave now."

The four adventurers are escorted out of the Lord's Hall. You find yourselves on a hempen bridge between Trees. There is not much traffic in this area, most denizens of Whitebuck seem to have traveled north to see the King off.

2013-09-06, 11:17 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

Lenfrey stops on the bridge and gives Kanna a cold look, 'What sort of demon tortures you, child?'

2013-09-06, 05:09 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl nervously stood, hearing Lenfrey speak up in her favor, much to her own surprise. Hearing she is a burden was something she truthfully felt. As much as she could do with her magic, she never really considered herself that great of a asset or a fighter. It was always something she saw in herself, though still she did her best to aid as she could. It was just... that... part of her that always seemed to interfere.

Finally able to leave, the girl followed nervously behind the group. She glanced up hearing Lenfrey speak as her eyes sent chills down her spine. The nervous girl glanced down a bit shamefully, notably upset about what happened and particularly Lenfrey's glance towards her adding to it. "I... I... I don't know... I... I don't even remember when stuff happens." She spoke very timidly.

The girl suddenly bowed her head a bit worried looking up sadly almost as if she was about try cry though not shedding a tear. "I'm... I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to cause any problems for you... any of you at all." She timidly, keeping her gaze locked on Lenfrey, only briefly glancing at the others.

2013-09-06, 05:54 PM

Myrtle walks slightly away from the duo to give Lenfrey and Kanna some space to talk, not wanting to upset Kanna too much by crowding her. She does not go out of earshot, trying to listen in as best as she can while quietly patting Cyra on the nose.

2013-09-06, 11:59 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

Lenfrey let out an irritated gutteral cry at the trees. He turns back and scowls at the girl, 'You nearly cost us our freedoms, and risked one o the only chances we have to keep Fishook and small towns like it safe. I don't know what is wrong with you, but I won't hesitate to not stick my neck out for you again.'

2013-09-07, 12:41 AM

"That's harsh Lenfrey" Eoghan says "If Kanna truly can't remember then it seems she could indeed be possessed, are you going to blame her for what another does while controlling her body?"

2013-09-07, 01:09 AM
Lenfrey Coyne

'Bah.' the rat coughed, 'Someone's to blame. And they reside in that body.' Lenfrey points at Kanna twice. 'She cannot be allowed accompany us in front of the other tree lords. We cannot hope to find peace elsewise.'

2013-09-07, 02:50 AM
Kanna Ashbaugh

The girl frowned a bit, looking uneasily towards Lenfrey as she was scolded. Her head perked up as Eoghan seemed to come to her defense, making her feel a little better in the process, granted Lenfrey's scolding didn't completely cease. "I... I know... I... I'm sorry..." She spoke frowning more looking down. She felt so shameful for things. It always felt as if anything that was wrong seemed to always be at her own cause whether she wanted it or not.

She disliked the fact she seemed to always find her in trouble, not one to do so on her own. Glancing over she looked towards Myrtle and back towards Eoghan. "I... if I'm to much trouble... I... I'd gladly leave you all to your own devices. I really don't want to cause any of you harm or trouble." She spoke in her soft and delicate voice. Her eyes innocently glancing upon the others.

2013-09-07, 04:10 AM

Myrtle walks back to join the others. "Lenfrey does have a point, Eoghan. Taking her with us to negotiate with tree lords is quite a risk with a demon or spirit of some sorts waiting in the wings to cause trouble. Who knows what these fickle lords might do to her."

She turns to Kanna. "However, we can't leave you on your own in the city. You deserve to have at least some people looking out for you." She smiles brightly. "So, I suggest a compromise. Kanna keeps on travelling with us, but she doesn't accompany us to talk to the tree lords. Instead, one of us stays with her outside to make sure she doesn't cause more trouble, while the others do the negotiating. How does that sound?"

2013-09-07, 09:51 AM

"Fair enough, lets stop and get something to eat & drink first though" Eoghan replies after a moments thought "Perhaps we can hear another perspective on this fued and pick up some useful information whilst we're there"

2013-09-07, 09:56 AM

Myrtle nods. "A fine idea, Eoghan. Do you know a good inn around here?"

2013-09-08, 01:09 AM
You find the nearest Tavern, which is named The Lost Amulet. It is a large establishment with four long, rectangular communal tables and ten smaller round tables. Three gnome women stand upon a stage playing a melodious tune. The Barkeep is a thin elven maiden. It is almost Highsun and quite the crowd has gathered for midday meal. A sign at the front of the pub reads, "Lunch Special: Bowl of Gigtroed Stew, Pint of Ale and Slice of Carrot Cake for 5 Silver."

2013-09-08, 11:38 AM

Eoghan walks up to the bar with a smile "One lunch special please" he asks the barmaid while holding out five silver coins.

2013-09-08, 12:43 PM
"Comin' right up, hun." Her voice is a bit deeper than you would have expected but still pleasant. She hustles off to a small widow and yells, "One more special Fran!"

2013-09-08, 01:55 PM

"I'll have the same. Carrot cake sounds delicious. Are they a local specialty? Oh! And do you have anything meaty for my wolf?" She smiles brightly at the barkeep and puts 8 silver pieces on the bar. "Will that be enough for the meat?"

2013-09-08, 02:11 PM
The Elf smiles at the Halfling, "Carrots are a locally grown crop, especially by the Ladies of Mercy, Red and Hoof Turs, who prize carrots above most other kinds of food. They just harvested the Carrots from their secret gardens on the forest floor. The Unicorns sell about half their yield to Taverns, then pickle the rest, which they distribute to the poor and needy during the darkest days of winter. So, really, you happened to get here just in time. I'll have run through my supply of the purple Unicorn Carrots by the time Winter arrives." She looks down at the wolf and says, "I'm sure we have some nice, juicy Gigtroed leftovers for her."

2013-09-08, 03:32 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna simply nodded to the talk. It left her feeling so... useless... a liability. It left her rather uneasy though she simply went with it. She didn't want to cause any more trouble for them. She squeezed her arm keeping quiet frowning a bit as she followed suit.

Entering the tavern, she didn't say a word. She glanced over curiously around briefly before focusing back at the others, hearing as they ordered up something to eat. She parted her lips to speak but bit her lip, not saying a word. Her head turned away not quiet certain, her eyes lingering around watching the patrons go about their business.

2013-09-08, 03:53 PM

"Lucky for us then" Eoghan remarks when she mentions running out of carrots by winter "We're recently arrived in Whitebuck, anything interesting happening around town lately?"

2013-09-08, 04:30 PM
Indeed. There was an attack inside the city yesterday by some undead. Viacarius himself intervened and slew their master. The King decided to march off with his Rangers to take the fight right to Rueserond's doorstep. Beyond that, the age old fued about bread continues on. Heard an Ice got himself shanked in the middle of the night. Also heard some Merfolk were in town on a diplomatic mission. Oh, and the self-styled Professor Mabanda Giggleburrorow has decided to mount an expedition to the Vault of Suffering... Almahara rest that poor sod's soul.

2013-09-09, 05:12 AM

"You said someone was murdered? What happened?"

2013-09-09, 10:55 PM
Indeed," says the woman in a very matter of fact tone, "Bwal Icesword was a known lecher, a known drunk and a known hooligan. Had his eye on little Lady Nassa Flailwind, daughter of His Grace, Lord Flailwar. She rebuked him at every turn but he kept a comin'. I hear..."

A man from the kitchen yells, "ORDER UP!"

The Elf smiles, gives a bit of a bow and heads to the back. When she returns, she comes bearing a feast's worth of food - a piping hot bowl of monstrous centipede stew, a pint of almost over flowing ale and a delicious looking purple carrot cake for each of the four companions, as well as a heaping plate full of left over centipede for the Wolf.

The Barkeep smiles once more and continues, "I hear Den and Ben did the deed. They always do Flailwar's dirtier tasks. Serves old Icesword right though, that's what happens when you can't take a hint."

A Human woman, who happened to saunter up to the bar for a refill scoffs, "Only fools think Den and Ben did it. We all know it was really Kaj Macegold. See he fears a possible union between the Turs of Ice and Flail because then he would surely be cut entirely out of the bread business."

A Gnome patron chimes in, "You're both wrong! I heard Bwal's wound was inflicted with a large curved blade. Not many 'round these parts use man-sized sickles... Save those blasted Merfolk. We all know Flailwar is in collusion with that so-called Archon Abadrael. Those two want to invade Bastion Isle, defeat the the Witch of Winter and plunder the Shimmering Pyramids of the Viceroys!"

The Barkeep laughs, "You can't be serious? Can you? How would Lord Flailwar ever convince his Majesty to go to war with the Witch of Winter, when Rueserond is an ever constant threat? There were undead in the city, might I remind you! And why, pray-tell, would the Merfolk kill old Bwal?"

"You scratch my back, I scratch your's," replies the Gnome, who proceeds to take a swig of ale.

"Likely story Gnome! But it just isn't true!"

"How do you know?"

The Human pipes up, "Yeah, how do you know?"

The Elf looks a bit embarrassed before responding, "Woman's intuition!"

The Gnome and Human scoff in unison.

2013-09-10, 08:59 AM

Eoghan tucks into his meal whilst listening to the talk around him, taking a swig of his ale he asks "Why would bread be a motive for murder?"

2013-09-10, 03:10 PM
The Human woman responds with a smile, "Lord Flailwar holds a monopoly on the production of bread. Since bread is so common, all have to pay him for a license. It has made the Flails exceedingly wealthy. Ice and Mace Turs want a piece of that... Or rather, slice, of that loaf. The Flails do not want to share their bounty."

2013-09-10, 03:31 PM

Myrtle eats quietly, listening to the conversation while Cyra hungrily devours her meal. Seeing her chance during a pause in the conversation, she speaks up.
"You'd think with the recent attacks that wealth should be the yeast of their problems. Least! The least of their problems."

2013-09-10, 04:12 PM
Everyone around Myrtle erupts with laughter.

But the DM is not pleased! :smallfurious: :smalltongue:

"Few other concerns take precedence over coin," replies the Gnome to the Halfling.

2013-09-10, 07:50 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She kept quiet, feeling more so like a liability at this point. She overheard the conversation as her lips parted as if to speak though biting her bottom lip to contain herself. She felt like she might suddenly cause more trouble. A light frown on her lips at the situation.

Something about Myrtle's rather lame joke though... it caused a small smile to peek on her lips. A soft giggle escaped uncontrollably despite her efforts to contain it as she looked on. Little Ai scurried up onto her shoulder as she glanced over as a brighter smile beamed on her face, feeling far better now.

"It... it just seems so wrong to me. Such livelihood of people... it shouldn't be upheld and taxed in such a fashion. Its cashing in on people's lives for the simplest of necessities." She voiced herself finally, looking up quite a bit more relaxed feeling due to Myrtle and Ai's combined efforts, even given it wasn't likely directed by Myrtle to do such.

2013-09-10, 08:58 PM
The Barkeep puts her hand on Kanna's should, "You're preaching to the Choir here. 'Course what can we common folk do, eh?"

2013-09-10, 09:11 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

She felt a hand on her shoulder looking over at the barkeep. She heard him speak looking uncertain before looking back up. "There has to be a way to change things. I just no it. Everyone has a say of how they live their lives. No mortal stands above the rest... to cause suffering to others. There has to be a way for the majority to overthrow the minority in such greedy practices. Those ruling should be doing so to protect the weak not to cause them suffering."

She spoke biting her bottom lip looking down realizing she perhaps went a bit to far in her wording. "S... sorry..." She spoke looking down not quite wanting to cause trouble considering what she had done, her little fox rubbing against her to comfort her.

2013-09-10, 09:26 PM
The Barkeep spins the girl around, drops to eye level and stares right into the Sorceress' eyes, "Those are dangerous words. You are with friends but don't say such things out there," she points to the door, "In that dark and scary world. You are kind and innocent but there are men... Believe me you, there are men that will use you to call forth an army, then supplant you the moment your use is at an end."

The Elf leans in and whispers in Kanna's ear, "If you want to change the world, seek the aid of Delidara Stormsnake."

The Barkeep then stands up and yells, "One free round, on me!" The patrons cheer with joy!

2013-09-11, 12:43 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

The rat sat down among his traveling party and put 5 silver on the table for the meal. When the food arrived, he ate hungrily. He listened to the conversation.

An uprising within this damned war?

'It could be what the city needs.' Lenfrey says the last aloud.

2013-09-11, 09:23 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna kept quiet hearing the words of the man, nodding as she bit her bottom lip. It was a bit surprising to her though hearing to her own shock as the elf spoke to her in whisper. Her head turned a bit in her direction. The sound of the whisper all but faded as the bartender suddenly shouted out about free drinks to quite thunderous applause.

Her eyes fixated over from the bartender and briefly back to the elf. Her eyes shifted back to Lenfrey as she scratched the back of her head a little bit uncertain how to respond. Truthfully... she did want to help the people out, though she wasn't quite sure just how the majority of the others felt. She didn't find herself really being that useful for the group considering what happened. She wouldn't try and imposing what she wanted on them unless they seemed wanting to.

2013-09-12, 10:41 AM

Myrtle looks at the gnome who spoke to her and nods. "Very true, unfortunately."

She then turns to Kanna. "Noble words, miss. Not much the common folk can do, though. And with the ongoing war... well, I suppose it'd be rather ill-advised to start something."

2013-09-14, 09:43 AM

Eoghan sits quietly listening to the others while he finishes his meal before asking the bartended "If Ben & Den do the Flail lords dirty work does that mean the Flails are allied with Grandmother Arial & Grandfather Hanwek? or is it a more mercenary relationship?"

2013-09-14, 10:05 AM
She grows very, very hesitant and awkward, "G-g-grandfather Hanwek... W-w-we don-t... Speak of t-th-the Grandfather here..."

2013-09-14, 11:26 AM

Eoghan gives an understanding nod before rising "Well we should probably get on with our errands, thank you for the food" he says with a friendly smile and heads for the door.

2013-09-14, 11:47 AM

Having finished her meal in silence, Myrtle nods when Eoghan speaks. "Time to go guys. We've got work to do."

She waves at the innkeeper with a smile. "Compliments to the chef."

2013-09-14, 11:54 AM
You find yourselves some distance from the tavern. The rain is still coming down hard. The air is cool, only made more so by the frigid rain.

2013-09-14, 02:11 PM

Myrtle pulls her cloak tighter around her, shivering. "Bah. Horrible weather." She looks around at the others. "So, what do we do now? We could go speak to the Ice and Mace Tur lords, but we may just be walking into a whole mess of politics and assassinations. I can't say I'm looking forward to that very much."

She turns to Kanna. "We could forget about these lords and head to Sunleaf, see what they can do, but I don't think you'd like that, would you?"

She then turns to Lenfrey. "I suppose it all comes down to that necromancer. You know who he is, right? Isn't there some way we can persuade him to stop attacking villages?"

2013-09-14, 02:33 PM

"I think we should head to the Ice tur, I don't much like the thought of getting involved with a political mess but someone has to before it spills over into a military one." he pauses and looks into each of the others eyes "Besides which I also don't want to let a murderer go uncaught."

2013-09-15, 01:30 PM
Lenfrey Coyne

Lenfrey pulls his hood up against the rain.

'There's no persuadin' those with black hearts as cold as winter. A necromancer sees folks as property, and wants nothing less than your lives.'

2013-09-15, 02:38 PM
Kanna Ashbaugh

Kanna had followed suit with everyone outside. The elf's whisper lingering in her mind. What exactly was it that they felt they could accomplish? It left her quite curious. Little Ai perked up on her shoulder before balling up comfortably on it as if attempting to fall asleep wrapped around the back of her neck on her shoulders, despite the rather odd position.

Kanna looked towards Myrtle hearing her mention sunleaf as it made her frown a little. "Ah... I... I mean... we could b... but even if I wanted to... it would be difficult for me to even get in..." She spoke softly looking away a bit embarrassed. While it wasn't exactly a place she was happy to go to, she would be willing to for the sake of the greater good. Though, she didn't think her entry would be so easily permitted.

She looked up suddenly shooting back to the whispering before. "Ah... well that one elf..." She spoke glancing around not really thinking about it until she was about to speak up. Her voice went a bit lower. "...said to speak to someone named Delidara Stormsnake... to help..." She looked up at the others not quite sure how they would take what she said.

2013-09-15, 03:45 PM

Myrtle listens patiently to all of them before replying.

"That's too bad, Lenfrey. I suppose we have no choice but to defend ourselves, then. Maybe we should take an army to his doorstep, like in the stories of old. We could be like the heroes of those tales, defeating the vile necromancer in his lair." She grins. "But, judging from the power of his apprentice, that'd most likely be suicidal."

She then turns to Kanna. "We could ask this lady to help us, I suppose. I don't think she'll be very useful unless..." Her voice drops to a whisper. "... we're staging a rebellion. Which is just about the least the island needs at the moment."

"I think Eoghan has the right of it. Someone has to convince these lords to stop pointing swords at each other and start pointing them at the enemy. And who better to do it than us?" She looks around at the others, adjusting her cloak somewhat. Then she turns to her wolf and pats the animal on the nose. "What do you think, Cyra?"

2013-09-15, 04:59 PM
You make your way over to Ice Tur. The Tree is unusually cold, complete with icicles and frost. You have heard that Ice Telu is known for its mastery of Ice magic but the sheer amount of frigidness here startles you, it is as if the Redwood tree itself is generating its own aura of cold. By chance, you happen to run into the Lord of Ice Tur as he descends the wide, frost-covered spiral walkway. He wears fancy blue clothing bedazzled with diamonds and rubies. His fiery red beard is long and thick, surly the envy of most Dwarves. Three of his guards - two clad in heavy plate and another wearing only a flowing white robe, bid you to clear the path and allow the Lord to pass.

2013-09-16, 03:28 PM

Myrtle nudges her wolf to get out of the way, and steps aside herself while addressing one of the guards. "Excuse me, could I ask you a question?"

2013-09-16, 03:32 PM
The robbed guard frowns, "Make it quick Halfling."

2013-09-16, 03:49 PM

Myrtle looks at the man with a severe expression on her face. "Thanks. Your lord seems heavily guarded for a walk through his own tur. You're not expecting another attack on the city, are you? Should we be worried for our own safety?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]