View Full Version : Reintse's Rise C

2013-08-12, 04:02 AM
Go to the Covens, boy!

Do not look back!

Don't let Him get to Her...

These were the last words your father had mentioned before sending you away with a mysterious stone.

Now, the stone, just a polished rock, reflects the shadows from the canopy above as you wander what he meant.

A big change from Erehlei Cinlu.

No constricting caverns, no terrifying towers. No drow.

No Satau...

These woods, however. Your father had mentioned them before, many times. Something about a great secret at its heart, but that its denizens would welcome you with open arms.

An hour had passed and no welcoming party as you move through the uneven terrain, using the crude map to a pace marked Easter Coven and Uwellyn beneath it.

But why isthis place so deserted?

No birds, no bears, no animals.

Deathly quiet.

Upon reaching a clearing, you get an idea why...

appearing from behind a thick tree forty fet away, you see a man ressed in tattered white robes.

Something is wrong about this man. It is dried up, as if it has been under the scalding sun for weeks. It's chapped lips dribble pieces of salt and its body spills sand all over where it stands.

The creature growls with unnatural passion as it fixes its gaze on you.

Salt Mummy


also, Know religion to ID it

The creature is fast as it comes charging at you and hits you squarely in the chest. Its punch seems to drain the very moisture out of you.

27 damage plus dehydrating impact DC 19 fort. for 1/2 22 damage

2013-08-12, 04:55 AM
Father... They were chased down only a few days ago by that monster, at least that is what Reintse believed. The concept that time could have traveled differently for him was unfathomable. Then it was a few days ago that Glit, his floating companion, was glowing red. Something was wrong, and Reintse followed his companion, feeling the growing pain inside. He walked into the woods and it felt peaceful, right. But then something was wrong, too. Then he was charged by the monster of evil, out of nowhere. Pain filled his eyes, but he forced it into the back of his head. No, he was trained better than that! He slid back and spit acid at the monstrosity in front of him while radiating with holy light.

5ft back, Reintse's Attack:


Glit's Attack:

AC is up to 30 for 10 rounds.

2013-08-12, 05:05 AM
@Resintse: Both you and your floating orb spits acid at the beast as the corrosive liquid eats at its salt encrusted flesh.

The abomination roars and punches you in the stomach.

Fortunately, your armor holds true and repels the creature's fist.

2013-08-12, 05:11 AM
Reintse sighed in relief as he slid away from the monster once more, him and Glit sending a shot of acid at the mummy as it slides back, constantly dodging back and forth.



















2013-08-12, 05:20 AM
@Reintse: The pitiful creature never has a chance as you keep spitting at him with Glitz ever on your shoulder.

Yes, that initial attack hurt, but, as strong as these creatures were, they were no match for you.

Well..it would seem some strangers have decided to help these woods..or was it self preservation?

A female voice rings through the tall canopy. You cannot see her, but a light shower of autumn leaves fall around you.

The voice echoes again.

Who are you, spitting warrior? I have seen an obsidian one- a rare sight, but one like you? Even stranger.

2013-08-12, 06:29 AM
Reintse looked around him, confused, as he was gasping for breath. The acidic spit was magically created and the spit was merely how it was delivered, but Reintse couldn't help but let out some spit out every time and by now, his mouth was dry. He pulled out his Everfull Mug and took a sip of water.

"Glit, do you see anything?" He asked, but got the obvious answer in a form of a long yellow light. He sighed and looked around. "My name is Reintse. What is yours?" The boy called. "Did you watch me? That thing was dangerous! Why didn't you help?"

2013-08-12, 10:30 AM
@Reintse: Glit glows yellow in what can be a most articulate response.

Why would I help? You seemed quite capable on your own, child. That beast lunged at you so many times. And yet it could never break through you...

The leaves around the canopy above rustle as a rain of acorns and leaves rain upon you and Glitz.

Then, she appears.

A beautiful maiden with tan hair and ankle length hair, green. She has elven features, yet something else about her, something a lot more natural. Can't quite put your finger on.

The woman, with her deep amber eyes looks at you from at least thirty paces as she places her hand on a tree.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in our dying woods? Come to claim the spoils, or join this thing's master?"

2013-08-12, 10:42 AM
Reintse frowned in confusion. "It still hurt me... And why would I join someone who hurts me?" He says as his eyes shift color wordlessly, searching into the heart of the maiden. "Can't you look into my heart and see that I mean you no harm?" He asked, puzzled.

He then looked around. "Glit led me here... He is part of me and..." Reintse stopped. People didn't seem to understand when he tried to explain. Glit was his last connection to his father. When he felt that odd sensation a few days ago, Reintse was afraid. Glit's glow comforted him, like his dad used to. Finally, he shook his head. "This place, it feels like I belong. I feel like I was born here, but I do not know..." He looked into the mystical fey's eyes. "You ask a lot, but you haven't even told me your name."

2013-08-12, 10:47 AM
@Reintse: The elven maiden with long green hair walks up to you and stop again, placing her hand on a tree.

"You would be surprised how many here lately would go through pain to show themselves stronger and worthy to others...."

The woman looks at the orb floating a few inches off your shoulder.

"Reintse, you say..."

The woman walks closer to you and stops a mere inches as she passes her hand around your face.

Those eyes...the features. Could it be?

The elven woman smiles as she hugs you. Something unexpected.

"Has it been so long that you have forgotten Uwellyn, Steiner? I must say Her blessing proved a lot stronger. Than her and Verenestra you are back. He has gone mad, Steiner. He finally has gone mad..."

This...Uwellyn holds on to you with much help. She seems exhausted and apparently, your father's name has lifted something off her chest.

2013-08-12, 11:01 AM
Reintse is surprised by the sudden touch and the following hug. He hesitated at first, but he wrapped his hands around her and returned the gesture. Uwellyn... What an odd name.

"You know my father?" Reintse asked quietly.

2013-08-12, 11:07 AM
@Reintse: Uwellyn steps back.

"You're not Steiner...his son?"

The woman laughs.

"He was always so..."

Uwellyn's voice trails off.

"I am Uwellyn, elder dryad of the Eastern Coven, Reintse. Now I can understand why you came in undetected. Your father is a very crafty man. Always has been. But where is he? I was hoping he would sense the problems here..."

Uwellyn looks beyond the great trees and thick foliage as growls fill the air, unnatural, just like the mummies.

"I was told some had walked in. A large group. I was under the impression you belonged to that group as well. A scout perhaps. You came alone? If so, walk with me. These woods are no longer safe."

2013-08-12, 11:13 AM
Reintse followed the woman. "What is wrong with the woods? What was that thing? I saw no animals... What's a dryad?" Reintse asked but then he blushed. His father told him to not ask many questions. Reintse wanted to know, but Steiner said... "Father and I separated a few days ago." Reintse said. Of course, it wasn't merely days. It's odd, how to him it was only a few days, while he actually repeated the same routines many times. He barely noticed how much more durable his body had become while he...

"Glit started behaving weird when I started... I am not sure, but it feels wrong. I'm afraid that something bad happened to Father." Reintse said with a sniff, but he quickly wiped the tears away. He had to behave like a big boy.

2013-08-12, 11:25 AM
@Reintse: Uwellyn turns around and you can see her expression is filled with sadness. And a touch of despair.

"He...is no longer with us, then. And there goes the last chance I had of him stopping his fellow Guardian."

Uwellyn sits on the ground and digs her face in her hands as soft sobbing can be heard.

"What else can I do now? Casyllyn is gone. I have no news of her. Balion has gone completely demented and a White Shade now destroys our forest..."

She then wipes her tears as she gets up.

"These have been long days, with no sleep, Reintse. Forgive that outburst. But if you are Steiner's son, then...maybe."

At that moment a diminutive elfin creature glowing with pink light lands on her hand and whispers something so high pitched, it is incomprehensible.

Uwellyn nods and the watches the creature fly off as hundreds of multicolored lights follow it up into the canopy and disappear.

"It would seem these strangers are going to be tested, Reintse. I would like for you to come with me, since I have lost Steiner and would not like his son to follow suit so quickly."

2013-08-12, 11:32 AM
His father... Dead? Was that the meaning of what he felt? But... No, he was so strong, so brave, so good... Reintse looked at the lady as she began to cry. It wasn't fair. Why was she crying when it was his father. He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying his best to help. It wasn't right.

Reintse looked in surprise at the little thing talking to Uwellyn. How could she understand that? He barely heard it. But he nodded. Adults knew what was right to do, right?

Well. Not all the time. Steiner made sure that, Reintse is aware of.

2013-08-12, 11:46 AM
@Reintse: You follow the dryad through the woods, pausing at intervals as she beckons for you to hide behind a tree or using a spell to grant both ability to hide better.

Whole patrols of them. In the dozens, prowl the woods.

"He has allowed this shade to overrun us. The forest is large, but with no opposition, it will take their sinister master but a few days- a week at the most to reduce this place to a withered landscape, bereft of all life."

After about an hour trekking through the woods, Uwellyn raises her hand, motioning for you to stop.

"Look down there."

Indeed, you find yourself on a small cliff looking at a clearing. The light from the sun breaks in through the canopy and you can spot several people and creatures.

One is a a man in armor. Heavy armor, similar to yours.

Another woman wears the same kind of armor,. You can notice she has long white hair.

Another white haired woman. This one you have seen- in droves. Maybe not her, but her kind- a drow. The dark elves from the Underdark. This one wears light armor

Flying around the drow, you spot a tiny creature, perhaps a few inches bigger than the one Uwellyn had spoken to.

Two elves. One wears light armor. The other, robes.

A human. Frail and wearing black robes ends the group.

Then, you see that a few feet away from the, glowing and running away, is one of those creatures you fought.

"I know two below, but I want to know if they haven't been ensorcelled by the others to come here and aid in the attacks. They do not seem to be attacking the mummy, so that leaves much to be desired."

2013-08-12, 12:38 PM
"I don't sense evil in them..." Reintse said quietly. "Perhaps those that you know contacted the others for help?" He offered. "But... How can I help you find out for sure?"

The sights he saw in the forest, they were... He wasn't used for so much evil in one place. What was so important that such destruction was called for?

2013-08-12, 12:41 PM
@Reintse: Sensing no evil below, you watch the knight and the white haired woman, human by all accounts, being surrounded by thousands of the tiny elfin creatures.

"Not all that lack evil are incapable of destruction, Reintse. One of our biggest threats never embraced darkness. And yet, he poses the biggest danger to us all now."

2013-08-12, 12:53 PM
"But..." Reintse begins, unsure. "No... If you know two of them, doesn't the group deserve more than to be attacked? Would you watch them die, or kill, just for the sake of proving something? Can't you help them... Stop this?" He motions as the swarm appears to be hostile. "Death can't be the best test." He pleads.

2013-08-12, 01:01 PM
@Reintse: Uwellyn looks at you and smiles.

"You are like him, alright. And at a guess...like Her as well. They will not kill. I have asked them not to, but I need to make sure where they stand in these woods. Violet should be able to do something about this. If she begins attacking, then that means they are in fact, allied with the monster and have managed to take a grip of Violet and Irraly's mind."

2013-08-12, 01:10 PM
"Like her? Do you know my mother?" Reintse says. He looked back at the group and frowned. But they are being attacked... Would they be wrong to fight back?

2013-08-12, 01:46 PM
@Reintse: Uwellyn looks down as the woman in white hair blows a gout of cold ice at the swarm and clenches her fists.

"No, child. I never knew your mother. I was referring to someone else. And look. They too seek to despoil my kind. It would seem Violet has fallen to their ways as well."

Uwellyn shuts her eyes and mumbles some words as the swarm below begins to radiate brighter.

"It is not a path I would've wanted to take, Reintse, but they have decided to open fire rather than negotiating."

2013-08-12, 01:49 PM
"But they have been attacked first!" Reintse tries to reason. "It's every creature's right to defend himself and the only one who would understand them seems unable to do so! It is not fair to judge based on that!" The kid motions at what happens below.

2013-08-12, 01:58 PM
@Reintse: uwellyn looks on at the battle below.

"The ways of the fey are very different than those of the outside world, child. We were recently attacked without provocation by an outsider... one who ... killed my sisters for no reason at all ."

Uwellyn's voice cracks at the mention of this.

"The fey are furious and they want to exact revenge. I have tried to call them all to my Coven, where we can be safe, but some refuse to acknowledge. The Shimmerlings are very basic fey in understanding. Alone, they are harmless, but their nest has been corrupted by this new threat and they seek retribution... I can only hope that those below prove them wrong. That they in fact are not an enemy, but with that woman's attack, it will be that much harder."

2013-08-12, 02:05 PM
"You are wrong!" Reintse says, getting upset. "We live in the same world! These people didn't attack or provoke none of you but they have been treated as enemies and were attacked! Do you think that attacking anyone who enters the woods would bring sympathy to you, or perhaps if those who are hurt matter to anyone out there, it could bring even more trouble to your kind?!"

2013-08-12, 02:11 PM
@Reintse: Uwellyn looks at you sternly.

"We have been secluded for many seasons, son of the Wandering Minstrel. The fey have our ways to deal with interlopers. This may seem excessive, but you will learn soon that even our kind is now conspiring against us. Do not rush to make a hasty decision yet."

Uwellyn holds on to you and both are carried by the branches, as the swarm flies up into the canopy.

"Let us go and see who they are."