View Full Version : Some help sought for paladin/sorcerer build

2013-08-12, 05:57 AM
Hello fellow gamers and players and adventurers :)

I will provide first some background on me and our campaign, then some on my character, and then finally the actual question will appear :D

I have played a bunch of games over the year, but not any DnD for like a decade. 1 year ago some people I met got me into playing some 3.5, which I found to be fun. Our sessions are usually a bit combat heavy, with a giant squared map and miniatures and whatnot. We are only 2 original players left from when we started, the GM is the same, luckily. Thus our group originally descended slowly into evildoings, becomming more and more selfish and less skittish and squirmish about doing "what had to be done". (the first person we killed was an innocent bystander, pure accident I tell you, and it sorta went downhill fast after that).

I started out as a sorcerer, and when I became level 4 I had sold my soul to a demonic entity in exchange for getting true dragonblood in my veins. In effect this made me into a Dragonborn (of Bahamut) but an evil variant. Then our new group had a serious meta chat, where we discussed the direction the group as a whole wanted to take with the campaign, and two new members expressed a strong wish for our group to take a more good route, or at least a more neutral one. (no more letting kidnapped and poisoned innkeepers and their families die because we wanted to take over the inn, and they were deadly sick anyways). So. I tried to reinvent my character. He had a huge breakdown, and the dawning realisation that he had sold his soul for more power (and in the process indirectly killed some baby dragons cos he got mommy's blood) made him search for a new path in his life. And he sold his nightmare steed.
Thus he decided to seek forgiveness and repent his sins, and found respite in the church of Lathander.

A little time later, he is now a level 4 sorcerer and level 4 paladin, with a draconic heritage.
He is pretty fun to play roleplaying-wise, as his serach for redemption, his firm belief in that everyone deserves a second chance, and his determination to be chaotic good, well, it gives some good group dynamic ;)

BUT, and here is the main reason I post here, he feels somewhat lackluster in combat scenes. And for a good reason, as he no matter what I do, he will always be a level 4 character with 8HD. And amazing save throws xD
I have looked at various resources (our GM is rather large as long as it's somewhat formal) but the only thing I've found so far was the feat "Practiced Spellcaster" that will at least take my damage spells up a bit.
I know my character is flawed, in lots of ways, as he is trying to do at least 2 different things at once, and not being up to par on either.
Combat-wise I am so frustrated that I have asked the GM how long he expects the campaign to be, as I feel very little useful, and would rather make a whole new champion that struggle by as it is.
Taking most forms of armor is almost useless because of the ASF and the fact that mage armor brings the same with my +2 dex compared to most things I have access to.

So, any ideas? (as said, the roleplaying is rather fun, so I'd love som input that could make it more bearable)

2013-08-12, 06:10 AM
Ask him if you can retrain your character. If you can, then you're aiming to be a Sorcadin. At 8, you're looking at Paladin 2/ Sorcerer 4/ Spellsword 1/ Abjurant Champion 1. Get Arcane Preparation and the spells Luminous Armor and Greater Liminous Armor. Dump physical armor entirely (or rather, get one with 0 ASF, but your AC will come from spells). From that, finish Abjurant Champion @ 12 and take Sacred Exorcist from 13 to 20. You should have fun. :smallsmile:

Edit: If you CAN'T retrain, just take Arcane Preparation next level, along with a level in Spellsword. Continue as above, losing two levels of Sacred Exorcist. You'll never reach 9th level spells, but you shouldn't be too incompetent at battle either. Just remember to get and rely on both Luminous Armor spells, and fill your spell list with useful buffs first and utility spells second (I.e.: don't try blasting).

2013-08-12, 07:21 AM
Thank you very much for the feedback :D

I assume Arcane Preparation is not to mess with meta-magic, but solely to open up for sanctified spells from BoED, thus making Luminous Armor available. I'll run the idea by my GM and see what he says. And consider the next level in Spellsword from Complete Warrior, as it looks promising :)

Thanks a bunch again, there is so many variations and permutations now in the DnD world I feel a bit lost sometimes :p

2013-08-12, 07:31 AM
The other way is to go for a complete rebuild, which in light of the soul searching your character has gone through isn't completely wrong. While staying true to the concept of a spell-slinging paladin you could go all paladin using elements from this build: http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/29110689

Paladin 8 in this way isn't half bad, and will certainly feel quite a bit more versatile and stronger in combat than your current character.

2013-08-12, 08:09 AM
Thank you very much for the feedback :D

I assume Arcane Preparation is not to mess with meta-magic, but solely to open up for sanctified spells from BoED, thus making Luminous Armor available. I'll run the idea by my GM and see what he says. And consider the next level in Spellsword from Complete Warrior, as it looks promising :)

Thanks a bunch again, there is so many variations and permutations now in the DnD world I feel a bit lost sometimes :p

No problem! About Arcane Preparation, you got the spirit. However, keep in mind that sanctified spells have a slight backlash when their duration ends (a small strength damage, in the case of Luminous Armor). Keep a Rod of Bodily Restoration handy, or even a Wand of Lesser Restoration. Aside from that, try to explain to your DM that Mage Armor is in the wrong school (it is widely considered to be an Abjuration). That eases entrance into Abjurant Champion, IIRC. Regardless, you'll see your AC soar when you have Greater Luminous Armor and Shield active at Abj. Champ. 5! I recommend searching stuff about Sorcadins. That should give you some ideas. :smallsmile:

2013-08-12, 11:26 AM
Yeah a complete rebuild would make sense on several levels, but at the moment we're neck deep in a huge city that's been overrun by undeads (party because of plots by our arch enemy, the evil necromancer) and so there is not much chance of this in the near future :p