View Full Version : Twilight of the Julii (IC)

2013-08-12, 08:54 AM
The dank tunnels and catacombs of Necropolis have led you all to a long-abandoned chamber. A single, naked flame provides the only light, a torch bracketed into the wall.

Over the past few nights, each of you received a letter, giving directions to this very chamber that you've found yourself in, along with the time and date of a clandestine meeting. The letter was signed "G.R.S."

A few minutes after the last of you arrives, a man walks in, followed by a young looking woman dressed in the Lorica of the Legio Mortuum. The man appears to be in his early thirties, with short, curly brown hair, and green eyes. As he enters, each of you gets the sense that he is Kindred, and that his blood is more potent than your own. The young Legionnaire also sets off the sense of the Predator's Taint, but her blood is equal to that of your own.

The man looks around at each of you, then begins to speak. "Good evening, all of you. I am Gaius Rufus Scipio, Magistrate of the Senex. I'm sure you have all heard the rumors circulating through Necropolis that the Nemeses have arrived at our doorstep. Despite what my colleagues in the Senex believe, these rumors are very true. Which is why I have assembled the four of you. In order to make my colleagues see reason, I need proof that the Striges are indeed here. I know this task is not easy, and I do not ask it of you lightly. But if you help me, and convince the Senex to action, all of Necropolis could be saved." Gaius looks to each of you, expectantly.

2013-08-12, 11:22 AM
Cassius' hand falls to the hilt of his sword as the stranger walks into the chamber, but once he introduces himself as a member of the Wing of Ancients, he relaxes.

He had heard the whisperings of Striges in the city, but didn't put much stock in them. His superiors in the Legion didn't believe the rumors, so why should he? Though now that he was being tasked with finding evidence by a Magistrate of the Senex, he wasn't so sure.

He nods his head respectfully towards Gaius. "I will do my best to investigate, Your Grace. I'm always glad to be of service to the Senex."

2013-08-12, 11:59 AM
"Hgn.." Caio raised his head from where he stood just behind Cassius in the manner of a faithful watchdog. The familar half cough and half growl he made when thinking rumbling through the chamber.

Keeping a good distance from the only fire in the room he shifted his eyes to his master, ugly face cast in the half light.

The Gangrel was dressed in a commoner's brown robe, one tatty and worn and with a hood partly covering his face. Partly concealed under it, however, was a form fitting set of leather armour.

He didn't speak, only nodding along with Cassius' words as that dull eyed gaze remained on the man holding his metaphorical leash.

2013-08-18, 03:31 PM
Gaius nods in approval. "Good, I'm glad I can count on your support. In order to better aid the investigation, I'm also sending my Singulare with you." He gestures to the young looking, armored woman. "Veradis Aurelia, of Clan Mekhet. She's an excellent tracker, and judge of character. I place her at your disposal, gentlemen."

Veradis shifts uncomfortably in place, but stays silent.

"The most recent talk of Strix activity comes from deep in the Nosferatu warrens. I apologize in advance for the necessity of going down there. Talk with the locals, for the Worms see more than they let on." He pauses and turns to leave. "Good luck."

2013-08-18, 04:01 PM
Godagar's eyes follow Gaius as he leaves. One of the first things he learnt on his arrival in Necropolis was to stay clear of politics, and that very much includes politicians. Say nothing, and you can't say anything wrong.

Once Gaius is safely gone, Godagar slowly musters the others through narrowed eyes. His gaze finally resting on Veradis, he asks the question probably on everyone's mind: "So, why us?"

2013-08-18, 05:27 PM
Cassius doesn't miss a beat. After Gaius leaves and Godagar asks his question, he replies, "Because we're the best at what we do. I can't speak for the rest of you, but Caio and I have years of experience hunting down and eliminating threats to the Camarilla." He pauses, and seems to realize something. "I suppose more proper introductions are in order. I am Cassius Andronicus Severus, Centurion of the Legio Mortuum." He inclines his head towards Caio, but allows the Gangrel to introduce himself.

2013-08-20, 11:40 AM
Veradis considers Godagar's question for a moment, then replies, "Because we're a fairly diverse group. If we can all corroborate the story, and bring in some proof that the Striges are indeed here, then the Senex will be more inclined to believe us."

2013-08-20, 03:34 PM
The Gangrel nods, narrowed eyes moving each of the others in turn as he studies them quietly to start. Fingers flex before he too, speaks up.

"Caio of the Savages. No titles, no crowns." A small twitch of amusement on his ugly face. "Easier to pretend nightmares don't exist, feeling safe.

A false feeliing, hgn.. proof tossed at their feet is the only way. As my master says, this is what we do." He nods with a hint of pride. "What we do well."

2013-08-20, 04:21 PM
Godagar thumps his chest with a closed fist. "Godagar, son of Godawulf." He smirks at Veradis. "I guess my reputation precedes me."

2013-08-20, 09:22 PM
"Indeed it does." She says, smiling slightly in Godagar's direction. "Though I was told much of all three of you before we met. Gaius scouted you out for a long time before he chose you. As Caio said, you do this well." She smirks. "And I do this quickly. Something Gaius forgot to mention, or deliberately left unsaid, is that Senator Lucius Arnos is conducting his own investigation, with the express aim of disproving the presence of the Nemeses in Necropolis, simply because he's too afraid to believe they're actually here."

She moves quickly and quietly through the tunnels, leading you all down towards the Nosferatu Warrens. "As such, time is of the essence."

2013-08-21, 12:43 AM
"Conflict." There's a harrumph from Caio. "Mentioning another making opposing efforts shows he sets us against that other. Easier to have another speak of it.."

Eyes bore into Veradis' back before he moves to his master's side, murmuring quietly.

"Rats see all here. I can ask them to speak and command them to be our eyes."

2013-08-21, 08:49 PM
"Ugh, politics." Cassius mutters, disgust evident in his tone. "There's a good reason I didn't join most of my Clan in the Senex. The Legions just make so much more damn sense." He walks down the tunnels with the others, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

I'm doing a Wits+Investigation check, just to see if anything is out of the ordinary.


He listens in to Caio as he speaks, then replies.

"I think that would be wise. Find out what you can from them."

2013-08-22, 02:10 AM
Godagar falls in behind the others. He is comfortable with letting them take the lead, but ready to push them aside at the merest hint of trouble.

"Will this other group try to stop us?"

2013-08-23, 02:50 PM
"If they come across us during the course of our investigation, it's likely we'll be met with force. They're being led by Marcus Fidelias, the Senator's personal lapdog." Though she avoids using the more derogatory name, each of you has heard of the fearsome Gangrel warrior commonly referred to as "Canis Fidelias". His exploits, and savagery, are legendary.

You don't see anything out of the ordinary yet, Horus.

2013-08-23, 04:22 PM
The Gangrel nods and listens as they move along, his eyes sweeping to lock a number of rats into command, one at a time. All are given similar commands, to seek out anything unusual ahead of them.

Going for five rats to start, to not clutter stuff up.

2013-08-23, 04:36 PM
Godagar grins and hefts his club. "Let them try to stop us. If a dog gets in your way, you kick it..."

2013-08-25, 06:36 PM
"Hopefully, it won't come to that." Veradis sighs, and you all pass through an archway leading into the Nosferatu Warrens.

It's cold down there, and damp. What little light there is comes from a few guttering torches. The sound of something scurrying is all that can be heard, and you're not sure whether it's just the rats that Caio sent off to scout ahead.

As you walk through the tunnels, you get the feeling as though you're being watched. Suddenly, a man wearing filthy, tattered robes appears before you, out of thin air. You all get the sense that he's Kindred, and his Blood is equally as Potent as yours. His skin is pale, and stretched taut over his bones. He is emaciated and frail looking, and clutches a small cross in his gnarled hands.

"Mistress Veradis, how kind of you to visit my humble home again." His voice sounds wet and raspy, as though he was suffering from a chest and throat infection. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"My associates and I are here on business, Jeremiah." She speaks calmly to the Nosferatu, then looks to you all, expectantly.

2013-08-25, 07:01 PM
Cassius notices Veradis' expression, and steps forward. "We've heard reports of strange goings-on in the Warrens. Have you seen anything unusual, or out of the ordinary?" He paused, giving Jeremiah time to reply, and comply with the investigation. He was being intentionally vague, not wanting to point towards there being a "right" or "wrong" answer to his question.

Regardless of what happened, Cassius most likely wouldn't kill him. Though he might allow the two Gangrels to... persuade the Nosferatu if he wouldn't cooperate.

2013-08-26, 01:33 AM
A few of the rats cling to the ceilling over the frail looking Kindred, Caio knowing how deceptive appearances can be. The Gangrel doesn't keep all the way back as the talk starts, water splashing as he moves forward in his equally tattered robes to stand next to Cassius.

He doesn't speak, but his eyes twitch to every movement Jeremiah makes.

2013-08-26, 03:56 AM
Mirroring Caio's movement, Godagar moves up to Cassius' other side. Although he appears calm enough, absent-mindedly scratching behind his ear with his club, his eyes are fixed on the Nosferatu's cross, their expression anything but friendly. He doesn't really expect Jeremiah to make trouble, but he would be happy if he did.

2013-08-26, 10:09 AM
Jeremiah looks flustered, and stammers. "H-have I s-seen anything? Well... No, not really. I've only heard the rumors. I can take you to someone who claims to have seen the Striges herself." He meets Cassius' and Godagar's gazes without flinching. "That's why you're here, is it not?"

2013-08-26, 01:05 PM
Cassius nods, tersely. "Yes, it is. And I'd appreciate it if you could take us to her. I'd consider it fulfilling your civic duty." He smirks, but really does appreciate that Jeremiah is being cooperative. It makes things simpler, and much less messy. Cassius usually preferred to deal nonviolently with his fellow Christians.

2013-08-26, 03:27 PM
Caio hisses through his teeth, looking to Cassius. "You should let me talk."

It's a request from a slave to his master. Sort of.

2013-08-26, 04:01 PM
Cassius grins slightly, and looks over to his slave. "Maybe next time."

2013-08-26, 09:27 PM
Jeremiah leads you all through yet more tunnels, until you reach a chamber set deep beneath Necropolis itself. Inside there's a young looking woman with short black hair, standing over a bubbling cauldron filled with a red liquid. The stench of blood and death is on the air. She's pretty, in an exotic way, dark of eye and skin, and toned with muscle, despite her size. You all also notice a distinct lack of the Predator's Taint, despite never having met this woman before. Whatever she is, she's not Kindred.

"Mistress, there are people here to see you. They want to ask about the Strix you saw."

The woman looks up for the first time, and sees you all standing in her doorway. "I was not expecting guests tonight, Jeremiah." Her voice is rich, melodic, and heavily accented. She sounds as though she's Parthian, which would match her appearance. "But I suppose I can see them. Please, come in." She bows her head and gestures for you to come inside.

2013-08-27, 09:10 PM
The strange Parthian woman put Cassius on edge. He knew that he'd never met her before, and yet there was no trace of the Predator's Taint. It was possible that she was just a ghoul, but then... why did Jeremiah treat her with such reverence and respect?

He set his jaw and spoke firmly. "Ma'am, tell us what you saw." His hand falls to the hilt of his sword, just as a precaution.

2013-08-28, 03:38 AM
Upon seeing the woman, Godagar immediately puts his club back in its accustomed place through his belt and follows the invitation to step inside. He would much rather have stayed outside, or at least checked the doorway for runes and such, since the woman is clearly a witch, but both of those things would be an insult, and he knows better.

"Thank you for your hospitality," he says, frowning at Cassius' tone.

2013-08-28, 10:39 AM
She smiles at Godagar as he thanks her. "Well, at least some of the Kindred have manners." She then looks to Jeremiah. "Could you fetch Khusrau for me?"

The Nosferatu nods, and heads out the door. The Parthian woman turns back to face you all as you enter her home. "So, you've been sent to investigate the Strix sighting. I can tell you what I saw. A bird made of smoke flew into a corpse's mouth and nose. And then it rose, its eyes shining like an owl's in the night. It spoke to me, saying terrible, unholy things."

2013-08-28, 01:35 PM
So she's not Kindred He thinks to himself. He's unsure of what she could be, but she knows that they're vampires, that much is clear. If she's mortal, it's an egregious breach of the Masquerade...

"What sort of things did it tell you?"

2013-08-29, 01:15 PM
"It told me a tale of the Kindred. Of blood, and gore, and death. Of how the Julii will fall at the hands of the Striges." She grins slightly, and her canines are extended into fangs.

One of the rats Caio had sent as a scout comes up to him, squeaking,
"Two people are coming. One is armed."

2013-08-30, 02:20 PM
Caio huffs, ambling out of one of the room's entrances without further comment, his manner appearing vaguely bored.

Once outside though, he moves to circle into a position where he can shadow the newcomers on their approach.

2013-08-31, 10:10 AM
Caio sees that of the two men approaching, one is Jeremiah. The other is another Parthian, presumably Khusrau. He looks very much like the Parthian woman, but has slightly longer hair. In his right hand, he holds a brass dagger, and the two seem to be coming towards the room where the others are waiting. You also notice that Khusrau doesn't activate the Predator's Taint, though you've never met him before.

Back in the room with the Parthian woman, her grin fades. As Jeremiah and Khusrau enter, she continues, "And I spoke to it as well. About how the rest of the Kindred will fall to the Childer of Ahran!"

With unnatural speed and grace, Khusrau lashes out, and buries his dagger into Veradis' back.

(Roll Initiative, everyone!)

2013-08-31, 02:53 PM
Caio doesn't make use of a battle cry, or a warning shout. It's quite clear the others have spotted the sudden attack and his instinct is take down the most dangerous enemies quickly.

Right now, that's Khusrau.

And so there's a guttural snarl from behind the luckless kindred before Caio slams into him. A hand grasps his shoulder and a knee's slammed into his spine to weaken his legs. The Gangrel doesn't stop there though, he pulls the other around to face him and tears into him. Teeth to throat, fists to gut and chest, and knee to groin as he slams him back into the wall before seizing hold of his hair and beginning to batter his head against the stone with enough force to leave paper thin cracks in the surface.

10B dealt to poor Khusrau and he loses his action in the next round.

2013-08-31, 03:53 PM
With unnatural speed, Veradis whips around and draws her gladius in one smooth motion. She lunges at the pinned Parthian, her blade missing Caio by inches, and slides into Khusrau's flesh.

Khusrau cries out in pain, as his skull is bashed against the stone, and Veradis' gladius pierces him. "Vahunam... Help me!"

The Parthian woman looks to him, and shakes her head.

(Godagar's turn!)

2013-08-31, 04:08 PM
As soon as he realises they are being attacked, Godagar draws his Spatha. But rather than striking out blindly, he hesitates. Veradis and Caio seem to have the Parthian well in hand, and neither Jeremiah nor the witch have yet made a move against them.

So he waits, ready to bury his blade into anyone who makes a wrong move.

2013-08-31, 04:15 PM
The Parthian woman, apparently named Vahunam, looks to Jeremiah. "If you truly believe in our cause, the time to strike is now."

The Nosferatu looks hesitant, then vanishes from sight. For a long moment, nothing happens.

"Coward!" She cries. "It seems as though I will have to deal with these Kindred myself."

(Caio's turn!)

2013-08-31, 04:32 PM
Caio keeps his grip on Khusrah, eyes darting to Cassius. "You want him as ashes?" At Vahunam's outburst a glimmer of a smirk shows and he gestures at her with his free hand and a chitter of 'rat'.

<Attack her.>

2013-08-31, 05:14 PM
Cassius draws his sword at the same moment he feels the blood pumping inside him, fueling his long dead muscles with inhuman strength.

He spares a quick glance at Caio and simply says, "Kill him."

He then watches as the rats obey the Gangrel's order, and swarm towards Vahunam.

He takes full advantage of the distraction, and charges at her. With his shield high, blade low, in standard Legion tactics, he strikes out, his sword making a chopping slash at her vulnerable midsection.

4 successes on my attack roll, so she suffers 4L

2013-09-01, 01:38 AM
Caio's fangs glint savagely at the given order and once again the luckless Khusrah has his head slammed into the wall until it's stained by blood and the kindred's skull is fractured. A grip on the torpored vampire's collar, Caio lunges forward to sink fangs into the other's neck and begins to drink.

3L dealt. With just my attack that has him one health off going down, and Veradis hit him too. If I'm wrong and he's still up, I'll edit.

2013-09-01, 03:43 PM
Talking is a free action! :smalltongue:

Cassius looks to Vahunam, then gestures back towards Caio and says, "Tell us who and what you people are, or the same fate awaits you."

2013-09-01, 04:26 PM
Veradis draws her sword from the torpid Khusrau, allowing Caio to have him. She falls into formation with Cassius, her shield overlapping with him, locking into step with him as they advance. She says nothing, but doesn't take her eyes off of Vahunam.

The Parthian woman takes a few steps back from the advancing Legionaries and says, "You don't understand. I can't tell you."

Veradis breaks her silence. "Can't, or won't?"

"Can't. It's part of the weakness of our Blood. We cannot betray each other. No matter what."

(That takes up Veradis and Vahunam's turn. Time for Godagar!)

2013-09-01, 04:50 PM
"No matter what? We'll see about that."

Godagar remains slightly behind the Legionaries, so he has time to react in case she tries to dart past them and make a run for it.

"Push her against the wall with your shields, then we can tie her up and... question her."

2013-09-01, 08:02 PM
(Alright, that's Godagar's turn, which makes it Caio's, and he's busy Diablerizing Khusrau...)

The vestige of a soul contained within the Parthian Vampire is ripped from its body, which promptly crumbles to ash at Caio's feet. The Gangrel can feel newfound power flowing through his veins, as the Potency of his Blood increases, and knowledge of a new Discipline imprints itself in his mind.

(You said you wanted to pick up Obfuscate, right? Also, with that done, it makes it Cassuis' turn.)

2013-09-01, 08:46 PM
Cassius normally wouldn't like being ordered around by someone who wasn't his superior officer, but he couldn't deny that it was a good idea. He pressed onward, maneuvering his shield to pin Vahunam to the wall.

2013-09-02, 01:54 PM
Vahunam struggles slightly, but in vain, as the two Legionnaires press her against the wall with their shields.

"Torture will do you no good, Kindred scum. You might as well kill me now!"

Veradis meets her eyes and says, "Tell us what you can, and we might let you go. Who are you people? What are you?"

"We are the Childer of Ahran, heirs to the long destroyed city of Gomorrah. Some call us Clan Akhud, others call us VII. At the founding of Rome, the Julii named us the Tradiatores."

(Everyone roll intelligence+Occult to see if any of this is familiar to you)

2013-09-02, 09:59 PM
Cassius frowns as she speaks, remembering tales of the past that his Sire taught him when he was just a fledgling. "The Tradiatores were wiped out. That's impossible." He presses a bit harder with his shield. "Tell the truth! Are there any more of you in Necropolis?"

2013-09-03, 12:50 AM
Caio yawns as he pads over to stand behind Cassius, eyes sated after his meal. Those eyes now fix on Vahunam as he cants his head to study her. "Final Death is better then a devoured soul, hgn?"

2013-09-03, 03:10 AM
Godagar grins at Caio. "I like the way you think." When he looks back at Vahunam the grin turns to a snarl.

2013-09-03, 09:42 AM
Vahunam looks panicked, but her mouth can't seem to form the words. "The Julii only thought they wiped us out. As for the rest, I cannot say." She squirms and struggles against the two Legionnaires pressing her against the wall, but can't escape.

"Just end it already, then!" She cries at Caio and Godagar. "I've told you everything I can. And it doesn't matter if I die. The Striges and the others of my Clan will kill you all!"

2013-09-05, 11:37 AM
"We'll end it when we're ready to. How many more of you are there? What's your plan? Why are you working with the Nemeses?"

Cassius takes his sword and runs it along her arm. Not enough to cause damage, but enough to cause pain.

2013-09-05, 12:16 PM
Godagar sheathes his sword and takes out his knife instead.

"We should probably cut off a few fingers, to make sure she tells the truth."

2013-09-05, 01:18 PM
Caio says nothing, he simply gives Vahunam a feral grin from behind the rest, fangs showing as he slowly licks his lips.

2013-09-05, 07:00 PM
"I... I... I cannot say. But the Striges... them I can betray. As unprofessional as it would be, I can tell you where the Striges are." Her eyes are wide with fear, and she winces in pain as Cassius' blade bites into her skin.

"Torture me all you'd like, but I will never speak against my Clan."

2013-09-06, 02:45 PM
Cassius snarls. "Then tell us about the Striges. Where are they? What are their plans?"

2013-09-07, 08:08 PM
"The Striges are here, in the Warrens. Down in the deepest parts of the tunnels, they've amassed a small army of corpses. Some of the Nosferatu have been helping them, knowing that the Striges only want to kill the Julii. Jeremiah, for example, was one of them, coward that he turned out to be..." Her voice drips with contempt.

2013-09-09, 08:10 PM
Cassius looks to the others. "Then I say we go down and see for ourselves. What should we do with her in the meantime?"

2013-09-10, 12:22 AM
Caio shrugs. "We don't need her? Kill her?"

2013-09-10, 07:22 AM
"Hold on," says Godagar, "just because she says she won't talk about her Clan, doesn't mean she really won't say anything. Break a few bones, pull out a few teeth, and she'll talk. Eventually. And then we can kill her."

2013-09-10, 12:43 PM
Cassius smirks, and steps slightly to the side. He gestures towards Vahunam and says, "Then by all means, be my guest."

2013-09-11, 12:02 PM
"I've told you, I cannot betray my Clan. I've given you all the information I can. Now go, and may the Striges kill you all."

2013-09-11, 02:06 PM
Relying on the others to hold her down, Godagar breaks a few fingers. Just to be sure. He does it slowly, pausing after each one to give Vahunam a chance to change her mind.

2013-09-11, 02:59 PM
Caio shakes his head, folding arms with a displeased grunt. "Pointless toying, she won't tell you more. Kill her and be done with it."

2013-09-11, 03:23 PM
Cassius nods. "Caio and I are in agreement. It seems she was telling the truth about her Clan after all. Let's end this."

Despite not needing to breathe, he takes a deep breath, and exhales as he plunges his blade into Vahunam's neck.

Doing 4L, which I assume puts her in Torpor.

2013-09-11, 08:33 PM
With Cassius' blade protruding from her throat, Vahunam goes still, her eyes fluttering closed as she falls into Torpor.

Veradis backs off, letting her body fall to the ground. "Anyone want to finish her off? I'll do the honors, if not."

2013-09-14, 07:56 PM
Cassuis' blade was already in her neck. He simply twists it violently, decapitating the torpid Vahunam.

Since she can't resist, can we just assume this worked, or do you want me to roll for it?

2013-09-15, 04:27 PM
(No, I'll just say it worked.)

Vahunam's head rolls away from her body, before crumbling to ash.

Veradis looks to the rest of you and asks, "Where do we go from here? Further into the tunnels, or to report to Gaius?"

2013-09-15, 04:32 PM
"We should probably let the boss know what we found out," says Godagar. "If there really is an army of corpses down there, we might not make it back to report."

He doesn't seem particularly troubled at the prospect.

2013-09-15, 10:38 PM
Cassius nods as he wipes his blade on the edge of his cloak. "I agree. Gaius could dispatch part of the Legion to deal with the Striges' army. I say our duty is done."

2013-09-17, 10:28 AM
"Then let's go." Veradis leads you back out of the Warrens, through miles of tunnels, until you reach the more posh areas of Necropolis. These areas seem less like tunnels, and more like city streets, and the havens here are as ornate and beautiful as any on the surface.

She knocks on a door, and a servant, most likely a ghoul, as they don't set off the Predator's Taint, answers.

"Lady Veradis, so good to see you again."

"We need to see Gaius. Is he home?"

"Of course. Right this way." The ghoul leads you through Gaius' home, until you reach a spacious study. Gaius himself sits at a desk, looking over several sheaves of parchment. He looks up from his work and grins.

"Have you found something?"

2013-09-18, 01:29 PM
Filthy and very much out of place, Caio huffs quietly at the back of the group, eyes on both the ghoul and his master as he quietly observes.

2013-09-18, 07:19 PM
Cassius steps forward and nods. "Yes, sir, we did. Down in the Warrens, we encountered two strange vampires, who claimed to be Tradiatores. According to them, they're working with the Striges, and that the Nemeses have amassed an army of possessed corpses in the deepest reaches of Necropolis."

2013-09-20, 02:26 PM
"That is... a grave accusation, Cassius. Nonetheless, I'll send a detachment of the Legion to deal with the threat. If anything else comes up in regards to this, I'll be in touch." He nods and has his ghoul show you all out.

The first part of the story is done! Everyone take 5 xp, which should bring your total at this point up to 7.

A few nights pass, after which time, you all receive another letter from Gaius.

"None of the Legionaries I sent have returned. In addition to this worrisome fact, Senator Arnos' men claim to have concluded their investigation. There is to be a hearing before the Senex, and while I do not know who they're bringing in, I would urge you to appear as witnesses. The trial is set to commence tonight, at midnight."

2013-09-20, 05:16 PM
"Looks like Gaius needs us again, Caio. We're supposed to be witnesses at a trial before the Senex." Cassius tosses the letter onto his desk, and starts to put on his formal, dress uniform. Better to make a good impression on the Elders.

2013-09-25, 12:37 AM
The Gangrel nods, robe ruffling as he shrugs once. "They've made a decision, hgn, facts rarely matter. A trial would be for show unless we have something they can't ignore to show them."

He tilts his head. "Perhaps I should try to find something myself.."

2013-09-25, 02:12 AM
Since he is still unfamiliar and uncomfortable with the politics of his new home, Godagar will try and intercept Cassius and his slave before the trial. Strength in numbers and all that.

He doesn't make any effort to dress especially well, since he has only the one set of clothes, anyway, but he does give his sword a once-over with the whetstone, just in case.

2013-09-25, 02:49 PM
On the way to the ostentatious Senex chambers, the 3 of you do run into each other. Veradis stands by the door, seemingly waiting for you.

"Good to see you all again. Gaius asked me to escort you to your seats. If you'll follow me..." She leads you to your seats, which are arranged in amphitheater fashion around an elevated dais, upon which sit several members of the Senex. Among them, you all recognize Gaius, who nods at you as you're seated.

A man who appears to be in early middle age, with long dark hair, peppered with grey at the temples, stands as midnight comes, and the trial begins. "Good evening, my fellow Kindred. For those who do not know me, I am Senator Lucius Arnos, of Clan Julii. We are assembled here today before my peers to address a grave issue: the alleged presence of Striges in our city. Now, in order to begin the trial, I will first allow my opposition to present their case. Gaius, you have the floor."

Gaius stands and introduces himself as Arnos sits down. "As you all know, the Nemeses are one of the greatest threats to our continued existence. My agents investigated the rumors, and found that not only were the Striges amassing an army beneath our streets, but the Tradiatores have returned as well."

Arnos scoffs, but Gaius continues. "And so I bring them to the stand, to testify their findings. Cassius, Caio, Godagar, and Veradis, the floor is yours." He steps aside, and invites you onto the dais.

2013-09-25, 04:21 PM
Cassius steps up onto the dais, and removes his crested centurion's helmet. He stands at attention, rigid in his discipline as he speaks.

"As Magistrate Scipio said, my colleagues and I encountered a pair of strange vampires who claimed to be Tradiatores. They did not bear the taint of a predator, and yet they displayed great proficiency in Kindred Disciplines. We killed one, and captured the other, questioning her about the presence of the Striges within Necropolis. She eventually died under torture. However, she did reveal the location where the Nemeses were hiding their army. Magistrate Scipio dispatched a detachment of Legionaries to this site, none of whom have returned. It is clear that even if the Striges are not present, there is still a great threat beneath our feet at this very moment. What else could have killed off so many Legionaries?"

2013-09-27, 11:43 AM
Godagar hops up onto the dais with Cassius, happy to let him speak. When he is done, he only adds, "They had help from a Worm as well, but he buggered off when steel was drawn."

2013-09-27, 02:56 PM
Senator Arnos stands again, and nods politely. "Interesting testimony, if true. Now, ladies and gentlemen of the Senex, I call upon my own witness, who brings more than testimony to the stand. Marcus, if you would."

A grizzled looking man stands from his seat, dressed in the lorica of a Legionnaire. His hair is peppered with grey, and cut close to his scalp. He brushes his cloak back as he begins to speak.

"Thank you, senator. During the course of my separate investigation, I have found the true source of the walking corpses in Necropolis, and the disappearances of the various Kindred." He gestures off to the side, and three more Legionnaires walk in, dragging with them a woman in chains. She has caramel colored skin, with long, curly dark hair. From her dress, she appears to be Egyptian. "This creature calls itself Satsobek, and despite her appearance, is neither human nor Kindred. She is a mummified corpse, reanimated by dark magic. It is her, and the cult of mortals who worship her, who have been raising corpses in order to eliminate her... competition."

The crowd doesn't seem to believe it. Scoffs and cries of outrage can be heard from the various members of the Senex.

"Then a demonstration is in order." He nods, and his Legionnaires bring in a corpse. Satsobek takes a deep breath, and begins to chant in an ancient dialect of Egyptian. The corpse stirs, then raises to a shambling semblance of life.

Senator Arnos stands again. "This creature must be put down, before more harm can be done!"

Gaius looks to the 3 of you, and says "This is simply a distraction from the true danger..."

2013-09-28, 12:12 PM
"Has the creature confessed to anything other than raising corpses? It's possible that she is nothing more than a red herring. And her presence doesn't explain the return of the Tradiatores."

2013-09-28, 01:32 PM
"For all we know she's working for them as well. She doesn't really look like she's been properly put to the question, who knows what she's hiding..."

2013-09-29, 09:06 PM
Satsobek looks indignant, and says "I've done what was asked of me, I will say no more to you barbarians." She turns to face Arnos. "I demand that you release the mortals under my protection, unless you would prefer I unleash my full wrath upon your assembled "Kindred"."

2013-09-30, 03:34 PM
The Gangrel huffs a little, then begins to laugh. It's a rough, unpleasant sound that barely escapes being mocking. "You did well Senator, good hunting!" He hops up onto the dais himself, dirty cloak swirling. "Whole packs of soldiers died to her, but you took her with a handful? She seems meek, hgn..?" He moves to slowly pad Satsobek's way, nostrils flaring as he inhales the air.

2013-10-01, 01:56 PM
Cassius nods in approval. "That's a very good point. This all seems a little too convenient, Senator."

He walks up to the chained woman, and speaks to her directly. "You're being coerced into giving false testimony. I can help you rescue your mortal herd if you tell the truth."

2013-10-01, 04:39 PM
Satsobek looks to Cassius and Caio. You can feel her gaze pierce into your very soul, then she seems relieved. "I can tell you aren't working with that barbarian who captured me and my worshipers. If you help me, you will be rewarded."

2013-10-01, 06:36 PM
Cassius takes a step back, slightly unnerved. "Very well. Give your true testimony, and you have my sword."

2013-10-02, 12:19 AM
Caio pauses, considering something himself before he gives a simple nod and settles into a patient, waiting position.

2013-10-02, 04:46 AM
Godagar lets his hand rest on the pommel of his sheathed sword and ambles over to the others in as casual a fashion as possible, his eyes all the while sweeping the room for sudden movements or drawn weapons.

"I don't trust her any more than Arnos," he says softly when he reaches Cassius, "but if the Senator goes to this much trouble to quell the truth, I'm more inclined to believe her than him. And I don't like being called a liar."

At this point Godagar regreats wholeheartedly not having stayed at home.

2013-10-02, 02:07 PM
The mummy nods in agreement. "Thank you." She then turns to address the crowd, and speaks in a loud, clear voice.

"This so-called senator is a liar! While it is true that I can raise the dead, I am not the cause of your problems. I have no quarrel with the Kindred, and never have in all my many years of life. I demand that I be released, and that my mortal cult be given safe return to their homes!"

She effortlessly snaps her chains, and starts to grow. Her muscles ripple, and she raises up to about 10 feet in height. Her head transforms into that of a truly massive hooded cobra, and she hisses "Or you will suffer the consequences!"

2013-10-02, 02:34 PM
Caio hisses himself, adjusting his stance to firmly plant himself between Cassius and Satsobek. He tosses his cloak back with a hand, drawing the spear buckled to his hand and resting the butt on the floor in a ready position.

Dirty cloth now on the floor at his feet, he's revealed to be wearing tightly fit and strong leather armour, symbols crossing it as mementos of his days fighting in arenas.

"Or you will fight us and die to our numbers and our strength. If you could destroy us so easily, you would. Hgn, no. You are not so sure of yourself and what it means for your cult. But I like you, and I'll make suggestions for the Senex to hear."

The Gangrel's lips form a savage grin. "Challenge me Satsobek, and have your demands if you win, death if you fail. Or submit now, and accept these terms.

Your followers will be freed and left to your rule, but you will aid us in finding the true cause of our troubles."

He looks to Cassius and the other Senators at this point. "If it is agreed? Whatever she decides, you'll get something out of it."

2013-10-03, 06:23 PM
"Caio, stand down. She was talking to Senator Arnos, not us. She offers us no threat, only the vile liar who has taken her people hostage."

He draws his sword calmly, despite the impossibility of what he has just seen. He keeps his composure, and turns to face the Senator. "You heard what she said, Arnos. I accuse you of cowardice and treason before the Senex, and challenge you to attempt to defend yourself."

2013-10-03, 10:17 PM
Senator Arnos balks at the suggestion. "This is outrageous! We will have ORDER in the Senex! Marcus, kill the creature and end her blight upon our city."

The Gangrel snarls, and his fingers extend into massive, wickedly curved talons. He advances slowly towards Satsobek, who hisses through her serpent's fangs.

And now it's up to you all if you want to get involved in this fight! If so, roll initiative!

2013-10-04, 12:22 AM
Caio begins to slowly step forward, hands bringing his spear into a ready position. "Cassius?" The single word has the tone of requesting direction.

2013-10-04, 05:03 AM
Godagar draws his sword and steps between Satsobek and Marcus, even though he doesn't much relish the thought of having the snake at his back. He beats his chest twice, then snarls right back at the other Gangrel, leaning forward slightly.

2013-10-07, 04:01 PM
Cassius snarls and looks to Satsobek and Marcus. He then turns to face the Gangrel, his sword drawn, and dons his centurion's helmet.

"Stand down, Marcus. I don't want to have to kill you, but I will if I must."

Rolling for initiative, and also spending a point of Vitae to activate Vigor for the scene.


2013-10-07, 04:08 PM
Rather then joining the other two in facing Marcus, Caio steps Amos' way, his spear swinging to point at the Senator's neck with clear warning. "Call him off."

For init

2013-10-08, 01:52 PM
Senator Arnos makes eye contact with Caio with a smug, satisfied little smile on his face.

"I have a better idea. You'll get that spear out of my face, and stand aside, offering no harm to me and mine."

His words are laced with compulsory obedience, the very power of his will reaching into the barbarian's mind.

He's activating the second level of Dominate, which Caio can roll Resolve+Blood Potency to resist.


2013-10-08, 01:54 PM
And a reroll of his 10:


Also, Cassius goes first, followed by Godagar, then Caio should he resist.