View Full Version : Newbie Custom Magic Item Confusion

2013-08-12, 10:04 AM
Ok, so I want to make a custom enchanted Gnome Crossbow Sight (A&E) to use the spell Sniper's Shot (CA) every time I fire. It seems like the best option is to make it a command word item, since it would be far more expensive as a use-activated item (not to mention the wording of Sniper's Shot would make for a very confusing use-activated item).

I've read that the rules compendium allows some items that are normally a standard action to activate to use a swift action instead when the corresponding spell only requires a swift action. Does this apply to command word items? If it doesn't, I guess this will have to be use-activated.

How many uses per day would this item have? Based on the example of how cheap the Cape of the Mountebank (from the d20srd) is, I'm getting the impression that it uses the charges per day price reduction rule and command word items default to unlimited uses per day. Considering this item would be only 3,600 gold (and that's with the x2 from being a slotless item which is mostly for flavor, headband/goggles would be 1800), that seems extremely cheap for unlimited uses.

Also, a question unrelated to that item. Is the minimum caster level that an item can be made with based on the spell being used, or can it always be set to 1? E.g. Would it be possible to make Bracers of (Continuous) Lion's Charge with a caster level of 1?

Also, I know this is all subject to the whims of the DM. I am the DM for my local group... A newbie one, but the players don't seem to mind. I want to get an idea of how much this stuff would typically cost by the book. And maybe I'll want to make custom magic items as a PC in the future, so it'd be nice to know these things.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-12, 10:17 AM
Command word items are standard actions, so you'll need to make it use activated or find some way to finagle a second standard action (not impossible, just hard).

I'm fairly sure the minimum caster level for an item that casts a spell is the minimum caster level required to cast that spell, but if it has variable "per caster level" effects that could conceivably be downscaled to lower CLs I don't think it would matter much.

A command word or use-activated item will default to unlimited uses, unless you use the "single use, use activated" option (which makes it a consumable item, so not useful for a weapon sight) or apply a charges-per-day reduction to it.

2013-08-12, 10:21 AM
The minimum caster level of an item is the lowest level that the item can be cast at by the person providing the spell. Thus, if a druid is providing the lion's charge, the item would have a minimum caster level of 5, and if a ranger is providing the lion's charge, the item would have a minimum caster level of 14.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-12, 10:22 AM
The minimum caster level of an item is the lowest level that the item can be cast at by the person providing the spell. Thus, if a druid is providing the lion's charge, the item would have a minimum caster level of 5, and if a druid is providing the lion's charge, the item would have a minimum caster level of 14.

I think there's a mistake here somewhere. :smallwink:

2013-08-12, 10:23 AM
Quite so. It is now in a fixed state.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-12, 10:23 AM
You're still wrong, of course. A level 14 Ranger has a caster level of 7. :smalltongue:

2013-08-12, 10:26 AM
That one was less of a typo and more of just a thing I wasn't aware of. I didn't even know that the half caster level thing applied to crafting like that, but it looks like it does. Fancy.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-12, 10:27 AM
Yeah, generally speaking if you're crafting items as a Paladin or Ranger, something has gone very wrong.

Edit: On that note, did you know that it's impossible for a Paladin to create a Holy Avenger? I still find that kinda weird.

2013-08-12, 10:35 AM
Yeah, generally speaking if you're crafting items as a Paladin or Ranger, something has gone very wrong.
Well, if anything that rule makes crafting significantly easier for paladins and rangers than it would otherwise be. The minimum caster level is generally the level that you want to create stuff at. It certainly doesn't make crafting feats a good choice for them though.

On that note, did you know that it's impossible for a Paladin to create a Holy Avenger? I still find that kinda weird.
I did not, though I can't say that I've ever really thought about it. I guess they can always subsume their consciousness into a crafting gestalt, or whatever it is that happens when different people provide different requirements for crafting.