View Full Version : Shin Megami Tensei Feng Shui Campaign!

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2013-08-12, 03:05 PM
Hello! What we're doing here is that we're playing Feng Shui, but in the Shin Megami Tensei universe. As such it's basically an anime! I hope you all enjoy.

To set the stage, here is the opening theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzEUeWnV73U

Now, with that down, lets begin with Episode One!


The time is noon, a nice warm day in Kan Yu High, prestigious boarding school nestled in the heart of Edmonton. The home room teacher of class 2-A has just been called away by the Principle, and has instructed the students to behave, stay inside the classroom. This is where we start our story.

Players, introduce yourselves!

2013-08-12, 06:24 PM

Mimmi Delfin, the Swedish exchange student, sits by her own at the back of the class. Despite her undeniably good looks and unthreatening appearance, no one seems to want to even acknowledge her existence, because whatever you get her to talk about, she always manage to turn it as unsettling as possible, usually without even noticing it herself, and this definitely didn't get any better since her parents were murdered when coming to visit her half a year ago.

As the teacher leaves the room, Mimmi reaches down into her backpack and retrieves a huge, old book bound in red leather, which she puts down on the desk and starts to read.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-12, 07:45 PM

As soon as the teacher is safely out of earshot, Yuri Zakharov (the tall, lanky russian kid) whips out a deck of cards and a few handfuls of poker chips. He shuffles the cards a few times, then begins to absentmindedly twirl some chips in his hands. After what seems to be an appropriate pause, Yuri snaps his fingers and sets down the chips dramatically. He looks around the room, and says in a confident voice just loud enough that everyone can hear him, "Hey, anyone for a quick game of Blackjack? I'll be wagering my calculus notes, as usual."

2013-08-12, 10:40 PM

Staring out the classroom window absent-mindedly, Jade Garcia (the long-haired french girl a with a large scar across one eye) snaps to attention, as though she had just been woken up, by Yuri's question. She looks around the classroom somewhat startled with her one good eye to find the source of the noise, soon concluding it was Yuri who spoke. "Sure, I'm in.", she says as she smiles and walks over to Yuri's desk, dropping a chocolate bar next to his calculus notes. "Will this be an acceptable ante?"

2013-08-12, 11:07 PM

Reaching up to his collar to loosen his tie, Seamus belts out a quick guffaw. “No bet. I still haven’t recovered from the last fleecing you gave me. After breakfast.” The massive young man lets out a similarly huge yawn before quickly shrugging out of his jacket, twirling it about, and laying it on the back of the empty seat next to him in one fluid, almost practiced motion, just slightly too neat for such a large person.

Cracking his neck and loosening up his shoulders, he stretches out and fills the space around him with his thick limbs, his arms seeming to visibly strain at the fabric of his white oxford shirt, the outlines of his numerous, thick arm hairs just barely hinted at through the fabric before the muscles relax and the straining subsides. His long legs stretch out, past the desks of the pair seated in front of him to leave his gleaming black patent leather shoe even with the desk of those in the next row as his arms reach out up and over the empty desk behind him, his fingers brushing gently on the frame of the doors which serve as the rear exit of the classroom before he sighs and draws his limbs back in before someone gets the bright idea to clothesline themselves.

About the only part of Seamus that looks like it belongs on a young man of his age is his face which despite his stature and training still has the too-round cheeks of youth, everything else is rock hard muscle better suited to a powerlifter or pro-wrestler than a schoolboy or the hair of a 30 year old man. Or bear. Or 30 year old bear. The backs of his hands and the hint of his chest visible through his opened collar are the only evidence of the thick, ruddy brown hair that covered just about every inch that anyone had seen exposed of his body between various gym classes, sporting events, and ill-advised shower pranks. The faintest beginnings of 5 o'clock shadow plays across his face, and he idly runs his thumb up his chin, feeling where the hair is beginning to push back for the surface.

The red-haired giant shifts and slouches back in his seat, lifting his left leg up onto the vacant seat next to him, filling it with his ample thigh as his gaze shifts to the great clock on the wall proclaiming the hour. More quietly, though still fairly audible and with a soft almost purring, rumbling quality to his voice, he muses, “Can’t wait till lunch, just can’t seem to sit still today. Like my knuckles are itching. Hmm. Guess I’ll ramp it up in the gym today…” As he mentions his knuckles he cracks them idly, the sound a sharp staccato that reminds him just how loud he’s been. “Ah, sorry Swedey, hope I haven’t disturbed your reading, there,” addressing Delfin without even turning to look at the girl behind him and the reason why he was so easily able to get two seats all to himself, as no one else was willing to set themselves that close to her, and with their backs and necks exposed at that.

With a smile and an almost inaudible chuckle, the behemoth shakes his head, tossing his thick curls before laying back and waiting, watching the door out of the corner of his eye so he can be ready to get his uniform’s blazer back on when it becomes necessary, already settled upon just how to give himself an extra challenge later in the day.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-13, 12:24 AM
Yuri looks at the chocolate bar and grins. "Yeah, that'll do. Here, pull up a desk." He motions to the nearest empty seat, and begins to shuffle again.

At Seamus' refusal, Yuri sighs, then smirks. "Oh, very well, then, Macky." He pauses for a second and scratches his chin, then looks at Seamus with a hopeful expression. "Not even for a copy of my Chem homework?"

Yuri shoves some of the chips towards Jade, and begins to deal. He calls out to the rest of the room, "Anyone else? Doesn't have to be 21 if you'd rather play something else, although I'll finish this round first, at least. Quickly, before the teacher gets back. Hrm... On that note, does anyone remember when that one paper was due?"

2013-08-13, 01:03 AM
"Alright, let's play!", Jade grins and takes a seat, scooping up her first card. She looks behind her, to the quiet Swedish girl. "Wanna join in?" Jade asks.

GM only
Should i make a gamble roll for this, or a bit later?

2013-08-13, 01:07 AM
You can make a Gamble roll now. It'd be open, so if you roll a six, reroll and add all results to that die.

To clarify the rules a bit, just incase, always mention in your posts which is your Positive Die and which is your Negative Die. Don't put any modifiers in the die itself, but do mention it after the rolling.

Example if needed: Positive: [roll0]

Negative: [roll1]

My roll is [roll0] minus [roll1] plus my modifier of 10, so my result is 7.

Note, don't have to be in spoilers (would prefer not) I just put em there so they don't get in the way.

2013-08-13, 01:11 AM

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]

My roll is [roll0] minus [roll1] plus my modifier of 3, so my result is 3

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-13, 01:22 AM
Gambling roll:
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Gambling AV is 15

Total of 18.

2013-08-13, 04:03 AM
Without raising her eyes above her book, Mimmi shakes her head and blushes shyly.

No, ehe... The Childbirther's Star teaches focus, I-I think I can handle it...

2013-08-13, 04:17 AM
Most of the students decline Yuri's offer, though some do (like Jade) and are defeated quite soundly (as is Jade, though she puts up a bit of a fight compared to the other students).

A few minutes pass, the students going about their business, talking and such. At this moment, the door opens, and in walks, not a teacher, but a fellow student. Class 1-A's Suzi Miharu, 17. Short black hair in pigtails, a black version of the school's uniform. The only oddity, however, is in her left arm she holds a black laptop. She looks around the class, which give her a few odd looks, but nothing seems out of the ordinary, other then her not supposed to be here.

She opens the laptop, the light flickering on and shining on her face, giving her an...odd look. She starts typing away at the laptop.

2013-08-13, 04:28 AM
Sensing a discreet disturbance in the general chatter, Mimmi suddenly looks up and fixates her eyes on Suzi.

Info/Occult check to tell if whatever she's up to is related to demons.
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 15

Total: 17

2013-08-13, 04:40 AM
Suzi notices Mimmi's piercing glare, and smiles. The light from the screen makes her face look like a skull. She lifts her hand, and a strange shimmering grey circle appears. She thrusts her hand forward, and you all can get a good look at the circle (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/77/ShinMegamiTenseiLogo.png). It hangs in the air for a moment, glowing brighter. There is suddenly a bright flash!

The flash vanishes, and at the front of the room are a handful of strange creatures. Five small, child sized creatures with red skin and angular features and dark black eyes, wearing blue leotards. Each has a shock of black, spiked hair. (http://images.wikia.com/megamitensei/images/2/2a/543_Goblin.jpg)

Floating in the air nearby are five sparrow sized girls in a blue leotard. Each has short, cute hair and look rather made up make up wise. They're flying with sparkling insect wings, and each smiles with a hint of mischief. (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080613013130/megamitensei/images/5/59/PixieSMT3.jpg)

Suzi makes a general gesture towards the class. "Goblins...pixies...hehe...take them out!" and with that, the ten mysterious creatures become vicious!

Mimmi: You weren't entirely sure, but you certainly are now, that demons are involved!

Now we roll initiative! How this works is it's 1d6 plus your speed stat (governed by Reflex if you forget).

(Now, I'm currently UNSURE if unnamed characters go on the same shot. I'm going to assume that they do for the time being.)

Suzi Miharu: [roll0]

Pixies: [roll1]

Goblins: [roll2]

2013-08-13, 04:45 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-13, 04:47 AM
Yuri pockets Jade's chocolate bar and several other odds and ends from the other students, then sighs and puts his cards away.

When Suzi walks in, he slicks his hair back and begins to say something, when he's interrupted by the sudden appearance of the goblins and pixies.


Init: [roll0]

Edit: +1 from Fast Draw, so I've actually got an 11

2013-08-13, 05:05 AM
Jade scrambles up from her seat "What the hell is going on? What are these...." She stares blankly at the creatures before stuttering under her breath and touches her facial scar "No...it's not him...but what are they?". Jade quickly grabs her backpack and pulls out a bow and several arrows, then looks at her fellow students. "What? Archery club. At least it'll come in handy." she shrugs.

Edit: Forgot my +1 from the Fast Draw schtick, that should be a 10.

2013-08-13, 05:11 PM
And Coidzor initiative, since he asked me to :smalltongue:

Saemus: [roll0]

And thus the battle starts! Some music, to set the mood♪ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoFE6Ii1f-Y)

Here is the shot list
13: Mimmi
12: Saemus
11: Yuri
10: Jade
9: Pixies
6: Suzi, Goblins

Now, as a reminder, all rolls in combat are Open, so if you get a six you reroll and add it to the total and so on. We'll cross how we handle that when it happens.

Mimmi's turn!

2013-08-13, 06:04 PM
Oh no, you didn't...

Mimmi grasps her book, steps out of her chair and spins around it in two steps, gaining enough momentum to fling the heavy tome straight at Suzi, hoping to knock her off her feet.

Martial Arts check
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 5

Total: 3 (no, she's not a good thrower)

2013-08-13, 06:11 PM
Mimmi's tome thuds into the wall next to Suzi. She giggles "If that's how it's going to be, then this will be over quickly."

Saemus's turn! Also, it should be noting that the other students are panicking and making a way for the exit further away from Suzi and her mysterious creatures.

2013-08-13, 07:09 PM
All Yuri got was an amused sounding grunt at the offer of his Chem homework, and Seamus continued to lay back, humming a soft tune to himself, much softer than his earlier whispered musing. When the doors opened to let in the strange girl, however, Macky was halfway through putting his jacket on before he saw that it was a wee girl and not the teacher, the sportcoat falling limply off of his arms and onto the seat. He cocked one eyebrow at her intrusion and got a lopsided grin as he awaited her explanation for barging in like that. It quickly faded into a bemused expression as the laser light show took hold, however. By the time the wee tossers and little toy fairies appeared he was downright unamused and shaking his head.

After a quick mental note that he was, in fact, not dreaming, and that none of his coaches or teammates had had any opportunities to inject him with any psychotropic drugs or slip him the mickey, he decided that despite all appearances to the contrary, something had to be done about all this nonsense.

"Oh, you hear that, eh? Macky, this wee girl wants our blood and she did nae even have th' curtesy to buy us dinner first. Whate'er shall we do? Macky dinnae like that, eh? Well then, we'll just have to put a smile on that dreary little face." he said as he unfolded himself up to his full height, casually lifting up the desk before him in a single hand, thoughtfully testing its heft and weight as Mimmi's thrown book sailed past him from his left before hopping up onto the next set of desks by way of the emptied chairs in front of him.

As he walked across the desks towards the head of the class, stooping ever so slightly to avoid scraping against the light fixtures, he bellowed to get the attention of the rabble at the head of the class. "I'D GIVE YE AND YER WEE BEASTIES A CHANCE TO RETHINK YER LIVES, BUT MY FINGERS ARE ITCHING, LASS, SO IT'S GONNA BE A GRIM, BLOODY END FOR YE ALL!"

That said, Macky chucked the desk at the foremost pair of the wee red beasties to buy the fleeing students more time by forming a bottleneck.

Martial Arts: Action Value 12 - 2 = 10
Positive Die [roll0]
Negative Die [roll1]

result: 12

2013-08-13, 07:14 PM
The desk hits, and shatters from the force of it. However, the two goblins stand up from it, a little shaken, but still smirking. One of them shouts "YOU STRONG! ME GONNA ENJOY RIPPIN' YOUR KNEES OFF!"

Yuri's turn!

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-13, 07:23 PM
Yuri swears loudly in Russian, then jumps to his feet. He deftly whips out a slingshot from his jacket, and fires a glass marble at one of the goblins.

Pos: [roll0]
Neg: [roll1]
Guns AV is 13
Total of 11

2013-08-13, 07:27 PM
The marble hits, irritating the goblin, but that's about it.

Jade's turn!

2013-08-13, 10:21 PM
Jade grabs an arrow and pulls the string of her bow back, aiming to slow Suzi down. "Where do you think you're going?" she shouts.

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Guns AV is 13
Total of 9

2013-08-13, 10:34 PM
Forgot to roll for the 6 on my negative die:
Total is now: 8

2013-08-13, 10:36 PM
Suzi laughs as the arrow clatters against the blackboard next to her "I'm not going anywhere, but given how well you fight I could leave my demons here to handle you."

Mimmi's turn!

2013-08-14, 07:00 AM
Looking shyly away from Suzi's taunts, Mimmi jumps over her bench, dives under Macky's swing and maks her way toward the middle of the room with her arms stretched backwards. Her eyes take on a strange, deep sky blue glow, and when she reaches the middle, she claps her fists together over her head.

Winter Morning's Crisp!

Sorcery check to cast Summoning/Purification
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 13

Total: 10 (I really need to remember to start rolling Fortune dice when trying to do something field-changing like this...)

The air closest to Mimmi turns cool and pure, although she looks a little disappointed herself. Casting under pressure wasn't quite as easy as she'd hoped...

2013-08-14, 09:12 AM
Suzi seems quite surprised to see someone else casting magic.

Seamus's turn!

2013-08-14, 12:42 PM
"Oh, ye want a taste o' knee, eh? MACKY CAN DO THA' FER YE!

With that, Macky reached out to grab the lippy git of a gobbo by the hair, slamming its face down and towards him as he cruelly drives his knee up at its face.

Martial Arts: AV 12
Positive Die: [roll0]
Negative Die: [roll1]
Result: 13

2013-08-14, 12:55 PM
Saemus's knee smashes into the goblin's face, and it lets out a death rattle, face smashed in!

Pixie Turn!

The pixie's giggle and flit around in the sky, each glowing with a green glow. They then thrust out their little hands, sending blades of air out at the party!

Now, the way it works (spoilered if you don't need it): is that your dodge value is based on your best combat stat, or agility (whichever is higher). Mimmi can't use her Sorcery skill for dodging since she doesn't have Blast, so she has to use her Gun value instead. You can use One Shot to active dodge, getting a +3 to your dodge if you want.

Sorcery VS Yuri: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 9, so miss

Sorcery VS Jade: +8
Positive: [roll2]
Negative: [roll3]
Result: 8, so miss

Sorcery VS Mimmi: +8
Positive: [roll4]
Negative: [roll5]
Result: 5, so miss

Sorcery VS Saemus: +8
Positive: [roll6]
Negative: [roll7]
Result: EXPLODING, see next post

Sorcery VS Saemus: +8
Positive: [roll8]
Negative: [roll9]
Result: 6, so miss

2013-08-14, 12:59 PM
The fourth pixie's dice is exploding! Since she rolled a six, she rerolls and adds it together.

Sorcery VS Saemus: +8+6
Positive: [roll0]
Result: 14, so it hits! And...it does zero damage because his toughness is 12 and the attack does 10 damage.

The blades of wind all scatter harmlessly, sending papers flying and hairs waving dramatically in the wind. One of them hits Saemus, but just scatters across his broad chest!

Yuri's turn!

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-14, 01:33 PM
Yuri backs away a bit, and fires another marble at one of the goblins.

"I thought all of this was fairy-tale stuff! What's going on?"

Pos: [roll0]
Neg: [roll1]
Guns AV is 13
Total is 11

2013-08-14, 01:35 PM
The marble thuds off the red hide of the goblin, who just snickers.

Mimmi's turn!

2013-08-14, 01:51 PM
Does a three quarter spin as traces of blue energy follows her fingers. She stretches both her palms out toward the nearest goblin, and circular patterns form around her palms and fingertips.


Sorcery check to cast Summon/Banishment
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 13

2013-08-14, 01:56 PM
Another positive: [roll0]

Total: 21

2013-08-14, 01:59 PM
The goblin gains a pained, surprised expression, and starts shimmering! With a mournful cry, it vanishes, it's body seemingly being turned to dust!

Jade's turn!

2013-08-15, 02:17 AM
"Grr, fine. I'll fight my way through these things first!" Jade growls as she readies another arrow, aiming for a Goblin.

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV 13
Total is 13

2013-08-15, 02:20 AM
The arrow pegs the goblin in the head, dropping it to the ground with a gurgle!

Saemus's turn!

2013-08-15, 02:40 AM
"Well, I as suppose we could all have gone off our rockers at the same time, but that's nae verra interesting. I say we ask their wee little spooky girl after we've put her down for a nap."

Seeing an opening in the guard of the goblins, Macky barrels forward, reaching out to snatch each one off of their feet by the scruff of their necks bellowing as he does so.

"Allow me to demonstrate why I love the CYMBALS!"

With that, he slams the two goblins at one another, face first.

Martial Arts 12 - 2 = 10
Positive [roll0]
Negative [roll1]


2013-08-15, 02:41 AM
Positive [roll0]

Negative [roll1]

2013-08-15, 02:52 AM
Okay! Saemus does not succeed at killing them, however, the suddenness of being lifted 6 feet into the air and smashed into each other, gives them an Impairement for the rest of the fight! So they've got -1 to all their action values, and that's sweet. This is a result of his dice box carring.

Suzi's turn!

Suzi grumbles, faced with choices she'd rather not have to make, she's not one for picking and choosing. Eventually she switches to stare at Mimmi. "I don't know how you're able to cast without a Comp, so you're going down first! Pixie's keep on attacking the rest of them!"

Suzi taps away at her laptop, then thrusts her hand towards Mimmi, a light blue circle appearing infront of it. A swarm of icicles fly out of it. "Bufu!"

Sorcery VS Mimmi: +12
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 14, so she hits by 2! That's 16 damage, minus Mimmi's toughness, to be a final total of 11 damage!

However, since Mimmi could active dodge to avoid this, I'll wait until she decides to or not.

2013-08-15, 04:34 AM
Do you think I read just for show!?

Seeing the spell being cast at her, Mimmi lets her instincts take over. With a trained eye, she subconsciously sees the travel paths of the icy projectiles, giving her enough forewarning to jump out of their path...

2013-08-15, 08:19 AM
The icicles crash into the ground as Mimmi dodges, Suzi's cheeks puffing out slightly as she gets rather frustrated.

The remaining goblins are next!

One of the goblins tries to shake off the damage Saemus has inflicted (without any results, of course) and punches at his knee!

Martial Arts VS Saemus: +7
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: Missed!

The other one charges at Mimmi, but as he gets within 2 meters of her, he hits the border of her Purification spell, and must make a will check to pass through.

Will check, difficulty 10: +3
Positive: [roll2]
Negative: [roll3]
Result: Failed, the goblin is now wounded even more. So close to Way Awful Failure too.

The Goblin freezes in place, and you can tell that it's wounds really start effecting it (takes another point of Impairment, so it's dodge is now 6 instead of 8. If you're attacking this guy, call that you're attacking Goblin 4).

If it succeeds(ignore): the Goblin will stoop downward slightly, and try to uppercut Mimmi in the gut!

Martial Arts VS Mimmi: +7
Positive: [roll4]
Negative: [roll5]

2013-08-15, 08:27 AM
(screwed up my rolling, repost).

The pixie's laugh at the goblin's incompetence, doing nothing to improve Suzi's mood at how things are going. They then start swirling in the air, the magical glow leaving rather nice patterns of green sketched in the air, before thrusting their hands at the party, the blades of wind flying out at them again!

Sorcery VS Jade: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 5, so Miss

Sorcery VS Yuri: +8
Positive: [roll2]
Negative: [roll3]

Sorcery VS Saemus: +8
Positive: [roll4]
Negative: [roll5]
Result: 6, so Miss

Sorcery VS Mimmi: +8
Positive: [roll6]
Negative: [roll7]

Sorcery VS Mimmi: +8
Positive: [roll8]
Negative: [roll9]
Result: 9, so Miss.

2013-08-15, 08:32 AM
Sorcery VS Yuri: (5-6)+8
Negative: [roll0]
Result: 6, so Miss

Sorcery VS Mimmi: (1-6)+8
Negative: [roll1]
Result: -1, so WAY AWFUL FAILURE!

The pixie's continue their assault of wind, but once again they do little more then cause hair to flow in the wind, and maybe Jade's skirt being blown up a little.

However, the first of the two pixie's to attack Mimmi, kind of...well, doesn't cast her spell right. You all watch as the wind blade sort of...inverts, and slices the pixie into bloody pieces. It falls to the ground with a soft thud, dead.

Yuri's turn, which since Amidus is going to be busy all day, I shall take care of.

2013-08-15, 08:38 AM
Yuri takes out two glass marbles, one between his pointer and middle finger, the other between his ring and middle finger, hops up onto the desk behind him to get a better view, then fires off both at the two goblins with his sling shot!

Guns VS Goblin 3 and 4: +13, minus 2 for attacking two targets
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 6, so hit

The glass marbles slam into the eyes of the two remaining goblins, kind of penetrating the skull and causing them to convulse before falling to the ground with a death cry.

Jade's turn!

2013-08-15, 08:45 AM
"W..wha?" Jade stutters, quickly forcing her skirt back down, then scowls at Suzi and her minions. "Now you're just toying with us!" she snarls as she takes aim at one of the pixies.

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 13
Total is: 15

2013-08-15, 08:47 AM
The arrow hits the pixie, pinning it dead to the wall!

Saemus or Mimmi's turn, whoever's online first!

2013-08-15, 09:20 AM
Mimmi waits for Suzi to act (since we're on the same shot).

2013-08-15, 10:51 AM
Ah, in that case Saemus'Seamus's turn!

(why didn't anyone tell me I've been spelling it wrong >_<)

2013-08-15, 10:58 AM
Macky reaches out his great paw to seize a pixie out of the air. "Oi, ya bleater! Let's see how ye like getting a face full of learning!" Macky slams the pixie into the board on the front wall of class.

Martial Arts 12
Positive [roll0]
Negative [roll1]
Result 10

2013-08-15, 11:10 AM
Unfortunately Coidzor, there are no goblins left. However, I'll let you keep the roll and target a pixie instead.

(for those curious, we discussed this, and he'll edit when it gets home, he's just doing dentist stuff right now).

Seamus's strong fist grasps the pixie, and it's crushed as it's slammed into the blackboard!

Suzi's turn!

Suzi seems rather pissed that her demons are being swatted left and right. Quickly weighing her options, she does a few quick taps at her laptop, and thrusts out her hand, a red circle around it! A gout of flame bursts from her hand towards Mimmi! "I'll...I'll be back! Agi!"

Sorcery VS Mimmi: +12
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: Exploding!

She'll then, quite quickly, run for the door and leave the room, shouting behind her "Pixies! Keep them distracted!"

2013-08-15, 11:12 AM
Exploding Sorcery vs Mimmi: (6-4)+12
Positive: [roll0]

2013-08-15, 11:13 AM
Exploding VS Mimmi: (6+6-4)+12
Positive: [roll0]
Result: 24, so she hits by 12, so that's 22 damage minus Mimmi's toughness for a total of 17 damage.

However, as before, I'm not going to 100% commit to this JUST yet, because Teddy could active dodge to at least reduce the damage by...three.

2013-08-15, 04:45 PM
When Suzi starts casting, Mimmi tries to counter her spell with her own magic (yeah, like that's going to work). Seeing the sheer power of the spell, she'll spend no less than 2 fortune dice on the attempt (gotta use them sometime).


Sorcery check to cast Fertility/Restore Chi
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Fortune die 1: [roll2]
Fortune die 2: [roll3]
AV: 13

Result: 21

Large harmonic patterns form around Mimmi's hands to unweave the magic onslaught, but it shatters under the sheer force of Suzi's spell. Mimmi does not enjoy it (17 damage is ouch)...

2013-08-16, 12:01 AM
Um...actually Teddy, by the way I'm reading these rules, you SMASHED the difficulty rating, and countered her spell completely. Her action value is only 12, you rolled a total of 21. 21 is higher then 12, my dear.

So yha, that shattering includes Suzi's magic as well :smalltongue:

Pixie turn!

The last two pixie's smile politely, and start swirling around in a circle in the air, glowing green! They then let out those blades of wind once more!

Sorcery VS Yuri: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]

Sorcery VS Jade: +8
Positive: [roll2]
Negative: [roll3]
Result: 6, so miss

2013-08-16, 12:04 AM
Exploding Sorcery VS Yuri: (6-3)+8
Positive: [roll0]
Result: 16, so it hits by 3, doing 11 damage, minus Yuri's toughness for a total of 5 damage! If you choose to active dodge, you'll reduce that by three.

The pixie's fling their magic about, simply messing with Jade, but actually managing to wound Yuri, cutting into his chest!

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-16, 12:35 AM
Yuri is solidly hit by the pixie, and winces in pain. He snarls, "Oh, you'll pay for that, little fairy," and shoots another marble at the small flying creature.

Pos: [roll0]
Neg: [roll1]
AV is 13
Total is: 14

Not active-dodging. It's almost funnier with him getting hit... :smallamused:

2013-08-16, 12:38 AM
The marble hits, flying past the pixie as it hits, causing it to spin around briefly, before tail spinning into the desk, dead!

Jade's turn!

2013-08-16, 12:44 AM
"Yuri! Are you all right?" Jade asks, before she fires an arrow towards the pixie's chest.

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 13
Total is 9

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-16, 01:27 AM
Yuri grins, and winks at Jade. "Not according to my accountant, although no one else seems to mind."

2013-08-16, 01:30 AM
Haha, nice :smalltongue:

Anyway, Jade's arrow skims the last pixie, cutting her clothing slightly but leaving her sparrow sized body intact. She makes a sort of silly grumbly face.

Mimmi's turn!

2013-08-16, 03:15 AM
Um...actually Teddy, by the way I'm reading these rules, you SMASHED the difficulty rating, and countered her spell completely. Her action value is only 12, you rolled a total of 21. 21 is higher then 12, my dear.

Oh, uh, now I see. I kinda went over the top with the Fortune Dice there then, hehe. New flavour text:

Large harmonic patterns form around Mimmi's hands, and a similar though reversed set appear around Suzi's, dissolving her own magic like fog in sunlight.

Oh you are not getting away!

Mimmi starts running after Suzi. At the same time, she reaches into her jacket and retrieves two hidden knives, one with a hilt of elk horn, and the other with a hilt of reindeer horn (no, most people wouldn't see the difference).

2013-08-16, 07:57 AM
Okay! Mimmi runs out into the hall, and see's quite a sight! There are bodies strewn about the hall, some demon (goblins, pixies, and a few she can't immediately identify) and...well, some students. It's...really not pleasant. Suzi is running down the hall, but still within range of attack.

She looks back to see Mimmi following her "Gah, leave me alone!"

Your turn isn't over yet you can still attack :smalltongue:

2013-08-16, 09:06 AM
Mimmi jumps over the body of one of her fallen schoolmates, and in the middle of the jump, launches a knife in Suzi's direction. The elk-hilted one (which is slightly bigger than the reindeer-hilted one, but not large enough to make it a dagger).

Guns check
Positive: [roll0] Exploding!
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 12

2013-08-16, 09:07 AM
Another positive: [roll0]

Total: 17

2013-08-16, 09:13 AM
The knife hits home, jabbing into Suzi's leg, inflicting 5 points of damage to her (counting her toughness and what not). Her movements do cause it to fall from her leg, leaving a bloody trail down her thigh.

And that's the end of the first sequence of combat! Now for the second. I realize now I made an error in how unnamed character's work initiative wise :smallredface:

Pixie 4: [roll0]

Pixie 5: [roll1]

Suzi: [roll2]

Mimmi: [roll3]

Seamus: [roll4]

Jade: [roll5] +1 if she uses fast draw

Yuri: [roll6] +1 if he uses fast draw

2013-08-16, 09:19 AM
Okay, first up is Pixie 5!

She swirls around in the air, glowing green, and then fires off a blade of wind at Yuri once more!

Sorcery VS Yuri: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 9, so miss.

Pixie 4 is up!

2013-08-16, 09:23 AM
Pixie 4 does much the same, flitting about this way and that before launching a blade of wind at Jade!

Sorcery VS Jade: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 1, so a miss

Both blasts of wind proceed to do nothing but mess with skirts, hair, and strewn about papers. The pixie's are kind of disappoint.

Now the fun part! I'm going to assume Jade and Yuri use fast draw, so that means that it's their turn now, before Pixie 5 (who is now on shot 10, like they would be).

2013-08-16, 09:26 AM
"I've had enough of you fairies toying with us!" Jade shouts and readies another arrow, aiming straight for the nearest pixie.

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 13
Total is 11
Gotta roll the extra dice....

2013-08-16, 09:28 AM

Total is now 7

2013-08-16, 09:30 AM
Unfortunately the Pixie is able to dodge the arrow, giggling as they tend to do.

Yuri's turn!

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-16, 12:27 PM
Yuri calls over to Jade and Seamus, "Here, let's mop these up real quick. I've got an idea on how to stop Suzi." He takes two marbles and fires at both pixies at the same time.

Pos: [roll0]
Neg: [roll1]
Guns AV 13, -2
Total: 11

2013-08-16, 12:36 PM
The two Pixie's catch the marbles, giggling with that some kind of tricksy edge as before.

Pixie 5's turn!

Pixie 5 swirls about, glowing green. She'll then do a spin kick, launching a blade of wind at Yuri, this time horizontally instead of vertically as normal.

Sorcery VS Yuri: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 8, so it misses.

The blade of wind disperses, doing nothing, which is the good news. The bad news is that all your school work is, by this point, strewn all around the room. The better news is that you're pretty sure that doesn't matter right now.

Mimmi's turn!

2013-08-16, 12:58 PM
Mimmi keeps hunting after Suzi, picking up her knife in her movement when she reaches it.

2013-08-16, 01:02 PM
Suzi turns to face Mimmi, tapping away at her laptop "Get away! Or you'll...you'll end up like those bodies over there!" she shouts, as she thrusts her hand forward, wreathed in a yellow circle. "Zio!" she finished, a bolt of lightning arcing out and zapping towards Mimmi!

Sorcery VS Mimmi: +12
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 12, so...I hit by 0 :smallbiggrin:. That does 10 damage, minus the toughness for a total of 5 damage.

Of course you could active dodge to completely avoid it.

2013-08-16, 01:07 PM
Since she doesn't have time to counterspell, active dodge it is.

2013-08-16, 01:12 PM
Mimmi avoids the lightning bolt, which blasts into the ground behind her! Suzi will continue running, though it's clear that she's slower then the older Mimmi (and running out of space since she's almost at the end of the hall and it's a dead end).

Pixie 4's turn!

Pixie 4 shout "Yay, arrow lady likes to play!" and kicks a blade of wind at Jade!

Sorcery VS Jade: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]

2013-08-16, 01:13 PM
Exploding Sorcery VS Jade: (3-6)+8
Negative: [roll0]
Result: 2, so miss.

The blade of wind blows Jade's hair in the wind rather elegantly, but does nothing. You can also tell that the pixie is a little worried, as if she was afraid she might blow herself up like her friend.

Seamus's turn!

2013-08-16, 02:26 PM
"You wanna go skirt chasing at a time like this, hah! Dinnae worry 'bout these little gels, just hop to it, lad! I think little Swedey might need a hand anyway."

That said, Macky jumps up and tries to catch one of the pixies, Pixie 5, between his hands in a terrible thunderclap.

Martial Arts 12
Positive [roll0]
Negative [roll1]

Result 12

2013-08-16, 02:32 PM
Unfortunately, Seamus is unable to catch the quick winged pixie, who sticks her tongue out at him!

Yuri's turn!

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-16, 02:56 PM
Yuri jumps over the desks in the classroom, and runs out into the hallway after Mimmi and Suzi.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-16, 03:10 PM
Yuri narrows his eyes, aims, and fires at Suzi's laptop, attempting to knock it out of her hands and onto the ground.

"Going somewhere?"

Pos: [roll0]
Neg: [roll1]
Guns AV is 13
Total: 12

Right, still have to attack. >.>

2013-08-16, 03:18 PM
The marble hits her hand, and the sudden pain causes Suzi to lose a grip on her laptop! It falls to the ground, but it is undamaged. Suzi looks INCREDIBLY panicked by this.

Jade's turn!

2013-08-16, 10:44 PM
"I guess we'll take care of the situation here then, Seamus..." Jade sighs and readies another shot at the pixies.

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 13
Total is: 15

2013-08-16, 10:49 PM
This time the arrow hits the giggling pixie, pinning it to the wall and killing it immediately!

Meanwhile, outside in the hall, it's Suzi's turn!

She makes a made dash past Mimmi, doing a cartwheel to land infront of her laptop. She quickly taps away at it's keys, then thrusts her fist towards Mimmi's back, hand covered in a blue circle. "Bufu! And you're next!" she shouts, turning to look at Yuri as she does, not even paying attention to the swarm of icicles bursting from her hand towards Mimmi's back.

Sorcery VS Mimmi: +10 (-2 penalty, lowering it from 12, due to not holding the comp)
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 8, so that misses.

Her not paying attention costs her, as the icicles scatter like a shotgun and miss Mimmi!

Meanwhile in the class, Pixie 4's turn!

2013-08-16, 10:53 PM
Pixie 4 makes a pouty face "You're mean, arrow lady! Play fair!" then kicks another blade of wind at Jade!

Sorcery VS Jade: +8
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]

2013-08-16, 10:55 PM
Exploding Sorcery VS Jade: (1-6)+8
Negative: [roll0]
Result: -2, so WAY AWFUL FAILURE!

The blade of wind inverts as she kicks it, and for a brief moment the pixie's face gains an expression of surprise, as cuts start appearing on it! It then explodes in a torrent of blood like the first pixie to explode itself.

So um...pixie's are dead. Seamus's turn!

2013-08-16, 11:22 PM
Macky blinks in surprise and rubs some of the pixie's blood off of his face, seeming to deflate a bit as he looks around, seeing no further threats in the room, just Jade and some cowering or dazed students. "I think they might have been even more eager than we were to take themselves out. No zest for life at all, despite all that giggling."

Seamus sighs for a moment. "Good shooting, by the way. Shall we see whether spooky girl was able to get away?

"As for you lot, pull yourselves together and get in one of the corners! Think of it like a shooter drill if you have to!" He waves at the students and then at one of the corners, almost casually.

With that, he opens the door at the head of the class and heads out into the hallway, quickly looking both ways to survey the situation and to try to catch a glimpse of where Yuri and Mimmi had run off to after Spooky Girl.

When he sees the bodies and gore, all he lets out is a single "Crap." and grunts before screwing his face up in slow anger.

Upon sighting Suzi he lets out an inarticulate scream of rage and charges at her, barely missing Yuri as he barrels by, and throws himself down at Suzi in a flying tackle.

Martial Arts 12 - 2 = 10
Positive [roll0]
Negative [roll1]
Result 7

2013-08-16, 11:33 PM
Suzi (passively) dodge rolls out of the way! But uh...now Seamus is on the laptop. It's FINE, not broken or anything, but it is currently inaccessible.

Mimmi's turn!

2013-08-17, 03:30 AM
Mimmi spins around and moves up to Suzi, holding both knives ready in her hands. One still drips with Suzi's blood, the other one gleams in ceiling light's glows. At this distance, you can see strange runes carved along the length of their blades, looking Norse in nature, but more exquisite.

Surrender, or we'll make you curse at the earth which let you exist in the first place.

Intimidation check to make her surrender
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 9

Total: 12

2013-08-17, 09:47 AM
Suzi backs up, and when her back hits the wall her knees give out and he falls to her knees. It's clear she's quite frightened. "I...I surrender. Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me" she cries, somewhat on the verge of tears.

And with that the combat is over.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-17, 11:49 PM
Yuri looks around the hallway, and shoos away any other students still watching. He glances at Seamus. "Hey, careful with that laptop, Macky; that seemed to be the source of her magic."

Yuri pauses for a second, then gives Mimmi an inquisitive look. "I believe you're the most qualified here, as far as magic goes... unless someone else is hiding magical abilities and didn't tell me. Er... what, exactly, just happened?" He nods towards Suzi. "Is she safe, or do we still need to be on our guard?"

2013-08-18, 12:35 AM
A bit stiffly, Seamus peels his face off of the floor from where he had slid along the linoleum. Shaking his head, he rolls onto his back and grabs the strange laptop out from under him before sitting up and glancing over it.

"Doesn't seem like I've banged it up too much there, Yuri." he said as he climbed back to his feet, attempting to get a minimum of blood and gore on him in the process. "Can't really say the same for our school. ...poor bastards..."

"I just saw her pull a bunch of fairies or something out of thin air and I still can't believe she did all this. Or how it happened without us hearing anything." Seamus growls in frustration as he muses, turning his attention from the laptop to the bodies in the hall, scanning to try to find out what class these students had come from, or if any of them were from their class.

"Right. Well then. Wee lassie. The hell are ye, the hell's this thing, the hell are those things, an' the hell is yer problem?" Seamus said to Suzi, counting up with his right hand while gesturing at Suzi, the laptop, the various corpses of strange monsters, and then back at Suzi with the laptop in his left.

2013-08-18, 12:59 AM
Suzi's eyes kind of go wide as Seamus talks, especially as he swings the laptop around. "B-be careful with that you lou-...you big guy! It's...it's a Comp. It's...it's sort of like a laptop. Or like, it IS a laptop, but it's got some applications and stuff on it. I'm...not supposed to talk about that stuff though..." She gives Seamus a dirty look, mumbling a little under her breath.

Also, concerning the bodies, you recognize a few students from your class, as well as some from the other classes of your grades. You don't see any underclassmen, so that's good.

As for the laptop, it looks like a laptop.

2013-08-18, 01:17 AM
Jade steps out of the classroom, having listened from behind, and stares straight into Suzi's eyes. "And what about those...things you tried to kill us all with, huh? Where did they come from? How did you make them appear out of thin air?" she growls, growing angry at Suzi.

2013-08-18, 01:21 AM
"They're...well, they WERE, pixies and goblins. Just basic little fairy guys. I don't know where they came from, but I summoned them using the Comp. I got them with it." Suzi answers, averting her eyes, mostly from the obvious anger Jade has, but in part because of the scar as well.

2013-08-18, 03:17 AM
Mimmi takes the Comp and gives it a quick examination for anything obviously unusual. She then turns to Suzi and points the still bloody elk knife at her face.

You summoned demons and sent them to kill everyone! Who gave you this Comp? Who told you to do this!?

2013-08-18, 09:15 AM
The Comp looks, for the most part, like a normal laptop. The only things that immediately jump out are that, there are three icons that seem...odd (one of which looks like the same symbol that she used to summon the demons). Also it's all in Japanese since Suzi is Japanese.

Suzi at first seems like she won't answer, but then she realizes the knife, and gets a pretty worried expression. After a minute of thinking, she says "I-It was a dream! I had a dream and a demon asked me if I wanted strength. I...I did, so it told me to sneak out of class and go to the gym. When I went, I saw this lady." She answers, she then closes her eyes, and says, in a somewhat dramatic fashion,

"And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love
O'er courtiers' knees, that dream on court'sies straight
O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees
O'er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream
Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues... "

2013-08-18, 10:10 AM
Mimmi considers Suzi's words carefully...

Info/Occult check to tell if these words have any deeper meaning
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 15

2013-08-18, 10:13 AM
Another negative: [roll0]

Total: 10

2013-08-18, 10:17 AM
Mimmi, you can tell fairly easily that Suzi recited a section from Mercutio's speech about Queen Mab, from Romeo and Juliet. This has some slight importance as Queen Mab is typically portrayed as a high ranking fairy creature, to which things like pixies or goblins might serve under. She's often described as "the midwife" since she helps give birth to dreams.

2013-08-18, 10:25 AM
Mimmi pulls the knife a little bit away from Suzi's face.

This lady... How did she look?

2013-08-18, 10:34 AM
"I couldn't quite see her face, because she was wearing a green and blue mask, and she was covered head to toe in a green and blue leotard. She also had some chainmail and a breastplate looking thing on her chest. She had a long billowy cloak, frizzy pom pom like hair, and on her wrists and chest as well, and had large bone case hanging from her side. To be honest she looked like someone dressed up for a stage play, fitting since she called herself Queen Mab. Not as small as she's described in the play, but maybe she's only that big when working with dreams..." Suzi starts to trail off, thinking. It's pretty clear she's into plays and stuff.

2013-08-18, 10:36 AM
So she gave you this Comp and told you how to use it? Was she the one to tell you to kill everyone?

Mimmi plays with the knife in her right hand.

2013-08-18, 10:39 AM
"Yeah, she told me how to use it. She even gave me the demons I summoned. And..." Suzi looks away for a moment "...no. I...some kids where bullying me, so I was going...they weren't going to kill you, not really, it was just a test."

2013-08-18, 10:47 AM
Only a test!? Oh, I...
Mimmi practically boils with anger.

Is this what you call power?
Dead people?
Is it?

2013-08-18, 10:51 AM
Suzi jumps back from the shout, still on her knees, and starts crying again. "I...I...n-no, th-th-...this isn't, these people were alive when I got here! I swear! It's not just me, other people have made contracts. One of them must of come by!"

2013-08-18, 11:23 AM
Mimmi calms down a little to consider everything. She speaks again with clenched teeth.

Hmm, I think she's speaking the truth. It only makes sense that the Midwife of Dreams would choose more than one agent of chaos.

She walks away from Suzi, dries off her elk-hilted knife with the closest piece of cloth not belonging to a living being, sheathes both knives and moves their sheaths to her skirt for easier retrieval, stuffs the Comp into her backpack and turns to the others.

I hate to let such an utterly irresponsible display of demonology go, but there are more out there, and lives are at stake. We need to act fast.

2013-08-18, 06:17 PM
"Sure, I get that, but how? They managed to do all this without us even hearing. And in a matter of moments rather than minutes. Where would they even be by now? Our only lead is something claiming to be a Fairy Queen in the gym. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see if she's still there."

"As for you, missy, I'll remember you.." Seamus casually flips out his cellphone and takes a picture of Suzi's face. "And in case I don't, I've got this. Be a good little girl now."

Turning back to the rest, Seamus cracks his neck and pops his knuckles. "Right. I'm heading off to the gym, catch up when you're done with her if you wanna help, but don't let your guard down. Otherwise I'd say get yourselves and anyone else still up out and alert the authorities that there's been a shooting."

With that, Seamus strides back into the classroom and emerges a few moments later with a baseball bat, his backpack, and his blazer tossed over his shoulder, waving with the bat before turning to walk off in the direction of the gym.

2013-08-18, 06:21 PM
"M-my only guess is that it'd be someone fast. And the walls are all sound proofed here, it's why each room has an intercom from the Principal." Suzi answers, before Seamus can get his stuff.

2013-08-18, 07:12 PM
Mimmi scrapes her foot awkwardly on the floor for a few seconds.

Well, the Dream Queen isn't the one doing the killing, and if those where nightdreams... Mimmi gives Suzi a second to nod or say no. ... then she won't be able to call any more than she already has.

Mimmi goes silent and looks out over the room, trying to see any pattern in the killings and where the one responsible may have gone...

Police check
Positive roll: [roll0]
Negative roll: [roll1]
AV: 11

2013-08-18, 07:13 PM
Another positive: [roll0]

Total: 17

2013-08-18, 07:19 PM
Suzi nods "Yes, she visited me last night, in a dream. I doubt she did this myself, she seems...rather nice, to me anyway."

Anyway, Mimmi, you look at the situation and realize that whatever did all this came from the bottom floor and worked it's way up. From the positioning of the bodies and the blood spray and such, you've got a feeling that most of the people involved in this didn't actually know it was happening, or where reacting to something other then it.

There are a few bodies that aren't related to this, due to fight with other demons, but the majority are from whatever sped by.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-19, 12:26 AM
Yuri leans against some lockers and scratches his chin. "Hrm... Well, I'm not entirely sure I'm not hallucinating all of this demon and fairy stuff, but I'll go to the gym with Macky." He pushes himself off the wall and shuffles his feet, then starts to turn away. "I'm willing to bet this Queen Mab person has got answers of some sort, even if the answer is 'you took a nasty knock on the head, get some rest'." Smirking, Yuri shakes his head and walks down the hall after Seamus.

2013-08-19, 01:27 AM
Jade touches her scarred eye, and then sighs. "I think I'd like to meet this 'Queen Mab' myself. She might have some answers for me. And if she does....". Jade growls under her breath and goes silent, leaving her sentence unfinished. She pauses, staring blankly at nothing for what seems far longer than the few seconds it took, then regains her composure. "So what's the plan, you three? We have to do something about this fast, end this whole demon invasion. What do we do now?" she asks.

2013-08-19, 06:02 AM
Whoever did this killing ran upstairs and is probably not going to stop until the police gets here unless we intervene.

Mimmi does another awkward pause and stares into the ground.

Most of these people, they were killed unexpectedly. Whatever it was, it was fast, and deadly. I don't want it running around.

Scooting off my earlier check, does Mimmi have any idea of how dangerous Queen Mab is supposed to be in a direct confrontation?

2013-08-19, 06:55 PM
She does! Queen Mab is fairly strong, since she's a high ranking fairy creature. However, you're also fairly sure you could take her. You'd guess she might have the ability to cause illusions and the like, since she's the midwife of dreams, and the speech Mercutio gives mentions she has a whip.

Meanwhile, Suzi will look to the left and right, and upon noticing most of the party leaving towards the down stairs, she'll say "You know, I'd be more concerned about whatever it was that killed the kids in the hall. If you gave me my Comp back, I could go up and take a look myself, of course..." she sort of mumbles that last part, though.

2013-08-20, 12:16 AM
Jade turns away from Suzi and talks quietly to the others. "I don't think we can trust her with this Comp thing. Mimmi, you understood what she was talking about, yeah? Could you use it instead?"

2013-08-20, 04:50 AM
N-no! It's all... Japanese. I don't know Japanese! C-can we go now?

Mimmi points antsily toward the staircase up.

2013-08-20, 02:32 PM
"Tch! And here I'd almost gotten out of earshot. If you think you can find the murderer then let's go, they'll be more satisfying to send to hell anyway than some kinda mincing fairy."

2013-08-20, 02:34 PM
Mimmi doesn't waste time on more talking, and starts running toward the stairs.

2013-08-20, 02:48 PM
Okay! Our heroes head up stairs, Suzi giving a somewhat disappointed look that she won't be getting her Comp back, and find the third floor in much the same disarray as the second, though less so. Mimmi can easily tell the signs of violence lead up to the school roof! And that is where they end up, following the trail.


The sun shines brightly over the roof, though something seems a little off. The chainlink fence around the roof stands sturdy as ever, and the view of the city is a pleasant one. Less pleasant are the bloody slices into the cement of the roof, as if something had sliced at it to clean off it's talons.

Sitting in the middle of the roof, legs crossed, hands pressed together as if meditating, is a weasel. It's dressed in a the blue gi and black pants of a martial artist, a red bandana around it's neck. On it's wrists are two iron bands, a sickle coming from each. It wears a small straw hat, a slice of it missing, showing an eye. It opens, blood red, as the party arrives. (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/122/5/9/youkai_kamaitachi_by_chukhihiphop-d63wtxb.jpg)

Not moving from it's meditating position, it says, voice serious with a tone of seriousness, "A pack of humans. What brings your brave souls here?"

2013-08-20, 04:08 PM
Info/Occult check to tell whatever demon that is..
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 15

2013-08-20, 04:11 PM
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]

Total: 16

2013-08-20, 04:34 PM
Mimmi, not only do you recognize what demon this is, you also realize something quite important! This demon is a Kamaitachi, a sickle weasel from Japanese lore. They're typically a trio of weasel siblings that, through swift, wind like speed, they leave bloodless scars on people to confuse them. The youngest of the three clubs the target to knock them out or down, the second slices their chest or leg, and the third heals it before it bleeds.

The important thing you realize is that, Kamaitachi always keep their sickles clean and in well kept condition. This one's are not, though it's rather hard to tell. You likely have some suspicions with the first bit of information, but this second piece all but confirms it. Something is up.

2013-08-20, 04:38 PM
Mimmi eyes the demon very suspiciously.

Who. Are. You?

2013-08-20, 04:42 PM
The kamaitachi stares back, not moving from it's position. "I am Nikaze no Kamaitachi." he says simply.

2013-08-20, 04:49 PM
Mimmi takes a step forward and holds up her right hand.

Then where are your brothers, Kamaitachi?

2013-08-20, 04:54 PM
Nikaze is silent for a moment, then says "I do not know if you are here to taunt me or not, but your words feel sincere. They have been imprisoned by the Ruler of this area, this Domain.". He then gets up, though you don't really see him getting up, he is just suddenly standing. His posture gives him a rather impressive visage, him being the size of a weasel non withstanding. "Now tell me. Are you with him? Has he sent you to taunt me in my darkest moment?"

2013-08-20, 04:57 PM
No, we're here to stop you from killing people who aren't even looking your way. Why are you here?

2013-08-20, 05:00 PM
"Because the Ruler bested me, took my siblings, and commanded me. It pains me, but a brother must do all he can to protect the lives of his siblings. Even if it means sullying his blade..."

2013-08-20, 05:02 PM
Who is the Ruler?

2013-08-20, 05:17 PM
"There are many who wish for that title, but none, be they demon or human like you, can best him. He ruled this place before he was aware of the power it gave him, but now he knows, and seeks to abuse it. He is your Principal, Daichi Hayato. So long as he lives my brothers, and in truth all of you, are trapped here, forever."

And with that startling revelation, the episode ends! When an episode ends, you regain your fortune die, and heal any wounds you had (unless we left off on a cliffhanger). You also get EXP, which you can then spend on stuff!

Normally you only get three EXP, give or take a few due to actions you take and the like. However, since this is our first episode, I think I'll give you all the max of 6 EXP. If you spend it (or don't spend it) on anything, please note it in the OOC.

Also, I don't have a good song for an ending theme, so instead here's a song I like: Johnny Cash - Hurt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r5QIsgkQ-k)
Feel free to suggest ending themes, because I'm putting way to much thought into this.


Last time, on Shin Megami FS, we met our heroes, as they were thrust into combat against a semi psychotic underclass men and a horde of fairy demons! Defeating her soundly and noticing the bloody halls of the school, they head to the roof to find the killer, only to discover that, apparently, they'll have to kill their Principal to escape the dangerous confines of the school! What will our heroes do next? We'll just have to wait and see, in...

Episode Two!
Opening Theme: Bad Apple (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzEUeWnV73U)

2013-08-20, 10:01 PM
"He wants to rule over us and sends you to kill us off? Something about that just don't add up, Mr. I Am Weasel. And what would make pops decide to go all iron fist now? He's had years to be a prick and hasn't done all that much. " Seamus raises his massive paws up to his forehead for a moment before flinging his right hand up and shaking it at the heavens for emphasis.

"Gotta be a bit of a hard ass to be principal, I guess, but... beating up furry woodland creatures and sending them off to kill students? That's crazy! That's ridiculous! The point of a school is that it has students, if they're all dead it's just a mass grave! Arrgh, just thinking about it makes me want to kick some ass!" Macky angrily stomps down on the roof and clenches his fists knuckles turning white as he visibly seethes for several moments before releasing a bit of his tension, his tensed slabs of muscle gradually relaxing.

"The hell did you come from anyway? What are you and these... brothers of yours doing here? Did that Mauve or Mabe or Mab fairy bring you here?"

Macky pauses in the middle of flinging his arm out in frustration.

"Actually. Wait a minute. If you were told to kill off all the students you found, why aren't you attacking us? What's the angle here?"

2013-08-20, 10:11 PM
"He only asked me to clear the halls every 24 hours, so as to 'serve as an incentive to follow the rules'. This is not the hall, and I've already done my...'duties' for today. As for why the demons have become more prominent in this world...I don't quite know myself. My siblings and I awoke here a few hours ago, and before we could get used to this world, the Principal found us." he answers.

Upon mentioning Queen Mab, Nikaze says "No, she is separate from us. Infact, she has the benefit of being more active in this world, and thus had less difficulties...existing, I suppose you could say. Some demons stay in the world of the demons, some can pass over to your world. That is all I know myself regarding this situation."

Finally, he adds, going back to his meditating position "As for my angle...as I've said, your Principal has my siblings, and holds the key to everyone's escape from this Domain." he then points a thumb at the chainlink fence encircling the roof "Try to leave, if you don't believe me."

2013-08-20, 11:33 PM
Jade talks to herself, nearly inaudibly quietly, "So these demons...some of them aren't under their own control?" She glances over at Nikaze, then back away, pausing.
"We need to find the principal. If he has this key, then that's our best hope of ending this."

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-21, 12:09 AM
Yuri eyes the demon suspiciously. "Hrm... I'm not sure what to do here... On one hand, I really want to stick it to the principal, but I think someone who has this kind of power over demons and the like is probably out of our league... Well, maybe not. I'm not sure how strong this magic stuff is." He scratches his chin. "This Queen Mab might be good to talk to also... What do you all want to do? I'd rather not get hurt any more than I already am, but I'd definitely like to get out of here at some point." He nods to the chain fence.

2013-08-21, 01:52 AM
So, the principal, what powers does he wield?

2013-08-21, 07:51 AM
"Powerful martial arts, and a masterfully sharp sword."

2013-08-21, 08:14 AM
Mimmi fidgets insecurely with her hands and looks around herself, before she makes up her mind, stretches her arms diagonally downwards as glowing runes forms in the air around her fingertips, and she looks straight at the Kamaitachi, eyes glowing sky blue.

Dragon's Command! You will come with us and help us fight principal Daichi Hayato and help free your brothers, and ignore any commands coming from him!

Sorcery check to cast Summoning/Domination, spending 1 magic point on beforehand to make the effect last for hours instead of sequences
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Fortune Die: [roll2]
AV: 12

2013-08-21, 08:16 AM
Another positive: [roll0]

Total: 23

2013-08-21, 08:21 AM
You see the one visible eye of Nikaze glow blue for a moment, and he says "...hmm, magic without a Comp? And what...power. To command me in such a way, I think perhaps you...no, we, will be able to kill Daichi, and free us all."

Success! You've given Nikaze quite the incentive to assist you in the fight, impressive :smalltongue:

2013-08-21, 08:24 AM
Mimmi turns to the others.

I-I just think I've evened the odds... a bit...

She then turns to walk toward the stairs down.

2013-08-21, 09:09 AM
"Wait, what?!" Jade shouts, startled. "Wh...what was that, Mimmi? You're a....wizard?"

2013-08-21, 09:41 AM
Eh... Ehe... I-I've read a-a little...

Mimmi blushes shyly.

2013-08-21, 04:05 PM
Okay! Our heroes proceed onward, Nikaze following behind them. The third floor continues to be empty of anything but corpses. As you walk you can tell Nikaze is trying to avoid staring at them.

On the second floor, you see Suzi laying down on her stomach in the hall, kicking he feet back and forth in the air. She's reading through a big, red leather bound book (infact, the same book Mimmi threw at her). She hears you come in and says, not taking her attention from the book "Hey. I see you've solved the problem quite nicely. I bet you didn't need to use a Comp for negotiations either. Think I can have mine back now?" her tone seems somewhat bitter, though non hostile.

2013-08-21, 04:29 PM
Mimmi fidgets a bit with her hands as if she has something important to say.

I-if you come with us. And perhaps... help...

She starts to walk toward the stairs down...

2013-08-21, 04:34 PM
"Help with what, exactly?" Suzi asks, getting up with the book tucked under her arm.

2013-08-21, 04:42 PM
T-the... principal.

2013-08-21, 04:48 PM
Suzi thinks for a moment, then gets a somewhat surprised expression "Oh! You mean...ah, that's what Queen Mab was talking about. Dethrone the liege of thy turbulent fate and sit upon his dire throne, and thou shall become all the greater. Or something like that." Suzi then slips the book into a nearby backpack, slipping it on, and holds out her hands "Sure, I'm in."

2013-08-21, 09:33 PM
"Yer a wizard, Swedey. And yer not even hairy." Seamus gave a silent laugh of satisfaction at his reference before returning his focus to silently counting how many students have fallen until they came upon Suzi once more. Seizing upon a thought he decided to double check the heft of his baseball bat, giving a few experimental swings while listening to Suzi negotiate for her Comp to be returned to her.

"Apparently the principal's gone mad with power and has pulled a sword out of who knows where and become some kind of fierce warrior and enslaved this Nikaze fellow's family and is probably molesting one of you fourteen year olds in his office now with the way today has been going... or, worse, eating one of them..." Seamus grimaces at the thought.

"And I always thought that he was just some dude in his 40s with connections to the Board of Trustees. Hard to believe, even considering that I've just had a conversation with a talking weasel monster and gotten into a fistfight with a bunch of goblins and fairies before that."

Seamus sighs and lifts his arms as he shakes his head. "Clearly I've angered some kind of vengeful and malevolent deity to be here right now, though I can't tell if it's a European or Asian one yet."

"So, yeah, assuming you're not one of those weird girls with a crazy older man fetish, it seems like it's in your best interest to help beat some sense into him anyway."

"...even he's into little boys instead... GAHH! Just thinking about it makes me want to kick his teeth in! He was in his office, last, right?"

2013-08-21, 09:41 PM
Suzi gives Seamus a sideways glance, hands still held out "I'm 17, I'm just short. Jeez you've got a dark mind, big guy."

Meanwhile, Nikaze says "Yes, he is still in his office. And I assure you, if I knew who was responsible for this in the grand scheme of things, I'd tell you. But with how many malevolent and vengeful deities there are in this world, I believe it'd be best to wait until you can ask one. Do pray that you don't, however."

2013-08-21, 09:58 PM
"Well, if you live through this I guess that baby face will come in handy when you're still getting carded while your friends are getting 'ma'am'd' left and right... And maybe I'm dark-minded, maybe I've seen too many movies, or maybe I've been walking through hallways that are sticky with my classmates' blood and it's setting my teeth on edge!"

"As for the gods... that was supposed to be rhetorical. I guess I walked right into that one. Yeesh."

2013-08-21, 10:02 PM
"When I live through this, I'm going to use my Comp to help you guys take over. And once we're in charge of the city that won't have to happen. Again." Suzi responds, puffing her cheeks out a little, Seamus clearly having hit a sore spot. She then sighs and adds "Though you're right. I...wasn't expecting any of this to happen. It's got even me on edge."

Nikaze just chuckles to himself.

2013-08-21, 11:46 PM
"So what happens if we take down the principal? You and all your demon friends will be free? What will you do then?" Jade glares at Suzi out of the corner of her eye and mutters. "I don't know about this... You're not gonna start killing whoever you please once you're free, right?" Jade growls and suddenly grabs Nikaze and Suzi, forcing them to look straight at her. She taps at her scarred eye and stares, scowling, "Because THIS is what happens when you demons run amok! This is what you leave behind! And I...I was the lucky one..." Jade goes quiet, releases her grip on the pair, and keeps walking with the others.

2013-08-21, 11:54 PM
Nikaze is the first to answer "When my siblings are free, we likely shall continue our service to you, as the new Rulers of this Domain. The more wild demons may escape into the city, but I have reason to suspect that this has already happened." his tone is calm and noble as ever, and he barely registers being grabbed by the scruff of his neck.

Suzi is less calm about. She flings her hands into the air "Whoa whoa, easy scarface. I know not to kill anyone, I just got lost in the heat of the moment. I'll be sticking with you guys, and I'll only hurt people you say I can. Sound like a deal?"

2013-08-22, 04:35 AM
Mimmi keeps going without saying a word. When she gets outside (assuming they'll have to go outside), she'll see if she can find any roses to pluck and form a bouquet from. Preferably white ones. If there are no roses, she'll settle for any other flower with strong stalks, preferably in the form of a bush.

2013-08-22, 08:21 AM
The Principal's office is actually indoors, on the first floor near the gym. However, before you get to the office proper, something happens on the first floor!


Our heroes and Suzi descend to the first floor, and it's hallway is much the same appearance wise. However, something is different here. Laying in the middle is a brown haired student, but unlike the others, you can tell he's still alive, though heavily wounded! Also unlike the other students, four demons are standing over him.

Three humanoid dogs in yellow armour, wielding clubs, (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080803050449/megamitensei/images/8/84/KoboldSMT.jpg) and one giant green man in a yellow jump suit and skull necklace, a huge meat cleaver in his hands (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100527163830/megamitensei/images/7/75/Ogre.jpg). However, these demons seem to be protecting the student, and you can see he has a black laptop tucked underneath his body.

A few feet away from them are four other students, dressed in the white variant of the uniform. However, you cannot make out their faces, as each wears a blank white mask with slight, almond shaped eye slits. One of them has blood on his fists. Neither side sees to have noticed you just yet. It's clear these students are about to fight the demons.

Now, heroes. What do you do?

2013-08-22, 08:27 AM
Jades taps Suzi on the shoulder "Hey, do you recognize this kid? Or those demons?" She turns and looks at Nikaze. "How about you? Know any of them?"

2013-08-22, 08:30 AM
"The kid I don't recognize, but the demons are kobolds and an Ogre. Pretty nasty guys, I'm betting they're in service to the guy and are trying to protect him." Suzi answers. Nikaze just nods, confirming Suzi's words.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-22, 08:34 AM
Yuri gives Suzi a puzzled look. "Er... why would we want to take over Edmonton?"

At the principal's office:
He shakes his head, and slicks his hair back. "Looks like we're in for a fight, ladies." He glances at Seamus and smirks. "Er... and gentleman, I suppose."

2013-08-22, 08:38 AM
In response to Yuri's previous comment, Suzi doesn't say anything. Just noting this :smalltongue:

2013-08-22, 08:39 AM
"Whoa, maybe we can solve this without a fight. I don't particularly want to get into a showdown with either of these groups, to be honest.". Jade stares at both groups, pondering. "Maybe we could just talk to them? The principal's the bad guy we're after, do we really need to waste time with another fight?"

2013-08-22, 11:12 AM
Mimmi stops in the staircase and looks at the two groups nervously for a few moments, moving her lips as if about to say something, but without finding any words. She finally speaks out, staring straight at the floor between both groups.

I-if you want to fight, y-you can come with us. W-we can use a little... help.

2013-08-22, 11:25 AM
They hear Mimmi, and thus notice our heroes! The masked students notice first, one of them pointing to the group "Look, the demon that killed the students! They're in league with it!" . This causes another to say "Damn, reinforcements. No matter, justice is on our side! Kill them all!"

The ogre and his demon compatriots seem encouraged by the apparent backup, and the ogre lifts his cleaver "HELP MASTER! NO KILL!"

And with that, a fight breaks out!


Nikaze: [roll1]

Kobold 1: [roll2]

Kobold 2: [roll3]

Kobold 3: [roll]16+4

Ogre: [roll4]


Masked Student 1: [roll5]

Masked Student 2: [roll6]

Masked Student 3: [roll7]

Masked Student 4: [roll8]


Mimmi: [roll9]

Seamus: [roll10]

Jade: [roll11]

Yuri: [roll12]

2013-08-22, 11:27 AM
Kobold 3's roll borked: [roll0]

Shot List: 14: Nikaze
11: Seamus, Yuri
9: Mimmi, Masked 2, Kobold 3
8: Jade, Masked 3, Ogre, Suzi
6: Masked 1, Masked 4, Kobold 1
5: Kobold 2

Nikaze is first!

2013-08-22, 11:43 AM
Mimmi turns to Nikaze.

I don't want any bloodshed. We'll just have to get past them to get to the principal. Fight to incapacitate if any of them attack us, but otherwise just try and stay away from them...

2013-08-22, 11:52 AM
Nikaze nods, and says "I will ensure there is no bloodshed". He'll then zip past the masked students towards Principal Hayato's door. He checks it over "It's locked. It may take some time to open it..."

One of the masked students turns to look at Nikaze "...damn he's fast. Focus on it's summoner! If we kill her it'll go away" he says, pointing at Mimmi.

The next shot group has Seamus, Yuri, and Nikaze in it. I'm not SURE if I should have Nikaze attack or not, since he was told to just attack in retaliation, so I'll let Seamus or Yuri (whoever gets to it first) go next!

2013-08-22, 12:49 PM
"Well, there was the bit where we broke the principal's hold on the demon that he sent to do all of that. Terrible thing losing one's free will and all, but I guess that would involve using our big boy words..." Seamus sighs and tosses his backpack onto a dryer section of ground and his coat on top of it.

"You! Monster beasties! Stay there an' protect that kid. Don't even think about taking a life while I'm watching or I'll send all of you back to hell myself."

"Aren't you boys a little old to fall into the Lord of the flies trap? Murder? At your age? Fah! Sounds like you boys need a spanking! And seriously, rethink your super hero costumes. They're just... bad."

Letting out a great bellow, Macky charges forward, his hair flying wild as his neglected hair band finally gives way and falls off, freeing his mane to achieve its full volume. "I AM SEAMUS MACKENZIE! Y'ALL CAN PLEASE CALL ME MACKY!"

Though charging he manages to divert surprisingly well between the other masked students to barrel down on Mask 4, stopping right before trampling him. "Suggesting murder gets you the honor of being the ringleader. Sorry, but that's life"

Macky reaches out to grab and lift Mask 4 by the lapels of his coat, giving a good shake with every punctuation mark. "You've got one last chance lad, I'd say take it, but Macky is itching to kick some paedophile teeth in right now, but you're in the way talking about murders and wanting to finish off a kid who is bleeding out on the floor when he needs first aid."

Macky reaches out his arm to the side slowly, making sure that Mask 4's attention can be drawn to the thick tree-trunk of a limb terminating in a massive paw that could never be mistaken for one that can play the piano before bringing his palm to bear on the student's face in a resounding slap and snatch at the student's mask, seeking to tear it off and crush it while staring directly into the student's revealed eyes, his own orbs completely green and shining just a bit too brightly with his ire.

"Now we can talk about this like men or fight like animals, but boyo, I'm mair animal than th' fer of ye put together if ye had one 'f those curs to form tha' hed."

(Obviously going for nonlethal/knockout blows here)
Martial Arts 12
Positive [roll0]
Negative [roll1]
Result Exploding. Negatively.

Intimidation 11
Positive [roll2]
Negative [roll3]
Result Exploding. Positively.

2013-08-22, 12:51 PM
(And Exploding. Negatively and Positively!


Martial Arts Negative [roll0]

Result 5

Intimidation Positive [roll1]

Result 16

2013-08-22, 12:57 PM
Seamus' plan doesn't go QUITE as well as he would of liked! He does succed in grabbing and picking up the masked student, but when he swings to take off the mask, the masked student shakes his grasp and, through quite awesome gymnastic movements, wraps his legs around his arm and flips himself up so that he's straddling his bicep! However, the blow DOES manage to knock his mask off, allowing Seamus to crush it as planned. You don't recognize him, and there's this strange feeling that he may not actually be a student, though you're not sure since you don't know all of them.

It also appears that he WAS going to taunt you, but your intimidating glare has managed to rattle him, and all he can do is sit there, straddling your arm, poised to strike when it is his turn.

OOPS FORGOT MUSIC: SMT 2 Battle Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjKrUc_EalM)

Yuri's turn!

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-22, 02:31 PM
Yuri glances at the ogre and the kobolds. "Truce, for right now? I'd like to get these idiots out of the way, since it doesn't look like they're going to help any."

He narrows his eyes at the four masked men, and snarls, "Get out of my way." Yuri quickly loads three marbles into his slingshot, and fires at the three not currently attached to Seamus.

Pos: [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]
Negative: [roll2]
Guns AV is 13-3=10

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-22, 02:32 PM
Ouch, exploding negatives.


Total: 10

2013-08-22, 02:37 PM
The marbles fly off, and each pegs a masked student in the throat soundly, sending them to the ground, winded (and for the purposes of the fight, knocked out!).

The final member, realizing he's the only one left, and still pretty terrified by Seamus, jumps off of his arm and surrenders. "Loathe to admit it though I am, you have bested us. But we do NOT follow the Lord of the Flies, demon worshipper. We follow the path of light and you've impeded us on our quest."

2013-08-22, 03:35 PM
"Demon worshiper? HAH! You're kidding, right? I thought monsters were something you only saw in fairy tales and horror films. Maybe nightmares where they're... " Macky stops and clears his throat.

"Right, so I've introduced myself, and I can assure you that I don't worship much of anything, especially not "demons" that I can crush in my bare hands as I've already had to do today with some little gobliny creatures. So who are you guys and what's your beef with Mr. Bleeding in a heap on the floor over there? You look a little old for students... not that I'm much of one to talk, I suppose." Seamus makes full and ample use of air quotes around demons before gesturing at the boy on the floor.

"Actually, more pertinently, does anyone know first aid? I think he could use a bit of that, unless we want to increase the body count of senseless slaughter today. I mean, I lost count at about 30 kids before I started seeing red myself. As interested as I am in getting to the bottom of all of this and shaking some answers out of the principal and this Mab fairy that are running around and playing god, it's sort of compromising my resolve to put an end to this madness if I stand by and let a kid bleed out on the floor and not do anything about it."

2013-08-22, 03:43 PM
"We serve The Ring. He allies himself with chaotic demons, so by our law he must die. But we have failed, and will likely die at your hands."

The demons will stay near the kid's body, though they'll make some room so it's obvious that, if anyone has the ability to heal, they'd have room to go do so.

2013-08-22, 04:00 PM
"The Ring? What the hell is that? I thought you said something about a Path of Light or something."

"And no one's killing anyone! That's why we stopped you in the first place! So quit talking like that or you'll make me really want to kick your ass!"

Seamus shakes his head and massages his temples as he turns away and counts to ten, walking back over and picking up his hairband as he does so before turning around and looking back at the strange person in white, his eyes having lost their brightness but not quite having faded to their normal hazel.

"What kind of path of light cares more about killing some idiot kid who doesn't even know what he's doing when there's a maniac enslaving demons to kill innocent children and probably molesting more in that office while we speak?! Grrr, I hate having to think on an empty stomach. It's lunchtime and instead of sitting down with a nice salami and pastrami on rye I'm stuck in some freakshow trying to figure out how to make the monsters get back in the closet while everyone else loses their heads and is either getting killed or trying to kill everyone else."

2013-08-22, 04:04 PM
"We of The Ring walk the path of light. And I assure you that Principal Hayato does not do such...reprehensible things. He wishes to join us, and the situation at this school is just him taking our law farther then normal. People must follow their superiors, but death is the final choice. Except for those who defy The Ring, like those who lay with chaotic demons like that boy." he answers. Throughout it all his tone never really changes, seeming quite emotionless (or at least well controlled).

2013-08-22, 05:04 PM
Stirred from the brief combat and angered by being called a worshipper of Chaos, Mimmi speaks up.

Do not mistake us for worshippers of Chaos. Chaos killed my parents! And the principal is subordinate his superiors as well, the government, the police, the justice system, the law, and the law dictates that you are not allowed to kill people, nor have others do it under your command, so if you want to kill people who don't follow their superiors, then it's him you should kill, not an irresponsibel and deluded school kid who someone has given dangerous tools!

Mimmi basically boils with anger.

2013-08-22, 05:11 PM
The face of the Ring Initiate gains the slight upward twitch of a smile "We of The Ring follow a higher power. Rest easy, the Principal of this school will be punished for his actions, but not before we make this place clean of chaos, for the arrival of our leader, who will punish him and take his throne, and this Domain, and add it to his own power. We're on the same side, you're just siding with the wrong people."

2013-08-22, 05:29 PM
Mimmi's voice goes noticably darker.

Who is your leader, and what will he proclaim? What is his punishment for a mistake? For delusion? For striding off the path of light in a misguided attempt to bring justice to your life when others neglected it? For doing today what you tomorrow will regret? Is there any room for growth in his world? For becoming anything greater than you are today by learning from your own wrongdoings? Is there any room for life?

2013-08-22, 05:32 PM
"Lay? ...I don't know what kind of stuff he's into, and I couldn't care less as long as it's consensual. Killing someone over who he does or doesn't sleep with is beyond ridiculous, it's obscene. And I'm no legal scholar, but I'm pretty sure that's a hate crime here. If Canada even has hate crimes. I mean, gay marriage has been legal for years now. I mean, roughing someone up for being a pedo before turning him into the police and saying that you had to stop him from hurting that kid and then he put up a fight, that's just being human..." At this he turns and takes in the entire scene around him in one slow sweep, gesturing at each corpse in turn before launching into a tirade when he once more faces the man.

"As for this damn situation and the school, if the principal isn't to blame for all of this carnage and weirdness, then who is? A bunch of misguided kids who don't have any higher ambition than getting back at some bullies? Some prancing fairy that's responsible for dreams of all things?"

"And he may be in charge of this school, but that just means he's in charge of the faculty, not arbiter over life and death! Once he crossed that line to taking lives and ordering people killed, he lost any right to the authority he had. And if he is innocent of the wrong he's accused of, why hasn't he gotten onto the intercom and initiated a lockdown? He even called the teachers away so none of them could do it for their own classes. There's more kids dead right now than your average public school shooting in America for the love of god!"

Seamus stops ranting for a moment, as if considering something, looking at the downed masked figures and then at the man he unmasked.

"What's with you being so calm about all this anyway? "

"I know we're not exactly on the best of terms right now, Mimmi, but you can verify that Nikaze was telling the truth about who enslaved him, right? Could he have been made to lie without even knowing it? I think it's kind of important to clear that up before things go any further here. As angry as I am about all this, I want to make sure I'm kicking the right person's ass."

2013-08-22, 05:41 PM
To Mimmi, he responds "Of course. But what Principal Hayato has done here is beyond forgiveness. And that student over there, he completely refuses to join with us, and willingly consorts with evil demons. He would be given a chance to redeem, but when offered it he again refused. We then attacked, and the situation is now as you see it."

He then turns to Seamus "I am calm because I know our cause is just. The world outside this school is falling into a chaos as this school has, and demons are trying to take it for themselves. The Ring Master will purify it and create a law by which we shall all follow, handed down by the Seraphs. We kill the defiant so that those under our wing will be safe."

2013-08-22, 06:47 PM
You call that a chance for redemption? Walking up to someone and telling him to redeem himself, and killing him if he doesn't comply immediately? Redemption requires contemplation, time to realise the wrongs in your ways and time to change your character! It's nothing you can do under threat and gunpoint! Punishment should be served in a way which gives you chance to contemplate and redeem yourself, and only permanent an irrevokable for those who've given up their ability to change! You want to stop the summoners of chaos in the world? Then don't kill them! That only makes them recruit more, grow their ranks faster! Killing them only makes them stronger!

2013-08-22, 06:56 PM
That same smirk passes over the Ring Initiate's lips "Then we have reached an impasse. If you're not going to kill us, I presume you will take us prisoner?" he asks simply.

2013-08-22, 10:51 PM
Jade pipes in to the conversation, "So you guys follow 'the light', but are willing to kill some random kid because he won't obey you? Look, I don't trust these demons either, I lost my best friend to one years ago! But I didn't kill Suzi here over it! Now stand aside, I have a patient that needs attention." Jade kneels before the bleeding student, pulling a medical kit from her backpack. Muttering under her breath, Jade says "Jeez, what is this, National Crazy Day?"

Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 15
Result: 18

2013-08-22, 10:56 PM
Jade, you inspect him and he looks RATHER beaten up, as if someone punched so hard they tore his flesh open. However, with your skilled medical abilities, you're able to patch him up nicely. You also notice that he's awake despite his wounds. He stares up at you from somewhat broken glasses, and gives you a thumbs up "Oh...Jade Garcia. Thanks.." he coughs. His wounds are serious, but thanks to you he'll recover.

The Ogre and kobolds give a short of cheer, and the ogre gives Jade a hug "ME THANK FOR SAVE MASTER! NO KILL!"

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-22, 11:30 PM
Yuri gives the captured man a disgusted look. "Look, you're only conscious because there's a fleeting chance you might still be helpful to us. I don't particularly care for your odds, but you can comfort yourself in that you'll not die by our hands."

Yuri glances around the group. "I find it pretty weird that I feel like the odd one out because I don't know anyone that's been killed by demons... well, excluding today's events, anyway."

2013-08-22, 11:33 PM
Jade goes wide-eyed with surprise as the ogre hugs her. "Uh....you're welcome, big guy." Jade laughs softly, then addresses the kid. "Take it easy, okay? You're still pretty badly hurt. You'll need some time to recover." She glances at the white-masked students suspiciously, then whispers to the kid. "Make sure your friends here protect you, if something happens."

2013-08-22, 11:39 PM
He whispers back "I will". He'll then try to sit up, managing to half do so. "I guess I should thank you guys. Seamus, Mimmi, Yuri, and especially Jade. Students in Class 2-A. And...Suzi from 1-A, surprised you're here..." he thinks for a moment, coughing again, then says "OH, right...I'm Archer, Joseph Archer, head of the year book committee. I've got a photographic memory yeah know, so I...never forget a face" He then points to the unmasked Ring Initiate "And that guy *cough* is no student. He was arrested a few months ago for robbing a gas station. I think The Ring got to him in jail, the guy's 22!"

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-22, 11:50 PM
Yuri buries his face in his palms and shakes his head. He turns to the man, clearly disappointed in his actions. "Look, you don't just rob gas stations; they've got security cameras! You either need to put a bit more effort into it, and get the recordings too, or you've got to disable the cameras without getting noticed... and even then, you're still probably better off taking or destroying the recordings. Plus, most of them only have a hundred or so in the register... Hell, a bunch have notices on the door that they only keep but so much in there after dark, and the safe where they put the rest of the cash can't be opened by the person at the register... You're dumber than you look, and that's saying something."

He sighs, then gestures frustratedly and leans against the wall, arms crossed.

2013-08-22, 11:53 PM
You all notice a distinct twitch in the man's face as Yuri taunts him about his past. "You...will not speak of this. I have given myself to The Ring and been absolved. I now work for the Seraphs. I do good work".

2013-08-23, 01:27 AM
"Don't worry, Yuri, I don't think I know anyone who's been killed by demons until today, either. Bad news is that means it's a bit less likely that I'm dreaming if you don't have a personal vendetta against the monsters like everyone else. Though, usually everyone I know and care about has been taken away by now if this were a nightmare anyway. Guess we'll just have to continue treating this like it's real for now."

"Something that calls itself something so close to 'Ring Leader' is a little bit too Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain to take seriously, but since it's ordering people to murder kids and claiming to be good at the same time, it might be one of those Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains that kills people for failing them for the last time the first time they fail. People do stupid things because they're desperate all the time, but I'm not going to consign a man to die for it."

"You've got some explaining to do, Mr. Yearbook, between knowing about this Ring and having gotten your little pets, but unless you've got dirt on Principal Powertrip, it can wait. So be a good boy and get your rest." Seamus passes his coat to Jade and gestures to Archer "I don't remember much, but this'll help if he needs covering or his feet propped up."

"As for you, you stand by your word now to go along with serving a higher cause, right? I want you to promise that you'll stay out of things with the principal if it turns into a fight and that you won't go picking any more fights while we're busy with him."

With that, Seamus pulls out a couple of palm-sized objects and a small pouch out of his backpack and walks over to the door and gets on his knees in front of it, opening up his pouch.

"You might want to think about what you all want to say to the Principal if we're done for now. ...I wonder what happened to the teachers anyway..."

2013-08-23, 01:35 AM
Archer thanks Seamus and Jade politely as he takes the jacket "Sorry...I don't know anything about Principal Hayato. I was on my way to check but *cough* those guys jumped me. Told me I had a chance to join them, I said no. Then they said that if I just gave them my Comp, they'd let me go so I could be 'redeemed' and when I said no, that one" he points to the one without a mask, who has the bloody hand "punched my in the chest. Barely managed to get my demons out...but yes, I can tell you more after you've dealt with Principal Hayato *cough*"

Meanwhile, Suzi says "So, if we're taking these guys prisoners, I'm guessing we should tie them up? Or I could watch them, if you want, your choice."

2013-08-23, 01:40 AM
"Yeah, suppose we should. It'd be a bit crowded if we took them with us to the principal. Hm, is there an empty classroom we can lock them in until we're done with Mr Hayato?"

2013-08-23, 01:44 AM
Suzi points a thumb to classroom 1-A "My room's empty, an ogre popped out of the blackboard and scared them out far as I can tell. Was busy in the gym at the time."

2013-08-23, 05:31 AM

The masked men's sheer unreasonability makes Mimmi give up, and calm down a bit. She turns to the others

I-if they almost manage to finish a man in one punch, I-I'm not sure just a door will do, and th-they could smash a window. I may ha-have some... some rope...

Fix-it check to tell if Mimmi has a coil of light but sturdy rope at the bottom of her backpack. She likes exploring abandoned structures and may've neglected to take it out of her backpack since the last time.
Positive: [roll0] (I assume this is a closed roll, correct me if I'm wrong)
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 9

Total: 12

2013-08-23, 08:09 AM
Mimmi, you do indeed have some nice, thick ropes in your backpack!

2013-08-23, 08:15 AM
(Well, hopefully not too thick. I'm thinking climbing ropes here, not some kind of anchor hawser. :smallwink:)

P-perhaps we should move them into the classroom first...

She then turns to Nikaze.

Nikaze, are you good at tying hard knots?

2013-08-23, 08:27 AM
Nikaze holds up his clawed fingers, because he is a weasel, and says "Unfortunately, not. I'm more suited to cutting them. I think Yuri may be the most dextrously skilled of you, though."

2013-08-23, 09:01 AM
Mimmi turns to Yuri and holds up the rope while avoiding eye contact.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-23, 09:27 AM
Yuri takes the rope and ties a few knots in it, testing out how it holds. He nods, satisfied with it, and walks over to the man. "If you make this difficult, I'll just knock you out first." He carefully ties the man's hands and feet together, then glances up at him. "Exhale, or I'll force the air out of your lungs. Can't be having loose ropes." If need be, Yuri elbows the man sharply in the stomach, then quickly binds his arms to his torso.

Neg: 1d6[/roll] Heh :smallamused:
Dex is 9

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-23, 09:28 AM
Rolling the negative die properly now... >.>


Total: 10

2013-08-23, 09:30 AM
The man exhales when requested, and Yuri succeeds in tying him (and the unconscious Ring Initiates) up! Hooray! We can also assume that they are put into the classroom without much trouble.

2013-08-23, 04:53 PM
Mimmi walks over to Joseph, nervously twisting her hands a little.

N-now that the... they're gone, do y-you think you could have y-your demons help us? A little?

2013-08-23, 05:00 PM
Joseph tries to get up again, grunting in pain and not really succeeding "I'd love to, but..." he thinks for a moment "...I know we have to kill Principle Hayato, but I'm still not comfortable with that. Hell, I've even ordered my demons not to kill anyone. But...okay, they can. I should be fine if I hide out in class 1-B while you guys fight him."

2013-08-23, 05:06 PM
N-no, w-we don't h-have to k-kill. The police can h-have him...

2013-08-23, 05:08 PM
Joseph thinks for a moment "Well...okay, the way this was all *cough* explained to me, was that we'd have to. But...if you can find a better way, good luck." he then opens up his laptop and types a few stuff into it.

2013-08-23, 06:37 PM
"Explained that we'd have to kill him? Now that does sound like something we'd need to know before going in."

Seamus pockets the pouch and lumpen objects before standing and walking back over to Archer.

"Need a lift?"

2013-08-23, 06:40 PM
"Explained that we'd have to kill him? Now that does sound like something we'd need to know before going in."

Seamus pockets the pouch and lumpen objects before standing and walking back over to Archer.

"Need a lift?"

"Would you? Awe, thanks. And *cough* yeah, the guy I contracted with said that the Ruler has to be slain to take it from him."

2013-08-23, 08:20 PM

Mimmi's voice is a bit squeeky and failing after all this talking...

2013-08-23, 08:24 PM
"Yeah, it. Didn't your demon friend tell you? Though there IS a chance he...wouldn't know. This school is a rather large font of *cough* demonic energy, called a Domain. The Ruler is empowered by it. Kill the Ruler, take his Throne, and the Domain is yours to command."

2013-08-23, 08:26 PM
W-well, I think I-I know a way... a-around that...

2013-08-23, 10:08 PM
"Well that's good. I figured we'd just have to keep kicking his ass until he gave in or tried finding out what happens to him when he's kicked out of here, seeing as how no one can leave for some reason that's never really been all that examined. Actually, what the heck would happen to us if we tried to leave right now?"

2013-08-23, 10:11 PM
Suzi shrugs "I don't know. We could check, the exit is right there. Maybe we can do that while someone picks the lock?"

2013-08-23, 10:20 PM
"I suppose I should get on about seeing to that. Worse comes to worst I can just bash the damn thing down anyway. Maybe toss in a dead pixie to see what happens first though."

Seamus shrugs, casts about for a mostly intact goblin's body, and picks it up by the cleanest portion of the leotard, carrying it ahead and to his side disdainfully before setting it down within his reach by the door. He pulls the pouch out of his pocket and takes a set of tools out of it, selecting which ones to use first while he attempts to listen through the door. Taking his time, he begins to work on unlocking the door, giving ample time for everyone to get ready. He hums a little Gustav Holst (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0bcRCCg01I) as he works.

Intrusion 10
Positive [roll0]
Negative [roll1]
Result 6! (:smalleek:)

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-23, 11:10 PM
Yuri walks over to the exit and scratches his chin. "Hrm... well, it's worth a shot. Any bets on what happens? I'm putting $10 on me getting zapped by this, if there are any takers." He grins, then cautiously grabs the handle and tries to open the door.

2013-08-23, 11:40 PM
"Wait, if we 'take the throne', as you said, can we get rid of this barrier? Like, turn things back to normal?" Jade ponders to herself, "Though....there'd still be demons outside the school, maybe...".

2013-08-23, 11:42 PM
Suzi raises her hand "I'll take that bet."

Yuri, you open the door, and briefly you can see outside the school. Then a wave of dark purple energy fades in, completely blocking off all sight. Burned into this energy is a pure white number One. It does not zap you, and touching at it does not harm you, though it is as solid as a wall.

Seamus, you work on the lock, and.....okay, I won't say you UN locked it, so much as "made the lock no longer exist". Thankfully, it broke in such a way that you can open the door now!

2013-08-24, 12:05 AM
Seamus gives a sudden cough of embarrassment before getting up, backing away from the door, and putting his tools away.

"*ahem* Well, the lock won't be giving us anymore trouble if we're all ready to go here."

Reaching down, he picks up the goblin's corpse by the scruff of its leotard.

"So, we got a plan or we playing this by ear?"

2013-08-24, 08:32 AM
Mimmi unbuttons the sheathes holding her knives and look up at the door.

I'm ready.

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-24, 08:53 AM
Yuri gives the magic blocking the exit a puzzled look, and then shrugs and shuts the door.

He narrows his eyes and looks at Suzi. "Never have I been so disappointed not to get injured..." He shakes his head and pulls out a $10 bill, and hands it to her as he walks over to the principal's door.

"I'm ready."

2013-08-24, 09:02 AM
Suzi smirks and slips it into her pocket "Okay, time to go bag us a falcon...Hayato means falcon person"

And with that, the party enters the Principal's office!


Mimmi, Yuri, Seamus, Jade, Suzi, Nikaze, the ogre and three kobolds enter the room. It's a little bigger then you expected, able to hold all of you with enough room to move acrobatically and such. The walls are lined with diplomas, degrees, and awards for himself, students, and the school. There is a strong oaken desk in the middle of the room, and a tall backed leather swivel chair behind it. Beyond it is another door, but you don't have time to take note as the chair swivels around.

"Ah, students. Breaking the rules, I see? And demons...interesting. What brings you to my office?" he says, his voice slippery with that feeling of 'I'm so better then you'. Principal Daichi Hayato is a prim and proper 40 year old, his hair clean and parted, not a strand out of place. His glasses are sharp and solid, lenses covering his eyes. He wears a modified version of the school's uniform, pure white except for his black tie, the modifications making it look like he's...well, basically a nobleman of sorts. In his hand is a long, golden sheath, the hilt of the blade you can see looking like two bird claws. His other hand is on the hilt, caressing it.

2013-08-24, 05:18 PM
"I suppose we should have knocked first, but considering the situation, having to replace the lock on your office is the least of the janitors' concerns. You're already aware of the situation. Hmph. I was trying to hold out some hope that everyone was just spewing crazy, but you're wrapped up in all of this after all. Sucks to be you then." Seamus slams the corpse of the goblin down upon the desk to punctuate his declaration, causing the solid wood to visibly shake from the force of the impact and the body to spasm unpleasantly.

"I suppose I should just be glad there's no kiddies in here with you at least. And that I didn't make a bet with Yuri that there were." Seamus sighs, shakes his head, and starts drumming his baseball bat against his thigh as he speaks.

"Mighty suspicious though, knowing about all this and not a peep over the intercom. The Principal is supposed to initiate a lockdown when people break into the school before we know if they're here to kill us, after all. Sort of thing that makes a man's blood boil, seeing you here snug as a bug polishing your sword, while the school's been trashed. An'. Not. A. Peep." Seamus taps his bat on the desk, the sound of maple on oak punctuating his last four words before bringing out his arm to gesture to Nikaze.

"An' worse, you're accused of giving orders to kill students, which goes against the spirit of your duties even if they didn't think to include a clause saying 'yo, bonehead, don't kill the students,' because that's SO. FREAKING. OBVIOUS!" Seamus draws himself up to his full height and sets the tip of his bat down on the desk, resting his hands on the bottom of the handle before leaning in on it and looking down, directly into the principal's eyes before glancing at the hilt of the sword, his own bat, and then back into the principal's eyes, tapping the side of his forehead with his first two fingers as their eyes lock.

"I've no choice, I'm placing you un'er a citizen's arrest, surrender and come with us to the police and we'll put this all before the authorities. Resist, and I'll ask for yer resignation. Th' hard way." Macky growls and his nostrils flare as he fights to retain some level of composure, his eyes flashing green.

"There's kids dead out in that hallway! DEAD! One would be too many, and I cannae count 'em all wi'out siftin' through tha' mess. An' th'trail leads back to ye! Mebbe th'Judge'll give ye some mercy, demons an' ghoulies not be par-tick-yar-ly familiar-like to the law, now. But if ye keep at this grim, bloody fable, ye'll reap th' unhappy, bloody end that's waiting fer ye!"

Macky shifts his weight and points his bat directly at the principal's nose. "What's it gonna be?"

(OOC: Pointless roll, I know, but...)
Intimidation 10
Positive [roll0]
Negative [roll1]
Result exploding, negatively.

2013-08-24, 05:19 PM
Intimidation 10
Positive 2
Negative 6 + [roll0]
Result Exploding Negatively Again.

2013-08-24, 05:21 PM
Intimidation 10
Positive 2
Negative 6 + 6 + [roll0]
Result -3


2013-08-24, 05:32 PM
Seamus, you are in fact FRIGHTENINGLY terrifying. However, Principal Hayato doesn't even flinch. Faced with such odds, even you are put at edge, and thus will take a -2 to speed for the fight. Since I roll the initiative this is just more work for me, so no troubles there :smalltongue:

Hayato answers, not even twitching "Your teacher did inform you to stay in your classroom while she was gone, yes? That was all I needed to say. I had hoped you would listen to the rules and stayed still while we dealt with things. But their...defiance." he spits the word, as if disgusted at the thought of it. He stands up, hands still on his sheathed blade. "Their defiance cost them their lives. And it seems the same could be said for you five."

He draws the katana, the cold sound of steel ringing through the air "Do you have any last words, before I regrettably end your lives?"

2013-08-24, 05:46 PM
No, dishonourable man. Lawbreaker. Criminal.

Mimmi's voice wavers, but she manage to keep it together well enough to not stutter. She drops her backpack and draws her knives, elk in left, reindeer in right.

2013-08-24, 05:56 PM
Suzi does a front flip for the bag, then backsteps behind Seamus, preparing to take it out "I'm going to kill you sooo much when I get my Comp back. You're number one on my list..."

Nikaze gets in a fighting stance "If there was one human I could kill and feel joy it would be you, Hayato."

(not rolling initiative until everyone's had their say, sorry :smallamused:)

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-24, 05:57 PM
Yuri narrows his eyes and pulls out his slingshot. "Last words? Sure." He scratches his chin, then sneers at Hayato. "How much you wanna bet the fat, old guy with the sword is the one that doesn't get to walk out of here?"

2013-08-24, 06:31 PM
"Dinnae turn inta ah snake, nev'r ends well." Macky says, gripping his bat with both hands. "Ye'll regret this, blaggard."

2013-08-25, 02:09 AM
"Defiance? Because they wouldn't bow before you and turn into monsters like you? We're here to put a stop to this, and you're not gonna get in our way!" Jade shouts at the principal, shaking with anger as she draws her bow. "Too bad for you though, 'cause we're gonna defy you too. But we're gonna make it out of this alive."

2013-08-25, 08:35 AM
And thus the battle begins!

Boss - SMT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CldgW31kRfc)

Daichi Hayato: [roll0]

Kobold 1: [roll1]

Kobold 2: [roll2]

Kobold 3: [roll3]

Ogre: [roll4]

Suzi Miharu: [roll5]

Nikaze no Kamaitachi: [roll6]

Mimmi: [roll7]

Seamus: [roll8] minus 2, almost forgot this!

Jade: [roll9] +1 with Fast Draw. Tell me if you use it!

Yuri: [roll10] +1 with Fast Draw. Tell me if you use it!

Mimmi goes first!

2013-08-25, 08:48 AM
As Hayato does a first movement to get out of his chair, Mimmi swiftly flings her reindeer-hilted knife toward him, her arm hanging in the air a moment after letting go, marking it's intended path (imagine a slow motion shot of the camera running along the length of her arm and following the knife in the flight).

Guns check
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
AV: 12

2013-08-25, 08:49 AM
Another positive: [roll0]

Total: 16

2013-08-25, 08:54 AM
The dagger hits, plunging into Principal Hayato's shoulder! It hits by 2, so 7, minus his toughness to get...1 damage :smallredface:

Hayato grunts as the dagger hits, a small red stain spreading from the point of impact.

Hey, every bit counts, he's wounded now. Yuri's turn :smalltongue:

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-25, 10:19 AM
Yuri quickly aims and fires at the sword, trying to catch it at an angle that would throw it out of Hayato's hands.

Pos: [roll0]
Neg: [roll1]
Guns AV 13
Total: 11

Using Fast Draw

2013-08-25, 10:29 AM
Principal Hayato easily deflects the marble with a sword swipe, and pulls the dagger from his shoulder, tossing it to the floor. He then deftly steps up onto his desk, jumping forward towards you all! He swings his sword at Suzi and Mimmi, his blade emitting a strange blue glow, landing infront of you after completing the slash

Mechanics Info Dump: Hayato, being a melee character, uses Fu/Chi points to use fu powers. Right now he's using the power Awesome Downpour, which lets him attack two people, using the higher Dodge Value, and both characters taking the same damage.

Martial Arts VS Mimmi and Suzi (Using Mimmi's DV): +14
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 13, so it hits by 1, so it does 16 damage, minus Mimmi's toughness of 5 for a total of 11 damage, unless Mimmi active dodges.

As always, gonna wait to see if Mimmi shall do so.

2013-08-25, 10:40 AM
Mimmi stops for a moment, letting her take in the situation and detect the oncoming blow, giving her the moment's notice needed to dodge it.

Nikaze! Strike to incapacitate! Now!

2013-08-25, 10:47 AM
Nikaze's eyes glow blue, and he seems to vanish! Suddenly a streak of light flashes past Hayato, targeting his wrists, Nikaze appearing behind him, his wrist sickles glowing white faintly.

Nikaze is using his martial arts power Hands Without Shadow, so Hayato cannot actively dodge!

Martial Arts (Disarm) vs Hayato: +12, -2 for the stunt of disarming.
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Result: 10

Unfortunately, Hayato is able to block the strike with a smirk "Still as slow as ever, demon? How quaint. When I'm done dealing with these defiants, I'll show you the penalty for betraying me..."

Yuri's turn!

Amidus Drexel
2013-08-25, 12:20 PM
Yuri steps back and fires at the principal. "You may want to go for lethal force, Nikaze."

Fortune: [roll0]
Pos: [roll1]
Neg: [roll2]
Guns AV is 13
Total: 15

2013-08-25, 12:31 PM
Yuri hits, but unfortunately, Principal Hayato's toughness cancels out the damage!

"I...must follow the orders of my Master." Nikaze responds.

Suzi's turn!


Suzi opens Mimmi's bag and rummages through it, taking out her comp and flipping it open! She quickly taps away at it, then thrusts her hand towards the Principal! "DIE! ZIO!" she shouts, an arc of lightening bolting out towards him!

Sorcery VS Hayato: +12
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]

2013-08-25, 12:34 PM
Sorcery VS Hayato: (3-6)+12
Negative: [roll0]
Result: 7, so a miss.

The bolt of lightning arcs past Hayato, crackling against a metal something or other on the desk.

Ogre's turn! Mimmi, give the order?

2013-08-25, 12:38 PM
Attack! Beat him down but leave him alive!

This order goes out to the kobolds as well.

2013-08-25, 12:41 PM
The ogre gives a roar, and attacks Hayato with it's cleaver, the blade shining white! "GRAM SLICE!" it roars, utilizing the fu power 'bite of the dragon'.

Martial Arts VS Hayato: +13
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]

2013-08-25, 12:42 PM
Martial Arts VS Hayato: (2-6)+13
Negative: [roll0]
Result: 5, so a miss.

Hayato seems to dance around the cleaver, not even phased by the monstrous beast attacking him. "Is this truly the best your defiant natures can muster?"

Mimmi's turn!

2013-08-25, 12:47 PM
Mimmi drops her gaze to the floor, but raises it again, and with eyes glowing of magic, she looks straight in the eyes of Hayato.

Gaia's Gravity!

Fertility/Steal Chi - adds an extra negative die to Hayato's next task check.

2013-08-25, 12:56 PM
Hayato grimaces, as Mimmi's magic weighs down upon him. With a frustrated glare, he swings his sword at her, wreathed in a blue aura, preparing to slice his blade through her and Suzi!

Martial Arts VS Mimmi and Suzi (Mimmi's AV): +14
Positive: [roll0]
Negative: [roll1]
Negative: [roll2]
Result: 11, which is a miss!