View Full Version : Stuff that Spells Make, Can We a List?

2013-08-12, 05:23 PM
What are all of the permanent but non-dispellable things that Spells (and Powers) can create from nothing?

All that comes to mind are the Wall of x spells and the Quintessence power.

What else is there Playground?

Spells that make permanent non-dispellable stuff:
- Wall of (insert material here) (various)
- Create Water
- Quintessence (EPH)
- Fire Shuriken (CA)
- True Creation (costs xp)
- Beget Bogun (SC) (costs xp)
- Create Crossroads and Backroad (MoF) (costs xp)
- Genesis (DotF) (costs xp)
- Node Genesis (CoR) (costs xp)
- Slime Hurl (CoR)

Spell Combos that make permanent non-dispellable stuff:
- Wall of Stone + Stone Metamorphosis = any stone you want, in endless supply, free. Of note: Elukian Clay, Slickstone, Sickstone, Photogenerative Rock.
- Planar Binding for Genie = any vegetable matter you want. Of note: Black Lotus Poison, Wildwood, Serrenwood, Bronzewood.
(Thanks, JaronK for both of these.)

2013-08-12, 05:25 PM
True Creation comes to mind, but costs XP.

2013-08-12, 06:38 PM
Wall of Stone + Stone Metamorphosis = any stone you want, in endless supply, free. Of note: Elukian Clay, Slickstone, Sickstone, Photogenerative Rock.

Planar Binding for Genie = any vegetable matter you want. Of note: Black Lotus Poison, Wildwood, Serrenwood, Bronzewood.


2013-08-12, 07:14 PM
Fire Shuriken (Assassin 2/Wu Jen 2, Complete Arcane) creates permanently (until used) one fire shuriken per three caster levels. They deal 3d6 fire damage with a 19-20/x2 critical rate that breaks magical DR and SR. They have a 10 ft range and you are auto-proficient with them. Cast these on days when you have downtime! Combine with metamagic for best results!

2013-08-15, 11:48 AM
Did a search using this Search Spells (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/FindSpell.php) page for things similar to the 'Wall of' spells.
Instantaneous duration, Conjuration (Creation) type spells.

But I'm sure there are more I'm missing, maybe some Undead creating spells? Some more Create Water like effects that are low level but still can have a permanent nondispellable effect on their environment...

Edit: Also drawing a blank on any other powers that might result in permanent nondispellable effects like Quintessence.