View Full Version : Do I understand this right?

2013-08-12, 05:29 PM
So Sacred Vow has no requirements. None what-so-ever. Not even to be good. VOP and the other vows only requirement (save 1 with a second) have Sacred Vow as their only pre-req.

Granted to maintain them you have to meet the role-play requirements.

But lets say his "voluntary poverty" was to give all material possessions over to this demon army that is going to make a massive attack on the 9 hells?

Like if I am creating a lawful evil woman who made a deal with the demons of the abyss and she took VoP and gave all her material possessions to the demons, but in true lawful evil style, followed the agreement to the letter and became a Forsaker, and destroyed all magical items before they became hers, so all her "possessions" were hunks of useless metal. Right? So she would qualify for VoP and all the Exalted feats, with DR 10/evil, launching attacks on the guys with good aligned weapons, never able to bypass her DR, right?

She'd be like a double agent.

2013-08-12, 05:34 PM
They're both exalted feats and as such require a character to be better than good to maintain them. I'm pretty sure that's detailed in the explanation of exalted feats in the BoED.

Divide by Zero
2013-08-12, 05:35 PM
From BoED, page 39:

Only intelligent characters of Good alignment and the highest moral standards can acquire exalted feats, and only as a gift from powerful agents of good - deities, celestials, or similar creatures.


A character who willingly and willfully commits an evil act loses all benefits from all his exalted feats.

Big Fau
2013-08-12, 05:47 PM
From BoED, page 39:

Which, humorously, means that owning items or having gold is an evil act. Which means a VoP character is actively corrupting his church.

I love the BoED's logic, it's just so easy to screw with.

2013-08-12, 06:15 PM
That's not what the Vows are claiming. Vows are, according to the fluff, about showing restraint in order to dedicate themselves to the cause of Good. Considering there's Exalted feats involving totally doing it with a dryad, there's no moral judgment against gold or sex.

2013-08-12, 06:25 PM
Strictly speaking, there's no conflict involved in taking both Nymph's Kiss and Vow of Chastity. Nymph's Kiss just requires an intimate relationship, but does not require that the relationship be sexual.

2013-08-12, 06:37 PM
Still, the book has an overtone where apparently hot lesbian succubus action should be honored as 'Love'. The Vows represent basically Fantastic Fasting/Celibacy.

Divide by Zero
2013-08-12, 06:41 PM
And mechanically speaking, the part where you lose VoP for owning wealth is entirely separate from the part where you lose all [Exalted] feats for doing evil.

2013-08-12, 09:13 PM
And mechanically speaking, the part where you lose VoP for owning wealth is entirely separate from the part where you lose all [Exalted] feats for doing evil.

Fair enough. Thanks guys

2013-08-13, 12:26 AM
Also all exalted feats are Su for whatever asinine reason, so you lose them in an AMF.

2013-08-13, 12:44 AM
I could see finding a way to refluff the [Exalted] feats as [Vile] if you were careful about it.

You'd need some sort of reason for how they work, though. Perhaps Vow of Poverty isn't about abstaining from greed, but about feeling that such things are a sign of weakness. Rather than donating them, you keep your wealth in the most decadantly wasteful and luxury-inducing of things. Nothing that could be useful in combat or adventuring, only kept as trophies to demonstrate your prowess.

2013-08-13, 02:32 AM
I could see finding a way to refluff the [Exalted] feats as [Vile] if you were careful about it.

You'd need some sort of reason for how they work, though. Perhaps Vow of Poverty isn't about abstaining from greed, but about feeling that such things are a sign of weakness. Rather than donating them, you keep your wealth in the most decadantly wasteful and luxury-inducing of things. Nothing that could be useful in combat or adventuring, only kept as trophies to demonstrate your prowess.

Yeah, I saw a thread about it, instead of vow of poverty, it was vow of gluttony or hedonism or something. You had to spend all your money on booze, whores, food, drugs etc.

2013-08-13, 08:53 AM
Yeah, I saw a thread about it, instead of vow of poverty, it was vow of gluttony or hedonism or something. You had to spend all your money on booze, whores, food, drugs etc. Do you remember the thread? Seems like taking vices instead of vows would be pretty interesting mechanically for an evil character. "Gluttonous Vice" even sounds nice.

2013-08-13, 09:00 AM
I could even see it not being gluttony - consumption for personal pleasure - but conspicuous consumption - living at or beyond your means for the purposes of looking good. The deadly sin involved is pride or vanity. Mechanically, similar effect: you have nothing worth spending on game-enhancing treasures, and nothing to give away for more benefit than the VoP guy could get out of donating all his worldly goods to orphans and churches. But you live like a king and flaunt your wealth at every turn.

Fax Celestis
2013-08-13, 09:26 AM
Also all exalted feats are Su for whatever asinine reason, so you lose them in an AMF.

...because they are basically god-cast buff spells.

2013-08-13, 11:37 AM
you could always go with drow of the underdark's "vow of decadence" which is pretty much what you guys are talking about

2013-08-13, 01:14 PM
Yeah, I saw a thread about it, instead of vow of poverty, it was vow of gluttony or hedonism or something. You had to spend all your money on booze, whores, food, drugs etc.

I think that was also mine. Vow of Greed was a re-fluffed VoP. A kobold who thought he was a dragon was starting his hoard.

I also had a thread about VoP inspired homebrew feats, like Vow of Nudity and Profane Vow with the Seven Deadly Vows