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View Full Version : Twili race (legend of zelda Twilight princess) 3.5 edition

2013-08-12, 06:48 PM
Hello everyone out there.
I have posted this thread to help come up with ideas for a 3.5 edition twili race as well as share my ideas for you to critic. Please however try to stay at least somewhat cannon to the info featured in the game as I would prefer for such a cool race not to get trashed and forget the base material.
Link bellow to page describing Twili race.
Thank you and I look forward to your inputs.

Twili are the exiled descendants of a group of unknown individuals known as the interlopers. Banished to the darkness of the twilight for generations because of their ancestors use of four dangerous magical items known as the fused shadows, extensive inbreading and exposure to the dark energy of the twilight has caused the race to de evolve over time and has even caused several individuals to transform in to horrific monsters, however the near unbroken connection to their magical ancestors has caused the twili to gain an extreme natural aptitude towords magic, especially their own brand of shadow magic.
Twili, as such attempting to find some a semblance of order are divided into three social classes. Each class is separated by how human-like each class is with the most human-like at the top and the least human like at the bottom. This is generaly consived from that the least human like will eventually de-evolve into monsters and are shunned as such out of fear. The known classes each have their own preferred class and general outlook on the world.

Twilight Imp: preferred class sorcerer or rouge.
Considered the lowest of the low, Twilight Imps are considered to be wild and are left alone for safety of the other classes however, while perceived as such by the others, Twilight Imps are actuly quite intelligent but with a naughty streak a mile long. All Imps are generaly much shorter than the other classes, being about the height of a halfling as well as having somewhat other individualized but general animal like looks (such as small fangs and slit pupils) having spent the least time around the sol orbs, (the magically made suns of the twilight providing just enough light to live by) Twili Imps are still generaly humanoid and live in relative poverty, however with their removal from general Twili society has allowed them to display their natural aptitude for magic a lot better and while usaly displayed in the form of pranks and taking food for survival, it can prove to be very powerful if used correctly. Twilight Imps tend to look out for themselves and their family groups but are the most likely Twili class to attempt to leave the twilight realm to avoid the bad conditions and also the most likely to join adventuring parties for the thrills and excitement it brings.

Twili Commoners: preferred class fighter.
Considered to be the main work force and middle class of the Twili, commoners have been held in high regard by the other classes and hold most of the work positions, (food production, creation of sols and other magical items, etc). Unlike most of the other classes commoners don't show as much aptitude towords magic unless it is part of their trade and prefure to take on more physical chartecter classes such as fighter or even sometimes ranger. While most Commoners prefure to stay in the Twilight realm and run their business, some have been known to leave the Twilight realm for opertunity elsewhere and will even join adventuring parties to expand on their technique. Commoners tend to be much more humanoid in appearance without the characteristics of imps but still have blood red glowing eyes (sometimes without pupils) and height range from slightly taller than Imps to the height of a average human adult.

Twili Noble: prefured class wizard.
The decidedly most human looking of the classes, Twili Nobles hold the political positions of the Twili race and are usuly the most stuck-up of the bunch prefuring to avoid the other classes with the exception of election to leadership positions such as the council of elders or even Twilight King/Princess. (Great examples of such nobles being Zant and Minda in her non imp form). Because of their high up position in society, Nobles have access to many records and tutors allowing them to more training and focus of the magic to achive a wizard status. Twili nobles will commonly leave the Twilight realm but most of the time only for political purposes or pleasure and very rarely will they join adventuring parties and only out of nicseity.

All Twili no matter the social class have black and grey skin in a swirling pattern and a glowing green (or in rare cases red) branching circular tattoo like mark usuly beginning on their belly. Red hair and red eye colors are common but yellow eye colors have also shown up as well as blue and green.

Returning to the light: While for some Twili the Twilight realm may be hazeredes, the world of light can be even more dangerous for all Twili as their generations spent in the darkness has caused unprotected exposure to the light world (known by everyone else as the material plane) can cause Twili to fall into a coma or even cause death which is why all Twili leaving the Twilight realm must where the protection of a Demi-sol, a smaller version of the sols of the twilight realm about the size of a marble and worn as a form of jewelry, usuly concealed. This item prevents the harmful affects of the light world on Twili but only when worn. Twili tend to keep the existence of the Demi-sols secret from all others with the execption of those who have earned their trust to the fullest extent. Twili will only remove these Demi-solsi if they return to the twilight realm or if they are in a non naturaly lit area such as a cave or dungeon.

natural abilities: darkvision up to 60 feet, spell like ablility darkness missle 1d6 damage, -2 strength for non commener class twili who get +2 strength, Noble and Imp twili get +2 intellagence, Twili nobles get +1 charisma.

feel free to point out ideas for changes