View Full Version : Characters for an arena

2013-08-12, 07:44 PM
So my group has gotten themselves thrown in jail. Much like the Empire of Blood, the jail is a gladiatorial arena. I need some good monsters/npc's to challenge a group of four level five characters. (the opposing group must also have four members). Ideally the fight would be more like Roy's than Belkar's. Party consists of a Shaper (Psion focusing on astral constructs) a fighter specing in Greataxe, a melee cleric (Durkon before vamping), and a rogue that nukes pretty much anything down if he wins initiative.

Many thanks.

2013-08-12, 07:57 PM
A warhulk (Half Ogre Fighter 6 Warhulk X), a Crusader (Mineral Warrior Dragonborn Water Orc Crusader X), a Swordsage (Dark Whisper Gnome Swordsage X), and a Totemist (Totemist 2 / Scout 4 / Mystic Ranger X) focusing on Manticore Belt.

These are high OP low tier builds that should generally cause some problems but be possible to overcome by confronting them outside their specialty. Beware a TPK though, so make sure someone is there to stop the fight if it looks like the warhulk is going to smash everything. You may also want to make sure the party has a chance of finding the Swordsage (or not, if he runs away in round 1 and they never find him, but he keeps attacking them at inopportune moments believing their fight still isn't over, it could be really funny/annoying).

2013-08-12, 08:07 PM
So my group has gotten themselves thrown in jail. Much like the Empire of Blood, the jail is a gladiatorial arena. I need some good monsters/npc's to challenge a group of four level five characters. (the opposing group must also have four members). Ideally the fight would be more like Roy's than Belkar's. Party consists of a Shaper (Psion focusing on astral constructs) a fighter specing in Greataxe, a melee cleric (Durkon before vamping), and a rogue that nukes pretty much anything down if he wins initiative.

Many thanks.

I would try a human warblade Focused on the spiked chain,a rogue,a beguiler(he could set up some Sneak attacks with the rogue, while hitting the fighter with some will save spells, Hold person could easily end the fighter,)and a druid +animal companion