View Full Version : Vampire: The Requiem - (Dis)Union

2013-08-12, 09:39 PM
Vampire: The Requiem – (Dis)Union

24th of May, 2013
Around 15:00

The last class of the week done and now only one more week remains before the summer vacation. It also means that the upcoming week will be the worst, filled with tests of all sorts, but right now, none of that matter, it’s the beginning of the weekend and your phone already alerted you twice in only a moment that you have new text messages waiting for you.

D. King: hurry need sugar

Laura: and coffee! <3

And with that you are reminded that your weekend will have to wait four more hours because you need to work at Shawn’s and as usual, those two jackasses friends of yours are waiting for you to serve them as usual.

The bus trip to Shawn’s takes around 10 minutes and drops you off two corners away from the dirty red brick building that host the café.* You walk in by the backdoor as usual and drop off your stuff in the employee’s room. After grabbing a white apron from atop the pile of clean ones you head in the front of the shop.

In the café part of the café there is Shawn in the kitchen as usual, busy preparing some of his delicious pastries. As soon as Dave** sees you enter he immediately smiles and calls out “Took ya long enough, I’ll have my usual now.” He is dressed in his usual trenchcoat complete with his Arcana Obscura t-shirt and his black pants with a neon blue circuit patern on his left leg.

“Woot! Coffee has arrived! the little cybergoth*** says as she waves a hand in greetings before returning it to the keyboard of her laptop. She is quite underdressed when compared to her usual attires with only the big boots, black skirt and top and one arm warmer on her left arm. She also seems to not be wearing the goggles she always have around her neck and the last time you saw her without them was ... before she even had them. Their usual Friday afternoon greeting done, it is your turn to bring them their usual, one random donut, one pecan and maple puff and one slice of whatever pie there was, today being lemon pie. Those three things and a large coffee were only for Dave, the guy eats for three most of the time and yet he never seems to get fat. Laura herself just takes a small coffee and two of the bite-size cupcakes.


It is located in a residential neighborhood and it is kind of obvious when looking at the surrounding building that the café itself is one of the endless near identical houses converted into a shop by its owner Shawn. The building itself is made of old red bricks now darkened with filth and above the front window is a wooden board on which 'Shawn's' is painted.

The employee’s door is the back one which opens directly in the employee’s room that also happens to be the owner’s living room. As odd as it may be, the arrangement have a few perks like a couch, a tv, an old Playstation 2 and a computer. A door leads to the front of the shop, where the kitchen is, and another leads to the owner’s bedroom. The front of the café is pretty much a unique place, used wooden tables and chairs, three couches around two little coffee tables and all of the furniture seems to have been taken from different places for no two chairs are alike nor are the couches. The walls are filled with posters from various rock and metal groups, a few shelves are filled with small statues of gargoyles and other dark idols. The usual clients of the place is obviously the neighbors, despite the odd look of the place, but also a lot of those that are outside society’s norms such as punks and goths.

If there is one thing about Shawn’s it’s that while the coffee is nothing to brag about, the owner’s skill at making those delicious teeth-rotting sweets is quite amazing and probably the only reason the place is still in business.

The man himself is in his early 40ies with some grey in his short brown hairs and when he walks he does so with some difficulty, having been shot in the leg before he opened the shop some ten years ago. He never told how but with the number of tattoos and metal bits pierced into his skin at various place it is easy to guess that he wasn’t always an easy going café owner.

He is the only full-time worker of the café, only hiring part-timers to help him during the times where there is just too much work for him alone and the week-ends. Other workers are usually students that belong to a subcultures or another that would give them problems to get a job in a more “normal” place.


Dave King,

The tall 6’3” muscular guy is usually wearing his trademark trenchcoat with neon blue streaks that races up both sleeves to join up in the back near the coat’s collar and have black hairs with a dyed streak of neon blue that runs from the top of his head toward his back. He have blue eyes that gives the feeling that he is seeing right though anybody he is looking upon which doesn’t help to lessen the intimidating aura he have around him.

Despite the bad temper he can have at some rare occasion and his intimidating presence, he is quite friendly and always there for those he calls friends. From the few tales he told from his past, it can be guessed that he really does know how to fight and its a skill that nearly sent him to prison one time. He can be a bit mysterious for he tells about nothing about his past and even more curious is when his cell phone rings in a different tone that he normaly uses and drops everything to take the call more often than not resulting in him leaving without any explanation.


Laura Hall,

She is a 5'5", with brown hair dyed black and neon green, have brown eyes and wears glasses. She is one to take the cybergoth fashion to its upmost level with her own self-made custom made outfits and accessories. She is the geeky kind that always brings a laptop around everywhere she goes and as far as you know, she knows how to use it for purposes that goes beyond what is shown in a computer class as many of those who pisses her off seems to post queer things on their facebook page not long after.

She is also an otaku, in the american sense of the word, and even have her own website dedicated to her own reviews of many animes and mangas. She doesn't talk about her parents much but you know that they are far from being poor. One of her flaw is that she can't keep a secret as you learned the hard way a few years ago when suddenly everyone knew you where beginning to think about bisexuality.

2013-08-12, 11:27 PM
Natasla Sandor
Natasla is wearing normal cloth for her work time, black pants and t-shirt.

Natasla put on the apron properly, replace her pigtails and show the owner her presence with a quick wave.

Upon seeing her two "friends" she smile and wave back to them and reply to Dave "Yes your highness!" in a humorous tone.

Natasla grab plates and cups that she deliver to their table and quickly inspect Laura's attire. After a quick glance she go back to the kitchen to get the coffee and the sweeties.

Upon walking back to their table she tell Laura "You are looking fine today Laura, it's making me think about some hot action right now."

After reaching the table, Natasla start serving her friends while wondering why Laura is so under dressed today. Tough she would probably know soon enough.

While pouring the coffee in their cups she ask Laura "Where are your goggles?"

2013-08-14, 01:19 PM
As soon as the food is in front of him, Dave starts to take a few bites as if he hasn’t eaten all day long. As for Laura, she slowly starts adding some cream to her coffee and starts answering with a sleepy voice “Oh …”. She touches her neck but finds no goggles there “They must be in my room, I had no energy to dress myself this morning.”

You can clearly see her laptop screen with her browser opened to a google search about techniques to remember dreams. The sleepy cybergoth takes a long sip of her coffee leaving the male cybergoth time to ask “We’re still all good for tonight right?” This of course reference to the plans you three made to go to The Troll’s club for the first of their (hopefully) monthly cyber night.

To this Laura answer with much more energy than she had just a moment ago “Of course we are going!!! No way I would miss that!” She starts rubbing her neck a little as if something was missing, the obvious answer being her goggles. “I’ll need to go dress up properly before we go though. Oh, and I will have a surprise for you two later~!”

The Troll’s club

The club is named after the mythical troll creature that lived under bridges. The club is not really under a bridge but rather under an overpass of Union’s central highway. The building is an old factory that ceased its activity back in the 50ies. It have been converted into a club in February of the current year and since then have had nights dedicated to many of the subculture out there and tonight is the first time they are having a cybergothic night.

2013-08-14, 04:01 PM
Natasla scratches her head in an attempt to find why Laura is trying to remember a dream but lose interest over that matter quickly. She look toward Dave and place her hands on her hips and answer Dave's question with as the same amount of energy that Laura had. "Of course we are going! I got my clothes, mask, goggles and some make-up in the back for this occasion. This will be great!!! I am going to give it all so they have a reason to do it more often!"

After a few second of calming down from the thoughts of going to a cyber goth night in the Trolls Club, Natasla walks toward Dave and plays with his hair for a bit. Once she is behind him she cross her arms on his head, drop her head on her arms and uses Dave's head like a table go and back to the matter of the missing goggles while ignoring any kind of grunt Dave could be doing. "I hope you are right about that. You love those goggles... and how come you we're too sleepy to dress up?!?"

2013-08-15, 11:37 AM
As Laura takes another sip of her coffee, Dave does indeed grunt a little as you disturb him while he eats but otherwise don’t seem to mind it too much. “I slept all wrong, I had a dream I am sure of it, an awesome one at that but I can’t remember it.” says the green cybergoth and adds as she rubs her neck again “My dad had to drag me out of bed. I was really out of it and I don’t really remember dressing so I guess that’s why I forgot my precious.”


Unless you have more question or conversation to make I will progress to the next scene.

2013-08-15, 05:56 PM
Natasla gets off Dave's head impressed after hearing what Laura said and goes back to the kitchen.

On her way there she tells her friends."Damn if your dad had to drag you out of your bed it had to be a really special one. Well time for me to get to work!

2013-08-16, 11:24 AM
Within a few minutes your two friends seems to finish and the three of you hold some light conversation as you perform your duties in the kitchen. It is interrupted as your first real customer of your shift enters. A tall but somewhat skinny 30 years and something old punk, complete with a 5-spiked mohawk on his head, giving him another foot of height which forces him to bend down a little to not hit his hair on the upper door frame. He immediately greets Shawn like an old friend and flashes a smile your way. The owner of the shop greets him back and soon the two starts to hold a conversation or another.

It is pretty much at this time that Dave and Laura rise up to leave, the three of you make sure to meet in front of the club at 8 PM. The rest of the work shift is pretty normal, lots of customer, lots of different style but at least while in the vicinity of the shop there was no wars about a particular style being better than another.

Time flies by and then 7:30 can be seen on the clock meaning its time for you to start dressing up for the party and take a public bus to get there. The cool thing is that when the club opened, one of the city buses had its path changed to include the club as a drop point which can lead to guess that the owner must have some influence somewhere in there.

24th of May, 2013
Around 20:00

You arrive at The Troll’s club with a few minutes to spare and quickly spot Dave standing not so far from the drop point. He seems to not have noticed you yet, as he looks at the club’s building. A three stories high building made with old brown bricks. The windows looks brand new and the building’s name is written in red paint on a wooden board along with a few troll faces, many that seems to come from the mythological creature and one that comes from the internet.

There is also a line up at the door of what could pass as a freakshow to any normal onlooker, but to you it looks like to be a similar of customer from Shawn’s. Cybergoth a plenty, some of the normal goth, few punks and some more normal looking party goer. The night is looking good to say the least.

2013-08-16, 07:07 PM
Natasla makes her way directly toward Dave. Upon arriving, she give him a little tap on his shoulder to notify him her presence and says. Hi Dave! I'm glad you are here in time.

Natasla is wearing a very skimpy cyber goth outfit. A very small black& red corset(a bit like what Katarina wears.) and fishnet top and legs, a black & red mini skirt, a black arm warmer on the left arm and 2 black and red leg warmer and her big black boots. She also wear her goggle on the top of her head and her gas mask on her neck.In her hair she has placed red plastic tubing

2013-08-19, 09:10 AM
If Dave was caught unaware of your approach he sure doesn’t show any sign of surprise, instead he just stands there looking at the building. Maybe he knew you were there? He takes a sniff in the air before turning his head with a big idiotic smile “Seems like my sexy-sense wasn’t wrong.” His gaze wanders around you as if he was looking at his next prey. It was in moments like that, that he looked most intimidating and it is only because you know him that you don’t really feel scared because right now, otherwise he could pass for a psycho.

After his predatory look fades away he takes a slow look around “I wonder where Laura is, I hope she is not sleeping” he says with a neutral tone in his voice.


Please do a Wits + Empathy roll.

2013-08-20, 02:33 AM
(derp roll)Die roll for Natasla

Rolled on: Aug. 20, 2013, 12:07 a.m.

3d10.hitsopen(8,10) → [3,4,5] = (0)

Natasla lightly grin watching Dave devouring her from the eye and says. "I'm glad you enjoy the view,I was hoping you'd like it."

She grabs her cellphone and tell Dave " I will call her to know where she's at."
Natasla dial Laura's number and waits for an answer.

2013-08-20, 09:14 AM
The phone rings and rings as Dave gives back a grin “Damn girl, you sure know how to catch a man’s eyes.” But no time for a quick witty reply as the other girl of your little group answers her phone “Yes yes, it’s nearly ready, just go to the left of the club near the emergency door.” Without giving you time to reply she closes the line, she sure sounded happy and thrilled about something.

You quickly share the info with Dave but as you two start to make your way left a phone starts to ring … with that unique ring tone, some mix between an old 56k modem connecting itself to the internet and some odd growling sound.

The phone’s owner reaches for it with lightning fast reflex and answers “I am on my way.” His voice was serious but then he looks at you with an apologetic expression on his face “Sorry, it’s the job, I must go.” Without waiting he starts to walk away down the road leaving you alone for the moment, you still need to get to that side door.

2013-08-20, 02:46 PM
Natasla gets a bit angry at the fact that Dave has to go and let out a quick Damnit!"

"Oh well lets try to find that door. I hope its not in a creepy dark alleyway..."

Natasla starts walking toward the Troll's Club and tries to find the emergency exit that Laura talked about.

2013-08-21, 10:33 AM
You make your way to the side of the building while it is creepy yes it is also lit enough to allow anyone escaping through here to see where they are going. As you make your way beside the club you soon see a door in the wall but its one of those smooth doors without anything to open it from your side. You wait near it with only the noises of the few cars on the highway above you that breaks the eerie silence that reigns around you.

It takes a little while but finally the door opens from the inside letting out some of the music of the party that is underway inside. The first thing you see is the big bouncer guy in a suit that opened the door but you quickly spot behind him Laura’s familiar shape and green outfit. The green cybergoth is dressed pretty much as exotically as you with green tubular crin woven in her hairs, a black and neon green PVC corset, her left forearm is covered by a bracer-like bracelet in which she incorporated some back lighted digital display, on her right wrist some more usual metallic green bracelets. All that finished with a medium length green PVC skirt, thigh-high black socks and thick boots.

“Alright Tasla! Now where is Dave?” She peeks her head outside to take a better look around to see if she would see him.

2013-08-21, 12:55 PM
Natasla replies to Laura "Dave got a call from his work he said he was sorry. Let's hope he can make it before the end."
After answering Laura's question she make sure her outfit is properly placed and get in the club.
Once inside she ask Laura with a big smile in her face."So that was your surprise? Or there is more?"

2013-08-21, 09:48 PM
Laura shows a pouting face for a moment “One day I swear I will hack into his phone and find out what kind of crappy secret job he has to be called like that at anytime.” As soon as she is finished threatening the secrecy of Dave’s phone and you get are inside she puts her mind back on the party and starts dragging you by an arm. “There is one more bit to this surprise but it will have to wait another hour or so. For now, let us go to the main room and party!!!”

And so you get to the floor, quite a few people and you guess that not all of those that were at the door have entered yet so this place is going to get more and more crowded which of course is just AWESOME! Time flies by and the night is just getting started. The music is varied; some Dawn of Ashes, Arcana Obscura (too bad for Dave), Wolfsheim, Reaper and many others are turn by turn heard from the speakers. As for the interior itself, the dance floor is located on the ground level in the center of the old factory where the main dance floor is has no floor above right until the building’s ceiling 3 floors higher. The other floors are disposed in a U shape and those that face the stage head-on from afar seems to be private cabins for VIP or something while the rest of the U curve and flank the stage where the DJ stands and makes all the magic happen. Many flashes of light from different length of the spectrum moves around and makes the many metallic and neon color seem to glow making quite the visual show of color.

You think that around an hour and a half must have gone by when Laura pulls on your arm in order to drag you behind her and you think you heard the word “surprise” somewhere in there but it is hard to say with all the music and people. And so you are dragged to a stair case and hear your private “driver” say “I am sure you will find him awesome!”

You two get up to the third floor and real soon one of the bouncers that stand around the door of the private cabin opens the door for you and the green cybergoth. Inside you immediately see a man in his 30ies wearing a suit but with neon green stripes sewn at a few places on it. Laura can’t suppress a big grin as she announces “Natasla, this is the Troll himself.” The man smiles and extend a hand in greeting “A pleasure to meet you young lady.” his voice is quite suave, courteous and with a hint of a foreign accent.

Yes, one of your two best friends somehow just presented to you the owner of the club how crazy is that? How the hell does she knows that guy?

Mister Troll
This 30 something years old man is the owner of The Troll’s club. He have short brown hairs and green eyes. He stands at 5'9" tall and seems to be quite in a good health despite his lack of a tan.

2013-08-21, 11:58 PM
Natasla eyes open wide from stupefaction and excitation."Oh my!"
With a big smile,Natasla walks quickly toward The Troll and shake his hands. "Its an honor to meet you! You have such a nice club!"
She turns her head toward Laura and back to The Troll and ask "I have no idea how Laura and you knew each other how did that happen?"

2013-08-22, 12:54 PM
The Troll was the first to speak “I looked around the internet for someone that knew about cybergoth for I needed one for tonight. I found miss Laura due to her many videos and her website.”

“I even impressed him when I started to suggest how he could switch some of the lights around and when I designed the pattern for those as well.”

“Oh yes, she is quite knowledgeable and skillful if I could I would keep her around forever.” He chuckles a little before changing the subject “I was told there would be two friends, was the other one unable to come?”

He gets his answer from you then the conversation goes on to music, the various clubs around in Union, yourself then Laura and also a little bit on Dave.

Perception Roll

Wits + Composure
3 success

You notice that the Troll makes sure to keep his attention on both of you but the way he looks at you is different than the way he looks at Laura, no doubt he is impressed with green’s skills and talents, but when he looks at you red, he seems to show more personal interest.

It goes on until he have to return to his office for a little while, the night is not yet over down on the dance floor and he invites you two to come to his office when the night will be at its end to discuss the possibility of another cybergothic night at the club.

He is the first to leave leaving you with Laura alone for a moment. She looks at you with a smile waiting for your comments and thoughts.

2013-08-22, 02:55 PM
Still enjoyed from meeting The Troll himself, Natasla look at Laura with a big smile. "Wow! I never thought i'd meet him like that! Thanks Laura!"
She plays around with her hair and tell Laura"He is great! I loved the way he looked at me".
Making her way toward the exit of the office she turn back toward Laura and says"I wonder what we will do after the night!I don't want to miss that and I want to know what are your thoughts about him too!"

2013-08-26, 08:49 PM
You see Laura giggle a little but her laugh is drowned out by the constant music outside the cabin. "Everyone looks at you that way silly. You could easily be a model!" She pauses for a moment and you can easily see that it's her hamster's evil twin that is running in there "Or a pr0n star." The cybergoth laughs it up to make sure you know it was a joke.

Perception Roll

Wits + Composure
3 success

Despite saying it as a joke you managed to see Laura bite her own lips a little. You are pretty sure that she is somewhat jealous of your looks ... but then again its not really new to you, it have always been like that for you, people looking at you, women wanting to have your beauty, men wanting to be with you.

She finishes off her laughter then grabs you by the arm again to drag you out to the dance floor again. "The night is not over!"

And so you continue the night dancing to the flashing lights and the computer driven music. Time goes by quickly as it often does when you are having fun, the night is clearly a success. You aren't sure what time it is when one of the bouncers from the door earlier comes to interrupt you and Laura, inviting you both to follow him.

You are lead to an office in the back where the music is less overwhelming. As you two enter you see mister Troll (what's his true name anyway?) sitting behind his desk working on a tablet PC. He looks up with a smile and speaks with the same suave voice as earlier "I hope you two had a great time? I sure did, the club was full and looks like everyone is having fun. I wanted to speak with the two of you in order to plan more of those cyber nights. Can I count on the help of you two?"

2013-08-27, 06:00 AM
Natasla takes off her goggles and mask and answer's mister Troll."We've had a great time! I would love to help out for more cyber night". She walks toward the Troll desk and lean on it to face him with a smile.Tough I do not know how I could help you right now. I do not possess the same skills as Laura. Do you have an idea?

2013-08-27, 11:37 PM
The Troll smiles as you admit to not knowing what skill you could contribute to organizing a night and speaks before Laura could answer "How knowledgeable are you in music? Or perhaps you could be the host of the night?" It is easy to see that he is much more interested in his second option, after all you are quite the pretty sight.

Laura yawns and the Troll looks at her and grins "Looks like the night has exhausted her and she needs to sleep." The word 'sleep' was oddly stressed but it also was thick with the Troll's foreign accent. To that the green cybergoth nods, yawns again and curls up on a couch in a corner of the office. "Oh yeah, sleep is good." she mumbles before falling asleep.

Perception Roll

Wits + Composure
2 success

He seems oddly pleased that Laura curls up to sleep in a corner.

"Perhaps I should get some of my people to drive her home? Are you alright to continue this conversation even if ..." the club's owner looks at the time on his tablet PC "2h30 in the morning?"

2013-08-28, 02:16 AM
Natasla looks at Laura getting some sleep and turns her head back toward The Troll. "I would not mind continuing this conversation, after such a great party i'm still hyped up and ready for more and to answer your question, I am probably more at ease with hosting. I'm not just a pretty face I got some talent when it comes to entertainment."

Natasla sit down to get comfortable and ask The Troll "So do you have a name Mister Troll? Or do you prefer that I keep calling you by that name. In either way its fine by me but i'm curious to know it. And maybe know where you are from?"

2013-09-01, 02:52 PM
The Troll chuckles when you say that you are talented when it comes to entertainement. He even adds "Of this I have no doubt my dear" as you sit down.

Amused by your question he smirks "I have an old European name, Razier Trolagard from Netherlands. But you can continue to call me Troll if you want." He takes out his cellphone and asks whom ever is on the other side "Tell Frank to bring my car around, he will need to drive a guest home." After closing his phone he focus back on you "I recall hearing earlier that you were studying arts, do you have any plans for the future?"

2013-09-01, 10:42 PM
Natasla tilt her head from left to right playing with her lower lips taking a thinking face and replies. "Well now that you ask I have never thought about it"
After answering Razier's question she stop moving around on her chair and says. "You name sounds exotic, I have never been outside of Union really. By the way, thanks for getting Laura back at her home."

2013-09-05, 07:57 PM
Razier smiles "Of course, I take care of the people who works with me." You two exchanges a few more words before one of the bouncers and a man wearing one of those classic driver hat come in and take Laura carefully away, making sure to not disturb her too much.

"You seem like a strong woman who can handle a lot. I am sure I can find a more permanent and paying job close to me than what you have right now. Does this offer interest you?"

2013-09-07, 02:18 PM
Natasla replies to The Troll "Your offer sounds good, care to explain more about it? Also just to be sure they do know where she lives right?"

2013-09-07, 10:24 PM
He chuckles lightly "Yes they know, it's the second time that Frank have to drive her home. But first time while she is unconscious I swear." The Troll gets up from his chair laughing and slowly walks around his desk to sit on its front end near you. Gazing into your eyes he speaks with a confident voice "I would need an assistant. Someone to help me with paperworks and who is also living at night like I am. Does this sound interesting to you? Oh and don't worry about your looks, I find it most appealing."

2013-09-09, 05:27 PM
Gazing back into his eyes she replies "So some kind of secretary? I have never really done paperwork before..."
Natasla leans back on her chair looking away"I fear that i'd disappoint you..."

2013-09-11, 09:11 AM
"No no no, if you think that you would just stay at a desk, sort papers, manage my schedule and bring me coffee you would be wrong. I was more thinking of going around town with me, sit with me in meetings and learn the inside and out of my few clubs across Union." He shifts gets up and slowly walk back to his chair behind his desk. "In short, I want a partner more than I want a secretary. Someone who would learn how to run this place for me. This is a club for people like you, I don't want someone in a business suit and a stick up his ass to run this place."

The Troll pauses for a moment to give you time to wrap your head around his words. He waits until you seem ready to say something to add "Of course, you wouldn't be doing this fulltime right now. You still need to finish your classes."

2013-09-11, 07:32 PM
Natasla replies to Razier. "Oooooh! That is much more interesting than I thought. I will need to notify my current employer. He's a good guy"

2013-09-16, 02:33 PM
He smiles as you show your enthousiasm and starts to scribble down some notes on a piece of paper on his desk. "How long do you still have at your school my dear? Wouldn't want to keep you from getting your diploma after all."

Before you can answer someone comes bursting in the room through the door. A woman in a business suit with a medium length pencil skirt. She seems pissed about something and her voice confirm that she is unhappy "Raz, we need to talk now!" and she slams a fist on top of the desk at the end of her sentence.

Clearly not impressed the Troll answers coldly "Miranda, how nice to see you too. Oh I am fine thank you for asking." He turns to you with an apologetic expression on his face. "Looks like we will have to postpone our talk. Just ask any of my employee to get Frank to drive you home."

2013-09-16, 04:12 PM
Natasla gets up the chair and simply replies "One week."
She then walks backward, curtsey in his direction, leaves the office and looks for someone to get Frank to drive her home.

2013-09-20, 03:45 PM
Razier gives you a nod as you curtsey before turning his attention to that Miranda lady.

As you start to wander the building your phone starts to ring: it's Dave.

"So huh ... sorry. I had to help some people fix a problem they caused. How was the night?"

2013-09-20, 05:15 PM
Natasla replies to Dave still a bit excited from the night."You missed something big tonight! It was great but would have been better with you. They even played some Arcana Obscura." Calming herself a bit she continue explaining Dave the night but not about her soon to be new job. She eventually ask him."If you want you could meet me at my place, we can talk more about it, and I got a little surprise."
She pause for a second "I'll make some coffee too."

2013-09-25, 12:00 PM
"Your place huh ... I am near Oak Park I think it is around 20 minutes away ... alright, coffee sounds good."

It is one of the bouncers that finds you as you search for someone to help you contact Frank the driver. He sticks around you all the time you wait for the driver, more to prevent you from wandering around than your own protection.

Frank is polite and charming the whole ride, he makes wonderful small talk which makes the ride pleasant and quick. Waiting on the driver and getting you to your own apartment took around 25 minutes and you see Dave waiting in the stairs.

Your very own apartment in the outer edges of the University district. It requires proof of attending a school in order to rent, it is also very small, a bedroom and a living room/kitchen but at least it is very cheap. Dave is waiting on the 3 little steps leading to your door and he looks curiously at you when you step out of Frank's 1969 black Lincoln Continental.

Empathy Roll

Wits + Empathy
1 success

Dave looks more than just a little curious, something in this is bothering him.

He quickly resumes his usual smile and asks with a smirk "Who is your new friend?"

Oak Park
A park at the center of a middle-class neighborhood where there used to be a huge oak tree that was planted long ago to symbolize strength and longevity of the small community. The neighborhood is now slowly sinking into disarray.

2013-09-25, 04:23 PM
Natasla thanks Frank for the lift and smiles back at Dave. "I'm not sure what you are thinking right now but it's part of the surprise." She goes up the stairs, open up the door and gets in. She takes off her boots and goes in the kitchen to start making the coffee. "Me and Laura really wonder what kind of job you do sometimes...And well in any case I guess you wont just tell me like that." She bites her lower lips while looking at Dave "You might need a little persuasion for that..."

2013-09-26, 09:01 PM
"What are you gonna do? Torture me?" he asks with a taunting tone as he gets up on his feet. With a wide smile he takes great strides towards you, pulls you in close and lifts you off the ground with a hug. "Perhaps I should be the one using persuasion to get you to tell me of your surprise."

2013-09-26, 09:40 PM
Natasla drags herself up a bit and whisper to Dave's ears"Since you could not come to the club tonight, I thought I could fix the rest of the night for you. Tonight I want you to feel great" She then gazes into his eyes, slowly close hers, then kiss him.

2013-09-26, 11:41 PM
While you gaze at him it is easy to see that he likes where this is going. When you closes your eyes he meets your kiss halfway there. From there a bout of long kisses, full of tongue erupts. Hands wander everywhere, feeling, groping and slowly rubbing, the frenzy goes on until he pulls out a little to look into your eyes "Bed, now." he growls with authority.

2013-09-27, 12:08 AM
Natasla drags Dave by his pants into her the bedroom and push him unto the bed. She starts to strip in front of him, she then get on her knees in front of him. "I always wondered how big you we're." then starts pulling his pants down to see for herself.

2013-10-02, 09:58 AM
As the pants drop down you can already see that nature was good to him, not a Ron Jeremy but still good.

The rest of the early morning is spent in hot sweaty carnal pleasure which only stops when the two of you starts to see the first few rays of morning light.

You guess that it must be around noon when you awake alone in the bed hearing some cooking pan hitting the stove and you smell the wonderful aroma of bacon coming from your kitchen.

You still see Dave's Arcana Obscura t-shirt atop your bedside lamp but nothing else of his. In contrast, the stuff you were wearing earlier this morning scattered on the floor everywhere.

2013-10-02, 04:44 PM
Natasla gets up from the bed and grab Dave's shirt and put it on, then she slowly walks over to the kitchen to hug Dave and see what he's cooking.

2013-10-03, 10:06 PM
You see him, without his t-shirt quite obviously, handling the pan full of sizzling bacon, you also notice the bunch of cooked eggs, ham, toasts and baked beans. You also catch the time on the oven, it's one P.M. so all that food gets to be called brunch.

"Hey it's the sleeping beauty!" he announces with a smile. "Hope you are hungry."

2013-10-04, 12:11 PM
Natasla smiles and replies to Dave "Oh yes I am hungry. Thank you."
She start setting up the table with plates, forks & butter knifes, glasses and something to drink. So yeah part of what I wanted to say last night was that I am gonna have a new job soon.
Natasla sit at the table and wait for him.

2013-10-07, 02:07 PM
You made him curious that's for sure "Now where did you get a new job? Met someone at the club?" He brings the plates of food on the table and sit himself down. Without waiting he starts to fill his plate with eggs, strips of bacon and a big slice of ham.

2013-10-07, 04:22 PM
Natasla waits for Dave's to grab all he wants then servers herself with some eggs and bacon. "Yeah! well I met the club owner! and he asked me to become his partner and run the Troll Club! Its almost unbelievable!"
She calms down for a bit and start pouring some orange juice in a glass "I'm gonna follow *The Troll* around the clubs of the city and learn the work first."

2013-10-09, 07:30 PM
He swallows the bite of bacon he had in mouth before commenting a bit curious "Let me get this straight. In just one night, you were offered to be the business partner of some rich guy when you have no knowledge of how to run a business ... but he will teach you?"

Empathy Roll

Wits + Empathy
2 success

It's easy to see that something in that is bothering him. Beyond what is obvious, you feel that he seems to be fearing something in all that.

Perhaps he is jealous, after all Razier is a wealthy successful man. Your shirt-less brunching companion takes out his cell phone and starts texting someone.

2013-10-09, 07:55 PM
Natasla takes a bite before answering Dave "Yeah he said he did not want some dude in a suit running a club like that. We were pretty much discussing the matter but that girl Miranda I believe was her name stormed into the place and kept me from having more info..."
Unsure she ask Dave "You look troubled, does it bothers you?"

2013-10-09, 08:12 PM
He shakes her head then takes a bite out of some ham. "I just find it odd that someone like him would give such a job to someone like ..." he takes another bite of ham to buy himself sometime before awkwardly finishing what he was saying "... well ... someone who doesn't have any background in business." He was obviously going to say 'someone like you' but something made him change his mind.

Taking out his phone again he texts again but a shorter message this time around.

2013-10-09, 08:25 PM
Natasla grab some bacon then continues on "Well if that rings bells his name is Razier Trolagard he said he was from Netherland. I think i'm supposed to see him right after school is over so we can start the training."
She eats a bit more and ask him "So who are you texting to?"

2013-10-15, 06:06 PM
He finishes a third text before putting his phone back in his pocket and answering "A friend from the job. Sorry for my bad manners, I shouldn't have taken my phone out while you were talking."

Empathy Roll

Wits + Empathy
0 sucess

Well at least he is apologizing for it.

"I don't think I heard of a Razier, sure is a weird name." A few bites of egg, bacon and toast later he asks a bit awkwardly "So ... about earlier ... you do that often?" From his awkward yeah of asking it, it is easy to guess that he refers to earlier this morning where the two of you went wildly at it.

2013-10-15, 07:23 PM
Natasla replies "Well you are my first time but if i'm gonna do it often depends on you right now." She giggles a bit before continuing "Next time we could try and find a cute chick to come with us if you want to."
She then resume to eat.

2013-10-17, 11:41 PM
Dave looks like he is about to say something but he stops himself and scratches his head for a moment. It takes a while but it looks like he managed to gather enough thoughts to make a sentence "So ... first time, and now you want to jump right into a threeway? You won't have to say that twice!" He lay back into his chair with a smug look on his face "Always knew you were a bit of a lustful girl but now I have to say jackpot!"

The bare-chested guy gets up and drags you back to the bed room for a second match of naked wrestling.

Several rounds later you two gets out of the bedroom once again and it is already 3 in the afternoon. "I have a few things to do on my side. You need anything? I will probably be spending some time around the malls."

2013-10-18, 10:46 AM
Natasla replies "I think I am good right now, i'm just gonna take a shower and start studying for the last week of school."
She kiss him "I hope you come back later." She waits for him to leave and lock the door after then heads in the bathroom to take a shower.

2013-10-23, 09:26 AM
Dave kisses you with passion and looks like he is about to drag you back to bed again but he decides otherwise and leave with a smile on his face none the less. And so you lock your door back and head for your shower.

Refreshed by a steamy hot shower and having exhausted your extra energy earlier with above average Dave, you hit your notes and powerpoints trying to not fail your very important tests. You make a few 3d models following different style described in your notes, tweaking a few options here and there.

It is around 8 PM when a chat window opens:

Laura: Damn I was tired! xD How was your day~?

2013-10-23, 05:24 PM
Natasla take the time to finish whatever she was tweaking then replies to Laura: I'm kind of getting a new job... Did you just woke up?!?

2013-10-23, 09:46 PM
Laura: Hmm ... maybe? ^_^;
Laura: I am still really really tired
Laura: maybe I am coming down with something
Laura: So, new job? Well unless you were seeking one today ....
Laura: ... the Troll offered you something?

2013-10-24, 04:27 PM
Natasla: Yeah he offered me to run the place.
Natasla: No I did not blow him or anything
Natasla: How come you are tried. You really need to get checked up by a doc or someone.
Natasla: Maybe you overslept?
Natasla: I already told Dave about the job too he seemed troubled by it but he said nothing.

2013-10-26, 02:03 PM
Laura: He what?!?
Laura: You are gonna run the club?
Laura: How?
Laura: Why?
Laura: When?

2013-10-26, 06:04 PM
Natasla:Yep, I don't know, I don't know and I don't know.
Natasla:But I learned something about Dave!
Natasla:He has an incredible stamina!
Natasla:But that's half important. back on the subject of the job.
Natasla:I'm supposed to meet Mr Troll after school is over. Then we can start my training he said. That's about it.

2013-10-28, 08:13 AM
Laura: Wait wait wait wait ...
Laura: Stamina!? O.o
Laura: You finally did it!? Never understood why you never did it before

2013-10-28, 11:01 AM
Natasla:Did not want to weird him out about you know...
Natasla:doing it with a underaged girl.
Natasla:We did it the whole night and most of the afternoon im exhausted!
Natasla:And he's so big too <3. I'm having trouble focusing!
Natasla:I can't wait for the next time! <3

2013-11-06, 11:11 PM
Laura: You and me need to talk~
Laura: But not today I am tired
Laura: I declare a sleepover next sunday!!!

After that the two of you talk about the night at the club, idly making conversation as you slowly study for the coming week.

Sunday passes by with only a phone call from Dave saying he was stuck on the east coast of Union. He didn't offer any explanation but he was really sorry. It is still odd that he was in the Anchorage park, maybe he is secretly a boy scout? Park ranger? Or perhaps he was at the beach there ... but why would he be stuck on a beach?

From the 27th to the 30th of May you are up to your neck in tests to see if you understood something this semester.

From there you spend Friday with Dave, where you two spend lot's of happy time in bed but little about his trip to Anchorage, and Saturday with both of them. Sunday comes and you have Laura over whether you like it or not. She looks better than she had the previous time you saw you, less tired and all. The green-clad cybergoth question you about your time with Dave demanding great details. She obviously is more than just curious but nothing seems to get things moving farther than that that night.

Razier, The Troll, gets in touch with you a few days later starting to offer you a schedule for the summer, 4 nights a week but there will be some times where you will only get 3 days.

And so you begin to learn about running a club, at first it was only the Troll's Club but after the second week he reveals that he owns 4 other clubs around the city: The Revolution, Union's Underground, The Royal Club and the Crimson. The first is a club dedicated to genres like disco and new wave, the second is a bar/club that usually showcases starting bands. As for The Royal Club, that one is a fancy club for the rich people. The last one, the Crimson, when you asked about it Razier only made a little quirky smile, promising you that you will know in due time.

Amazingly enough, even Laura didn't found anything about it on the internet when you shared the info with her. Dave seems to be bothered about you learning to handle a club but he doesn't try to stop you and that business aside you two had some great time together, he only had to run away for his job only once so far but it left you alone with Laura which wasn't so bad.

Time flies by, plenty of work that always have you going to bed at around 4 or 5 in the morning and before you know it ...

3rd of July, 2013
Around 20:00

You are finally going to know what kind of place is Crimson! Your boss sent a car to pick you up and it should be arriving soon. What kind of secret place is that club, nothing about it on the internet. Maybe it's one of those creepy place full of drug dealers ... maybe another one of those fancy club ... though you remember your time at the Royal Club, the people there sure gave you looks of disgust as if you were some kind of rat or something ... screw those cocky bastards.

The car should be around soon and so you head outside to watch for it but instead of a car the first thing you see is Dave. He looks gloom and tense.

"You shouldn't see that Razier guy, he is full of trouble. You need to believe me. He. Is. Not. Good."

3 XP, 1 dot in Politics, the Business speciality for Politics and the Business speciality for Socialize.

2013-11-07, 08:42 AM
Natasla looks at Dave puzzled by the news he gave. Eeeh that would be odd I mean... I haven't seen anything bad about him. I guess he's hiding it really well.
Natasla goes to Dave and hug him hard.You seem so tense... Let me *Suck* that bad mood away. The driver will wait and you tell me what you found out then I can tell you if I believe you or not with what you have to say

2013-11-08, 01:17 PM
He looks at you in disbelief and angrily answers back "What!? You think I am kidding or something?" You watch Dave rubs his face with both hands and shake his head as if wondering what to say.

2013-11-08, 02:10 PM
Natasla look at dave scratching her head with even more confusion*I do believe you Dave. Bad people are everywhere that's not a big news. Look if its easier for you to just act than explain I will understand but you can be sure that I will want some explanation about this.*

2013-11-10, 10:08 PM
"I ... I had a friend check out your boss' background" he answers reluctantly then continues with a sterner tone as if he was trying to boss you around "Just stop seeing him and stop going to his clubs."

2013-11-10, 11:17 PM
She rolls her eyes around""sigh" I'm expecting a bit more than that." Natasla walk up to her door and sit down next to it. In a saddened voice she says"I guess i'll stop seeing him... What do you expect me to do now? Call him and say: Hey a friend of mine says I should not see you ever so sorry for the trouble! bye!?"
She lift her head and stare at Dave. "Tell whatever is necessary to the driver. I'm not answering to anyone tonight..." Natasla get's up, goes inside her house and slam the door closed then locks it.
After locking the door she close every curtain and windows in her house then lie down in her bed trying to cool down from these events..

2013-11-11, 10:37 AM
"Tasla ..." he begins with a saddened tone but he never finishes it. As you close the door behind you hear Dave hitting a nearby mailbox and then nothing else.

A few minutes later you hear some knocks on your door and then some more, you feel as if they are testing whether or not you will do as you say and not answer to anyone tonight.

You are free to answer or not, but I would like something describing Natasla's mental state. Her reflection on what just happened.

2013-11-11, 11:53 AM
Natasla was angered at Dave for not trusting her with any real information. She is stuck between choosing to trust her friend or trust The Troll.
Not sure if Dave is just wrong about him or he`s right and she should trust him into the void.
Unsure she decided to listen to Dave first because she tought the about the first step of this relationship should start with a bit more trust.
*Lets give him some time I guess he will eventually tell me why... tough if he do not how can I continue to trust him... I mean how hard can it be to tell your friend why you can`t see someone anymore?*

A bit curious she tries to check who is outside by placing her ear on the door. If the knocking stop she goes to check outside through the window.

2013-11-11, 12:29 PM
As the knocking stopped you go peek out of the window and see Frank by his Lincoln talking over his cellphone and your boyfriend is nowhere to be seen.

2013-11-13, 11:47 AM
Natasla open her door and move outside and tell Frank: "Frank... I dont want you to have trouble so I'll let you know... You see a friend of mine asked me to stop seeing Razier because he thinks he's bad because a friend of his said he was." She rolls her eyes "In any case I will be in trouble if I dont come Mr Troll will be disapointed and if I go my friend will be mad at me." She smiles a bit "So how do think I should dress for tonight? I'm gonna need some advice I want to look good in there."
She gesture him to get inside.

2013-11-13, 12:28 PM
"... oh there she is sir, she was probably asleep. We will be at the club soon sir" and then he closes his cellphone. As Frank enters he removes his driver's cap and gives you a smile. "Sounds to me like your friend got the wrong idea of mr. Trolagard or that he is jealous." With an empathic and concerned look he continues "Unless he is someone who controls your life you should not fear your friend ... unless he is the violent type with you miss ... is he?" You can immediately feel that he being protective of you, probably due to all the time you two spent together as he drove you to and from the clubs. He was always the friendliest of guys.

2013-11-13, 01:02 PM
Natasla replis to Frank "Oh no he's more like the mysterious violent background very protective kind of boyfriend type of guy. I like him there's no doubt about that but I don't know... it bothers me to never know more about him." She heads toward her bedroom to find some clothes."So what kind of club is the Crimson? So I can get an idea on how to dress with what I have. Just give me a general feeling."

2013-11-14, 01:43 AM
The friendly driver only gives a nod then ponders your question for a moment. "Well, something clean and elegant but don't fear stepping out of line, the clients of that club are somewhat freaks themselves too. So don't be scared about being somewhat exotic. It might even earn you a envious look or two." He shows a friendly smile and waits for you to get dressed before driving you to the club.

The two of you talk during the small ride to the outskirt of Azure Park, the district where most of the sky scrappers are, but it is only when he stops the his car near an old building that seems abandoned that he actually talks about the club. "This club is about one of the weirdest you may go in your life but you get used to it. No matter who says what, or do what, know that nothing will happen if you don't give your consent."

With that he puts on his friendly smile again and ask "Any questions? Or are you ready to go?"

2013-11-14, 09:57 AM
Natasla looks around bit. "Well it is certainly odd to find a building like that around sky scrapper. im more amazed at the fact that people did not bother to buy the place to make something else already". She smiles back at Frank "Consent huh? Thanks for the info Frank you are the best. Let's go." She start heading toward the club

2013-11-15, 01:06 AM
With a nod Frank gets out of the car and goes to an old rusted iron door. "This city used to be a bright beacon for the future but greed and power corrupted some of its officials and now you have what you see here sadly." The chauffeur knocks in a patern on the door, two quick knocks then one big fisted slam and finishes with a light tap on the door. It takes a few seconds before the door opens and the first thing you see is an hispanic bouncer in a suit.

"Rodriguo, this is Natasla, the boss' assistant."

"Nice to meet you miss. mister Trolagard is in his office right now. Allow me to escort you please." His spoken English is free of any accent, maybe he was born here, and like all the other bouncers on Raz's payroll he speaks like a courteous tone. Frank leaves you in the care of Rodriguo and wishes you a good night.

Walking through the dimly lit club you catch the first sight of what Frank meant by weird. This place is a BDSM club. You see men and women dressed in various attires, from dresses and suits to leather and latex outfits. Some clearly marking them as dominants, others as submissives. There are many exotic sights as you progress through the club, a woman, in a full latex hood with only two small holes for her nostrils, is cuffed exposed on a column near the walkway. Another woman, in a long and intricate latex dress, drags along a blindfolded man on a leash. On the main scene of the Crimson club is a female with a big inflated ball of rubber around her head held there by a locked collar, you don't even see how she can breathes in that thing but her torment doesn't even ends there as you can see that she is getting whipped by another collared girl.

You are lead through the employee door into an hallway, along the way you notice a kitchen and a few other closed doors. Finally you reach Razier's office and there the bouncer leaves you. As you enter the room you are greeted by the mocking smile of your boss "Did you appreciate the sights while coming in?"

2013-11-15, 09:39 AM
Natasla walks in the office and takes a free chair to sit down. "Oh yes! There are some pretty ladies in there. Though I dont really like a dominated man. I dont know... I prefer powerful man that can dominate me instead. This place also makes me think that I should try skin tight clothes sometimes" She looks around the office a bit. "So what's on the menu?"

2013-11-15, 01:42 PM
It isn't the first time you ask 'what's on the menu' during your time with him and as always he answers with a smirk "But why my dear, you of course so let's get started." He piles up a few papers on his desk then takes out two on the top of the pile and slides them in front of you. "We will start with going over the schedule of the employees of this club like we did at each of the clubs so you can learn and be familliar with the varying tasks. Take a look and I will return in a minute, I just need to talk to someone." He leaves the office without bothering to close or lock anything because after all you are trustworthy ... right?

2013-11-15, 02:01 PM
Natasla take the documents and start eyeing it. She get's up and start to walk outside the office and down the hallway. She stands next to a wall while doing her work at the same time while checking out some of the action.

2013-11-15, 11:20 PM
You slowly return to the main room as you read through the listing of employees, but you quickly become too distracted to read. The many sights in front of you just call to your natural lust a bit too much, the shapely woman in a tight corset, the other one with her hands sealed in inflated rubber balls, so many restrictions, so many vulnerable beauties, smooth, shiny, curvy, skin-tight, erotic, so much Razier ... wait what!?!? Raz?

You were so absorbed by the lustful sight before you that you didn't notice Razier approaching before you. "Quite the lovely sight is it not?"

0 success

You are too startled to be able to hide that you were distracted and as you graps for words The Troll takes the opportunity to add some more of his own "Perhaps you would like to try something?" Clearly trying to appeal to the predominant vice he knows you have: Lust.

2013-11-16, 11:29 AM
Natasla nods at Razier "Of course I'd like to try something If you dont mind. I'll let you pick as my punishment for not doing my job.

2013-11-18, 12:28 PM
You see Razier chuckles a little "You are a bold and fearless one for sure. Go back in the office, I'll send you a few things soon." With that he leaves to talk with one of the bouncers on the other side of the club.

2013-11-18, 01:05 PM
"I'll be wating" Natasla head into the office and wait for what Razier is preparing for her.

2013-11-18, 01:37 PM
You wait in the office, probably half trying to do your job, half thinking of what will happens. Times passes and nothing happens, you hear someone pass near the door but yet no one enters the room.

Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes ... half an hour ...

2013-11-18, 01:43 PM
Natasla decides to get up and check the hallway. *This soon is starting to look like an eternity.*
She wait 5 more minutes before trying to find Razier by herself.

2013-11-18, 04:33 PM
When you open the door to check into the hallway the first thing you see is Rodriguo. Looks like he was waiting there with a black velvet bag in each hand and as soon as he sees you he lets an amused smile show on his face as he withdraws the right bag behind him and extends the left one for you to grab.

"The naughty bag for the naughty assistant who can't keep still."

2013-11-18, 04:43 PM
Natasla grabs the bag and look a bit confused staring at the bag then Rodriguo."Soooo what do I do now? Can I open the bag and check inside or I have to wait?"

2013-11-18, 06:53 PM
"You go back in the office and change miss. Then I will take you to mister Trolagard."

Inside the bag is a red latex hobble dress that ends at your knees, the lower part is held tight by a strap so that it can be undone to free the legs. It is strapless and leaves your shoulders bare. It also have the kinky feature to expose your rear with a well placed gap in the dress. There is some shoulder length latex glove, red in color again, and two sets black leather cuffs with D-rings accompanied by four little padlocks to hold the cuffs closed.

2013-11-18, 07:02 PM
Natasla heads back into the office and changes into her outfit"Well lets do this..." She then head back to Rodriguo
"I believe I am ready... I hope"

2013-11-18, 07:16 PM
The hispanic bouncer shows a smile of approval as he looks you over and grabs each of your hands to see if the cuffs are locked. Still holding your left hand he asks "If you are ready, you will not mind if I lock your hand together in your back with this?" He shows you a carabiner with a hole drilled through it so to lock the moving part with another lock.

2013-11-18, 07:34 PM
Natasla replies to Rodriguo "I guess not? I'm not the one choosing right now."

2013-11-20, 11:26 AM
And so the hispanic bouncer locks your cuffed hands behind your back and proceed to lead you down the hallway and then down a flight of stairs into the basement.

From you are guided down another hallway with closed doors until you reach it's end and face the final door. Like the others you passed by, the door is a strong looking wooden door that leaves no space around probably to soundproof the room. Your guide opens the door and invites you inside where you see your boss sitting on a throne and then closes the door behind you, leaving you alone with Razier.

He waits there, looking at you with hungry eyes in complete silence. It looks like he is waiting on you to do something, you his assistant ...

... his slave ...

2013-11-20, 11:41 AM
Unsure of what to do Natasla, walks toward Razier with a slow pace "So I guess Master from now on?"

2013-11-20, 12:53 PM
Your Master nods slowly with a victorious smile "I see you received the naughty bag. What did you do? Tried to leave the office? Come stand before me and tell me." His voice is calm and slow, almost intimidating in how commanding it sounds.

2013-11-20, 01:14 PM
Natasla go stand next to Razier "I got impatient Master and I left the office looking for you."

2013-12-31, 08:52 PM
Your Boss, your Master, scrutinizes the defenseless being that you are, he slowly slides a hand down your curvy latex-clad side as a grin slowly draws itself in his face. "You will need to learn to listen to what your Master ask of you dear. Now I will have to punish you." He lifts his other arm to point you to two wooden beams coming out of the ground with metal D-rings fixed to them. With his hand that slided down your side he urges you towards them.

Once in position he unlocks your arms only to lock each of them to a different beam. After one pair of cuffs have been taken cared of, he moves to the ones around your ankles and undo the strap to free your legs from the hobble skirt then spreads your legs apart to lock them to the beams as well.

Now with your arms and legs spreaded and locked Razier starts circling around to head behind you. "I have to admire you my dear. You went along with everything, instead of being scared you are curious and seem to be looking for more." You hear him pick up something and moves a bit closer. No warning is given when something slaps your exposed rear, it hurt a little but it could have been way worst. "How do you like it? A small cat o' nine tails, one of my favorite toy I must admit." You see the item in question appears above your shoulder for you to look at.

"Tell me, have you ever tried this kind of activity?"

2014-01-02, 01:56 PM
Natasla takes a look at the cat o' nine-tail and replies "It is my first time experiencing this kind of activity Master."