View Full Version : Animated Objects - Good old Fry Pan

2013-08-12, 09:50 PM
Simple question,

Does an animated object have the ability to be used in the same manner it was prior to becoming animated.

Eg. A fry pan!!
Originally fire had no effect. Now animated, does the creature die when its used as a fry pan?


2013-08-13, 12:33 AM
Well it still has hardness 10, so it takes a VERY hot fire to melt it down. Just sitting over a flame probably does d6 damage per round, which is nothing mr. frying pan can't handle easily with his hardness. I think fire might also do half damage to non flammable objects (I know we use this in our campaigns, but I'm not sure where it's from) so it could take up to 20 damage per round and stuff it.

2013-08-13, 01:10 AM
Well it still has hardness 10, so it takes a VERY hot fire to melt it down. Just sitting over a flame probably does d6 damage per round, which is nothing mr. frying pan can't handle easily with his hardness. I think fire might also do half damage to non flammable objects (I know we use this in our campaigns, but I'm not sure where it's from) so it could take up to 20 damage per round and stuff it.
"No, not even a dragon's fire could melt that pan.":smalltongue:

2013-08-13, 04:40 AM
Thanks for the response, you more or less answered what I wanted.

The plan was to animate a dagger / sword etc. , use the improved familiar feat to gain it as a familiar and then use it as a greater spell storing weapon.

Down side, it takes the damage too.

This Idea is a fail I think...

Happy killing

2013-08-13, 09:05 AM
The only shakey part is taking it as an Improved Familiar. There's no reason the dagger would take the damage it deals by transferring a spell; it wouldn't if it wasn't alive. This isn't a "now it's a creature, so..." issue so much as a "specific properties have specific rules" issue. Spell storing weapons do what they say they do.

2013-08-13, 09:14 AM
Simple question,

Does an animated object have the ability to be used in the same manner it was prior to becoming animated.

Eg. A fry pan!!
Originally fire had no effect. Now animated, does the creature die when its used as a fry pan?


"Severe heat" (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm) is 1d4 every 10 minutes. "Searing heat" (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/heatMetal.htm) is defined as a mere 2d4 damage. Open flame is 1d6. None of those can harm a frying pan.

Surface lava has a chance to, and immersion in lava definitely will.

2013-08-13, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the response, you more or less answered what I wanted.

The plan was to animate a dagger / sword etc. , use the improved familiar feat to gain it as a familiar and then use it as a greater spell storing weapon.

Down side, it takes the damage too.

This Idea is a fail I think...

Happy killing

I suggest the old 3.0 Savage Species spell Minor Servitor over Animate Objects. It's permanent (though dispellable) and it grants the thing precious mental stats which gives it skills and feats. (possibly negated by becoming a familiar though)

Another idea is to build the Animated Object/Minor Servitor using the Craft Wondrous Item feat so it's a Wondrous Object instead of a simple animated object. The difference is in the interpretation.

Using the feat to craft the item makes it undispellably permanent. This is of course subject to your DM's approval. Fluff-wise, you wind up with creature's more like the furniture in Disney's Beauty and the Beast and less like the animated broomsticks from Fantasia.

Making a more non-temporary version of the Animated Object/Minor Servitor might make the construct more viable for the Improved Familiar feat too.