View Full Version : 3.5 -Help me iron out the details on this character

2013-08-13, 01:58 AM
I'm looking to create backup character themed around Captain America. i've read a few threads, but opinions/advice seems to be a bit scattered. They key things i'm aiming for are the shield combat and shield throwing, though if we can sprinkle in the unarmed strikes as well that's be appreciated.

in the PHB it states that "a shield can become a magic weapon in its own right" does this mean i can enhance it as though it were a weapon? and can it be stacked with defensive enhancements?

i know warblade and 4-5 levels of bloodstorm blade are an excellent way to go, but beyond that i'm not sure. Maybe a 2 level fighter dip for the extra feats?

as for weapon enhancements... a +1 Bashing Razored Heavy Steel Shield. it deals 2d6 slashing damage in melee and at ranged. The issue is that i need to be able to increase the range increment. I want to be able to attack at at least 35ft so i'm out of range of standard charges, but i'd like to reach 60ft. I could get the ranged enhancement w/ Far Shot, but the lightning ricochet ability of the bloodstorm blade makes half of the feat useless. Maybe Shield Sling w/ Far shot and Gauntlets of Extended Range? how does the math on that work? shield sling obsoletes the free Throw Anything i get though.

Other feats i'm interested in include Shield Charge + Shield Slam for dazing/tripping (Charging Star!).

2013-08-13, 06:36 AM
I can't offer much help myself, but I suggest you take a look at these guides:



2013-08-13, 09:02 AM
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjCgFIGwxLxxdFhfYTEtcGsxR2h2WTNNRjExZDR6Z kE&usp=sharing

that's what i have at the moment for the first 10 levels, considering dropping the 2 fighter levels in favor of just taking flaws, that being said, i don't know which ones i would take, and captain america didnt really have flaws, did he?