View Full Version : Blight Launcher [IC]

2013-08-13, 09:09 AM
You arrive at your HQ after a few nights of flying around on Nightwing, who's tired of the long trip. When they see you arrive and recognize your animal, many druids conglomerate to welcome you back from your pilgrimage.

2013-08-13, 09:15 AM
May the night be good to you, my fellow druids. Where is Jesain?

2013-08-13, 09:20 AM
And to you as well, brother. As usual, Jesain must be in his tent., goes one of the adepts, and they all go back to their own tasks.

2013-08-13, 09:23 AM
As Rennil walks towards Jesain's tent, Nightwing flies over to hang in a nearby tree and get some rest.

Jesain? Rennil asks by the tent. Are you there? I need to speak with you.

2013-08-13, 09:28 AM
You hear a muffled One minute! from the other side of his tent, followed by the sound of broken glass and some swear words in his native Elf. Then, the flap of the tent opens, revealing your middle aged mentor:

So you're back from you pilgrimage!, he says trying unsuccessfully to sound enthusiastic. To what do I owe the... pleasure?

2013-08-13, 09:32 AM
During my travels, i've started having disturbing dreams. I wouldn't bother you with this if i didn't think it important

2013-08-13, 09:34 AM
Come in, he says in his signature cold detachment, as he holds the flap to let you enter. And tell me, Rennil, what are these dreams about?

2013-08-13, 09:39 AM
Destruction, answers the halfling, sitting on a cushion on the floor. Destruction, Cataclysms. Maybe even the end of the world. I've seen every country destroyed, be it by war or natural disaster. Worry slowly creeps on Rennil's face. A dream like that, once, I'd just ignore, but it's every night. Each night in more details.

2013-08-13, 09:44 AM
While usually cold and calculating, Jesain's face is now starting to show signs of anger. This is impossible. Rennil, what kind of sick, sick joke is this? Who told you of these dreams? Was it Lookar?

OOC: Lookar is the name of the previous High Druid, who died in the days right before you left for your pilgrimmage.

2013-08-13, 09:51 AM
Rennil raises an eyebrow, surprised. Master, you know Lookar barely even spoke to me after that... incident with his daughter. Rennil grins lightly as he remembers his night with sweet Janelle, but the gravity of the situation comes back to him.

What's wrong master?

2013-08-13, 10:06 AM
Jesain quickly looks towards a small rune-covered wooden chest near his desk, then gazes deeply into Rennil's eyes, as if looking for something. Rennil, I'll ask you to be honest, once in your pathetic lifetime: do you truly have those dreams? Do you truly not know what they are about?

2013-08-13, 10:16 AM
Rennil, who seems both outraged and insulted by Jesain's question, clearly concentrates to keep his calm.

YES, "master", I do have these dreams, and NO, I do not know what they mean. My hopes were that you might know their meanings, or at least could teach me an infusion to get a few good nights of sleep, but this seems like a bad time. Rennil glances quickly at the chest, then gets up and starts walking towards the tent flap.

Good night "master"

2013-08-13, 10:32 AM
Quickly, the High Druid drops his staff in front of Rennil, blocking his path. He then takes a soft voice, too soft:

I can't make those dreams go away, Rennil. These dreams are your destiny. These dreams are how the next High Druid of the Nightwatch is identified, but given that you have yet to be sworn in the Order after your pilgrimage, something bizarre has happened. I'll look into it, and we'll talk again about this when I have more to tell you.

While his mentor seemed truthful, Rennil has the clear impression that there's a lot he wasn't told.

Oh, and Rennil... given some members'... ethical tendencies, I'd recommend that you don't say a word about these dreams to anyone on this Island, unless you want a dagger across your throat. Many here have served this Order for years before you were born, and many of them in impacting ways. Not many would understand your... selection. Especially over them. By the Night, I can't even understand it. Be careful, would you?

And he raises his staff, clearing Rennil's path to outside.

2013-08-13, 10:49 AM
As Rennil leaves the tent, he glances at the chest again, and heads for his own lot, where his typical halfling wagon is. As he walks, he notices Nightwing looking at him between his wings. Rennil nods and the giant bat goes back to sleep.

Rennil reflects on Jesain's words. "Dagger across your throat.", "Not many would understand your selection over them..."

when he gets to his wagon, he stuffs his bed with more pillows, so that it looks like he's sleeping in it, then signals Nightwing that he is ready to be picked-up by whistling at a particular pitch. The dire bat swoops down an instant later and takes the halfing to the highest branch nearby. There, Rennil lets the bat envelop him in his wings and stares at the wagon.

2013-08-13, 10:55 AM
The night, like most before, brings visions of destruction to Rennil, more vivid then those before. He also sees a book bound in black scales, which for some reason he believes he must find. Just before he wakes up, he hears one word: Blight.

During that time, in the real world, Rennil is woken up at sunrise by one of his mates getting close to his Wagon: Hey, Rennil, we sure would like to hear what happened during your pilgrimmage!

2013-08-13, 11:17 AM
Waking up, Rennil stealthily climbs down the tree and sneaks his way on the opposite side of the wagon from where the other druids are calling to him. There, he starts walking casually, his usual grin on his face.

Here I am. Just had to go relieve myself in the woods. Talk about answering nature's call, eh?

Rennil's lack of druidic tact and ceremony is no news to the fellow druids who take no offense.

What do you want to know, brothers?

2013-08-13, 11:33 AM
Well, we wanted to hear about your adventures, you've been away for quite awhile! All the younger members are waiting for you at Yul's hole!

The young druid, Cale, who you trained with before the pilgrimmage, is enthusiastic, and almost jumps up and down. However, the sound of an Elder's voice behind him stops him in his tracks:

You'll have all the time to talk while you go hunt. Rennil and Cale, go pick up Yul, today's your turn to bring back the meal for tonight.

2013-08-13, 12:32 PM
The druids and their animal companions head for Yul's hole. Rennil absent-mindedly answers some of the group's questions while they get there. During the walk, one word keeps coming back to the halfling's mind. Blight.

Yul, get ready, we have to go hunting!

2013-08-13, 10:16 PM
Rennil, old friend! Hunting will be a perfect time to talk about your adventures!, Yul said as he saddled up his boar.

Actually Yul, hunting is something that's better when done silently. responded Cale. Turning towards Rennil, he whispers: Those goblins can't do anything right. He almost impaled himself on a tree the other day. Stupid greenface.

Riding his boar, Yul got to the side of his companions. Cale was on foot, already swinging his arms widely to warm his muscles, his wolf by his side.

Ready when you are Rennil.

2013-08-13, 10:35 PM
As Rennil motions to Nightwing to come pick him up, he explains to everybody their role.

Alright friends. I'll take to the sky and survey the land. As soon as i find some good enough prey, i'll swoop down on it. That's your signal. You get to my position and bring the beast down mercifully. Cleanly. Swiftly. The one who gets the kill thanks the earth and the animal, and then we head back home. Now, this is gonna be my first meal here in a long while, so let's make it a FEAST! Oh, and Yul? You're on berry and truffle duty. That pig of yours has a nose for it

As Nightwing takes to the skies with the halfling on his back, Rennil readies his war sling and grins towards his friends.

2013-08-13, 11:22 PM
Truffles again! By the Night!, sighs Yul.

Cale nods, cracks his neck, then starts running towards the wood.

2013-08-14, 06:06 PM
As Rennil flies, he keeps wondering about everything that has happened since his return. His dreams. The Blight. The chest in Jesain's tent.

As his thoughts wander though, Nightwing signals that he has found a prey...

2013-08-14, 06:36 PM
After nearly an hour of scouting, Rennil spots a few Elks drinking at a river below him. Seeing no druid of a rival faction in the vicinity is a good sign, meaning thatthese are no one's companions.

2013-08-14, 07:54 PM
Once he's flown around to make sure these were good prey, Rennil flies Nightwing down in an almost straight line, thus sending the signal to the others. As soon as he is within range he shoots a stone, hoping for it to rebound onto a second elk.

2013-08-14, 11:06 PM
You should put your attack roll and damage somewhere in there. Please put it in a Spoiler tag, with this code:

To hit: [r o l l]1d20+10[/ r o l l]
Damage: [r o l l]1d6+4[/ r o l l]
Crit Confirm (in case): [r o l l]1d20+10[/ r o l l]

You need to take out the spaces, and obviously put your actual to hit bonuses and damage rolls in there. Don't forget to put in the rolls for your rebound (I don't know if skiprocks use the same roll or not).

And make a new post, you can't put rolls in edits.

Also, when you write

thus sending the signal to the others
I believe you sent Yul to get mushrooms and berries, leaving only Cale waiting for the signal. Did we misunderstand each other, or is it just a typo?