View Full Version : Another Iterative Ideas Thread

2013-08-13, 02:54 PM
The sudden proliferation of these got me thinking, particularly about ways to handle large numbers of attacks more quickly.

What if you only rolled once per "hand?"

Let me try to spell it out a bit more clearly:

When you make a full attack action, roll the d20 once, and apply your attack modifiers for each of your iteratives individually. So a guy with a base +22 to hit and 2 iterative attacks (at -5 and -10, respectively) who rolled a 10 on the single d20 roll would have a 32, 27, and 22 to hit, respectively.

To handle critical threats, you change it from "threat/confirm" to being an open-ended d20 with beating AC by 20 being a critical hit. When it lands in the crit threat range of the weapon, you roll the d20 again and add the new roll to the old one.

If using multiple weapons, only those whose crit threat ranges were rolled get to keep adding the new die to the open-ended roll.

Multi-attacks (two-weapon fighting, multiweapon fighting, natural attack routines, etc.) still get individual rolls, but the two-weapon tree gets only two rolls, still; one for on- and one for off-hand, applying the iterative penalties to them separately. Rapid Shot and Haste and the like get treated similarly.

It doesn't reduce the rolling completely, but it reduces it significantly.

Anyway, just wanted to share the thought; it may not be all that simpler in the end.

2013-08-13, 03:21 PM
The problem i see with this is that a single bad roll means all your attacks in a round miss.
Normally you at least have a chance (reduced as it may be) to hit with your second or third attack if your first misses.

2013-08-13, 04:53 PM
And on the flip side, a single good roll means they all hit, making it a lot easier to get one-round kills. Which is fine until you're on the receiving end of one.