View Full Version : Manytowns, USA [IC]

2013-08-13, 05:10 PM
Near the end of your drive, you were expecting more than anything else to be home in a few minutes. Midway on the exit ramp, however, you mentally tack on some time as traffic comes to a stop. Lebanon, Missouri: middle of nowhere, yet you're one of the few unfortunate enough to get stuck trying to get into town. Near the end of the ramp, people have started to get out of their cars and flock toward the intersection. Over the sound of motors idling, you begin to hear screams.

2013-08-13, 05:54 PM
"The hell?" Daniel says to himself turning on the radio news and locking the doors. "Probably some damn meth heads." Daniel looks around at the rural surroundings breathing deep trying to make the best of the situation.

2013-08-13, 10:02 PM
as he comes to a stop and notices the traffic, Jason starts to get very worried. He figured normally he would just ride through the middle of the cars on the motorcycle he is driving, but saw what he thought might have been a cop car in the distance and decided against it. "Damn it! If i don't get through this, I'm gonna be late for practice. This sucks!" He flips up the visor to his helmet he is wearing and keeps the motorcycle stable with his feet on the ground, while looking forward to see what is going on in the distance assuming it is most likely an accident.

rolling a spot check to see if i can notice anything specific about what is going on. as long as that is ok with the DM that is.

[roll0] - 1 for wisdom(since i don't have spot)

2013-08-14, 08:26 AM
Angeline sits outwardly calm in her Jeep, thinking to herself as she watches traffic get steadily worse. 'You just had to go to America didn't you? Could have gone home or someplace exotic, nope, Jess said the states would be fun' She puts the jeep in park and stands up in it, thankful that she took the top off earlier. "Thanks a lot Jessica." She muttered, looking across the sea of cars.

[roll0] Spot time. --- Maybe not...

Batpope Scott
2013-08-14, 12:00 PM
Joe thrums his fingers against the wheel impatiently until he hears screams. He scowls as he tries to look around for the source of the commotion before flicking on the radio to look for an emergency broadcast. He opens his door slightly and stands with a single foot out of the car. "What the hell is going on?"

2013-08-15, 11:18 AM
Daniel has the good fortune to take a good look around him before concentrating on what is happening near the end of the ramp. Near the end of the line of cars, he sees a tractor-trailer approaching the exit ramp. After a quick double-take, he realizes that the truck is coming fast. Much too fast.

After standing up, Angeline can see why the crowd is making so much commotion. There appears to be a woman violently beating a man directly in front of the first vehicle. You can't assume that this is a minor domestic dispute, judging by the amount of blood on the woman's fists.

2013-08-15, 11:39 AM
Daniel lowers the window and puts his car in gear shouting out as he drives off the ramp into the grass honking the horn between repeating himself. "Get off the ramp!" *HONK HONK* Everybody get off the ramp! *HONK HONK* Run-Away Semi!!!"

2013-08-15, 12:09 PM
Angeline focuses on the man and woman until she catches the honking and screams coming from Daniel. "That cannot be good." She mutters, double checking that the Jeep was in 4WD and following him off the ramp and off road.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-15, 12:22 PM
"What? Runaway Semi?" Joe looks down the off-ramp to look if he has to move to avoid it. He notices the jeep driving off the ramp and shouts "Are you crazy?! We're halfway up!"

2013-08-15, 03:15 PM
Angeline pulls her jeep around to get off the ramp and out of the way. Approaching the scene at the bottom warily, she is waved off by a police officer who has just arrived, telling her to stop in the grass just short of the road.

Daniel manages to get his truck out of the way of the runaway semi, but the car in front of him, the driver of which heard the shout, pulls off as well. Both vehicles roll down the grassy hill and come to a stop, but not before hitting some uneven terrain. The other driver's car ends up with its front bumper firmly planted in the Deniel's truck's rear wheel well.

2013-08-15, 09:21 PM
Carl was texting to his girlfriend in his car when the traffic drew to a stop. He continued to text oblivious to the completely stopped traffic, lot in the chat.

Hearing the shouting then noticing he was stopped he looked around. "What the hell is going on?"

2013-08-15, 09:23 PM
Seeing the runaway semi he quickly pulls his Fit off the road.

2013-08-16, 12:18 AM
upon hearing the shouts and horn, Jason took his bike and squeezed it through the few cars around him and rolled down the hills trying to avoid all of the panic and chaos. "OH F**K! That's not good." he decides to carefully try to dump his bike and start running up towards the front of the ramp to yell "EVERYONE THERE IS A RUNAWAY 18-WHEELER. LEAVE YOUR CARS GET OFF THE RAMP!!"

Batpope Scott
2013-08-16, 12:29 AM
Giving into the urge to flee, Joe runs off the side; His poor car stuck in the center of a couple others. He tumbles down the hill after the crazies, hoping to god that he's just a fool and he'll still have a car after this.

2013-08-16, 08:15 AM
Son of a, this is just my luck. Angeline complines with the officer and stops a short ways from the road, tilting her rearview mirror to try and catch a glimpse of the semi.

2013-08-16, 12:18 PM
"Oh great." Daniel gets out of the truck and looks at the damage walking over to the other car he tells the driver to put his parking break on while he tries to maneuver the truck away from the wheel well.


2013-08-16, 06:40 PM
Carl deciding that it is better to be safe than sorry gets out of his car and climbs the bank and looks back at the carnage. He looks down at his phone, considers texting and instead switches to camera mode and takes some pictures.

2013-08-16, 10:27 PM
Not managing to make it in time, Carl becomes part of a 10+ car pileup, his Honda caught between a station wagon and a sedan. Fortunately, the passenger-side door still opens.

Jason follows a similar route down into the grass as Daniel, but his bike has less luck avoiding holes. By the time he comes to a stop, the front wheel is bent to the point of not turning.

Looking back to his car as the semi plows into the lineup. Joe has a prime viewing of the most impressive domino-like collision of his lifetime. Taking a moment to appreciate the aftermath, he decides it was probably best to leave his vehicle when he did. Angeline gets a somewhat more limited view happening in reverse on her mirrors.

Daniel has little luck getting his truck un-stuck, and the driver of the car he's recently merged with has already left her vehicle.

2013-08-17, 07:21 AM
Jason throws his bike to the ground more frustrated then ever. "Piece of **** bike! I can't believe i just wrecked my bike for that ***hole! UNBELIEVABLE! he looks around to take a look at what has happened and realizes it doesn't all that bad for the cars compared to if he was in the middle of all that on his bike. He would have been seriously injured or dead. with that thought he gives a sigh of relief and then looks around trying to assess the situation.

Spot: [roll0]

2013-08-17, 04:16 PM
Jason, scanning the area, notices strange movement coming from the highway. Squinting against the glare from broken windshields and shining pavement, he manages to make out what looks like a crowd of people running toward the town. Looking back over his shoulder, there seems to be a similar, if somewhat smaller group of people running toward the highway from an intersection about a quarter mile off.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-17, 06:00 PM
Joe takes no time running up to the cars once the collision stops, trying to find the injured that need help.

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2013-08-18, 07:14 AM
What the... he looks on with confusion trying to figure out what they are doing. he decides to walk up to a random person, which happens to be Daniel, and says Hey bud, would you look at that? what do you make of those nutjobs? he points the direction of the groups and show them to anyone around enough to notice what he is saying.

is there any other odd signs about the groups? besides that they are running towards the town and highway? are they on opposite sides of us? are they running towards us at all? or are they running at each other?

2013-08-18, 08:31 AM
Carl climbs out of his car and looks around for anyone who needs help.

2013-08-18, 09:56 PM
Turning around to meet Jason he looks out towards the crowds of people and confusion washes over his face as he tries to figure out whats going on.

Can I make a check for behavioral sciences if I don't have any points in it even if its a class skill?

2013-08-19, 08:39 AM
Joe, assuming correctly that the people in most need of help will be near the beginning of the pileup, jogs towards the top of the entrance ramp. As he nears the semi, he notices something that looks suspiciously like blood sprayed on the inside of the windshield. As this oddity begins to register, Joe's curiosity is cut short by a man jumping through the big rig's windshield directly towards him. Cut and bleeding from glass shards, he roars incomprehensibly.

Carl, assuming the police have the situation near the bottom of the ramp under control, heads to the middle of the pileup where there are some small cars recently made smaller by the collision. Searching around the vehicles, he hears the crunching of glass underfoot behind him just in time to turn and see a woman jogging towards him with her hands made into fists and her jaw clenched.

Taking in the movement of the two groups, Jason and Daniel notice that they are not only coming towards the ramp, but they are coming quite quickly. Guessing the two groups are about a minute out, Jason sees the only real way to escape, if the need arises, is to head southwest directly into town.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-19, 09:31 AM
Joe gasps in surprise as the obviously injured driver comes at him. He tries to dodge out of the way of the roaring man.


2013-08-19, 10:31 AM
Hey uh... what did you say your name was? he pauses to get the name from daniel if it is given and then says I don't know 'bout you, but I am getting a bad feeling about this whole situation. That group of people is coming just a bit to fast for me. I am going to go ask the cop over there if he noticed them. Jason walks to the cop that had been directing people off of the ramp and speaks to him Officer, i have two things i would like to see if you can answer for me if that is alright. the first is, what is going to be done about my motorcycle? i hope this is going to be paid for, and the other is, have you noticed that group of people running towards the ramp? It is kinda unsettling, you know...uh sir. he proceeds to point the groups of people to the officer and then says Do you think you could do something about that, sir? maybe talk to them? i just find it odd to see that many people running like that.

This is of course assuming that i havent noticed the person breaking through the window yet. if i see the person and some point could it be stated in OOC please?

2013-08-19, 11:37 AM
Daniel gives Jason his name and walks over to the car that impacted him, he looks in car of the driver, failing to find them he climbs in the drivers seat and tries to reverse out from under his car.
[roll0] Search
[roll1] Drive

2013-08-19, 09:14 PM

What the f... is going on?

Carl goes defensive and looks for a stick or anything approximating a weapon.

2013-08-20, 07:53 AM
"There is no chance I'm going to just sit here when that is going on." Angeline muttered as she turned her car around and drove back towards the crash.

2013-08-21, 12:20 AM
Angeline turns back and drives alongside the ramp, looking for some way back onto the pavement. Midway up the exit she sees a man brandishing an umbrella backing away from a woman who seems to be readying a punch. At the top of the ramp she sees a man jump out of the semi windshield and tackle some unassuming soul.

You're one round away from Carl, two rounds from Joe.

Joe is pulled to the pavement by the man from the truck, who takes a swing at him right after landing.

You're prone.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll (NL) [roll1]

Daniel hears his rear axle moan with effort, as well as some crunching of plastics, but seems only to draw the car farther into his rear wheel.

Jason, deciding he can't help Daniel in any way, heads towards the police officer, who is currently squinting off towards the north edge of town.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-21, 12:38 AM
"Urgh... Get off me!"

Joe takes the hit from the man and loses his breath in the process. He flails a punch at his attacker, trying to stand in the meantime.

Move action to stand, Standard to try and punch him.

Attack [roll0]
Damage[roll1] Nonlethal

2013-08-21, 07:51 AM
Daniel climbs out of the car in frustration. As he gets out he first realizes the destruction behind him. Seeing appears to be fighting going on, he searches the car and the trunk (if able to open) for an intimidating looking ad-hoc weapon. He makes his way to the scuffle either way and does his best to try break up the fight.

Search roll

2013-08-21, 07:52 AM
Angeline drives straight to the woman that seems about to assault the man carrying an umbrella. "I hope I know what I'm doing." She whispers to herself and honks wildly, trying to scare the woman away.

2013-08-22, 08:11 PM

Carl holds the umbrella like a katana between himself and the woman defensively. I mean you no harm.

2013-08-22, 11:02 PM
Daniel manages to scrounge up a rusty tire iron from behind his seat (probably shouldn't have left it in the truck bed that past summer) and brandishes it, unsure of where to go.

Joe punches the truck driver hard in the ribs, knocking him hard enough that the driver's next swing misses.

Angeline's honking doesn't seem to do anything at all, and a moment later, the woman lashes out at Carl. Taking a split second to gather himself after the assault, he wonders how she can be hitting him so hard.

Carl takes 3 non-lethal damage.

2013-08-23, 12:02 AM
Daniel begins to rush towards the man being pinned, brandishing the tire iron above his head. "Hey jerkface, let the guy (joe) go or else I'll crack your face open!"

2013-08-23, 04:10 AM
I am so going to regret this. Angeline thought as she made a slight correction to her course and barreled to the woman, waving at the man to get as far away as possible.

2013-08-23, 07:49 PM
Jason looks around frustrated while waiting for a response from the police officer who seems a bit to distracted to take note of him and decides to go find Daniel. He finds him wielding a tire-iron and shouting at a fight, so Jason takes his bike helmet, walks up beside Daniel and yells at the guy as well Get the hell off of him! i know this traffic jam is crazy, but F***! he shakes the helmet at the man and waits only momentarily for a response.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-24, 02:23 AM
Joe, having gained a moment of respite with his lucky punch, goes for another. He's thinking more clearly now and regrets the need to attack an injured man, but what your attacker is or how he's doing doesn't matter much when you're in between them and the pavement.

[roll0] Attack

2013-08-26, 07:49 AM
Joe swings a fist and misses his target, who raises his hand to strike Joe again. Daniel sees an opening, but is unsure whether to take the opportunity.

Jason, looking briefly over at the police officer, now sees him in a fight with the woman who was causing the traffic problem in the first place.

2013-08-26, 07:58 AM
Carl strikes at her with the umbrella.

2013-08-26, 07:57 PM
Daniel moves forward with the tire iron and aims for the man's stomach, hoping to just knock the wind out of him.

Rolling to attack
[roll0] no bonus, unless tetanus counts as a +1 property nat 20 woot woot
Rolling for damage not sure if I should use club, wrench, or improvised.
[roll1] (improvised)
[roll2] (club)
[roll3] (wrench)

2013-08-26, 08:45 PM
Seeing the man not stop upon his yelling at him, and daniel swinging at him, Jason decides to hit the man as well. he takes the motorcycle helmet he is holding and attempts to smack the man over the head with it trying to knock him out.

attack: [roll0]
Damage if hit: [roll1] for improvised

2013-08-29, 11:49 PM
Daniel hears a disturbing *crack* as the tire iron connects, and the man falls to the ground. You're pretty sure he isn't going to be getting back up.

The metal end of Carl's umbrella meets with head, and the woman goes down in a similar manner to the tire iron victim. A few seconds later, her body is projected about 7 feet uphill thanks to the front end of a jeep.

The groups of people running toward the ramp are getting closer. They look angry.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-30, 12:32 AM
Joe pushes the body away with a look of horror and his horror only escalates when he notices the crowd.

He looks over to the man with the bloody tire iron and says "Thanks for getting him off..." Joe pauses as he looks at the man appears to have died and acknowledges that he's probably not going to stand again. "...me." He looks back to the crowd and quickly says "We should get out of here."

2013-08-30, 04:36 AM
"Mister, i don't mean to be rude, but, what in the hell is going on?" Angeline opens the door of her jeep, but does not step out, looking at Carl.

2013-08-30, 07:57 AM
Daniel steps back in horror at what he's done. Switching between staring at the crowd and the body he freezes. Outstretching his arms as he begins to pack pedal. He hands the tire iron to Jason, while still back pedaling and runs away from the crowd.

2013-08-31, 12:15 PM
Carl looks at Angeline. "I wish I knew. The world seems to have largely gone insane." He gestures to the raging mob. "Who **** on their cornflakes?"

2013-09-01, 06:04 AM
Angeline looked to see what Carl was talking about and opened her mouth in surprise. "Don't know and I don't really care, but since I'd rather not run anyone else over with my car, lets just get out of here." She waves Carl to get in and looks around, seeing if there are any SANE people that need help.

2013-09-01, 07:18 AM
Jason looks around in shock after the event that unfolded in front of him. He wanted to help the man more, but he wasn't sure he could deal with it so he started running back down the highway yelling, Someone get me out of here. I don't know whats happening but this highway is hell! He looks around for anyone that may be able to help him.

A spot check: [roll0]

2013-09-01, 01:13 PM
Carl jumps in Angeline's Jeep. "Don't have to ask me twice."

Batpope Scott
2013-09-01, 07:37 PM
It takes him a second to register that Daniel just ran off, but Joe quickly gets in gear and runs after him "H-hey, wait up!"

2013-09-01, 11:53 PM
Those of you assessing the situation notice most everyone is otherwise occupied either trying to get out of their crumpled vehicles or fighting with others on the side of the ramp. The jeep is on the outside of the ramp, and is quickly running out of clear space to drive through as the crowds get closer and spread out like a net. Joe and Daniel are running toward the city limit, while Jason wonders whether or not to hop in the jeep recently re-purposed as a corpse catapult.

2013-09-02, 07:50 AM
If Jason or any other sane person is reasonably close, Angeline will take a detour close to them before going as fast as her jeep can handle away from the crowd and preferably away from the city, last thing she needed was a cop slowing down her escape. "I would suggest holding on, it doesn't matter how smooth grassland is, it always has a surprise in store."

2013-09-02, 08:55 AM
Carl puts on his seat belt and grabs hold.

2013-09-02, 10:29 PM
Daniel slows to a stop when he hears someone calling, still shaken he turns around. His posture is numb as he tries to process what happened. He doesn't seem to be in a state to speak but he still seems responsive.

2013-09-03, 07:27 AM
As Angeline gets close with the jeep, he waves her down and hops in. I don't know who you are lady, but you are my effin hero right now. He lays his head back against the seat he climbed into and let out a big sigh of relief, just ahppy to be off of that highway and hoping this is all just a dream. He looks up and around the car. So, what are your stories? What are your names? and you you have any idea what the hell is going on?

2013-09-03, 08:59 AM
Names Angeline, I'm an artist from Ireland and if you call me lady again I'll kick your ass out of my car. She offers, barely stopping long enough for him to crawl in before gunning off again.

2013-09-03, 10:31 AM
He sits up a bit in his seat and adjusts the seat belt he put on. Gotcha...sorry. I'm Jason. I play football for the local college team. maybe you've heard of me. He looks around with a smile that pretty much shows he is trying to brag.

2013-09-03, 01:16 PM
"Nope, must not be that good then." Angeline offers a teasing smile. "I'd shake your hand an all, but I'm a little preoccupied, this is the other straggler I managed to pick up, not that I dislike company, but what is wrong with your cars?"

2013-09-03, 01:45 PM
He looks at her with a sad look in his eyes remembering exactly what happened to his vehicle I was riding my Motorcycle...the rim bent when i went down on the side of the road to avoid the truck. and now it is sitting back there...in a ditch. he is however pretty clearly dressed like he was riding a motorcycle from the gear he is wearing and the helmet in his hands.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-03, 05:16 PM
Joe runs to catch up with the man who stopped, thankfully, before he put too much distance between the two "Hurf... Hey, if we find a cop and explain what happened I'm sure it'll all work out for you. No need to freak. On the other hand, there's an angry mob so we should probably keep a good pace."

2013-09-03, 10:49 PM
Shaking his head and coming to his senses Daniel posture returns to an active one and he nods at the man's suggestion. Seeing the Jeep he tries to wave down the driver, hoping to catch a ride to stay ahead of the mob.

2013-09-04, 02:51 PM
With all 5 of you in the jeep, Angeline heads toward the road. The option of going back up the off ramp is out, considering the pileup. There is a smaller highway that goes through town to the right. It also goes to the left, but the overpass is blocking your view. The entrance ramp onto the highway you recently left is also vacant, from what you can tell.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-04, 08:29 PM
Joe leans forward from the back seat and says "Thanks for picking us up. My name's Joseph, but you can call me Joe."

2013-09-05, 07:51 AM
"I'd say nice to meet ya, but I've honestly no clue if it is, this whole situation seems a little abnormal." Angeline's hands shake slightly as she drives, ghost white on the wheel and shifter. "What do you guys think, towards town or away and under the Overpass from Hell."

2013-09-05, 02:58 PM
I'd say towards town. I think maybe someone there should get told about what just happened. There are innocent people dead up there. I don't know....it just doesn't seem right. he looks towards daniel with a skeptical look.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-05, 07:52 PM
"Wouldn't a cop have gotten a report in already? I doubt us going and jabbering about what's going on will help anything, but the town would be a good place to stop and call a relative to come pick you up or something."

Joe leans back into the seat so as not to distract the driver any more.

2013-09-06, 08:26 AM
"Guess I'm just paranoid." Angeline mutters to herself as she steers towards town, uncomfortable with how many people are in her car, not to mention that the longest she's known any of them is about three minutes.

2013-09-06, 08:31 AM
Carl continues to hang on. Carl. I live around here or used to and am into kenjitsu. I have no clue what is going on.

2013-09-06, 11:51 AM
"I don't know... all i know is there was death on that ramp. More then i can say i have ever seen. Shouldn't we do something? We shouldn't just act like that didnt happen..." He looks over to Daniel again, still unsure. "What about you, are you just gonna go home and act like you didn't hit that man? i mean i maybe being paranoid too, but i have never seen anyone slump over like that before, and i play football." he puts his head down on his hands with his elbows resting on his knees.

2013-09-06, 03:45 PM
Carl says "I don't think any of us are pretending this is not happening, we just don't know what is happening or what the hell we should be doing about it.

"Anything on the radio?""

2013-09-06, 07:13 PM
Daniel continues to sit silently at the back of the jeep, head in his hands he listens idly as the others speak around him.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-06, 08:36 PM
Joe jabs a finger in Jason's direction. "Hey, get off his case! The guy was attacking me with freaking glass shards in his face! I could've been one of the dead guys back there if this guy hadn't stepped in and saved me."

His moment of anger passed, he realizes that the comment wasn't accusatory and says "Look, we're not cops or an ambulance, kid, and when something happens that you can't explain you don't go around trying to fix it yourself. The best thing to do is let the emergency workers do their magic instead of trying to fix this and getting caught up in the hubbub.

2013-09-06, 09:46 PM
Angeline listens, calming down from being scared and starting to get angry. "We don't have a ****ing clue what is going on all right, and you want to know the best part, I doubt anyone does. I just ran some insane woman over and nobody seems to care. Whatever is going on, we can't do anything right now, but you know what we can do, we can get our scrawny little asses as far away as possible." She sighed and looked at the others for a moment before continuing, calmed a little. "Carl, check the radio, its on, I just don't like your stations that much so its quiet. Alright guys, here come the rules of the jeep. One, no freaking out, if you need to freak out, I'll pull over and you can get out. Two, no shouting of any sort, the rest will come when it matters." Angeline is shaking again, eyes darting all around as she drives, nerves obviously acting up.

2013-09-06, 10:48 PM
Jason gives a nod and places a hand on Angeline's shoulder from the back seat. I am sorry...and things will be ok. just calm down and keep focused, I just think we should come up with a place we are headed. he removes his hand, genuinely hoping he was more comforting then creepy and then sits back, quietly thinking.

2013-09-07, 11:22 AM
Carl nods and begins looking for some kind of news on the radio.
"Anyone have a smart phone? Check for news there."

2013-09-09, 10:13 PM
The couple radio stations you scan through are playing music or commercials. The two crowds converging the ramp are close enough now that you can see they have the same angry look that your other assailants wore.

The police officer who arrived on scene not a minute ago is now fighting for his life against two attackers.

2013-09-10, 09:06 AM
"I have to buy more minutes in order to use this." Angeline produces a prepaid phone which is turned off. It is of simple design and only useful for calls. "You know, the best way to take care of a rabid dog is a shotgun."

2013-09-10, 09:46 PM
Carl says "I have a smart phone."

Carl begins to search for pertinent data.

research [roll0]

2013-09-10, 10:37 PM
Extending his arm Daniel holds his hand out towards Carl, to see if he has better luck finding anything.

2013-09-11, 10:18 PM
Any searches on smartphones just seem to turn up related fan fiction and the such.

2013-09-13, 01:00 PM
Angeline sighs and drives to the city, not liking either option. "Did you really expect this to appear on the news so soon?"

2013-09-15, 07:30 AM
"Actually yes. At the least I expected a traffic reporter to comment on it and talk about how localized it is."

2013-09-16, 07:29 AM
Yeah, this is weird. No one has reported anything. I still think that maybe we should...I don't wanna just leave my bike back on that ramp either. A bent rim is gonna cost me, but its not totaled! ...I don't know guys, I don't know what we are doing or should do. he sits in his seat playing with the visor on his motorcycle helmet, making it click shut every so often to try to distract his racing mind.

2013-09-16, 08:25 AM
Carl nods. "I don't know what is going on, but I do know that to stay there is crazy. Lets get someplace safe and figure this out and then we can make an informed choice."

2013-09-17, 12:06 PM
As you race towards the houses, about 8 people break off of the main pack and begin chasing the Jeep. Continuing to check traffic records, it seems that there are a fair number of freeways in the Midwest that are now marked as having long delays.

Drive check please

2013-09-22, 01:42 AM
Managing to weave the Jeep through a couple streets with alarming accuracy, Angeline navigates the party to the other end of town. Now facing parallel to the highway, in front of you is about 300 meters of grass, then a single train track. Given how raised the incline up to the track is, coupled with the trees sparsely lining both sides, it may not be the safest idea to take the jeep over the tracks.

You've managed to buy a few moments of peace while the small mob following you catches up to the vehicle. Take a moment to assess the situation.

Any relevant skill checks can be made currently. You have 4 rounds, so no taking 20.

2013-09-22, 03:52 AM
What the hell is wrong with your country? Alright boys I think we should try it and then run as fast as we can everybody try to pull up a map on you phones. Carl, can you check the glovd box for a paper map? That could prove useful if we find a way out of this mess. Angeline's voice is small, bur she is stayng as focused as she can considering that there isn't much time to freak out

2013-09-23, 11:10 AM
Carl opens the glove box and rummages through it for a map. "Anyone know how to hot wire a car?"

2013-09-27, 10:44 PM
Carl doesn't find any maps of use.

The crowd chasing you is in sight now, just down the street.

Batpope Scott
2013-09-28, 01:34 AM
Joe looks in the back of the jeep for anything that could be helpful, like a first aid kit or a sturdy metal pipe. "We should get going. Like, now." Joe's eyes flit around, looking for something to defend himself with, and it's obvious he'd be running if he thought he'd make it.

2013-09-28, 02:53 PM

"Then lets roll." Carl jumps out of the Jeep and checks to ensure everyone else is getting out.

2013-09-28, 11:20 PM
Daniel gets up from his seat and looks around for any safe place,and joins in Joe's search.

Are spot checks a free action? I wanna know if this is two turns or one, if its two turns I'll only make the spot check

2013-10-02, 12:20 AM
Directly to the north, before the railroad tracks, there is what looks like a small factory. You assume that most of the larger vehicles are parked around back, but there are a couple small cars parked out front, along with a semi. Most of the doors are made out of metal, though a couple have been replaced with newer partitioned glass doors.

It looks as though if you were to follow the railroad track northeast, it would continue straight for quite some time, though the trees lining both sides seem to be the norm.

Looking back again, you guess you have about 12 seconds before the mob reaches the jeep. Joe hasn't managed to find anything worthwhile in his search.

2013-10-02, 07:43 AM
"I hate this country." Angeline mutters as she hops from the jeep and gives a terrified smile to the others before walking towards the tracks, waving the others to follow. Can we all get our asses out of here please?

Batpope Scott
2013-10-02, 03:04 PM
Joe jumps out of the jeep and gets going with, at first, a jog and then his panic sets in and has him running towards the tracks.

2013-10-02, 05:13 PM
Carl begins to run. "Run!"

2013-10-04, 12:17 PM
"There's a factory just up ahead, come on." Daniel makes a full sprint ahead, trying to put as much room as he can between himself and the mob.

2013-10-05, 12:31 AM
Angeline sighs and chases aftet Carl, him being the first she met.

2013-10-05, 11:05 AM
Carl is looking to put distance between the mob and the group, get past obstacles and find a new mode of transport.

"The factory is too big of a risk. We don't have time to get in and blockade it. Lets just move."

Batpope Scott
2013-10-05, 03:54 PM
Joe huffs as he keeps stride "Might... be a... good place to hide!" he takes a moment before continuing "They'll keep.. after us if they... don't lose sight."

2013-10-06, 07:19 PM

Carl raises a brow. "How do you know that?"

Batpope Scott
2013-10-06, 07:31 PM
"Kind of... guessing!" It's pretty easy to avoid eye contact at a sprint and Joe, for one, is pretty thankful for that.

2013-10-06, 11:13 PM
Your party runs to the factory, not putting much distance between yourselves and the mob chasing you. Carl makes it to the front doors first and pulls on the handles. Oddly, the doors are locked. This only has a moment to strike you as being odd due to it being the middle of the day before you frantically start looking for another door.

The people chasing you aren't letting up, continuing to run at full speed. Joe tries a sturdier looking door nearby the main entrance, and finds it unlocked. You all pile into the cramped hallway beyond and shut the door moments before the wave of bodies makes a dull smash on the outside. Still not confident that a single metal door will hold such a determined group of people, those in your group who are quicker to gather themselves begin putting whatever they can find in front of the door.

Between the occasional bangs through the metal, you have enough silence to gather your thoughts somewhat.

All players:
500 XP

2013-10-06, 11:20 PM
I don't think hiding will help much, lets get out of here, take the back way out. If we're lucky they'll think were still here. Angeline backs away from the door, going for the opposite wall, hoping there would be an escape there.

2013-10-07, 09:47 AM

"Agreed". Carl heads down the corridor keeping his eyes open for a katana substitute and a floor plan.

2013-10-07, 01:19 PM
Misread GM's post reposting editing turn that fits in with the story "Hold up!" Daniel smashes his Android on the ground and picks apart the pieces to for some makeshift tools. Using the parts he begins to work at the door lock. "We'll run through this side and run out the other, we wont be losing them in the open."

Disable device to pick the lock

Daniel takes a look around and follows Carl, scanning the room for useful objects.
using disable device roll so I don't have to post again (roll was a 22 and both skills are +8)

2013-10-19, 11:31 PM
Understandably, the doors in this part of the factory are unlocked. You take a look around and decide that this is probably the employee break room. Aside from a variety of mundane substances and objects, you find a bottle of painkillers in one of the cabinets. The water runs from the sink, but there are no sealed containers that you can find.

As you leave the break room to look for a rear exit, you hear some sounds coming from the large factory floor, at the end of the hallway.

Additional party XP
Smiley +100 XP
At0m +100 XP
flag +75 XP
Batpope +75 XP
Vhael +60 XP

2013-10-20, 08:26 AM

Carl listens to the sound to determine what it is.

Listen [roll0]

2013-11-03, 08:00 PM
Carl hears some shuffling about from the next room, and the distinct clank of metal as something falls to the ground. Your party leaves the break room to investigate.

The hallway opens into a large, high-ceilinged room with machinery everywhere.


You make take turns in whichever order you would like.

2013-11-05, 08:25 PM
Angeline slowly makes her way into the shop, looking for any kind of bat-sized bar she could use as just that. She kept her teeth clenched shut, trying to hold back any fear.

2013-11-05, 08:28 PM

Carl moves carefully into the bigger room looking for the source of the noise.

2013-11-05, 10:40 PM
Daniel moves forward with the group looking around the room for anything of note.
spot check

2013-11-06, 02:13 AM
Angeline and Daniel move forward, finding nothing with which to defend themselves in the hallway. Ahead of them, Carl motions that he sees something moving behind some of the machines (C3).


2013-11-10, 09:38 PM
"This place is starting to give the creeps somethin' fierce. You guys seen anything?"