View Full Version : [IC] Champions of Whitebuck (Amethyst Isles of Rimecroft)

2013-08-14, 02:22 AM

The evening air is chilly with cool blasts of wind racing straight into Whitebuck from the Bay of Rain to the north. The temperature is odd given that the Holy Day of Autumn is still two weeks off. When cold comes early to Autumn, one knows the winter will be frigid. Dark black storm clouds have gathered above the city. It has rained on and off all day. Large cool droplets of rain smack your cloaks as you make your way through the maze of interlocking hempen rope bridges that act as the streets and causeway of this vertical forest city.

You arrive at a bustling tavern called the Rare Sword. You have been here many times before as it is a popular Tavern and Inn with travelers. The pub serves dark ale and sickeningly sweet wine. The owner of the establishment is Dalot Trollhunter, a disenfranchised, near-do-well son of Valkot Trollfire (the Chamberlain of Goeden Gwyn (the massive ivory white tree that serves as King Hopewind's Palace)). Dalot is a surly Dwarf with a reputation as a master swordsman. Sadly, he lost his arm while defending Forgestar Keep during the Seventy Years of Gloom and so retired in Whitebuck and opened the Rare Sword.

You have been summoned to a secret meeting by Captain Kehla Graymountain, the Dwarven Captain of Goeden Goch (the city's northern defensive fortification). She asked that you be diligent and keep an eye out for anyone following you, for this meeting is very secretive.

The tavern is bustling with people, mostly Humans, Halflings and Elves. Dwarven Barkeeps work quickly to satisfy the ever growing demand for ale and wine, while the Elven Barmaidens feverishly run to and fro. The Rare Sword is fairly large and well decorated with axes, swords and other weapons. The floor has been inlaid with light and dark wood, creating a chess board design. Most of the tables are worn in and appear to be soaked with alcohol. Such is the lot for a table in a popular tavern. Off to the far right and the far left are staircases leading up to the inn. You spy Dalot working behind the bar ordering his employees around, demanding they work faster.

The note that brought you here told you to talk to Dalot and say, "Auburn Autumn leaves fall but once." To which he will respond, "So we should ensure they do not fall upon snow."

Kyras Springstep: As you were walking to the tavern you felt like someone was following you. Acting quickly, you bolted around a few bends and climbed up a hemp rope ladder. You wandered around town for a bit longer to make sure you had lost the person tailing you.

2013-08-14, 03:14 AM
Kyras Springstep

After making sure he hasn't been followed, Kyras opened the door to the tavern and walked in, shutting the door behind him. As he walked, he took in the sight around him with a smile, it was nice to see so many people enjoying themselves on a cold night, he silently hopes they would still be there after his meeting had finished. When he had reached the bar he went over to Dalot and said the words that had been written on the note, "Auburn Autumn leaves fall but once."

Btw Kyras' spells for today are Glide and Longstrider.

2013-08-14, 01:20 PM
The Halfblood entered casually, his shield hung over his shoulder, cloak wrapped tightly around his chest. It was always good to be in Whitebuck, especially in Autumn, although it seemed that winter was early this year. A shame.

Skavok Quickbriar set down his shield and removed his cloak, hanging it by the door. He scanned the crowd. A few faces seemed to be familiar, but he couldn't say for certain. The old man was still here, thankfully, so he called out, "Hail, Dalot! Still running this place?" He grinned slyly as he sat down at the bar. "I'm only glad I arrived when I did, it seems that Yasgaram is marching early this year. I hope Sonbahar is prepared, after all..." He leaned in, "...Auburn Autumn leaves fall but once."

2013-08-14, 06:07 PM
Taking heed of the warning to watch for followers, he takes to the back alleys keeping to shadows and keeping his ears and eyes open for unwanted attention. Reaching the end of an alley two buildings from the Rare Sword he takes a moment to observe the street, tugging his cloak close to ward off the nights’ chill. After a few minutes he exits the mouth of the alley and enters the tavern welcoming the first rush of light, warmth and noise; the last job he’d taken had been wet and miserable thanks to the recent weather and it was nice to be among people, warmth and noise again. He made his way across the tavern dodging the barmaidens and patrons. Squeezing between two drunks he waves to catch Dalot’s eye. As he approached, Lizar leaned forward, “Evening Dalot, think this weather is a foretaste of winter’s bite or just a brief nip?” He lowered his voice, “Auburn Autumn leaves fall but once.”

2013-08-14, 07:04 PM
Kyras Springstep: Dalot leans in close and whispers,"So we should ensure they do not fall upon snow." With a smile, he hands you a room key, which is attached to a small wooden block with the number 6 carved into it. As he passes the key to you, you feel the a small paper note as well. With deft hands you clasp both and allow none to see what you have palmed.

After finding a secluded spot, you read the note and it says, "Pull the flame twice to find the mountain.

Skavok Quickbriar: Dalot smiles as he sees you walk in. He holds out his hand and give your's a tight squeeze. "Aye, I am still running this shanty. Not as fun as fighting Xill but," His eye drifts towards a particularly buxom Elven Barmaid, "The new job comes with perks the old one didn't."

You recite the pass code as the Dwarf pours a pint of ale. He looks you over and responds, "So we should ensure they do not fall upon snow." He pushes the stein over to you and hands you a key with a small wooden block dangling off, which has the number 4 carved into it. "You best be off to carouse with the locals. Make sure you finish that drink, will you? Don't want to see any of my special reserve go to waste!"

Eventually, you do as you are told. At the bottom of the stein is written, "The desk should be on the western wall."

Lizar Dalot smiles as you wander up, "Haven't seen you in a while. It is a might bit nippy outside. I hope to hell Winter isn't harsh. Scares off out-of-town business."

After reciting the code phrase, the Dwarf leans in, "So we should ensure they do not fall upon snow."

He hands you a room key. Hanging off the key is a small wooden block with the number 12 carved into it. "I finally got a copy of, "A Revised History of Bows and Darts", you should take care to read it when you get a chance."

2013-08-14, 08:01 PM
Kyras Springstep

Kyras let out a small chuckle at the strange phrase before placing the key and note in his pocket and walked downstairs to the rooms, he unlocked the door to room number 6 with his key and went inside.

2013-08-14, 10:24 PM
Pocketing the key, he smiles faintly, “Your suggested reading hasn’t ever steered me wrong so I’ll be sure to do so, and soon.” Nodding in farewell he rises and skirting the edges of the main room he headed downstairs, located room 12 and entered.

2013-08-15, 04:09 AM

“Where is he, goblin? What have you done with the halfling? Do you know what we do with monsters like you?!”

Drops of rain fell upon the small figure’s face, wiping away the blood on his mouth almost as fast as it poured out. Most of his pink makeup was brushed away as well, revealing a goblin-green skin tone. A steel boot thrust straight into his ribs, sending him rolling along the ground, landing head-first into a puddle of mud.

A monkey sat some distance away from the conflict, the animal’s little paws over its eyes, only one eye visible… scared, alone. The goblin tried reaching out his shaking hand towards his familiar, only to have it stepped on by one of the men. Before long, the other hand was secured as well. Death was going to come via a pile of the goblin’s own muddy blood.

”Stop,” a woman’s voice cried out. The men continued pounding the goblin, keeping his head buried in the puddle . “I said, stop!”

Miraculously, the men stopped. It was then that Krix had met Kehla Graymountain, and it was then that Krix had found himself with a debt to pay.


Disguise check: Take 10 from earlier in the day, +10 from Hat of of Disguise, +7 from skill, 27 total.

It was raining today as well, just as it had been weeks ago. A figure the same size as Krix, but looking much more like a Halfling, leaned against one of Whitebuck’s rope bridges, staring down at the ground and trees beneath it. He looked around, as if he was being watched. “Whitebuck… pah!” The ‘Halfling’ removed a blade of grass from his mouth and spat over the bridge, before moving on towards the Rare Sword.

Take 10 on perception check (?), if possible. If roll’s necessary: [roll0]


The Halfling walked into the tavern and went straight towards the bar.

“Dalot! How’s business? Left the goat tied outside if you don’t mind; still haven’t found a buyer for the old thing. Pony’s outside, too.” Krix spoke in Dwarven and gave the man a moment to respond, then told him: “The usual wine, please, if you don’t mind. And some honey!”

“Oh right and…” Krix leaned in. “Auburn Autumn leaves…” He paused.

Gragh, Krix, what are you doing here…? You don’t owe Kehla any… He sighed.

“…fall but once.”

2013-08-15, 12:59 PM
Skavok Quickbriar

"Aye, that I should. But it's been a long journey, I should at least put my stuff away first." He nodded and downed the drink, making careful note of the words within. It must've taken some work to scratch them in like that, perhaps it was a false bottom? He slid the mug back over and smirked, "You're too kind to me as always, but I'll be back in a minute."
With that, he went to his room.

2013-08-15, 09:34 PM
Krix Dalot greets you warmly, "A goats and ponies are fine by me, especially with these heavy rains to wash away their gifts." As he pours you a glass of wine, he replies, "So we should ensure they do not fall upon snow."

Smiling, he hands you a key with a small wooden dongle attached that has the number 8 engraved upon it.

"Oh, almost forgot! Here's a pouch of silver I owe you for that bet we made!" He tosses you a red pouch that doesn't quite make enough jingle as you catch it in your hand.

Once you find a secluded spot, you see the pouch it filled with about ten copper and five wooden coins. The wood ones have words on them:

- lies
- tunnel
- Mountain
- Through
- the
- the

2013-08-15, 09:41 PM
Kyras You find a fairly typical ten by ten foot room with a bed and a small writing desk. Uniquely, there is a very large, ebony black lantern dangling from the ceiling.

Skavok You find a fairly typical ten by ten foot room with a bed and a massive brown desk whose cabinets extend from the desk to the ceiling.

Lizar: You find a fairly typical ten by ten foot room with a bed and a very large book shelf filled with all sorts of books. After looking at the titles for a bit, you see that one of the books on the very bottom is entitled, "A Revised History of Bows and Darts".

Krix You head down to your room and find it to be a fairly typical ten by ten foot room with a bed and a fairly massive desk, complete with two gigantic cabinets on either side that are large enough to allow a small human child - or a Halfling - to crawl through.

2013-08-15, 10:35 PM
Kyras was surprised that the Captain wasn't waiting in there for him, "Strange," he thought to himself, "I guess there is another thing that I have to do, why can't these things ever be simple?" He looked around the room and saw that the large, ebony black lantern was the only odd thing in the room, he remembered the words on the note "Pull the flame twice to find the mountain." He smirked as he remembered the Captain's name and grabbed the bottom of the lantern, he then pulled on it twice while wondering where the secret door will be.

2013-08-15, 10:49 PM

Considering the small room Lizar, focused in on the bookshelf, remembering Dalot's words about reading a certain book. Scanning the shelves quickly, he doesn't find what he is looking for until he gets to that last shelf. "A Revised History of Bows and Darts, huh? Let's see what's so interesting about it." With that Lizar pulls the book from the shelf and examines it.

2013-08-16, 01:19 AM

Krix gulps down the wine as if it were a pint of ale. "Ahh... refreshing."


Heading straight to the room, he walks past the bed and climbs aboard the desk, laying out the wooden coins before him. Through the Mountain lies the tunnel?

"A puzzle! Well, we're no good at those, are we?" Krix makes two quick clicking noises and, seemingly out of thin air, a small monkey emerges from the inside of his shirt. "No, Spear! Don't eat the puzzle!"

Krix removes a wooden coin from the monkey's mouth before hanging himself upside down from the front of the desk, looking between its legs. He then jumps, bouncing off to investigate the massive cabinets.

2013-08-16, 02:51 PM
LizarAs you pull on the book, you hear a clink noise. Suddenly, the whole book shelf swings open revealing a hidden door. As you pull the shelf back, you see a much larger room complete with two feather beds and two large sunrod lamps standing atop nightstands. You also see another person standing in a similar looking doorway across from you. You hear a female voice say, "Lizar, Kyras, come in."

Kyras You pull on the lantern twice. The bookshelf creeks open, revealing a hidden passage way, connecting your room to the master suit. Before you lies two feather beds with sunrod lamps standing atop their nightstands. You also see another person standing in a similar looking doorway across from you. You hear a female voice say, "Lizar, Kyras, come in."

Krix Both of the cabinets appears to be jammed full of books that have not been read in many years as they are covered in dust. As you look at the cabinet closest to the bed you realize that there appears to be a false back as the books are hitting the end of the cabinet more than a few inches from where the cabinet butts up against the wall.

2013-08-16, 03:47 PM
Skavok Quickbriar

He dropped his pack beside the bed, and took the room into account. It was fairly clean and fairly spacious, mainly meaning that, other than the bed and desk, it was devoid of furniture. The desk, however, more than made up for it, a great beast of carved walnut. This was certainly the desk the cup made mention of. Skavok took a look around it, though the drawers contained not much besides a few scrap sheets of paper. He crouched and examined the floor, which had marks leading from the desks feet outwards. He stood up and gave it a test, grabbed both sides, and heaved.

2013-08-16, 03:59 PM
Skavok You heave the heavy desk out of the way, revealing a hole in the wall, which leads into the master suite. Before you lies a large room with two feather beds and an ornately carved wooden side table. You hear a female voice come from another room in the suite, "Welcome Skavok. Please come in."

2013-08-16, 05:31 PM
Kyras examined the Human as he walked through the passage, once inside the room he looked around the room to see anything out of the ordinary and if Kehla Graymountain was the one who called him in.

2013-08-16, 05:36 PM

Krix blows on the books, a dusty cloud erupting in his face. "Ahh! Save me, Spear! The dust elemental is devouring my face!" The monkey scratches at his face, a motion with which he is not amused. The halfling growls at the monkey.

Krix moves closer towards the books, trying to pull one out and checking its pages, if possible. He tries to reach the false back he suspects is towards the back of the cabinet.

Perception check, if necessary, to look for some kind of secret door or tunnel, via the false back. [roll0] If roll fails, Krix tries to take 10 or take 20.

Strength check, if necessary, to unjam the books or move the cabinet to get to the false back.. [roll1]. If roll fails, Krix tries to take 10 or take 20.

2013-08-16, 05:39 PM
Krix: You dive past the books and find a metal handle that has been affixed to the false back. With a bit of pulling, you pull the wooden panel away, revealing a hole to the main suite. As you peer through the dust, you see a proud looking woman sitting at a table waving at you. You recognize her as Graymountain.

Kyras You realize there is another room attached to the one you are in. Heading through the door, you see a proud looking woman sitting at a table. You recognize her as Graymountain.

2013-08-16, 05:50 PM
Bemused Lizar walks through the doorway, eying the half-elf across from him then following him into the connected room. Seeing Greymountain seated, he nods, politely touching his forehead with his right hand, "Lady."

2013-08-16, 05:55 PM
Kryas looked at the other three open passages and the those emerging from them, after a moment the then faced Graymountain and saluted her by crossing his arms over his chest in while giving a nod, he then returned his arms to his side and said "Greetings Captain Graymountain, this is an interesting place for a meeting."

2013-08-16, 07:20 PM

Krix squints at Graymountain, giving her a pretend evil eye, as he coughs due to the dust. He makes a clicking noise three times and motions towards the table the Captain is sitting at. "Go Spear, reserve our place!" The monkey rushes forward and climbs up the table, sitting down.

Krix then momentarily ignores Graymountain as he goes back into the room he was in, looking around for something to block the door to his room with. He tries moving the bed, if possible. If he finds it too difficult, he gives up.

Afterwards, he reluctantly crawls through the hole, complaining loudly at the woman in front of him all the while. "You know," he says in perfect dwarven, pausing every foot or so to cough up some more dust, "it's been a long time since I've been forced to crawl at another's request." He was not actually cursing, but to one unexperienced in the language, it sounded just like it.

He stands up when in the room, first wiping away any dirt, then bowing to Graymountain.

2013-08-16, 09:57 PM
Kehla Graymountain welcomes all of you to the table. She is wearing a thick black cloak that comes complete with an obviously large hood. She pours some wine into several glass goblets and passes one to each of you. On the table is a large silver food platter complete with raw apple slices, slices of apple pie, a dish of honey, crackers and Gigtroed Pâté (monstrous centipede meat (the most abundant farmed land animal in Dreamglen)).

Her voice is low and grim, "Welcome. I know this isn't the most traditional of meetings but secrecy must be maintained at all costs. I do not know who I can trust in Whitebuck... A great evil has returned to the city, one that is both vile and disturbing." She looks directly into Kyras' eyes, "Caladrel Deathbringer has returned."

2013-08-16, 10:43 PM
Kyras sat with his usual smile as Kehla welcomed him to the table, he was reaching for a slice of pie when she told him of Caladrel, at that moment he pulled his arm back for his appetite was gone, his face turned grim and he said in a serious tone "So the day has come, I wonder if he's after vengeance or to pursue his vile goal." He glanced to the others and asked "Do the others know much about him or should I tell them everything I have learned about him?"

2013-08-16, 11:20 PM
Without taking her eyes off of Kyras she responds, "They most likely do not know... Feel free to recount the tale."

2013-08-17, 02:58 PM
Kyras nodded at Kehla, he then turned to the rest and said "I'm sure you have heard some things about him and what he has done, but after almost a year of gathering information when I could, I believe I know all there is to know about him."

He then begun telling the tale. "Caladrel Vynaeron was the third son of a powerful nobleman in the Northern lands, before Rueserand awoke. I do not know anything about his childhood but I do know that Flameshroud Volcano erupted on the day of his wedding, he was able to save his wife-to-be by teleporting them both to Whitebuck. They wed here once it was safe, it is said to be the first wedding here since the volcano erupted. Shortly after the wedding his wife had become pregnant, nine months later and she was in labour."

He let out a sad sigh and continued with a grim tone, "She had died giving birth and the child was born dead, the healers could do nothing, it had set Caladrel into a depression, he was "saved" from it by a "prophet" of Yasgaram who had converted him to his religion. I do not know what happened during the years after that, I'm guessing that he and the prophet slowly gathered more and more people to their cause while finding ways to increase their power."

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Five years ago, near the holy day of winter, the guards noticed some corpses had been dug up and taken away, they were unable to track where they went, but I was, I found and followed half a dozen false trails before finding the real one, once I found the cave they were hiding in I told all of the other Rangers that I knew were nearby of the location and showed them the way so that we stop what was going on."

He shuddered as he recalled what had happened and continued with some disgust in his tone. "We found cultists inside and their undead minions, strangely all of the undead were animals or Goblins. When we reached the inner-most area, we saw that they had created a small army of undead soldiers, all armed with whatever weapons and armour the cultists were able to find. Before they attacked, Caladrel, who now called himself the Deathbringer, spoke to us from behind his altar, he had attempted to convert us but saying that we needed to abandon the "false" gods so that Yasgaram could bathe the land in his darkness and turn it right. I had disagreed and tried to show him that he was insane, the problem with that was that he was insane, Caladrel's face turned completely serious when he knew that we wouldn't join him and commanded the undead to attack us while saying "If you won't join us in life, then you will join us in death.""

He looked down at the table in sadness as he spoke of the battle. "The battle was long and terrible, and we had lost over half the Rangers there, but at the end all of the undead had been slain, and only one of the cultists was still standing." A small smirk grew on Kyras' face as he said the final part. "Caladrel swore revenge and teleported away, but not before I put an arrow in his left eye."

The smirk faded as he looked back up at the others and finished. "And that is all I know of Caladrel Deathbringer."

2013-08-17, 05:52 PM
Skavok swallowed a bite of pie and leaned back in his chair, picking at his teeth, "Ah, yes, I'd heard about that. I wanted to learn more about it, but couldn't find anything (You rangers are a secretive bunch). But, if what you say is true, then we could be in dire straits," he paused and chuckled, "Of course, if it wasn't a big problem, then I suppose you wouldn't have summoned us here in the first place..."

2013-08-18, 04:18 PM

Krix listened intently, but said nothing. Paying back Graymountain is going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be, he thought.

2013-08-18, 04:56 PM
"Indeed, Deathbringer is a vile and terrible man. The King has gone to great lengths to hide Deathbringer's return from the masses, for if they found out, there would be panic in the bridges and fully half the city's population would flee in terror. We are only eight years past the Gloom, our recovery as a Kingdom and as a people stands upon a knife's edge. We cannot allow any to destroy what we have built. That is why King Hopewind asked me to handle this. However, I am a public figure and cannot easily skulk around the city and its surrounding environs as easily as, pardon the analogy, nameless drifters, such as yourselves."

2013-08-18, 06:20 PM
Lizar grimaced and looked up at Greymountain's face briefly, his eyes settling somewhere slightly left of her ear. "That brings us rather neatly to the point doesn't it? What precisely do want us- nameless drifters that we are- to do (besides skulk of course) about this terrible threat that not even the vaunted Rangers could stop permanently?"

2013-08-18, 06:36 PM
Kyras looked to the Human and answered his question, "I have a few ideas on how to start, we can search the graveyards for any disturbances, investigate missing people in-case they were taken by cultists, and perhaps even find a way to get a cultist to attempt to convert us, or at least one of us, and play along so we can find out where they are hiding." He then took a drink from the cup of wine Kehla handed him and added with a small bit of anger, "Also, the Rangers are capable, he just got lucky, and it won't happen again."

2013-08-19, 04:29 AM
Graymountain nods in agreement, "Indeed, Ranger Kyras speaks the truth. I am too well known in the city and will easily tip our mark off if I begin investigating. There are many avenues of investigation ahead of you. None will lead directly to our target but when all of the clues are combined, I am sure we will find him. King Hopewind has taken a great interest in this case and wishes to see Deathbringer brought to justice - dead or alive - as soon as possible." The woman pulls out five blue velvet pouches that clang on the table with a thud. "As a reward for your service, the King has ordained to offer each of you 1,000 Crowns for agreeing to the task and 2,000 crowns upon completion. Additionally, you will have the King's favor, which is worth more than gold itself."

2013-08-19, 08:08 AM
There was a moment of pause. The skald spoke up, "A vile yet powerful necromancer who came close to the destruction of one of the last bastions of hope for Songwillow. Gold and the King's favor should we accept and succeed, the annihilation of Whitebuck and its inhabitants should we refuse or fail. Well... " He grinned, "I guess we have no real choice then."

He stood, "Well, I, for one, accept. As I understand it, we did not withstand three score years of darkness simply to be defeated from within our own borders."

2013-08-19, 01:23 PM
Kyras also stood up and said "I also accept, it's time to finish what I started all those years ago."

2013-08-19, 02:53 PM
Lizar stood and said, "I accept, as well, a little less death and destruction is worth the effort."

2013-08-20, 02:37 AM
Graymountain smiles, "One last order of business. A gnome tinkerer that goes by the name Gobhobble Steambubble has crafted a mechanical sparrow that we can use to communicate with one another." She pulls out a small black jewlery box and two bronze wands. She slowly pulls the lid of the box up. Suddenly a sparrow made of copper and wood flutters out. It chirps with happiness. "You see, it has been crafted to hone in on these two wands. It will automatically know head to the other wand when told to do so. Via this sparrow we can remain in contact but still keep the air of secrecy about our little venture."

She hands one wand to whoever wants it and then bids you good night. To maintain absolute secrecy, she asks that each of you sleep here at the inn overnight and begin your investigation on the marrow. With a nod and a smile, she bids each of you good night and sees you back to your own rooms.

You are awoken in the morn by the sound of the call to Summer Prayer which echos throughout the city. The sweet scent of sizzling meat wafts into each of your rooms, which draws you downstairs. All of you gather around the large communal table and await breakfast. Dalot and two of his employees are off in a corner grunting as they cook. As you begin to chat about the day's tasks, Dalot hobbles over and drops a platter on the table... On top of the platter is a half-cooked Dwarven Arm. As you look up in horror at Dalot, you see a note has been pinned to his cloak - "I have kidnapped your precious and killed your friends. Nothing will stop Death from destroying Whitebuck! PRAISE YASGARAM!"

The Zombie Dalot then swings his arm out and smacks little Krix across the face, "Uhhhuhhhhhhhhh!"

The two other Dwarves shamble around revealing their zombified nature. Suddenly, four elven skeletons pop up from behind the bar bearing slings and two more skeletons hop down up the stairs bearing axes!

Krix takes 1 damage from the hit.

You guys are now up in initiative. First to post is first to act.

2013-08-20, 03:15 AM
Kyras watched the mechanical sparrow with curiosity and took the wand while saying to the others "I shall take the wand if it's alright with the rest of you, it would not be too strange for a Ranger to call and speak to a bird." He then bid them a good night and went back through the passage he came through and slept in the room it led to.

As he woke he smiled at the pleasant sound of the morning prayer, the smell of the meat caused his belly to grumble. He put his gear on and went to the common room to get breakfast and perhaps learn a little more about his new companions.

Kyras was disgusted at the sight of the arm, he turned to face Dalot and was horrified at the zombified innkeeper. Kyras quickly stood up, knocking the chair he was sitting on to the ground, and swiftly undone the knot that kept his bow on his back, once the bow was free he took aim and fired an arrow at the undead that used to be Dalot.

Using Deadly Aim(-2 Attack, +4 Damage), Point Blank Shot(+1,+1), and Favoured Enemy(Undead)+2
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-20, 09:09 AM
And it had all been going so well. Thankfully he'd had the foresight to bring his weapons; he had been prepared to leave after breakfast, though now it seemed that they would be leaving sooner than that. He grabbed his shield and drew his blade, stood up and called, "To Arms! Give no quarter for they shall show you none!"

He leapt across the table towards the halfling and the corpse of his former friend.
Free action combined with a regular move to draw his sword and shield while moving to R12. Standard Action to activate Inspire Courage (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard#TOC-Inspire-Courage-Su-) (Bonus: +2).

2013-08-20, 06:05 PM
Lizar swore, irritated that he'd over-slept and missed his morning meditations. Could have avoided this moron, at least you remembered to re-arm the bow. He quickly drew his crossbow aimed and fired at what had once been his friend.

Damage: [roll0]

2013-08-21, 01:17 AM

Krix said “I accept,” and gazed in wonder at the small metal sparrow.


As the young goblin is seen back to his room by Graymountain, he says to her in private: “You saved my life and spoke up for me. You did not have to save me. For that, I am grateful, and for that, I owe you a debt… one I wish I did not have to pay. And I don’t have to pay it…” He squints his left eye at her, smirking with just the one side of his mouth. Despite his odd, comical-looking facial expression, he seemed visibly annoyed, waiting for a reaction. “…But, I choose to pay it. Just as you did not have to remove my face from the mud but did so anyway, I do not have to help you but do so anyway.

And when this Dead Man’s Quest is over with..." He paused. "...and gold is in hand, of course,” he added, winking, “the debt will be paid. No longer will I owe you anything, do you understand?”

Krix shut the door on Graymountain, scoffing and complaining to himself in low whispers.


“By Almahara, what smells so delicious?” An old scent burned in the air, a food the goblin had not tasted in many years. “It smells like… like...” The platter is served before him. “Oh right. Like Dwarven.

Hide, Spear!” Krix patted his monkey down back into his shirt, and braced for combat.

Move Action: Move to P12, using Acrobatics to try not to provoke Attacks of Opportunity from Zombie Dalot.
Acrobatics check: [roll0]
Free Action: Draw weapon (one sap) while moving to P12.

Standard Action: Attack Zombie Dalot.
Attack Roll: Flanking (+2), Inspire Courage (+2). [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Sneak Attack damage, if applicable: [roll3]
Crit Confirm: [roll4]

If struck in melee again during this round, immediate action interrupt: Roll With It, Acrobatics check: [roll5]. Krix attempts to bounce in a direction where there are no enemies, preferably north.

2013-08-21, 01:48 AM
The Zombified Dalot attacks the Bard with a furious slam of his fist.

One of the Dwarven Zombies staggers up to Krix but does not seem to have the power to attack. The other Dwarven Zombie does the same but hobbles his way over to Liraz.

The Axe Skeletons are up next, with one each going for Liraz and Krix. They bring their hatches down upon the adventurers' shoulders.

Each of the four Archers take aim at one of the adventurers. Their black-wrought bows and obsidian arrowheads a testament to their undead nature.

Zombie Dalot v. Skavok: [roll0] // [roll][roll1]

Axe Skeleton v. Liraz: [roll2] // [roll3]
Axe Skeleton v. Krix: [roll4] // [roll5] Auto-Misses thanks to his deft maneuver.

Archer Attack vs. Skavok: [roll6] // [roll7]
Archer Attack vs. Krix: [roll8] // [roll9]
Archer Attack vs. Liraz: [roll10] // [roll11]
Archer Attack vs. Kyras: [roll12] // [roll13]

End of round, you guys are back up!

2013-08-21, 02:08 AM
Kyras grunted in pain as the arrow sunk into his back, he quickly turned to the skeletons at the bar and shot an arrow at the one across from him, aiming for the skull.

Bonuses are same as before but with inspire confidence now.
Attack: [roll0] (I forgot to add a one last time)
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-21, 02:51 AM
Krix hits the undead Dalot atop the head with his sap, and the attack somehow seemed less effective. The non-lethal weapon had been urged upon him by Graymountain, Tradewind, and others like them. Killing in Dreamglen, after all, was wrong. The goblin had gotten used to using the weapon and drew it out of habit. Now, faced with lifeless foes, his new habit had worked against him. Saps… bah! He instantly drew a dagger from his boot into his other hand, and slashed at his old acquaintance.

Move Action: Draw dagger into other hand.

Standard Action: Attack Zombie Dalot with Dagger ( slashing damage)
Attack Roll: Flanking (+2), Inspire Courage (+2). [roll0]
^natural 20!
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Sneak Attack damage, if applicable: [roll2]

If struck in melee during this round, immediate action interrupt: Roll With It, Acrobatics check: [roll3]. Krix attempts to bounce in a direction where there are no enemies, preferably north.

2013-08-21, 10:47 AM
He reeled from the blow, nearly winded. The warrior raised his shield against the monster, and looked past him. The halfling was still there, though surrounded, and the zombie seemed confused, having to reassess his target. Skavok took advantage of that, and called, "Bring them down quickly, lest they do the same to us!" He muttered a word to himself, to which his blade gave off a faint glow. As the dwarf raised his arms to strike, he swept upward with it.
Attack Roll: +4 from flanking & IC = [roll0]
Damage: +4 from IC & Arcane Strike = [roll1]

2013-08-21, 04:45 PM
Hissing in pain, Lizar considered the approaching undead and quickly moved climbing over the table and quickly reloaded his crossbow.

I believe I should be taking at least one attack of opportunity but likely two.

2013-08-21, 09:23 PM
The Zombie and the Axe Skeleton take their shot at slaying their foe.

Zombie: [roll0] // [roll1]
Axe Skeleton: [roll2] // [roll3]

2013-08-21, 09:35 PM
The person who was once Dalot draws his gnarled fist back and slams it into the gut of the Bard, while the Zombie Dwarf attempts to bash the Goblin's head open so it can feast upon its bitter-tart brain matter.

Breaking this up to see if the Goblin bounces away.

Zombie Dalot v. Skavok: [roll0] // [roll1]
Zombie v Krix: [roll2] // [roll3]

2013-08-21, 09:37 PM
The Goblin bounces away in a mad dash but not before the Axe Skeleton gets a chance to take a piece of that gamey green flesh.

Axe Skeleton v. Krix: [roll0] // [roll1] Auto-Misses thanks to his deft maneuver.

2013-08-21, 09:42 PM
The other Zombie tries to shamble over to Lizar but finds himself stymied by the table.

The remaining Archers attack Krix, Lizar and Kyras with their obsidian arrows.

The Axe Skeleton decides, with what will it has left, to attack the less maneuverable prey (i.e. the Bard), while the other one goes around the table and assaults the poor Oracle.

Archer Attack vs. Krix: [roll0] // [roll1]
Archer Attack vs. Liraz: [roll2] // [roll3]
Archer Attack vs. Kyras: [roll4] // [roll5]

Axe Skeleton v. Liraz: [roll6] // [roll7]
Axe Skeleton v. Skavok: [roll8] // [roll9]

End of round, you guys are back up!

2013-08-21, 10:17 PM
Kyras smirked as his arrow knocked the head from the skeleton he aimed at, he saw another skeleton take aim at him and as it loosed it's arrow Kyras ducked to avoid it, after the arrow sailed past his head Kyras sent an arrow at the skeleton that attacked him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Arrows remaining: 57

2013-08-22, 10:21 AM
He saw the blow coming this time, and swung his shield around to deflect it. "Do not let yourself be pushed back for long. If rebuffed, redouble and retaliate!" he cried, delivering a quick chop before stepping to the side.
Attack: +2 from IC: [roll0]
Damage: +4 from IC & AS: [roll1]
In addition, he takes a 5-foot step to R11

2013-08-22, 10:33 AM
Krix, staggered

Krix had bounced away from the undead attacks with a natural grace, keeping one hand on his hat at all times. His sense of self-preservation was well intact, and for a moment he recalled arena fights from years ago when he was outnumbered like this… three-to-one, against his fellow goblin kin. Getting hit just once spelled doom for a victim, which is why Krix made sure never to get hit.

The words spoken by the stranger identified as Skavok however, gave him a confidence he rarely felt. He charged forward at a nearby zombie with his knife, hoping to get in position to really dig into Dalot the next moment he had.

Standard action: (staggered) From P10, Charge Zombie 1 in P13 using dagger.
Acrobatics check to avoid Attack of Opportunity from Dalot Zombie: [roll0]

Attack Roll on Zombie 1, charging +2, inspire courage +2: [roll1]
Damage Roll, +2 from Inspire Courage: [roll2]

Not using Roll With It this round unless an enemy crits Krix. If so, Krix bounces west this time. Acrobatics check: [roll3]
AoO avoid, if Roll with It is used, acrobatics check 1: [roll4]
AoO avoid, if Roll with It is used, acrobatics check 2: [roll5]
^note, natural 1

2013-08-22, 04:45 PM

Lizar ducked quickly to avoid the black arrow and then again to duck the axe suddenly swinging at his head. This is ridiculous. He dropped his crossbow- resignedly ignoring as it skitter away and starts a spell.
Because of Haunted curse crossbow is now 10 random ft from him. Cast Summon Monster II: Positive Energy Elemental (full stat block in OOC post), summoned in AA10.
Damage : [roll]1d4+1d4 , second d4 is positive energy

2013-08-23, 11:02 AM
The Dalot Zombie attacks the Bard once more, this time attempting to rake the man's head. The Zombie that was charged by Krik attacks with all its might by bring his fists down upon the poor Goblin's head. The other Zombie finally shambles on top of the Table. The Archers fire their blackened arrows at Krix, Liraz and Krayas. The Skeleton Axemen target Liraz and Skavok with powerful chops.

Zombie Dalot v. Skavok: [roll0] // [roll1]
Zombie v Krix: [roll2] // [roll3]
Archer Attack vs. Krix: [roll4] // [roll]1d8)[4]
Archer Attack vs. Liraz: [roll5] // [roll]1d8)[6]
Archer Attack vs. Kyras: [roll6] // [roll]1d8)[8]

Axe Skeleton v. Liraz: [roll7] // [roll8]
Axe Skeleton v. Skavok: [roll9] // [roll10]

2013-08-23, 03:28 PM
Kyras smile went away when his arrow pierced the skeleton's sternum without killing it, as the skeleton's arrow flew past his head Kyras got another arrow and shot it at the skeleton, hoping this one will take it down.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Arrows Remaining: 56

2013-08-23, 11:06 PM

Krix saw the arrows flying through the air and wished he could contribute more to the combat. Instinct again told him to jump back, but he restrained himself.

"Sorry, dwarf."

The goblin tries going all out, attacking Dalot and even... Zombies... infected? Or zombies... controlled? No time, no time! ...even trying to bite him.

Free Action: Spit out disguise mouthpiece onto monkey's head.
Full-round action: Full attack on Dalot zombie.

Flanking +2, Inspire Courage +2, two-weapon fighting w/light weapon -2

Dagger: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]
edit: forgot to add IC +2 to damage.
sneak attack: [roll2]

Sap: [roll3]
dmg: [roll4]
edit: forgot to add IC +2 to damage.
sneak attack: [roll5]
note: sap does bludgeoning damage

Bite (primary natural attack): [roll6]
dmg: [roll7]
edit: forgot to add IC +2 to damage.
sneak attack: [roll8]
note: bite does bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

Not using roll with it this round.

2013-08-24, 08:10 PM
As the dwarf leaned in, Skavok staved him off with his shield while bringing down his blade upon him. He had nothing more to say for now, though he hoped that they still rang true in the ears of his new allies.
I'm ending my performance, but Lingering Performance should have apply for two more rounds (including this one).
Attack (with AS & IC): [roll0]
Damage (with AS & IC): [roll1]

2013-08-24, 09:18 PM
Ducking and weaving to avoid yet another arrow and the axe swing, Lizar finishes his spell in a last burst of words. The effect is immediate, behind the Skeleton with the axe a shimmering ball of light appears and attacks it. Lizar grins and moves back using another spell to put up a shield around himself.

Positive Energy Elemental Appears and immediately attacks axe skeleton: [roll0]
[roll1], 1d4 is positive energy damage

Lizar moves back 25ft and casts Shield of Faith adding +2(deflection) to his AC.

2013-08-26, 01:57 AM
The door to the Tavern bursts open. A line of hungry Halflings walk in. They get to about the stairs when all of them stop and take their surroundings in. They see men and women fighting undead. The stare at the sight for a few moments before turning around and running out of the establishment screaming bloody murder.

Meanwhile, the Dalot Zombie slams his head into the skull of the little Goblin, while the other two zombies furiously attack Krix and Positive Energy summon.

Zombie Dalot v. Krix: [roll0] // [roll1]
Zombie v Krix: [roll2] // [roll3]
Zombie v Positive Energy: [roll4] // [roll5]

Suddenly two town guards rush into the Tavern blowing whistles, "SLAY THE UNDEAD!" They rush up the stairs and are poised to assault their foes.

Meanwhile, The two remaining archers aim for the Positive Energy Being, while the Axe Skeletons heave their blades down upon Skavok and the Positive Energy Being.

Archer Attack vs. Positive: [roll6] // [roll7]
Archer Attack vs. Positive: [roll8] // [roll9]

Axe Skeleton v. Positive Energy: [roll]1d20+3)[12] // [roll10]
Axe Skeleton v. Skavok: [roll]1d20+3)[8] // [roll11]

You hear a voice from downstairs call out, "Well done little heroes, well done." A shadowed figure clad in black robes, synched tight with human skin rope walks up the stairs leading to the Inn. He claps as he walks. His voice is raspy and dark, "Well done indeed. However, your time is at an end little heroes. I can't allow you to foil my master's plans. He is doing Yasgaram's bidding, you see. By his fel-hand we shall burn the beating heart of civilization from Songwillow forever! You cannot defeat us. You have already lost. Surrender now and I shall be merciful."

He chuckles to himself, "I know you will not believe how outmatched you are. Why would you? I am clearly evil, and evil people lie, right? That's what we do best. Lie, cheat and murder." He chuckles once more, "You have not even begun to realize the league in which you now find yourselves. Here, I shall demonstrate my power." He raises his right arm up, a long, boney finger appears from under the heavy robes, "Disintegrate."

A beam of green light races across the battlefield and strikes the taller, more handsome of the two town guards. The Light spreads out across his body until it is entirely enveloped. In a flash, he is turned to a pile of dust.

"No, one demonstration is not nearly enough." He points his finger at the other town guard, "Disintegrate." The same green light strikes the portly elf and turns him to ash.


2013-08-26, 02:57 AM
As Kyras heard the guards rush in he let loose another arrow at one of the skeletal archers.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Arrows remaining: 55

When the arrow took out the skeleton he heard a strange voice behind him, Kyras turned around to face the robed man and listened, as the cultist sent his spell at the guard Kyras yelled. "GET DOWN!" But his warning was too late and the guard turned to dust, he then saw the other guard get turned to dust, after hearing the cultist's words he angrily replied. "Can't YOU see? Civilization is still alive, it has endured and it will continue to endure as long as there is strength in numbers."

2013-08-28, 02:43 PM
His blade lashed out again as the guard turned to ash. The source of the beam was undoubtedly to source of these monsters as well, and undoubtedly had ties to the Deathbringer. He was the true danger here, not these mere pawns.
Attacking Dalot again.
Attack (with IC & flanking): [roll0]
Damage (with IC & AS): [roll1]

2013-08-28, 04:35 PM
Krix shuddered as he saw the spell obliterate the guards which had come to their rescue. It was frightening, but, in a way, inspiring. Is this what power awaits me?

He again, instinctively, thought to retreat… go invisible, run, hide, ride off. This is what his life had been. However, the bard’s words still rang in his ears and pressed him onward.

But what if there were more green flashes to be had? Was the shadowed figure controlling the undead? The disguised goblin attempted to guide his party with some possibly misguided logic: “Interrupt his casting!” Krix shouted. In his haste, his voice came off a bit higher, a bit more feral, a bit more goblin. Perhaps he should be rushing to attack the figure as well. But there was no time to think and he instead focused his attention on the target in front of him.

Full-round action: Full attack on Dalot zombie.

Bonuses in play: Flanking +2, Inspire Courage +2, two-weapon fighting w/light weapon -2

Dagger: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
Sneak Attack dmg: [roll2]

Sap: [roll3]
Dmg: [roll4]
Sneak Attack dmg: [roll5]
note: sap does bludgeoning damage

Bite (primary natural attack): [roll6]
Dmg: [roll7]
Sneak Attack dmg: [roll8]
note: bite does bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

Not using roll with it this round.

2013-08-28, 06:28 PM
Lizar saw the guard crumble to dust practically on top of him and swore angrily. Ignoring the figures words, he let his creature continue its attacks on the axe zombie and focusing intently on his memories of his home and the harvest and specifically the worn old scythe his father used in the fields, he started casting again.

Spiritual Weapon: summon scythe to attack Shadowy Figure
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], is force typed damage
Positive Energy Elemental
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] a d4 is positive energy damage