View Full Version : Fear and Loathing in the Greenbelt (IC Thread III)

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Lost Demiurge
2013-08-14, 08:31 AM
The dryad watches you anxiously, her leaf hair stirring in the wind...

2013-08-14, 11:12 AM
"What is killing the forest? How far is it? We will surely help you if we can." Johan intoned, feeling the need to interject his voice, as if some cosmic force needed to keep track of a 'thread'.

2013-08-14, 11:29 AM

Roll a 28 for perception before realizing there was a new thread.

Alistar glances around as they approach the glade, just barely catching sight of the satyr with the bow in the treeline.

Alistar speaks quietly, so that his voice won't carry beyond the group. "I believe you may be correct, Fermor. And it seems she may have a guard." He glances over to where the satyr is hiding.

Morbis Meh
2013-08-14, 11:48 AM
At the mention of another being in hiding, speficially a 'guard' Brin draws her own bow and readies a cold iron tipped arrow "I knew something didn't feel right about this place... Oy miss wood, tell your pal to make themselves know before I get twitchy, as much as I would like to try out these new arrows I respect the fae in these parts so consider this your only warning. Oh and please don't lie, I am very good at reading people and I would HATE for their to be a miscommunication between us."

2013-08-14, 07:41 PM
Fermor nods, proud of having done well. "Wall than, seems tha time t' splain what we dun want oo' the woman..."

What now, guys? We just hoping that they weren't gonna shoot us, or should we get ready?

Fermor readies an action to cast a spell.

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-14, 07:58 PM
The dryad's tears vanish, as she draws herself up, affronted.

"Well! Threatening me in my own grove! Typical mortals."

She grimaces. "If times were not dire... The one you are so worried about is my mate, guarding me on the off chance that you were wicked. Maybe not so much an off chance by your actions... Well, if you get violent he'll perforate you."
She folds her arms.

"There is a creature called a Scythe Tree roaming the woods to the southeast. It is hunting me and getting closer. I will forgive your insults if you hunt it down and kill it."

Chained Birds
2013-08-14, 09:01 PM

"Huh, okay. So there were some threats in the area... Got it. But for some reason I don't care..."

Maple drops her staff and guns behind her, and starts walking forward towards the Dryad.

"Let me just get close enough for my detection to be in range before we agree to help you. We are now as wary of you as you are of us."

Once she is close enough, she'll attempt to detect the Dryad's alignment. Better to be safe them sorry.

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-14, 09:15 PM

There is no evil present.

"Tiressia..." A horned man emerges from the trees. He's wearing a loincloth that does nothing to hide his hairy legs. A bandage of vines soaked with blood covers his ribs, where the edges of a huge wound are visible.


A satyr. Woodland fae, skilled at making enchanting music, and prone to revelry when in good company. Generally kind, though they can be rambunctious when drunk.

"Let us not speak hastily. We knew not who you were when you approached. We still do not, though if you know Buxxit the odds are in your favor. We DO need help."

Anger forgotten, the dryad goes and embraces him, resting her head on his shoulder, the leaves quivering as she turns from you.

There's honest emotion. Fear, worry, love... She's crying now and it's real.

Her voice is thinner, now.

"I thought... You might be... Heroes like of old. I thought... Maybe you would help a damsel in distress, like the stories. I'm sorry. I do need help. I don't know what you want, though, and I have little to pay any kind of price for it."

Chained Birds
2013-08-14, 09:39 PM

"Damsels are a bit cliché, though we have yet to encounter one yet... And there is a dragon encounter approaching..."

Maple does some pondering with a bit of wonder glimmering in her eyes.

"...Anyways, want my to heal up your mate? I never knew Fae had those kind of attachments. Though I really don't know much of anything."

2013-08-14, 09:41 PM
The dwarf groans loud and long, and he rolls his head around several times. "Nae sumthin' else ta kill! We be drownin' in foes, lef'n'right!"

-Scythe Tree
-Will o the Wisps
-Plus all the other stuff we already fought

2013-08-15, 06:39 AM

"What we want? Peace in this land and the chance to grow our nation into something that can protect its inhabitants. And personally i'd prefer to stay on as the leader of said nation with my soon to be wife Brin by my side bossing me around.
But that's long term, at this point i'd like it if you become one of our Fae allies, like Buxxit, Pervilash, Tyg-titter-tut and the others. And i'd like the support of you and your mate if we grow our nation in this direction.

So, i'm partly for my own gain and partly for that of my nation. Real heroes don't do things for their personal gain.
The only one here that might be a true hero is Maple i think, comes with the paladin thing. Maybe Fermor though i usually only understand half he's saying.

If you tell us what a Scythe tree is and does we can probably do something about it. After all, it's probably something dangerous that i don't want close to my nation."

Morbis Meh
2013-08-15, 09:15 AM
At the approach of the injured satyr, Brin forgets the hautiness of the dryad and immediately drops her bow and rushes over to the injured fae"Dear gods... WHY are walking about with a wound like that?! We don't need another one of your kind dying on our watch, we can't bring you back if you kick the bloody bucket. You sit down this instant while Maple and myself tend to your wound, as for your other request we will get around to it." Upon reaching the satyr Brin begins to examine the wound to first of all see if Maple's magic would be useful "Roqoan, get the information about this Scythe Tree from the uppity dryad won't you? Best if we know what we are killing ahead of time... If it is hunting her it would make it easy on us if we are able to use her as bait... but if that is too dangerous maybe an illusion will do. We have our treaty to uphold and there is no way I am going to break that oath."

whoops forgot to roll heal check... I will be doing so in the OoC thread.

2013-08-15, 11:08 AM
nature [roll0]

and another for scythe trees [roll1]

sense motive (I like reading spoilers myself) [roll2]

"Could you tell us anything of why it is hunting you? These woods seem full of deadly creatures rampaging anyhow. Makes you wonder what happens when we aren't here."Satyr...hide the booze.

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-19, 12:39 PM
The satyr smiles at Maple, gasping a bit as Brin sees to his wound. Brin finds that it's pretty well bandaged... Still a bit of a miracle that he's alive. A blade bigger than he damn near ripped him open.

"In the first world, love was forbidden us, for it is a force that can rend realms asunder. But here, away from the eldest, we are free to love as we will."

He listens to Roqoan gravely, biting back pain as his bandages are adjusted.

"A scythe tree is an abomination. A blight. It hunts other magical plants and goodly things. It kills the forest around it when it settles down during the day to rest. It would kill my mate slowly, over a long period of time, if it found her grove."

He points to his wound. "Its branches cleave through wood, metal, flesh. My arrows did little to it."

2013-08-19, 01:02 PM

"Sounds like something we don't want to have around our kingdom.
And it seems like it's best we search for a dead spot in the Woods and attack it during the day when it's resting.
We'll also need a way to kill the thing. Since arrows aparently don't do much to it. Fire perhaps?
Any ideas?"

Morbis Meh
2013-08-19, 02:35 PM
Brin smirks "Your arrows may have been ineffectual but I assure you mine are quite lethal and stand a good chance of harming it. Though no more running around mister or else I will find the worst possible tasting medicine on this planet and shove it down your throat. Hey Twiggy, how much do you know about dragons there apparently is one settling down around here and we are going to find out what it wants."

2013-08-19, 03:35 PM
"Hmm, narrow points do little? Perhaps bludgeons or wide cuts would be better. And fire usually works well against plants, I understand correctly."

Chained Birds
2013-08-19, 04:19 PM

"Let me try to heal you up. We might need Hot-blooded Fermor's burst heal for later."

Maple channels positive energy into the wounds.

Lay on Hands: [roll0] + [roll1] if not fatigued (If fatigued, it is cured)

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-20, 09:43 AM
"Dragons?" Asks the dryad, standing a little ways off. Meanwhile,the satyr sighs as Maple's healing burst washes over him. Though he's still injured, he's moving a little more easily now.

The dryad shakes her head. "Dragons are things to hide from. They seek gold and gems and treasure merely for the having of it. Even the ones that purport to be good are touched with greed. They are still mortals, mind, but they are so long-lived that it rarely matters. Mighty foes, and they do not submit to others."

2013-08-20, 11:18 AM
"We seek to avoid conflict, as hiding our entire nation is not really an option. But if that is all you can tell us of the dragon, perhaps we should hunt down this troublesome tree."

2013-08-20, 12:38 PM

"Yes, let's hunt down that walking plant.
It's too dangerous to just let roam around here around our nation. And our new allies here.
And with the things people said about that dragon i think that we're either going to have to kill it or bribe it. Or at the very least give it a good beating so that it knows who's boss around here.
You know, the whole dominance thing, Alistar knows all about it since let Loris do it to him when we met her."

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-22, 03:32 PM
You travel Southeast, deeper into the forest...

The last rays of the sun are upon you when you find your destination. It's hard to mistake.

The sweet stench of decay hangs thick in this woodland clearing. Knotted branches of sickly trees line the perimeter, creating a thick canopy that blocks most of the sunlight and cloaks the hollow in shadow. Withered vegetation struggles to grow in ragged clumps among the multitude of bones strewn across the forest floor.


Oh yeah. There it is. 20 feet tall, dark twisted roots, leaves like blood, and branches that end in growths which are glistening and curved like scythes. There's a long scar in the center, and yellowed, sharklike teeth are just visible, as saplike drool emerges from its mouth.

It's in the center of the clearing, about 30 feet from you.

2013-08-22, 06:59 PM

Perception: [roll0] (+2 for being a forest included, if it involved monstrous creatures, add another +2)
Knowledge: Nature: [roll1] (+2 if it involves a monstrous creature)

Alistar stops at the edge of the clearing, signaling the rest of the group to stop as well. "Oh yah, that's definitely a scythe tree," he says, making sure to point it out.

"Now, how do we want to deal with it? Personally, I wouldn't mind just setting the damn thing on fire and letting it burn to the ground, but I suspect it won't be that easy." As he speaks, he shifts form for the upcoming battle.

Chained Birds
2013-08-22, 07:17 PM

After Alistar points out the tree, Maple takes a step back. She feels unsettled that she couldn't recognize a threat in front of her without someone else pointing it out.

"Does fire work on that thing? I mean, it is a tree, but you never know sometimes when it comes to magical walking timber."

Maple decides to also prep herself by channeling the divine spirit into one of her weapon's barrels.

Bond Weapon: Just a +1 as I still need to enchant the thing before I have access to anything cool...

2013-08-22, 10:20 PM

Roqoan would never have noticed the tree if Alistar hadn't pointed it out, it's a whole lot bigger than he thought it would be.
"I don't know if fire will work, but there's a good chance it will. It's a giant piece of wood after all.
I still have a sroll of fireball, if you all want to i can throw that at him and we can finish the thing off if it survives that."

Roqoan let's several duplicates jump out of his body to protect himself.

Mirror image gives me [roll0] images.

2013-08-23, 10:32 AM
"The scroll would be inefficient, only one target. I can use scorching ray a few times. I recommend we don't charge it, I would wager it has impressive reach. If it comes to us, let it, but make it make the first move. We have range on our side." His form also splits as he wards himself for combat.

mirror image [roll0] images
shield +4 AC
enlarge person

will open with scorching ray when ready (presumably Alistair, Brin and Maple will join the opening salvo. Alpha strike!

ranged touch [roll1]
damage [roll2] fire

Chained Birds
2013-08-23, 10:50 AM

Maple will use her detection first before determining her next actions.

Detect Evil

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-23, 10:58 AM

Whoa. Yeah, that is EVIL. Not quite fiendish, but it's definitely a horrible creature.

Chained Birds
2013-08-23, 11:29 AM

Maple prepares her shot with the power of her Smite.

"Time to Smite some weeds! Man that's a lame Battle Cry!"

Maple aims her shot, and fires at the plant creature.

Swift Action: Setup Smite Evil (1/2)
Standard Action: Smiting Hackbut Attack VS Tree's Touch AC
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x4): [roll3]

And Maple's Gun goes *Click*.

Then Silence...

"That's odd... Where's the boom?"

2013-08-24, 11:16 AM
Fermor spends a few rounds getting things ready, whipping out spells left and right.

-Blessing of the Mole (Darkvision for everyone! +2 Stealth, too, if you need it)
-Keen Edge (On Maple's Gun and Brin's Bow. It possesses the "Keen" Quality for the next 60 Minutes)
-Protection from Evil, Communal (One minute for everyone!)
-As soon as the battle starts, I cast Deeper Darkness, centered on the Scythe Tree. If we're lucky, it does *not* have darksense and such.
-It would be awesome if we could NOT start blazing fire at the tree, until we have all the buffs up. This encounter looks to be fairly difficult.

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-24, 06:34 PM
...And that's about the point that the ground below all of you explodes into a fury of whipping black roots!


...Or be entangled. The entanglement area extends about 20 feet around you.

With a lurch, the Scythe Tree surges forward twenty feet, darting through its rootfield with no apparent trouble. Ten feet distant from you, a branch licks out at Maple, gouging through her armor...


13 points of damage!


2013-08-25, 12:36 AM

Roqoan, having just conjured up several duplicates off himself, isn't really paying attention when the roots explode from the ground.
He's not fast or nimble enough to escape them twisting around his legs. Pulling himself loose shouldn't be too hard, but it will slow him down.

So he does his best to ignore the roots and takes a look at Alistar. As soon as he sees him break free of the roots, Roqoan enlarges him.

Enlarge Person on Alistar, but waiting until he's made his Reflex save. If he doesn't make the save ignore this and just cast Enlarge anyway.
Concentration, DC 16 i think? [roll0]

AC 10 because of those damned roots.
HP 28
3 Mirror Images remaining

2013-08-25, 12:38 AM

Reflex Saves
Alistar: [roll0]
Cloud: [roll1]

Going to write the post initially as if I've succeeded, and will change it if I fail.

Alistar's massive form is hardly impeded by the roots. He simply plows through them, letting loose an otherworldly howl as he move to engage the tree-thing. The effect of this is all the more intimidating as Roquan's spell causes him to grow larger.

Unfortunately, the white wolf isn't big enough to follow Alistar's example, and wasn't quick enough to avoid the vines. It whines as it struggles to break free.

HP: 55(67)/55(67)
AC: 20

Standard Action: Casting Hunter's Howl (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hunter-s-howl), making all enemies within 20 feet (that is, the tree) a favored enemy.

Move Action: Advancing to engage the tree.

Cloud (Man, poor Cloud. I think I only remember he exists something like every other fight.)
HP: 21/21
AC: 14

Swift Action: Smite Evil on the tree-thing
Standard Action: BREAK FREE (Check in the OOC)

Edit: Yes forum, I know. I took out some rolls that ended up being negated.

2013-08-26, 06:58 AM

if not entangled, cast shocking grasp (defensive roll) [roll1] vs dc 17
attack [roll]1d20+9/roll]
damage [roll]1d8+6[/toll]
shocking grasp [roll2] hold charge on miss

if entangled, [roll3] str check

Johan struggles against the roots, breaking himself free.

2013-08-26, 08:33 AM
If target is in reach (10') or he can 5' step to get it in reach, Johan attacks.messed up rolls from before, spending standard action for spell combat
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1] (+25 electric from last post)

Morbis Meh
2013-08-26, 08:57 AM
The vines quickly surround Brin's legs but she doesn't care one way or the other. Calmly she pulls back her bowstring and begins a symphony of fletched death!

Flurry of arrows... only taking a -2 so not a big deal to her (cannot wait until I can take cluster shot) so 8/9 for ki and going to use perfect strike on my last shot so that's 6/7

arrow 1
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

arrow 2
attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

arrow 3
attack [roll4]
damage [roll5]

arrow 4
attack [roll6]
perfect strike [roll7]
damage [roll8]

2013-08-26, 10:48 AM
Worst reflex save ever: [roll0]
Overwhelming, isn't it?

Lost, to be clear... which of my spells was I able to cast before? That will affect this round's actions.

Chained Birds
2013-08-26, 02:12 PM

Maple checks her weapon and realizes that the chamber is jammed. She won't be able to use her big gun now.

"Umm, gun is broken... Got to use my reserve."

Maple drops the Double Hackbut and draws her pistol. Knowing she is still in range of the plant, she still decides to take the shot.

Free Action: Drop Hackbut (This most be why it broke)
Move Action: Draw Pistol
Swift Action: Focused Aim (5/6)
Standard Action: Smiting Focused Pistol Shot VS Tree Touch AC
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x4): [roll3]

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-27, 09:13 AM
Roqoan manages to keep his head together, and enlarges Alistar, who bellows a howl at the writhing tree!

Johan manages to squirm free of the roots... For now... But Cloud is firmly stuck.

And Brin rains arrows upon the tree! Of the three that hit, one bounces off without doing damage, and the other two barely scratch it...

The tree lazily takes an arcing strike at her for her effrontery.


13 points of damage.

Then Maple blasts the tree, and it staggers! It felt THAT. A branch lashes down, taking the opportunity to strike... And barely missing.

Two more branches loop out of the foliage, and it starts lashing at the entangled group...

Maple and Brin are barely missed, but Alistar is caught in a strike... That cleaves to Roqoan...


11 points of damage (6 after DR.)


8 points of damage

Your strength check took a standard action, so no attack this round. It IS within 10 feet... But how can you get 10' reach? Did you enlarge person when I wasn't looking?


Morbis Meh
2013-08-27, 10:38 AM
Brin endures the blow and returns fire on the blasted plant, hoping to at least draw off the heat from her allies.

Second verse same as the first ki 7/9 ps 5/7
arrow 1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

arrow 2 [roll2]
damage [roll3]

arrow 3 [roll4]
damage [roll5]

arrow 4 [roll6]
perfect strike[roll7]
damage [roll8]

2013-08-27, 11:23 AM

Alistar takes the blow, and roars a challenge in return. And then he starts his attack.

Meanwhile, the white wolf struggles to free himself from the vines.

HP: 49(61)/49(61)
AC: 20
DR: 5/Silver

Making a full round attack, ALL THE ATTACKS. ALL OF THEM.

Longsword 1
Longsword 2
Shortsword 1
Shortsword 2

In Case of Crits

Longsword 1
Longsword 2
Shortsword 1
Shortsword 2

HP: 21/21
AC: 14

Attempting to STRENGTH CHECK it's way out of the entanglement again.

2013-08-27, 11:44 AM
Brin and Maple should remember that their weapons are now Keen. :smallwink:

Fermor leaps forward and pulls out his tried-and-true trick.

Casting Chain of Perdition, to grapple.

Chained Birds
2013-08-27, 11:46 AM

Looking back at her discarded, broken gun, Maple grimaces as she checks out her current gun and begins reloading it; a task she usually does after combat is over.

"This is dumb... There has got to be a better way..."

As Maple reloads, she contemplates what she could do to reload faster. She also decides to channel some positive energy into herself to alleviate the wound she received.

Standard Action: Reload Pistol
Swift Action: Lay on Hands
- [roll0]

2013-08-27, 01:07 PM

Roqoan wasn't expecting the branch to snap from Alistar towards him so he didn't even move to duck. The thing slashes across his back and shoulder. He does his best to ignore the pain on his back.
He fires several magic missiles at the tree.

Magic missile: [roll0][roll1][roll2]
Concentration: [roll3]

2013-08-27, 07:51 PM
LD-Part of the buff routine before the opening salvo:
[COLOR="DarkRed"]"The scroll would be inefficient, ...wards himself for combat.

mirror image [roll0] images
shield +4 AC
enlarge person

will open with scorching ray when ready (presumably Alistair, Brin and Maple ...

Johan attacks the tree again, the air now filled with the stench of acid.okay, if his previous attack missed, he will spell combat, attacking (with the held spell) then casting and delivering corrosive touch using spell combat. If he hit last time, then there is no held charge. swift to add +2 worth of enhancement

attack 1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]
shocking grasp if held [roll2]

concentration [roll3] vs DC 17

attack 2 [roll4]
damage [roll5]
corrosive touch [roll6]

oh, I decided to take the concentration arcana, so free reroll on that if needed [roll7] vs DC 17

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-29, 09:06 AM
Brin continues to chip away at the tree... Her arrows just aren't doing much, though.

Alistar's slash carves a good section of it out, though...

Fermor's Chain, though strong, fails to grapple the huge tree...

Maple heals herself and reloads!

Roqoan ducks under an errant branch to finish his casting, and the tree shudders as the magic missiles strike!

Johan strikes at the Scythe tree with the charged blade, but misses again.

Oddly enough, Roqoan and Johan notice that the tree doesn't seem to be fooled by their mirror images... Might have something to do with the way it senses things.

And the scythe tree keeps cutting! Its branches are everywhere...


9 points of damage.


13 points of damage


9 points of damage


If you are not currently entangled, please roll me a reflex save, DC 16. Fail and be entangled.


2013-08-29, 09:47 AM
Fermor grunts, as the roots find dangerous purchase on the edges of his armor, and he can barely move. He desperately begins to channel his magic, trying to yell a curse at the tree. Suddenly, it appears his Dwarven swearing actually helped his magic.

[roll0] @DC 18.

Casting Bestow Curse, to force it to take -6 Constitution. DC=18.

2013-08-29, 11:10 AM
ref [roll0]
strength to break free if needed [roll1]

attack if possible [roll2]
damage [roll3]
acid [roll4] (held from previous)
Johan moves quickly enough to dodge the writhing roots, but the poor footing spoils his blow.

Morbis Meh
2013-08-29, 11:13 AM
Brin cries out and sends forth another volley, bound and determined to finish the damn thing herself.

ki 6/9 ps 4/7
arrow 1 [roll0]
damage [roll]1d8+9[roll]

arrow 2 [roll1]
damage [roll]1d8+9[roll]

arrow 3 [roll2]
damage [roll]1d8+9[roll]

arrow 4 [roll3]
perfect strike [roll4]
damage [roll]1d8+9[roll]

2013-08-29, 11:30 AM

The vines fruitlessly attempt to bind the wolfman, but are not near enough to hold one such as he. He roars once again as he lays into the tree.

Meanwhile, Cloud continues to fruitlessly attempt to free himself.

HP: 49(61)/55(67)
AC: 20
DR: 5/Silver


Longsword 1
Longsword 2
Shortsword 1
Shortsword 2

In Case of Crits

Longsword 1
Longsword 2
Shortsword 1
Shortsword 2


HP: 21/21
AC: 14

Gonna keep trying to escape.

Strength: [roll20]

Chained Birds
2013-08-29, 11:32 AM

Maple takes the tree's blows, but stands firm and aims her newly reloaded gun. She silently prays that this gun doesn't break like the last one...

"If this tree wasn't evil, he could have made a pretty nifty scarecrow for your garden, Archer Brin."

Swift Action: Focused Aim (4/6)
Standard Action: Smiting Focused Pistol Shot VS Tree Touch AC
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x4): [roll3]

2013-08-29, 11:40 AM

Glad with the succes his missiles are doing, Roqoan fires another volley of them at the beast.
It feels like the first time he's one of the people doing real damage to an enemy and it feels surprisingly good. But perhaps a bit dangerous for his tastes: he prefers the back lines, not stuck in roots on the front lines.

Magic missile: [roll0][roll1][roll2]
Concentration: [roll3]

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-29, 12:12 PM
Perhaps it is Sarenrae that guides the bullet. Perhaps she hit a vital spot. Perhaps Maple simply overcharged the powder.

Whatever the reason, when the smoke clears, the tree is still, a fist-sized hole bored through its trunk, and greenish, ichorish sap oozing from it.

It shudders, and the lithe branches slump to the ground, narrowly missing the group.

The roots stop grasping, and withdraw as swiftly as they came.

It... LOOKS dead?

2013-08-29, 12:29 PM

"Wow! That hole is the size of my fist!
Maple, how did you do that? I thought i was doing decent damage to the thing but you just proved me wrong."
Roqoan walks over to the tree and puts his fist in the hole Maple blasted through the tree. Just to see what it's like.
He also searches the area to see if there's anything interesting.

2013-08-29, 12:38 PM
Johan brushes himself off. "Let's burn it, just to be sure. THen we can tell the dryad." He sets about building a bonfire.

Morbis Meh
2013-08-29, 01:10 PM
Brin goes pale at the mention of a 'bonfire' and slips away from the others quietly. She was silently happy for Maple, maybe this would get her out of the funk she's been in and they can finally go back to 'trouble shooting' around the greenbelt.

2013-08-29, 01:37 PM
Fermor takes a glance at Brin's retreating form, and then back over to Roquan. "Speakin' frum oon dwurf aboot another, Brin mai nee' ya right now, Roke-one." Fermor shrugs.

Taking that as done, he whips out his axe, and helps set fire to the tree.

2013-08-29, 02:27 PM

Alistar puts away his weapons as Cloud lopes up, finally free of his bindings. The wolfman kicks the remains of the tree. "I'm with you Johan. Burn it."

2013-08-29, 03:09 PM

"Burn the thing if you want to." Roqoan says.
He walks after Brin and once he finds her just sits down next to her quietly. If she wants to talk, she'll let him know.

Lost Demiurge
2013-08-29, 03:13 PM
It burns prettily. (Stinks, but it's pretty.)

Chained Birds
2013-08-29, 04:44 PM

Looking at her gun, then at the tree, then at her gun again.

"Huh? I guess I put too much powder in it... I've never reloaded a gun mid-battle before..."

As everyone begins burning down the tree, Maple goes back to her Hackbut and begins the process of repairing it.

2013-08-29, 08:00 PM
The job finished, Johan gives his now smoky clothes a sniff. Well, been on the road long enough a bit of smoke won't hurt the smell. "Let us report our victory, such as it is, to the dryad, then perhaps rest safe in her grove before heading off to our other tasks. She and her mate seem pleasant enough company."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-02, 08:32 PM
And before you leave, you DO turn up a few things in a hollow the tree was resting in...

3 Amber Gemstones

....Each worth 100 GP,

A silver ring

...Worth 65 GP

About 7 GP worth of scattered coinage,

And a black robe with bone charms set upon it that radiates magic.


Looks like a robe of bones!


Yep, definitely a robe of bones. Seems to have more charms than normal, though... Is that a skeletal dragon?

2013-09-03, 11:11 AM
appraise [roll0]

spellcraft taking 10 if possible, if not [roll2]

Johan looks over the recovered goods. His nose wrinkles at the robe. "A useful, but foul item. It allows one to summon undead temporarily, each charm functioning once. Dangerous, as they are not under the summoner's control. We should guard this carefully and not sue it except at great need, if ever."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-03, 11:33 AM

And as Johan looks over the item, a few inconsistencies catch his eye. Sure enough, after a little scanning, he realizes that it is NOT a robe of bones. It is in fact a cursed item, a Robe of Vermin disguised as a Robe of Bones.

2013-09-03, 11:57 AM
He looks again. "And not even used then. It is cursed, the wearer will be plagued by swarms of biting insects when in combat. It may be worth something to a collector of curiosities, but it is of little use to us."

Chained Birds
2013-09-03, 12:08 PM

"Can we destroy it or melt it for gold somehow? I'd rather get rid of it without someone being able to use it later."

Maple doesn't seem to enjoy the prospect of carrying an undead creating item, nor selling it to someone for them to either sell or use later.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-03, 12:10 PM
Brin gives Johan a wicked smile "Or we could send it as an 'I am sorry' gift to Duke Douche head for the logging incident... It might be worth the laughs but then again war wouldn't be very humorous." The dwarf maiden sighs deeply as she waits for everyone to leave this place.

2013-09-03, 01:07 PM

"It would only mean war if he knows about cursed items. Not everybody knows as much about magic as Johan.
And i think he's supposed to be a knight or something like that.
But then again, he could have skilled magic users working for him so it might not be worth the risk.
It's probably better to just destroy the thing.

Either throw it on the burning scythe tree or destroy it once we get back to Twylight.
We should head back to the dryad."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-03, 01:11 PM
Taking the time to explore the rest of the area, and camping overnight (away from the smoking, evil tree) to make sure that it's quite dead, you manage the return trip to the dryad without incident.

The satyr's playing his pipes as you enter the glen, haunting melodies flowing through the woods like the sighing of winds between the worlds.

He breaks off to look at you, then nods with a grim expression. "Then the smoke was what I hoped. My lady has retired at the minute. Fire on the level necessary to produce such smoke is upsetting to her."

He sighs, and leans back against the tree at his back, patting it fondly. "Thank you. We are in your debt."

Chained Birds
2013-09-03, 02:06 PM

"Yes, the tree was vanquished. I apologize for upsetting the lady, but that was the best way we could think of to dispose of an evil tree."

Maple shrugs and looks towards Roquan.

"So, what did we need again? I was working on my gun all night and sort of forgot why we came here other than to vanquish evil."

2013-09-03, 02:11 PM

"Eeuh, help with the dragon. Yes, that was it.
Knowledge on how to best deal with a green dragon. Or perhaps help talking to it.
Supposedly it's a forest dragon and they like trees. So we're hoping the dryad knows something that can help us. Or is perhaps able to help us."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-03, 02:28 PM
Brin rolls her eyes "I don't see any point to coming back here, the wood lady already said she couldn't help. We may as well just get it over with and unless it has a thing for potted plants I doubt we will find anything of use here. Dragons value one thing above all else: GOLD."

2013-09-03, 02:38 PM

"Well, i aint paying the thing to stay away. Not in money anyway, we could perhaps find another way.
So what do we do first: green dragon or evil fae that are supposedly nearby?"

2013-09-03, 05:41 PM
"How evil be tha fae? An' why aren't Pervilash an' tha other tricksters takin' care o' it, stead of us? We be overworked as i' is!"

2013-09-03, 08:21 PM
"There where also the tatzylwurms in this directions. Might be too dangerous to just let the rangers handle. No offense, Alistair, but I'm sure you'd agree that your men aren't ready for fighting the entire nest if they have already hatched. If we can make quick work of them and the evil fey, then we should be clear to head to the dragon. I know its another delay, but I'd rather not let things fester while we are in the area. Who knows when we'll have time to come back?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-04, 08:33 AM
"How evil be tha fae? An' why aren't Pervilash an' tha other tricksters takin' care o' it, stead of us? We be overworked as i' is!"

The satyr stirs, and frowns. "The goodly fae who now live on this world do their part, friend dwarf. But the wicked fae oft times are strong in their own right. And not lightly do we make enemies who are as immortal as we. If the wicked fae stick to troubling only mortals, oftimes we do not notice."

He leans back against the tree.

"That said, I have noticed traces of elf-shot around the old ruin to the southwest. I have not investigated, having no reason to do so."

"Now if you prefer to clear out the tatzylwyrms, they ARE overbreeding a touch. There's a nest upriver, you can't miss it. Careful, the mother is... Big."

He considers you for another long moment, his slit-pupilled eyes inscrutable. Finally, he knocks three times on the tree... And six Maple seeds spin down, featherlike. He catches them one by one with easy grace, and offers them to you.

"These are my lady's thanks. When planted, each of these will grow instantly to a mighty tree. Use them wisely."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-04, 08:43 AM
Brin raises an eyebrow, maple trees did look rather handsome and would tie the garden together nicely but she couldn't help but think of more malicious uses for the 'gift' "Could you define the meaning of 'planted' for us? Does it require to be planted in the earth or could it you know be thrown in a handful of dirt and thrown down the gullet of a tatzlwyrm...?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-04, 08:56 AM
The satyr facepalms.

"And people wonder why we stay apart from mortals... No, they have to be planted in earth."

2013-09-04, 09:00 AM
Fermor's eyes bug out. "Brin! Ye be reflectin' puurly on tha dwurves!" He spins to the man, hands outstretched, "She's a little crazy... dun pay any attention ta 'er."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-04, 09:09 AM
Brin huffs "Well excuse me for asking a question! A little clarification never hurt anyone nor does a little creativity. I have another question for you, can you give me the rough dimensions of the tree, I would like to know how much room to clear in my garden to accommodate for the tree."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-04, 09:17 AM
The satyr blinks. "Oh. Um..."

He taps on the bark of the tree.

One of its branches sways slowly down, to measure a height of perhaps 60 feet off the ground.

Chained Birds
2013-09-04, 09:34 AM

"So, we are getting Maple trees?"

Maple considers several scenarios in which she could be misconstrued as one of the trees, but shakes her head.

"Anyways, evil Fae must be punished before they do any more evil stuff. Was the tree an evil Fae, or just a mean tree?
Whatever, the woods are a wonderful yet silly place, especially when there are so many Fae running around."

Maple signals for the rest of the party to get ready to head out again.

2013-09-04, 11:31 AM

"So the plan is to first find the nest of Tatzylwyrms and then onto the evil Fae. Sounds good to me."
Roqoan is ready to move on.

2013-09-04, 11:35 AM
"Let us proceed. I hope we shall meet you and your lady again soon."

2013-09-04, 12:36 PM
"Wait... afore we go, dost ya 'ave any advice 'bout them worms? Weaknesses'n'sich?" Fermor asks hopefully.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-05, 11:15 AM
The satyr shrugs. "They swim well, breathe poison, and can coil around you with strong muscles. Don't fight them in the water, don't let them breathe on you, and try not to get caught."

"Though, honestly, you took care of the scythe tree pretty easily. I doubt they'll be a serious threat."

The next day, after a good rest, you make your way up to the river and follow it north. It curves and twists, the mineral smell getting more noticeable as you go. Hm, judging by the terrain and foliage, you aren't far from where Loris was living with the bullywugs...

And before long, you've come to a large thicket in the river, of tangled logs, greenery, debris, and bones.

Sitting on top of the makeshift dam is a wormlike reptile with stubby little legs and a maw big enough to swallow Maple whole. It regards you with one slit-pupilled eye from a safe distance of 80 feet away, and rumbles a warning.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-05, 11:46 AM
Brin looks at the others then whispers "So how are we going to go about this? Should we just open fire or maybe add a little finesse to the extermination... I can attack it from here no problem but everyone else may have some difficulty. As long as we stay on land, far from the water we should be fine."

2013-09-05, 12:33 PM

Knowledge-Nature: [roll0]

Let's see if Alistar knows anything we don't already know.

Alistar pulls out his longbow, stringing it as he watches the worm thing. "I'm thinkin' we try and see if we can goad it into coming after us instead of trying to chase it in there."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-05, 12:40 PM
As Alistar starts stringing the bow, the serpentlike reptile croaks something, and disappears into the water.

"**** OFF, MEATBOY."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-05, 12:47 PM
Brin blinks and looks to Alistar for direction "Well that didn't go over well... Anything else we can do? If it's in the water nothing short of us destroying the damn will budge it... who built the damn anyways?"

2013-09-05, 02:04 PM

Roqoan translates for Alistar. "Roughly translated he told you to go do very nasty things to your own backside Alistar.
So how do we get them out of the water?
I still have this pearl that summons a water elemental, maybe that could chase them out of their hiding places. Or they might tear the elemental to little pieces if there's a lot of them down there.
Another option would be to make our way to that dam and plant one or two of those maple seeds we just got. If we plant them the right way we could tear that dam to little pieces. That would force them out."

Roqoan prepares himself for combat and casts mirror image on himself.

Roqoan gets: [roll0] duplicates of himself

Chained Birds
2013-09-05, 02:28 PM

"I know that the thing was probably evil or something, but we should really put more effort into our random encounter introductions other than point sharp things at it..."

Maple sometimes wonders.

2013-09-05, 03:29 PM
Johan prepares as well, growing and blurring. "Well, I'm going to get closer in a moment. Perhaps they will come to us. If there are so many of them they may feel confident in their numbers. If not...I can certainly do some damage without getting too wet. I doubt they can drag me down once enlarged."shield, mirror image [roll0] images, enlarge, hook is keen + shocking
standardx3 +swiftx1, 2 AP spent

Morbis Meh
2013-09-09, 09:34 AM
Brin suddenly realizes the best way to draw out the mother "Don't go into the water, why fight it on it's own term when there is definitely a better way? All we need to do if find one of its young then get it to cry out for it's mother then it will come to us. It would be much easier going that route instead of trying to wrestle that damn thing underwater."

2013-09-10, 07:07 AM
Johan approaches the dam from the ground-side, taking care to watch the water.

Chained Birds
2013-09-10, 07:56 AM

The young Paladin takes out her newly repaired Hackbut and looks towards Johan with a bit of worry.

"Don't drown. I can't heal that... yet."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-10, 08:30 AM
Johan approaches the water with caution...

Holy Erastil, that's a REALLY big Tatzylwyrm down there, lying against the river bottom, under 15 feet of water or so. It's watching you with two dinner-plate sized eyes, and readying to pounce...

Morbis Meh
2013-09-10, 08:34 AM
Brin rolls her eyes while letting out an exasperated sigh as she draws her bow and notches an arrow "Fine just ignore me, who would dare listen to common sense, I am only a dwarf after all... Men."

Brin will ready an action to shoot at the damn thing as it springs up at Johan.

2013-09-10, 11:06 AM
perception [roll0]

2013-09-10, 11:09 AM
Johan halts his approach. "There appears to be a bloody big one under the water. I'll try to draw it out. Be ready."IE, please ready actions to blast it if it comes out.

standard to cast shocking grasp into his hook, holding the charge, then next round moving slowly forward with a readied action to attack anything that gets in range, 10' reach

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-10, 11:29 AM
Johan casts, and the water ERUPTS as a huge form lashes out of it! Looks like mama found YOU!

Brin's arrow goes wide. Johan gets his spell cast, but nothing more...

And Mama stretches her mouth open and vomits a cone of horrible gas over the area.


Fail and take [roll0] points of strength damage

From around her, you can vaguely make out four smaller ripples in the water, as sinous forms slither towards the riverbank, and you.

Oh, and the horses are running like hell. It's a little hard to blame them.


Morbis Meh
2013-09-10, 11:41 AM
Brin's stout dwarven fortitude only regards the gas as a minor inconveince before she unloads her volley of arrows at the wretched beast.

one ki point (8/9) for 4 arrows during flurry and last attack gets perfect strike (6/7) I am assuming that we are within 30 ft since we all were hit with the cone attack

arrow 1
attack [roll0] (6 from bab for flurry, 5 from wis, 1 from WF, 1 from weapon enchantment, 1 from bracers of archery and 1 from PBS)
damage [roll1]

arrow 2
attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

arrow 3
attack [roll4]
damage [roll5]

arrow 4
attack [roll6]
perfect strike [roll7]
damage [roll8]

also just in case it becomes an issue Improved Precise shot allows Brin to ignore cover and concealment unless it is complete

2013-09-10, 12:56 PM

Roqoan holds his arm in front of his face to avoid breathing in the cloud of foul smelling gas. But he can't seem to avoid breathing in the gas seeping through his clothes.
He feels it in his lungs and it has an immediate effect on him. His muscles feel weaker and his legs shake a bit. He probably wont do any heavy lifting anytime soon.

Despite all this Roqoan thinks he might still be able to throw around some spells, and he'll try just that.
Enlarging Alistar is what he usually does when a fight starts. And while he's distracted by the vapor, he acts in a reflex and casts the spell.

Enlarge Peron on Alistar.
And do i need a concentration check for this? On the srd it says i need one when i'm 'Affected by a non-damaging spell while casting'.
I'll roll one just in case: [roll0]

2013-09-10, 02:14 PM
Johan gets the full effect of the poison as he charges forward, claw seeking to end the curiously large threat.charge!
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
shock [roll2]
shocking grasp from held charge [roll3]

reach 10', mirror image still up, ac 18 from charge

Chained Birds
2013-09-10, 03:27 PM

Maple walks over a bit so she is a way from the party and farther away from the water. She then whistles towards the creature, before making a challenge in Draconic:

"Creature. Be true to your blood and face me on even grounds!"

Move Action: Move about 20ft so as to be 30ft from the creature and the water, and away from the other Ranged members (so away from Roquan and Brin).
Swift Action: Smite Evil (1/2)
Standard Action: Casting Knight's Calling on Big Thing
- Range: 30ft
- Effect: Target moves its speed toward me, avoiding any other dangers along its path (including any movement that would provoke attacks of opportunity). The target may do nothing but move on its turn. If the target ends its move adjacent to you, you can make an attack of opportunity against the target.
- DC: 16 Will Save (Negate)
- If Spell Resistance: [roll0]

2013-09-11, 12:54 AM

Whoops, forgot to see if my wolf resisted the poison

Fort Save: [roll0]
Edit: And he did. Woo!

Alistar drops his bow as he begins to cough and gag as the disgusting gas covers the area. The gas is sickening, but there's still a fight to be won. He rears back and lets out a howl as he begins his now familiar transformation, about the same time Roquan enlarges him.

Cloud is luckier, being lower to the ground seems to mean he is less affected by the gas. With a snarl, he charges toward the nearest foe.


HP: 55 (67)/55 (67)
AC: 20
DR: 5/Silver

Standard Action: Hunter's Howl. I'm really lovin' this spell.
Move Action: Hybrid form go. With as often as I'm switching back to this, Alistar might soon start taking after his great great great (insert more greats) grandfather Darius and just spend the majority of his time in hybrid form.

Free Action: Dropping the bow (which Alistar was no longer strong enough to use) so that he can draw swords next round.


HP: 21
AC: 14 (12 after charging)

Cloud will SMITE EVIL on and charge the enemy closest to Alistar. Rolls will be in the OOC chat.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-12, 11:20 AM
The Tatzylwyrm staggers under Brin's assault of arrows, and rears back, angry... Johan slashes at it, but his strike is turned by hard scales. The wyrm snaps one of his mirror images apart as he moves in. Roqoan enlarges Alistar, who howls... And manages to shock the Tatzylwyrm!


Congrats, it rolled a 1. Your spell worked.

Then Maple issues her challenge... And the great creature laughs.



It pounces on Brin, leaving itself open to Johan as it goes... And GNASHING its great teeth into her! Its claws strike as well, and dwarven blood flows... It hoists her up, preparing to slide her down its gullet...


42 points of damage from 3 hits and you are grabbed.

Meanwhile, four young charge out of the waters writhing through the muddy bank on stubby legs, and launching themselves at Alistar and Johan!

2 points of damage from one claw hit. (I factored your DR in.)


3 Mirror images disappear, not counting the one that mama trashed. Also you get an AoO on mama.


2013-09-12, 11:57 AM
aoo [roll0] (man, I need to buff that)
damage [roll1]
shocking [roll2]
grasp [roll3] Johan swings at the departing creature.

And only finds scales again.

2013-09-12, 12:00 PM
Now surrounded by the smaller enemies, Johan strikes at the nearest. swift to recover shocking grasp
full attack with spell combat,
regular attack first using held charge
damage [roll1]
shock [roll2]
S. grasp [roll3]

concentration [roll4] vs 17
att [roll5]
damage [roll6]
shock [roll7]
S. grasp [roll8] hold charge on miss

2013-09-12, 12:04 PM

Alistar tries to force his way past the smaller wyrms, hoping to strike at the creature before it can devour Brin.

Cloud, in the meantime, continues harrassing one of the smaller wyrms.

HP: 53(65)/55(67)
AC: 20 (18 if I get to charge this turn.)
DR: 5/Silver

Right, since I'm not sure what the layout is, I'm going to put this in the form of an if/else statement. (Note, all attack and damage rolls assume that the enemies were affected by Hunter's Howl. If any of them weren't affected, you'll need to subtract 2 from the rolls against that one.)

IF it's possible for Alistar to charge forward and attack the main Tatzylwyrm, Alistar will be doing that. I'm totally okay with eating AoOs if I have to.

Charge Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

In Case of Crit

Confirmation: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

ELSE (that is, he's being blocked by the smaller ones), Alistar will GO FULL ROUND ATTACK against the little bastards around him.

Longsword Attack 1: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Longsword Attack 2: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Shortsword Attack 1: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Longsword Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Bite Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

In Case of Crit

Longsword Confirmation 1: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Longsword Confirmation 2: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]
Shortsword Confirmation 1: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]
Longsword Confirmation : [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]
Bite Confirmation : [roll22]
Damage: [roll23]

HP: 21/21
AC: 14

Cloud attempts to attack the same one he failed to hit last turn.

Bite Attack: [roll24]
Bite Damage: [roll25] +3 if it's evil

2013-09-12, 12:38 PM

His fiance.
She's going to be eaten.
She's going to die.
He doesn't have the firepower to kill the thing quick.
One more ace up his sleave.

Roqoan quickly grabs the pearl that is supposed to summon a water elemental. The thing is valuable, but the life of his soon to be wife is a lot more valuable.
So he uses the pearl and summons the elemental in the water next to the tatzlwyrm.
"Save the dwarf woman, kill the tatzlwyrm trying to eat her." He commands the creature.

Chained Birds
2013-09-13, 12:47 AM

Maple takes a deep breath. Her positioning was not only to lure the creature away with her spell, but also to give herself a great area to fire upon the creature if it didn't attack her.

"You chose poorly."

Maple steadies her aim, and fire off two rounds at the Draconic Evil creature.

Focused Aim: Grit (5/6)
Full-Attack Action: Smiting, Focused Double Hackbut Shots VS Tatzylwyrm's Touch AC
- Attack 1: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x4): [roll3]

- Attack 2: [roll4]
- Damage: [roll5]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll6]
- Crit Damage (x4): [roll7]

2013-09-13, 10:32 AM
Right as Maple runs past and Alistair's Longsword flashes, Fermor grins. "So, beastie? How's about ye taste some steel tha a dwurf done blessed?"

I'll use Bestow Curse next turn, but for now, it's Badger's Ferocity. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/badger-s-ferocity) Alistair's Longsword and Maple's Gun are keen.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-13, 10:33 AM
When the smoke clears, the wyrm lies on the ground, dead. Brin's body slips free from its nerveless mouth.

The young flee, doing nothing but retreating into the water, and swimming in different directions.

Roqoan, who WAS about to use his watery gem, manages to hang onto it at the last second.

And Brin bleeds...

2013-09-13, 10:44 AM
"We need ta kill the young! If tha survive, tha'll be'a full'o hatred!"

Uh... Searing Light on one of the young creatures?

2013-09-13, 11:10 AM
Johan grimace. "I suppose we ought to finish this, if they grow that large here. Peculiar. Wonder if there was a bounty on the big one anywhere? Probably not."

2013-09-13, 11:34 AM

"Kill the young?" Roqoan starts to grab Fermor by the throat, but changes his mind and just grabs his arm.
He drags him towards Brin.
"You will NOT kill the young, you will SAVE THE LIFE OF MY BLOODY FIANCE!
I didn't see you do anything in combat, so start doing something usefull. It'll be a nice change of style for you."

That's right, i used your 20 hour drive to give Fermor an in-character insult Sam :smallsmile:

2013-09-13, 11:48 AM
Fermor barely budges, though his armor rattles quite a bit. "Aye... Ai... Ai'm..." He can't seem to finish his sentence and does his duty silently. The golden web of healing wraps tighter than it ever has around Brin, and tears through her veins with a pulsing fire. It's hot to the point of danger, and she can barely think as consciousness returns. "Oh... sorrah... Overdone tha healin', I think..." He stumbles out an apology, and goes off to begin cutting up the bodies for transport.

It's only fair, I suppose. Plus, sweet sweet RP!

2013-09-13, 11:53 AM
Once the matter is resolved, Johan looks at the giant corpse. "Probably best not to be lugging along a dragon-kin head when we try to introduce ourselves to the dragon."

2013-09-13, 11:57 AM

Being of little use when healing is needed, Alistar instead pursues the escaping brood. They will not be a threat around here again.

So then Alistar goes and hunts them down. Woo?

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 12:05 PM
"That's the third time... the third time something has tried to eat me, it must be because I am already cooked. Remind me when we get back to see an alchemist, I fully intend to bath in syrup of ipecac from this day forward." The dwarf just lays still with her eyes closed, taking this brief moment to rest "Well if I am a cat I have 5 lives left before I finally kick it, so I should last another year at this rate." Hearing the voice of Johan the dwarf chuckles "Oh come now, dragons are territorial they will be just tickled pink that we did a service for them. Besides do you really want to leave this behind? There is so much to profit from this corpse and just letting it rot would be quite a shame."

Opening her eyes, Brin sits up and slaps the wyrm casually "What do you think Alistar, could a girl get a pair a shoes and a purse to match from this big lizard?"

Chained Birds
2013-09-13, 12:22 PM

Maple puts a hand on Brin's shoulder.

"At least you weren't swallowed..."

She then asks Johan,

"So, do these creatures keep "loot" or something? I heard these sorts of creatures do that."

Then she ponders for a bit.

"Wait a second. Do our Kobold friends know anything about Dragons? I mean, they are scaly too. Or is that racist to assume they know anything about Dragons?"

2013-09-13, 12:32 PM

Rooan is a bit worried about Brin, but she seems to be doing fine.
He's not happy that she just ignores him after almost being killed, but it's a good sign she's still making jokes.
He hears her talking about shoes and a purse. "And a matching hat for me, if there's enough skin left.
Oh, and maybe we could make you a nice necklace or bracelet from the teeth. And a wedding ring if we find a tooth large enough.
You'll be the most badass bride ever."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-13, 12:44 PM
She looks at Roqoan with a tired expression "Badass? Not overly, more 'Holely' than anything. I am lucky I am not a cripple on top of being a freak, those teeth came a little to close to my spine for comfort." Looking to Maple she chuckles "I must just taste better than you so they prefer savoring my flavor that or I am so rough they have to chew me more before they can swallow."

2013-09-16, 06:58 AM
"Everyone knows dwarf is best if tenderized first." Johan quips, "Seriously though, you make yourself appear a great threat, apparently greater then large warriors with blades attacking them."

"Let us to deal with these evil fey while we are here. Hopefully it won't take long and we won't be waylaid by yet more errands."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-16, 10:08 AM
"Fine but at least have some one tend to my wounds before we go... Just because I am concious doesn't mean I am ready for batle." The dwarf looks at the sizable teeth marks in her scarred flesh and sighs deeply.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-16, 11:38 AM
The rest of the day passes as the group heals up and explores the area. The forest is lush here, just the right balance between marshy and dry, and the plants thrive from it.

The next morning, the question remains.... Which way now?

2013-09-16, 02:04 PM

"So what way are these evil Fae? I'm ready to go hunt for them if you guys are."
Roqoan has his backpack and all his stuff ready.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-16, 02:16 PM
Brin looks at her fiancee "No idea, but i suppose one could think of that pink dragon then imagine it as a sadistic maniac. They didn't exactly teach us about these things in the monastary you know, hey Alistar do you know anything about these creatures? Would you or your wolf be able to track them by scent?"

2013-09-16, 02:21 PM
"We know the general direction from what the dryad told us. I suspect they'll let us know when we get close."

2013-09-16, 03:25 PM

Alistar shrugs as he prepares to leave. "Never really run into any "evil" fae before. I'd imagine that they're like regular fae, only less mischievous and more malicious. And baring any weird fae magic, I should be able to track them just like anything else."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-17, 11:33 AM
You retrace your path, and follow the directions the satyr gave you.

After a day and a half of travel, you come to a quiet part of the forest. A hill to the west draws your eye, and after a short walk through thick brush, a ruined, circular keep looms out of the forest, surrounded by towering, ancient trees draped with hanging moss. Four circular towers sprout from the cracked walls like the trunks of great trees, at least one crumbled into rubble. Twisting vines and thick moss cover the walls in a coat of verdant green, blending the ruins almost seamlessly into the surrounding woods. The overgrown remains of a path lead to an open, arched gateway gaping in the keep's eastern wall, its doors long since rotted away.

The forest is still, as you consider this aged edifice...

2013-09-17, 11:44 AM
Johan takes a moment to enjoy the scene before taking more practical measures.shield, then detect magic, keeping it up as we go

2013-09-17, 12:23 PM

Alistar stops, taking a moment to look at the ruin. "I wonder why someone built this in the middle of the forest? I mean, what purpose did it serve?" He begins cautiously moving down the path toward the entrance, keeping an eye out as he goes.

Perception: 1d20+16 +2 more if we count as being in a forest. Good lord, I just have ALL THE PERCEPTION now. Edit: Seems I messed this one up. Meh, I'll stick it in the OOC.
Survival: [roll0] Again, +2 if we're in a forest. Just to see if there's anything interesting to smell.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-17, 12:32 PM

Yes, you currently do count as being in a forest, at least until you enter the keep.


Oddly enough, Alistar detects a lingering scent of fine cologne. He's fairly sure it wasn't here a minute ago.

2013-09-17, 12:39 PM

Roqoan rubs his hands together.
"Fantastic! Another castle hidden away in the wilds, like a hidden gem. If this is the place the evil Fae are holed up in, it means we'll soon have another castle. And if there are other inhabitants i'm sure we could make more allies here.
It's a wonder the people who built this were able to do it in the middle of this huge forest. How did they get all the materials here?
Fermor, you're the history buff here. Do remember anything about who could have built this?"
Roqoan let's Iago jump out of his arm. "Go ahead buddy, make a little flight over the castle and let me know if you see anything interesting."

Roqoan casts detect magic to try and spot anything magical around here.
He also tries to do a rough check-up on the castle to see if it's not about to collapse or something like that. And to see if the architecture tells him something about who built it.

Knowledge architecture and engineering: [roll0]

2013-09-17, 12:43 PM

After a few steps, Alistar stops. "You smell that?" He takes another step, sniffing again. "Smells like...oh, what's it called. That perfume that noblemen wear when they're trying to be fancy....uh... cologne, that's it! He takes a few more steps forward, trying to zero in on the scent. "Yah, that's definitely it. Why the hell would anyone be wearing cologne out here?"

Any chance of being able to zero in on the source of the smell?

Morbis Meh
2013-09-17, 12:57 PM
Brin looks around, cold iron arrow drawn, poised for any sign of anything even related to a threat. She was sick of being partially eaten and if she had to put up with anything like that blasted fairy dragon... well at least she was allowed to kill it this time instead of being nice to it. At the mention of perfume Brin smirks "Maybe they knew we had a wolfman with us so they threw some in the air to cover up their scent from you."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-17, 01:09 PM
Alistar cannot seem to find a source for the scent. It's faint to begin with, and it's just sort of THERE.

2013-09-17, 02:30 PM

Alistar continues sniffing around, seemingly puzzled. "You know Brin, you might actually be on to something. This smell is all over, but faintly. It doesn't really seem to be coming from anywhere." He continues, slowly working his way toward the entrance to the keep.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-17, 02:35 PM
...And that's about the point that everyone gets a whiff of a strong, spicy smell in the air.


Fortitude save DC 15, please. The air is now filled with something like cayenne pepper. Fail and be nauseated for [roll0] minutes.

2013-09-17, 02:48 PM

The appearance of the new smell causes Alistar to choke for a moment, before pulling out a piece of cloth and covering his nose and mouth. "Gah, that's strong. The hell did that come from?" He continues looking around, trying to see where this new smell might have come from.

Chained Birds
2013-09-17, 03:13 PM

"Is the bad smell coming closer or something? Or did it just suddenly appear?"

Maple is unsure of Alistar's reactions.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-17, 03:17 PM
Alistar pulls out his lens and fiddles with it...


(I don't mind if you guys read this but at least wait until Alistar says something before you act on it.)

Huh, there's tracks. Small humanoid tracks... All around your group. Almost in circles. Fresh tracks, too, and...

Wait a minute, now there's more tracks off to the side...

Wait, now there's another circle around the group...

2013-09-17, 03:30 PM

I remember seeing a great image of a werewolf with a monocle once. Sadly, I seem unable to find it now.

Alistar continues looking around as he does his best to ignore the strong smell in the air. "Well, there are definitely small tracks all over, could be fae. Quite fresh...wait... He looks off to his side. "there are some over here too..." He begins looking all around at the ground near the group before stopping, calmly removing the Lens, and putting it away. "They're quite literally all around us. Making circles, in fact. Possibly invisible."

Since circles tend to have significance in ritual magic, knowledge nature check to see if Alistar knows whether or not they're in the middle of doing something horrible to us, or are just messing with us.

Knowledge - Nature: [roll0]

2013-09-17, 03:44 PM

"Let me try something."
Roqoan summons a small golden sphere and throws it towards the in front of them on the way to the castle. It will explode into a cloud of golden dust that outlines every invisible thing there.
He also tries to remember anything about magic like this and magic that has something to do with circles.

Glitterdust in front of us but making sure none of us are hit by it, 10ft radius.
And knowledge arcana: [roll0]

2013-09-18, 07:01 AM
Johan has the same thought as Roquan, but follows with a different spell. Sticky tendrils burst out, seeking to anchor all in their grasp.web (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/web)where the glitterdust hit, targeted to JUST not catch any of us, anchoring to whatever is available, DC 15, ref negates

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-18, 08:32 AM
The glitterdust... Bursts out and illuminates nothing. The web explodes across the face of the keep, and... Catches nothing.

Is that the wind sighing, or is it distant laughter? Hard to tell.


Well, that seemed to have stopped the tracks. Whatever was running circles around you isn't, anymore.


As Alistar describes it, there is no particular significance to this circle, or running circles around things.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-18, 09:01 AM
Brin rolls her eyes "Oh goody goody, seems that we have found them, now what oh fearless leader, this was your idea. If we would have stuck to the plan we would be troll hunting right now and I know for certain that they ARE visible."

Chained Birds
2013-09-18, 09:38 AM

"I could always just walk into the keep solo and see what's up. Although Doggy Alistar would also be helpful, seeing as he is our Warden and everything. Anyways, I'd rather we talk things out with these guys first, rather than shoot them without giving them a chance.
Remember, like when we first started our quest?"

Maple has yet to draw her weapon.

2013-09-18, 10:00 AM
Fermor lays a hand on her, and imbues the girl with as much power as he can. "If ye be going, dun take tha magicks, lassie."

You have +5 to a single Charisma check, chosen in the next hour.

2013-09-18, 10:46 AM

"I tend to agree, Maple. Let's at least give 'em a chance to talk things out first. Who knows, maybe they'll be semi reasonable."

"But if you hear me howl, the rest of you better come runnin'."

Would I be correct in assuming my Hunter's Howl would be audible from a fair way away?

2013-09-18, 11:16 AM
"Talk first, but we all stay together."

Chained Birds
2013-09-18, 11:53 AM

"I can not agree with that Onearm Johan. It is bad enough that two of us are going in to talk things through. If everyone goes in, it'll appear we are only truly there to fight."

Maple stretches her hand up to Johan's shoulder.

"Trust in us. If things go wrong, we know you guys will be right outside for us."

She then signals to Alistar.

"Let's head in."

2013-09-18, 12:52 PM

"Sure, leave the only experienced diplomat outside...." Roqoan mumbles to himself, but he doesn't stop Maple and Alistar.
If these are the evil fae, even he would most likely not be able to make a deal with them. There's probably going to be fighting and he doesn't want to be the one trapped inside when it starts.

2013-09-19, 06:58 AM
Johan pushes her hand aside. "We are outnumbered against a foe we cannot see. We stay together. And Roquan is our diplomat."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-19, 08:44 AM
Brin is slowly losing her patience, they've stood around long enough while whatever is out there watched. She now understood why there was such a high rate of alcoholism among adventurers. "No splitting, always a bad idea, you forget you are dealing with creatures of old magicks, they could simply silence you and the rest of would have no idea you're being butchered. So lets either move on or leave I am tired of standing around while you have these meaningless arguements."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-19, 11:22 AM
And so, the group proceeds through the archway. It's certainly wide enough for everyone to move through with ease.

Up until the point that Maple's foot hits a rope, concealed among some weeds.


As the rusty portcullis, suspended high above the arch, crashes to spear itself into the ground below!

Fail, and take [roll0] damage. Succeed and take none

2013-09-19, 11:43 AM

Alistar manages to hear the portcullis dropping and throws himself forward, out of the way.

As he recovers he pulls out both his swords, watching the way forward. "Everybody okay?"


Morbis Meh
2013-09-19, 11:49 AM
Brin also spots the portcullis but is a little too slow and has the rusty metal pierce her flesh, hitting a majory artery in her back.

Chained Birds
2013-09-19, 12:16 PM

Maple removes a large piece of metal sticking through her body.

"It would have been better if only Doggy Alistar and I walked through first. Either way, the damage I have received is minor at best."

Maple proceeds to heal her wound before it become too noticeable.

Lay on Hands: (7/8)
- [roll0]

2013-09-19, 01:16 PM

Roqoan has Always been bad at looking at his environment. That's why he's a crappy explorer.
And what makes him more of a crappy explorer is the fact that he didn't hear the giant portcullis crash down on him. Or that he isn't fast enough to duck out of the way.

He's lying on the ground face down. He must have missed the last 5 seconds because he doesn't remember falling. His chin and wrists are a bit sore, but he seems to be fine.
But when he tries to stand up, there's some sort of tug on his leg and he falls on his chin again. He looks at his leg and notices one of the spikes of the portcullis sticking through his thigh!
That's when the pain starts kicking in.

Alistar is asking if everybody's alright.
Roqoan wants to ask him for help, but that's about the time he spots Brin and the blood flowing out of her back. But she ducks away from the gate and out of his sight. And with his leg stuck under the portcullis he can't turn to keep her in his sight.
"Not alright, Alistar. I'm stuck. Can't see Brin, is she alright? There was blood on her! Is she alright?"

HP: 3/28

2013-09-19, 02:01 PM
Fermor grunts as the portcullis stabs through his armor. He grunts, but manages to stab his axe into the ground. "Glory... Glory.. Glory..." He mutters, half crazed and thrashing wildly to get the steel out of his back. Still, the muttering is enough to activate his holy symbol, and the axe novas with a moment of golden healing.

[roll0] healing for everyone.

2013-09-20, 07:10 AM
Johan too gets hit by the peculiarly deep portcullis.

2013-09-20, 10:47 AM

Alistar glances back when Roquan speaks to him, and his eyes widen. "Oh, hell's bells." He quickly shethes his swords again before turning back to help.

"Everybody's gonna be okay Roquan. I need you all to stay calm here. Now, I'm gonna try to lift this thing up so that you guys can get out from under it."

"Not gonna lie, this is probably gonna hurt."

Strength check to try to lift the portcullis so that everybody can get un-pinned by it. This is probably going to fail miserably.

Strength: [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-20, 11:02 AM
Alistar lifts the portcullis up a few feet... Enough for the pinned people to get loose.

Fermor's healing closes the wounds a bit, but people seem to still be hurting.

And from somewhere within the empty courtyard, there's laughter on the wind...

Now that you're in the courtyard, a graceful tower rises in the center of it, now overgrown with bushes, undergrowth, and several sizeable trees. Like the outer walls, the tower is draped in vines and creepers, and several small plants have taken up residence on ledges and in cracks along its sides.

There are four smaller round watchtowers along the walls, with mostly intact doors still upon them. The central tower has no doors, archways to the north and south open and showing darkness within. The central tower looks to be two stories high.

Huh, the southern wall has a large gap in it where part of the wall has collapsed.

2013-09-20, 11:09 AM
"Well, I'm sure they can hear us. Roquan, Maple, start talking."

2013-09-20, 11:19 AM

"As if that's going to help us, they've dropped a portcullis on us and laughed about it....
But very well, i'll do my best.
Fermor, a bit more healing would be nice if you can. My leg is killing me."

Roqoan steps forward limping. He doesn't feel like he's walking slower than before but it still hurts like hell. He casts a comprehend languages spell on himself, in case they answer in a language he doesn't speak.
"Hello there inhabitants of this castle.
My name is Roqoan. Me and my friends here are about half the ruling council of the Greenbelt Commonwealth. We're here to speak to you and discuss friendship between both our group and perhaps even an Alliance in the future.
Could you perhaps send one or a few people outside that have the authority to negotiate something like that. It'd be nice to talk to somebody face to face.

If you don't wish to discuss something like that, we'd still like to talk and meet the neighbours.
We're also very interested in the history of this castle as well, if you know anything about that."

Diplomacy: [roll0]
HP: 13/28

2013-09-20, 05:57 PM
Do you want us to Aid Another, Steckie?

Fermor nods, and channels another burst quickly. "Do ye think tha' tha fey had somethin' ta do with tha gate?"


Chained Birds
2013-09-22, 09:57 PM

"We can't assume anything, as the gate could have been their trap for some time, and we were the only creatures dumb enough to miss the obvious signs. Which explains the laughter.
While I don't agree with their humor, I do understand their dark comedy somewhat."

Maple will add to Roquan's address.

"Nice trap. We could be able to work things out with you guys creating similar defenses for us or something. There is no reason for today to end foully."

Aid Another (Diplomacy): [roll0]

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-22, 10:48 PM
There is no reply.

Chained Birds
2013-09-22, 10:54 PM

She steps up behind Roquan to whisper something to him,

"Should I try advancing to trigger any other traps? I doubt we'll actually find them without walking straight into them, and I have the highest survival with Fermor backing me up here."

Morbis Meh
2013-09-23, 09:42 AM
Brin shrugs "Go for it Maple, these things aren't here to talk so lead the way... we just need some way to detect them since they will be invisible."

Chained Birds
2013-09-23, 10:23 AM

Maple will use her detection first, then walk forward if nothing is detected.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-23, 11:03 AM
Maple walks forward. She doesn't seem to encounter any traps in her area.

The central tower remains, as do the four guard towers on the wall, each between a compass point. (NW, SW, NE, SE...)

Which direction would Maple like to saunter towards?

2013-09-23, 11:05 AM
"I'm beginning to wonder if we should just return once we are better equipped to deal with invisible foes."

Chained Birds
2013-09-23, 12:43 PM

"We are kind of closed off due to that trap from earlier. There is also no telling if they will attack us while trying to lift the thing, or when someone tries going through it while we are lifting it up... Might be best to deal with things now and we may find a better exit."

Maple ventures to the Middle Tower.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-24, 10:12 AM
And so Maple walks alone into the central tower of the keep.


This wide chamber has an impressive vaulted ceiling. Though obscured in places by earth and undergrowth, the hall's floor is crafted of smooth stone tiles in multicolored pastel hues. The walls of the chamber are decorated with faded frescoes of sylvan life, showing scenes of beautiful elves engaged in hunting, feasting, dancing, singing, and a bewildering variety of other idyllic pursuits. To the west, a graceful, filigreed stone staircase, garlanded with flowering vines, climbs to the level above.

The courtyard remains still and quiet, though somewhere on the other side of the tower, a rock skitters against the cobbles.

Chained Birds
2013-09-24, 10:52 AM

Maple Advances further.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-24, 11:03 AM

Well, the only way to advance is up the stairs, so there you go!

The stairs end in a circular room featuring wide windows draped with hanging vines that offer panoramic views of the keep's overgrown courtyard and the forest beyond. An open circular skylight in the ceiling provides glimpses of the forest canopy overhead. The walls between the windows are carved with exquisite, delicate nature motifs highlighted in gold and silver leaf. A riot of flowers, plants, and bushes sprout from the thick loam that carpets the hall's floor, as if one were walking in a fantastic glade elevated high above the forest floor.

There is a beautiful, graceful elven woman with alabaster skin, golden hair, and emerald green eyes flitting around the room. She wears a flowing white gown of archaic elven style, tied at the waist with a blood red scarf. And she is currently dancing as she goes, humming almost inaudibly, swaying... It's rather fascinating...


Fail, and... Wow. That's... It's... That dance is FASCINATING. You are dazed until further notice.

Succeed and nothing happens, though it's certainly a very good dance. Your head hurts a little.


Quick question... Do you gentlemen have the Eschew Materials feat?

2013-09-24, 11:09 AM
"Alistair and I could probably lift it, enlarging if we must. Better to face a few moments of attack than...splitting up? Have you seen something?"

2013-09-24, 11:37 AM

After a few moments of indecision, Alistar decides that discretion is not, in fact, the better part of valor. Also, he's quite curious to see what is in these ruins...

He follows Maple into the ruined tower, a little bit behind.

2013-09-24, 11:39 AM

"Guess we're all following Maple." Roqoan says while heading in the same direction.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-24, 12:32 PM
Brin rolls her eyes "Whatever... I say we get a crew of dwarven sapiers and take down his damn fort with siege engines, maybe we will squish the little buggers in the process." Bow string taunt the dwarven archer follows along with her fiancee.

2013-09-24, 12:50 PM

"Please don't damage our new castle more than it has already been damaged. If we put some time and money into this place it could be a pretty decent fortress. This could be our forward military post if we ever need to move against that pile of manure Hannis Drelev."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-24, 12:52 PM
The group heads into the central tower.

This wide chamber has an impressive vaulted ceiling. Though obscured in places by earth and undergrowth, the hall's floor is crafted of smooth stone tiles in multicolored pastel hues. The walls of the chamber are decorated with faded frescoes of sylvan life, showing scenes of beautiful elves engaged in hunting, feasting, dancing, singing, and a bewildering variety of other idyllic pursuits. To the west, a graceful, filigreed stone staircase, garlanded with flowering vines, climbs to the level above.

Alistar sets out upstairs, soon presumably catching up with Maple.


The stairs end in a circular room featuring wide windows draped with hanging vines that offer panoramic views of the keep's overgrown courtyard and the forest beyond. An open circular skylight in the ceiling provides glimpses of the forest canopy overhead. The walls between the windows are carved with exquisite, delicate nature motifs highlighted in gold and silver leaf. A riot of flowers, plants, and bushes sprout from the thick loam that carpets the hall's floor, as if one were walking in a fantastic glade elevated high above the forest floor.

There is a beautiful, graceful elven woman with alabaster skin, golden hair, and emerald green eyes flitting around the room. She wears a flowing white gown of archaic elven style, tied at the waist with a blood red scarf. And she is currently dancing as she goes, humming almost inaudibly, swaying... It's rather fascinating...

Fail and be dazed until further notice. Succeed and you can act normally. Your head DOES hurt a bit, though.

As Brin pulls the bowstring taut and advances, there's a flash of metal and the bowstring snaps! Her bow nearly rebounds, but her reflexes save her from being thwacked by it.

Brin and Roqoan
Perception DC 35

You shouldn't be reading this if you didn't roll that high.

If you DID roll that high apologies, and I'll letcha know what you see.

Chained Birds
2013-09-24, 01:02 PM

Rubbing her head a bit (Before Alistar arrives),

"Greetings, I'm Maple Leafsinger, a Mortal Sword of Sarenrae. I apologize for intruding on your dance and all, but could we discuss some things... perhaps in the Common tongue or something?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-24, 01:14 PM

Alistar comes tromping up the steps in time to catch Maple talking.

"Oh hey, did you find someone up her-." He stops in his tracks. He stares at the scene fascinated, as he slowly moves over to Maple. What...what is going on here?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-24, 01:27 PM

The elven woman slowly ceases to dance, a barest flicker of emotion crossing her face. She comes to a stop beside a folding screen, one flawless hand cupping an elbow, while her other caresses her chin in a manner that seems almost provocative, strange as it sounds.

"Really now. You come here unbidden, and break our door, fill our noses with your mortal scents, and bear arms readied against one who carries none? And on top of such rudeness, you insist that we converse in vulgar tongues? I see little to discuss, save reparations for the trespass."


Her canine teeth are very long, and very sharp. You may roll knowledge nature if you have it.

You hear muffled discussion coming from above you.


Well, that's where Maple and Alistar are, more or less.

2013-09-24, 01:38 PM

Alistar replies to the elven woman the strange language he occasionally uses.


Would you perhaps prefer to to speak this way?

I apologize for our trespass, we were simply investigating this ruin. We saw no overt signs of habitation, though we were told that there may be fae in the area. We were hoping to, well, meet our neighbors for lack of a better way to say it.

OOC Question:

Who is baring arms? Is she talking about when Alistar briefly drew his swords after the portcullis fell?

2013-09-24, 01:38 PM

"Let's go upstairs and help Maple and Alistar. They're talking to someone, i might actually be usefull up there.
Something wrong with your bow, Brin?"
Roqoan heads up the stairs while talking to Brin.

Chained Birds
2013-09-24, 01:39 PM

Maple acknowledges Alistar's arrival and Sylvan words, before beginning her conversation.

"I wish I knew your language, though I'll say my piece, regardless if it might be repeating what my friend here said.

We did hear laughter after the door fell on us, so at least we entertained the ones in the courtyard, I guess. Though we are here on bequest of some other Fae who tell of evil Fae inhabit these lands.
Now, I want to be on good terms with the original inhabitants of these lands so our people and potentially yours can behave. So, any chance could you tell us a bit about this place and those who inhabit it?"

Perception Check: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2013-09-24, 01:44 PM
Brin notices the flash of metal and watches her bow fly across the room, first they harm her and then they mess with her bow. Repressing the black rage forming underneath the surfice, Brin simply smiles thinking of all of the terrible things she is going to do to these creeps as she walks towards her bow while grabbing her back up bow string.

Well unless I can roll a 21 on a d20 I will be unable to see what happen, obviously an invisible assailant... let me know if you have any problems with the back up bow string, any archer worth their salt has a few extras since they aren't exactly hard to come by.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-24, 02:07 PM
Roqoan arrives upstairs to find a a circular room featuring wide windows draped with hanging vines that offer panoramic views of the keep's overgrown courtyard and the forest beyond. An open circular skylight in the ceiling provides glimpses of the forest canopy overhead. The walls between the windows are carved with exquisite, delicate nature motifs highlighted in gold and silver leaf. A riot of flowers, plants, and bushes sprout from the thick loam that carpets the hall's floor, as if one were walking in a fantastic glade elevated high above the forest floor.

There is a beautiful, graceful elven woman with alabaster skin, golden hair, and emerald green eyes flitting around the room. She wears a flowing white gown of archaic elven style, tied at the waist with a blood red scarf. She is currently standing with her arms crossed next to a screen, cupping her chin and speaking to Alistar in a gentle, lilting tongue.


"An apology... Hardly eloquent, but one supposes it is a start. Neighbors? What now, are the wolves returning to these lands? Oh dear, dearie me. Things shall surely become delightfully bloody. How DREADFUL for the local mortals. What shall happen when the Monolith takes note of you, wolf of the old blood? Will you turn upon your short friend here, oh furry one? I should pay good coin to see that."

The woman's eyebrow lifts marginally when Maple says her piece, and her look upon the armored halfling is full of scorn. She replies in the common tongue.

"Well. As I am a font of kindness, generosity, and other such silly notions then obviously the fey who told you that are lying and wicked themselves. You should GO and CHOP THEIR HEADS OFF."


Will save, DC 20. Fail, and that sounds like a really great idea to you, and you're gonna try to go do that immediately!

Succeed, and realize that a weird compulsion affected you for a few seconds, to do just that... But you managed to shake it off.

"That will teach them to be lying liars who lie."

As Brin finishes restringing her bow and Roqoan heads upstairs...


Someone just tried to make a grab for your spell component pouch! You stopped them. If you read this, then note when you read the lower message, he grabbed some other random pouch and not your spell components.


There's a muffled curse, and over by Johan, for a second, a small figure in tattered finery is visible. He is a grayish humanoid of about Maple's size with two protruding, buglike antennae, solid black eyes, and three fingered hands. He flips Johan's spell component pouch up and down in his loose hand as he sheathes a dagger with his main hand, then grins and takes off at LUDICROUS speeds, back out the door and around the tower, out of your sight before you can say BOO.

You may roll knowledge-nature if you have it.

JOHAN - you may roll an opportunity attack as the thief flees. No one else may act.

2013-09-24, 02:21 PM

"Yes! Yes, you're right! I see it now.
Melonsie was lying. That satyr was lying. Even Pervilash was lying, but i will get to him eventually.
First i'm taking care of Melonsie and that satyr."
Roqoan draws his dagger (even though it's a few days walking to Melonsie) and heads towards the staircase.

He hums a little melody and mumbles to himself. "Redrum. Redrum. Redrum"

2013-09-24, 02:27 PM

Alistar silently groans as the words "evil fae" leave Maple's mouth. He's just about to admonish her when...

Suddenly, his mind is at peace. The Lady is right, the other fae are liars and deceivers. And they should be punished accordingly.


Of course you are correct, M'Lady. They will be punished for their attempt to deceive us.

He turns, and follows Roquan back down the staircase.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-24, 02:29 PM
Brin gingerly begins refitting her bow string, looking around cautiously to ensure the same misdeed isn't done again...

perception [roll0]

And that's when she catches the damn filthy bug fae causing all of the problems! "Oy when I get my hands on you I will wring that bloody neck of yours, noone messes with my bow and lives. Oh by the way... Johan he just filched your spell components...

Chained Birds
2013-09-24, 02:35 PM

Maple just stands there looking at the woman. She raises an eyebrow,

"Am I really going to have to end this conversation with some detection here? Because I'd appreciate it if you stopped with these tactics already... Is it really that hard to talk things through? Or are you as barbaric as the Bandits we destroyed a few months back?"

2013-09-24, 03:25 PM
Johan sees Roquan disappear up the steps. "Yes, lets all scatter about surrounded by invisible and unknown enemies. This is a good plan. Let's not JUST LEAVE. I swear, if we all die here<mutter mutter>."

He stays next to Brin, unwilling to leave any alone here.

Seeing her catch the creature. "Hey!"did Brin actually stop it, or is it gone?

2013-09-24, 04:35 PM
Sad I don't get to make a Will Save. I'm actually good at those.

Fermor stares at his friends for a second, and then realizes something. "Yer not yerselves. Ain't none o ya would backstab tha good fae... other 'n Roquan, if a kingdom was involved... or Brin, if it was funny or they insulted her... Or Alistair, if he done been mind washed..." He shakes his head so hard the helmet spins on his head. "Ya did somethin' ta mah frins, an I dun 'ate that." Fermor blasts them with a bit of GLORY magic, and hopes to heaven it works.

Dispel Magic, hoping to end their Command/Dominate effect.

2013-09-25, 11:17 AM
Cursing his lost components, Johan quickly gathers a few cobwebs from the corner of the room.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-25, 11:29 AM

The woman frowns at Maple. "And yet again you show me rudeness. Tsk. I've shown you nothing but courtesy, you, who are an uninvited guest to my house. I can NOT simply imagine what tactics you think I may be employing."

"You are unwanted here, and you tempt my ire. Little girls should go home and not bother their betters."


Perception Check DC 37

Yep, here comes that bug fae again...

Morbis Meh
2013-09-25, 11:40 AM
Brin shoulders her bow, knowing that it was a moot point to fight this unprepared, whatever that bug thing was it was too fast and bloody invisible for them to deal with at the moment. Cupping her hands together Brin yells towards Maple "Hey Maple, lets just leave this damn place already, you guys rushed in here without being prepared for crying out loud. Let's leave these damn things alone, the dragon and trolls that will be approaching soon will take care of them anyways."

Chained Birds
2013-09-25, 11:59 AM

Maple scowls and shouts at the woman, obviously angered by her behavior,

"I work with a charming Spellcaster, and deal with people of Arcane and Divine influence. I've dealt will many creatures that have harmed me with both their claws and their words. Don't look down on me!

I'm probably the only person in our group that will give you a chance, because for all we know, evil Fae live here and want to do evil things! And by the way, you haven't really persuaded me to think otherwise."

Maple cools off a bit.

"This is all I want: you keep your keep and live like nothing is going on, but promise not to harm the people outside your keep. We will be expanding, and the passage of time will show the growth of civilization around your home, but if you agree to my proposal, our growth will not affect you unless you break your end of the bargain

We can discuss a camaraderie at a later date or something."

2013-09-25, 12:01 PM
Seeing the two return and act oddly, Johan checks them for signs of magic. detect magic, no material component, spellcraft [roll0]

(finding them enchanted, whether or not he can identify it)
"Maple is still up there. I'm going to check on her. Fermor, you have silence prepared? If there is a mage I just as soon be a surprise. Here's the hand signal to dismiss it." He raises his good hand and flashed 1-3-5 with his fingers.

His hooks spark with stored energy.adding keen and +1, holding an empowered SG.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-25, 12:05 PM
The woman's eyes widen, and she covers her mouth with a pure white hand as she laughs, scornfully.

"Oh-oh-oh-ho-ho! Such bravado! Such anger! Such FIRE in your... Mmm, blood... My oh my, you mortals DO amuse. Now let me DO see if I understand you... You promise not to steal that which we already have, in exchange for living a life of utter boredom, devoid of amusements, until your screaming, stinking, greedy batch of mortal whelps eventually number enough that we cannot escape the growth of their foul cities? Now why on earth should we ever accept such a one-sided arrangement?"

Chained Birds
2013-09-25, 12:16 PM

"I don't understand the boredom thing. We do allow the Fae we have met to do mischief, just so long as nothing is irreparably harmed and no one actually dies. They also were fine with the expansion of our civilization, just so long as we didn't touch the deep woods. But they also offered aid in order to ensure we work together.
Your people can be a part of things too and live with us in peace. It is actually not a bad deal, as civilization will eventually come to these lands and it'll be best for you guys to be on our side."

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-26, 11:56 AM

The lady rolls her eyes. "Irrepreable harm? Bah. Death? Double bah! You mortals breed like BUGS. What do you care if we have our sport? There's always more of you. My answer is no, no nay never."

She smiles, as her canines begin to grow and elongate, as her painted nails stiffen and stretch, turning into bloody-seeming claws. "Besides, an eternity without dinner is no eternity worth contemplating. Thrice you asked and thrice denied. Best you now to run and hide. Or you'll meet your gods on the other side..."


Choose a target for your dispel, then roll a d20 and add your level, sir.

Chained Birds
2013-09-26, 05:15 PM

Maple gives the woman a dumbfounded look. Then she claps her hands together and gives her a big smile.

"Are you a Vampire?! Please tell me you are a Vampire or something! Father Wisely always had a lot to say about Vampires and junk. Come on, don't be shy."

Maple does a joyful dance in place before twirling her fingers towards the woman, awaiting a response.

2013-09-27, 07:00 AM
"The enchantment should wear off in a few hours. I'm going upstairs." He charges up the way the two came down.

Morbis Meh
2013-09-27, 08:22 AM
Brin shrugs and lets her husband to be wander off like a good little drone while heading up the stairs behind Johan, removing her bow from her shoulder as she climbs the stairs.

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-27, 08:22 AM
The woman gives Maple an obviously dumbfounded look, completely derailing whatever drama she was building up to.

"What... I... Oh CITIES. Look, how could you even think that! It's daytime outside, and the skylight's letting light right through- How STUPID do you have to be to even- I... You know what, just go. Just take your people and go, you're a walking headache-"

Then Johan comes charging upstairs! The woman screams, dives behind the screen, and the vegetation growing in the cracks of the floor EXPLODES UPWARDS into a mess of lashing vines!

Johan, Maple, REFLEX SAVE DC 17

Fail and be entangled!

Fermor finishes his spell, and Alistar shakes his head, feeling his thoughts return to normal. Roqoan merrily heads outside, looking to do some fae murdery on his friends.

As Johan goes charging up, there's a WHOOSH of displaced air. Fermor feels something bump against him.

PERCEPTION CHECK DC 25 (20 if you have SCENT)And the bug fae fades into existence next to Fermor, clutching Fermor's holy symbol. He pockets it with a smug look.

But since you saw him last time, and were ready for him to show up again, this time he doesn't quite get away clean...

Then there's an ear piercing scream from upstairs!


Morbis Meh
2013-09-27, 08:53 AM
Bring spots the bloody bug this time before it slinks off and unleashes a torrent of arrows in it ugly face before it vanishes again, a smug smile crosses her face as she pulls out the cold iron tipped arrows.

So burning a Ki point 8/9 and a PS 6/7
Arrow 1
attack +1 if within 30 ft
damage [roll [1d8+7+1 if within 30ft

Arrow 2
attack +1 if within 30 ft
damage [roll [1d8+7+1 if within 30ft

Arrow 3
attack +1 if within 30 ft
damage [roll [1d8+7+1 if within 30ft

Arrow 4
attack +1 if within 30 ft
Perfect Strike [roll4]+1 if within 30 ft
damage [roll [1d8+7+1 if within 30ft

Chained Birds
2013-09-27, 09:16 AM

Maple casually walks through the vines as though they were nothing.

"These abilities don't work on me. You should know that by now."

Maple takes out her Hackbut and starts walking towards the screen with a stoic face.

"I do apologize for confusing you with an undead abomination, though it doesn't dispute the fact that you just said you will not change your evil ways and will continue to harm those around you for sport. It is so sad we can't see eye to eye, so why not end this conversation like you want."

Maple calls upon the divine forces to enchant one of the barrels of her gun.

"With one of us dead."

Move Action: Walk towards the screen (Around 10ft due to difficult terrain)
Free Action: Draw Double Hackbut
Standard Action: Divine Bond the 1st Barrel

2013-09-27, 10:19 AM

Yah, this new spoiler thing is kinda cool.

I'm assuming I'll need to roll this if I'm coming upstairs.

Alistar stops. What the hell was he doing? Why would he even want to hurt Pervilash o-

"Dammit! That bitch messed with my head!" He notes Roquan still marching out, but he really doesn't care at this point. That thing tried to take his mind away from him, and that makes him MAD.

Alistar runs back upstairs after Johann, right into the tangle of vines. Not that he cares. He begins shouting in an odd language once more, but this time there is a guttural growl behind his words.

That was small of you M'Lady. I didn't want to fight you. Since you seemed to know about this place, about my people, I would have loved to just talk to you. I was even willing to get the paladin to back off. But then you messed with my head.

NOBODY messes with my head.

He pulls out his swords and bares his teeth with a loud snarl.

I'm just going to assume that running upstairs/ranting/readying weapons is going to take up all my actions for this first turn.

2013-09-27, 11:10 AM
Johan pushes forward, slowed by the vines. "Just blast her,Maple. Her intent is proven."double move, trying to get close enough to melee

2013-09-27, 11:39 AM

Maple and Johan are upstairs. Not interesting.
Brin is firing arrows at something he can't even see. Meh, let the ball and chain do whatever she wants.
Alistar wants to kill the lady that made him see the truth? Mildly interesting, but she can take care of herself.

Roqoan has better things to do. Slit the throat of Melonsie.
Hang the satyr upsidedown over a fire.
And then Pervilash. And Buxxit. Kill them as well. And the other Fae. Once that's done he'll rename Twylight Hold to something more fitting. It shouldn't remain named after one of those creatures.
Perhaps he should name it FaeDeath. Yes, FaeDeath! FaeDeath, capital of FaeMurder. Marvelous!

He keeps on heading outside, ignoring the others, and starts searching for the horses. Where did they leave the horses?

2013-09-30, 11:44 AM
So, I know that I don't have my holy symbol anymore, but Fermor doesn't. So, when he goes to cast a spell this round, what happens?

Also, as a note, my *axe* is my holy symbol. Which means I have no weapons right now. :smalleek:

The dwarf grunts, and begans to chant, but finds that...

Lost Demiurge
2013-09-30, 12:37 PM
The voice comes from behind the screen. "Oh ho ho ho ho ho! You come into MY very bedchamber and offer ME a horrible deal that benefits me not, then expect me to meet you with anything less than scorn and contempt? Crawl off and die, fools, or stay and feed us, 'tis all the same!"

And as Johan passes the bed to start passing around the screen, a large, hairy arm whips out from under it, grabs his leg, and pulls him underneath!

(Another DC 17 reflex save, or be entangled)

I'ts dark and cramped, and there's something with glowing eyes and hairy hide grabbing you, and trying to draw you in. Hot, stinking breath washes over you.

Well. The sword's not really usable in such tight quarters. But your hook, now... that has possibilities.

Might want to do something quickly though, this boogeyman seems hungry.

And suddenly Brin's bow is a blur of speed! A small humanoid figure with buglike antennae and grayish-green skin staggers... It swiftly turns to flee, and soon vanishes out of sight at ludicrous speeds, blurring and fading as it goes. You lose sight of it as it heads out into the courtyard and then leaves your field of view from the open archway of the tower.


That's a quickling, a wicked, mischevious fae who is so fast that when they run they turn invisible.

And Fermor raises his axe and casts his spell, without noticing that he's missing a pendant from around his neck. (Because heck, the fae didn't know what his holy symbol looked like. He just tried to guess.)

Meanwhile, Roqoan sees the horses outside the closed portcullis.

Hm, that hole in the southern wall should get him out to them. Just be a bit of a walk.

A strange, blurry small creature goes running past him at one point, but he's too busy plotting murder.


Morbis Meh
2013-09-30, 01:19 PM
Brin doesn't let up on the bug eyed freak, it can run all it wants because she made it bleed and she will hound the bloody thing to the ends of the earth with that trail. NO ONE BUT MYSELF TOUCHES MY BOW AND LIVES!

Alright LD Brin will trak the little bugger's blood trail which should be relatively easy... her action would be to run outside to follow it

survival to track I guess [roll0]

2013-09-30, 01:46 PM
Fermor thinks for a moment. "They be splittin' us ooop! Every'un, ta the top! Brin, getcha back 'ere and save tha others! Murder tha bugger later, ken?"

The first spell I cast was Shield of Faith, on myself.

This turn, I rush upstairs and cast Murderous Command on the thing under the bed. (DC 16)

Chained Birds
2013-09-30, 02:08 PM


"Please, you would have just disagreed with any proposal I made, as long as it involved not killing people. And a bedroom is a fine place to do diplomacy."

Maple stops after seeing Johan being dragged away.

"Then again, I'm also not a coward. Unlike some people hiding behind a Screen."

Swift Action: Sense Motive (DC 20)
- [roll1]
Standard Action: Antagonize (Intimidate)
- [roll2] +6 if Sense Motive is successful.

2013-09-30, 02:25 PM

"Curse you Portcullis! That's the second time you've foiled my plans today!"
Roqoan shouts, shaking his fists angrily at the piece of metal.

"Out of my way, blurry small creature, you're hindering my noble quest.
Onwards noble warriors! Towards the hole in the wall we go.
Wait, where are my noble warriors?
BAH!!! Those fools are still messing around in the castle while there are more important things to do.
Screw them, i'm going ahead without them. And i shall whistle a merry tune while doing it.
A merry tune that will spell doom for Melonsie!"
Roqoan walks towards the hole in the wall, while whistling his Doom-Tune.

2013-09-30, 02:55 PM

"Enough talk!" Alistar begins struggling through the vines and plantlife, trying to fight his way toward the screen.

Meanwhile outside, Cloud the wolf has finally managed to find the hole in the wall. As he does, he notices one of the other humans (not Alistar) aporoaching, but he seems to be acting strangely. Surely he shouldn't be leaving? Cloud watches as he stands at alert in the hole.

Alistar is doing as much moving as he pssibly can, trying to get up to the screen.

Cloud is going to block the hole in the wall, trying to prevent Roquan from going anywhere. Unless Steckie or LD woukd prefer this to not be a thing, in which case I'll take it out.

2013-09-30, 03:58 PM
Thank Erastil for proper preparations. Best not waste the opportunity. Johan reaches out toward the grasping arm with unusual delicacy, touching rather than striking a blow.

delivering the held empowered shocking grasp as a touch attack, forgoing weapon damage, getting +4 att from the wizard's hook.

att [roll0] vs touch
damage [roll1] shock

Lost Demiurge
2013-10-01, 05:16 PM

Roqoan starts to move around Cloud, but is blocked. Obviously the wolf wants him to stay here...

Brin stomps out and tries to track... Without much luck.


Fermor rushes upstairs... And sees both a rocking bed and Maple taunting a screen. Also a crap ton of vines, which grab at him.

Maple taunts the screen. The woman's laughter continues.

Alistar manages to rip his feet free, and move up to the screen.

And the furry creature under the bed grunts, as Johan singes it with electricity!

Mind you, it does its level best to kill him right back.


7 points of damage as a claw tears into you... But you are not yet pinned.


2013-10-01, 10:51 PM
Alistar and Cloud


Alistar manages to fight his way through the vines and makes it to the screen. With a snarl, he prepares to go after this faire-witch...

Dunno what the set up her is. If Alistar can move through/past the screen in a five-foot step, then he'll do so and then FULL ROUND ATTACK the crazy bitch. If not, then he'll move as much as he needs to and make his normal longsword attack.

HP: 55(67)/55(67)
AC: 22
DR: 5/Silver

If he has to move more then five feet, ignore all but the first longsword attack.

Longsword Attack 1 : [roll0]
Longsword Damage 1:[roll1]

Longsword Attack 2 : [roll2]
Longsword Damage 2:[roll3]

Shortsword Attack 1 :[roll4]
Shortsword Damage 1:[roll5]

Shortsword Attack 2 :[roll6]
Shortsword Damage 2:[roll7]

Bite Attack :[roll8]
Bite Damage:[roll9]

Longsword Confirm 1 :[roll10]
Longsword Damage 1:[roll11]

Longsword Confirm 2 :[roll12]
Longsword Damage 2 :[roll13]

Shortsword Confirm 1 :[roll14]
Shortsword Damage 1:[roll15]

Shortsword Confirm 2 :[roll16]
Shortsword Damage 2:[roll17]

Bite Confirm:[roll18]
Bite Damage:[roll19]

Also, willing to bet on the fae-witch not being behind the screen when Alistar tears it down.


Cloud continues to stand in the breach in the wall, staring impassively at Roquan. He doesn't do anything threatening, but he doesn't look like he's about to get out of the way either...

HP: 21/21
AC: 14

Cloud is just gonna stand there being IN THE WAY unless Roquan tries hard to get past him or does something hostile. On the off chance he does, Cloud is going to PREPARE AN ACTION to TRIP Roquan, without hurting him if possible.

Trip Attempt(If Needed):[roll20]

Morbis Meh
2013-10-02, 08:52 AM
Brin grumbles audibly to herself about losing such an obvious trail, she would have to get the wolf to do it later. Looking up she sees her idiot of a fiancee muttering death threats and babbling about some noble quest Gods why did I agree to marry such a simpleton.... Stomping towards him, she spins him around and punches him in the gut "Enough screwing around already, hunt the other fey on your own bloody time when our companions aren't in the middle of a bloody skirmish. Also quit that infernal whistling or I will break your jaw mister!"

Chained Birds
2013-10-02, 10:10 AM

I want to get these guys attention, but I can't waste a bullet... I guess I can do this. Maple thinks to herself. She then proceeds to grave a small vial. She then chucks the item behind the screen.

"Begone evil Vampire! I Smite you... with the water, because you probably smell bad..."

Move Action: Draw Holy Water
Standard Action: Throw Holy Water
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1] If effected by Holy Water
Swift Action: Shouting out her Smite Evil (1/2)

2013-10-02, 11:14 AM
Johan struggles against the arm, trying to break free. "You are entirely too forward."

Hearing the halfling, "Maple NOT A VAMPIRE! Quit wasting time and SHOOT IT."stag helm to flat foot the enemy, taking dex away feom cmd, grapple check vs opponent flat-footed CMD [roll0]

2013-10-02, 11:25 AM

"A doggy! What a pleasant surprise.
Well hello there little poodle, would you like to join me on my noble quest to kill Melonsie?
Poodles love killing things, right? You could squeeze her throat with you little poodle teeth and then i swoop in and slit her throat.
And afterwards we can go for a relaxing steam bath! I could get some eucalyptus from Brins garden, she wont mind if i..........."
That the point when he suddenly gets suckerpunched in the stomach.
He falls to the ground.
It was probably a mistake to think she wouldn't notice him talking about her garden.

Lost Demiurge
2013-10-03, 01:15 PM

Maple throws the holy water over the screen!

"...Why did you even DO THAT?" Says the voice from behind it. "Now my dress is a mess!"

Then Alistar steps around... And barely manages to fend off the clawed, fanged elven woman who tries to leap upon him! But fend her off he does, connecting twice with brutal strikes! She shrieks, as blood sprays.... The screen goes flying, clearly revealing her. She goes into a hissing, scratching fit... But Alistar's guard is tight, and he remains unscathed.

or be entangled.


The little bugfae just slid Maple's sword out of its sheathe! He's hiding behind her in the tall, thrashing weeds...

Meanwhile, under the bed, Johan manages to grab the Foul thing and twist it away from him! With a bellow it thrashes back, failing to break Johan's chokehold for now...


Fermor remains on guard, glancing about for trouble.


Roqoan falls to the ground as Brin punches him! Ooof!

Cloud continues to be worried.


Well, you've got a job to do, and it's killing those lying fae! Can't stay here. That said, you probably don't want to kill Brin and Cloud, who are obviously confused. Now how do you get past them nonlethally?


Chained Birds
2013-10-03, 02:06 PM


"Okay... I wonder where Onearm Johan went?"

Maple also gives a sigh at the woman.

"Man, I really don't feel like killing you. You're just so...

Alistar, what is the Fae word for pathetic?"

Maple still aims her Hackbut at the woman and decides to go for a non-lethal shot.

Swift Action: Focused Aim (5/6)
Full-Attack: Non-Lethal Double Hackbut Attacks VS Woman's Touch AC
- Attack 1: [roll1]
- Damage: [roll2] Non-Lethal
- Critical Confirm (20): [roll3]
- Critical Damage (x4): [roll4] Non-Lethal

- Attack 2: [roll5]
- Damage: [roll6] Non-Lethal
- Critical Confirm (20): [roll7]
- Critical Damage (x4): [roll8] Non-Lethal

2013-10-03, 02:12 PM

Roqoan stands up and dusts himself off. He walks a bit away from Cloud and Brin until he's standing with his back against the wall.
"Brin! Don't punch me, i haven't been in your garden!
And getting eucalyptus from your garden was this little poodle's idea. It was his idea to use it for our steam bath.
So, no more punching, right?

Now, i love you very much darling, but you and the little poodle are obviously confused. We need to kill Melonsie and the Satyr. And the other Fae. But if you and the poodle aren't going to help me, i'm going by myself.
Roqoan casts Spider Climb on himself and quickly walks up the wall on hands and feet.

Morbis Meh
2013-10-03, 02:14 PM
Brin looks down at Roqoan and sighs "Tell you what, lets look for the Dryad together, we can burn down her sacred tree and have a picnic, it can be a little outing of ours. OH DRAT!" She slams down her fist to emphasize that point "That sneaky vixen has placed a ward on her sacred, to protect herself from other Good Scythe Trees! I fear the only way we can penetrate it is with a key hidden in the pocket of that bug eyed fae!"

[roll0] a one or two level dip into inquisitor looks so good right now... wisdom in place of charisma for social checks!

2013-10-03, 02:25 PM
Edit: Ahh...people posting while I'm writing up my post.

Alistar and Cloud


Alistar snarls a few syllables in the same language as before, giving the fae witch a toothy, canine grin as he does.


Surely she doesn't think she can fight him like this? He can smell the blood from her injuries and it smells delicious. With a snarl, he presses the attack again.

HP: 55(67)/55(67)
AC: 22
DR: 5/Silver

Second verse, same as the first. Full round attacks for everyone! More specifically, fae witch-lady-person-thing.

Longsword Attack 1: [roll0]
Longsword Damage 1: [roll1]

Longsword Attack 2: [roll2]
Longsword Damage 2: [roll3]

Shortsword Attack 1: [roll4]
Shortsword Damage 1: [roll5]

Shortsword Attack 1: [roll6]
Shortsword Damage 1: [roll7]

Bite Attack: [roll8]
Bite Damage: [roll9]

Longsword Confirm 1: [roll10]
Longsword Damage 1: [roll11]

Longsword Confirm 2: [roll12]
Longsword Damage 2: [roll13]

Shortsword Confirm 1: [roll14]
Shortsword Damage 1: [roll15]

Shortsword Confirm 1: [roll16]
Shortsword Damage 1: [roll17]

Bite Confirm: [roll18]
Bite Damage: [roll19]


Cloud watches impassively as Brin assaults, and then lies to, her fiancee. Not his business, really. But he continues to sit in the hole in the wall.

As Roquan starts to climb the wall, Cloud springs into action, attempting to grab his clothes and drag him back to the ground.

HP: 21/21
AC: 14

Cloud continues to block the hole in the wall, and continues to prepare an action to trip Roquan should it prove necessary. I got a 21 for that in the previous post, but here's another one if I need it.

Cloud prepared an action to trip Roquan if he did anything over last turn, and he was going to do the same thing this turn. If I can't use the 21 I rolled for that last turn, then he'll try to trip this turn with the roll below.


Morbis Meh
2013-10-03, 02:28 PM
Seeing how Roqoan wasn't phased by her bluff, Brin aims her bow at Roqoan and unloads a pile of Blunt Arrows at his stupid face.

I think three arrows should be enough to put our caster friend down... also LD if Brin notices that Roqoan goes down at any point while she fires she WILL stop firing she just wants to knock him out not kill him

Arrow 1
attack [roll0] THIS IS NON LETHAL hence the -4 penalty
damage [roll1]

Arrow 2
attack [roll2] THIS IS NON LETHAL hence the -4 penalty
damage [roll3]

Arrow 1
attack [roll4] THIS IS NON LETHAL hence the -4 penalty
damage [roll5]

2013-10-03, 02:29 PM

"Really Brin? And you don't think that i would have noticed a ward on her grove? It's possible that i'm the best freaking mage in the whole Greenbelt, so i would definatly notice her put up a ward.
Besides, that evil Melonsie would never give the key to the wise Fae that lives here.

I know you're confused, probably by some weird spell Melonsie cast on you and the little poodle, so i'm not going to be angry at you.
But don't try to lie to me again, i see right through you and i know when you.......DON'T SHOOT ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!"

2013-10-03, 03:03 PM
Free of the creature's grasp, Johan wastes to time in going on the offensive. did the stag helm require an action? Your post didn't mention one so I assume its free. Spell rceall to get shocking grasp back, spell combat

concentration [roll0] vs 17
attack [roll1] vs flat footed
damage [roll2]
sh grasp [roll3]

attack 2
attack [roll4] (should be +1 higher, actually. Unless prone, but he'd get a bonus against a pronbe target too) vs flat footed
damage [roll5] ed - forgot +2 damage from enhancement bonus(delivering held shocking grasp if first missed) But loses his spell in the tussel.

Lost Demiurge
2013-10-04, 09:23 AM

Alistar slashes the fae woman! She staggers... And Maple blasts her with the Double Hackbut! She crumples, her scalp grazed by the weapon, but probably still alive.

As Maple fires, she cries out in pain! Behind her, a small, grayish-green creature with worn fancy clothes and buglike antennae has just stabbed her with her own sword... It grins, gives a cheeky wave, and runs back downstairs at impossibly high speeds!


Sneak attack! Take 8 points of damage

Meanwhile, Johan shanks the bogey, who claws into him again! The bed starts rocking again, and not in a good way, as the thing tries to manuver to eat Johan...


12 points of damage from 2 hits


Fermor's standing there on watch as the buglike fae runs downstairs! It flips over and past him, dodges the chain of perdition that Fermor hurls at it, runs out the door to the courtyard, and is gone.


The buglike fae is visible again over by the tower for a split second before it runs around it.

Meanwhile, Brin drops Roqoan with some blunted arrows, after Cloud drags him off the wall.

Cloud looks at Brin with a quizzical expression.


2013-10-04, 10:13 AM
I was just about to post my actions... :smallfrown:

Do I get an AoO?

Fermor leaps into action, and tries to chain up the fancybug.

Chain of Perdition on the bugman, if possible. If not, then I go up and do it to the woman upstairs.

2013-10-04, 10:32 AM
His attack somewhat successful despite his lapse, Johan collects himself and tries again. same thing this round, flat-foot, recover SG, spell combat/strike

concentration [roll0] vs 17

attack [roll1] vs flat-foot
damage [roll2]
shocking grasp [roll3]

attack [roll4] vs flat-foot
damage [roll5] (holding on misses as usual)

2013-10-04, 10:44 AM

Alistar hesitates a minute when the fae-witch falls, gripping his swords tighter... No. No longer a threat, move on. He turns, moving toward the bed before giving it a kick, trying to move it off of Johan.

HP: 55(67)/55(67)
AC: 22
DR: 5/Silver

Alistar is going to move to the bed and attempt to kick it (strength check I assume?) in order to get it off of Johan.

Strength: [roll0]


Cloud just barely sees the bug thing speed around the corner of the tower. He growls at it, watching the direction it disappeared in, but not moving.

I suspect that not even Cloud is fast enough to catch that thing. He's gonna remain where he is, in what is (hopefully) it's only escape route. Also, since I'm not sure if Roquan is actually unconscious or not, preparing another action to trip him should he get up and be uppity.

Trip: [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2013-10-04, 11:09 AM
Brin knows the little bugger is still running around the place so she decides to take away it's one advantage: Speed. How do you ask, Brin begins to look for any crumbling walls in the nearby area so she can destroy them thus creating debris so the damn thing cannot run.

So Brin will look for a wall that looks like it is ready to fall apart and will use hydraulic push to smash it down in hopes of creating rough terrain. This will then prevent the bugger from running since it cannot do so through rough terrain.
perception [roll0]

hydraulic push [roll1] this is the best I can come up with but a jet of water should be able to do the trick.... I hope

Chained Birds
2013-10-04, 11:46 AM

Maple decides to reload her weapon. She hardly takes notice of the creature who stabbed her, mainly due to the creature's swiftness and minor damage.

Relfex Save (If needed): [roll0]
Full-Round: Reload Enchanted Barrel.

2013-10-04, 12:08 PM

Brin is looking for the buglike fae that just sprinted by. She's not paying attention at him.
The little poodle had dragged him off the wall, but let go of him to growl at the buglike fae.
This is his chance.
While they're not looking, Roqoan quickly casts invisibility on himself and starts crawling up the wall again. The poodle can probably smell him, but if he's fast he can probably get out of it's reach before it grabs him again.
He's even able to restrain himself from saying something taunting, but it's not easy for him to keep his mouth shut.

Lost Demiurge
2013-10-04, 12:56 PM

There's a big "WHUMPF!" And lightning sizzles out from under the bed. Alistar lifts it...


As the bed starts being lifted up, the big, hairy critter slowly recedes as the light draws near it, shrinking in on itself.

...Revealing a clawed up Fermor, and something that looks like a cross between a possum and a cat lying there dead, with Johan's hook through its guts. It's quite tiny.

Fermor comes upstairs and uses a mystical chain to bind the unconscious elven-looking fae, and Maple gets stuck in the tall, groping grasses.


DC 17 reflex save or be entangled.


Meanwhile, Brin uses a waterblast to hose down the tower! Bricks and stones fall, cluttering up the western part of the courtyard by the tower. The eastern part is still uncluttered, though.

There is no sign of the bug-fae.

Meanwhile, Cloud leaps after an invisible Roqoan, managing to catch his robe and drag him back to the ground. Cloud looks like he's currently debating whether or not to sit on the errant sorceror.


Morbis Meh
2013-10-04, 01:08 PM
With half of its route sealed off, Brin finds a place to hide and prepares to snipe the damnable fae.

Perception for a hiding spot [roll0]
hide check [roll1]

and if I have enough actions (probably not) then i will prepare an attack and use a perfect strike on it
attack roll [roll2]
perfect Strike [roll3]
damage [roll4]

2013-10-04, 01:16 PM
Johan stands up, straightening his clothes. "That was singularly unpleasant. I'll be checking under the bed before sleeping for many nights to come. Good thing we sleep on the ground so often. What was that thing? It was larger before the light hit it."

Seeing the woman bound already, "Gag her as well. We don't want her casting any spells when she wakes up. I'm going to go check on the others." He turns to go down the steps, wincing from the bruises left my the creatures claws even though his armor.

single move each round, ready action to cast web on any fey

I rolled poorly on nature before, but he couldn't see it well then. Rolling for the woman [roll0] , hoping aliatair rolls too, for each creature