View Full Version : Ways to get Immunity to Subdual Damage

Ace Nex
2013-08-14, 03:05 PM
Title explains it all, is there a way to get immunity to subdual/non-lethal damage while also keeping a constitution score? I know there are a couple items that do so, but truth be told I'm looking for a long lasting solution.

2013-08-14, 04:23 PM
The Paladin 4 spell Favor of the Martyr grants immunity to nonlethal damage for its duration. You could Persist it with DMM or something. It's even worth getting a continuous item of, because although that's quite expensive, you get so many immunities with it (including rare stuff like Daze).

The Crimson Scourge PrC from Cityscape also grants immunity to nonlethal damage at level 8, but it's not a great PrC overall.

Warforged Juggernaut also gains immunity to nonlethal damage at level 2, and keeps its Con score throughout despite gaining Construct qualities, but it's Warforged-only, of course.

2013-08-14, 04:40 PM
Judging by the way you phrased your question, it sounds like your going for immunity to damage.

I'd try half undead, there is one with an immunity to nonlethal and +1 LA and they have a con score.

Bone knight 4 gives it too.

If I may ask, (if you are going for immunity to damage), how are you trying to get regen? the best way I saw was with troll blooded, but you're still vulnerable to fire and acid, so I was wondering what your method was. If it is troll blooded, that;'s still fine, as the half undead I referred to gets toughness as a bonus feat.

If your just asking this for something else, well, I guess I thought wrong.

2013-08-14, 05:06 PM
Judging by the way you phrased your question, it sounds like your going for immunity to damage.

I'd try half undead, there is one with an immunity to nonlethal and +1 LA and they have a con score.

Bone knight 4 gives it too.

If I may ask, (if you are going for immunity to damage), how are you trying to get regen? the best way I saw was with troll blooded, but you're still vulnerable to fire and acid, so I was wondering what your method was. If it is troll blooded, that;'s still fine, as the half undead I referred to gets toughness as a bonus feat.

If your just asking this for something else, well, I guess I thought wrong.

Personally, I like using the Shriver from Fiendish Codex II. It's a 30,000 gold-equivalent Magical Location which makes you take a lot of damage and make a lot of saves, but if you can manage that somehow (I think the Idiot Crusader is the perfect candidate, but there are others) then you get increasing benefits, one of which is Regeneration which is only overcome by Good and Chaotic damage. I'm not quite sure if that means damage that is both Good and Chaotic, or either Good and Chaotic, but either way it's less common than Fire and Acid. You will have to do either evil or lawful things to keep up the Regeneration every 100 days or so, but it counts Causing Gratuitous Injury and Murder among those evil acts, which adventurers do on a daily basis.