View Full Version : Philosophy

2013-08-14, 04:50 PM
What are the rules about discussing philosophy?

I know it can easily spill over into religion and/or politics (or just get people very worked up).

But I don't see anything in the rules that ban it outright.

However, in this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=297617)thread was locked by the Giant on the grounds that "everything else is real-world philosophy".

So is there a blanket ban on philosophical discussions, or just ones that are likely to impinge on the religion/politics ban?

Roland St. Jude
2013-08-14, 05:06 PM
Sheriff: Philosophy isn't one of the subject matter bans, though threads dealing with real world religion and politics are. Posters will be Warned/Infracted for posts that cross that line and threads may be locked that seem likely to cross that line.

There is a branch of real world philosophy that isn't against the Forum Rules (so people don't get Warnings/Infractions over it) but is administratively out of bounds, and that's discussions applying real world morals/ethics to fictional (especially comic) characters. These kinds of threads that argue about whether someone's actions were "morally justified" based on real worl morality and ethics are just out-of-bounds and will be locked. An express prohibition may be added to the next iteration of the Forum Rules.

As for the locked thread, I suspect The Giant either meant philosophy in this latter sense (which seems likely given the lack of scrubbed posts) or meant religion.