View Full Version : [R'E6] Aldhaven Docks Team 1

2013-08-14, 08:41 PM
Team 1
Pandemic21|Trev Harding (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=620588)|Human|Spellblade (Red Mage)
Aldurin|Durmish Stonewall (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=624017)|Dwarf|Sentinel (Hoplite)
Meeky|Branwen Moss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=624475)|Halfling|Acrobat (Assassin)
Phyzor|Trom Melaar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=628085)|Gnome|Troubadour (Skirmisher)

2013-08-14, 08:49 PM
You sit in a room with over 50 other "adventurers" waiting... You each filled out some paperwork with your name and abilities, signed a liability release contract, and were a small scrap of paper with a number printed on it. Now, you wait impatiently.

Just as you're starting to wonder if this job will be worth it, an elf woman steps out of a side door holding a sheet of paper.

"Would those who hold the following numbers please come with me?
Twenty-nine. Thirty-seven. Fourteen. Six."

The four of you stand and follow her through the door, dodging the angry, wistful, or disappointed gazes of the others in the room.

You are led to meet with a young nobleman, who does not give you his name.

"As you know, I'm hiring you to do something very, very dangerous. I want you to go to the Docks and clear it out! We've waited too long for the Watch to step in and handle things, and now it's time we take matters into our own hands. I need a small strike force of competent men like the lot of you to uncover who is leading this disruptive faction and eliminate them. We take them out, and the rabble should fall!"

2013-08-14, 11:10 PM
Branwen wasn't quite sure about her choice once she was sitting in the room with all the other adventurers. Some of them looked particularly well-suited for the work that was ahead of them, even though others looked no better than the ruffians they were supposedly signing up to deal with. A few looked just as unsure as she did, but they had an advantage she didn't: They were tall.

Height meant a lot when it came to these sorts of assignments, as far as Branwen could tell. The halfling sighed, resigned to the realization she wasn't going to be chosen but resolved to sit and see it through.

So, when the number "six" was finally called out, Branwen blinked, looked down at the slip of paper in her hand, and practically jumped to her feet. She paused, reminded herself to keep her excitement in check, and stepped on in after the elvish woman. Branwen couldn't help but note, too, that only one of the others coming with her was tall. Huh.

She listened to the noble's instructions, just a little unsettled by his description of the situation. Still, it was a job, and one for the benefit of trade and the public. The halfling could get behind that, and someone had to do it...

"I, ah, should ask..." The halfling cleared her throat. "When you say 'take them out,' how and where exactly do you want them brought back? Or do you mean for us to just put the sharp end where it sticks?" The mousey halfling accentuated her last sentence with a little thrust of two of her fingers, a jab at the air.

Oh, this adventuring career was off to a wonderful start, huh?

2013-08-15, 02:29 AM
The nobleman looks a bit perplexed at your question.

"Well, I hadn't really considered that... I mean, we all know it's those filthy hobgoblins, though there are the rumors of demons and man-sized rat things too... Anyway, just go defeat their leader, kill him, disgrace him, whatever. Once we take down the Khan, the clan will disintegrate as they fight over who will rule. It's easy as cake!"

He sits back, proudly grinning at his supposed genius.

2013-08-15, 03:15 AM
Durmish enters the room behind the other three of the lucky chosen, doing his best to keep up while maintaining a lethargic pace in his movements. He stays quiet, waiting for the others to speak.

2013-08-15, 03:43 AM
Trev strutted into the room positively beaming, making eye contact with each of the other people in turn. "We all knew I was at the top of the list, it was rather inconsiderate to keep me waiting." Looking at the nobleman he continued, "So, since you clearly have this all thought out, any suggestions as to how we start this? What information do you have regarding the Khan? Suggestions?"

Turning to what would inevitably become his companions in this he says, still smiling, "So what about you people? What's your stories?"

2013-08-15, 04:22 AM
She didn't say it, but Branwen was thinking it: Cake really isn't that easy.

Branwen got a better look at the others: One big, confident human in some light armor; one peculiar looking gnome; and one dwarf that was quietly absorbing all the information he could, which was more than rest of them (herself included) could say.

"What was that about demons and rat-things?" Branwen scratched the back of her neck, very uncertain about that bit. "And I would like to know... Well, the same things he does," the halfling said. "Who is this Khan, and what sort of opposition should we anticipate? Are there any names we should know, in case we overhear something?"

The tall human with black hair seemed eager to learn about his coworkers, enough to ask them about themselves in the midst of their briefing. "Perhaps," Branwen suggested quietly, "we should wait until we're out of the room to introduce ourselves?"

2013-08-15, 09:18 AM
The gnome was somewhat surprised about the turn-out. Seeing these warriors he gave himself a very small change of being selected. He did fill in his application strongly in his favor, but still Trom is baffled that the selectioncomitee apparantly approved him based on a sheet.

He figures that once he's through the door his curtain will fall. Aparantly not, since he is described as a competent man, that makes him smile and put his shoulders even more straight. Obviously when walking through the door he put them straight already, showing the fifty others how tough he is.

Going in third he takes a glance at the others. A human, a dwarf and an halfling. This is going to be very interesting indeed. The human and dwarf will provide the muscle and the halfling and myself will sneak in the dark giving back-up. It somehow makes sense now he figures.

After hearing the halfling and human speak it seems that the halfling has her mind set on the job already, but the human seems so be bluffing. It may just well be a big mouth
if needed[roll0]

Just when he wants to speak, the halfling continues, exactly asking what the gnome was thinking. What about these hobgoblins and other things, Who is this Khan and let's get to know eachother somewhere else.

I agree, Trom says when turning to the halfling and giving her a slight nod, let's hear more about our job before introducing ourselves.

I am also curious about these rumors and any more information about Khan. Where can he be found or who can we contact to get in touch with him.

2013-08-15, 11:25 AM
"Baseless rumors. There's no such thing as those."

He laughs. It's obviously forced.

"The Khan is their chief, though I hear he calls himself their king. I don't know much. I've never met him. He's got a hundred or so followers, lots of them women and children, so I hear. My sources say he makes his home in an inn out in the Slums after the owners 'abandoned' it. It shouldn't be too hard to slip in, slit his throat, and solve all the problems of the Docks in one fell swoop!"

He gets more and more excited as he speaks, slamming his fist down on his desk to emphasize his final point.

2013-08-15, 11:39 AM
Just a note to those of you AVB veterans, this game takes place earlier on in Aldhaven history when the Docks were dangerous and becoming deadly but before the start of the all out secret war that became an instant death sentence for even thinking about going there.

Also, Phyzor and Meeky, one of you is going to have to change your avatar, or I'm going to get confused as to whom is whom while running this game. Had I realized you had the some avatar earlier, I'd have put you on different teams...

2013-08-15, 12:01 PM
There ya go. I changed my avatar; hope that works.

The nobleman's words weren't very encouraging. They really, really weren't.

"So, just to be clear," the halfling began, "you want us to go to the docks, make our way past the angry roustabouts, find the inn this hobgoblin chief is calling home, sneak past his hundred or so followers, and assassinate him before slipping back out safely?" Branwen scratched the back of her neck. "I don't suppose, uh, you have a map or something to point us in the right direction? Or spare explosives? Alchemist's fire, maybe?

[color=#5F9EA0]"I-I mean, I'm ready to do my part, but if you want us to succeed, we'll need a little help, right?"

Do you want a diplomacy check? If you do, here's a roll.


2013-08-15, 12:17 PM
The nobleman scratches his head...

"I uh... I hadn't really thought about it like that. Well, I mean, I guess you could try attacking them head on? Maybe that would work better. I mean they're just hobgoblins. I hear you adventurer types slaughter them by the thousands when you go on quests."

2013-08-16, 02:59 AM
If you believe this is easy, I wonder why at first you told us you were hiring us for something very very dangerous. From the stories i have heard the docks are not the place to go at night. So really any kind of information or help is appreciated for your interest as well. We are putting our lives at risk for reasons that are not clear to me yet, but they are obviously in your interest, why else hire us?

Then he looks at the dwarf and human encouraging them to toss in their thoughts. The halfling and himself couldn't be the only two with questions.

2013-08-16, 08:05 AM
"Well, it should be easy. Just because everyone else who has tried to solve the problems has died horribly doesn't mean you won't succeed easily! YOu have something they never did, my funding and my genius!"

2013-08-16, 08:22 AM
"Others have been sent before? And died?" Branwen gulped. That was encouraging.

"When you say 'your funding,' does that mean our pay or are you actually supplying us with something to help us complete this mission? If we already have everything you're giving us, I'm, well... I'm ready to go, but with your vast, vast funds, maybe there's something, some tool you can give us to ensure we dispatch this... problem properly?"

2013-08-16, 08:54 AM
I wonder who this man is. He didnt give us his name and he is talking about others that have died for his cause before.. Trom takes a good look at him, looking for any features.


2013-08-16, 01:27 PM
"No, I've never sent anyone, but others have tried in the past. It is a pretty obvious quest to solve, isn't it? Your pay, yes. I'll be providing you with 10 gold per day each and a fully supplied secret base of operations in the Docks."

You recognize him primarily by his age and signet ring and believe him to be the youngest son of Duke Elsko Dietrich.

2013-08-16, 02:26 PM
Durmish finally speaks up, with a very deep but mellow voice. "What about getting us into other jobs? I have been intent on joining the City Watch for a long time, and would like to be guaranteed a position there once this mission is successful?"

2013-08-16, 03:40 PM
"You seem to be doing a lot of talking without saying anything," Trev said, his smile slowly sliding from his face. "You say others have tried, but not why they failed. You say we need to kill him, but don't tell us how. You quickly change your plan from 'stab him in the back' to 'kill everybody.'"

Trev walks up to the nobleman, looming over him. "You obviously want us to succeed here, so why don't you tell us things that can help. For instance, where is he? How many people does he have working for him? Where does he go drinking? Does he have any enemies? An answer to any of those questions will greatly increase our chances of success."

2013-08-19, 12:27 PM
Durmish finally speaks up, with a very deep but mellow voice. "What about getting us into other jobs? I have been intent on joining the City Watch for a long time, and would like to be guaranteed a position there once this mission is successful?"

He looks hurt.

"Well, if you decide to seek other, less noble work when this job is complete, I will provide you with an excellent letter of recommendation."

"You seem to be doing a lot of talking without saying anything," Trev said, his smile slowly sliding from his face. "You say others have tried, but not why they failed. You say we need to kill him, but don't tell us how. You quickly change your plan from 'stab him in the back' to 'kill everybody.'"

Trev walks up to the nobleman, looming over him. "You obviously want us to succeed here, so why don't you tell us things that can help. For instance, where is he? How many people does he have working for him? Where does he go drinking? Does he have any enemies? An answer to any of those questions will greatly increase our chances of success."

"I said others have tried to fix the problem. I don't know if anyone has tried to just sneak in and kill their leader before. Obviously, not everyone would think to do that.

He's in his inn, like I mentioned earlier. He eats, drinks, and rules from there. I don't know that he ever leaves. He is quite comfortable there after all. It was rather a nice in back in the day.

Yes, of course he has enemies! For starters, all good and decent citizens of Aldhaven!"

2013-08-20, 01:45 AM
Well, no further help was going to come from this man. Branwen could tell the questions were going nowhere fast. Either he was really this enthusiastic and lacking in useful information or he was very, very good at faking it. Either way, there were two questions she had left to ask.

"...How do we reach the secret base?" she managed with a resigned expression on her face. "And how will you be checking on, uh... progress?" Branwen stood back up, ready to leave.

2013-08-20, 03:08 AM
The pay is good, I finally get a chance to get to the docks (at night!). And i guess we are all in the same boat. After the reply of the nobleman to the question of the halfling Trom puts his shoulders back just adds I am ready. He will exit the room together with the others.

2013-08-21, 12:50 PM
He produces a small map which points out a particular building within the Docks.

"You will find the secret base here. I suggest you don't go straight there, as that might tip off our enemies. Can't be too careful, you know."

2013-08-21, 01:22 PM
Trom walks over to take the map. A sincere Thank you comes out of his mouth when he takes the map. Then he walks towards the exit.

2013-08-21, 01:49 PM
Assuming you all agree to leave...

unfinished city map (http://www.mornproductions.com/images/AVB/maps/Map.html)
You head out of the office, which has since been cleared of all other hopeful job seekers, and north towards River Gate. As you're crossing King's Causeway, you're stopped by several heavily armed members of the City Watch, one of which approaches your group.

"Hold! What business have you in the Docks?"

2013-08-22, 03:52 AM
Branwen looks over toward the others, as if expecting one of them to speak. She scratches at the back of her neck and looks every bit the person not in charge.

My character really wouldn't want to be the one to talk to people. Not much to do in this scene unless nobody else talks, in which case she would.

2013-08-22, 04:52 AM
Durmish stands there, slightly confused by the demanding attitude and worried that the guard might be one of the ones that saw him apply to the Watch before. "Docks business? I mean it is the waterway that connects trade to the city, so there is obviously a lot of business there. We don't have to fill out paperwork to enter, do we?"

2013-08-22, 02:51 PM
"No, you don't have to fill out paperwork, but you have to have a legitimate reason to go there. It's not safe, and there have been too many accidents caused by people going 'just to see' what things are like. If you can't state a satisfactory reason, then city ordinance requires me to prevent your access, for your own safety."

2013-08-23, 02:15 AM
Trev walks toward the guards with an irritated look on his face. "Blasted city guard! Why are you always poking your nose where it doesn't belong?" He leans in toward the first guard, his irritated look vanishing instantly and begins whispering to the guard, "My good man, if you could just play along that would be fantastic. We've been assigned by the higher-ups to patrol the docks, undercover, to help clear up the lawless rabble preying on innocent victims. Can't have anybody who might be watching know that, though, eh?"

He backs up, his face again a mask of irritation. "Bloody city guard always bloody where you don't belong! Why don't you mind your own business, eh?" He paused, his face a smirk, "You have no right to stop us and you know it."

Bluff check: [roll0]

2013-08-23, 03:27 PM
"Sure, sure. Just give me the name of this 'higher up' so I can verify your mission and authority to act on behalf of the Watch."

2013-08-23, 03:40 PM
Trev leans in and looms over the guard and whispers, his voice annoyed, "You and I both know who has the authority to authorize this, stop wasting time; I don't want anybody who might be watching to bloody notice this is taking forever."

Intimidate check: [roll0]

Bluff check (if needed, I'm going more for the intimidation factor here): [roll1]

2013-08-28, 05:32 PM
Oh, right then. I see... Carry on.

As soon as you move to walk past, the guard grabs your arm and wrenches it up behind your back. Make a grapple check.


2013-08-28, 05:51 PM
[roll0] assuming each of us make a grapple check?

2013-08-28, 05:56 PM
I think just me. I rolled a natural 20 on the first bluff check, I'm so sad it didn't work :(.

Grapple check: [roll0]

2013-08-28, 07:57 PM
The grapple is just for him. The guards haven't moved to arrest the rest of you yet, but they definitely appear to be in the motion of doing that. All of you, except Trev, beat them on initiative though and are able to act first.
Before Trev can respond, the guard has yanked both of his arms behind him and locked manacles around his wrists.

2013-08-29, 10:59 AM
Curse the day when sneak attack was made to not work with non-lethal attacks!

Is flanking the guards a possibility? And how many are there?

2013-08-29, 05:09 PM
Durmish adorns an expression of surprise and panic, drawing out his tower shield as he moves toward the guard arresting Trev, bringing the small wall of metal into the man's face.

Draw tower shield and ready it as free actions as part of a move action toward the guard, then shield bash on the guard.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Confirm
[roll2] Damage
[roll3] Crit

2013-08-30, 07:27 PM
Initiative Order
Trom - (1d20+5)[20]
Branwen - (1d20+4)[15]
Durmish - (1d20+1)[11]
Guards - (1d20+6)[8]
Trev - (1d20+1)[4]

Feel free to go ahead and post your actions, and I'll resolve them in the proper order.

I'll resolve Durmish's action after Trom and Branwen have been posted or tomorrow if they haven't posted by then.There are five guards in the immediate area that look ready to help out, having weapons at the ready. There is another knot of guards about 100 feet away checking on people coming into the city from the Docks. You are also almost directly in front of The Fortress, the headquarters of the City Watch. You have no idea how many guards, soldiers, or other armed men are inside, but it would be safe to be the number is somewhere in the range of "a lot".

2013-08-31, 04:14 AM
Hey guys, i've been hospitalized. Appendix taken out. I expect to be back tuesday so no posting till that time on my side :(

2013-09-01, 02:56 PM
I'm sorry to hear that, Phyzor. You'll recover, but take your time doing so. It's not a fun process.

The sudden burst into action is disorienting for Branwen, but she reacts quickly, and perhaps too instinctively. The halfling tries to use this time to run closer toward where her job entails she ought to be going, lobbing a dagger haphazardly at one of the guards as she goes.

"Come on!" is all Branwen says. She leaves the realizing-what-she's-done for later.

Move action to try and get to our destination (20 feet) and a single ranged attack made at one of the guards that's not in melee. Quick draw allows her to draw the dagger and a new one for free.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Sneak Attack Roll: [roll3]
Critical Damage Roll: [roll4]
Tumble Check (If needed): [roll5]

2013-09-04, 01:54 PM
Now hold it! Excuse my friend here, but he has a bigger mouth than his brains are.

You see, me and my companions are on our way to deliver a package for a noble man. I am willing to point out the property on the map if that is what you require. The fact you discourage people from venturing the docks says enough about the hazards we come across, you must understand that we want to protect our contractors name. This might lure predators to us.

Then he puts the small whistle around his neck in his mouth and strikes a few short notes with a soft pitch

using the whistle trying to fascinate the guard thats holding Trev
[roll0] (8 = 7 from skill and 1 from aura level)

for the chat with the guards im thinking a diplomacy is required (in case its a bluff same modifiers apply.
[roll1] + Beguiling Influence bonus

I want to ready an action in case the guards do come up. If a fight starts right away, he will take his crossbow. If the guards ask for prove of the package he will use prestidigitation to create a parcel in his backpack.

2013-09-04, 02:48 PM
Got tied up over the holiday weekend.Trom manages to convince the guards to stand down, though that quickly changes if the others in your party continue with their attacks.

2013-09-05, 12:23 PM
Thank you dear sirs Trom continues. Could I ask you kindly to take of his manacles so we can be on our way?

2013-09-05, 02:43 PM
The guards inform you that they can't just do that and must follow proper procedures. They lead your group into The Fortress, or at least a small room built into the wall around it. The man fills out a bit of paperwork and sends you on your way, assuming none of you put up a fight. In the end, you've lost an hour or so of daylight, but you're free to proceed.

2013-09-05, 06:06 PM
Dubim manages to stop himself from making a first strike against the guards when he sees gnome change their attitude. After that point he silently follows along, still trying to process how the guards suddenly became so friendly.

2013-09-15, 02:09 PM
Well that went good Trom says with a sarcastic tone in his voice. We lost a good hour, but at least we're through and no one is put in jail. I say we check out the marked building on the map.

2013-09-24, 08:56 PM
Yeah, sorry about that, Trev said. I thought that it would go better than it did... guess the guards are wise to my ways, he chuckled. At least we made it though, though. Where next?