View Full Version : Heroes Against Darkness

2013-08-14, 09:29 PM
So I recently found Heroes Against Darkness and I'm really sold on it.

Free RPG found here http://heroesagainstdarkness.blogspot.com.au/p/heroes-against-darkness-downloads.html

I'm actually going to be starting a campaign, originally it was going to be a 3.5/Pathfinder game but now I'm going to to run HAD. Although the group is not set so far I have some 3.5 and some 4e guys wanting to play. Sadly they only want to play their own edition and I'm hoping HAD will be a great mid way point between the two system.

For anyone that has tried this RPG I would like to ask a few questions.

Q1: Does this RPG play out like it seems it will? As I see it, HAD is like if you took 3.5 and 4e and took the best parts and smooshed them together.

Q2: Is there any MATH that is off? I would hate for one person to be gimped due to some math errors.

Q3: What is the best skill system to use with this RPG? Is it just personal preference or is there one that really flows with the system?

Q4: Does the Anima system work well?

Thanks in advance!

2014-08-03, 03:37 AM
Hey Perseus

I know your OP is quite old but I thought I would throw my opinions into the hat.

I have been running a HAD game now for about a year on the rpol.net gaming forum site. It is going very well. I am using my own homebrew world that is gradually evolving. Currently 5 active PCs and over 2000 posts.

To answer your questions:

1- it plays well. The mechanics are pretty simple to grasp and combat flows quite well. It is pretty deadly because if you hit you always do good damage. Never played 3.5 or 4e but I wanted a system where you didn't have to buy a dozen books just to get going.

2- maths is okay. Nothing major that I have found. A few errata in spell powers (one where level 2 spell was less powerful than level 2) but nothing ruinous.

3- I invented my own skill system. It is a bit patchy but hasn't really affected the game either way.

4- Anima works! Basically it is like other systems that use magic points. The good thing is you can load a spell to make it more powerful,great for healing etc.

If you want to check out my game you can visit it at rpol.net.


2014-08-03, 12:55 PM
The guy who made the thread hasn't been active in around 6 months.